Can you beat Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire with the LEAST BATTLES possible?

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hey everyone how's it going it's been a while since i've done one of these both referring to a minimum battles challenge and a challenge in ruby and sapphire i tend to pick emerald but because the games are different enough i want to do this challenge first in ruby and sapphire and for those of you who've never seen a minimum battles challenge i think you're in for a treat these are pretty fun now the central idea as the name suggests is to battle as few times as possible but what exactly is a battle any encounter with the trainer counts as a battle in addition any time we fight a wild pokemon and don't immediately run away that also counts the battle whether we catch it or knock it out now if you thought we could use the daycare to maybe help us out nah the daycare is banned and all the typical j-rose rules like no items in battle no glitches or cheating all of that is still in effect and with all those restrictions it actually is going to make this play through very difficult a lot of people think that minimum battles would just be a speed run but not at all speed runs of all the generation 3 games involve catching pokemon and since ideally we catch no pokemon that's going to have a profound impact on the game and right off the bat actually it's going to have an impact on what pokemon we can start with because in order to progress through the game we need a pokemon that will use the various hm's and one pokemon that is extremely good for this is mudkip more to the point if we want to stick to the least number of battles that we theoretically can we actually have to pick mudkip and this is pretty different from red and blue minimum battles and even gold and silver where although one starter was optimal at the end of the day you theoretically could have picked any of them after we pick our mudkip we're gonna be in our very first battle against a wild puciana but you might notice me checking my stats and resetting this is one of the most important parts of the run because in order for this to be possible we don't need any mudkip we need a very good mudkip in generation 3 until the present each pokemon has an invisible number assigned to each stat between 0 and 31. now at low levels even with the calculator it's really hard to determine exactly what that magic number is and you want it to be as high as possible in addition pokemon have what are called natures for our purposes the main impact is that a nature will boost one staff by ten percent and decrease another by ten percent and we need to be very careful what nature we have on our mudkip and what its ivs are there are guides out there to manipulate the randomness in order to get a perfect mudkip but since it feels against the spirit of this challenge to do that i'm just going to do what i would have done as a kid which is just reset until i get one that seems to be good enough finally i get this mudkip and i think it's going to work and obviously we're easily going to beat the puciana and that's going to be our first battle our second battle comes just a little bit later against brendan this is as good as any time to mention that if you lose to a trainer and battle them again that would count as two separate battles because we're not asking how many trainers we need to battle but how many battles it takes and that would be two separate battles so we need to win this in fact ruby sapphire emerald i believe are the only games where in order to progress the story you actually need to beat this rival thankfully even though we haven't fought any wild pokemon mudkip is pretty good trico doesn't have a grasp move yet and we're able to beat brendan fairly easily after we get the pokedex we need to battle this youngster on route 102. he's fairly trivial and despite the fact there are many more trainers on route 102 you actually don't need to battle any of them and we can make our way to petalburg city now in petalburg wally gets into a battle with the ralts but we're not wally so even though we need to watch it that doesn't count and in fact it's going to be a little while until we get into another battle we can skip all the trainers on the south side of route 104 and the bug catchers in petalburg forest until we get to the team aqua member we are playing sapphire but it isn't going to make too much of a difference what version we play this just happens to be the one i played as a kid and if i'm going to be honest i also picked it because it's going to be slightly harder since we're using a mudkip after we defeat the grunt though that is it for trainers until we get to the first gym leader roxanne i'm sure a lot of you are very surprised there are a ton of trainers on the north side of route 104 but you can skip each and every one of them the only ones you can't really skip are the twins but they won't battle you if you only have one pokemon in your party which we do and while that is a good thing for our battle count it's going to make the battle against roxanne extremely difficult because even though in this version roxanna only has two pokemon her first the geodude is six levels higher than our mudkip and we don't yet have a water move mud slap did like an eighth and rock tomb one shot mudkip now i retry this battle many times and as far as i can tell it wasn't a range however what can happen is because mudslap is lowering accuracy and rock tunes accuracy is a measly eighty percent perhaps it will miss and it can now if geodude keeps missing you can set up growl and this will help immensely because rock tomb now even when it hits eventually will not one shot mudkip and you can equip orenberry to maybe make it a two-hit ko unfortunately roxanne also has a potion herself meaning remember how i said it looked like an eight hit ko well might be even more now setting up more growls definitely is going to help because we will eventually get hit but unfortunately roxanne does not just have one potion she has two and so eventually what ends up happening is that mudslap which only has 10 powerpoints and in this game is a physical move you run out of power points and even if you use all six growls geodude eventually will knock out mudkip and remember this is just the first of two pokemon so the challenge is impossible right i mean there's no way we could actually win this and you know what you'd be right at least for now as it turned out this mudkip wall good clearly wasn't good enough to take on this geodude you might think at this point i would go to rng manipulation but you would be wrong i kept resetting and eventually after about seven minutes of resetting this mudkip popped up now i was hoping for naughty nature but brave is okay our speed is going to be lower and that really stinks but it is plus attack and the ivs looked really good also it's not as if geodude is a super fast pokemon so i took this mudkip and i went to battle roxanne once again while this mudkip was clearly doing better unfortunately it still wasn't really doing that well at the end of the day the main problem on top of running out of hp obviously ended up being that we just didn't have enough power points for mudslap no matter how much luck we would seem to get no matter how many misses even if we got a crit which in this generation is only about eight percent even still it just wouldn't matter because we'd run out of mudslap and the geodude would still have half hp or more and it just wasn't possible to really win like that unless we got some really really crazy luck honestly at this point i was ready to say you need at least one optional battle but i wanted to try at least one more time with a slightly better mudkip this time we got one with a rash nature that is boosting my special attack but my stats were even better additionally if we do make it past roxanne special attack should be more important than attack going forward this mudkip was performing even better than the last two but unfortunately i still hadn't made it