GROT ARMOURED COMPANY vs Space Wolves Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Battle Report Ep 151

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war gamers hello and welcome to today's warhammer 40k battle report i'm luca from and i'm joined by mark and his gratz we're going to play 40k today it's 2000 points sit back relax enjoy the show vault members don't forget we got more content for you you can check out the link below host more tan versus house divine imperial knights vs chaos nights let's rumble we play and call it work mini war gaming's warhammer 40k battle report today's space wolf list is 2 000 points we're playing the vilca fenrika today it's an unconventional build though for today's unconventional game it will be a battalion led by a trio of characters first and foremost ulrich the slayer he will be the warlord he will have his warlord trait aura of majesty he must take it he's the master of sanctity for the space wolves so he will know mantra of strength as well as exhortation of rage the one and only bjorn oldest of the old ancient as this nist of the ancients he will be run around with an assault cannon and troop he's gonna be then joined by a tech marine i did spend the points to make it the master of the forge with this tempestus hammer and hell frost pistol the only character i can give a relic to so we gave this guy the armor of rus the troop choices a little regretful here but i realize the studio collection doesn't have enough blood claws so i have two units of five gray hunters four chain swords in each one and then two units of blood claws one nine and one ten a wolf guard in each one one will have a pair of lightning claws which i have upgraded with thane of retinue to become frost claws and then the other blood claw unit will have a thunder hammer and storm shield on the wolf guard power fists on both the pack leaders on to fast attack we put a lot of points over here i wanted to stick with a blood clot theme so we have sky claws there are seven of them one of them will be a wolf guard with a with an axe and a chain sword and we have a power fist on the back leader now these used to be swift claws but they're just bikers now but because of what they used to be i'm bringing them back just for a little bit of fun we have two units of bikers again swift claws we have thunder hammers on the pack leaders and we have two attack bikes with multi melters and then just a couple of extra bikes with chain swords instead of old pistols lastly a pair of venerable dreadnoughts those to teach by example lead by example as well for the blood claws both with feneration great axe and blizzard shield because who doesn't love a giant box busting through a wall with an axe and a shield you'd never see it coming i swear you wouldn't they both have a couple of storm bolters as well and lastly ryan knows for the blood claws and work to run around in and that is the space rules for today's game let's go take a look at our very red orcs all right this is my grot armored company list um it is led by a big mech and mega armor he's got a combi scorcher he's the warlord he's art as nails and he's got the super cyborg body uh three units of gratz just 10 man grots nothing special there fast attacks got unit of def copters two units of grot tanks all kitted out the same the all have rockets and the commander grot tank has a rocket and a big shooter and we also have two identical mega grot tanks they all have two twin rocket launchers and three big shooters on them and then for heavy supports we've got a unit of killer cans they all have scorches a mecca dread which has the dread ripper claw and the kill cannon and we have the red baron the docket jet with all six uh super shooters on him and to round it all out with a super heavy auxiliary detachment is a kill tank and he's got the ursa cannon upgrade scorcher and a twin big shooter as well as a reinforced ram for extra fun times we are doing our favorite little custom open war format here so if you're familiar with star wars legion be familiar with this format if you're already familiar with how we how we work this out just skip ahead to the end here but you'll notice we have three rows of three this is our deployment this is our objective this is our twist now what we're gonna do we've already rolled off mark is gonna have to ban the first card ban being um if he doesn't like any one of these columns he's gonna just flip the card over and then flip the next one over and then that will replace that and we're always gonna play the leftmost uh combination of cards both players will have two bands you could choose to pass instead of ban but that still uses up one of your bands now as you can see we have a vanguard and size attack and tempest but we like to play with these flipped over so we have no idea what we're going to flip over next it's just completely it's completely random but this uh gives some control over the open war deck because otherwise this the regular typical format is like whatever you flip over is whatever you're playing this gives you some semblance of both players some semblance of control over what they want do you know what you want to ban right away mark you know what i kind of like all of them so i think i'm going to pass first see what happens pass a okay well then maybe i'll pass two i gotta actually read the objective i haven't had time yet okay i actually don't mind all three of these also it's like a pretty basic deployment i'm always a fan of more balanced deployments um incisive attack and tempest they're all they're all equally cool for me do you wanna i'm gonna pass do you wanna ban like a since i didn't ban anything do you want to ban anything now that would oh you have to get rid of this you're keeping that one okay so you're passing i'm gonna pass as well i guess so i apologize i guess if anyone was hyped let's see what would have come up though so i'm curious yeah i'm glad i didn't have that one that would have been good for space wolves uh and then the other potential and just the pretty basic deployments okay so this is what we're playing with the other objectives would have been storm their lines and then sorry to get in the way domination so other objective based ones too and then the twists ie on the relenting turmoil draw two more twist cards and then use both sure so this would have been one of them tempest again what it's rigged it's freaking rigged the decks are messed up oh my gosh what an embarrassing reveal there's two exhausted cards in the deck as well something tells me it's not rigged that's just more likely to pop up than the others there are quite a bit of twist guards so i could see why they would do that oh well we have tempest incisive attack and a vanguard style deployment we're going to go ahead and put down some objectives and show you the table oh here mark and i all deployed for our game going over the mission it's open more so it's pretty basic there are three objectives they had to be in no man's land so not neither deployment zone more than uh nine inches away from each other more than three inches with battlefields they are numbered we got three one and two in that order over there we have a vanguard style deployment i won the rolloff i started deploying first over here to kind of represent like because although the bunkers and everything are facing in that direction so i figured okay the imperial force is coming in this way against the uh the red gabo force over here the uh the armored company of all like was like five ten grot tanks two big raw tanks and like the the super heavy over there which pops up pop it up nice heck yeah goofy goofy tank man and then we got the red bear and way in the back and uh yeah for myself i kind of moved the line i kept everything on the table i we should say the def copters of the orcs over there are ready to show up later on we got sky claws yes sky claws whip claws uh the blood claws without uric the blood claws with ulric and we're gonna go push right up the middle with the dreadnoughts try to keep them all around the tech marine gray hunters gray hunters and then swift claws over here and then i guess i had more swift flaws over there if i didn't say that already so the way this is gonna work we're gonna roll off and we're gonna go with the match play rule where the winner of the rolloff must go first but thank you to some of the train companies i suppose i'm only really using gw and uh table wall right now but the mat is from table war like it matches the game's workshop uh trench and bunker terrain set and then urban mat as for uh made these craters that also matched the table or matches to represent like you know shelling and uh preliminary bombardments and all that before we meet in the bunker or meet in the middle and fight for the objectives we're gonna roll for one of these objectives uh that's gonna be worth one additional victory point the way scoring will work is at the end of every battle round uh whoever controls the objectives will gain a victory point so you don't score progressively on your turns you have to wait till the end of every battle around to see who will control the objectives using the regular rules for controlling objectives except um one of them randomly determined will be worth you so why don't you go ahead and roll up a d3 for me here so we got a three so that one is the primary objective that one is worth two every battle round those are worth one each it's open more it's not meant to be balanced so i got a little lucky there i think we're kind of lucky i have forces over here but i mean they can get destroyed by uh what are a lot better than what they used to be grat tanks uh since the last time i faced them much more reliable yeah the last time i faced this list it was space wolves i can't remember exactly what i ran probably something similar-ish uh against gru tanks and pretty much a lot of this stuff actually considered all very familiar i specifically remember that tank and that tank and a few of the grat tanks as well especially the little goofy guys uh goofy guys over there and uh all right we're gonna roll off and uh the winner must go first and i got one oh yes nice i got a five six all right well the orcs have nine command points i've got eleven i did think of retinue and then a couple stratagems for the orcs on that but they're gonna go first and they're gonna go up oops that's josh they're going to go up to uh 10 remaining command points now with honestly not a whole lot to do in the command phase we're right on the movement we moved up some of the kill cans the the big killer can i can't remember what's called mecha dread that's just a big kill again and then we got the big grat tank mega groud tank moving up here it is yeah they move six plus d6 inches so that's why i just rolled a nice yeah you have to always determine what their random move is they used to be 2d6 move now is d6 plus 6 so much more reliable it makes me sad it is i know wait the the idea of these guys is to be like it was wow what it's the old school orca philosophy right um that guy's moving total of nine inches he's not gonna get where get much farther than what he needs to do i remember a few um i don't know what i would call like tank enthusiasts might be able to identify this little uh little guy from some historical pieces i'm like when josh showed me what that thing actually was also this bad boy like i feel like these guys over here kind of cool too i like the little fury guy yes uh okay advance okay so six months so the uh the the dread or the uh i can remember any of the names or anything right now the big mech there we go in mega armor moving forward as well all right so we've moved up most of the tanks i need to move this guy and my plane what are the ranges on the the grout tanks uh 24 inches on their rockets is they only have rockets what are they rockets uh rockets and um a big shooter also on the commander but they all have yeah wait they have like a little command tank yep command tank here and then we have a grommet of the desert snot over there you know nice okay so they have like a little sergeant if anyone's curious those are actual units of grot tanks so they what's their what's the leadership on them oh they are leadership six with a commander on foot and moving the big tank up right behind the grout line the daca jet flies right on over here to support this flank he's gonna yeah it's not ideal it's not ideal uh red gabo at the end of his movement can you give a unit of gretchen uh stick bombs on a relevant two plus why does that rule even matter no they have stick bombs they've been good little grudges like permanently or like just this turn permanently oh it's amazing they throw strike three grenades oh my gosh what a gift from the gabo i guess he is a giver of gifts isn't he that's the whole thing he's the people's god ah the people's oh no we're going to start shooting we're going to start with the def copter as it flies this direction he's going to pepper them with daca guns this is the dhaka jacket so what did i say death captain the death cup is coming that's right i'm a daca jet my goodness i'm way off right now all right uh hitting on five five thoughts oh we probably we didn't mention geez that was explosive yeah i do what i can we got we got some hits uh we mentioned we wanted to mention that you are playing blood skulls blood axes blood axes sorry if