Everything Wrong With Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story Almost 33 Minutes (ft. @FawfulsMinionCountdowns)

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hey everyone before we get into today's video i just wanted to let you all know this video has been sponsored by squarespace for a while now i've wanted to launch my production company's website so i could concentrate all the things i do when i'm involved in one easy to navigate space the thing is i didn't really have a website i just had the domain name since i'm more of an artist and a programmer and don't really know anything about coding or web design fortunately squarespace offers the tools to be able to build a website that caters to any of your needs whether that be for a personal website which you can use to show off your blogging or your portfolio to using it as your own personal online store or even use it for marketing your products or services if you're like me and you're not really sure where to begin squarespace starts you off with templates that perfectly fit your needs and the best part is that building the rest of the site is incredibly user friendly just drag the 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even 10 minutes then and luigi's getting absolutely slammed on what are you doing here we're in an important meeting the kingdom's in danger pardon me guess what i live here you royal genius i've got as much right of being this meeting as anyone i mean right help me out here go for it back me up that um that's well don't be ridiculous you have no right to be here get out oh my god isn't bowser in love with pete's or whatever he just tried to barbecue her like a sunday steak all right peach let's clean up this mess if you could always do that why on earth have you never done that before is it because of low star magic because it seems like all you did was whisk them away with yours how heavy is luigi that he somehow managed to not get sucked in by bowser the first time why did everyone that bowser sucked up end up in different parts of his body especially if they were all sucked up at the same time wouldn't they end up near the same place great guy take me to bowser castle and make it snappy [Music] this is beyond even me one can only travel to chatrooms one has found okay well that's boosh because i didn't even find the one we were just at you just took me there because it's the closest one i've been to how the hell were you able to pull an entire island toward you i know it broke at the end but the fact that you were able to do that just told me that that is the strongest rope i've ever seen one thing i don't understand is how there are hemoglobins that have savish qualities but then you also have regular ass save blocks as well like what's the point oh boy i've seen these bugs they live in dimble what bowser must have inhaled it with whatever else he ate gotten this big what's it been eating i mean is it big because it's big compared to us but it's still in bowser's body so it's probably normal sized you forget we're tiny right now your castle already got hit it was bad man real bad some guy named fawful just look he crammed the entire goomba squadron in a cage and chucked us you roma don't get shocked pal marching straight ahead into the enemy's feet didn't you memorize that in goomba boot camp it was all real sudden boss we're unwitty we're not fit for stomping pathetic so what about the rest of my military did the other corpse get spanked as bad as you probably it was brutal i told you to train harder no wonder mario crushes you mario crushes them because they're taught to march straight ahead into the enemy's feet so what was the plan with the cannon huh guys oh we were gonna aim at your castle and you know watch it and then bonk sir the blocking to which he refers is on the enemy's heads nice not a bad idea for a bunch of minions i'm on board with it launcher way [Music] but we then we can't launch now to be frank sir we seem to be lacking ammunition yeah let me just jump in here now that i forgot to bring the bonsai bill for the catted even if you'd remembered how would you have brought it here would you have loaded it up from the beginning i'm surprised that a flying turtle a stump with stubby arms and a mushroom with no arms were able to drag a bonsai build cannon here all the way from bowser's castle me pay close attention to the swallowed bit where inside that piece hides the digestive enzyme use it while it is red and all eaten food will be digested at once if you delete random pieces the enzyme fades to blue it grows ever weaker it really disturbs me to wonder how anyone in the mario universe would have learned about how this digestive enzyme works like did they do open stomach surgery on someone also this wiggler says that for pulling it out of the ground bowser has to eat the whole giga carrot in under a minute but what is he gonna do if we don't wait huh where did your hands come from why did your feet turn into hands [Music] and that was bowser's inside story i don't understand how anyone inside bowser could have survived getting crushed by a massive castle also people seem surprised that bowser's castle could fly which leads me to believe that it's never done that in this