past geodude to this point i also was getting a little bit more aggressive so that i could reset as soon as the battle looked like it wasn't going my way i mean we're definitely gonna need a lot of luck so there's no point going for something sub-optimal i also spam growl a lot less because since we're relying on luck anyway if we get hit we get hit but what actually ended up making this battle possible is i forgot there was a leper berry a berry that when you run out of power points will automatically restore 10 which is all of them for mudslap and with that and with perfect luck since we actually did not get hit by geodude a single time we were able to make it to the nose pass in just one hour of real time but it's not like we're guaranteed a victory here even though we have water gun now unlike geodude nose passes a little faster and it out speeds with harden and it's pure rock so water gun does not do nearly as much damage tackle did about seven hp and it's looking to be a four jko thankfully roxanne shouldn't have any more potions left rock throw is what i'm scared of but so long as she doesn't heal we will win no [Laughter] i mean i i can't complain we got pretty crazy luck but that that means it's possible all we needed was not to get a crit and i think we would have survived on like one hb but that really sucks after an hour and unfortunately like i said before we can't simply just keep that loss and battle again with water gun that would be an optional battle so we gotta try all over from the beginning it's rare that the first gym leader is this stressful but at this point i know that eventually this is gonna happen i just need to keep retrying again and again and again in fact there have been about seven unsuccessful battles three of which have made it to nosepass i think that's a little lucky this demonstrates that with a better strategy using the lepiberry and with a slightly better mudkip we can make it to nosepass at least semi-frequently unfortunately it seems like we need to make it to nosepass with pretty much full hp because nosepass just deals so much damage and wouldn't you know seven attempts later while it takes a very very very long time to knock out geodude we once again get to nosepass at full hp this time i decide to do something a little differently i go for mudslap because it's going to be a 4ko anyway and now nosepass can miss turn two she uses hardin water gun like we saw is doing about a quarter unfortunately rock throw was a 68 chance to hit and it does but it shouldn't matter so long as she doesn't get a critical hit we win i was stuck on roxanne for nearly one hour and that does not bode well for this challenge but at the end of the day yes with luck but with minimal battles we have been able to make it at least past roxanne unfortunately unlike in my other challenges where i spend a long time leveling up in this case we're still under leveled so it's not like the rest of the game is going to be a cakewalk after defeat roxanne we need to get back the devon parts there are lots and lots of trainers along the way none of whom need to be battled other than once again the aqua grunt so that's gonna be battle number six he's fairly trivial and would you believe me if i told you the next mandatory battle is also an aqua grunt all the way in slate board city that's right we can go through dewford cave we can skip brawley for now since we're under leveled and we can go to slateport and battle this grunt and this grunt is why we're playing sapphire version because he would have a number which would be very easy and instead he has a carvana and it took me a very very long time to defeat this guy i mean not relative to roxanne but i had to come up with a new strategy funny enough it's gonna be roxanne who's gonna help me out with her tm rock tomb although it can miss it deals quite a bit more damage to carvana than my other moves and it deals a little bit more damage to the next trainer azubat and the most difficult part about this is we actually need to beat these trainers back to back but with rock tomb we can lower their speed we get super effective damage against the zubat and if we have an orenberry we should have enough hp to win thankfully we don't actually have to battle archie and so we've made it through the first eight trainers not bad but this might actually be the end of the run because if you ever watch a speed run of ruby sapphire emerald rival 2 is one of the most notoriously difficult battles in all of pokemon speedrunning and they use items in order to defeat him i'm at a lower level and i can't use items unless it's a held item which isn't quite as good so yeah there is one saving grace however about us being under leveled unlike in a speed run where you'd be a marsh stomp and be ground type mudkip isn't so absorbed doesn't deal as much damage unfortunately that doesn't mean all that much because even if we hit with rock tomb groville has quick attack to knock us out and i have no idea how we're gonna get by this one i i think the run might be over i should also say that by picking brendan as the rival wasn't purely an aesthetic choice brendan sends out nummel first nommel being fire ground so that actually helps me out but not as much as you'd think water gun still doesn't one shot so there is still a chance we're not at full hp for growball a pretty significant chance and yeah i haven't even come close to knocking out grovile let alone the final pokemon there are three of them i mean i don't want to say it's impossible because i thought roxanne would be i forgot about the lepiberry and in the end we beat her while it did take a really long time but i don't even know what i could possibly use against rival 2. we do have another option though we can backtrack to doofurd and we can battle brawley now there is a mandatory trainer in brawley's gym she's got a meditation it took me many attempts to defeat her but eventually i did and i made it to brawley so how did the first battle go eventually i go for water gun it goes for karate chop i go for water gun it goes for karate chop bank gets a crit and yeah just yeah well there's no point not to just try again so i go for water gun this time it goes for bulk up water guns doing about a quarter i have the orenberry and i get a really clutch crit to knock out machop i then off to go for mudslap and makuhita goes for arm thrust it hits and lasts for four turns so i survive hooray but yeah i think the run is over i go for water gun oh it misses but we need two more hits unless we crit okay brawley second try victory how about that i guess he went to the bruno school of fighting gyms now despite what i said earlier i think i do need mudkip to evolve into marsh stomp because marshdom just has such better stats i don't know if we can get by grovile but i do think marshtop gives us a better opportunity it was a tough call and if i'm wrong i might have to reset once again but before i do that i'm going to backtrack to russ bro because i did forget something that could help you can get the quickclaw essentially this gives me a 20 chance of going first considering the grow vial outspeeds me the ability to get a lucky out speed and maybe a crit and win that's what i'm thinking needs to happen in order for me to actually get by rival 2. and funny enough rival 2 actually since we've defeated brawley is going to be the 11th battle so if we lose jro's 11 will have lost at the 11th battle i think that's kind of fitting and cool and i don't know let's just talk about the battle so this is the first time i've battled him since i've evolved and i'm gonna go for water gun against nummel and this time it's a one ko so that's really good now i go for rock tomb i'm actually out speeding grovile probably due to quick law and it crits me and i lose now after seeing that you're probably thinking all right this is actually impossible but here's what can happen so once again we're going to one shot nummel we get a quick claw mud slap and due to that absorb misses groval goes first misses again with absorb and we use a second mud slap which