Necron Core Update Battle Report Vs Orks

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[Laughter] today we are going to test out my new necron 2000 point core list it's necrons versus orcs and it's coming right up necrons most of your army i can only wound on a four yes which is horrible and falls again even though we are strength six so i hate you richard nick speaking and welcome to this battle report right here we go i am here with richard from cm war games hello richard hi nick we are trying out the new microphones we are both micked up so it's going to hopefully be a bit better for you in terms of sound quality richard has brought his orcs and of course i'm playing my necrons so let's have a look at the necron list first okay here is my list i've taken the core crons my custom soulless dynasty giving me objective secure and the pre-game move heading up the force is a catacomb command barge we've got the gauss cannon slung underneath we've taken the relic the baltic staff warlord trait throw of the silent king and i'm using two cps with the stratagem hand of the fair on to give me two my will be done we then have illumina zerus two crypto thrills just there in the elite slots we've got four scorpek destroyers and then as this is an outrider detachment we have two units of bare bone wraiths six in each a unit of nine another unit of nine and another unit of six scarabs or three scarab swarms in total we then have in the heavy support slot two units of six locust destroyers with the gauss cannon and each of those units also has a heavy destroyer with the gauss destructor that comes in at exactly 2 000 points okay rich what have you brought for us well i thought it's all snake bites but it's a battalion and an outrider so in my battalion i've got beast boss on squigasaur he's got the head chomper which is a relic axe and with him i've got a big mech this guy here yeah and and a weird boy and then i've got two units of ten uh piece of snagger boys a unit of twenty these snagger boys two units of squig hog boys with uh squig bombs in them i've got a knob on screen and i've got a paint boy okay and then in the outrider is led by the orange weird boy yeah and basically in that i've got bikes and the rug track street buggies yeah and then these these are in the battalion as well basically they're just rounding out the battalion okay the tank busters are in the uh so what is good that's the truck tonight the truck right okay and that's about a wagon yep and that's got the kill cannon i thought i'd put the kill cannon on but i obviously left it out i left it at home it's not it obviously just because it detaches it obviously fell out off at home okay gonna be interesting right let's get this game underway okay so we have deployed we are playing overrun interesting mission our lists well both of our lists aren't really suited to this mission so it's going to be interesting and it's going to be fun right rich how have you deployed well i've literally deployed across the board because of what i'm uh taking and i'd already sort of figured out that you'd probably be casting up and i want certain units against certain units so without in mind that's where i've done so i'm wanting my my melee units into your shooting units and my shooting units into your into your media units okay you've got three objectives on your side you've got one here one there one under there yeah one yeah and one over this side i've obviously got three objectives on my side i've got the scarabs on this one we then have the destroyers and wraiths the two characters and then the school picks and scarabs on this objective and then we've got sort of a mirror going on over here we've got the wraiths and the destroyers with the krypto throws just there and the scarabs on this objective yeah we have both worked out so that going second is going to actually favor the mission uh because it gives you a bit more control it's two objectives for five points three objectives for ten and then score more objectives for fifteen so it's all going to be about controlling these objectives i have taken my secondaries of stranglehold bring them down and grind them down and rich you have taken i've got a stranglehold razor banners and no prisoners okay right all that's left for us to do is find out who is gonna go first okay here we go i get a one you get a two win [Laughter] you want the seas you want the seas no no definitely not okay so richard is going first the orcs they're ready for war however i need to do a pre-game move let's do it okay i've moved but not too aggressively basically moved backwards the scarabs the destroyers the wraiths have moved slightly forward because i had to get in front of my characters so they've done that and then these destroyers moving back as well as the scarabs i've gone for protocol 2 of the eternal guardian that was my command protocol so that might be useful depending on what richard does okay rich here we go turn one for the orcs okay movements phase these beast snaggers yeah yeah moved up here they did advance as well which it has called a wire we've got the copters again moving up to the central position this battle wagon has backed up there over here we've got the truck which is moved and these guys have advanced and got out of the truck only because it's truck voice it's a specialist