You CAN'T Paint Alone! Why you NEVER Finish Anything.

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hey guys jay here and nick welcome to the one  week eob dominion extravaganza we've both been   eyeing age of sigmar from across the way but the  third edition and the new dominion box have got   us hooked now the hardest thing to do in all of  wargaming is actually finish anything so how are   we going to do it because it would be so easy to  let all this stuff sit in a pile of shame well   we're going to do it together and we'll keep each  other accountable it's a two player game but maybe   the painting and modeling should be two player as  well now luckily we're games workshop shells and   gw is nice enough to send us a box and i think  it's almost here all we had to do is go get it oh it would probably be more accurate to say  gamesworkshop shipped a box to a store near us   and then we pre-ordered it then it came  in and we picked it up paying full price   but we really appreciate game  of thrones thinking of us are you gonna open it or should i or  all right let's tear into this box like five-year-old children on christmas morning  we tore into the box fueled by our desire for   age of sigmar and our hopeless addiction to  plastic crack all right we now have dominion   but we don't want this to become more junk on top  of our piles of shame so we're giving ourselves a   challenge seven days one week to completely build  and paint all of these models i'm gonna take the   storm casts and nick can have whatever's left i  mean the cruel boys are the coolest part of this   whole set you think you can do it in seven days  of course all right good luck get out of my house take your face with you these boxes from games  workshop can be a real problem if you just buy   them it's too much stuff all at once but if you  go have these with a buddy it all of a sudden   becomes an amazing opportunity to work together  to quickly overcome a great big pile of plastic   it's about 8 30 monday morning the first day of  the indominus challenge and i am sitting down   and i'm ready to work i am super pumped to start  aj sigmar in about a week i will have a finished   age of sigma army and b playing for sure there  is no chance of failure here before we even knew   dominion existed i was all in on age of sigmar the  models are absolutely beautiful with my all-time   favorite being the gloom spike gets and when  i said i'm all in i meant it i bought this box   in late january and haven't touched it since  i definitely have a problem where i get really   excited about projects and then i leave them to do  something else or sometimes a project is a little   more than i can handle i can say this for a fact  i have never finished anything in my entire life   the dominion set's coming at a perfect time for me  i'm ready to try something different and actually   maybe finish something for once it really helps  that jay and i are doing this together so when we   finish we have the excitement of trying a new game  i am super duper looking forward to painting up   yun drosta i might even do a little bit of  kit bashing so that she looks as cool as   she does on the cover of the age of sigmar  rules and i'm also really really pumped for   the annihilators they might as well change the  name from annihilators to a terminators because   they're basically 40k terminators in age of sigmar  form i am super duper pumped i have my nippers   i have my sanding sticks i got my knives  i am ready to start cutting out some minis   wow it has been a while since i built this  many minis i wonder how it went for nick   hey what's happening hey i built and based all the  models same for me i tried out this new thing with   the bases i like to build up height but i use  super glue and sand instead of my usual super   glue and cat litter ah did that work out kind of  it worked well on the small bases but actually   warped the big old 60 millimeter base slightly  it was so much glue it couldn't handle it wow   the glue warped the bases what i noticed putting  together so many models was i never assembled push   bit models in my entire life really did you use  any glue yeah i glued everything together with   plastic glue except some of the gut rippers  i left off the shields for ease of painting   i didn't use any glue all friction fit baby a  whole day of building with no fumes except for   the massive amount of super glue fumes from the  bases speaking of fumes i tried out adding texture   to the ruins on the killer boss base decorations i  took tamiya basic putty and stippled that onto the   base to create some texture nice how did that work  i think it worked out great it dried super quick   i'm excited to give that piece a dry brushing to  see if the texture really makes the ruins pop more   i did something similar with mine as well i am  super excited to now have an aegis sigma army   yeah me too i'm sure my still unspooked  gloom spike kits are jealous right now   the crew boys right now are my most put together  army well strong first day absolutely