i did calculate was the optimal strategy to get one more accuracy drop groval misses a third consecutive time and this time i drop its speed by going for mud shot groval still out speeds misses a fourth consecutive time with absorb and we lower its speed again with mud shot finally now i'm going first we use mud shot again and again absorb misses now rock tombs a lot less accurate but it does deal a bit more damage and we hit so we not only beat grovile but we didn't take a single hp point of damage the next pokemon's a whale mirror at out speeds and goes for growl mud shots still doing decent damage quick law activates we get another mud shot so it's going to be a 4ko but water guns doing next to nothing it's now slower than us we use another mud shot another water gun and we win now i should mention that just like a couple others this challenge was performed on my twitch channel and if you look at the timer you can see that this took over 30 minutes of attempts keep in mind i speed the game up to four times so that's roughly two hours of regular gameplay to beat rival 2. there was no secret cool strategy it was just simply get pretty good luck with absorb missing a bunch and we got crazy good luck i don't even want to know how unlikely that was but obviously i knew it was possible and so in a run where we've been stuck at pretty much every major battle thus far we're gonna find our way getting to the third gym in marvel city before we can battle watson we need to defeat wally he's pretty easy and that's battle number 12. now watson has a minimum of two mandatory trainers in his gym i always pick the ones with the least pokemon if there's an option these two trainers had a combined four pokemon but we can skip right ahead to watson because just like them i don't think he's going to be very difficult his first pokemon's a magnemite it does out speed but mudshot will one hit ko voltorb uses rollout mudshot still one hit ko's the final pokemon is a magneton it uses sonic boom it's not a one-hit ko unfortunately watson does heal with a super potion but because mudshot lowers speed after the heal we now out speed the magneton and can knock it out unfortunately this was also a second try victory but this video is getting long and the first try was me making a mistake so that's 15 battles and three badges after watson though we have a bit of an issue you see we only have one pokemon and we need our marsh stomp to be able to use hm moves to get us through the rest of the game unfortunately hm moves like rock smash suck and i'd rather not use it and you can't delete it for a long time so that's a thing long and hard in the end of the day rock tomb is not as accurate we have been using the accuracy drops from mudslap to our advantage it was a tough call but i opted to delete rock tomb instead of mudslap and hopefully i don't regret that it really sucks but unlike all the other runs to this point we don't have any gift pokemon that we can use not even ones we can acquire from the game corner this is the first generation that has a game corner that does not sell any pokemon for the foreseeable future it is me and marshdom against a very small and specific part of the world now at this point of the game we're going to eventually need to defeat team aqua on mount chimney but we need to go to meteor falls first on the way there there's only one trainer on the entire path that is mandatory it's this trainer on route 111 she is actually skippable i believe in emerald but not in ruby and sapphire she also has a rosalia which is pretty annoying but thankfully she is not nearly as difficult to defeat his rival too and we can skip all the way ahead to mount chimney there are three trainers we need to battle a grunt admin matt and eventually the leader archie now i'd like to say that archie was super super easy to defeat but that would be a lie you see archie leads off with a mighty enna and mighty anna uses intimidate which lowers my attack which is bad he also has healing items which are bad i could usually make it to golbat with about half hp but unfortunately even a torrent water gun is not doing enough and although i really really really didn't want to and trust me guys i tried strength secret power i tried everything i had to go back down the mountain and do something i knew i might have to do but really didn't want to do and that is go to the game corner and get the tm for ice beam now in a normal run i would just battle a bunch of trainers to get as much money as possible but we can't do that so we had to go and play the extremely random games at the game corner in order to get 4 000 coins or if you remember my ditto run i could just get the white herb which means i don't get the attack drop and so even after my diana uses a sand attack i'm still in a relatively better position both attack and hp wise making it to golbat now golbat does out speed but it misses with super sonic and we use secret power on a mountain it will confuse as its extra effect which is very good golbat then hits itself in confusion which is pretty good then it misses a supersonic and we knock it out or not no it heals sorry maybe we don't well let's just make a long story short here we end up eventually getting a critical hit we end up confusing the goal bat again and thankfully due to a really good string of events we knock out the goal bat but with only nine hp for the first time i've made it to sharpedo which outspeeds and knocks me out but if we had a lot more hp we probably could beat sharpedo with a mud shot so with everything i've learned i just have to battle archie again and again and again that's become a recurring theme but this time i play it a little differently i go for secret power and mighty anna hits itself in confusion then i go for rock smash and mighty anna hits itself in confusion again doesn't quite knock itself out that will trigger the super potion i can then use mud shot and knock out mighty enna without it ever having attacked me so at full health for goal bat and just like last time golbat misses with super sonic and we get secret power 30 chance we confuse it it hits itself in confusion we use secret power there's archie's second super potion another secret power doesn't hit itself in confusion but misses supersonic two more hits or one if it hits itself in confusion there we go golbat hits itself in confusion oh come on well i mean i've gotten lucky i can't complain it snaps out of confusion and misses with supersonic for the third consecutive time so we actually make it to sharpedo at full health this has been a recurring theme when i get good luck man i get all the good luck sharpedo actually goes for focus energy so i think we're not gonna take any damage and yeah we don't which is crazy because this doesn't look like i spent again another hour trying to defeat just one single trainer but this time i did waste time in the game corner so that's kind of my fault still this was countless numbers of attempts i have done a bunch of minimum battles challenges none have been nearly as difficult as this one and we're not even halfway done technically we're not even halfway as we battle flannery because the elite four count two but i guess we're halfway in terms of badges if we defeat her hopefully she'll be a first try victory seeing as she is the fire type gym leader she leads with slugma i go for mud shot i hit and one shot one down second pokemon is the same as the first the slugma one shot knock it out her final pokemon is a torkle however i use mud shot clear smoke it doesn't lose stats doesn't matter it goes for a tract which is terrible then i don't attack because of a tract and it goes for flail i do hit this time it goes for body slam but now flannery heals and would you look at that i'm too in love to attack i'm still too in love to attack body slam paralyzes and first try victories what are those flannery would end up taking four tries actually this time a misclick and hit water gun not that it ended up mattering because slug my used light screen but i also get paralyzed by torquel which is pretty