mob okay they are special truck boys yeah yeah that's the only reason they can do it okay cool and then we've got the weird boy who came from behind that piece of terrain onto the objective richard is now ready to do his psychic powers what have you got rich for your powers right i've got the jump and i've got fists of gawk and smite of course smite's not not an option and it's just going to be the jump on the big unit boys so we're going for the jump yep it goes off on this i've double checked i think it's a seven but that's a nine it's a nine yes gone off yeah okay so this big squad of boys have jumped right there in the middle of the table richard has also raised the banner over here and on this middle one as well so richard shooting phase okay so the squig buggies are shooting first into this wraith unit heavy launcher yes it's last so you've got six in there so it would be a minimum three three if i don't get okay so so it's 2d6 each one 14 17 20 22. okay now to hit so usually fives but because it's the heavy squiggly launcher if i get plus one there so four okay that's not looking too shabby actually right so now there's strength five yeah one toughness five so falls again [Music] minus two and they're two damage a piece okay okay so we are on a four-up save we save a few of them but one two three four five three six get through yep so it's two wraiths down okay so three wraiths went down not two so we've got to do our rp here we go we need some fives it's not bad we get one rafe back oh just the one that's a so next is the battle wagon shooting at the same units of wraiths of course so kill cannon first what do you need not a one it's uh three shots because because it's blast again i believe i'll double check that but yeah last year i've only got four left though now oh yeah so yeah so yeah one shot just one yeah uh so five five minus two again minus two okay here we go then so we need a four up nope i'm going to re-roll that yeah yes yes okay so the next gun on the battle wagon we've got 15 shots coming in needing so fives that's not shabby three go three three three hits needing fours two go through no ap so it's straight up side okay so you get your bonuses yeah so i'm going to be a two plus save yeah sorry three plus save three plus that's how two wounds okay next up is the tank busters into the unit of wraiths shooting from their vehicle what do you get 10d3 10d3 and that's a nice look at this there's 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 shots my race you need to phase in and out stop these hitting you phase now you should be alright well there are sixes is it gonna be to hit yeah so as we're not attacked it is going to be sixes okay so we're coming in what do you need to win lots of sixes okay and there's two yeah and that's a freezer no re-rolled with ones or anything anything no i'm not i'm not bad moonshot okay it's it's just however most of your army i can only wound on a four yes which is horrible what's up oh you missed that yeah no two on the one a two and a one so so that's missus right okay about these my copters go into your scarabs over into my scarabs eh cool okay so copters shooting at the scarabs eight d3 83 6 ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen fifteen your favorite number okay fifteen hits what do you need five fives orcs of course of course but i'll take that that'll do nicely the rest of it was a little pretty rubbish but and what's that five five yeah four five strength eight two just one of the bases done yes indeed let's get some reanimation protocols done come on then we need fives or sixes okay 15 pistol shots coming in to their wraiths don't like these do you rich no no one likes race for some reason well i don't mind them and i think they're a good unit but as an opponent i want them dead do you need five oh that's nice that's that's not too bad again that's five again two four five but now i need five okay two four five five two go through there we go so we're on a cover save yeah yeah you get because there's a microphone yeah so we are on a three yeah all right these guys are now going to shoot into my scarabs fives two okay uh two rooms two wounds any ap no okay so light cover so we're going to get a five up save and we don't save any of them so you get two rooms two wins okay next up it's the tank last thing to shoot five shots into the scarabs in which it has rolled two fives and then strength for life so threes three two two go through yeah no ap no ap so two more fives we don't make any so now we're on to a real mesh protocol because one scarab base has died we need fives and sixes we get two but not enough okay assault phase these guys onto the scarabs i think they're pretty much going to be in nine nine they are in okay it's just my what i want to do with them isn't it okay so these guys have decided they are going to assault my wraiths richard needs a nine he gets a six a re-roll he is in easy easy peasy okay so they are in next up is these beast snaggers onto this unit of wraiths richard also needs a nine six six so re-roll and nine okay so we are here first funny enough there's 15 of them attacking however they get four attacks each so we're looking at 60 attacks which it has a massive bundle of dice threes presumably quite a few dose not surprising that's not cocked but that is and that