that comes up at all in this game that's only relevant to i guess the daca jet daca jet the mecca dread the kill take is titanic so it doesn't matter and then my two work bosses okay yeah the the big mex uh is that thing i guess i think it's not it's not grote it's nope okay interesting it's a mech it's a mechan armor oh it's a mech not a i thought it was like a groton just a big kill again it's a mecca in there that's cool 13 these are threes to wound my sky claws you have some moons and these are only ap one right yep seven wounding heads i have a four up against that i am gonna lose ooh two i don't wanna lose two i don't lose two at all i kinda wanna roll on you honestly i am actually these guys are more important than you can imagine every rule so i lose one sky claw and take a wound on another down to ten wounds you and we'll lose you all right where are we shooting next um we're going to start with these guys we're just going to put all of their rockets at uh that rhino that rhino there and we'll throw the big shooter at the dreadnought just to anger him i kind of i'm going to pop smoke i guess for one cp so it's negative on the hit maybe that'll help i doubt it i don't know what it's i pop smoke here or there so it's one of the i'll just do this one i'll go down to nine luck uh five d3 rockets yeah they all have uh rockets on is the rocket the turret then now or yes yeah i mean there's a rocket there yeah not bad fives to hit yep smoke launchers let's see if eve matters do i see any fours there is a singular four i paid a command point to make one attack miss heck yeah we have four hits these are threes to wound a rhino here's the strength stupid crutch i failed them all was that that i failed them all it was a two oh my gosh well that was unfortunate effective these are the grouts i remember those photographs i remember that's what we'd love to see we got the big shoot on the command tank my venerable dreadnought with his big ol shield i kind of wish a shield gave a plus one to a save as well but i understand that would be much i just wanted to say that i don't know why uh we have one no ap on that we're gonna ha we're taking that damage he's venerable nah he takes it out yeah seven was remaining on him all right so we fired those grot tanks uh did the killer cans didn't advance did they uh they did but they have scorchers so it didn't really oh they're armed scorcher's gotcha they went through the crater but they already took the minus two they're good we're there what is firing next uh i believe we're gonna see what this guy can see before i take away his targets mega grat tank gotcha oh yeah if anyone's curious for playing the trenches kind of like what not woods but uh uh light cover they kind of like pipes in a way i guess the closest thing would be like pipes i suppose and then the destroyer drop pods are uh dense so or sorry i'm scared because they're telling them to be obscuring so anything like that a little too difficult to shoot through not the uh not the dropped fin uh the doors but like just the base of it not not big and effective but it might come up anyways all right well we're on to the big mega tank i think all he can shoot is that guy there yeah he should be arranged with that guy what are we what are we looking at for let's see here i guess we'll put his two twin rockets into him and we'll put the big shooters well i can see two guys up top so all right as well the three big shooters we make sure those hitting on fours we have uh four hits there we go it's strength five we have uh yes over eighteen inches away we get light cover but we already have like a we're gonna put on a guy with a chainsaw in the back like cover he's good then the number of rocket shots 2d it's pretty much 4d oh my gosh it's only six ah that should have been a yeah i shouldn't all right dreadnought shields up buddy forced to hit him all right okay that's average these are still threes to moon this is the hard part this is apparently the hard part to get through come on right god let's go yes what is one one okay good we're good we saved that's the shield boom it parries the the shell and it goes flying off in that direction actually it's a rocket not a shell but it goes off that way somehow something blew up abstract you get the other megagra tank which is to my knowledge now just literally a bigger broad tag with more rockets and more shooters on it uh are these the guys that used to have that rule where you'd have to roll with d6 before they fired yes and it was like on a one they squabbled they didn't fight at all and on a six they got plus one to hit but had to fire everything at one target right and then the two to five was a nothing result okay that's fine but that's gone now i don't know it makes me sad everything's going according to plan yeah uh fire at the angry boy they're already no come on uh oh we got a technique he's got to repair something though he repeat heals he repairs three wounds a turn keep that in mind he's a big fixer he's the big fixer-upper he's got the biggest hammer in the imperium [Music] put everything out of him all right all right all right all right make sure that's first big shoes first yes nice nice this is the part that it goes okay this part's fine we have five spoons here though because uh i got a little bit of higher toughness and uh there's a move all right well it is over 18 inches away so the the gusts of winds and the storm and every restaurant fully flat there we go the two would have worked very well yeah the two would have been fine but i didn't like how it landed so we we saved that one all right uh rockets okay oh hey we actually got above average on the amount of rockets i believe in the little guys come on all right get something get something four four four four four high pipe high pipe hype red goblins all right that's not bad nope and threes to wound because we're strength eight on these rockets but you know what they say oh oh yes i regret everything no that's not cool six wooty hits minus two so i have a in the end still four up so these are three damage each but it's a dreadnought it reduces it all by one so it's two four six eight damage which would one shot him except uh we do have the unyielding agent okay he has a six up two more damage he's alive with two man what a sight that would be just to get hit by that many rockets oh it was that guy oh he's got one wound left it's even worse yep oh my gosh oh my let's just put that to one that was i got even luckier than i realized all right we're gonna go to these grot tanks only three of them are in range of those sky claws swift claws swift claws they're fasting on bikes that's the thing all right number of shots yeah all right three it's fine everything's fine are you forced to hit you got two hits too i think there's a strategy might use for bikes that make a negative one hit but i'm not worried about it i'm just curious i'm observing observation sorry i'm thinking out loud here i'm trying to remember like weird bike strategies oh no minus two all right power armor oh that's not power armor oh wait that one is because we're in like we technically have white cover because we're over 18 inches we lose a bike because it's three damage correct yep it tis a rocket that guy gets shot that's all the shots that they can see um go with this guy we're gonna put his big gun into that guy try to flank out that last rune uh it's d6 shots oh no it is that's not gonna be one all right we're gonna use the command point here for the orcs rerolling the amount of shots that's gonna be two instead hundred percent increase he hits on force because he's a mech he's a mack yeah and we have a hit one hit down and nine for the orcs we're the same command points strength eight three to wound ap uh i think it's minus two oh is it dude that's not good that's a failed save then it goes right through how much damage two damage double sticks uh isn't it down to one oh no you're right i'm just going to re-roll it up i'm going to de-six it i'm v6 it ah i'm gonna do six it oh god i want a 50 it's so bad d6 no i would have failed the 50 up anyways it's all good he's dead does he explode that is one more wound to all within three so it's a mortal wound to the marine and mortal to that rhino and this one is outside of three but he is dead oh no first blood yeah this rhino down at nine all right well i'm sad but i still have two dreadnoughts all right kill tank everything out to ulfric's rhino the only thing you can see boom uh we'll start off with the big gun which is uh 3d6 shots all right it's a big old turret weapon three to six shots with the kill tank that is three nine shots all right i assume he hits on five being an orc yes five to hit okay that's pretty good okay it's strength ten okay well that's definitely threes to wound here and uh that's two wounds two minus three three damage because of the light cover i have a five up i will make neither of those and that's six damage in total four mini wounds left this is not ideal the one big shooter he's got one big shoe today yeah nice all right pair of hits and fives fire big gun at the rhino the super shock attack gun lasting the fire strength three we're going to do strength first ranked first strength six yes okay and now two to three shots oh is it the other way four stick cause he's a mech all right we got three fives to wound come on come on come on no the strength isn't high enough with that shot the orc's turn is complete not bad you didn't kill dreadnought you did killer dreadnought they didn't do anything no wounds uh yeah they killed a bike that yeah that kind of sucks for them how many points are they do no i'll stop your head another 225 for the five okay so they're like a little bit less than 50 points each kind of cool they got a rocket they just have a like is it is it just a rocket a rocket all right and we're at the ten command points for the wolves now we're going to immediately spend one of those command points on bishop nature if a doctrine is active for one of my units uh certain key words infantry being one of them uh they are considered to be in the assault doctrine for the remainder of the turn that'll be these bad boys here uh probably for the battle round actually sorry start of the next command phase that's the actual official one on that they're powering up their jump packs there they go going for this stupid plane it's stupid ending there and again they're being assault doctrine so they'll get extra ap and sixes to hit will be two hits instead of one if that's savage fury for the space wolves disembark the blood clots from this rhino and forward they go disembarking there and moving forward sex immediately and then this rhino is gonna drive towards the objective 12 without hitting the trench or the uh sorry the trench or the crater will take us to about there and then we're gonna have uh we're gonna advance the tech marine i'm gonna go an extra five with you i'll take you there but we're gonna have you go a little bit further in this direction uh pro actually we're just gonna go right there then this rhino who's currently hurt is going to advance so pretty much knocking the extra two because we're in the crater ending there uh we're gonna have the dreadnoughts move now we got an opening for them then dread one we'll go two and then beyond we'll go also too feeling a little slow today have you both end up over there as we push forward these gray hunters are going to [Music] i don't know it's tough we're going to advance them an extra four figurines taking up that position these guys are going to attempt to do the same thing that they climb up a little bit they're gonna go only two inches though they need at least a three up on that run to get up there level uh i'm probably going to i'm okay with that i think they're just gonna hang out back here for now uh do something later on and then we've got my bikes to move oh and in the movement phase before i forget the tech moon's gonna heal this three he's gonna go up to seven wins on the rhino there we go and then we're gonna continue moving these backs it's gonna be aggressive with them and go through the stupid crotch uh these ones are gonna go because they're already gonna start at negative two that's gonna go up and over the trench so that's gonna take them there you won't be able to really fire but the multimelter could maybe fire let's just tuck them in boom it's shooting time we're gonna go with the sky claws they're gonna throw a crack grenade as they jump in there they're gonna try and plant a crack grenade on the red bearing here and then we're gonna have that will be from the wolf guard we'll have five more bolt pistols in him as well forced to hit because he is airborne oh we can actually make three of the miss we have no wounds on them and then the crack grenade misses we go over to the bikes we're gonna have the multi-melter and the bolt guns go into the red baron as well just in case uh the multi belt is out of long range and i don't think we're gonna use the command point for the plus to ignore the modifiers here so we're gonna go hitting on fours oh it didn't really matter and through the wound ah we got wound there should be no save against that so it's d6 damage oh i'll command point that three down to eight and nine moons remaining we're gonna move on to these blood claws we're just gonna shoot both pistols i suppose you can only fire the grot