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your boyfriend or husband unfortunately they don't want you to get hot they don't want you to find yourself self-worth they don't want you to start loving yourself they want to keep you right where you are because that is what they are most comfortable with this saying this to people who are vulnerable and naive that your husband doesn't want you to be hot doesn't want you don't love yourself doesn't want you to get fit who says that hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel today is another anti MLM video and just when I thought things couldn't get any worse it gets worse this week we have some alarming clips and as you probably saw from the title this videos purpose is to sort of demonstrate that people in multi-level marketing will use anything to sell and I mean anything to sell so I have a couple clips that I think demonstrate that pretty well I want to preface this video with this the reason why we see so many Clips like this is all due to the business model recruiting is at the center of the business model so you're seeing a lot more people who are so desperate to recruit people and they're desperate to stand out in an extremely oversaturated market so you see people acting desperate you see people trying to connect on levels that they shouldn't be connecting on there's parallels that are drawn that should never be drawn and there's a lot of boundaries that are crossed and as a result you see people sort of lose their way and again I don't know who these people were before they started these companies I would like to think that they were not like this but pretty often you will hear people say things that are not appropriate and I think this again this is gonna be a pretty strong indicator of that anyway without further ado let's just get right into it okay we have a money distributor and this is actually one of I guess their top distributors and she made an IG TVs kind of speaking to any person that is wary about joining money and she's addressing typical objections that people get and it's like she's speaking to people who have objected before or on the fence or something like that it is what it is but this is what she had to say to explain to you you do have enough time you don't need to be a salesperson okay you don't need to have a following on social media you don't need to have a bunch of money to start this biz so for all the people to say I don't have enough time I want to tell you guys something I don't have enough time either we don't do this business because we have all the time on our hands right we do this business so we can get our time back stop trading in time for money when you're going in and you're clocking in all you're simply doing is exchanging time for money that's what society has programmed us to think how to act we go to school we get a job we clock in we clock out that's how we get paid and I'm gonna teach you a way to get paid where you're not trading that time for money so you can go spend time with your family so you can retire your husband from his job so you can go spend time with your friends you can travel the world you know what's funny is money and other likewise companies the farther you get up maybe you're not trading your own time for money but you're trading somebody else's time for money other people are going out running themselves ragged trying to get sales you get all the commission from that you know maybe some aspect of that is true it doesn't mean that it's ethical another thing regarding the time I want you guys to go look on your phone right now how much screen time have you spent on social media on Instagram on Facebook and then I want you to think about how much time do I spend watching my Bravo show shows Netflix shows you know so think about if you spend all of those hours creating a future for yourself ah you know I have people who are nurses single moms going back to school you know taking care of their children and they spend and are doing this and they are rocking the business so whether you have one hour to give or you have ten hours to give this business is a solution for your future I want you to think about it imagine spending time with your children being a present parent and also making money while you are doing the things you love this wording is not very good on her part you know just because there's a parent that works outside of the home doesn't mean that they're not present I don't agree with that verbage at all that's just [ __ ] up because that's what we can provide to you now the people that like awesome this sounds great however I don't have enough money I've seen people who were on food stamps rocked this business I've seen people who truly didn't have enough money make things happen so this is the part where I'm saying they will use anything to try to get people to join the business what kind of predatory has business are you in where you're speaking directly to people who are on food stamps the last thing I would ever want it for somebody who's on food stamps is to be scammed by one of these disgusting companies disgusting okay it is immoral to be speaking to people who are on food stamps and saying that I want - oh you bet - think about it this way it is the same dollar amount to start this business as it would be to go get a job at Starbucks okay when you go get a job bartending at Starbucks or wherever you are you still have to get your non-slip shoes you still have to buy your uniform you should you have to get your apron okay by the time that you're done with this whole interview process you've probably spent about $200 that is