is so if i take the hose i'll let richard sort these out okay okay so the red dice will need threes and the rest will need fives to wound so i messed with one of them so their favorite thing these are the nasty ones yeah and then it's just really one two three okay so the nasty ones first these guys here i am on my invulnerable save so we get no he kills one kills one because i'm on one with one wound and then that one will kill another yep so two wraiths down so these are all attacking at the same time they're all technical they're the other wounds then to say you got eight more eight at minus one minus one okay so yeah we need fours we get a lot of fours just two wounds go through is that one damage each yeah so it should do half the damage on the next okay so now we do our um rp [Music] get some fives we get oh not quite enough to get the wraith back sitting with me what did i do there you put your dice in there that's because they're green rich yeah they're using the necron guys to cheat [Laughter] i'll try and give you luck okay so next up is this squig rider things on to my wraiths we've got the jaws coming in first hitting on threes miss with two which isn't too bad now need freeze again okay uh mess with one so four going through minus minus one okay so four up in bun [Music] we make all but one so two damage to one okay two damage to one of them okay so the rest of the attacks coming in from these guys all hitting on freeze okay we've got mixed weapons coming in those orc dies there are slightly different weapons yeah yeah so these i need fives on okay these are the freeze on right but so the orc does i'll need fives i get a six on one and threes on the others that's pretty good roll yeah okay here we go we need four uh sorry about my mistakes that's not bad so we get so two four yeah that's the one damage which i say so yeah and these are two damage two damage each right so that's one eighth dead yeah that's two ways dead okay straight on to reanimation we need fives we get at least one back nearly two but not right same count yeah okay so next is the beast snaggers into the scarabs they're going to be hitting on twos just check that rule making sure no it's only a vehicle they get that plus one okay had i had the wall boss with a minute it's different right okay so threes so we're hitting on freeze but that's a dice that's got does that the others are wounding unfreeze okay because you're scared just tough just three yeah strength five won't quite carry it so all bar one on them and lots on the others okay there were no save so i've got five dead so we need to do the rp's a lot of dice here hopefully we can get some fives and sixes okay we've got one scarab base back two two scarab bases back there's a five there's a five there's a five you need one more no not quite still two back two back is in bed okay necrons attacking back we've got these scarabs here we go we need fours any six is automatically wound yes that's nice and then take the misses out okay strength three toughness five so we need fives and get one five so that's five saves no ip no ap so six is i'm looking for none i don't okay so next are these four wraiths on those guys there so we need fours take the misses out it's not too bad that's not too shabby don't be happy with that we are strength six however your clan trait means i only wound on four by fours or more the ones twos and threes so you got four saves that's minus two ap so six up save four isn't it four yeah oh no two damage each so two guys two die okay so the destroyers were tagged earlier here with these guys so i'm going to assault on the destroyers first we've got five in assault range so we need threes okay re-rolling the ones we've got two ones let's just move those over okay so that one misses that one misses yep strength four so i'm going to need fives we get that's not too bad those mess so we've got five wounds it really is okay five plus save six plus sorry six plus so you've got four die okay before those die and now i'm gonna assault with the wraiths on the same unit all right here we go then so we need fours we get that many through and then fall fours again even though we are strength six i hate you richard two two so two done that's yeah minus two two damage two dead so two two four i'm also passing on the b snaggers so two cps to auto pass yeah and then on them on here what do you need you got a three i've lost two that's five there's ship six okay that's fine and that's it and these these boys okay so he's lost six leadership seven only on a one oh oh lucky boy okay so that's the end of ork's turn one at last which it does have stranglehold because these guys are objective secure and he's got more models on the objective than myself so he scores for that he's also building up a nice tally for no prisoners at the moment because of my malted wounded model so it's a good start for richard however it is now necrons turn one right okay so a long-winded command phase hang movement phase however i have done it with the exception of one thing which i'm going to do on camera so we have moved the destroyers over here we've got my will be done on them and then over here we've got the wraith still in combat with that guy i did bring one wraith back from illuminal though the scarabs have moved around in front of a luminol as the