Reacting to Rachel Hollis's Arbonne MLM Speech | AntiMLM

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I blame you guys you guys wanted another Rachel Hollis video now to anyone out there who's like another Rachel Hollis video you guys literally asked for this so when I hit a thousand subscribers I was able to do those community post on YouTube so I ran a poll that was like which of these type of videos would you guys like to see next and the race was closed reacting to Rachel Hollis videos was the one that won now because it was closed I'm probably gonna do the other two videos at some point in the near future as well but I mean this one first because this is what you guys wanted what's up lapel the small business supporters I'm Sammy and today I am back with another scammy entrepreneurship video for you guys and multi-level marketing anti MLM type of video or Rachel Hollis criticism type of video basically all the videos that you guys seem to like best from me combined into one enjoy [Music] before I get into the video too much I want to address a couple things first of all I know that Rachel Hollis who is going to be the subject of this video she has a very large fan base there are a lot of people that really like her that's great like I'm glad you're getting value out of watching her content and reading her books and all that like power to you have a good time but I've gotten a few comments from people who really like Rachel Hollis telling me that I'm jealous of her success and then I'm hypocritical and awful and should just shut up to be clear I don't mind getting these comments at all I really want my channel to be a place where people who have different opinions can have an open discussion about things also my mom was like savvy one of these days Rachel House is gonna send you a cease and desist letter and I was like god damn I hope so that would be the best possible thing for my career controversy sells people from the negative comments that I got about my previous videos about Rachel Hollis which include my girl watch her face review which I gave an overwhelmingly negative review to my girl stop apologizing review which was even more negative than my girl wash your face review and the video that I made about Rachel Hollis supporting MLMs and plagiarizing other Creators work I got some comments on those videos where some people were like why do you not have anything better to do than hate on another woman who's also successful and so I thought I'd address that because I don't intend to be hating on Rachel I have definitely criticized her a lot in the past I'm open to criticism from Rachel's fans the same way that I hope rachel is open to criticism for me so I'm not gonna like put up a screen shot I'm not gonna show any names I'm not gonna throw other people under the bus I genuinely believe everyone's entitled to their opinion but I wanted to address my motivations a little bit in this so on my girl wash her face review someone basically told me I was a hypocrite and she said I feel sorry for you that you're so bitter and jealous I hope you find your happiness and something other than bashing successful women that are actually trying to make the world a better place so I did reply to this comment I'm not bashing Rachel because I'm jealous of her I am jealous of her wish I will bring up so this person is correct I'm jealous of Rachel but I'm not bashing her for that reason I don't trying to bash her I'm trying to critique her which i think is different like I'm not out here being like suck my dick Rachel and not like that I'm basically saying I think rachel has specific business practices that are unethical and I'm calling those out so basically I said I've asked people who scam and harm others regardless of gender Rachel actively promotes MLMs and pyramid schemes which are factually proven to harm women and then this is the point that I kind of want to get into of why I criticized Rachel Hollis so much on my channel it's because of this Rachel and I are actually very alike both female entrepreneurs both from low-income backgrounds both writers etc I'm in the same field as she is which is why I can make educated judgments about her tactics she plagiarized as other writers work and promotes unethical companies to low income women I see a lot of myself in her or I say a lot of her in me either way I could easily fall into becoming the same kind of person her because she and I have so much in common we're female business owners we want to support women in business basically I said you know I've already told you yes I am jealous of her I wish I have her income and resources I wish I had her audience but I'm not willing to use her unethical tactics of plagiarism and manipulation to achieve that I also at the end was like I make fun of lots of people you and my favorite author Rainbow Rowell I attacked in a recent video I make fun of people because I'm a meme Lord on the internet welcome to current year I criticize people on the internet that happens you guys are welcome to criticize me on the Internet to make a video that's like Savvis the worst now that that's out of the way today we are going to be watching and reacting to Rachel Hollis's keynote speech at the Arbonne conference so in my previous video which I called girls start apologizing I reacted to Rachel's speech at the Beachbody conference that she did her speech at the Arbonne conference is very similar but I actually think it's worse like she used a lot of the same components so I'm not gonna react to all the exact same part and I'm not gonna talk about her plagiarism in this video either this is not about like oh she stole this line from someone I'm just gonna look at her speech as it is and how it relates to the type of audience that she's talking to I looked up of course their income disclosure statement and I looked up some statistics on them just to check is it possible to make money in our bond I struggle to find their most recent income disclosure I found those from 2017 so I feel like the company hasn't changed that much in the past two years so we're gonna go with that one sixty-two percent over half of their consultants earned in 2017 an average of seven hundred and eighty eight dollars so for an entire year year in seven hundred eighty eight dollars that's not good again just like with Beachbody is income disclosure this is purely revenue