Everything Wrong With The LEGO Batman Movie

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👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/ROBOT_B9 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Between this and Deadpool, I'm curious if more directors watch these videos than we know...

Also, I kinda agree with you that the movie lost steam when it introduced the other villains. It felt like it was a step too far.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/ROBOT_B9 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

"the prometheus school of running away from things on a psychology scholarship" - I think that might be the best joke I've seen in a sins video.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/onlyeveryatlafan 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's been a little while since they sinned a movie they actually liked, this one was good.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Arcanist365 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This movie just throws everything it can think of into the mix and expects you to applaud the randomness.

I mean... I totally did applaud the randomness though. Maybe that makes me a bad movie viewer.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Castriff 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was really hoping for an Office reference when Ellie Kemper showed up. That's not "Phyllis", that's Erin!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Castriff 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Did he say Tony Stark

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jah-Eazy 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2017 🗫︎ replies

It seemed like you had a LOT of fun sinning the movie, as evidented by the sin-removals being filled with laughs.


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LordHayati 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Loved it... however this nit picker in me means I must point out it's pronounced "Dar - Lek."

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CanaryJ 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all important movies start with a black screen movie would be amazing at cinema sets and logos really long and dramatic logos only movie is amazing at watching cinema since get yourself ready for some reading Oh movie is a fan of cinema since also reading if you want to make the world a better place if the movie had just said narrating I would have stopped the movie in the sins video right here shorter sins video ever job would be done we'd have an internal discussion about even releasing it we are transporting 11 million sticks of Dynamite's huh movie but this is nowhere near 11 million of anything calling you out on your humongous exaggeration because I obviously hate movies way more than I hate myself the helicopter is about to overtake intercept and overpower a f--king cargo jet wait it's even worse than I thought they being landed that chopper on top of the airplane that man will stop you he always stops you know he doesn't what about that time with the two boats hmm interesting that the pilot picks that situation as a time Batman stopped the Joker since it was the people on the boats who decided not to blow each other up and Batman had nothing to do with it Batman's never gonna see it coming like that time with a parade the prince music again kind of an interesting situation to bring up since Joker told everyone on TV that parade was happening also while I recognize this movie is making fun of all the iterations of the Joker as if they're all one continuous story I'd like to be that dickhead who brings up the fact that Joker died in the Tim Burton Batman this is referencing you know kudos to this movie for bringing back Billy Dee Williams to play to face when the studio decided to go with Tommy Lee Jones back in 1995 I don't move to since but I'm going to add one back for still not giving him a good number of lines apparently it's 23 degrees in Gotham but everyone I've seen in the movie so far decided to just wear long sleeves and pants outside except for the extremely smart Commissioner Gordon you want to get nuts 20% of this movie is called back to previous Batman thanks beautiful where's the bomb but Joker already told you where the bomb was right it was on freakin TV is this seem funny yes is Batman's literally playing a guitar in the middle of fighting crime yes yes he is you think you might grid his enemy yes you're obsessed with me this humorous conversation about Joker trying to get Batman to recognize their relationship actually takes way longer than the time we saw remaining on the bomb hey I know this is a Batman spoof and literally nothing matters but since I sent you mean nothing to me neither does this bomb which exploded 20 seconds ago according to the unforgiving nature of time these helicopters doing backflips Jesus how many people were standing around a power plant that was about to explode isn't this on an island these are all cops and plant workers are they hmm on the shoulders ticker tape parade celebrating Batman this is like no Gotham I've ever seen before Gotham hates Batman he's a vigilante box a Batmobile exhaust fire kills hundreds film at 11:00 despite all the future tech in existence Batman's elevator is slowest microwaving Lobster rich loner or not great movie gag or not microwaving lobsters for suckers yes it is hilarious that Batman will have an entire navy of vehicles but wow that hilariousness washes over you consider this he waited two minutes while the lobster reheated in the microwave then carried that reheated lobster on a tray while he got on a jet ski and powered the thing out of dock 23 feet then stopped to eat a lobster yeah but where are the amps for this guitar okay so Batman sat down to watch Jerry Maguire the thing is almost over admit it you just wanted the most