universe so how did fawful manage to install rockets that would make bowser's castle fly why would supercharging bowser with adrenaline making giant that's not what adrenaline does bowser next time goes a different way than this way went learn to speak already and then bring it on chump you can hear him from all the way over here i don't mind telling you that his answers and those in the quiz may be very similar-ish but free it is not is anything in this odd global world no thousand questions cost five coins a scam you say oh cheap one go cry on your clothing life is tough even in a koopa king what do you even need money for you're a pro team it's me me me me me me hey look it's post 2010 internet what was that loud noise it came from the room next door got it you guys check it out i'll guard the princess luigi [Music] what's this light sorry for following you we were just too worried well so much for starlo protecting the princess luigi could have put up more resistance than her and now our preparations have completion at the long last we begin the furious age of waffle [Music] bowser you are needing to hit the gym why would you put a treadmill a machine designed specifically for working out and therefore losing weight right underneath your enemy whom you specifically force-fed in order to fatten him up all for the purpose of incapacitating him thus allowing him to actually be able to stand a chance against you just leave him in the floor we're at the very least without the means of losing weighties alley really feeling the bird smelling the bird too wait is that me am i on fire whoa my job layer it's all burning up i'm a machine best workout ever dude i wish that's how losing weight worked how come bowser has no excess skin anywhere that's right these pipes should take us to the mushroom kingdom if we use these we can get out by buggity what wow how how the hell do pipes work in this world i thought all pipes had to be connected to each other physically how was the pipe inside bowser connecting to the mushroom kingdom and beyond that did bowser also suck up these pipes or were they already inside him because i don't think either answer really satisfies the question whoa hey mario brothers i came to see what was up with the security system but i find it kind of interesting that this underground part of toad town that no one even goes into has a better security system than princess peach's castle i don't even think peaches castle has a security system bowser right wow we were just inside his body weird i wonder what happened that made him faint no trespassing no trespassing leave immediately no trespassing no trespassing leave immediately [Music] security system huh if we try to go through there we'll get toasted like bowser will we because both times bowser got zapped it was because we were just standing around the security system didn't really set off right away coins alone don't run the world you know i hereby vow to live without coins suddenly niko bbq stupid little pass time to get burned that sounds bad you two guys have to jump and grab me when you latch onto me hold down the button if you let the button go you'll fall so be careful great get it wait if starlo can handle the combined weights of mario and luigi why doesn't she just carry them to peach's castle really the only thing in our way is the dark star clouds and i don't see why we can't go above them huh hey look at this pipe it's like the one in bowser wow that's incredibly convenient [Music] i got away there's got to be a way past this barrier [Music] but it's beyond us now until dr totally finds the location of the other stages we should stick around in this area there's no way bowser can get the stark here first anyway how did luigi even get to this platform anyway the pit responds him at the beginning of the room and he needs mario to do the spin jump in order to cross the other pits be careful not to lose all your hearts hold on i just realized if starlo can give us back our hearts why doesn't she do that every time we lose one we would be guaranteed victory whose side is she on behold your body is transparent whoa it's called a spotlight for my god [Music] in layman's terms yes well amazing isn't it makes one feel like saying wow that yik right this marks the first usage of the bull ray of a living being so you never used it on yourself while you were alive did you make this when you were already dead [Music] you know instead of sassing mario you could do something it just showed up behind luigi and in front of you so you're not doing a whole lot to help you want me a sage to give you a nobody to start here i don't know about that what physical proof do you have that your story is true why should i believe you this star here was interested to this whole care of me was durham wisdom like the pokemon there isn't a pokemon called wisdom you don't know that no no don't look it up look at me straight in the face and tell me with a 100 certainty that you know the names of all the pokemon enough to know that there isn't one called wisdom you know how many of those are at the time of this recording 898 of them and you're telling me that the psychic bug type pokemon wiz durm whose name is a portmanteau of the words wisdom and worm doesn't