this is purely money that you brought in it has it's not net profit it's not income it is purely revenue so this is what they earned from commission and from selling but that's not including what they spent to start up there to join the membership that's not including what they spent to keep their account active that's not including what they spent on advertising costs on marketing costs on inventory on anything that's not including anything that is just purely like already earning under a thousand dollars for an entire year is already terrible but then you take into account that that's not even including what they spent so more than likely it was negative income that year basically it's highly unlikely you're gonna make money in our bond the business is just shy of being a scam it's a company that's not technically a pyramid scheme because they've gone through the legal loopholes just like a lot of these companies are the majority of people who join this kind of company are women who are from low income backgrounds women who are struggling to find a job a lot of the people targeted are new moms who have just had a baby moms who are struggling to work outside the home you know one of those reasons is that you know maternity leave is difficult for women in the US so these companies have kind of latched onto that and said like oh it's really difficult for women to make good money so what if we offer them this idea of like oh you could make money from home whatever you learn about cults you learn about how they use manipulative tactics to get people to emotionally rely on the others in that cult and how they slowly wean them towards eventually cutting out the people in their lives who don't believe in or don't agree with what they're doing and then they're left without any kind of safety net and are just stuck being reliant on that group of people who have been financially and emotionally manipulative the entire time that's how I'm Allen's are and I have seen no better example of that for our bond than rachel's keynote speech the level of emotional manipulation in this is off the charts we're just gonna watch and react to this together alright let's do this thing alright so the first five minutes of this are very similar to the beachbody speech and not only that but there are a lot of just empty fluff but that's basically nothing it's just rachel being like show up as your authentic self believe in who you are like the [ __ ] that we saw in motivational posters in our elementary school classroom and the first thing you're like oh your life but not your business [Music] sorry i knew we weren't gonna talk about quotes today which is i stand in the place where you are too familiar at all [Music] h 'l we know you love cheese dip right we know you are so hashtag quirky so hashtag relatable so hashtag not like other girls that you can just eat cheese dip all day and then turn the [ __ ] around in say [ __ ] like this page 118 there are no overweight animals in nature that's not a thing the only overweight animals that exist are the ones that live in our houses with us animals are not overweight pets are overweight you are not a pet you are a powerful beautiful bold woman and you will treat yourself as such she announced a new diet or goal and then to is later it just ended what have you called her on it like hey Pam I thought you were doing cold 30 it's kind of rude meanwhile Pam is sitting in the break room eating a meat lover's pizza and tell you that she was doing well you can feel great to the program her son at her birthday party and she couldn't was this a cake and then fear there was no point she denied a pound she lost plus a few extra all right Rachel don't act like you're out here eating cheese dip being the cool girl when in reality that you are shaming people who eat cheese base tip would you be cool with Pammy cheese-based anything I can find so I I cope with every hardship in my life by eating everything I could find the hypocrisy did you hear that cheer is anyone here pregnant for the first time like half the [ __ ] crowd goes wild that is her target audience its new mom who don't have a lot of Jenna prospects looking good who are like you know why I have to take maternity leave in their bosses like well looks like you're not getting paid for that and then they're like now we have to find childcare for our child we have to pay for that we have to pay for daycare for them so that we can both go back to work and continue bringing in income and then it's like Wow daycare so expensive it's $20,000 for daycare and then Rachel and all her MLM friends come in like do you want to make money from home and still watch your kid and not have to pay for daycare [Applause] it is going to give you information each other self research it is research right what kind of business advices miss being like don't go online and compare yourself to other people because that's just gonna make you feel bad what this is not like this is not Rachel being misguided Rachel is a successful entrepreneur okay she makes tons and tons of money she knows what market researches Rachel knows what market research is and so she's out here talking to these people who have been convinced by a corporate entity called argon that they are going to get to start their own business which they're not that's a lie that's a lie that the corporate tells you these people the majority of them I would guess don't have business education they don't have experience and running a business otherwise they would not be trying out this kind of thing and so they are susceptible to whatever advice someone like Rachel give them because she's the successful business owner because if she's made a lot of money because she does full-time what she wants to do and she's out here saying you go online looking at other people's stuff you tell yourself it's research like it is research you need to look at what your competitors are doing I'm sorry if it makes you feel bad I'm sorry if comparing yourself to other people is hurtful in the moment if you're like oh wow I'm not doing as well as I should be this is not about feeling like you're at the top when you're not you guys have ever heard the quote I would cite my source but I don't know who said it and I've tried looking it up before it but the quote if you're the smartest person in the room you're in the wrong room I try to live by