this is the   foundation that's gonna carry me throughout the  whole week i'll talk to you tomorrow good night day two it's nine o'clock in the morning ish  and it's time to get to work i want to prime   everything and i'm gonna set a goal for myself  today i want to have one model finished painted   today now to be honest i don't have much of a plan  i tend to over plan my projects which i think is   why they become not fun over time just because i  plan all these things out i want all these things   to be perfect and it's just not going to be and i  don't let myself just experiment just try things   out try different pains try different things and  i think that makes it not fun for me so i'm just   gonna start painting these guys and it might turn  out badly but it might turn out great i want to   have one model finished painted today probably  this guy the little bird dog time to get to work   big old day of painting i  wonder how things went for jay   hello hi how did today go it was certainly more  enjoyable than yesterday today i worked on all   the gold which is a huge chunk of this army i  ended up using a lot of colors to pull it off   i started off doing a xenotholi type thing with a  red brown and then a yellow brown then i glazed on   top some brass and gold paint using the airbrush  then i finished it off with some selective brown   and orange washes it was quite a process but  it means every model is coming along nicely   i had a similarly experimental day i  got all the skin done on my hobgrads   i applied a base coat of an orange  brown then a bright orange from above   then a little super bright orange and pale  yellow i did all that with the airbrush   sounds like we had very similar days for me what  made it fun was i barely touched a paintbrush it   was all airbrushing dry brushing and washes easy  steps that made big changes i had to do a little   bit of brush base coating my orcs are not as  clean as your fantasy space marines alright there   guy still feel like you're on track to finish  absolutely plenty of time alright talk to you tomorrow god all right so it is day three  and i'm still base coating the hog rots and   hopefully i can start working on the other cruel  boys today it's just about nine o'clock on day   three i have one model completely finished i  want to have more finish today but now it's   time to paint all of the blue i want to have  all of the blue done today time to get to work   another fun day of painting all the things it is  very interesting let's see how it went for nick   hey how's it going it went i had a little bit of  a disaster because my paint wasn't working none of   my green paints would cover at all i've had them  for seven years and have not taken care of them   i even tried shaking them up by taping them to a  scroll saw i ended up airbrushing everything and   that was the only way i could get things smooth  and i didn't realize my green paints didn't cover   until after i airbrushed the leather so i had to  be very careful when airbrushing the green as well   that sounds harrowing i also had a hiccup last  night i could not decide what color my accents   were going to be for these guys i took photos  i popped them into photoshop and played around   with the colors before still landing on blue of  course but it was a slightly lighter shade of blue   were there any other contenders purple and red  were both neck and neck but i chickened out and   landed on blue i mixed up probably way too much  of the color and then put it into a condiments cup   today was 100 airbrushing and paint  brushing this mixture onto the models   nice besides airbrushing i finished up the  base coating on my hobgrads and gave them a   black wash on their armor neat still looking good  to finish yeah why not alright see you tomorrow   we fell asleep that night to visions of orcs and  stormcast because of the support we receive on   patreon if you enjoy the videos we make you might  consider becoming a member over there you'll gain   access to some behind the scenes voting on  what models i paint live here on youtube a   live hobby hangout every week and more with that  said we should be waking up on day four very soon day four and last night i got the skin  done on these guys so now i have to   base coat everything else and three  days left so i really gotta get going   alright it is the morning well most of the  morning i woke up it was gray it was rainy   it was cold i always went back to bed but  i'm here now and you know what i'm so close   on some of these guys i think i can still get  models finished by noon time to get to work it is the middle of the challenge and  it has been a painting extravaganza   i wonder if jay is keeping up   hey hey how did today go today kinda sucked but  it turned out okay today i decided to bite the   bullet and rip off the band-aid and paint all the  banners with these storm casts there are three   intricate banners and because i already painted  the negative space with the airbrush gradients   i had to be an absolute surgeon and make sure  there