RANT REVIEW - Girl, Stop Apologizing: a book by Rachel Hollis, Queen of the MLMs

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page 82 I have a photo from my 11th birthday party with a handful of friends from school in this rundown shabby apartment I remember being embarrassed I remember the boxed cake mix in an old Pyrex I vowed to myself that day that I would be wealthy when I grew up it was my birthday candle wish some day I would be rich can we just talk about the box cake bit really quick like I realized that boxed cake mix was a sign of like having something less good like how the else are you supposed to make fun fatty now I'm concerned about my boxed cake the making right here this isn't gonna disappoint you guys is it you're not gonna be ashamed of me for feeding you cupcakes that were made out of a box are you before we begin today I'm gonna let you guys know that this video gets a little intense many things happen in this video I do a lot of things so I will put the timestamps on the screen so you know when I do each of these things in case you want to skip any parts I don't think any of it's that bad though but figure I just let you know for example in this video I almost cry I also almost show my boobs also I get handcuffed and by the end of it all I've made a full plate of cupcakes needless to say this is a book review video [Music] what's up my fellow small business supporters I'm Savi and today we are going to very unapologetically talk about original Hollis's girls stop apologizing and while we do that we are going to be baking funfetti cupcakes I am making these cupcakes to celebrate a very important birthday the birthday of the forever home friends yes August 11th 2017 was the date that I first launched this business and released the first two books in our series princess Allie and smile chewy now I am baking these cupcakes to celebrate our two year anniversary which is going to be August 11th 2019 which is also the date that these plushies are launching so I am partially begging these cupcakes to take pictures with the plushies with them celebrating their birthday it's gonna be cute but while I bake the cupcakes we're gonna be reviewing girls stop apologizing first though if you're new to my channel please remember to click the subscribe button I have new videos about books and writing coming out every Monday Wednesday and Friday so you don't want to miss them also if after watching this snarky negative review of the book you feel like you want to pay it forward and do the same thing to me then you can check out my novel sculpt yourself linked in the description below and you too can make a snarky review about how much you hated the book you'll also check out my why a novella Beauty King which also has a new cover onto the review so you guys may remember that recently I posted a video talking about Rachel Hollis author of a killing and how she's been accused of plagiarism also how she spoke at a Beachbody conference and has been kind of supporting and condoning multi-level marketing I will link that video up in the cards this video is going to go even deeper into that because I actually ended up reading girls stop apologizing maybe it was a dick move for me to read this book if I can that I wasn't gonna like it especially after I did the whole rant on girl wash your face and I did a whole video about how rachel is having people but curiosity got the best of me and I I'm just kind of a dick sometimes sorry I mean not sorry because I need to girl stop apologizing so I read this book and I realized that these problems in terms of plagiarism in terms of body shaming in terms of supporting multi-level marketing is way worse than I thought as I was reading the book I kept finding things of being like man I wish I knew that when I made my video and then I just realized I could make another video so here we are here's my usual disclaimer do nothing hate to anyone as a result of this video while I am critiquing at Rachel's book and her tactics I am NOT going to be tagging her in this review I'm not going to be going on to her YouTube channel and commenting about these things so do not do that as well I think it's one thing to call someone out on the quality of their work and the message that they're spreading in the impact that it's having on people but it's another thing to be mean to them and I don't condone that so don't do that now on to the title girls stop apologizing so at first I thought it was gonna be a book about how women try to apologize too much for things aren't their fault like there have been studies done to show that women are more likely to apologize for things than men are even and all those things are not the woman's fault so I thought that maybe it was gonna be kind of going into that actually that's not what it's about it's about how as a powerful woman you should not apologize for having dreams which that that argument is like a broken window fallacy or a straw man at best because be real with me do you know anyone who apologizes for having a dream like sure maybe there's people like don't feel confident that they can achieve something or they're struggling to pursue their dream or like they prioritize something else but have you ever seen anyone who's like I'm so sorry the fact that I have goals and want to achieve things in life must be so annoying I feel so bad about like what kind of made-up is that it reminds me in job interviews when the person interviewing you will be like what is your greatest weakness and people will be like my weakness is that I care too much or like my weakness is that I am just too organized and like it's clear that they're just bragging that's like 90% of what this book is it's just Rachel humble bragging over and over again and that leads me into part one of this video girl stop humble bragging