funny but thankfully my second mudshot crits so i'm able to knock it out and yeah we have finished 20 battles that has gotten us four gym badges only five battles per gym badge that's insane do you remember how many battles gold and silver had and that number is actually going to decrease slightly because there are no more trainers on the way to petalburg gym there are three mandatory trainers in norman's gym you have to beat the trainers to open the doors remember the gym but we're just gonna skip ahead and battle norman well in my very first battle slacking out speeds goes for facade and i've seen enough because since slacking out speeded here is a better strategy i'm going to lead with anarith now anarith will be outsped and facade actually doesn't one shot i'm hoping to get at least one defense drop with rock smash before slacking knocks me out but it really really doesn't matter because so long as i sacrifice my anarith i can actually knock out slacking without taking any damage and this is due to its ability truant combined with the fact i have taught my marsh stomp dig truant forces the slacking to do nothing every other turn regardless of whether the attack it used hit or not so if it knocks out my anarith with an attack on the turn i swap in my marsh dom it's not going to be able to do anything and so i can use dig and that timing ensures that when i'm underground slacking can attack and when i've surfaced it's loafing around and with that strat we can actually knock out the first slacking and that's about it you see vigoroth while not as powerful as slacking it's got way worse stats it also doesn't have truant and so even though it got a little lucky with the slash critical hit it's still going to be a pretty big problem for my marsh top in fact i'd lost to vigoroth 10 times before this attempt i knock out the slacking so out comes vigoroth obviously you know i'm about to win here it goes for slash but no crit i go for mud shot i then think about it i decide eventually to go for dig but i don't knock it out get hit again and i should lose right well the only way i wouldn't is if dig crits and now you might think oh boy j-rose just won because out comes another slacking and we can get an egg in the hot spring of laveridge down in order to get a why not and while the why not can't actually do very much to slacking it can still serve the same purpose of anarith being sacrificed so that slacking should never be able to attack me since i'm going to be using dig right well unfortunately that would have worked out if i had enough power points but you see norman has some potions and eventually i actually ran out of dig and without dig to protect me and i cannot buy the tm for protect yet if you could this battle would be 1 000 free because even if the attack fails it still counts as an attack once i lost dig the battle was done and that's part of why i didn't want to use it against vigaroth but it does do more damage than mud shot so how am i going to defeat norman well anarath actually plays a bigger part than you'd think i equipped quickclaw to it and thankfully in this attempt i get not just one but two rock smash defense drops against slacking and with less defense i need less power points to knock it out something else i realized is i could use mud shot the first term marsh tom swaps in because that will lower slacking speed and i can still get the timing right with dig now ideally slacking would never heal but that of course doesn't happen i should note using a potion counts as a move for slacking so it's still going to have the turn of loafing around afterwards i try to get another defense drop with rock smash to no avail and i do have to use dig a few more times but i have seven power points for vigoroth and for slacking number two now in order to beat vigoroth you need a lot of luck you can't get critted by slash and you need a critical hit which i get with mud shot i then go for rock smash and get the very clutch defense drop and so while i'll have very little hp dig should knock out vigoroth and it does and we can do the same thing where we swap in why not and hopefully we're going to have enough power points so just like last time we can go for mud shot but this time something funny happens i noticed that slacking likes to go for focus punch so i predict it and go for another mud shot and i got it right it's gonna be loafing this turn so i go for rock smash and i do get a defense drop now i've already gotten obscenely lucky so i just go for dig it did go for focus punch but of course it's going to miss since i'm underground now hopefully we do enough damage to knock it out with this dig no all right it's gonna heal but we have a lot of power points i need a defense drop here i get it i think we win i try for another one slacking is loafing around it goes for focus punch didn't matter i wasn't going to risk it and one more dig should knock it out all right it was going for focus punch could have gone for mud shot and no oh no thankfully slacking has no more potions we go for rock smash it was going for focus punch again and wow that was another battle that took a really really really long time five gym badges down each more annoying than the last but at least after defeat norman we will get access to surf and so our water starter can be using a really powerful water move soon and eventually we will get swampert but we're still a few battles away from that now that we have surf though we're going to be able to surf from marvel to route 118 make it to route 119 and get to the weather institute with a grand total of zero battles that are mandatory this game loves making battles optional and i'm all for it especially after the 100 something battles i need to do in gold and silver now these battles are just with aqua grunts and admin shelley none of which gave me any trouble so first try victory but these aren't major battles more importantly we're going to get the fourth addition to our team cast form so our team is now comprised of swampert a level five why not that hatched from an egg an anarith we recovered from a fossil and cast form what a team but what if i told you that this team is going to make rival 3 way easier than rival 2 not a first try victory but let me show you brendan leaves with nummel and once again we can use our water move this time surf and easily one shot now groval would absolutely destroy marsh dom so we're gonna swap into why not just to sacrifice it man absorb was doing a lot of damage i don't want to know how much leaf blade would do but now we send out our new buddy cast form groval decides to go for screech which is really good because we can set up sunny day now you might wonder why not set up hail because we're gonna go for powder snow it actually went for screech first and the reason is groval's going to use leaf blade and i resist leaf blade because i'm a fire type now ice doesn't resist fire but it can crit grass now you might think how storm's going to take out groville by itself but i don't want that experience points in a minimum battles run are very limited so you actually am going to use hail in order to get grovile to knock me out and there's a 20 chance quick law activates eye out speed and knockout grovile that's why this took so long if i let cast form knockout grovile this wouldn't have taken as long as it did but it's integral that marshdom gains as much experience as possible whale murder is pretty easy i just go for mud shot it doesn't confuse me with water pulse we knock it out but yeah managing experience points in a run with minimal battles very very very important alright so now we're going to head to fortress city and no so i forgot to save and since this would be a non-mandatory battle i have to reset and do the rival fight all over again hooray i'm not going to show the next victory because obviously it requires a 20 quick claw chance to get the experience points but yeah i was pretty pissed now we're gonna get the devin scope from steven eventually and some of you might be asking why we don't get a keklian because in cases