the same dollar amount that it would cost you to start this business and you have a untapped income Starbucks people comment down below did you have to pay for your uniform and your apron I can understand the non-slip shoes I had to pay for those when I started working at Sephora but I got mine at Walmart for $5 okay nowhere near a money business and here's the only thing about money you have to order stuff every month to stay active so it's not just a 200 dollar fee a three hundred dollar one-time fee when I worked at Sephora I mean I'm just comparing it because that's what I happen to compare to I didn't have to pay for my my smock my uniform none of that you don't have to pay for that stuff so if you've worked at Starbucks please let me know first of all do they call you bartenders or do they call you baristas and then the second thing is did you have to pay for your uniform and your apron let me know and if you did did it cost $200 upwards and did it also cost you your integrity let me know the sky is the limit for you the point I would like to make for those who say I don't have enough money are you watching me from $1,000 i phone saying I don't have enough money to create a revenue stream for my family and yet again you have an apple in your hand right now you know so that's just like a point you know again it's about your priorities do you want to be a businesswoman do you want to secure your future do you want freedom do you we only have one life one life so make sure you're happy make sure you're doing what you want when you want I can guarantee anybody that doesn't have the money and is also on food stamps like you say people who are rocking the business probably don't have thousand dollar iPhones true priorities would be if you are in food stamps or if you are struggling with money would be not joining a pyramid scheme business where less than 1% of people ever make a profit so I'm sick to death of these people who are so patronizing and talking like this to other people it's just disrespectful her tone I mean really so you know I've seen people nanny I've seen people no lawns I've seen people you know open up a credit card and there it is so she had to say a couple things before she got to the thing that she really wanted to say to people which is open a credit card which is what a lot of these people advise you to do please don't open a credit card to join a pyramid scheme okay not a good business investment just saying so anyway that was just a couple of things that she said in that video but promoting people who are on food stamps and giving them the false hope that they're gonna make any sort of money and get themselves out of a situation through up here omits scheme is deplorable so anyway we've got another one so the first clip we're gonna watch is a Beachbody Coach and I'm gonna let you watch and then I'll comment as we go along so here we go so it says we found out some really sad news today how did to be with family and to support Brandon her boyfriend during this time thankful to have built a job and life that allows me to take time off whenever I need and the flexibility to work from anywhere please send all the love and go to vibes so let me ask you because I think you know what I'm gonna say what's the bizarre part about this okay besides the fact that it definitely feels like your engagement farming and you're looking for attention from people by saying please send all the love and good vibes and we found we just found out some sad news I mean you're obviously trying to get people to interact with you otherwise why would you post that what do you think is the weird part about this thankful to a built a job in life that allows me to take time off whenever I need and the flexibility to work from anywhere okay couple things about this why are you mentioning this something obviously happened with your boyfriend that's very sad and you're you know so bad that you're going to go see someone and you're driving somewhere to be where somewhere we're gonna find out later what happened but you know why are you mentioning anything about your job sad news promoting the fact you have so much flexibility with your job weird just just weird you would think that true flexibility would be if something is really sad and there's a crisis happening within the family and the friends and the family you wouldn't have to work okay that's my first thought okay that's the thought side so let's keep watching her next post and this is two hours after she posted this I found out some sad news she goes so grateful for the sunshine and this life of freedom I've created over the past year with coaching hearts let the sunshine and she's outside by the pool sunbathing hey we still don't know what's going on so don't worry we're gonna find out so grateful for the sunshine and the life of freedom okay still pretty weird next post this is three hours after the initial post about the sad news she's doing boot camp stuff she's saying you were made for more here's our recon that week here are some women supporting women threads here's some accountability groups messages love seeing these babes show up for themselves and again this is now four hours after the crisis announcement she's talking about an amazing virtual community she's posting all these graphics of transformations trying to get people to sign up for her boot camp hey friends I just wanted to pop in and thank you for all filled up today um we found out some really sad news Brandon's dog 12 years unexpectedly has a very large tumor in his stomach and only has a few days left to live so it's just been a really hard day and just for