I get so many requests you guys you can't even imagine the amount of emails asking for mentorship advice nonprofit support and product endorsements flooding my inbox on the regular that's a quote from page 135 we're context here rachel is talking about like learning to set boundaries and being okay saying no to things and learning to prioritize specific things which like yeah that's great like I get so many requests you guys you can't even imagine actually I can't imagine just the other day I had all of these web developers who would talk suspiciously a lot like robots in my gmail spam inbox offering to help me increase my SEO ranking and I've also had lots of requests from clickbait publications online asking me if I would like to write for them for the very lucrative salary of exposure dollars and experience sense I always turn these down it's not hard on page 84 Rachel's talking about how different people have different skill sets and different strengths which is true and she's talking about like how being a stay-at-home mom really isn't her thing which again that's totally reasonable but this is how she phrases it you know what is in my wheelhouse building a successful business managing a team writing books giving keynote speeches crushing it on social media strategizing branding PR planning live events where thousand women fly from all over the world to be inspired I am SP IR IDI that's a weird way to spell manipulated but the British spelling or something but my favorite humblebrag of all in this whole book it comes from pages 64 to 65 assignment real quick have you guys noticed how throughout this I've been mentioning the page numbers where I saw these quotes and like talking about how they're from Rachel's book and like citing my sources just don't forget that anyway so rachel is talking about failure and how we need to be comfortable with the idea that we're gonna fail sometimes and that the fear of failure shouldn't keep us from like taking the chance and taking a risky going for it anyway so she gives a story of a time that she failed greatly at something and as always Rachel's story is very hashtag relatable real quick so apparently for years rachel's goal has been to hit the New York Times bestseller list before girl wash her face came out she posted on her blog that this was her goal and that she wanted to make the New York Times bestseller list and then a week after the book came out she was like mama during the list in the first week and girl wash her face was not on the New York Times bestseller list and that's the story that's Rachel's great failure is that she didn't make the bestseller list in the first week then after that she goes on to talk about how ten weeks after the book released it did then make the bestseller list and then to celebrate she drank a bottle of Dom Perignon hashtag relatable you know I wasn't once number two on the bestseller list by which I mean I was number two on Amazon's bestseller list in the very specific category of LGBT sci-fi with sculpt yourself and it was on there for less than a day hey I do not consider that a failure and the reason I don't consider any of my writing career a failure it's because I know I haven't done it with stolen content which leads us to part two girl for the love of God stop plagiarizing I covered plagiarism pretty thoroughly in the previous video so let's just kind of give some quick examples of places where she plagiarized in this book page 35 goals are dreams before that's a quote from Dave Ramsey read 95 if you want to take the island burn the books that's also on page 95 because we can't go a whole page without another one when the tide rises in the harbor page 103 ambition is not a dirty word that's a call from Deborah country in fact it was the title of your book alright stop the music we need to get real with this one page 43 stop waiting for some day some day is a myth this was not stolen from a fellow self-help author this was not stolen from a fellow media mogul this was not stolen from a President of the United States this was stolen from a small Christian blogger named Shannon van der Walker Rachel gives her no credit zero I'll link to the original blog post that had this quote in the description below so you can give at Shannon's blog traffic the post was actually written years before this book came out finally we have page 129 when rachel says to quote my friend Elizabeth you need less wishbone and more backbone well thank God that you're totally real friend Elizabeth gets credit but all the rest of them am i right part three girl that's a pyramid scheme so when I first saw the video of Rachel speaking at the Beachbody conference I thought that maybe she was just like taking speaking gigs wherever they were available or maybe she didn't know much about multi-level marketing or maybe she like just thought that it was actually a helpful thing or whatever no after reading this book I have my answer rachel is intentionally targeting audiences with MLM participants if you want to know more about multi-level marketing you can check out the video I did about it which is linked up in the cards or also the previous video that I did on this topic where I go pretty deep into MLM income disclosure statements and kind of prove that it's impossible to make money with these except if you're at the very top but basically MLM czar pretty much pyramid schemes in disguise they often target low income women or single parents or people who are struggling in some way with this promise of like oh you can make all this money you can get rich like we can and you can do it from home and like all that and they try to recruit them into this direct sales job which in reality is just like you're gonna keep paying the company more and more money and you're gonna keep losing money and not actually selling very