command barge has moved over here and we got another wraith back from luminor just here these destroyers have fallen back and spread out over towards this objective and we now need to do the augmentation for illumina okay we are going to augment this unit of wraiths let's see what we get we get a six and that is plus one two ballistic skill great okay so first we've got these guys here the destroyers they're going to be shooting into these copters and the heavy destroyer is just peeking out to shoot the weird boy if you can so let's do the normal destroyers first richard has played a stratagem so cloud of smoke says minus one to hit however we've got plus one to hit from my will be done so we are back to hitting on threes re-rolling the ones threes re-rolling the ones okay i have used extermination protocol so re-roll of the wounds which i'm going to need because i can only wound richard on a four plus so here we go four plus rolling one of them misses and there's quite a lot of them so that was a useful stratagem if i can grab all the dice i've got one more in there rich if you don't mind thank you you've got five at the moment okay so here we go fours two more three four more so nine okay nine that's minus three okay so we are at minus three so no saves however which has got ram shackle so we're gonna do this one at a time yeah so basically this gives you what minus one to the damage to a minimum yeah of course right so here we go then so we get two so two one one straight three one dead one dead one two and two three four that's two d yep okay got three dice left so we can roll them yeah i know you've got yeah one two okay three dead preheated copters okay so next up is the heavy destroyer so uh it's just no minus to hit or anything no no no no okay so this time we do need two so re-rolling the ones it goes through this is strength ten yeah yeah you so you're wounding on [Music] twos okay there we go it wounds okay minus four so six up in vulnerable save he does it well done well done boss is it okay that was a shame however we're now going to shoot that's copter with illumina so we have d3 shots as an assault d3 we get three shots it is strength eight so we need fours to go through no that was to hit wasn't it it was to hit richard thank you for that so now we need to wound all of those did hit so threes to wounds you haven't got a special because it again it's it's the same as the round shackle uh weapons okay again so i do wound on threes and they all wound that's minus four no says okay it's d6 damage well three okay the crypto throws out of these guys here it's a pistol two so we need threes no did i say three four fours yes yeah fours and then fourth again fours again nothing three threes okay so we've assaulted with the wraiths and with the scarabs onto these boys everything else is already locked in combat so let's do this okay the wraiths are going to assaults first with their enhanced ballistic skill okay here we go so we need fours those are myths and then we need one is on the floor we get three three at minus two okay they were my will be done so it was actually three so i had two three so let's roll those to wound we get double five that's useful okay next up is the scarabs just there we need fours looking for sixes auto wound too many of those okay and then we need fives to wound one two three four plus the two that auto work so six in total no ap two four five six nine researchers another two four six dead okay uh all the new assaults have been done richard 50 has declared this to assault me he's rolled his dice i've got three four up saves to make so here we go make them all apart from one damage two damage okay assaulting with the scarabs first this one here on two wounds is going to self-destruct so here we go this is what we do we do a d3 mortal wounds do two mortal wounds okay the rest of them are going to attack we need fours one goes on the floor so let's get another one out there we go we get one six is those will miss and then these will need fives of which we get none so so one save no no so another one dies okay now for the wraiths attacking that squig thing we need fours [Music] so good roll that is a good roll okay all in a puff on that one all in and then you pause again we need fours again okay take these messes out okay so can we have efforts what's your name come on down and you'll twist his dice you need sixes sixes where there's one not a bear there he is dead okay so next are these guys attacking my wraiths [Music] wounding off freeze wounding on force okay so it's fours on the green they both won't and one on the yeah minus two on that okay and yeah minus one on the other okay so i'll be on my uh invulnerable save anyway so four ups they all go through so that's two three four damage two a piece that's two two damage and they're one damage so it's so that would kill one kill one and then you get re-elevation and one one damage on the other okay so reanimation here we go oh not quite not quite right lastly these guys are my scarabs so i'm getting three threes which is on the bed and strength five so freeze again minus one minus one so no uh no saves so one two two would die two bases dead so let's do some rp for them and we get lucky fives you do get one base back look at that one base back four is it four four bases yeah you've only got