like kecleon or snorlax where we can run away in my mind it's no different than any other wild pokemon battle so long as you don't catch it or anything it's just like running through a patch of grass and getting a wild encounter since you can't turn those off i see no reason to treat these encounters as any different even though they're forced because the rule states if i don't battle it it's not a battle and i can just run away and the game progresses if you can't run away with the game progressing like ghost marowak then it's a battle but catching kecleon would be a battle running away not a battle so we cannot get kecleon keep that in mind for a little bit later alright so we're gonna battle winona there are two mandatory battles in her gym swellow goes for aerial ace i have ice beam from the abandoned ship which is way better and we don't knock it out in one hit we do temporarily freeze swellow but it's going to thaw before i have a chance to knock it out and then pelipper is going to out speed and knock me out with water gun leading me to believe that winona might have to wait now i know i sound like a broken record but would you believe the next mandatory battle at this point of the game is mount pyre there is the whole journey to lilly cove city and while it's annoying to avoid some of them you actually can and you can make it to mount pyre without battling anybody which sucks because i would like a swamper to battle winona that would make things far easier unfortunately there are just three grunts here not even an admin and it's not nearly enough experience points for us to get a swamper we can however even without beating winona do the rest of the team aqua stuff but there's just one problem we don't have a pokemon that is capable of flying and so we need to carefully make our way back to slateboard which takes a really long time and then travel all the way on foot back to lillico this is one of the most irritating things i've ever done because in my previous minimum battles challenges it was actually a tough choice which of the many pokemon we can acquire without battles that we want to use here we don't even have a pokemon capable of flying us let alone a choice in what pokemon we want to use unfortunately this trend continues for a little while through the pokemon series and might make the minimum battles challenge something that i don't continue but we still have quite a ways to go in this challenge so let's see eventually we'll make our way to the team aqua high down if it's anything like the team rocket hideout in gold and silver we're gonna have like 10 trainers to battle right no not a single grunt just admin matt that is the only trainer that is mandatory you can skip every single grunt oh my god i mean it's amazing but it's also terrible because we're not gonna get the experience points we need the next mandatory trainer is all the way in moss deep gym there is a trainer a psychic you actually need to battle they're not even that easy especially because we're kind of really under leveled at this point of the game despite that fact i think we might have a shot versus tate and liza they only have two pokemon unlike an emerald and for the record even though we're using two pokemon it still counts as just one battle alright so lunatone goes first sets up light screen which sucks but soul rock opts to go for solar beam i go for surf which doesn't do very much damage because it's a double move and the light screen but cast form decides to go for rain dance which will lower the power of solar beam and it will raise the power of my surf soul rock goes for solar beam and it doesn't knock me out lunatone misses with hypnosis surf is doing more damage unfortunately the light screen really sucks and maybe we can get a clutch freeze with powder snow we don't all right lunatone thankfully attacks cast form and knocks it out with psychic and soul rock attacks anaerith which comes out to immediately take its place gen 3 mechanic and that means i get to use surf lunatone survives but soul rock is done one down now because lunatones at low health tate and liza use a hyper potion but now that there's just one pokemon left surf is going to do more damage why not goes for encore which isn't really going to help all that much but what else is it going to do this is the moment of truth lunatone attacks why not why not is knocked out that also means marsh dom's going gonna gain all the experience points from this one i didn't care that why not gained a little bit that's unavoidable we beat tate and liza i'm not sure how many people would even consider battling tate and liza before winona but hey worked here and now that we've defeated them we can go to steven's house in mossdeep and get dive and that means we can actually finish off the team aqua storyline without having beaten winona pretty awesome however as we've been saying there aren't many mandatory trainers just admin shelly at first and she's not even that easy it took me sacrificing quite a few pokemon to defeat her and we still don't have swampert that's not ideal because now we have to defeat archie who is more over leveled this time than he was last mighty anna leads off this time intimidate isn't as big a deal because i'm gonna go for surf it goes for takedown i go for surf archie uses super potion but i get a crit almost knock it out it goes for swagger and it misses 10 chance of that happening so we've knocked out mighty anna with 60 of our hp roughly speaking next comes out crobat it goes for wing attack i go for ice beam it's not even doing half i can't lose my marsh tom so i sacrifice why not it takes an air cutter which has a five percent chance of missing i then sent out cast form because why the heck not goes for confuse ray i hit myself in confusion and then goes for wing attack and shockingly doesn't knock me out i'm able to get off a hail and that tiny bit of hail damage tells archie it's time to heal i get it off of powder snow but i don't get the clutch freeze it's gonna knock out cast form and yeah this isn't gonna work all right maybe we don't have swampert but we have battled a few times since we tried winona last maybe the increase in level is enough to defeat her and frankly between her and archie her pokemon are at a lower level so theoretically she should be easier right this time swellow decides to go for double team and we come close to knocking it out unfortunately winona's gonna heal i go for surf because why not swallow then uses endeavor which makes my hp the same as swellows which means swallow has 19 hp and yeah let's try that again i'm hoping it was a range once again we get double team it was a range nice okay we're in business against pelipper i want to see how much strength does and a lot with a critical hit unfortunately supersonic actually hits unlike in a solo run though it's pretty easy to fix that i just swap into why not can sacrifice it and look at that here comes back out marsh dom without being confused this time i decide to go for ice beam i get a crit again but that's two down and level 36 we're gonna have a swampert if we win skarmory steel type so i just go for surf it's gonna do the most damage it goes for sand attack that really sucks it out speeds me this time goes for aerial ace but i knock out skarmory just one pokemon remaining now in a solo run a sand attack would be a big deal but again here it's not a big deal we can just swap into anarith this means after anarith gets knocked out we can swap back in marsh stomp it goes for dragon dance i was worried it might set up against anarith but who cares ice beam's easily gonna one shot and we're going to have a swampert for archie that makes things pretty interesting now i'm gonna be up front it definitely wasn't a first try victory but with swampert yeah we're gonna get hit with intimidate but surf is now doing half to my diena it goes for face which isn't great but whatever archie uses a super potion and we get a very clutch crit knocking out my diana so we're at full hp now i think of swapping out but crobats can outspeed me anyway