that quote I try to surround myself with business owners who are more successful than I am and look at what they're doing maybe that's why I look at Rachel so much because she is a successful business owner and I look at what she's doing and I see what she's doing is scaring people so I decide I don't want to follow that you do need to research your competitors and it's especially weird to say that when talking to an MLM crowd in a multi-level marketing business you have to recruit your competition which is one of the inherent flaws in the business model right which is that you are gaining more competition for yourself by not having a sales territory and by having to try to bring in more people to get a cut of their Commission you should be looking at what they're doing especially if you're going to get their commission you should be looking at what they're doing earned the Mercedes oh my god I can't I think this is a lot like the Mary Kay Cadillac right we know the pink Cadillac for Mary Kay our bond has I think a white Mercedes a lot of these MLM companies have a car incentive where a lot of people post on social media you know I sold this much this month so I got my own car I got a free company car that kind of thing there are so many layers of Lies in this first of all and a lot of these cases it doesn't matter actually how much you sold it matters how much you bought a lot of these MLMs only care about making their employees into their customers right they get everything from the company store so the company says you know if you are at this rank if you maintain this rank this level and the ranks are determined by how much inventory is coming to your house the idea is that you're selling it to other people you're recruiting other people below you to sell it that kind of thing but even if you just ordered stopped and didn't move any of it and just kept it sitting in your garage you would maintain that rank when all you're doing is losing money and then you could get the car savvy is this car signed in your name and free to you and the company pays it all off automatically and puts a down payment on it and pays off the the entire thing and you don't have to pay any any interest or anything like that no of course not the car is leased in your name and you don't own it you don't own the car you get a car leased in your name you basically get something else you have to rent on top of that then you are responsible for the car payments if you drop below that rank so if you are in a certain rank if you're in a certain level because you keep spending a certain amount of money or you keep even if you are selling enough if you're selling enough and you're at that level and then you have a bad couple of months and you lose that rank well guess what the car still in your name you're still on the hook for the payments on it like this reminds me did you guys ever have those ridiculous school fundraisers when you were a kid where like you had to sell magazine subscriptions or you sell wrapping paper you have to sell something to the better people in your neighborhood you go door-to-door at our school we basically had this MLM type of guy I think his name was his name was rich even I think like idiot or what but this dude comes in and is telling us you know if you sell this many magazines you get this crazy prize if you sell this many you get this crazy prize and the prizes were all like things that were even gonna be useful in the long run but it was like an incentive like oh you get the prize but the company makes way more and then the company makes more than the school even made it's like that but it's like that version but for adults but it's targeted at adults who are in a position where they need to try something to make money and they hear like oh I need to get a car somehow so let's try this it's disgusting [Music] [Music] and so there is so much unpack here it's ridiculous first of all I just want to take apart the line she says the other executives at my husband's firm Rachel's husband Dave Hollis with an executive for Disney for a long-ass time he's not still there's rumors that he's been fired but he's pretending he quit I don't know what actually happened there sonar can speculate but he was an executive for Disney basically we just learned that the top executives at Disney don't understand working women so I already thought Disney was a corrupt you know evil company that was taking over everything but their misogynistic - next time Disney's like check it out Captain Marvel is a badass woman check it out Star Wars has amazing female characters just remember the actual executives they're not cool with their wives working outside the home but beyond that there's there's just a lot going on in the sentence this whole thing there's a lot going on first of all rachel is like my husband didn't like the fact that I was working he didn't understand it my in-laws didn't like the fact that I wasn't staying home with the kids now I'm assuming when Rachel got married she still had the same career aspiration she had now at least in grow wash your face she makes it pretty clear she was a very driven person from the beginning the main thing I would ask is why would you marry someone who isn't respectful the fact you wanted to start a career because if you read girl wash your face which I don't recommend but I did read it in there she talks about how she met Dave her husband when she was 19 and she was already very interested in party planning and starting up her own business so like from the moment she met her husband he knew that she was career driven above all else so I don't know why he would be insecure about her having a career like why would you marry someone who doesn't hold the same values and support the same Life Path is you I'm a business owner I talked to Tyler about my business non-stop because running a business is the most important thing in my life other than like Tyler and Mike my dog like other than that like running a business that's that's what makes me who I am is my forever home friends business and the writing that I do in my career and it's the same way for Rachel it seems so I think it's obnoxious that her husband like thought it was weird and I think that's very telling of their relationship if you read girl wash your face there's already a lot of red flags in Rachel and Dave's relationship he seems like