tanks there's ten pistols we have four hits which is also gonna be another four hits we have eight hits and five food we have three wounds no ap gonna go to the storm bolter over here on this rhino uh this one did not advance we're gonna put a couple of shots into the grots near the crater yeah uh should be rapifier two we have a pair of hits and uh okay double ones no wound there you advanced you both advanced you advanced advanced advanced and horribly advanced now the bike's over here the bike's over here i don't want to kill a grote because i don't wanna make this charge harder so we're going to do both guns the grotts and we'll do the multi-melta into what's the top probably t8 right uh two up save or three three does he have a fancy and vulnerable save nope all right fire in the drop mega tank i don't know why my gut tells me to i don't i literally have no idea we're gonna go grab mega tank multi-melter oh i needed both of them to hit to do something that's a wound though uh minus four i assume no save no saves six damage five wounds left on the ground mega tank uh and then all the bolt guns into the little grats over there they always rapid fire so it's gonna be 12 shots they're gonna hit on threes there's ten hits these wound on threes because they're t3 now they're paying those points for i stopped two wounds eh so we have uh six winning hits on grotz i don't know if they have a thing over 18 probably maybe they don't get any like cover they're a little too close to the bike so six of them do die it's okay they're there to screen they're there to screen i don't think i have any more bullets i don't it's time to charge we're gonna charge first of these bikes into the grock tanks i actually don't know what i need it's an eight inch charge [Music] i would like to make this charge in it that's not like it's going to do much but i'm going to reroll that command point oh three instead that would have been a good charge if i could make it that's seven command points remaining for the wolves go way over here to these blood clouds who declare a charge would you like to overwatch over here they make it i think they're almost like a seven or eight though boom and then we have the sky claws who i assume you will overwatch yes yes all right so you're gonna go down to eight luck sky claws we got some heavy lifting to do to deal with this got the jet six sixes tacos i see stars there we go at least there were four these are three tuned we got two minus one so we make a four up and uh fail the three up we lose the marine i've already rerolled that chainsaw doesn't matter no it's worth it probably with the infra charge a niner well let's just go and try and in this direction so they could be if they do succeed here then they're also a little obscured and can go jump on a certain goblin and his little buddies with stick bombs there we go we're onto the fight phase i'm gonna spend two command points here on savage strike not five that is on these blood claws when they go to fight if they charge this turn they get plus one a wound and try and cut up some of these grot tanks be sorry i meant that's supposed i'm fighting with the sky claws and doing savage strike on the sky claws it's only one command point i don't want to spend the two so i'm spending one command point playing with the sky claws savage strike on them instead because i'd rather try and kill this thing off i'm just gonna like try and dent up the hulls on the uh on the uh tanks over there i'll do probably pretty well but i'd rather try and kill this thing off for sure i'll go back up to six it costs uh one less because there's only five of them in the unit because one died cover watch four attacks on the pack leader two attacks berserk charge and shock assault hitting on threes because i'm a space wolf and wounding on threes normally but savage strikes says twos okay well you know what it mattered so these are ap4 because we're in the assault doctrine so it's just two damage uh down to one it is a strength eight ah so no ram shackle there and then we're gonna go with the wolf guard uh because he's got a power rack he's got two attacks normally shock assault he does not get berserk charge you have an extra attack with a chainsaw to go along the other guy's chain swords these are twos uh we have an extra hit because of the six these are strength what's the t toughness on this back this is six so these are threes to win because he's strength six so he's got three wounds at ap three uh does he have a three or four four up four up on him these all go through because they're in the assault boxers that's three more damage only one damage each and then we have uh each guy's got one attack plus shock assault plus chain sword plus berserker charge so it's 4 8 12 13 attacks because the um the wolf guards james sword these are twos to hit because we're space bulls no re-rolling on the ones but every six is two hits so we're gonna leave that one in there because there's a six and these are fives two normally forced to now okay we have four winning hits at 8p2 so we have uh four six up saves come on made one made one made one he's got one freaking wound left that's all i need damn i should have gone with the power of his last and rerolled the power fist that's what i should have done oh well live and learn one moon left if i rerolled the power fist oh i would have gone oh well all right then we're gonna go over to here i'm gonna put all we're gonna pile in a little bit we're gonna put all the attacks into the grottags you guys are chainswords i'm gonna do the first 16 of 32. you sit on twos uh and they get nothing fancy on the sixes because they're not the assault doctrine and your t six or five t5 on you guys so still five's tuned so we only have one winning hit on the first half and the second half will give me twos to hit we have one miss you got sixes let's see uh that only matters for those guys that's that or turn three when that comes up a second would not the damn that was bad so you have two wounds at ap1 four ups i do two damage all right got you down one on that one three up save on them and then we're gonna go with the pair of lightning clubs we have two attacks on normally shock assault he doesn't get berserker charged we get two lightning claw attacks twos and these are strength five because they're frost claws so fours and be rolling now they're normally two damage but they have ram shackles so these are minus three two because they're not they sell function three damage all right and then we have the power fist boom boom boom boom four attacks with a power fist on threes ooh very good threes to wound okay not bad these are ap three three of them and two damage each okay uh two go through so four more so it kills him off and then the only four ones each a yep okay nice so i killed off they don't explode or anything they just makes me sad they just kind of fall apart i guess yeah the garage tanks have seven attacks in pack on sixes on sixes we have a pair of hits nice strength it's probably enough to move on at least like four okay forced to win then that's not a great strength all right that equals four we got the red baron one attack now oh one attack and missed probably miss okay and that's it uh they could fail morale because uh they lost two in their brave leadership six you said uh with the commander i think he is leadership seven oh so doorbell six hey you're good nice heck yes safe heavy these guys oh yeah they lost a lot yeah they're good so one's running and then i think they have a rule where they always add one or they add an additional one yeah so threes or less are just oh my gosh 50 you get a point for that objective i get a point for this objective no one controls i'm not within three this is about four up it's three is like halfway there so i have to go down to this level or get to the ground so no one gets the bonus point it's a tie game so far uh the end of the first half let's go in about around two where i'm in the tactical doctrine now so i have oh why did i not shoot his assault cannon no i'd rather advance it whatever i'll choose the cell cannon next turn turn two orcs we got a command point up tonight i'm at six nothing to do in the command phase we're running a movement we're gonna try to go i'm gonna try and cut this guy down as the oh i should have consolidated do you mind if i change one thing this is part of the plan they're gonna pile in and i wanted the one more model on him since i didn't kill him i need one more modeling engagement oh geez no no no no no no he goes to fall back you're gonna try and cut him down i gotta go double check something though i i don't think cut them down will work cause uh the aircraft technically doesn't fall back it just moves it it always does a normal move so can't quite catch him that's okay hypothetically would i have got him saved by the wording yes yes you would have got him all right that is what it is i should have did again should've done the power of his last but he's gonna turn move he's gonna fly he's gonna do like a full 90 flying this direction back here with his one remaining we'll get him later we'll just get him later let's think of it as saving a command point all right so that guy's moved are these guys staying in combat oh they are falling back you cut them down no i don't really care about them that three like six guys get to roll dice nah so it's uh d6 plus they move eight inches moving up to eight inches as they fall back one thing if you are going to follow them back make sure you move the grats a little bit too because all my guys can hear if we intervene pretty far assuming they're still there that is always the assumption kill the cans moving forward to challenge this objective i like it like so hello cans six inches because we're still stuck in a crater mecha kanye's a little slower he's gonna go right behind him we're gonna have a giant like uh armored fight here in the middle we're gonna see who stands after the dust settles i'm gonna hope it's the dread not my dreadnoughts for sure ah sorry i got working blood cloths too i guess this guy is moving oh is he also have a random move yep all right 12 inches now did i bracket him at all by chance um actually you did it's actually d3 plus six so okay he's grabbing rocks and just shoves it right in the hole that's all it is all right well you might well roll it now how does it work uh you know i'll read that now it's probably not automatic d3 i assume back up to eight wounds remaining nice nice nice other mega grot tank we're just moving up there that's right plug in the hole there's an entire whole wave of metal right through the middle what i want to do with you mega mech i think he's gonna have to start going this way he's gonna grab on and jump on up there all right he's gonna get bad over here is he advancing yeah was he moving normally five five okay so he goes up to ten so he's gonna go up and over question he can repair as well but this is a unit does it count as healing yeah what does it say just repair a vehicle unit yeah yeah it'll help them out hey it's all difficult all right hello mech he's gonna grab onto the bunker hoist himself up jump down and punch the uh punch the unit of tanks and then that guy gets fixed 40k what are they doing we're advancing all right i'm gonna go additional three they're gonna try try as they can they go towards this objective the heroes of this battlefield the super heavy tank boom we'll hello these guys we'll get in a fight with some space bubbles it'll be fun oh wow very quick they're pulling out we're pulling up over here to support this part of the battlefield tanks i love that one so much that's my favorite one that's where they end up what about the grotts back they're just gonna hang out yeah if you have snipers it don't matter the end of the movement phase the def cop to show up more than nine inches away behind my rhino rush never would have seen him coming oh no that's shooting time just throw it off with these gruts we're going to throw one stick bomb and a whole bunch of shooters or pistols all right d6 from the stick bomb minimum three oh wow look at that all right throwing the stick bombs in there because it's all the same profile four is to hit it black claw i should have checked to see if i moved them in range they might not all be in range moving on five oh no hitting we never oh we never even got to that party right fours oh we got a few and five we got one what uh three up safe we're good so they ended up to be able to fire all their blasters in the stick bomb with the red gabo is gonna fire his d3 pistol or is it pistol three sorry it's pistol d3 also d3 shots yeah but don't you have some oh it's not blast it's not yeah it's weird it's a weird pistol one shot all right are you sure it's not blast could it be blasted it hits and does a wound on a three yes yes ap oh weird gun one oh all right we failed two damage oh man oh man boom snipe put the scorches into these guys all right that's a lot of damage i have a couple guys in cover here but these are three wounds these are just kind of regular flavors except there's a really good high roll so i mean these are tear drops you know you would have got a lot of hits to begin so i get it i get it we have four nine wounds my bad these are heavy flamers so i have to do these four at a time because these are three upstairs on guys and cover oh we lose a wound we lose a guy