three here i'm not a hidden one one hidden one yeah okay end of necron turn one these guys here died from morale however there's still one left and these howled fast i did score uh three points for grind them down and four points for bring it down and that was my turnover it's now aux turn two okay end of movements which it is attacking everywhere so we've got these guys here they've got the tank busters here i've just got out of the vehicle with the tank there and over here the weird boy is protecting himself staying behind that piece of terrain this time he's also raised the banner doing the jump he's doing the jump right he goes off because he's got gets plus one okay where did you roll six six this is seven so okay literally i mean coming over here nine inches here okay and at the shooting phase the wraiths were primary targets and richard managed to kill them all apart from one okay assault phase and for reference yes i have just remembered i didn't shoot the command barge in my turn oh well okay end of orc turn two this guy failed to reach the assault however these did and they assaulted my wraiths got one wraith and one wound i did kill one of them back in the return assault with the scarabs over here i killed this lonely orc in the assault and then over here we had an assault from the tank and also these guys here they did kill a couple of my destroyers it's a bit of a tussle i managed to kill the unit of three from the previous assault i exploded the scarab and i managed to do three mortal wounds cutting that unit and with a little bit of a jiggery pokery movement i managed to get slightly more models on that objective than richard had by one model so that stopped him scored scoring his stranglehold that's pretty much it a lot of my stuff is locked in combat i did lose some destroyers and yeah they are no longer an assault range thanks to the ones that i killed not coming back up okay so that's it we are now going to move in to the necron turn two okay so movement phase for the necrons i've basically come over this side of the table i've moved the command bar together mine will be done to these scorpio destroyers as they moved as well and i gave my will be done to the wraiths just over there after doing right to reanimation got a wraith back a destroyer back i've surrounded this objective here and no movement over here except the mars bar other brands are available okay shooting phase i don't think there's going to be much shooting okay shooting phase over i did kill the big guy on the squig with the command barge illuminate shot the weird boy over there by himself and well i had one bullet a hit then i missed no nothing right okay so a salt phase okay end of necron turn two it's a bit of a blood bath not that necrons can bleed but it is a blood bath there's some oil spillage everywhere so yeah as you can see we've got most of what was there before um alive still with the exception of these two squig off things i managed to kill those with the scorpit destroyers i did a few wounds off of this tank over here richard killed a destroyer two destroyers and i killed some orcs we are now equal on that objective which did actually deny me stranglehold i did get max 15 points for primary and i got kill more grind it down as well so all to play for as we move in to turn three for the orcs okay end of orcs turn three i've had a bit of a dent on my scarabs i did take two wounds off of this guy though my scorpex took the flack from these guys here i lost three score picks although one did get back up and then over here i took this big uh truck battle wagon that's it i took this battle wagon down to five wounds with the wraiths however over here i did lose my destroyers and some scarabs and i took a few wounds from the shooting over here on these scarabs whittling them down to a unit of five there were six there before okay here we go it's necrons turn three okay movement phase for the necrons over however what i've done is i got back a scorpek destroyer i got back a wraith there used a command point to bring back this wraith here everyone runs around the luminar and then i've fell back there from the truck and also obviously over there and then these guys have surrounded this bad boy and i've given my will be done to the school pet destroyers and to those wraiths there in the meantime the scarabs that were on here have come over to this objective and the luminals standing on that one the destroyers have moved a full and back however it is protocol of the conquering tyrant so i can fall back and shoot right here we go let's see what else we can do okay end of necron turn three sadly i didn't quite kill this guy well basically richard saved everything and then he killed my scorpic destroyers that was those over here i got the tank down to one wound couldn't quite kill it the wraiths did kill one of these buggies and the other buggy is down to two wings should be four because you did for two damage to it four wounds i forget you counting that's all right uh however i am just in range of that objective so i did get four objectives so that's stranglehold and yeah we're gonna move in now to turn four for the orcs okay so turn four over i didn't kill him try to but i didn't and i lost six wounds and i have two wounds left here however i did kill the tank after falling back with the