much and then when your friends and family try to talk you out of it the people who are in this company try to tell you to just shut out their opinions and not listen to them and that they're haters they don't want to see you succeed it's very like a cult-like emotional manipulation and it puts a lot of women who are already struggling deeper in today and because of Rachael promotes kind of this idea of like positivity and going after your goals MLM is like to use her content as inspirational material for their consultants so I think Rachael kind of realized that people in MLMs were listening to her and that they were already in her audience so she decided to just keep on pandering to them here we go page 68 what's that your cousin Emily is already killing it in that direct sales jewelry company oh I guess that means it really is an incredible place to build community and a side income sure if you want to be recruited into a company to become your cousin's competition then I guess it really is a great place to drink kool-aid and lose money in this quote Rachael is not only encouraging people to accept MLMs but like this is targeted at someone who is maybe questioning going into an MLM or maybe it's not an one yet and she's encouraging them to do it she's like targeting the person who maybe someone in their life is in an MLM and they aren't and she's like oh well maybe it really is a great place to make income you should join them like the dangerous page 107 attempting to grow to a new level in your multi-level marketing business doesn't just require classes and webinars in the six social media presence it also requires someone to help you around the house since you will have less time for that girls not even sugarcoating it anymore also in MLM grow to a new level is usually code for order more overhead inventory from the company that you will struggle to sell that you have to keep on hand and then you get put in a new because you technically like sold more but they don't know how much you sold they know how much you ordered for yourself so that's what people do and you end up like becoming the customer of the company that you work for so yeah Rachel keep encouraging people to grow to a new level aha I guess Rachel knows her audience and has no shame about manipulating them I guess that's why it's called girl stop apologizing don't have shame in anything you do even when you act like a borderline sociopath ruin people's lives it's all good girl you need to apologize her for girl stop body shaming right before we stop body shaming let's uh movies start giving these cupcakes into a cake pan so that we can eat some healthy ass Jackson so a my girl wash her face review I talked about how Rachel likes to body shame women and how she promotes the importance of dieting all the time there's a whole section in my girl wash your face review where I talk about how angel no longer respects her friend Pam because Pam quit her whole xxx diet to eat some cake in pizza I this like little story and me reacting to it inspired me oh I didn't put the no stick hold up anyway the story about Pam it inspired me to make this piece of artwork that I'll put up on the screen it says we stand Pam I have so much fun making this I'm considering making it into a piece of merch if you guys are interested in that let me know in the comments below he'll teach me a bake and review a book at the same time oh my goodness girls stop multitasking more like it so anyway this book is even worse into Rachael hating on anyone who isn't skinny or isn't super in shape since we're talking about Pam let's spray it with some Pam this is not Pam this is Costco brand page 118 there are no overweight animals in nature that's not a thing the only overweight animals that are the ones that live in our houses with us animals are not overweight pecks are overweight you are not a pet you are a powerful beautiful bold woman and you will treat yourself as such ok um so let's just unpack that one real quick so first of all I like the tone in there's a little weird she's very demanding she's like you will treat yourself as such you will not allow yourself to be overweight which is like come on Rachel that's that's rude but when she says there are no overweight animals in nature the reason for that is that animals don't have a lot of the unlimited resources that humans living in first world countries have so like Rachel if you want to like go back to hunter-gatherer days where humans like caught all of their own food and all of that then sure like there would be no overweight humans in nature - but I prefer living this life where I can bake cupcakes in my kitchen than living a life all I probably put too much in there yeah I'm sure I did but anyway yeah i would prefer living this life where i can just bake cupcakes and up the cupcakes and then bake more cupcakes i prefer that to having to live in nature like a wild animal and yeah there are overweight pets in our house sometimes there are also overweight people i really don't get what you're getting out that like i really don't want to live my life like a wild animal also the whole part where she's like you're a beautiful bold woman and you'll treat yourself as such like do you have to be not overweight to still be a beautiful bold woman like can't you be like a powerful bold woman doing your thing winning at your career whatever and like also be overweight like those things are not mutually exclusive and don't relate to each other at all so I really don't get at why she's saying like you're not overweight you're a powerful beautiful woman like those are not opposites what so that quote is pretty horrendous and while I was really upset by that one there was one in this book that made me almost legitimately cry and let me get these puppies in here so I can go off my rant about [Music] [Applause] all right so cupcakes are in the oven so I can get into this big discussion I want to have on page 152 rachel says that the following but i got pregnant the first time I had lovely little B cups I loved them and they loved me back after the baby was born the milk came in and those lovely B cups became he cups no that's not a typo that's a cup size e as an elephant as an enormous as in Java first of all yeah so that's kind of a fun word to say but I don't even have fun saying it because of how much I hate this quote all right this quote is personal to me while I could read the rest of the book and objectively judge why these things she's saying are bad or problematic or whatever this quote made me almost actually cry when I was reading this book because I just went into such like a state from this so a lot of you guys have seen the video I made about why I hate having huge boobs I made that video because like me hating my body proportions was one of the big inspirations behind writing sculpt yourself so it was like all the I did a series of different topics on things that led to sculpt yourself and why those were important to me so it's this whole video about why I can't having big boobs and in that video I just kind of did like funny complaints but we're gonna get like extra extra real right now I will show you guys like I guess I can't show you folio okay in trouble 4d monetization I'm not monetizing up but hopefully I will be soon if I want a chance in hell of us getting monetize here we go I have trouble getting this across sometimes these are my boobs these this this is my waist this is my body these are my boobs so rachel is like horrified that she would ever be in e cup my bra size is G and there is no way for me to fix that oh and here is how I know that there's no way I can fix that I was able to get down to a D cup at one point that is the smallest my boobs have ever been as a post-pubescent woman I started like I got a D cup bra when I was in middle school like seventh grade and since then it's only gone up except like I've been a G cup bra since I was fifteen and then for a while like I just hated it so I lost a ton and I was very underweight and I got myself down to a d-cup just barely like the D cup was slightly too small on me but I would still wear it because like I was really the biggest one I could get a Walmart and I just didn't want to keep spending ridiculous amounts of money on bras I couldn't afford that's the smallest I was able to get it and at that point I was so underweight that I was like forcibly taken to the doctor because I was unhealthy so like the rest of my body could be skeletal and my boobs will not go away I just cannot get rid of them so I was able to get like two an e cup which is the sign Rachel thinks is huge and disgusting when I was like regular skinny like not underweight but just like skinny when I was like in college and now I'm a G cup again because I've gained some weight but I'm not overweight I'm a G cup and I'm in the healthy weight range and I don't plan on ever being underweight again but there's no way for me to get rid of it and I guess this is especially difficult for me because for a while I've been trying to be like androgynous I guess I don't like know how to fully phrase this or like a she's playing this properly because it's not even a thing I totally understand myself but I can't stand that my body is forcing me to have this degree of hyper femininity and like I like feminine bodies you guys all know them you're gay from the 80s but for me this body never I never felt right for me to be in this body and I like I wish I could like gift it to another woman who like would love to have this like people keep telling me like oh objectively like you're you're like an hourglass really curvy you have that that weights too hip to chest ratio or whatever like I don't like that for me and I feel really uncomfortable in this body and I hate it and I wish I could just like give that to someone else and like let them have it instead if that's the thing they want it just seems so unfair because it's like people want this and I want to throw it away but I can't get rid of these boobs I'm wearing a shirt that shows them off right now to make a so I could show you guys how dire the situation is but I can't hide them in in any clothing I have a binder I tried binding for a while and it does almost nothing and like it's a good product that's no shape to the binder itself it's just that like I wanted to get because I wanted to try and see if I could make it happen and when it comes down to it like you no matter can't be created or destroyed like this matter exists and there's nowhere for it to go so like like I tried binding it and like sure it like go is towards my stomach a little bit but there's only so much that it can squish them in and the it's still there like there's not like a point where you can like I I can't get rid of them so I was finding for a while and it's uncomfortable and it doesn't work you still see my boobs so anyway Rachael it uses this story to lead it to the fact that she got a boob job and talked about like why she got one because it made her so more confident in herself and all of that like that's great good for her like and she talks in that section and how people are like you know they tell women like just be yourself love yourself as you are but for me that involved having a boob job in like that's fine I think people should do whatever they want to with their own bodies I hundred percent agree with that but the way she talks about it is so nonchalant and also like her chest was so horrible before and now she had to get a boob job and her biggest struggle in getting a boob job was like her fear of other people judging her it wasn't like paying for it Rachel do you know what I would give