one guy got burned this guy got burnt on the cover there got a scorcher on the wait uh oh is it an assault weapon it's a regular scorcher yeah d6 shots or hits six stops and force we have two here i have to keep one of these guys uh on the cover guy he's okay big dumb gum all right the big gun d6 shots much blast yes a minute on three hey it works three shots these are four six because he's a mac we have a hit strength good strength eight all right two oh that's six definitely works with ap uh minus two minus two i make it then if i only minus two so i i had the for the rest of this phase all hits have to be allocated to the covered guy so he makes it with the four up yeah we're gonna put uh this first mega graph tank we're gonna put the big shooters at them and you know what all the rockets why not rockets how many rockets the it'll be two twin yeah two twin rackets four d3 shots right they made rockets blast which is brutal okay so this is uh 12 shots on fours six six hits on average let's see what we get oh wow that's bad it's only four misses that's one rocket missed twos to wound if oh man if the old ones could use trans-human physiology let me tell eight wounding hits at 8p2 one at a time he's dead all right then the rest are all five ups come on power armor nice only three more die okay that's lucky you have to die and then three more go down we'll say you three i suppose go down 15 shots rank five increase the wound eight wounded hits on a three up i lose one more blood clot all right we got three remaining all right we're gonna take a break from that fire and we're gonna go to the docka jet who lived more daca you know these guys more daca spent two command points to treat uh fire his dock weapons as if they were in full dock range and i'm gonna assume he doesn't bracket on the bs nope yeah good old orcs docker jet love everything but it's so balanced down to seven command points after that he's the red baron fives threes to wounds strength six super shooter boom okay we got wounds we do have the tempest though so we have plus one are safe we take no damage perfectly balanced bless bless thank you yes all things are you should be dead cover armor hallelujah you can you can be big for me later maybe maybe got the death cop does this we're gonna just fire at these bike squads there whoa okay that's fair i might look at a bike strat let me see yeah it's called skilled riders uh only if they advance though are they then negative one to hit on my opponent's shoulder face they of course did not advance because they fired their gun so i assume you're still gonna fire at them yep i'm gonna hope to have some luck here uh d3 shots for you it's like 2d three per guy right yeah they have twin rockets on them okay yeah okay there's some do some shots come down screaming like a bat out of hell firing rockets fives to hit we got five threes to wound ah all right three woony hits yep minus two no tempest involved here um so two five ups do that first oh that kills two bikes off that's not ideal and then we have a five up on the z attack bike he takes it but he's got four ones i think one moon remaining it's one of the rockets ah but not well though all right next up we have some firing way down here those grot tanks what's the targets um put four of the rockets into them and the big shooter from this guy i can't see around him uh we'll also go into him yeah well that dreadnought's gonna pop smoke oh smoke launchers go down to five bring on the rockets rockets [Music] and force fives to hit oh i stopped the pair nice oh a threes wound because it is still strength eight after all that is a wound okay little cry tanks we'd love to see him oh we don't make the save though how much damage uh it's flat three down to two and i'm venerable i take two and then uh six left on him and then we have the shooters yay two hits oh nice nice nice same result uh this is over 18 so i should have a two up safe okay it doesn't matter i got two fives all right mega graw tank big shooters all at these guys and then we'll put the rockets at that guy why not with the smoke yeah yep all right so we have four d3 rockets because it's two twin rockets okay five to hit because of the smoke launchers yeah it didn't really matter okay i get i see i see how it is oh no that's fine it's fine it's fine we have three big shooters sitting on fours because these guys don't have smoke launchers we got hits stuff man okay threes two not bad for them i will have three a power armor i'm gonna take wound all right we got that blood clog when we do that's quite a bit this turn so morale is gonna be suspicious all right now we're on to the final thing the kill tank firing so scorcher is going to go into there the big gun is that a heavy scorcher or a regular scorcher uh it's just scorcher yeah just a scorcher okay it's just the assault one okay mm-hmm that doesn't matter i yeah um the big gun i guess we'll throw him at him actually leave him alone man no i'll throw him at the uh i'll throw him at lyrics right now it'll be fun if they all blow up okay well i can't do anything about that yeah other than hope for luck and then we'll put the uh big shooter shots uh also near them alrighty oh fine we're gonna we're so we're just looking oryx rondo is about 19 inches away from the kill tank which means he won't get plus one to hit and i will get light cover but it's still it's kind of the same as shooting with that guy but if you end up killing this um it's actually worth save so same hit profile but we're safe and if you kill him then you kill guys inside maybe okay so what are we starting with uh flamethrower d6 four automatic hits and these are strength five oh this is a heavy flavor okay so stuff is it called a heavy scorch what's the flamer called berna burnout that's something enough okay yeah so there's three of them my bad uh at minus one yep oh i was that the three shouldn't wound there's strength five only two one's here we take eight damage on that biker uh but we have uh shooters as well right yep two one big shooter it's only one big shooter we have two hits and fours power armor we take another damage he's got one moon left how's that all right and then the big gun 3d six shots a bigger bigger role a bigger role uh that is a sami like one more oh nice two more but we're down to six command points all right supposed to hit five's to hit we have oh okay that's not good for urex rhino i don't well i might let him do lit and more litmus next turn i guess uh oh no the kill tank they killed dick i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i make my save too super shock attack gun where's this bad boy going same right just down table same rhino uric rhino right through go two i'll strength strike first strike first it's fine everything's fine it's cool it's cool it's so cool it's a number of shots this will get you three that's five okay all right good upgrade forced it because he's a big mech we have uh three hits okay uh these wound on sixes yep six it's fine i believe in fruit one oh for the people minus five ah i i don't even know why i wrote that i don't get to say that's you know what oh he can't die to that right okay that was his name expect his explosion if he dies yeah d6 damage that's a bird of six left all right okay well that's it for shooting now charge time no it's charging it's a heck of a lot of shooting stupid armored company so many tanks so many rockets so many rockets we're gonna just put this guy back down after that sad shooting we're gonna do some uh ramming speeds that's two command points down to four for the orcs declaring a charge against them yes 3d6 full distance right that is uh you're probably enough we need to show an eight to make contact here we go oh yeah that's at least no matter what with the seven and the one extra die he's gonna go right into oh my god calm down there buddy makes contact with the the bastion there and he'll be within one inch of them and five inches vertically so we're in engagement range and then um it has its own impact hit rule on top of the strategy the stratagem needs to happen on the two plus so it does and then so it's 2d three more the wounds coming okay this is automatic yeah so three yeah so he kind of crashes into the bastion and shakes it so much maybe a guy falls forward gets ground up in the tracks it's pretty horrible for everyone actually it's not great that guy dies and uh you'll take a more wound can we forget that i want my non-chainsword guy to die and then that guy will take a mortal wound then more charging kill cans yeah kill the cans we're gonna go that way all right well it's minus two to the charge but i believe in them make a nine oh they gotta go wait do crowds have here we go they probably do you reroll and figure it out too i guess no we don't want to reroll yet because then if they don't have here we go then you'd like to i sent a command point it makes sense no here we go on grass would you like to spend a command point to reroll that and don't forget those guys can hero clear v they might go for some grass that might charge them with grass oh my gosh okay it's a command point all right we got to believe guys gotta believe but leave seven even worse no they're stuck there we're gonna get him down to three after the ramming speed and the reroll we'll charge straight ahead all right here we go probably need like a seven or an eight uh here we go yep i assume the max at least here we go oh my gosh no me i am the one who charges def copters into the bikes i will not overwatch they need a nine but here we go so the four is not good enough new dice new dice new dice that's not good for those boys there we go they don't care about the negative two because they got fly as they go into the bikers now the bikers are fine all right mark for the people for the p for the people they charge roll it up boom red gabbo go where do you even get the dice with the stars on them like that's team yankee oh fair okay i saw the red gobble he's got a banner a standard bearer like what what does he actually have that no okay he's just he's just there all right the people's banner here we go let's go go grabs go follow uh forge that might be good yeah sure they're there look at that beautiful wow amazing actually we're going to go first with the def cop just because the counter offensive with the thunder hammer could be kind of spoopy there's 18 attacks from the death copsis because they uh try and mow me down with their propellers threes are there helicopter blades threes to hit nice strength plus one on that four is the wound i'm t5 on the bike there was a four over there it flew off but it's still a wound and we have four five of them uh we have negative one on this so it's a four up safe i fail one it's gonna kill my multi melted off which does suck i won't lie no fibbin but i saw my thunder hammer i will not counter it you may proceed with your other charges sir what a red gobble the red gabbo he's got the uh what's it called the icon the icon of the revolution the icon of the revolution very nice he hits on fours nice very good very good we have uh okay two hits oh the marshall prowess we're watching it in action here strength three but we're looking for sixes to wound for mortal wounds for whatever reason the icon of the revolution he was so close he was so close and so cool all right well you get to go with the actual uh grots in combat too you might as well in they go are they like one attack you string three yeah yeah seven guys attacking only one hit a oh gosh this could still kill a guy oh no we're good bless that's a four last thing to resolve is the kill tank who charged the bastion he's equipped with the reinforced ram he's constantly trying to demolish his bastion and uh dealing damage to those uh topics so these hit on fours stupid vehicle okay all right half for some reason strength nine strike nine okay well those definitely all wound ap minus one minus one oh i wasn't they get plus sorry as oh no it doesn't matter i don't say they get plus one to hit but they're spaceballs they don't care minus one well that's gonna kill two of them off yeah three of them off actually because minus one uh the bastion it's just the area terrain uh no heavy cover there so three die okay well we're gonna lose uh u u and we'll keep the pack leader in there gonna go ahead and start fighting back now we got three attacks in the pack leader because of shock assault four attacks because chain sword we hit uh twice and wound none okay then we're gonna go over to we'll do our uh biker here you know what they actually do gain the swift clock keyword which is cool there's not called they don't get the weird berserk charge rule that the claws usually get though so three attacks has a shock assault we hit ah only once we don't die that's only a two so many twos we're gonna go with these lads here oh and by the way nothing was in hero convention range that's why i didn't do it so we're gonna fight with them is there any vulnerable save on the red gobble no i mean who's the average like three what the heck is going on but that's all facts he's got three moons so i'm going to put the pack leaders power fist is going to try and just i guess punch atomize them by punching them and then we're going to do the chain sword and the lightning claws into the grotto charge so we'll do the power fist first we hit on threes and we will these guys are gonna be sell