Brandon like it's truly his best friend so I'm just trying to support him we're here with his family spending the evening with them and just spending as much time as we can with sweet Peyton and I just wanted to pop it in that to just kind of let you guys know what's up and just thank you for all love so anyways this is now five hours after the you know crisis post she's perfect way to end the emotionally draining day dreaming of summer and pool and better days I mean she's taking a selfie in the hot tub maybe wouldn't be something that I'd be doing but you know we're all different she has her alarm clock it's at 5:05 she says it's so hard for me to be out of routine during my work week but I'm so grateful that I'm able to take this time to be with family and here for Brandon the one thing that keeps me grounded in times of uncertainty or said this is my miracle morning so I will not be missing that five o'clock alarm even though I'm out of routine and away from home and then she is doing her Beachbody pre workout and she says so thankful for this natural pre to help me kick start my mornings especially when I don't sleep very well that being said we are spending the day it's kind of windy sorry we're spending the day at Brandon's parents house so he can have some more time with Peyton and I'm just like trying to keep things as normal as possible woke up at 5:00 a.m. even though I didn't sleep huh and did my little miracle morning and still got my workout in that seriously brings me so much joy and I'm to just have created a routine that's so sacred to me and like no matter how hard life gets or like whatever is going on around me like I am rock [ __ ] solid because like I invest in me every single day like no matter what like nothing will ever change that and it just it does it gives me a lot of pride and just happiness knowing that like I'm so solid and I can be here to support Brandon and his family during a time that's like so hard so this doesn't sit well with me and then talking about how she's got this rock solid foundation in times of crisis she's not breaking down and and it's all due to her you know setup and her miracle morning and her and her Beachbody stuff and it's just grow I mean it's gross here's the other thing too it's like why is this all about you you know oh this is my miracle morning and it fills me up and this is what I do and I'm keeping things normal for me it's like do you know their boyfriends like kind of going through something right now I mean do you know that you're exploiting this horrible thing that's happening to your boyfriend's dog to promote your business and your lifestyle come on anyways despite all of that going on today something really special happening we are hosting a coaching sneak peek I'm doing that with the girls the newest coach is a part of my team which I'm so excited to do this with them and just to see them like so much like growing stepping out of their comfort zone truly flourish eating with coaching and how much it has changed their lives in just such a short period of time look I don't want to be nitpicky I don't know this person in real life but to transition from yeah so my you know my boyfriend's like dogs gonna die too I'm so excited and I'm like she's so innovated all of a sudden I'm so excited my girls are having a sneak peak I'm still showing out for my team despite all of this it's like again this doesn't it just doesn't seem right this doesn't seem right at all any time we host coaching sneak peeks or like I bring new girls onto my team it's just like such a full circle circle moment of like to see how you know 14 months ago I made the decision to start coaching and the ripple effect that's had you guys like we have an organization of over a thousand purpose and passion I've also felt never felt like more solid and like mentally and physically just like healthy and strong if you wanted she says all because of coaching come hang out with us tonight so learn more about this coaching thing in our community why are you gonna zoom call tonight I don't get it I don't relate to this at all I don't relate to this at all I don't and then it's a next few slides all a bunch of slides about joining the community she's having a team call tonight at 6:30 I mean then she posts it again wanted to thank y'all again for all the sweet messages I won't be able to get through my inbox today but promise I'll Clara tomorrow appreciate your patience and understanding while I'm taking this time to be with my family then she posted this today she said got lots of work to do I've into after the past two days away from my office thankful I can take my work with me or put it on hold during times of emergency but you didn't put it on hold you were still working literally an hour after you announce that you found out there was a crisis in your family and she also posted this morning this past week month was the biggest that my team biz has ever had I'm sorry but this is so scummy and it just leaves the worst taste in my mouth that I've had in like a really long time I mean to use your boyfriend's dog's prognosis who promote how flexible your lifestyle is family emergencies to promote how great your lifestyle is I can't imagine it it really just makes me sick you know it's a problem and I think about the collateral damage of these businesses it's like it's sad for the people that are used as leverage to promote businesses it's sad you know there's a ripple effect with these things and that's ultimately why I mean I'll never support them they're just not ethical so anyway let's move on to the next clip it only gets better from here and this is