exist i don't know what number is it from one generation gen 4 number 413 oh damn i guess you're right then no i'm not i made that up what wisdom isn't a pokemon are you kidding me you said it i never said it was i said you didn't know it wasn't oh get it is this a diss on pokemon or mario and luigi it can be both magical girl worm yup nub yeah that's a magical girl worm so i'm on my way to call it the star it's yours oh hey wait no stock yours do they look anything like this what did you show him a picture of it are you describing it what's going on here i'm talking about crazy i get massages i don't give them ah i will pay hey that works bowser you you need us and this is browser's strongest military division the goomba core oh please you're not even the strongest military division in the first level of the first super mario brothers calm down uh i don't think i'm supposed to be able to do this we stopped everything okay worry not brewski that guy's punch is no prob unless he spits fire we'll take zero damage nice big bro i can already hear that dude crying do you not realize that bowser can still hear you i don't think i'd have to say this but bowser's giant not deaf hey jeffy come here chippy no need to shout i hear you forgot the safe combo huh yeah i did but you can find it look inside my head it's in there somewhere find it your tone i don't like it what that haughty commanding tone of voice i don't like it go help yourself hey find it i get that starla's doing this social engineering thing to get badger to calm down and talk to her with respect but you realize we don't have time for this right if bowser can't get into that safe neither of you are getting that star cure i don't really think that teaching the bad guys some manners is in our best interest right now wait what your house isn't under water cousin why does the window make it look like we're in the ocean i know that the sock op isn't actually dead but when its eyes are x'ed out like that it just feels like we're using a creature's corpse to hop around in a mario game wait really snack attack is the only move that could have made chakra and fall over we have a move that literally turns us into cannonballs but the thing that's strong enough to cause a quake is an italian plumber eating a bunch of sweets and getting morbidly obese [Music] wait how did you what you traveled to toad town that is quite a walk [Music] would it not be easier to fly to tow town [Music] you can do that the power of outer space i mean the earth is mighty a short time ago i launched a large angry bee do you dare will you try it [Music] very well your journey begins by gazing into outer space do not watch me it is no fun if you know my secret here i go you go ron x machina i know he's been bowser's fast travel for a while now and i appreciate moving the story along but it's not like i would have minded walking to tow town it's not that far away hell bowser is mario and luigi's fast travel how did bowser freeze elder princess shrub didn't she turn into a little mushroom after we defeated her and get eaten by bowser what i can't believe is that you defeated those things as a baby only you could do that mario luigi fought hard as well did you attack them with some ferocious crying oh no you did not just make my precious boy sad you have disgraced the entire legacy of the star spirits dishonor on you and dishonor on your cow if i was in a room with sarlo fawful and best fitness friends equipped with two fire flowers i would burn starlo twice [Music] what more details the thing is them three pieces they're in invisible blocks we put them in invisible blocks so nobody might pinch them we were right smart eh but here's a thing right even we don't remember where we left them all i mean they're invisible i no way to see it my okay but like i don't get what the point of storing the attack pieces is if you're not gonna use them and yeah i get it's a video game but they're talking about it in universe so there's a purpose to them to these guys beyond just hey they're a thing to collect especially if they're just willing to hand them over out of gratitude i know fawful's weird but like why did he change the faces of the peach statues and only the faces [Music] well that's a nice coincidence that the safe that bowser was in just so happened to end up at the garbage of peaches castle instead of the ocean of lava surrounding bowser's castle which would have made more sense if you didn't need bowser anymore anyway you hurt your back i can't move at all do something now i mean do something please oh for crying out loud you are such a pain hey not to play devil's advocate or anything but bowser was locked in that safe all cramped up for a couple of hours now because his own minions betrayed him after having fought a goddamn train being lugged around until ending up in a junk pile miles from where he got locked up he even said please without you having to force him and you have the audacity to call him a pain you should have called yourself snippy instead of chippy you on empathetic sphere be my guest in my experience it takes a long time to slowly stimulate the back does he just where does he keep that teapot this whole segment takes a solid four minutes of leaving the ds and