doctrines he's moved on twos ah he's dead it's four damage you know i could have made my warlord you could have you absolutely could have made him reward does the icon of the people go away as well yeah would you reclaim the picture you're reclaiming fine fine fine well the regular blood clot with his one attack chain sword shock salt on tubes and threes uh one dead grot re-roll isn't it a lightning club no i gotta do like flies chain swords so we kill one garage and then wolfgard has three attacks and then plus one for each lightning claw the shock assault included in there twos threes re-rollable because there are lightning claws we kill four grass three and a four and then i'll just consolidate a little bit there you go there we go not really accomplishing much with that but something you know this one keep coherent that is it you gotta do your morales first we kill the grot we kill lots of grass so i don't know probably on one they're staying that's uh two is that enough for them to fail yeah yeah all right so one's going to boogie and we have to roll for the remaining how many uh four oh four nice and i think they're running on ones twos and threes correct so yeah there's one left oh we're gonna free yeah you gotta keep that one guy there and the banner the banner the people stays oh other morale they do so unto me i don't think you can fail they not on a three and then way over there lost four of those gray hunters so eight they're good that's their leadership but the pacquiao was still alive i lost a lot of blood claws that's a run so the guy with the wound is running and then we have two guys left there are space marines they show no no fear only ones do they run but that was close i would have lost that unit they shall no no fear just came in huge all right well sorry you can't see the ground that's uh so we got going on right there we have to kill him with a pistol and uh that should be it for the turn we're going on the second of those uh turn uh second half the bottom half of the turn for the space balls and we're gonna try to uh clean some of this mess up and get and secure some of these objectives and send forth the middle and see where that all goes six command points i'll immediately use one on best journal nature again start beastial nature might be best deal actually there's no a oh words that's gotta be bestial for sure we're gonna consult higher powers on that one we're gonna continue playing this game let's go with they uh that's on them 100 so one command point there in the combat doctrine or combat doctrine yeah combat doctrines act assault doctrine that's what it is there we go for them uh we're gonna go on a regular movement where they're going to power up the jump backs and jump over this way they're gonna end there with their jump looking it up the higher power say indeed best deals a word it actually represents something human acting like an animal example hey we're gonna keep them engaged with this grut i guess we'll stay in combat over here as well uh we'll figure this out this is more complicated stuff they'll go later we're going to disengage from this combat and we're gonna go that away which will end you there and uh can't quite so i can't i can go to the objective here but all you have to do is charge that and get me whatever i'll expose myself for the point i'll sacrifice the gray hunter for the cause advancing these grey hunters ah yeah we're gonna advance them i'm gonna go six plus three moving to there we're gonna move these with claws uh they are gonna take a penalty because they can't i can't skirt through this and i get with an engagement range no bueno we're gonna go 12 inches that way swift clouds are cool i should run them more i like bikes bikes are cool back well let's try and figure out this hot garbage we're gonna go you to there just to make some room the dreads will move dreads moving there we are going to disembark ulric and the blood claws inside so uric moves forward the blood clots then disembark and uh yeah like i said this is gonna be horrible this is just gonna be a gigantic disgusting mess in the middle and we're gonna see what this looks like once this dust settles we're gonna crush grass the matter can't kill the space wolf don't want to hurt a dog it's man's best friend after all i don't know what i'm talking about we're gonna oh man i blocked him away from my stupid uh how do i do this i don't want my dread not being blocked i got to keep coherency there we go something like that and then this guy moves a little bit yeah that's how it works so you're just going to shift your position like that and then we move you got to advance you though get in there five oh heck yeah we're going to have you go right to there uh yep forgot to spend a few command points in the command phase it's just the one on wisdom of the ancients it doesn't change anything really but we're gonna go down four for that and that's gonna do tactical precision on bjorn because you just select a an adept assad who's dreadnought and they gain rates of battle or tactical precision bjorn is cool he already has rates of battle so we're gonna go tactical precision and then at this i'll use it in uh any phase i'll i'm gonna go into the shooting phase now i'm use commanding oratory for two command points and uh we're gonna have uric recite a litany you choose a chaplain who hasn't already recited one yet they get to recite one of their litanies and it's automatically inspiring nice i'm gonna go with uh rage i'm gonna choose this unit of blood clause and they get plus one wound uh into my next command phase oh that's fair uh so he can only do one of his two ladies here i can't do leading up hate but i should be able to i should be good with all the rebels and everything oh sorry end of the movement phase we are going to heal this dreadnought with the master of the forge three wounds he's back update not gonna bother with healing bombs on the uh the tech marine though i don't think it's worth the iron priest the uh not iron priest my camera was called might be iron priest it is iron priest okay anyways uh we are then gonna go on a shooting phase proper and uh we're gonna try and figure out what this is gonna look like uh we're gonna start shooting with these rhinos we're gonna put rhino1 into the red baron it's two shots on fours oh we got a head that's not a wound we're gonna put rhino two into the red baron we got a hit that's not a wound i was hitting on sixes because he's hitting on fives i believe with negative one ahead yeah it would have been fives but i rolled before uh that uh we got some shooting over here let's go with the bolt guns and the grotz and the multi melta into that the mega gra tank yeah some of the things probably has like 47 and three quarter wounds with toughness eight twenty four twenty four with toughness eight like two up save three up no i'm shooting at that thing ain't messing around here we got a hit does it wound we got a wound no save on the mega tank it's going to be one damage i got to say my command points at this point we tried just a little glancing hit and then we have a lot of bolt guns into those grots board guns we got two misses it's like maybe extreme overkill uh these are all ap once that dead grots they're certainly open they get mowed down by bull guns they're not a threat anymore from those bikers we are going to come way down here let's get this out of the way these blood clouds one of them we'll shoot the pack leader i'll shoot a bull pistol on the ground this is a pretty big deal if we can kill this grot the crot the crop will live i'm not going to re-roll that the hero is a hero indeed uh we do not have a bull pistol on him we've done most of our shooting except for in the middle of the sky clouds we'll put bull pistols into the the grot tanks why not we'll throw a crack grenade from the pack feeder it hits it wounds save you one because it's a grenade just the one okay uh it's d3 damage but you reduce it by one so this is one damage and we have four bull pistols they all hit and we have two wounds they're in the assault doctrine so they get uh if you want on these i do one more one two hole damage good job boys and from there we go to the middle definitely don't want to fire all these pistols and whatnot but we will we will i was gonna put the assault cannon to the grotts that they lived but they died these guys back here advanced if anyone's curious we're gonna put i don't think anything's in range of the red baron yeah they're all too far away to fire the red baron so we're gonna do a salt cannon we're gonna do the storm bolter from the venerable dreadnought we'll do that forward into the killer cans i suppose now we're gonna go into that thing there we hit on twos and i think fives two booney hits at ep one two when he hits on that bad boy it's gonna be both go through two whole damage i'm gonna do the assault cannon into it as well go beyond go twos ooh uh t seven on that six oh four soon we have three wounds he doesn't get any rules minus one ap because we're in the tactical doctrine still we do two more damage he's got three moons left if we'll need my multi melts i rolled three more damage uh we're gonna go ahead and do a a bunch of pistols i guess we'll do work this layer firing a pistol he's got a plasma pistol supercharger no oh he maybe hits that is a wound he does hit on twos and he does win minus three oh he's only got four up safe he'll probably six up uh he's good yeah one more damage got two moons left we're just gonna throw a bunch of the wolf guard is gonna throw a crack grenade i guess and then the rest of the blood claws except for you who can't see will fire into that uh tank in the back also reach these two we're gonna put shots in the can and then one two three four five we'll fire both pistols maybe we'll get lucky well they'll head five to wound reroll ones one wound to no ap oh you're good okay thanks and then tune the cans both hit notes grenade hit wound if you want okay good all right i am now done shooting we're on to charging boy howdy are we on a charity okay let's go with interesting let's go with vendread declaring a charge against the just that guy the what's it called the mech dread just the mega jet yeah would you like to overwatch so people go six or even go into the difficult terrain a little bit and take a negative on that because we want bjorn to go into both uh can't do both so we don't want to go the kill against would you like to overwatch there 56 flamethrowers against him he's uh five he's got 502 more damage he is toughness eight i think a two up save he's only a three plus save we are gonna overwatch three three gorgeous that's gonna be something kind of two command points all right five stars are those fives we have three he's gonna have three four up saves fails one five vote in order the damage legendary tenacity takes one bjorn you are the proud owner of seven remaining wounds and you're gonna declare a charge or finish that charge we get an eight b you're on time hello and then we're gonna go urwick and the kill cans yes uh let's have you go right to there and then we're gonna have claws and yeah the cans as well they'll go nine nice because i want you guys to go here here it's not great by the way but i don't want him being too exposed that direction that's great i'll put up with work over there i'll expose him in a suspicious way let's see if that matters at all and then that's it for charging over here we have the sky claws declaring charge against the grunt tanks that's what they're called we'll go six just like that that should be it for my charges i am gonna go [Music] and charge over here into the grout tanks hey hey a niner heck we'll even take the negative two and we'll just drive on in there we'll have you go there because you're gonna die at some point horribly ah yeah this is cool this is fine none of this can charge and then we're gonna resolve over here first i gotta double check aura of majesty though it's probably got something to it i'm forgetting yeah the saga of aurora majesty's completed at the start of my command phase if he's within range of an objective that is away from my deployment zone so if he's alive and start my next man fades around that area he'll unlock or a majesty making spacewalls nearby him and automatically pass morale checks which is cool but we'll see if he gets there i also have to no no my iron priest is too far away armored frost i can't use the armor of russ on anything so let's go with my venerable dreadnought first let's go giant claw versus giant axe and see who the winner's gonna be we get that fifth attack because of shock assaults shock us all baby getting on tubes nice and these are strength 10. we're going to moon the mecca dread on trees what i want to see twos um i'm not going to command point that too i'm not gonna get there what's the uh armor on this bad boy three up three up so you got four six up saves here i think they're only ep3 right now four later no stars please oh would you like to reroll any nope all right these are d3 plus three damage each so it's it's 12 damage already plus d3 on each one it's a pretty it's a pretty big weapon so it's yeah it's 12 uh 15 uh 18. like 21 damage does he die blue oh no he just gets chopped up a bit and kind of falls over then i have to consolidate towards the nearest guy here can't quite get him but i'm ready to get him we're getting later uh i i