unfortunately it does confuse me we don't hit ourselves in confusion but we're gonna need to switch out now why not's the most expendable pokemon unfortunately archie does heal that really sucks because we maybe could have knocked out the crowbar but it's very important to get rid of the confusion so yeah not ideal there anyway it's all for naught because crobat uses it again i'm confused again and i do hit again it goes for wing attack does like nothing and ice beam does knock it out but now i have sharpedo who has been ending all my previous runs so far alright well now i should switch out because sharpedo isn't likely to confuse me almost knocks out anereth with slash takes two turns to knock it out but that's fine it goes for taunt i go for strength i should win as long as it doesn't get a crit and it goes for taunt again so just like before when we get luck we get all the luck and we have won 39 battles we have beaten archie for the second time and we're almost at the very end of the game in fact i can't even think of many mandatory battles that are left that said kyogre has now been awakened and we can head to sutopola city and battle it right wrong remember how i said that we could just run away from kecleon and the story progresses we can run away from kyogre while great for our battle count it's awful because if we did have to defeat or catch kyogre we would have a pokemon that is a legendary pokemon with drizzle and eight levels higher i cannot tell you how much easier things would have been even though the next jim lee is a water type gym leader who cares kyogre is so much better sure swampert has some evs here and there but kyogre would have been an absolute beast unfortunately since we can run away we have to or it would count as an extra battle and i know many of you were probably predicting that kyogre would just carry us through the late game not gonna happen we need to use swampert it looks like after we bravely run away from kyogre we can battle wallace the champion from emerald and someone who just requires us to do a couple puzzles but not to battle any trainers meaning we're about to make it to victory road with just 40 mandatory battles now unfortunately swampert is part ground meaning wallace is not going to be as easy as you might think and we did have to use all our rare candies meaning swampert's at level 44. against love disc it out speeds we don't get confused by water pulse the first time we do the second time but we're able to knock it out next comes out wiscash we're gonna switch into why not it goes for earthquake knocks out why not back into swampert we go for surf it goes for amnesia which isn't as good i want to avoid it healing so i go for ice beam which shouldn't put it in healing range it goes for earthquake does significant damage but citrus berry will restore 30 hp and i'm able to knock out whisk with strength next we get the celio i go for strength doing about a third it goes for water pulse doing like nothing i go for strength again this time it goes for aurora beam does even less than water pulse don't mind if celio heals i'm just gonna go for strength again now if i could knock out celio here that would be clutch we get a critical hit but wallace still has two pokemon remaining i use strength on seeking it goes for raindance i then swap into anarith because this raindance is going to be terrible for me it knocks out anareth with the water pulse next i swap into cast form who will turn into the water tight it hits me with a not very effective water pulse and i can set up sunny day even though water moves will now be super effective they won't be as effective against my swamper unsurprisingly water pulse knocks me out but hopefully the sun helps with the final two pokemon i go for strength unfortunately seeking does again go for rain dance wallace then goes for another hyper potion with swift swim it's now out speeding i get confused and the battle is over so some of you might be wondering now j rose why are you using such awful moves dive strength where's earthquake well hms suck the only non-hm move i have is ice beam and if i delete that i might need to go to the dreaded game corner in order to get the coins necessary for another one which would be really really bad that said earthquakes gonna do a lot more damage than strength so let's try this once again well if you didn't take my word for it we get hit by water pulse and now we one shot love disc with earthquake 100 base power same type it's like double as powerful as strength we out speed wiscash go for earthquake it goes for raindance fine i'll just go for surf and knock it out two down now earthquake won't quite one-shot celio it goes for water pulse but this is gonna waste another turn of rain because celio's gonna heal it'll also waste the hyper potion and i don't care if celio is healed i just went for surf so it'd be a 2 ako it didn't matter and now earthquake's going to knock it out so yeah healing wasn't even the smart play there the rain stops again i go for earthquake seeking's going to set up another rain dance once again wallace uses a hyper potion i go for surf just like last time because why not just like last time seeking goes for water pulse i go for earthquake but this time i have a nice amount of hp for the final pokemon my low-tech now i'd rather my low tick not have rain boosted water move so i swap in why not it knocks it out i swap in cast form and you probably know where this is going my low to go for water pulse nearly knocks out cast form but i'm able to get off the sunny day my low tick knocks me out with ice beam but this should be good enough my low tick goes for ice beam no freeze we're doing half i think we won alright moment of truth no freeze we knock it out unfortunately though it's not all celebrations here you see i need ice beam for drake and i need earthquake for steven while we can re-buy the ice beam tm earthquake the tm has already been used and until generation five tms once they're used they're gone there's one saving grace however if with the remaining rare candies we can ensure that we hit level 52 after drake then we can teach earthquake instead of ice beam and we can have it for steven it's going to be tough but it's the only way i can get this all to work and this is another reason why it's so obnoxious we can't use kyogre because kyogre could have at least taken over as our hm assistant instead our main pokemon also is the pokemon that needs to know every hm sure we'll be able to get rid of dive but we have to replace it with waterfall and since we don't have a pokemon that can fly we can't fly back to the move to leader in lilly cove city meaning we're going to be stuck with two very useless moves in waterfall and strength fantastic on a lighter note i don't play ruby and sapphire much so i kind of just stopped here wondering hey why isn't wally showing up forgetting that in ruby and sapphire he doesn't battle you till the end of victory road that's pretty funny anyway we can skip over the four other mandatory trainers and battle wall-e unfortunately since i no longer have ice beam i need to use strength to defeat altaria thankfully it doesn't really attack me much going for safeguard dragon dance a super potion and only then using aerial ace which does not vary much and we're able to knock it out no crits needed swampert is able to outspeed rosalia and go for earthquake and that's going to be two down we're also going to be able to out speed del caddy and we almost knock it out it goes for charm but that's no big deal we're just gonna knock it out with earthquake the next pokemon is magneton and it's double weak to earthquake so even with charm we're gonna knock it out and now gardevoir comes out and all we need to do is once again swap to one of our great teammates that really don't do anything other than just be fodder unfortunately gardevoir sets up a double team which would be very very bad so yeah that's very very bad gardevoir outspeeds goes for psychic i go for earthquake it doesn't knock it out but for whatever reason as if he's in the kanto