another Beachbody Coach this was found by a Reddit user a very soluti reddit user and when I saw this I was shocked but this is someone who is claiming that infertility is her brand yeah so here we go if you go through my posts most of them are like funny I think I'm funny funny like witty captions they're random tik-tok videos they're about infertility because that's a big part of my brand I'm gonna just play that back there random tik-tok videos they're about infertility because that's a big part of my brand because that's a big part of my brand infertility is a big part of my brand I'm sure a lot of other people who suffer with infertility love that it's a part of their brand also what the [ __ ] is wrong with you by the way let's talk about the best part of this before we go on to the other clips there's more this is on a team call that she had with corporate and she was talking to other people she was on like a panel of other successful coaches who are in the business and this is a business call you know like the last time that we saw somebody who's using infertility and miscarriage to promote their business and in a similar fashion she is also on a business call and I want to make it very very clear infertility should never be considered a year brand okay just so everybody knows so the next step we're gonna watch she is again she is on a call with another person in corporate different person this time and she's speaking to a ton of women and she's giving them tips and she's sharing her story again on a business call to make the connection that infertility has anything to do with your business and recruiting people and bringing new people on and connecting with people is gross so enjoy the clip I'm so medicated cycle arounds I'm pregnant on the first round and then in November we lost our baby so like end of 2019 was probably like the hardest time in my entire life but I decided that I could either lean the F in we actually hadn't hit elite in 2019 yet um I didn't have the diamonds until I think it was October or November when I finally had a diamond hold for six weeks and that was in the midst of losing our pregnancy and all that stuff but I was like either I can like pull back and um you know take take the time that I need which totally if that's like the type of person you are and that's you know what a lot of people do because you know I'm making okay money with volume so like I can pull back and like I can focus I can quote focus on my team and I don't have to like myself out there and like recruit and all the stuff but I don't have to go out and recruit put myself out there so she's doing okay with volume so let me just translate this for people that are not familiar with the MLM jargon she has enough downline volume where she's cycling and she's getting enough bonuses that it keeps her afloat like technically she doesn't even really have to go out and do anything that month she can do like pretty much the bare minimum and she'll still be making like a decent amount of money so again is that really a business that you want to be a part of probably not but again she's leaning me in service I'm just a type of person that I'm like I have to have there has to be a purpose to this pain like there has to be something and so I feel like in November I leaned the F into my business and I feel like I am more myself and more like of a leader that I have always meant to be because I did that and I'm finding more of like my people because I am getting super vulnerable and real on social media about miscarriage awareness and PCOS and infertility and all the stuff I'm finding people that are my tribe and she's finding people who are her tribe by sharing about infertility and miscarriage again that directly translates to she's finding other people who are suffering with that and she's recruiting them to her business because she's found her tribe same person that thinks infertility is her brand I feel like 2019 I really wasn't finding that a lie I was recruiting and I was doing alright um but a lot of my points were coming from people that when I had first started my journey so when I was in a really vulnerable state sharing my story sharing my journey I was recruiting my tribe and then like so when she was vulnerable she was recruiting her tribe when she was saying things like oh we went through a miscarriage she's all of a sudden recruiting her tribe 20:19 I was really trying to figure it out like you know what it what is my story how am I related I'll like none of this makes sense anymore and then all of a sudden like all of a sudden we came into another vulnerable part of my story and I just leaned in and I feel like um my team like I'm having one of the best months I've ever had recruiting wise and with success Club points and I just feel so much more aligned to my business now even after like the hardest six months of my life um so yeah that's like my story in a nutshell I guess so I want to point something out about this not only is it just disgusting and deplorable that she's now preying on people who have similar circumstances to her which is that they either had a miscarriage PCOS or infertility but I want to point out that she had the best business month when she started to do this thing when she started to find these people connected with her in this unique way and I want to point out that in the first clips that we watched of the girl that was using her boyfriends dogs prognosis to promote her business she also said that she's having the best week and month of her business career why do you think that is just just something I want to bring up so here is the next video this