will uh interrupt with my killer cats could say yeah i couldn't i couldn't stop him couldn't do it i tried all right two command points left for the orcs all right how are these attacks going mr counter offensive one can into ulfric and then the other two into bjorn some can you try and take up my two legendary characters yeah good luck man four's four yeah these are all two of them attacking bjorn hitting on fours good job okay it's above average a little bit that's good start these are straight forced to hurt bjorn he's tough he's got a hard body is he very hard he's not anymore minus three six up save makes none how much three each three so two each all right so that's ten damage he's got legendary tenacity so he takes four so far he takes three uh four or five six damage told you my characters are legendary like his tenacity just wait till you kill him he blows up legendary right into uric the slayer force to hit him he like all the other wolf priests have a helmet and that gives them a fourth they got wolf helmets so uh three damage he's got two wounds left and then they fork out the big bucks for their helmets oh no i'm a total fool it's the wolf amulets that give them the invulnerable safe the helmets are what inspire the troops and give them extra leadership my bad everyone yes i will proceed with my charges uh we're just gonna clean this up over here and go with these guys uh we'll go with the tundra hammer first he's got two attacks normally three for charging and these are uh two hits i wish sixes matter they'd be so cool right now uh we have one wound at minus two and i do three damage the attack bike just has three attacks and uh two wounds no av one damage we got him oh we got the weird brushing tank all right uh then we have attack chain sword shock assault twos and fives nothing cool we killed if we kill the gru tank we are literally the best so we're gonna go over to i guess bjorn is gonna attack he's our reason just go up and around a little bit no he's actually ah yeah you'll go up and around a little bit make room for uh blood claws if that comes up he's got true claws spinning up here two's to hit he's got a couple misses and he's wounded on threes wait what toughness are you uh five oh actually i went on two's not oh i rerolled one girls with two claw there we go we have three wound uh three at minus four so i assume no save yes uh these are how many moves are you cans are five wounds so it's three damage so i kill one can mm-hmm uh does it explode which one are you gonna do right now yeah come on come on big red come on big red now we just he gets to kind of cut up a little bit second one takes enough to die and then does he explode blue the big blue blue blue oh so red and blue crumble over dead blue blue one what a wound he just wanted to do one egg and we'll use that to move in a little bit closer i'm staying engaged i guess uh it's a three-inch explosion right yes i couldn't avoid it then okay uh we'll have the rick the slayer go i guess to fight with his artificial crosies hitting on twos very nice very nice um that's a wound hey p2 nope i have two damage oh actually the only one get ramshackle oh then the claws the claws are going to go get that thunder hammer in there make sure you get that power fist in there and this one chain sword and honestly that's going to probably be it for those attacking yeah you probably could have you'll go over to there i guess no i want urge to stay there you're gonna you'll go there because i want him to have uh uh some semblance of a lookout sir you'll end up going there taking up that's it right no these are all blood clots yeah there we go and then we're gonna have not within half an inch but able to attack so we have two chain swords a power fist and a thunder hammer we have a thunder hammer i suppose threes to hit rolling once because we're in your core uh we're near bjorn and then these are three tuned we have two ones at ap2 six damage he dies does he explode though and does if he explodes does he take out bjorn that'd be kind of cool not for me but ah you died it fails it sorry there's a lot of ones they all just kind of fell over dead nothing no all right we got that last can and then we get to consolidate but we are going to spend a command point on relentless assault when they go to consolidate they get to consolidate it up to six towards the nearest enemy so they're gonna go right on into this guy and completely surround oh those guys stuck back there we'll work this layer and we're going to challenge your mega tank we'll go something like that oh gosh this guy's like heavily exposed as well bring it back boys but keep it coherent and keep you within three then we have the sky claws piling like that we're gonna learn from our mistakes of the past and we're gonna do chain swords first here are the chain sword attacks i have one command point left after the relentless strategy twos to hit and these are five tunes i guess you're t5 d5 yeah ice tuned um i forgot all the closets plus one as well oh not that they needed it vice to wound uh we have five of them at minus two ap five ups i failed them all five damage okay okay that's two on that one dead and this one's down to one forgot there in the assault doctrine i rolled a single six there ah so it doesn't wound and then we have we'll do the axe next wolfgard's got an act i guess i've got one more chain because the uh wolf guard in there train sword no okay and then the axe on that wolf guard is three attacks two normally we hit on twos but the six gives us a third hit and he's ranked six so he wound twice at ep3 only one damage though sixes i do one more damage so i get rid of that tank too and then we've got the power fist which is uh four attacks on the charge with berserk charge on threes and threes minus four two of them oh so he takes out the last one i'm sorry to rob you of the grunt tanks but they must die and then while they're kind of caught out in the open here with nowhere to go we'll keep you back there get a little closer what's up here we go all right that's it for my charges so first pick non-charge the propellers pile a little bit get them all swinging get within half an inch the guy within half an inch lots of propeller attacks four threes yeah here's an orc after all they are forks strength five forced to move my bike back uh we have eight of minus one we take uh we lose our bike we take four damage five damage actually boom bye bike now the bikes are free to wreak havoc upon the space both lines then i'm gonna free uh try and kill that grot uh i'm just gonna yeah you pile in my uh he's gonna move him all right yeah we got him we got him so good and then yeah towards actually i think i have to go towards them so i won't consolidate i'll just stay like that that's okay because i would have piled in i guess a little bit but yeah that's that's good enough max hitting on five it's maybe raw tanks turn now fives oh who got three hits he's strength six six all right three soon that is perfect how much damage an ap would that was just one oh okay no ap fives i don't get it and we got the commander in the two graw tanks over here fighting sexist oh my gosh nice nothing all right i don't have any morales to do i killed one grot tank that's not gonna fail that should be it scoring wise i got this because he didn't bat around i have this objective i got that objective but the kill tank is on top of that objective over here and i can't really do much about that per se right now so that's interesting i just form it in bodies next turn if my body survive i'm just not quite within range of the three from here to there so where is it from there there because it's a little too high so in fact i should probably just keep him back here so he can't get charged too easily he's going to hang out back there i can't get the object i got to jump down to the ground after closer measurement so still tie game ah four four wait three three adds tagging yeah scores three three you get that one command point your command phase and that's about it we're gonna go right on a movement where we have the mech and mega armor moving over there this would be a great chance to wang if i actually brought a war boss if you had a war boss no no no war boss it'd be kind of cool if you could have like a mech do like a dread wah or something i don't know if that's a thing orcs do but it'd be a cool option maybe they'd be an army of renowned they'll do later uh these guys just falling back d6 plus three i think they get to move up tonight all right forming a parade of tanks over there these guys gonna fall back just straight back seven inches seven whole inches man you know oh my god can you imagine if that thing can only move 2d6 and you roll like a double one go get some enough falling back nope backing it up so it only moves d6 inches oh that's actually suspicious if you roll low here it's fine i'm gonna go that way oh very good very good that means you're safe from them but don't get within six of them if they unless they live if they live if they live it's a problem yeah that's yeah that's already a problem they live i get that all right so the death copters are moving from there to about here that's where they end up that should be it for movement the red baron flies to this position i gotta move these crowds up so i can shoot the pistols grab pastas moving up to the edge of the trench very nice it's shooting time then we're gonna fire everything into him is berna and his uh big shooter all right i should think so it's on four one d6 v6 first one nice nice yeah it's just the bernie okay and then he's got a two shots so three on five since i fired both that didn't matter okay and it's like four and then what's the other component of it no that was a flamethrower oh it's a comedy scorcher or comedy burner sorry camiberna makes sense all right well he finished shooting all right all the rockets into my blood claws and they're blast weapons so these are 12 shots of rockets on five so i suppose sorry i forgot they got twin rockets so it's 18 it's six per guy hitting on five should be about six hits and two soon one fail look at how perfect averages there give ourselves a five-up save we make two we lose three three blood claws die we'll lose you and you you're still coherent to those two guys there losing you as well i guess yeah this is three didn't mention it but we are in the assault doctrine as the space wolves so we are going to have extra hits everywhere if possible you can try with the uh shock attack gun into that dude he's going to watch smoke well unless you want to shoot somewhere else most of my vehicles smoke yeah so i have no command points left all right so strength is five okay he's not rolling rather high on that number of shots is three all right hitting on fives we have a hit one and then fives five out of five oh oh very nice he does have a shield which he deflects the shot with or deflects the grot with i guess all right we're gonna fire the red baron into my infantry my blood clouds on the ground hitting on fives and we are in daca range looking for five holy crap it's always so many dice i hate the docker jack there are wounding on threes minus one ap it's 12 wounding hits four plus save well we save a good amount of them that wasn't safe so we lose uh three of them losing we'll keep i guess those three there i got kill tank what are the targets it's his turn flamethrower into that lone dude is it it's just a squirt burning scorcher that's a scorcher um big big gun into him big into that guy those guys all right we are in half range so we'll get plus one to hit uh but the smoke launcher should help a little bit hopefully hopefully big gun 3d six shots right away so we have seven ten that's average and fives because the plus one to hit and minus one to hit i see a couple fours mm-hmm i'm still good about five so there's two wound uh we have oh two are you think about re-rolling yes all right re-rolling oh shield shield oh the blizzard shield is quite good for space wolves now none of us have command points i don't know the kill tank is like a pretty good kill tank's not bad but he's just not showing up right now and we solved the big shooter the big shooter should be within 18 inches yes it should be them yeah get uh big old shots on that should be forced because half range or is it only the best big gun all right gotcha got two moves three pluses oh can you actually kill one pretty big that might make a big difference boom they're still within two and the scorcher d6 automatic hits five threes and oh four isn't the area terrain so he'll get light cover oh he's dead too damn eight of the grotts with the blasters are going to fire between the grass tanks into the attack bike more importantly the squad though these hit on fours all i need this is one hit that's it that's enough to kill the uh the swift claw and then we have the big well the bigger kind of medium guy we have a grout mega tank doesn't really bracket the bs anyways where are the shots going we're gonna put the big shooters back into them he's gonna put everything back there hope for the best all right what are we starting with uh we're gonna start off with the big shooters because i'm smart yeah that makes sense there's another guy forced to hit still and force the wound one wound one that's all i need no not yet rockets not a bad amount of shots force force to hit because there's rockets