was no mistakes while painting them   ha sounds about right it took five hours to do  this one banner it's ridiculously intricate that   sounds a lot like my day today i did lots and lots  and lots and lots of base coating with a brush but   i did get to do a little airbrushing i airbrushed  my leather highlights and that worked out great   it was way quicker and smoother well it sounds  like all around day four was not much fun   talk to you more tomorrow sounds good talk to you  later all right day five so including today we   have three more days to get this all done and  i think i'm in a pretty good spot um although   i'm gonna try some oils today and uh that might  be quite the experiment all right it's about 8   30 in the morning and right now i'm feeling like  painting this magician so that's what i'm gonna do today was a deep dark day of painting  i wonder how it went for nick hello hey so how did they go i finished the  base coating and then applied a gloss varnish   why a glossy varnish so i could easily wipe away  the oils i don't want i only really want it in the   recesses and i want to keep the models bright and  sometimes an oil wash can make things too dark oh   nice today i got to work on a few of my heroes  it was super fun no batch painting no assembly   line painting just good old-fashioned shading  and highlighting i tried out this thing to give   my magician a starry cloak i master with silly  putty and then used the airbrush to highlight   with purple and then still with the airbrush  i spattered on some stars worked like a charm   nice i started painting the rest of my  remaining cruel boys the killer boss on   great nash toof and the swamp kala shaman  and of course the one and only pot grot   i used my new green skin recipe i figured out on  the rest of the cruel boys i did a medium green   on their bodies with a turquoise from underneath  as a shadow and then a bright green from above   and then a super light green just little  spurts on the great nash tooth i decided   to try a gradient from a dark purple on  top to a pink flesh tone towards the feet   i also airbrushed some burnt sienna ink lightly  in patches to give some variation to the skin   neat there's almost no skin showing on my guys  but i've been trying to find a time efficient   way to paint white ruins on the red tassels it  has been torture painting these but i finally   found a cheat using white ink it flows off a  long wrestled brush onto the letters and takes   way less time for cleaning up afterwards inks  who knew well things are looking good for me   how about you good lots of work ahead but should  finish strong all right good night good night day six two more days remaining and today's  gonna be kind of spooky because we're doing an   oil wash i've done oil washes in the past but  they're always just a little bit different every   single time i do it's just because i'm learning  so i'm a little afraid that i might mess up all   the work that i've accomplished but we still have  two days so hopefully i can fix whatever happens   it's a little after ten all  right kind of a lot after ten   and time to work on my lord imperatives  because i'm not quite feeling them yet so   i wanna put on some more paint until i'm  happy and then it'll be time to work on yondresta what a world we live in  i wonder how today went for jay   hello hey what's going on oh you know what did you  work on today today i got to do faces and that was   an experience i'm not completely comfortable with  faces but i had the perfect reference material in   the cover art of the big rule book i went slow and  applied paint in miniscule layers and it really   worked out i feel like i struggle because i go too  big with my brush strokes this time i was almost   stippling the paint strokes were so small it  really helped a lot i even pulled off her buzzed   side cut hair thing really how did you do that i  glazed on some gray paint and then glazed on more   skin tones on top neat well today i did lots of  oil painting i made up a bunch of different washes   a turquoise i put on the green skin and a black  wash i use for the shields with also a red wash   i use for blending the red one was questionably  useful since the black wash overpowered the red   after applying all the paints it was a relief when  i started to wipe off the oils i thought i had   ruined everything but it turned out great in the  end it was looking so good i went in with a burnt   sienna wash on the leather and metal wow an entire  day of oils you are the expert i have barely   dipped my toes into oil it wasn't completely oils  i went back and touched up the hobgrarts a bit   exciting stuff you might have overtaken me on  getting stuff done good tomorrow's the grand   finale i know i can't wait for this to be done  all right see ya see ya all right so i told nick   that i have plenty more to work on but that was  a dirty lie i'm actually completely completely   finished and i'm so excited so i think tomorrow  i can look forward to a much needed day off   super duper excited and everything