is also another business call all of these are business calls I don't know why I'm saying that these are all team calls and she is like the guest speaker and she's asked to talk about how she is such a whiz at adding connecting inviting stuff like that so here is what's just to say remember that it's not followers that matter its engagement okay so like if you guys like go look at people's pages there will be like mommy bloggers that have like 50,000 followers and they're getting like 20 likes on a photo so that's where you can kind of tell like their followers aren't really their tribe it's not just algorithms it's like their followers just aren't there people or their fake followers so you really want to focus more on engagement but you also want to get followers that are your tribe so you can have people to invite to your stop so so the reason why I showed this clip is because in the last video she talked about how once she started to share about her infertility and her miscarriage she found her quote tribe right so in this video she's saying look you need engagement you need to find people who are your quote tribe okay same verbage your tribe because then you'll have people to invite to so I just want to make it very very very clear she wants people who are also infertile and have experienced miscarriages because those are her quote tribe and because they're her tribe she gets better engagement from them because they feel like they can relate to her and they know her and they can trust her so then she can invite to them tell me again how this is not predatory you can't convince me it's not okay you can't convince me it's not and then hashtags so this is like everybody's question is hashtags all the time like jus hashtags actually work its shadow being real how many can I use like all these things and I don't have all the answers but I can tell you what's working for me and there's an app called smart hatch it just helps you find similar hashtags and create like a set of them so if you put like hashtag fitness it's going to show you similar hashtags to hashtag Fitness and you can post them in the comments or in the caption I found so they work both so I posted like this transformation picture like a couple like a week ago if you go if you have a business profile you can click view insights and this bar pops up and you can swipe up and under like discovery it says discovery and then it has like where you're getting your engagement from it says from home from profile from other from hashtags it's telling you that over 6,000 impressions have been from my hashtags so that tells me that those hashtags I used on that post are working because over 6,000 of the impressions which means like people that saw the post are coming from the hashtags so that's how you can kind of see if hashtag sets are working so anyway I showed those clips because I wanted to make a point here and that point is that she does use hashtags and she utilizes them to gain new followers and to gain impressions and to find new people to find her tribe right and she you know is looking at the impression she's saying which one's work she's has experience you know figuring out which ones are lucrative to her business okay on social media where this all occurs interestingly they and her bio she has that she's a teacher turned business owners she has keeping the faith through hashtag infertility and hashtag miscarriage praying emoji angel baby emoji she has sweats I shop with me and then she has a link to her all of her Beachbody links so in her bio hashtag infertility hashtag miscarriage so it looks to me like she found two hashtags that ended up working for her gotta love it if that's your brand then okay but I want to show you one more and I've been shadow man before in itself in the other like using hashtags like two weeks and all this crazy stuff but um so hashtags are a good way to I think hashtags are a good way to attract people I don't necessarily think they're a good way to find people especially if you're using like Fitness e hashtags because Fitness people use fitness fitness hashtags right people that aren't into fitness they're looking at the hashtags they're not using them so people will find you through those hashtags but people aren't going to be using them for you decide if that makes sense so anyway I had to show you that last clip because it also reiterates a point that I just made which is she uses hashtags to attract people not to find people herself she uses them to attract people so people who are looking up infertility miscarriage you know probably looking up support groups or people who are going through similar circumstances she is finding those people and attracting them to our page she has it in her bio and she also is claiming that it's her brand so she's taking it full-on she has accepted this is you know this is her this is the essence of her is this infertility thing as we discussed earlier also she is on a business call in all of these so she is telling these people look this is you know what I do and I share and this is how I attract people so anyway yeah this is just downright immoral I mean she's been doing this for a very long time and this is what she's advising other people to do so it's really not hard to imagine why the culture that Beachbody has created these MLMs have created is the way that it is and why you see this across the board a lot of people are doing this a lot of people are abusing you know certain life events and using it as leverage to get people to join their pyramid scheme so anyway I had to show you that one obviously it's very concerning and it's just gross