okay it's not a bad roll free swim because i'm slightly higher and uh okay three or four then these are all five ups it doesn't really matter the order i do it in so i make sure that kills that guy and i'll put a i'll bring you down to one wound so we are like this all right charging the big mech into the sky claws you can keep the force unless you want to go unless you can re-roll if you want to that doesn't matter yeah there you go even more want to stand on the objective oh we want to be on the objective guy yeah how's that all right def cop just declaring charge yeah we're just gonna charge it to both rhinos okay both the rhinos in yay you here we go here we go here we go much better yeah okay charging it there is that if your chargers or you have more um i mean he could charge yeah i don't have enough for ramming speed and try to do more wounds but even then i don't even think it would work because he's a gretchen model not a door so he doesn't have the uh he's got the gretchen keyword interesting okay okay uh and this kill tank can't afford to charge off of that because the second he does i just move on the objective and the game is over mathematically unfortunately so this is his home for a bit guarding this objective which is under i have to essentially kill him because of where he is i can't get the objective from over i could maybe i can get the objective if i charge there but i can't i have to go back down this way and move around to charge or it's gonna be weird and uh the set for charges i don't think i'm gonna heroically intervene anywhere that i really care to do let me just get you locked up there you could go this way but he's not gonna they're forwarding she's not gonna do enough to hurt them and uh [Music] yeah i could oh no those guys are not going to hear openly and i need them free so yeah we're good yeah no here conventions we're starting with the mech i don't want to do the blood clots either i just want to save my cp uh three attacks hitting on fours because of the minus one for the power claw yeah and we have two yeah two hits all right these are probably strength or ten yeah twos and ap3 two of them ap3 power armor does not save one two die yep i guess we'll lose you guys and then we have coptis to roll yep charging in we're gonna put all the attacks into that rhino though just because in case this guy dies it blows up kills the red baron which would be very funny just all women have to eat and then why i didn't hero cleaner being over here is he's outside of three inches of the blood claws and i do not want to spend a command point for them to get in there let's save that for later all right lots of attacks from the cockpits on threes and then five because of strength five these are ap one yep these are four ups i take three we got six left all right then i get my attacks back i'll just do both the rhinos i get d3 on the one and three on the other so it's d3 so it's one plus s4 plus a couple extra ones because of shock assault that's gonna be uh i'm gonna roll a couple more dice so it's actually two hits because i'm a space wolf oh they actually hit on fires because i'm a space wolf so we have a wound and another hit which wounds as well so two winning hits i do damage the rhinos oh yeah spaceball friendos that's drivers in the galaxy the sky claws pile in towards the mech i guess we'll do what kind of he's got our body and what am i super cyborg body art is nails so you're minus one to wound him okay sounds about right i will do the wolf guard first i got two attacks shock assault hitting on twos because you charged one miss and uh you watch your toughness normally uh here's t five t5 so i moved on threes down to four so i have one wounding hit at minus three and then you'll have a four uh hey no damage three attacks from the sky cloud chain sword and then the other one has in the actual okay those will miss and then the power fist is three attacks on threes but that's an extra hit so we have three hits and these wound on four so one wound that um you're involved no two damage yeah he has his damage he's negative one wouldn't half damage right that's the thing yeah it takes one whole dimag he's got five wounds left all right that should be it morale i lost quite a bit of blood claws but the leadership of nine uh i haven't had my turn yet did i lose six i think i did lose six of them probably did so crap that sucks because i had nine in there and i have two left i lost seven that's enough to fail that one more model the stupid there was like a shooter or something i rolled the double one on a save against that actually caused him to run and the guy who's left is i'll reroll that he's sticking around so we're going to have the wolf guard i guess left over and that's going to bring it to the bottom of the third turn for the spaceballs get a whole command point lit knees let's go i'm not going to bother with um wisdom i don't think this turn litany's we're going to do litany of ah it's a tough call tough call let's do mantra strength first of all they have um what's called ramshackle don't they so we've got monster strength on him and then we'll do litany of hate yeah we'll go with hate so yeah right he's got a reroll or for characters and he of hits rolling hits and then he has extra attack and damage on his weapon as well so he's three to three damage to swing so he'll do two damage if he goes for them my forces in the middle are gonna have to scatter to the winds and uh get some value what we're gonna do first is we're gonna move these guys to about here and we're going to see what they can do i guess you'll go to about there the attack bikes are going to move because they're going to try and get some value on this guy as well or the attack bikes the swift claws and then we are going to move ulrick i suppose this way he's gonna end up beside the door hello mr slayer boom so oh his aura of majesty unfortunately now it's complete he has a six inch or automatically passing morale checks now not that that matters too much and the rhinos are gonna stay in combat there i suppose because they want to shoot their guns this guy's gonna move to here because he's i can't just let these things freely shoot me with all those rockets i can't weather that kind of firepower he's gonna have to go forward as well and try and tie up that thing and uh bjorn and my mech are gonna have to move in this direction and help deal with this bjorn is not very fast he's just gonna move to there and he'll have one left and then we're gonna run we're gonna we're gonna just move our iron priest he's gonna move to about here let's double check that he's gonna heal bjorn three wounds though go and go back to four at the end of the movement phase and urwick the slayer is gonna spend a command point on healing bombs and he's gonna pick an infantry unit himself and heal himself d3 wounds oh he's only up to three that's not ideal and then we come all the way over here because we would like these guys to continue applying pressure and maybe this guy's got five wins that's gonna take quite a bit we might be with the lightning claws maybe be able to get him i'm gonna go on to shooting we have two bowl pistols in those sky claws that will fire into that no uh the war boss there is minus one wounded melee only or all attacks oh ah so that shouldn't wound him then eric is gonna put his plasma pistol into the flyer the red baron he hits not super charging it of course and we wound up no safe does he explode so he's just flying by and we're like i'm tired of this he just boom boom shoots him out of the sky get out of here giant flying griefer uh we're gonna put the storm bolter into them it's four shots these ones hit on fours because he's not quite fully bracketed we have one wound at no ap and i'm just gonna do the other one as well uh which is four shots threes and fives two more so one more two in total and i assume they have a three up no damage i'll say before they actually have a four up save i killed that one def copter there with a the combat shooting uh we are gonna go with oh gosh what are we gonna go with let's do guys gonna throw a crack grenade at that mega grot tank it hits and it does not wound then we have this dreadnought who's going to put his storm boulder shots into that raw tank they'll hit one movement no ap no ip hey we did you're good all right uh we're gonna do the assault cannon from bjorn and the and the flamer in the garage i forgot the flamer last time actually the heavy flamer salt cannon on twos that's only melee hit rolls every rule and then we wound once i wait are you t6 on this guy yeah yeah so two wounds at ep one drama one damage heavy flamer five automatic hits five two though four wounds if you won oh yeah does he explode no he just gets too hot and fails to function but more importantly doesn't block well let's go ahead and resolve the rest of this shooting now that they don't have to fire the red bear and they're going to put all their boulder shots into that guy we're going to throw a crack grenade and then boulder shots so let's do correct grenade that's a hit that is a no wound and we have eight shots with both guns a t8 you said yep threes to hit look at that right in front of them or maybe even say three said some are important that does not wound then we're gonna go down to the swift claw sorry swift claws we're gonna throw a grenade and then we're gonna do a multi-melter and then i guess bulk so we'll do the bolt guns and sixes we have a one single wound and then see if the grenade does anything nope so one moon from a wolf gun i do a damage one i do a damage 23 left okay let's do um the important one meltas okay we got a hit and we need a four plus no that's bad that's bad let's do the hell frost pistol maybe it probably hits we got the strength of it string six oh minus four ap uh but you have ram shackle right actually he doesn't really no oh he's a super heavy that's why yeah okay well he takes three damage then so he takes uh he's at 20 moons left i guess all right let's go charging we'll do uric into uh def copters oracle charge 10. work loves charging 10. boom i love that for him we're going to go bikes charging kill tank i guess yeah bike starting choking good thing there's no cps for overwatch we're just going to hook up like that i will try bjorn it's gonna be a pretty long charge just minus two to whatever i roll oh oh eight inches it was only an aided charge with the modifier so i rolled rather well there we'll charge with the tech priest or the iron priest that's a fail a four i have no command points so it's just he's just hanging out there that's all right we'll declare charge with them five well i just have to get down here but i don't want that guy to do it because that guy's got a bad weapon he'll charge you down you'll charge to there you'll charge to both there and then there and you'll hang out here but unable to attack actually oh yeah you can attack yeah the other guys are able to attack so what i'll do is i'll keep you up here and you can just go there no we'll go pile in there later i'm not attacking you guys yet you know what i'll keep you back there i'll pile in when it's time other charges wolfgard into mega tank three should do it you're just gonna go bloop thank you and then we'll go vendread gret tanks oh yeah no oh yeah we'll go right to that pocket there hello okay let's uh start carving up some shoddily built tanks oh yeah my blood claws will charge the mech as well 10 nice in they go i'll just start fighting over there blood clots we have lightning claws and we have power fist the power fist first he hits on threes uh we got ah only one hit though hey wounds uh because it's threes normally you made it okay so we have lightning claws we have the frost claws five packs two's to hit ooh two more hits on top of that very nice the strength five normally forced to wound but five stream because of artist nails re-rolling the fail uh i actually have seven wounds on you look six wounds fourth and vulnerable they're two damage each normally but you do produce another one so he's got one move left yeah yes cool wolfgard pack leader and then uh we'll go ulric attacking the bikes five attacks because of shock assault twos rerolling we have seven hits oh savage fury and all that good stuff um strength six in your t5 or six five threes all right these are all minus three okay but yeah we have ramshackle though yeah so they're two because he's got mantra oh he has one more attack as a mantra strength hit and wound okay um so we have each two kills a bike so we kill two of them because they're uh three damage normally down to two so that would finish off the two bikes okay depth cop just get off my dude well we're just this is a turn of i'm murdering orcs right now i am absolutely murdering orcs watch the bulb the one time they don't move the one time the one time they'll fall apart literally have fallen apart every time marcus moved them that time they were fine we're gonna have you consolidate towards the nearest enemy which is over there uh i'm not in love with it but we'll do that and they his his little special rules only unlocked this slayer when he kills characters or monsters and that's not neither here nor there okay well uh let's uh give bjorn a healthy opportunity here to really show himself off and do some damage to this skill tank two's to hit with true claw you have a miss and no sixes and you're t8 