elite four wally uses a super potion not a hyper potion we're able to knock out gardevoir first try victory man that did not go the way i thought it would but we have made it to the elite four let me tell you right now we are going to be saving between members are you kidding me i don't even know if this is going to be possible considering three of our four moves are hm moves so if we beat this it's gonna require a little bit of luck i think with that said let's get right to it and battle laurel i mean sydney sorry just so much gen 1 lately you know what because i never pronounced her name correctly to continue the tradition let's go battle side nigh so in order to avoid mighty anna's intimidate i lead off with why not and side nice mighty enna well it's going to use takedown to well take it down but since i wasn't hit with intimidate i can send out swampert and go for earthquake it does pretty decent damage my diana uses crunch and then the next turn uses full restore no retroactive potions in generation three they always act first that's okay we're going to be able to knock out the mighty enna but here is where i'm a little concerned cacturn is a grass pokemon and i wish we had ice beam or brick break but we have strength and yeah that doesn't even do half and yeah neat alarm knocks me out perfect alright so i battle sydney again this time i make a mistake and i lead with swampert i go for surf it goes for sand attack so i swap in the why not it knocks out why not and i'm gonna be able to knock out my diana with surf and this time it didn't heal pretty good but now out comes cacturn we saw strength wasn't doing half so brick break is not gonna one shot unless it crits and i was gonna keep resetting until i got the crit there so first try is pretty good two down i think we win now now sharpedo does something interesting it uses swagger i don't hit myself in confusion and i knock it out but do i want that attack boost or is it too risky i opt to keep it absolute speeds me and goes for sword stance and unfortunately i hit myself in confusion sydney gets greedy goes for another sword stance and i won't hit myself in confusion twice i knock out absol and there's only one more pokemon remaining a shift tree if we out speed and don't hit ourselves in confusion we win we don't have speed but double team's okay but we hit ourselves in confusion all right well oh another double team oh we miss well that's not surprising look at that another swagger it doesn't have any grass moves by the way but we hit and we win second try victory not too bad at all and unlike in our solo series we can save now and we never have to beat sydney again so that's pretty cool it did cost us earthquake which might be bad but we were going to delete it after phoebe's battle anyway so as long as we can get by phoebe it really doesn't matter so phoebe leads with dusk flops i go for surf and it's doing about half it goes for shadow punch not bad i'm going to use surf again and i knock out dust glops one down next comes out banette i go for surf it's doing more than half but it goes for spite i might actually run out of surfs thankfully i have waterfall so that's kind of nice and you know what i think waterfall would knock it out it does look at that actually was useful two down sable eye doesn't have any weaknesses but it's also not a very strong pokemon i go for surfs doing over half it goes for shadowball does pretty decent damage i meant to go for waterfall i click too fast and i knock it out with surf three down now things get interesting banette outspeeds me and knocks me in range of my torrent ability so when i use surf here it does way more damage and one shot's been at there was no crit there torrent boosts my water moves by 50 percent when i'm at a third hp or less which i am now and now the moment of truth do we do half the dust glops no and we don't get the flinch and i think we lose but i can see an easy pathway to victory here i try to get a critical hitter of flinch i don't dusklops doesn't have a lot of health left but i don't think phoebe is going to be all that difficult that turned out not to be true i lost against phoebe quite a bit and it's all because i didn't get a powerpoint up and i'd either run out of powerpoints or in some cases run out of hp so it was a pretty self-inflicted problem anyway i came up with a strategy to use cast form first thankfully dust gloves used curse and that was another thing banette never attacked me and used spite and because of that we had way more hp than i would have in most of these battles since cast form set up the rain dance i can knock out the first dust gloss with a waterfall instead of having to use a surf i can use surf here and banette does go for spite i can then use waterfall and i'm out speeding so i can knock out banette with only one more surf usage here comes sableye it goes for attract and i can just swap into why not it goes for shadow ball knocks out the why not but swampert's gonna be able to knock it out with waterfall so that is three down but net number two we remember how this thing is pretty fast it goes for shadowball i go for surf it goes for shadowball my special defense is lowered which is not a good thing i go for surf here it's doing about half and you didn't see this but dust gloves actually has a citrus berry which because it's below half hp i'm not gonna be able to two shot it and it's actually going to be able to knock me out however in this battle i get a critical hit versus dusk lops one so it's a one shot that's pretty good next comes out banette i go for surf because i have to it goes for spite i lose three power points but that's okay waterfall knocks it out now we have sableye i'm gonna swap into why not it goes for shadowball and knocks it out i swap into castform because this is where i want raindance thankfully it has to go for faint attack which will not knock out cast form can set up the rain dance and now i can swap in swampert i can go for surf and it comes very close to knocking out stabilize it hits with the tracks we have to go to anoreth phoebe use a full restore now i don't really have anything to do with anarith so i just sacrifice it swampert comes out again and unfortunately now the rain is stopped it gets attracted again but this time it's able to fight through it and knock out stabilize banette thankfully misses with toxic another thing that would cause a lot of losses and we make it to the final dust clouds with 120 hp this time i go for surf i get confused i fight through the confusion crit and i win i said about an hour ago that brawley went to the bruno school of fighting gym leaders well phoebe clearly went to the agatha school of elite four members it was just really random and annoying and i definitely felt this should have happened a long time ago it actually took me 15 minutes of battles just against phoebe to finally win one and the critical hits definitely helped but who the heck cares we have made it through with minimum battles this is to see if it's possible not whether it's consistent i'm gonna tell you right now it's not consistent so who cares all right well now we face glacia who like laura lee is an ice type member and she proved to be extremely difficult at least at first so with brick break we have a super effective move glaily goes for hale and brick break with the crit one shots which is pretty good the next comes out celio you may have noticed anna with getting experience points that's because i need to defeat both glacia and the next trainer before i hit level 52 so i need to split my experience points anyway celia wasn't too interesting just hit me with surf we knocked it out now the next celio used a tract and here's where everything changed i swap in why not in order to sacrifice it why not faints pretty quickly but that seemingly insignificant moment was a major turning point in the run we knock out celio with brick break next comes out glaily which seems to be a speed tie it goes for hale we go for brick break and eventually we'll knock it out but i want you to look at this message by soarin