to be able to get either breast reduction or like a double mastectomy or maybe top surgery I still don't know what exactly but do you know what I would get to just make it smaller just just take anything off of this and like this is so easy for her like I don't have the money for that I'm trying to run a business I have goals and dreams girl like Rachel sighs with her whole goal setting process yeah I have that I'm working toward my goals so I do not have any expendable income to be getting rid of my chest and I've been keeping myself eating a normal amount of food I've been successfully doing that for almost a decade and I'm not gonna become underweight again even though living with these everydays helps no different people have different body type it I do want you to apologize to me for that one I know we're not apologizing but like Rachel if you ever see this video which I know you won't cuz I'm not gonna tag you in it cuz I'm not an apologize to me someday if we ever meet Rachel just seems to think in every example she gives that people can just naturally relate to the amount of money she has which leads me to my final criticism girl stop hating poor people so it's time to take the cupcakes out of the oven and see if they're done yes they look like they are done turns out since I don't bake very often I did not remember to get those little paper cup cake things that you're supposed to put in the thing so I've got these cupcakes and I am going to put them on a plate and prepare the frosting before refilling the next batch in this tray so anyway we're gonna talk now about how Rachel hates on poor people so we're gonna go first with this wonderful quote from page 82 I was 11 when my goals for the future solidified my parents had broken up again and happened so many times over the course of my life I honestly cannot tell you what number it was that time the difference in this particular instance was that my mom decided to move out and she insisted that I come with her nobody asked me what I wanted or gave me a say in the matter they simply announced that it was happening my three older siblings would stay with my dad in our family home and I would move into a crappy apartment with my mom it was one of the darker years of my childhood I really had access to my siblings and the financial strain of parents who were now dividing resources to pay for two places to live meant that we had even less than before I have a photo from my 11th birthday party with a handful of friends from school in this rundown shabby apartment I remember being embarrassed I remember the box cake mix in an old Pyrex I remember that we couldn't for decorations I remember being hyper aware of two things first I don't want the kind of life where I lack funds for special occasions second it's not very convincing to assert your independence from my mother in this case if you don't have the financial means to back it up I vowed to myself that day that I would be wealthy when I grew up it was my birthday candle wish I stood in that tiny dining room on stained carpet in front of the yard sale table and I promised myself something better I will never live like this when I have the ability to prevent it I was vehement in this someday I would be rich there's a lot to unpack here so in the concept of memoir there's this idea called the voice of innocence versus the voice of reflection and what that basically means is that when you're writing a memoir you write about where you were at the time and your perception of the situation but since you're now looking back on it you have additional information to provide about how the situation is contextualized so in this example we know that year-old Rachel she's ashamed of the apartment she doesn't like that her family's poor that kind of thing Rachel never has a moment where she's like oh but now looking back my mom did the best she could and I love her and what happened like no it's all I've out that this would never happen to me again and it seems like justified the fact that there's no difference between the voice of innocence and the voice of reflection shows that Rachel still believes exactly what she believed at that time and that's really sad and I feel kind of bad for her mom oh can we just talk about the box cake bit really quick like I realized that boxed cake mix was a sign of like having something less good like how the else are you supposed to make fun fatty now I'm concerned about my boxed cake the making right here this isn't gonna disappoint you guys is it you're not gonna be ashamed of me for feeding you cupcakes that were made out of a box are you but what's really concerning about this section it's just the way that Rachel guilts her mom in talking about her mom choosing to move out she almost makes it sound like you know her mom moving out was a bad decision because now the family was poor you would think that now that rachel is a mature adult who is making millions of dollars and successfully coaching women all over the world you would think that maybe she knows by now that that was an unhealthy relationship that her parents had because she goes later into the book into all the ways that they thought and it wasn't healthy they absolutely should not be together and you would think that she would like be like looking back it was the right choice for them to break up even though it made life a lot more did like nothing nothing she seems to just still think it's awful because of how it affected her but the biggest problem with the fact that she guilts her mom in this is that it's incredibly hypocritical because so much of the book is devoted to getting rid of the concept of mom guilt and I totally agree with what she's talking about there there's the concept that like women get guilty after they have kids women are like guilted for either going back