famous scene to show up so everyone would know what it is didn't you didn't you Lego Batman is a freaking dick to Alfred three fireplaces in one Wayne Manor room really only three fireplaces where's the fireplace for the fireplace since we're in lego exaggeration movie I seen you go through similar phases in 2016 in 2012 and 2008 and 2005 1997 1995 1992 with 1989 and that weird one in 1966 believe me while I'm laughing my ass off the Lego Batman movie claims that Batman is like at least 90 years old that Alfred must be like 130 or something Lego Batman movie utterly retcons all Wayne Manor location cannon in a silly pullout joke shot your greatest fear is being a part of a family again nope that's a stepping stone fear to the real theater which is losing a family again Alfred clearly attended the Prometheus school of running away from things on a psychology scholarship no Batman acts like a literal toddler and Alfred just rolls with it because this is regular behavior in this universe and I'm just saying the Batman just rolled around on the floor like your asshole two-year-old nice until he got what he wanted like your asshole to you old nice tonight Batman V Superman created a circumstance where Gotham metropolis are literally a few hundred yards from each other but this is GCN Gotham City Network and they have a popular show called metropolis and focus Superman tell me how do you feel about your recent banishment of Zod to the Phantom Zone the movie brings this up to show that Superman cares about his relationship with Zod unlike Batman with the Joker but wouldn't Lex Luthor be Superman's Joker and the movie Zod is the one Superman always kills Lex Luthor always ends up in jail or an asylum always coming back for more and failing time and again like Joker does it's not a Batman movie if Tony Stark doesn't attend some over-the-top garish party of some kind but all the kids in the orphanage call me dick well children can be cruel why does Lego Dick Grayson need a human being sighs pen to take notes that pen is almost as tall as he is we've gathered here tonight to mark the retirement of Jim Gordon yeah but you've gathered here tonight enough ice-skating rink why was that again any reason at all who makes a King trailer for your city's new police commissioner no one except in Gotham City apparently also this is Barbara Gordon daughter of Jim Gordon and yet this movie too spent time showing me Bruce fall in love at first sight with her suggesting Bruce Jim Gordon's ally for decades has somehow never seen Gordon's daughter before this evening which is ludicrous the same time all the bullet points listed on this slide are solid black lines also the new commissioners plan includes three normal things and ninjutsu which microsoft word doesn't even think is a real word he hasn't captured Riddler he hasn't captured Bane and this is easily the best part of the movie pointing out that Batman actually doesn't do a lot of things to actually stop crying everyone's reactions around him are killer this deserves a good three sins off luckily for Joker and his get all the super villains to surrender plan they all decided to stand in an easily boxa Bulow so that they could be gift-wrapped for the good guys she definitely upped the Miranda rights thereby basically leaving out all but the first line thereby ensuring all these criminals will go free with a half-decent we're also the only reason this Batman all alone black and white moment uses one as the loneliest number is because Arrested Development had already used sound of silence the young orphan you adopted at the gala remember Gotham's adoption requirements are probably the worst thing about the city as Batman somehow adopts this kid with a distracted verbal agreement but did not acquire papers to be signed or interviews to be conducted Lego Batman Magic Mike I the didn't Batman just turn this into the batplane in the first place I mean they're going to the fortress of solitude so that should have been vehicle number one why did they park so far away now you got to make you a to the atomic caldron and get that Phantom Zone projector it seems kind of weird that Superman keeps the pz p in this mission impossible esque fault at the fortress of solitude looks pretty inconvenient for him if he ever has to use it and not like he has it on him every time he goes to fight crime as in this small Midwestern frail bird Hey Robins are a robust species surviving in multiple varied climates that other dainty birds can't stand back off the Robin bird and just make your jokes about how Robin the character is lame goofy and stupid leave the bird alone it's absolutely unreal that Superman went through all that trouble to protect his pzp but doesn't have any alarms that go off when it's actually taken you could learn something from the people who rigged that Boulder booby trap in Raiders of the Lost Ark did the Phantom Zone projector go it's not under Batman or Robin escapes and just underlines the fact that this item is impossible to carry around conveniently and this asshole still doesn't have the pzp until magically he's apparently been holding it the whole time this is where the movie loses me and starts to just be noise tossing in the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz Sauron gremlins agents from the matrix King Kong Baltimore Daleks the first lego movie at least grounded its weirdness in that it was all the imagination of a real human child this movie just throws everything it can think of into the mix and expects you to applaud the randomness also in a previous scene we heard about Superman sending Zod to the Phantom Zone where that asshole you were going to say something about recruiting the universe's greatest villains to conquer a superhero how the ever-loving do you cast the actual Baltimore in this movie as Alfred but then hire someone else to voice Baltimore it's the weirdest casting decision