all right final video and I may have saved the best for last this is wild we've seen stuff from this girl before she's back at it so I'm just gonna let you listen and then I will do some commentary in between y'all know what time it is alright so Matt said something to me last night that really reminded me and kind of not just minded me but just sparked this topic that I am very passionate about talking about so hold on one sec oh then so last night I looked at the clock and I was like oh [ __ ] it's 11 I got to go to bed and that's like well why don't you like watch another episode with me and first of all I was tired [ __ ] so when I'm tired I want to go to bed like I feel like the perks of an adult is you can yes you can stay up until whenever you want but you can also go to bed whenever you want to so I was like no like I I get up at 6:15 in the morning I need to go to bed and he's like well you don't have to like wake up at 6:15 you know like you work from home you're going to be home you can get your workout done whatever and I'm like no this is this is what I want to get my workout in and he like started arguing with the face gym that I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and I forgot where I was and we won't really like arguing but he just like kept trying to I guess argue with the fact that I really don't have to go to bed and I really don't have to wake up early and no matter what I was saying he like wasn't getting it he's like I don't do whatever you want like like why why do you have to get up so early so I'm just sleeping and continue watching TV with me um no so this brings me to my next talk about it not mattering what other people think of your journey and the thing and the things that you want to do Matt doesn't have to understand so let me just recap let me get this straight she had a conversation with her husband the night before and he was like you don't really have to wake up at that time why do you have to wake up ah ok whatever stupid but then she goes this brings me to my point you know it doesn't matter what other people think of your I don't know maybe I'm from a different camp but I think that if you're in a relationship I think that your partner's opinion of you or you know what they think of what you're doing I think that it does hold some weight there's an aspect of what she's saying that might be true in some circumstances but when it comes to major financial situations or decisions or quitting your job or starting a new job I think that it is good to have someone weigh in like somebody that loves you unconditionally and cares about you and and your life decisions I don't think there's a problem with that and it's just strange that she came to this conclusion after having a conversation with her husband you know maybe if you had like come to me with a friend or whatever and you're like okay it doesn't matter what this person thinks of me whatever that's one thing but your husband that doesn't have to understand why I want to wake up at 6:15 well both of them are still sleeping upstairs to get my workout in he doesn't need to understand that and that kind of brings me to my next thing one of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm talking to someone about joining my boot camp and they are like okay I have to ask my husband and as soon as I hear that I kind of go oh boy oh boy because nine times out of ten unfortunately they come back saying my husband said no it's her biggest pet peeve when people talk to their husband because nine times out of ten according to her they come back and they say my husband says now Oh sometimes I think that our counterparts and I know this is true you know myself included and feel free to weigh in but sometimes I think our counterpart can see things that maybe we can't see and sometimes they're more perceptive than we are and I think it's good to get a second opinion always on most things in most situations my husband said that if I can start doing it by myself then I can join my husband said I don't need it and Oh what my it makes me cringe because here's the thing if it is not a financial issue there should be it no if ands or buts and whether you can do this for yourself do you also ask your husband permission to wipe your ass after you take a poop sorry no but you don't why do you need to ask permission to work on yourself and for your husband to say no to that mm a couple points I wouldn't make here I think when people come back and they say Oh their husband you know start my own without now or whatever I think that that's typically just somebody who's you know put putting the blame on their husband because it makes it easier to say no to somebody else do you know and I'm saying there's like oh no my husband said I can't go to this party because I don't really want to go you know I think that that is usually what the case is but it's funny that she I don't think that she realizes that and she just assumes that these are all just downtrodden women who can't speak up for themselves but anyway by the way that deck cup that she's checked out of is so disgusting I'm sorry it's just it's like I'm really making me oh it's like giving me like give me the chills so again if it is not a finance a financial issue and a husband says no I don't want to tell you how like a marriage should be or what not but I do know that I feel as though in my personal opinion that is a form of abuse where he is controlling you and you know if you want to do something like this for yourself and you want to try it out there should be no reason financials aside that you shouldn't be able to do it stop now form of abuse