i painted  turned out great i had some of the best faces   i've ever painted i'm really happy with  how the bases turned out it's all just   perfect so i'm going to go to bed and get up  maybe a little late we'll see what happens   clean up a little bit and then we'll see where  the day goes day seven seven long days of this   are about to be over and the crow boys are  looking really really good the only thing   major left is the bases and that's gonna be a  discovery i don't exactly know what i'm gonna do   but uh things are looking really good and then  hopefully after that i can touch up some things   and call these guys done i got up extra early  to try to get as much time as i could i wonder   if jay did the same all right easing into the day  about 11 40. what am i going to do with my day off   because my army is completely finished  i think i'm gonna play some video games as much fun as i was having with ftl i couldn't  help but feel i could do more i went into this   week with a goal of painting stormcast and you  know what that's exactly what i'm gonna do well   i'm back from the warhammer store and i found some  griff hounds which look really really cool and a   stormcast eternals celestar ballista really really  cool is it reasonable that i can get like 10 more   models done in what eight hours probably not but  i'm gonna go ahead and try so it is time to get   through all of this new stuff rip it open start to  building and and it seems uh uh-oh it seems like   nick is calling me hey what's up hey so how's  it going uh oh you know it's going just putting   on the last little touches all right awesome yeah  me as well but i'm working on the bases right now   there's a sigma marine a storm cast on one of my  bases so i was wondering how did you paint yours   so i can try to replicate it on there i mixed the  bright gold with imperial hobby colors sizes metal   base do you have that color nope okay well you can  find your brightest silver and your brightest gold   and just mix those two 50 50. and then dry brush  that on top okay well i painted up the stormcast   to j specifications the best i could and then i  finished up the day fixing models and doing bases   i painted the bases of dark brown with patches  of light brown i painted all the ruins of dark   gray and gave them a brown wash to highlight the  texture on the ruins and bases i gave them both   a dry brushing of a light gray and then to bring  up the ruins even more i dry brushed pure white   now i thought the ground texture was a little too  bright so i watered down black paint and applied   that to the whole base and i applied lots of flock  and grass tops which really made the bases pop   look at that not too shabby another thing that  really helped was dry brushing the brightest   silver i could find on all the metal parts  this made them stand out so much it was crazy   and also on the shield i did a verdigris  effect with some blue paint and water   so it looked like the metal was oxidizing at this  point i was looking for the last fifty percent i   could do to take the models over the top on the  leather i did a light dry brushing of white to   make it look more rough as i was painting the  rim of the bases with a dark gray time ran out   i'm sure jay probably finished hours ago in his  lounging nope this sucked i was painting as fast   and furiously as i could and it was getting pretty  close to finishing but the clock ran at a time   all right that is it pencils down everyone what a week nick what did you think about it  it sucked well i don't know about that but   uh it definitely had its ups and downs painting  for over 10 hours a day for seven days straight   takes a dramatic physical toll but we got a  lot accomplished we have a lot of progress   made and we have some work to show off would  you like to go first all right sounds good wow holy moly i'm really excited to  have a fully painted age of sigmar army   i actually followed through with a project where  i didn't let my fears of perfection stop me   although i've been painting warhammer models  for years i felt like everything i tried out   on these cruel boys was the first time like using  the airbrush and doing oil washes the time limit   helped me make quick decisions that would have  taken me forever to figure out normally and even   though i had a disaster with my green paints not  covering i was able to work through it where if   i was painting on my own i might have stopped and  moved on to something else wow these guys are neat they're creepy they're so they're  spindly and they have weird proportions   you know some would say they look a little bit  like uh the orcs from lord of the rings i don't   know if i see it that much that is a fair amount  of orcs it makes a nice little pile all right   well let's look at your space marines well they're  not space marines they're storm cast eternals but wow look at those this felt a little like a repeat  of painting my necrons models that are mostly one   color it was so simple that i had a lot of fun  doing it i think the