scarabs killed the tank with the destroyers who also shot into here and did nothing a split fire and then over here the wraiths went over and attacked that vehicle got it down to two wounds but didn't quite kill it but i did take that objective for stranglehold it's very very close as we move in to turn five for the orcs okay a very quick turn five i did my best to kill this guy here shooting him and assaulting him i did one wound and i lost one destroyer i did kill the pain boy with the wraith which is pretty useful these guys just moved up shot at those and did no damage and a luminol shot into that weird boy trying to kill him but did only two wounds so that's the end of the game there isn't much left we're just spread out on a few objectives and richard what is the final score well it's 88 to the orcs to 82 to the wow that was a bit of a bloodbath and if if he got a bit luckier and at the end you picked up another six points so it would have been a draw i did say it was the other video tight game not quite really sure but and it's taken us a long time we started what you came around at five it's now 20 past 11 yeah so it's quite a and we've got a pack up yeah hi nick welcome to it thank you for the game last night and this is my summary from it as promised as you know 82 not what i predicted but it was because i said it would be close and tight uh i think you could probably could have turned around if you denied me another banners if you'd removed the weird boy off the middle rejecter i worked it out as a seven point uh swing in your favor that way and that would have made it 89.88 so that's maybe the only thing you could have done differently uh otherwise yeah there was much more else you could do uh terrain wise i think it's me better just the layout last night it was a decent layout but unfortunately i had slightly more shooting than you and i think you probably needed to protect from that a little bit more than when you did but going to tournaments to you you're coming across all sorts of terrain so you've got to play be versatile uh list isn't too bad on your side i've got plenty of treats to make to mind but that's only because where things are [Music] i can see in the list but i would improve on and then from your side i'd be looking at something to to be able to if your destroyers get take fall back and shoot [Music] anything really just to otherwise you you're limiting your effectiveness in the young uh because i did that for two i did it in first time with one second with both units of destroyers and i don't think it was too to a third time the protocol came out but allowed you to fall back to charge and that cost you a little bit in the game uh chapter 3 there wasn't much here in it i just think with that first turn and i was able to speed bump you for three turns uh it just meant [Music] i was able to uh stay there and keep you from being where you wanted to be and then allow me to control and towards the end i was just hanging on but that's what i thought and i was just able to get the points i mean no prisoners for me it was maxed out and that's probably where the game was won about you nothing you can do about that it was maybe just could use got got a couple more points on on some of your other secondaries uh and looking at what you could what secondary zone reliability is going to score you 10 to 15 points again and then building them into the list you also will depend on the maps and missions but that's that's where i'd be looking at far fine tuning your list and stuff just where can i make 10 points set 10 to 15 points on the secondary consistently every game because if you're throwing sort of 30 points on your secondaries 10 points for your painting that's 40 if you're if you're showing around the 80 80 point plus mark you'll uh you're one on two your way to winning again and there's somebody scored 100 which is then just add up on you if there's a list out of everybody something you're taking to do that but as i said i've got three more lists for more lists to take against this oh pretty much today against this technically and um and then we can see where we are uh thank you for being a brilliant host i love your tables awesomely laid out they look awesome and an awesome game again thank you okay necron turn two i have been moving i used my right to reanimation uh twice with the with the luminal managed to bring back a couple of models we've got a destroyer back and a wraith back the scorpex have moved over here as did the command barge okay mine will be done okay you've got a microphone on yeah i'm just going to give you one more thing and then once you've stopped
Channel: IDICBeer 40k - Necrons and More
Views: 1,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k necron army, 40k necron battle report, 40k necrons 9th edition, necron balance update, necron battle report, necron battle report 9th, necron battle report 9th edition, necron codex, necron core, necron core units, necron core units 9th, necron core update, necron destroyers, necron tactics, necrons battle report, necrons battle report 9th, necrons battle report 9th edition, necrons vs orks, new necron battle report, orks vs necrons, warhammer 40k necron battle report
Id: vE0CMN-DW_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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