kind of a shitty dude but I guess he was a Disney executive so I am gonna be I want to be full of myself I want to be arrogant let's talk for a second here totally negating what Rachel was just saying about like how women don't wanna you know over who they are you know I'm a woman in business I am very very confident in myself so I'm gonna tell you guys I have achieved more than a lot of people the Rachel thing I should own that so I'm owning it right here so watching that no one who's achieved more than you will ever judge you that's an outright lie as someone who has built a business from the ground up who has created my own products who has written my own books who has worked with my mom to design stuffed animals who was secured to startup capital through crowdfunding through loans through pre-sales through a lot of different means who has built my own branding designed my own logos created my own website started organizing events going to signings put on my own event create if someone who did all of that I have accomplished more than someone who's joined in MLM and that's the only business that they've done I am objectively I've accomplished more and I'm not budging on that when I think that I can I've accomplished more in terms of entrepreneurship like those people may have they may have accomplished more in terms of their family life or their personal life in different arenas but in terms of entrepreneurship I have accomplished more than that and I judge those businesses I don't judge the people who are in them because I know a lot of times the companies use manipulative tactics to get people who don't have a lot of options roped into the business so I don't think those people are evil I don't think they're meat but I am judging their career choice because it's not a sustainable career choice you're gonna lose money I am saying that as the one who has objectively accomplished more so when she says that that's just a lie she's basically trying to set you up to think oh if someone judges you for what you're doing here it means that they haven't accomplished what you've accomplished so they just don't understand I do understand I have accomplished more in business and I understand and Rachel's is wrong that is so false I perfectly understand starting up a business I perfectly understand working from home I understand all of that and I do wish these people success there's nothing that makes me happier this being someone get out of an MLM and use the sales knowledge that they picked up from there or the sales knowledge that they already have that made them want to do that in the first place they use that to actually start their own business to start selling their own things to start creating their own things and putting them out there I am so happy for those people success and well I want those people to find success these companies are not trying to create success for a lot of people they're trying to get as many people involved as possible and over saturate the market so that the people up top can make the most money like in a pyramid scheme okay [Applause] once again we have a lot to unpack like I couldn't have asked for a more perfect example like that this heartbreaking this is devastating but like it's the perfect example to illustrate what I'm saying it's like this thing wrote itself this lady is saying my sisters judging me for being in this business which often translates to people who are in MLM their family members are often worried about them because they see them going into debt because they see them getting roped into a business that does not have their best interest at heart because then the business says you know reach out to all your friends and families elbows up recruit to them and the people in your family are like hey we don't really like being sold to we don't really like being recruited to the business starts telling you hey those people your family we're saying that they're haters they don't want you to be successful they don't care about you cut them out of your life and then slowly you start to break off from those relationships you start to alienate other people you become alone and you get Puli roped into it like in a cult when this lady's like my sister's judging me for being this is her sister I don't know her sister so maybe her sisters mean I don't know but it sounds like her sisters worried about her and wants her to get out of this business so that she can be successful but Rachel who is a successful business owner who other people look up to and other people trust when she talks to them Rachel's like well why doesn't your sister want the best for you then and Evelyn is not the best for you but rachel is just planting that idea she's just dropping it in your head like that all right so this this ladies this lady's crying this is getting emotional bracelet less she's judging you because she she's a brain thinker - yeah she's appraising her changing because you're not changing for the better because she's afraid that you're gonna become you know a constant sales robot who only cares about making the next fail and using family and friend relationships for that purpose and that you're gonna keep losing money alienate again she's worried about you she doesn't want to see you change for that way [Applause] your entire life it's not appreciated but by god she's not Rachel you are not a licensed therapist so to sit across with this lady and say oh you want to please your sister because your entire life you felt the chin significance because she was more success to you Rachel you need to not have the authority to judge someone's life in that way like I understand that you're trying to be helpful but you're giving out advice that could be yet potentially inaccurate you're not a licensed therapist stop pretending to be one so supposedly also this lady's probably a big fan of Rachel Hollis I don't know for sure I don't know this lady maybe she's just in the audience for our bond and has not heard of Rachel I have no idea but to have someone who's famous when you potentially really look up to run out into the audience look you in the eye talk to you one-on-one there's a serious power imbalance there this is straight-up cult [ __ ] like I want to throw my phone but I'm not going to because I can't afford for anything to happen to her to need any repairs look at you you're here you're in this room