frankly i don't get what the point is can you skip it yes but only if you know the code which you get from toad bird after defeating bowser memory ml which because i was doing cleanup was over four hours ago also i never really needed to talk to tobir so the code was really easy to miss i just don't understand i'm super flexible i can do this now how does this what how is bowser doing this it makes no sense how is this shell a ball now so uh chippy where am i peach's castle peach's castle whoa how'd i end up here listen peach is being held somewhere in the castle the dark star is awakening you need to find princess peach as fast as you can you don't need to tell me that i owe that farfall big time i'll get peach back i love how bowser doesn't even question how chippy who up until this point bowser thinks has been inside him this entire time would know anything about where they are what's going on in the outside world [Music] where the hell was bowser's mouth open that entire time i i'm sorry this thing's name is stonk stonk your meddling has made fawful have a fury lodge as a world bowser it is time for meeting and greeting with your doom for now this is the end of the final act of the finale's closing last encore well that implies that the finale is comprised of multiple acts which doesn't make sense but also the finale has had multiple encores meaning multiple endings but that this is the closing last encore meaning that there are many last encores this just happens to be the last one in a series of many repeating endings oh dear i think i've gone cross-eyed oh my god this again you know it was cool the first time you did it but this is the fourth time we're about to see bowser almost die fill him with adrenaline and become giant at that point i kind of feel like the universe wants us to die also when the did fawful make peaches castle into a battle robot so if when you're able to control bowser you switch to the bros and use a pipe to go back to the mushroom kingdom and go to where you left bowser he's not there which from a game perspective i get but realistically like why fyi fyi fyi fyi fyi message from princess peach okay i can't be the only one that thinks that birdly is the most inconsistent character in this game right he shows up like three times and i honestly forgot that he was with us for half that adventure fyi fyi there's a conference on blood prevention happening right now at peach's castle all of the most important leaders have been invited [Music] except for you of course oh boy oh so birdly is responsible for literally everything that happens in bowser's inside story no think about it the only reason fawful's plan is set into motion is because bowser shows up to the mushroom kingdom conference gets his ass beat and ends up in dimble wood where fawful gives him the vacuum shroom if birdly hadn't showed up and blabbed about the conference i doubt bowser would have even given a this system's strengths and weaknesses is known as the power triangle suddenly fire emblem these minions love dark spooky places they're also fond of using discord to damage enemies and lower their speed oh so like a server moderator lord junior only child of our beloved lord bowser we're here it's time prepare your royal sub to take on all four of us let's go my fellow former captains former captains well you all still have flags on your heads and lead small teams how are you not captains anymore oh yeah suddenly the kool-aid man huh dad yikes so you're telling me that trees and pipes which i feel bears mentioning are rodent in the ground got sucked up by bowser but bowser jr somehow didn't it's getting a teensy bit tense here so i'll take my leave [Music] we should go too come on wendy [Music] yeah let's go [Music] lord junior you sure you're okay [Music] you're still talking huh get out of here so he does get better and bowser jr's journey has a really good story but they'd do everything possible to make junior an unsufferable little during the first half of the story almost like excessively bratty [Music] whoa look at that [Music] isn't that the one iggy was writing in is it because like even though he has a koopa clown car in battle iggy's been on foot in every cutscene are you not concerned that your father's castle is simply not here the basement's still here right so who cares i want to make that skeleton but the skeleton is only needed for reviving the broad minions reviving they're not dead they're just blobbed okay this fight in particular the whole reason we're even fighting is because madame broke needs a massage what else is new right but then she has the goal to fight back and call for backup in the main story this is a mini game where i have to use as many brawl attacks as i can but here i just barely come out on top because she insists on fighting back which makes no sense [Music] oh charlie moser forgot how to speak i've been teaching him i made sure he knew how to talk him and all the young hep cats talk well you don't speak like that wouldn't he learn how to speak from the way you speak also who are you guys talking to that would make you think that the way iggy's talking is hip wait i thought i had iggy's koopa clown car how does he have another one i've actually learned a lot sneaking