yes so threes to wound true claw does re-roll and these are minus five ap and it's going to be uh 9 13 16 20 damage wow yeah wow i'm sorry wow this turn's going a little too well here explosion is can we have one can we have one big boom not even close no he just goes then he starts turning true claw around in the back bits of this killer tank kill a tank yep skill tank he's no longer he's no longer happy he goes away boom ah and then we will consolidate sure boom that way a wee bit and then uh i guess i'll resolve these guys we'll resolve these as they charged and they could pile and we'll just hang out here right in front of the crater i guess why not you will go to about here and then these guys are going to go did he didn't charge though they did charge he didn't oh no you're right my bad i was like you failed this charge he rolled the four you're right you're right they're gonna charge and then you'll go there you'll pile in consolidate pile and consolidate maybe i will keep you there you're good there though there we go they all charged they fought uh we'll do the wolf guard into that thing that mega mega girl tank mega grat tank okay let's do this for the team we have three attacks on the charge threes oh that's a bad start that's a suspicious start probably no one shot in here minus three ap oh three damage ow club a venerable dreadnought carving up some grot tanks as they parade past them you're just gonna chop chop chop and chop all right so we have five attacks with the big profile on the axe two's to hit no sixes we have a one these are strength ten so twos yep there'll be no save and this is uh six damage five damage five damage and five damage are they five ones each the four ones each actually i don't even know why i saw my bad i don't know why i rolled that those are minimum four damage he kills all four of them like a chop chop chop chop i'm so sorry you know what i can see sad sound and then we're just gonna boom hello grats fight me now in my heart body but you get to fight back with big boy before i go with the sky claws yeah he's going to try and kill sky claws for the key he's got one moon yeah hits on fours [Music] would you pass me the chainsaw guy please and thank you two attacks from the power fist blood claw on fours nope we have the pack leader wolf guard sorry he's got two attacks normally that's it this is with the power axe oh we have two hits but it's three because of savage fury and these are strength six so three two normally but four is now two wounds at ap three four bedroom no he gets cut down he's overwhelmed by space wolves as well so much for mighty big mac nerd face uh you get to fight back with the grot tank and the grats fight you with this guy fives yeah why is it all five that i'm kidding no nothing all right all right and then grats piling and swing i believe in them i believe in them so hard two sure oh my god oh oh oh baby oh oh that's the end of my turn that's the end of the third battle round i'm get two three four victory points because the battlefield is the space wolves we're so good all right we're on turn four and we have a spike play to achieve space rules will have victory of the battlefield but the orcs might have victory in a spite play what's the plan here really we we're right on to the movement phase we don't care about that probably but staying in combat and i'm gonna declare that he's going to fire all of his big shooters right at him and his rockets at those guys absolutely so if that works that means that bike dies first bjorn will not have lookout sir and then we can do super shock attack on that bjorn and then that's the spider plane that's this is like a blood bowl play if i've ever seen one so we're gonna do the super shooters or not big shoes big shooters into my wolf guard he does have a storm shield though so let's see if this helps them um to hit what i'm in only if it's a heavy weapon ah so i think it's a daca weapon yeah yeah you're good to go force to hit good start you threes to wound here i hope this works that's all wounds i love it when cool things like this happen let's see these are two up saves because he's got a storm shield though he is dead okay so he dies actually 50 more he's he's he just gets gunned down and then the rockets are free to resolve against my uh my swift claws which oh my gosh tarnation what the heck is going on way to show up buddy way to show up forced ahead okay okay five threes should be threes we have two three winning hits all right these are minus two so the five ups first one for dramatic effect oh i killed the second one oh he saves it oh he dies so they're completely wiped out from rockets as well all right we got the supe we're going to do the super shock tank we're going to do that last we're going to fire all these pistols we're going to kill one round two all right sure let's do it you could they have they they technically have enough shots with their grout blasters to kill my venerable dreadnought technically it's a good start that's a good start they still have enough to kill my venerable dreadnought now these are sixes to wounds i got three hey hello three is pretty scary actually all things considered like the fact that i even take one damage from the crop blasters like come you know what i got i'm gonna put six but i got seven moons left super shock attack gun bjorn he has no lookouts there currently his his homie is dead strength all right strength is not oh it's a good start 2d three shots or yeah 2d 3. you could re-roll it before his average four fours i i could get much less okay that's true you could get much less you could get much more four force to hit that's enough to kill them one's enough to kill them i have one command point all right these are three spoons i love that this one all right mine is amazing right yes so no save d6 damage no save my man no save no save don't don't don't oh he botched it legendary tenacity he takes one damage boom the grout bounces off the hull of bjorn you just scratch the paint and scratches something on the way out and that there folks that's good that was close though that was close i like it that all worked out very nicely oh yeah it's like it's so what we failed there was the go for it at the very end pretty much it's called rush now it's called rush now so we're going to tidy up a little bit and we'll jump into a post game before you watch that post game show don't forget we got more 40k content for you uh we got another game in the vault at the link below i will be busting out the imperial knights once again house more tan taking on austin who's been here once or twice before you might recognize him and he's running house divine for chaos night so big stompy robots versus big stompy robots now if you're not a vault member you can check the link below anyways take yourself to a seven day free trial where you get to check out this content and everything else we have in the vault everything we do we tend to do in pairs that's twice as much content for you check it out and back to the post game show all right so this is the second round of grock tank armored company uh you know the the the people's tanks uh the grot tanks against space wolves on the field of battle i actually what did i do you remember what i ran last time because it's been over two years you had uh some beast claw beats claw writers you had a bunch of those guys last time yeah oh the thunder wolf cavalry and thunder wolf oh okay okay okay yeah oh this would have been eighth edition so the thunderbolt cavalry were a lot more i specifically didn't bring thunderbolt cavalry in this game because that would have been a little is suspicious they're all four wounds so the rockets aren't going to kill them they have vulnerable saves and they're hard to kill and they you know they get healed all that stuff so i didn't want to bring them uh i i well actually what i wanted to do with this list was um it was supposed to be all blood clots but i ran out of blood clots so i had to add gray hunters instead i could have added other things but that would have taken away from the theme of the old teaching the new but so i kind of messed it up a little bit it just turns out any more blood clots is the is the answer uh i had no more bikes i could have added a couple bikes but they the weapons wouldn't have made sense they were like lightning claws because i think our collection used to have their unit of wolf guard on bikes back from seventh edition so they were just veterans on bikes with claws and that's just not a legal loadout anymore so we have about like 12 bikes that are kind of worthless technically as far as i can tell because i don't think you can do veterans on bikes anymore and uh you can there's a lot of things you can't do on bikes anymore anyways trying to show off a lot of the old spacewalk collection stuff you typically see stuff you don't get to see too often and then obviously mark brought silly yeah goofy grat tanks that's great it's right armor companies all they're all painted red uh very i love i love it i think it's a goofy army it was a lot i like to see it perform a lot better now i was actually afraid of it as we were playing i i think this is a great matchup i think we kind of hit the nail on the head uh at the end they're kind of swung a little heavy in my favor but the dice were just super like i'm in combat it's like yeah i'm sad yeah once we started getting combat i got some good i i pushed through just enough to tie up things in the back he like my dreadnoughts were rolled perfectly but bjorn goes up 20 damage in one go not making any of my charges with my killer cans or the mecha dread that sucked that that really sucks yeah cause that mecha dread does uh the mecha dread hits just as hard as that guy does yeah probably with the exact same amount of attacks i i gotta assume it's just a it's a d3 plus three damage claw super high strength four attacks yeah four attacks d3 plus three yeah so him failing that charge really hampered the plans that that really that was the that was a rough rough go with things that was definitely a rough go of things the cans were just trying to hold on to get maybe one more point out of this objective yeah might have made a difference yeah cause they could have charged them out and cut them out uh the rockets were just annihilated it felt so bad i was gonna run uh i was gonna run minimum squad the blood claws but i knew that your list had a ton of rockets and i'm like no i want to show off the rockets like you don't give them a good chance there and i just i almost immediately regretted it i'm like i just put such a massive handicap on myself by doing that because the rockets are like okay yeah my copter's gonna shoot oh it's 18 rockets i'm like oh please oh so pain i'm like dying inside you're in of the dice i'm trying to keep my cool and like my inner terminals like i don't know why i did this what a stupid idea that was but it worked out it worked out nicely but man did i have a struggle now it just doesn't feel bad firing rockets at chaff having going up to d3 shots instead of having just four per tank i mean technically this guy could fire maximum 21 rockets at a target if i really wanted to hitting on fours and that's that's good like for like like realistically last time we played it was eighth edition and they were it was the indexes for uh the four dual indexes and they were in the xenos one and they were like uh 2d6 move it might fight amongst itself it could hit on threes if you roll a six but it's just it was just as likely to not actually shoot it at all and then it only had it was the four rockets on it um still have the same split you have your heavy weapon which is two a combi thing and then three individual guns so you gotta have scorches like i have all the scorches if i wanted to oh okay scorches or big shooters then yeah virtues big shooters technically it's any gun you want to put on it okay you can take a maximum of seven of them you can just put any weapon you want on there right yep so you just put seven mega blasters rockets big shooters scorches could you do one of each i could i like it i like that's an interesting tank is that the that's the portrayal this is the official and then the other one is the one yeah 3d yeah i love it though i love it it's so good i love it that's more because i can't remember what that dinky tank is the bob simple tank bob simple thank you simple yeah simple simple sample okay it is simple though i guess yeah by design it does seem pretty simple yeah anyways folks that's it for this game it was a fun little like open war game yeah obviously great opportunity to bring out the garage tanks in the forge world and a great opportunity for me to do like uh a weird like blood claw list for space wheels and see like no shooting pretty much all melee and just run up the board and see what the dice say and stuff like that anyways leave some feedback down below what you guys thought if you forgot any rules please let me know it's the best way to learn and other than that thanks for tuning in we'll see you guys next time for some more warhammer 40k and as always happy wargaming
Channel: MWG Studios
Views: 25,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming
Id: sjgCKcAlMuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 39sec (6699 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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