to work or they're guilted for staying at home like either way they get guilt in one way they're like men don't usually get that because like if a man you know wants to pursue his career above his family like people are just like yo Summa to the north so like the concept of mom guilt that she's talking about makes a lot of sense but then she just turns around and guilts her own mom like oh my mom was so poor that she made me boxed cake mix which like what also the fact that her parents broke up like throughout this book it sounds like her dad was a huge here is my favorite quote from the entire book in age 89 my daddy is a strong and very forceful personality and he demands total obedience but you know what they say about Rachel she's hashtag relatable let me have gone too far in a few places yeah Rachel uses the word daddy four times in this book page 90 we did everything possible to keep daddy happy alright but back to unpacking this quote from page 82 so Rachel specifically talks here about how her goal is to be rich her goal is not that she wants to become a writer do you know her goal isn't that she wants to tell stories and share them with the world her goal isn't that she wants to inspire other women her goal at age 11 that she set and then stayed with for the rest of her life was that she wanted to be rich and now you could easily write that off by being like yeah that's her goal when she was 11 when people are kids like money they don't know too much about what they want to do with their future totally reasonable if that's not how to actually play it out for her and when Rachel is like 19 20 years old in the story she talks about how she had these big goals for her party planning business so that was what first got her off the ground was being an event planner in planning events for celebrities and high-profile clients and so she talks about how she you know as a party planner and how that was her big goal and starting up a business was difficult she didn't have clients right away like wow it was all about her insanely good work ethic that made her be able to get this business off the ground make a lot of money with it and it's like that's great but you would think that if party planning or her passion she would still be doing it instead the way she talks about it in the book is her being like yeah it was my passion and then I started blogging about the food I was making girl you're going where the money is don't they promised wanting to make money like money is necessary for a lot of people to live their lives and I'm glad that she was able to be a self-starter and make money as an entrepreneur I think that's amazing but what's weird is that like she wants to make money and so even when she's doing financially well in her career when she sees that there's more money in something else she suddenly just switches to going full force at that completely different career and that's something I kind of want to talk about in terms of being an author we're all here on booktube and author tube a lot of us either are authors or are very close to some authors or look reading works written by authors we all know that as an author it's hard to make money the second batch in the oven and then also start frosting these so I'm gonna step 20 minutes on the timer okay yeah so no one knows that more than me how it's hard to make money as an author so yes no this none of this business is easy but what keep what happens a lot and I think this is kind of stuff I mean if it works out for you it's not sad if it's working for you personally so that's my disclaimer I think everyone needs to do what makes me happy but I noticed that a lot of authors like struggle to make money as a writer and they realize that there's tons of other people who also want to make money as a writer so when they even made a little bit of money and kind of know the process they decide to sell the fact that they know that process to other people not even just the author process just like the goal-setting and the Dreaming and the visioning or whatever process like this is what Rachel's kind of doing basically is that she was like I'm a cookbook author I'm a novelist I'm doing all of this writing and then she's like oh I have my whole life and career to get so that means I should be teaching other people how to do it and go into the self-help and motivational speaking career instead which is a completely different career and I think it's very lucrative to a lot of authors to be like oh I should write self-help books because a lot of other people out there want the answers to things they want to know like how to fix these problems in their life so I should be writing self-help books instead of writing these novels that I'm having a hard time selling the self-help books are short this book was like a hundred eighty-eight pages I think they're easy to sell especially if you have a platform especially if you have any knowledge that someone else wants it just seems like a shame to me that great like rachel is a good writer so that's what I want to go into next part six girl it's not too late rachel is a good writer I have a lot of good things I could point out about this in my previous video I made about Rachel I talked about which is a good public speaker and how it makes me sad that she's using these skills to many of you and other people rather than to actually put them to good use motivating people in something that would be productive not MLMs but the truth is she's a good writer she has this novel series called like party girl that's about a girl that's a party planner using her experience from there I'd actually be interested in reading it because the plot sounds interesting and she self-published it because her agent kept trying to make her make the character different than she wanted to and she wanted to