since Courtney Love in anything I love Eddie Izzard but the movie misses out on some great medaka acts with this choice why would the Phantom Zone Gunn even have a release all inmates setting and that's beyond the question of why Superman even needs a goddamn space gun to send bad guys to the zone in the first place with a knife or jewelry give it up look I like this movie but this one by one late-night talk-show introduction of all the Phantom Zone villains is just for us the audience literally makes no sense in the universe of the movie that the Joker would do this or that the villains will all agree - we patient need to escape back to earth so everyone could have a proper introduction to the humans of Gotham jeez all the Superfriends dognition I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff we're gonna have to rename this the butt mobile smoothie had at least five screenwriters but none of them are able to stop this be lazy Joe from making it into the final script they do get a bunch of criminals together to fight the criminals that's a stupid idea haha for the self-awareness but too bad Lego Batman wasn't the head of the studio when they made Suicide Squad this movie just got way more transformers and furious than I think an attendant somehow Joker had the time materials and construction workers to turn Wayne Manor into a theme park and in a movie with King Kong lava-spewing Sauron and Bing talking velociraptors the flying monkeys from Oz will now make some kind of impact did Batman even fix the plane while he was out there maybe he did but so it's running on one thing engine and just got hit by lightning even though this movie is silly and you can't take even a smidgen of it seriously it illustrates the problem with too many villains a lot of these assholes could end the world on their own but the movie loses them when they're all working together sure killing sour on is great but you still have Baltimore a Kraken King Kong and others out there and you couldn't be bothered to make a joke about killing Sauron by throwing the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom so many ways you could have gone with that but you went with the blue fireball round Batman's dead parents are about to ruin another movie this whole thing is beginning to feel a lot like the ending of Kung Fu Panda 3 to me Phylis shows Batman the very recent bad things he's done and nothing from before which is emotionally convenient to the plot Joker you mean nothing to me seriously his feelings toward Joker are considered bad by the Phantom Zone pink Phantom Zone I can't let you go my boss will be really mad at me so if there's this kind of hierarchy at work in the Phantom Zone how was the pzp able to unleash all the bad guys a few minutes ago listen I just wanted to say that I'm really really really every last Batman probably has a hard time saying sorry but even for comedic effect get on with it already that's why I called in backup flip flip flip flip - Batman call all the bad guys which was a stupid idea of course it's not the Superfriends are the Superfriends Justice League not a group of heroes the Batman needs to curry favor with that someone is defeating a crackin thing with a giant hammer says a lot about this movie Voldemort is trying to use the pzp instead of you know magic to win + wouldn't the Phantom Zone just let them come back anyway shut up Joker if there's no Gotham then I'll never get to fight you again this Batman Joker fighting relationship an amusing substitute for a loving relationship officially goes too far even in a comedy if Joker's sole purpose is to get recognition from Batman then what's the point of conjuring up evil plans anymore once he gets that recognition the plan to keep the two plates that so Gotham together by using sheer brute strength works we need all of you to join us and help bring this city back together Oh is he broadcasting that and goddamn every person in Gotham must be the bravest mother for her dad ever lived to go along with his plan I made a promise I gotta go back to the Phantom Zone why isn't Superman notices pzp is missing yet Jesus show the part where he's saying show me the money at least all important movies end with a white screen that's racist [Music] sometimes takes a little pack of mayonnaise until squirt in their mouth over and then she'll take an egg and kind of she calls anim an egg we have to stick together taken together is what good waffles do chance of total mission failure is 110 percent real acid this is the illusion Michael trick is something up or does for money Lego Batman is not great with the healthy snacking I mean Batman eats microwaved leftover lobster in the first 10 minutes of the film that's like hitting the food rock-bottom how much better would Lego Batman be at his job if he had a steady supply of healthy nutritious energy boosting snacks delivered to his Wayne Manor Island answer a lock if you go right now to nature box calm and use the code since you can receive 50% off your first order that's literally half off half I've got to call you half squad lately I've really been digging these vanilla bean wafers they're scrumptious but naturebox has tons of snacks to choose from for tastes from salty to spicy to sweet and everything in between the problem is choice so if you need an energy boosting snack after a night of fighting crime don't microwave lobster for the love of God get out instead sign up for nature box naturebox.com/tyler Messines promo code sins sign up today and get 50% off your first order OMG [Applause]
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 7,054,072
Rating: 4.8399949 out of 5
Keywords: mistakes, eww, cinema sins, LEGO, movie, cinemasins, Batman movie, everything wrong with, LEGO Batman, review, wave jockey job
Id: dInwVhRtN4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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