by the way too bad why not doesn't have destiny bond hmm too bad it doesn't if only there was a way to give it destiny bond we probably would have knocked out the wall reign now soarin seems to think we would need to restart the elite four in order to do that which i can't do because i've saved and i don't use save states but i had another idea alright so the battle is going to start off pretty similarly light screen that's pretty good we one shot and crit awesome but you might notice it's not an earth gaining levels anymore it's why not now celio goes for surf after we went for brick break we knock out celio and why not's now at level 13. we go for brick break celio goes for hail we use another brick break and would you look at that why not level 14. now comes out the speed tie glaily it goes for ice beam we go for brick break we have the shell belt just to gain a little bit more health and that matters because ice beam we survive we knock it out and look at that why not is level 15. interesting do you guys know what move it gets at level 15 it gets counter it gets mirror coat but it also gets destiny bond and now i don't even need swampert i am going to sacrifice swampert to the wall reign i'm going to send in cast form in order to try and lower wall reigns accuracy because it's probably going to go for hail it goes for blizzard and i hang on with focus band i gave it focus band because why the heck not and flash hits it then misses with surf and i get another flash to hit it then hits with blizzard and it activates again [Laughter] we hit again with flash now blizzard is missing as i've hit my fourth flash be aware flash only has 70 accuracy surf misses five flashes finally blizzard hits and now it's all up to why not we have quick claw it goes for blizzard unsurprisingly misses and now we use destiny bond as long as it hits we win unfortunately it misses with surf but we can keep spamming it and there we go not gonna pretend it was completely my idea but it definitely surprised chat the way i implemented it that went about as well as we could have hoped we don't need the experience points because again we don't want to hit level 52 until after we defeat drake and speaking of which he's coming up next and we're gonna get ice beam this could be really easy by the way i never plug my twitch but if you go on my top clips this is one of them and there's a good reason as to why drake leads with shell gone i have the never melt ice equipped but unfortunately it's not quite a one ko it hits with rock tomb which is gonna lower my speed i hit with ice beam again this time it does knock it out so when it goes to altaria we don't out speed altar anymore but i didn't really care about dragon breath we knock it out two gone i also don't really care if flygon does anything to me so i'm just gonna stay in it goes for sandstorm and once again we knock it out with ice beam i think it out speeds anyway so three down now comes out a second flygon yeah the teams in ruby and sapphire aren't spectacular this time it actually attacks me and i'm at half hp for salamance but that should be fine all right what will salamance do flamethrower oh and it got a crit doesn't matter i knock it out uh that actually was a third try victory i had a couple attempts where i was messing around with whether i should use never melt ice as it turns out we just missed hitting level 52 before steven so we could have maybe had swampert gain a little bit more experience points my bad it is hard to do the math sometimes i messed up a little bit but we will be able to use our rare candies to level up and we will be able to delete ice beam for earthquake ice beams not even good against a steel type elite four member but that's enough of me talking this video's lasted long enough let's battle steven so he leads with skarmory it goes for toxic and that's pretty bad it then goes for spike so although i haven't taken any direct damage not a great situation agron is double weak to earthquake so i use it and knock it out two gone but now comes out credilly i wish i had ice beam for credibility and unfortunately it's gonna go for giga drain and knock me out that looked bad but i did have an idea so against skarmory i'd like not to get hit by toxic in this battle i don't but it's not gonna really matter and you'll see why agron earthquake is gonna knock it out and here is where my idea comes into play we're gonna swap in anorath just to sacrifice it it's gonna get knocked out eventually by credili and we have quickclaw on wabafet so we go for destiny bond unfortunately gigadrain knocks me out and yeah you can see what we need to have happen here despite the fact it's a 20 chance of activating it took 11 attempts funny enough for me to get it actually to work so spoiler alert there this time we get toxic and aerial lace before we knock out the skarmory we use earthquake in one shot the agron and then as you know what's going to happen here we're going to swap in anarith anderith is going to get knocked out by giga drain and guava fett shockingly is going to get the quick law destiny bond and it's going to knock out credili but it might be too little too late because of the toxic on our swamper surprisingly klado out speeds and goes for light screen surf wouldn't have one shot anyway however it would have because you can see we're in torrent range we're doing a lot of damage we don't knock it out but unfortunately even though it took us like seven minutes to get a quick low activation we also can't be poisoned so let's try and get both all right so skarmory starts off with aerial ace i go for surf i have the shell bell equipped for a little extra hp unfortunately you can't get leftovers before the post game and there we go another aerial ace so no toxic that was part one of what we needed now we have agron earthquake is still gonna one shot we're gonna gain a bunch of hp back from shelbelle two down credilly you've already seen what we do here we swap into anarith it goes for giga drain now we need a quick law activation and you're seeing this run so you know what's gonna happen we knock out the credit and now there are three pokemon remaining for swampert the first of which is the clay doll it goes to reflect we don't knock it out but we get almost all our hp back due to shell bell after the full restore we get all our hp back another full restore would have liked a critical hit but who cares and you know what steven why not use your third full restore holy moly finally clay doll goes for earthquake and we knock it out with surf with over 150 hp remaining and would you look at that timing reflect wears off metagross goes for psychic it doesn't knock me out we don't knock it out either but will the shell bell give me enough hp citrus fairy doesn't matter it goes for earthquake this time we survive on 29 hp and we're gonna knock out metagross with earthquake that's his best pokemon but there's still one more left it's armaldo i'm in torrent range i use surf we win wow that was quite a journey almost 10 hours of real time by far one of the longest minimum battles runs and i'm not sure if i'm gonna do emerald because emerald does have some differences but in terms of the pokemon we can use it is the same so i'm not really sure yet if this is the end for minimum battles this was a great way to go out we did the best with the pokemon we had the strategies we had using hms and i'm pretty proud of how swamper perform like i said as we go forward in generations there are fewer and fewer gift pokemon and in some cases i'm not even sure if we would even have enough pokemon for all the hm's we need to complete the game so i guess we'll have to see for now this has been a super long video thank you guys for watching thanks for your support and see you soon bye
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 533,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All
Id: HGY-ji5lP0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 22sec (4222 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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