stop yeah no stop it all right seriously like seriously form of abuse here's the thing she says look I'm not trying to tell you you know how a marriage should be because apparently she's got the most perfect marriage but okay she goes on to say if your husband tells you no about joining a pyramid scheme where less than 1% of people ever turn a profit it's a form of abuse now I have a problem of course you know there's there's a multitude of things that are wrong with what she's saying like just surface level multitude of things wrong but when you're telling people that who are watching you and it's a naive woman who's down on life and she's looking for answers looking for purpose and she maybe might want to join Beachbody and her husband said no and you're telling that woman who is already very naive and maybe gullible and vulnerable that her husband's abusing her if he says no she might believe that to turn people against their significant other in the name of signing up for your Beachbody to plant that seed in their head I just don't have a word for it I don't I can't think of a word for something like that if you're wondering how this clip fits in the video turning people's loved ones against them and to try to like put your opinion and plant this seed of doubt in people's heads over Beachbody over joining your group like let it go if somebody tells you no let it go just stop that is disgusting in the name of Beachbody they will use anything they'll do anything they'll say anything I mean it's disgusting seriously I didn't Eddie I have never like asked ass mat in my life for like two big purchases yes of course we talked about the fridge before we bought it I do we talked about my laptop before we bought it that is normal marriage things but it was first of all my money when I first started and I needed I needed a change I do not ask Matt permission if whether or not I could do this I was at my ropes end and I told him after hey I'm doing this thing I would consider joining Beachbody to be a major life purchase $200 even $100 is that's a lot of money to people but here's the thing guys it's not just like this initial investment like ice you you have to pay for Shakeology and all this [ __ ] to remain active and this is a lot of money people go into a lot of debt I get messages every single day I'm $800 in debt I'm twelve hundred dollars in debt it's not just this oh it you're it's a one-off $200 purchase which by the way is a lot of money two hundred dollars is a lot of money it just is I don't care if you're a freaking millionaire I mean I really don't it is for the majority of people it is so to start like a new venture and just to not communicate with your significant other I just I don't agree I don't agree and I think that it's wrong that she's kind of promoting like just joining us without even telling him like no don't you know he didn't flip out he wasn't like oh my god he has always been like super supportive of the things that I want to do the things that I want to buy so I guess I just assumed that other marriages should be the same way assumes other marriages should be exactly like yours stop it just stop oh my god giving a really stupid vice which you said thinks that every relationship should be the same as hers anyways I feel like I'm getting way off track of what I actually want to say here it is not your boyfriend or husband's decision and whether or not you can take care of yourself okay it is your boyfriend or husband has no right to tell you that you don't [ __ ] need it your husband or boyfriend become mad she is cruel what you can and cannot do with your body with your body extra time if you want to do this there is a reason you want to jump in with me there is a reason that you want to get started so to build all that up and get so excited and then turn to your husband and be like can I do this please and him be like no you don't need it that's [ __ ] [ __ ] up and that's [ __ ] so if it is not a financial issue there should be absolutely no reason why you cannot do this this is not their journey this your journey this is your life would you consider it to be a financial issue when less than 1% of people ever make money in that would you also consider it to be a financial issue paying okay paying an exorbitant amount of money when you can get the workouts for free on YouTube there's free workouts everywhere I guarantee that's probably what a lot of the husbands are telling them is like wait can you just get that um just get that on YouTube I think she's too narrow and thinking that every time somebody goes and asked her husband and their husband says oh probably not a good idea he's like abusing her like you know it's just this is crazy this is wild these are your feelings that you're feeling and this is your change you want to make so when it finally is time to make a real decision and if you're going to do this or not why are you placing all of your eggs in your husband or boyfriend basket on whether or not you can actually do this stop I mean she's really trying to turn these women against their significant other again I understand if financials come into play that's a whole different ballpark if you guys cannot afford it and it's reasonable and it's reasonable okay so it's gotta be approved by her is this reasonable oh you can't afford it but is it reasonable by my definition okay then I will I officially elect you is not being abused by your husband but if it's not financial and reasonable in my eyes that's abuse not a now stop I mean of course like no is an acceptable answer for now if you guys can't afford it right now but for now if you guys