blue and red really tie it   all together and i even got to flex my painting  muscles a little bit by painting a bunch of faces   i think i'm really improving it was hard picking  a paint scheme but nothing simplifies choice like   a time crunch and i don't know if i had agonized  over it if it would really have turned out much   better i now have a stormcast eternal army and i  even cheated and bought and almost finished more   i would say the ballista is 90 done and  the grif hounds are more like 50. wow this is from the register   it is from aja sigmar i don't know that i may  have purchased even more models how many more   miles did you buy i got this one and these  fellas and then i also bought these six riffs   i didn't finish all the new stuff but i finished  the ballista and got halfway on the grip hounds   wow mostly airbrush yeah all right so we have a  week under our belt what is something that you   discovered i rediscovered the joys of batch  painting for years i have done single units   or single models and so i've been doing a lot  of layering highlighting shading shadowing uh   individual edge highlighting but when you do army  painting there is a real real fun thing you can   do where individual steps that would actually  take a long time per mini like dry brushing and   airbrushing all of a sudden since you're doing  that one step to an entire bunch of guys you're   adding very little time and you're getting a lot  done and so individual steps took a really small   amount of time and they led to tons of progress  because i was doing all the dry brushing of the   gold all of the washing on the cloaks all of the  airbrushing on their armor it was really neat i   want to do more of it awesome well was there  anything that you discovered this week yeah   the big thing that i learned this week is i can  really trust myself with the airbrush even though   i was having a problem painting the green on these  boys i was able to be a little more precise and   airbrush the green around all of the leather bits  and i think it worked out really really really   nice and it's really nice just having a bunch of  finished models and now it really makes me want   to work on the gloom spike kits and that's only  22 models so it should be a lot easier than a 34.   obviously you can paint alone but it's way more  fun and motivating to paint with a friend to   have someone to share the joys and sorrows and be  building towards a goal together we will play age   of sigmar and because we were painting it together  it got done so we have finished painted armies 100   for about the first time ever i never thought  this day would come so we have the models we   have the rules do you want to play agent  sigmar no i want to go home and go to bed well that was our dominion one week challenge we  had a lot of fun painting all this stuff dominion   has some really really cool models in it please  let me know in the comments below what were your   favorite moments and did you make any discoveries  along with us i know i did we finished a lot of   models and so has the eob complete community  we put out a challenge to our community to   send us before and after photos of their recently  finished models to be immortalized in our videos   if you want to join in the fun you can submit  a before and after photo of your painted mini   to our discord server which you can find in  the description below or you can post it to   instagram with the hashtag eob complete without  further ado let's look at and get inspired by   what the folks have finished this week an entire  indominus box by rogueldorn a stormcast eternal by   mommy negan a leviathan dreadnought by lucifer  hawk a squad of chaos space marines by orange   a lieutenant and phobos armor by vega wusky  some dark eldar grotesques by [ __ ] bobby   marketing head a morven vol by craft singles  in your area a slanted sorcerer by ergo   a triumph of saint catherine by dark lord buddhish  a commissar derek by just makestuff attack priest   dominus by ralph the great a chewbacca by  the happy heretic a warrior zula by disco   an entire recruit box by brook some  30k medusa immortals by joe dracos   a terminator with lightning claws by mr v max jr  some necron lich guard by sir smashy some adept   as custodies bikers by jay reichi a sentinel  walker by alex smith a primary space marine by   jackal some salamander space marines by  duplicorn a bain blade tank by dancing of doom   aerodynamic dreadnought by matt k421 some tau by  whoa 77 and a yondrosta by grax congratulations   to everyone for a job well done it's no small  feat to get paint on minis and you all should   feel really proud nothing gets the hobby just  flowing like finishing a project we all thank you   for sharing your work motivating us and the hobby  community to paint our plastic thanks for sharing
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 183,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: cEbrpSQZs3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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