retain creative control and she marketed well it sold a bunch of copies like that's a real inspiration I love that I love that that's how what happened and I would like be willing to read that series if I weren't so disappointed in Rachel being like spammy and taking on almost cult leader type tactics here's an example of Rachel's writing and how I liked it page 81 I'm a hustler baby jay-z don't you hate it when an author starts a chapter with a quote I love that for a few reasons one because she gave jay-z credit for the quote - because then she kind of like dill old bait-and-switch like she you thought she was about to be like here's why this quote is amazing but then she's like don't you guys hate that like she's like doing a little tongue-in-cheek thing it was funny there's just so many examples where her writing is easy to follow and it's it's fun to listen to and I like it I like her writing style but why does she have to use it to perpetuate these terrible and harmful ideas that's the problem and it's like Rachel if you're watching this which again I'm sure you're not my best advice to you is to go back to writing fiction because you did do well selling fiction you are not a like the number one bestseller in fiction like you were with girl wash your face maybe you didn't make but loads of money but from what it seems from what I've seen about these books in the series it seems like you did something interesting that was related to party planning which was your passion like I would just love to see you using that to like perpetuate that instead and again you know Rachel I'm I don't know you personally I can't say for sure what's good and bad in your life or whatever but I know that the ideas you're spreading right now are harmful and they can hurt other people and you have this amazing potential and this amazing power to spread ideas that could help other people Rachel's methods in this book for setting goals and she has this whole section about like her goal-setting process and her work ethic it's a really good advice like it's the same type of advice I give cuz like I'm really good at goal-setting and like I'm really good at accomplishing my goals and I'm like not I don't think that's arrogant that's just a skill I have I agreed with almost every tactic she had for setting goals I thought that those were accurate pieces of advice to get someone and it's like that's such good advice if only it were not contained in a the same book that saying that pyramid schemes are okay if only we're not contained in the same book that says you need to lose weight because being overweight is automatically shameful if it weren't you know what I'm saying if it weren't in the same book as those things I would say this book has a really great motivational advice about goal-setting and about good about yourself but because of all that other that I just mentioned plus the fact that rachel is an MLM err or I guess she doesn't sell for an MLM but she promotes them I am giving this book one-star I think it's been a long time since I gave a book one-star I think I even gave ship it two stars just because it had some interesting things to say about like female and LGBT and non-white representation in the media like it had some good things to say about that but again it did it in like a really terrible way you can see my review about ship it looked in the cards I um sold that book on Facebook marketplace these are my cupcakes they will be used to celebrate the forever home front second birthday we have a little tube handle over here and then we have a set of colorful candles I'm really excited to do a photo shoot with my plushies now for these so that's what we're talking about in today's video I really hope you guys enjoyed this video even though it was a little bit much I know even for me this video was a little bit extra as the cool kids call it I hope you liked it anyway please let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below if you have read girls stop apologizing let me know in the comments below let me know your thoughts on it or just your thoughts on anything I had to say here today like I said earlier if you think I'm a hypocrite because I'm an author but then sometimes I give people negative reviews on YouTube like you're totally welcome to give me a negative review to read sculpt yourself read Beauty King they're linked in the description below if you hate them just tear me the apart on the internet it's all good if you're interested in picture books and stuffed animals based on a real rescue dogs you can check out my forever home friend series linked in the description below as well as always 10% of profits from forever home friends products go to benefit animal shelters so it's a win-win for everyone our full soft mo line was just recently released and they are so cute and they have personalized custom adoption certificates that you can get with them so it can be like you adopted the stuffed animal it's so cute thank you for watching me bake cupcakes I will see you again soon in the meantime don't forget to support small businesses happy reading [Music]
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 28,488
Rating: 4.9483204 out of 5
Keywords: Rachel Hollis MLMs, Rachel Hollis plagiarizing, Rachel Hollis scam, Girl Stop Apologizing book review, BookTube, AuthorTube, baking cupcakes, baking video, cook with me, body shaming, fatphobia, having huge boobs sucks, lgbt discussions, breast reduction, multi-level marketing, MLMs, antimlm, Girl Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis book review, rachel hollis fat shaming, pyramid schemes, rachel hollis pyramid schemes, baking funfetti cupcakes, worst book of 2019, book rant review
Id: L7Ma3HKVtuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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