are not struggling and you guys can spare that and he still says no that's what's [ __ ] up about it even if you're not struggling and you're like doing fine like you're doing fine you're good why would you put yourself in a position where you could potentially be struggling by paying all this money for these things you can just get on the internet on YouTube you're not struggling then you need to be doing this it's like no if you're not struggling then you to probably just stay where you are because you're doing good thanks bye you shouldn't have to ask permission for yourself you're doing this for you and yourself only I have been in that type of relationship where it was very one-sided so you know I have talked to women who you know I explained that to them like if there's no financial issues than like I don't understand what the problem is maybe you don't understand cuz you're not in their relationship maybe hmm maybe that's why oops they I had one person like yeah like you know what he gets to go golfing during the summer he gets to do all these things and he's telling me know that I can't do this for myself I'm doing it anyways oh my god so she's got an example over time she turned someone against her husband that's healthy I was like hell yeah I support that of course you support that because you're getting her money of course you support that of course you do you support people being healthy total health is again it's a multi-faceted thing total health being in a relationship where there's give-and-take communication and you're advising people to not communicate hmm gotta love it gotta love it there's just so many relationships out there where what you can do is very one-sided the one person they can do what they want they can spend money they can go where they want but every time you want to do the same it's a fight and it's stop putting all of your eggs in your boyfriend or your husband's basket and whether or not you can you can do this because they don't feel how you feel they don't know what you think about and you know what you know they don't need to understand why you want to do it they don't they don't have to support you at first that's okay - you know you are doing this for you and yourself because you need it you need it okay you shouldn't have to wait for a permission from your significant other to start working on you mm-hmm a small percentage of the time is your boyfriend or husband unfortunately they don't want you to get hot they don't want you to find yourself self-worth they don't want you to start loving yourself they want to keep you right where you are because that is what they are most comfortable with you doing all of that stuff we saw before not good not good right this no saying your boyfriend and husband if they say no to this beachbody thing it's because they don't want you to be hot to find yourself to love yourself now again remember what I said about naive people are often the people who are joining these pyramid schemes saying this to people who are vulnerable and naive that your husband doesn't want you to be hot doesn't want you don't love yourself doesn't want you to get fit who says that and then at the bottom she says when you find yourself worth sometimes you realize the dude you're with ain't [ __ ] lol but let me just remind you this is all in the name of Beachbody it's this is all sparks because some people were telling her no for her boot camp you know I just doesn't get any better than that does it just doesn't get any better than that this is wild I mean please weigh in in the comments below what do you think you agree disagree I think you know how I feel so anyway to wrap this video up because it's been a long one these people will do and say anything to get your money to get you to sign up they will turn you against your loved ones which is something that actually happens you know as a unfortunate by-product anyway from joining these things they will use infertility to get into your inner circle to gain your trust to make it feel like they're relatable to you and you see this at an alarming rate with MLMs that's all I'm gonna say and again it's due to the business structure it's doing the business model I don't know why people can't just join a business start a business where all you do is sell products the old-fashioned way just sell products why do you have to recruit people why why do you have to do it why can't you just sell stuff if you really love your product that you're selling just sell it why do you have to recruit all these different people and I am sick of it I mean I get here week after week after week and I'm just as mad as I was the last week because it will never get old to me how gross these things are so anyway that's it I'm done today hopefully you enjoyed the video please subscribe if you like these kind of videos leave a like it helps my channel out and if you want to you can share this video and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kiki Chanel
Views: 459,438
Rating: 4.9407105 out of 5
Keywords: monat, anti-mlm, r/antimlm, antimlm, anti mlm, mlm, network marketing, exposed, team beachbody, lularoe, scam, mlm scam, mlm documentary, mlm scams, mlm john oliver, mlm cringe, mlm horror stories, anti mlm stories, anti mlm posts, documentary, lularoe documentary, kiki chanel, kiki chanel mlms, anti mlm cringe, honest, crazy, stories, storytime, anti mlm reddit, reddit, mlm fails, top mlm fails, compilation, mlm fail compilation, 2020, monat fails, monat hair loss, beachbody fails
Id: vzSrtujD40w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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