around with you guys can't wait to report back to lord house we might borrow some of your techniques this isn't happening i know you've been tailing lord junior in order to swipe the skeleton at the last minute and that you were planning on using it to take control of the minions i even know that you're planning on betraying fawful if you found out that they were planning to do all those things why didn't you do anything to stop them before they did now we have to deal with all the melatonin minions because you waited too long to do something where is bowser anyway not so scary when the bloke's never around is he besides you know how it is of royalty the second generation is always soft who says we can't run the mushroom kingdom in it you can't just have a character have a british accent and their sentence within it and it has a meaning it's a contraction of isn't it who says we can't run the mushroom kingdom isn't it makes no goddamn sense and if the whole point is that he's just faking the accent what's the point of that there's no indication of that in the main story why make it a point now i'm more than just bowser's kid you know and what are you anyway a yellow ball with feet whoa buddy i've also got a shiny star above my head let's not forget about that eh where's your star tiny bowser [Music] tiny bowser dad says i'm a growing boy wait why am i explaining myself to you you're a talking ball [Music] oh if you only knew how important i am well you say that starlo but you don't really do much in this game you're sent to represent the star-sphere it's only for you to admit that there's nothing you can do about the blorbs which is the whole issue you're mario and luigi's tutorial character but when it comes to the field abilities they just remember them they don't really need you yes you communicate with bowser to keep him in the loop as to what's happening inside his body but mario and luigi are doing all the work and even as a guide for them you don't do much it's not like mario luigi would be lost without you the game would just be a lot quieter and it's not like they can't communicate with other characters we as the audience are the ones who can't understand them the most you ever do is use your star power to weaken bowser at the beginning of the game a moot point really when you consider that he comes back just 10 minutes later and sucks in everyone in the room and let us avoid attacks but only sometimes [Music] i can't believe you little meddlers have been meddling so you meet the relay owner she's not so friendly this one lyanna who the hell is lyanna i thought her name was kaylee let me ask you a question son of bowser [Music] are you and your minions evil nah we're the good guys but you're forever kidnapping princess peach and inconveniencing that plumber only a monster would inconvenience a plumber so what does that make you hey ludwig yes lord junior is dad bad i can't answer that for you right you answer it are we bad we're going to the bone maybe iggy lemmy larry wendy morton do you think of us at the babies as the bad guys [Music] um [Music] no more help son of bowser what is your answer it's a simple question are bowser's minions evil i got you answered right here pal good and evil are outdated simplistic terms everything is relative is it wrong for me to help my dad try to take over the mushroom kingdom [Music] yes i don't know where this sudden are we the bad guys sentiment came from i thought you all knew you were the bad guys in fact back when we saw mario and luigi kamek even asked you if you were evil scheming and that normally he'd be on board how are you not the bad guys wait don't eat all of it [Music] it's not doing anything [Music] [Applause] whoa it's working i feel fitter than ever wait what's going on wait why is dry bowser a 3d model i get that he only shows up in this one scene but it's just jarring when everyone else is a 2d sprite i just don't understand how any self-respecting minion could ever fight against lord bowser oh it's funny you say that it's funny you say that you're the one who said it hey everyone char i5 here thanks so much for watching my cinema since past teach of everything wrong with mario and luigi bowser's inside story i'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel members if you want to be featured in future videos then consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button for those who do support stay awesome you guys should head over to cinemason the awesome people that i pastiche they also host sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not check out everything wrong with partners in time until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is jar i5 signing off
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 382,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Mario and Luigi, Mario & Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story, bowser inside story, m&l bis, dark bowser, starlow, fawfuls minion, mario, mario rpg, paper mario, superstar saga, partners in time, dream team, paper jam, thousand year door, super paper mario, sticker star, color splash, the origami king
Id: rBrMjnbp4nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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