full of people who also paid to join this company and it's anything like the Beachbody Conference for the our bond conference you had to pay for your own ticket to get there you dropped it on a money so it's like you're here look at you look how much you've accomplished she's dropping those seeds into people's head she's using like the love bombing technique this is an abuse of technique and she's just using it all this person right here to get them to stay in a company that is actively siphoning money from them while Rachel collects her public speaking dude patient I'm speechless yeah so you can choose not to interact straight up straight up what am i selling this it's the cold mentality of isolating you from your friends and family if their hater if they don't believe that you should be in this business oh they don't believe you should be part of this group just cut them out you can not interact you can cut your sister [Music] [Music] [Music] of course she puts all the attention on this woman now she gives her a big hug this woman has been hugged by you know Rachel who is famous and who everyone's idolizing I don't need to sound like a broken record it's manipulation dude I would be so pissed right if I paid money to go to this conference after paying money to start the our bond business or whatever and then Rachel was like actually everything you want to learn how to do business-wise is out there for free dude I would be so pissed I'd be like then why did I just spend all this money coming to this conference to hear you talk but it was out there for free why would I buy a girl wash your face wet everything I need to know about anything is free the irony the sheer irony of Rachel being like have you ever been to a business conference where they try to sell you stuff I don't know Rachel have you seen when you're literally standing right now let's just say business you're struggling in your business right now who here in this business we're over half of people make well under $1,000 an entire year of work not counting what they would have had to spend on business expenses go here struggling in your business I don't know maybe literally talking everyone the answer is out there here if you're on YouTube looking for answers in your business because Rachel is like go find it on the internet you came to this video I'm gonna give you the answer don't join a MLM and if you already did join two MLM quit get out of the MLM if you have good sales skills if you're good at managing your own time and you're good at working at home and you're gonna be an entrepreneur but you're losing money in the MLM start your own business if you're not an artistic person and you don't create things find someone who does create things hire them make a structure start your own business you know how to do it that's my advice so if you're on the internet looking for answers because the answers are out there for free that is my free advice to you [Music] it's not let's get one thing straight it is not [Music] make money from your phone do a side hustle work only five hours a week but make a full-time income while watching your kids and being with your family you knew it was gonna be hard the answers are out there don't pretend you don't know what is the mix of messages are off the charts here Rachel is saying like the answers are out there you do know you don't know how to fix it I can say for certain that you can run into a problem in business and not know how to fix it and have to try a lot of different things you absolutely can't as a business owner myself I run into issues all the time with like all my sales are not very good this month what's going on I am struggling to learn how to scale my business to the next level to do marketing what do I need it to I go on the internet I do research I look into those things sometimes the first thing I tried doesn't work sometimes I try a bunch of things and they don't work sometimes I have to sit down because I'm like I genuinely don't know what the next step is and I'm gonna have to try out a bunch of different strategies so the fact that she's like you just don't want to do it because it's hard like no business strategizing it's a very specific set of knowledge it's a very specific skill and if you don't know how to do it it's gonna take some time to learn there's a learning curve in business this is this is such [ __ ] all right I'm just about done with this I can't take it anymore and we're pretty much at the end anyway I am exhausted from that I'm inspired by Rachel's career I think it's awesome what she's accomplished I think she has made huge strides for women in a lot of fields and I'm I am proud of her in those ways I'm not here to just hate on her she's done a lot of great [ __ ] but this is beyond unethical you guys want to support my small business uh linked in the description below Samuel Iser don't Big Cartel calm I have this proud to be a small business supporter tote bag there use it for shopping on Black Friday and on Small Business Saturday check it out if you want to support my small business the forever home friends please check out forever home friends com also linked in the description below we have a series of children's books and stuffed animals all based on real rescue dogs ten percent of profits benefits animal shelters so everyone wins in the end we also have our limited time happy holidays collection available when supplies run out for that it's going to be gone forever because there are a lot of handmade goods in there so be sure to check that out and to say I won't afford the holiday season thank you guys so much for watching this let me know your thoughts on everything comments below I'll see you again soon but in the meantime don't forget to support legitimate actual ethical small business and happy writing everyone [Music]
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 23,590
Rating: 4.8567777 out of 5
Keywords: rachel hollis scam, rachel hollis plagiarizing, girl wash your face, girl stop apologizing, mlm, antimlm, multilevel marketing, r/antimlm, arbonne mlm, mlm exposed, rachel hollis exposed, reaction video, business owner reacts, pyramid scheme, contrepreneur, mlms are cults, arbonne is a scam, arbonne is mlm, authortube, booktube, wash yo ass
Id: LttXer0136Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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