Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts III in 1 Hour and 12 Minutes (feat. The KH Community!)

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[Music] okay this intro looks lovely in awe but wider the cutscenes from chain of Memories three five eight and recoated all look like pixelated garbage just as Sora is starting to grasp the power of the Keyblade he comes face to face with his friend Riku it is I and some the seeker of darkness but you just said his name was Riku you lied to me Kira be my friends you're my power my friends are my power cliche a clue leads them to a mysterious Citadel called Castle oblivion yeah what was in that clue anyway they chase after Pluto got to Castle oblivion and then nothing who'da was gone and with him the letter in his mouth what the hell it's the grand-am hearts so you know the lost masters who they're the ones who started the Keyblade war never heard of them then how do you explain the anywhere you're the one who puts their pieces there you know what Xander was right you need to drop the facade the gazing eye sees the fate of the world why does a Anor know about the gazing I shouldn't nobody but Lu Shu know about the master of masters plan we interrupting you March three to bring you Sonic Generations what even was the point of playing his kingdom arts once or if all we do is jump around for like four seconds and then press a button Wow giant heartless not even Darkseid just giant heartless c-square knew how not frightening Darkseid is that they demoted it from first boss to tutorial boss but first you must regain all the strength you have lost perhaps it is foolish to expect a complete recovery but it is absolutely vital you perfect one power the power of waking which you fail to master during your exam I know thank you there's no need to be so harsh I know that I failed just please stop [Music] how are we supposed to get there now what the hell do you mean how are we supposed to get there even there in literally every game except dream Drop Distance sorry I got nothing what did you expect may your heart be your guiding key may my heart be my guiding key man I don't know how to get there oh you said a thing now I know how to get there at long last the time had come the planets were edging into perfect alignment narration like seriously this came out of nowhere and we never hear the narrator again and the whole joke around the narrator was that the muses thought he was too boring and the muses aren't even in kingdom hearts and the plan the Hades devised - 18 years ago was about to reach fruition see here's what I don't get the narrator says that Hades planned all this 18 years ago but then what was all that Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 was that part of a plan did he have backup plans that he just threw into the mix while carrying out this plan because he says he devised the plan 18 years ago meaning he's known the plan for that long but why wait until now when we've kicked your ass so many times Hades previous attempts using Tara cloud and Oren hope you savored those final fantasy references because aside from the little goals and the kacct or enjoy bugs either the only ones you're really getting a wave of darkness lands down from their celestial rank one by one Hades freed the Titans from their prison some of them the same monstrosities that Sora and his friends been already thought invested before exactly so what's the point if Hercules is stronger than Sora Donald and Goofy looks like we missed the call of sale how did you miss the Colosseum you've been here at least three times well I think we might be going in circles how the heck could we have been going in circles we went up hey Hercules where are you yeah I'm sure just yelling is gonna make him appear like have you seen how big this world is Oh easy what is this Sparta kind of on a schedule don't have time to toss around the old fire and brimstone the whole cosmos is basically waiting for me to you know conquer it but you're not even doing anything the Titans are doing everything huh see found him how very convenient you just so happened to land in the exact part of thieves were hurt Li's just happened to be at that exact moment in time also yeah I know this is like a video game obviously but you guys must have been flying pretty fast of Linnet all the way over here wouldn't Hercules rock art by says like porn you and I would he taught you just a second if Donald got caught on the statues tooth that must mean he hit the statue head-on Donald should be dead Jill you should go with Meg we don't even get a discount Danny DeVito in this game like half of Phil's personality is being a loudmouth but here he doesn't even make a sound over that way hmm oh [Music] no there's a little girl caught in the fire oh hell did you see that if you're able to see that you certainly don't need to throw a goddamn statue just to reach her that was unnecessary Jill also isn't throwing that statue incredibly dangerous like I get that we seldom had NPCs running about but we do now and this seems very irresponsible coming from anyone let alone the hero of Thieves huh it's fine I can take it it's fine I can take it Oh what you can take it don't say that well then goddamn Sora Oh Sora you command fire you just fought fire course you should know that fire burns audience surance does insurance even exist where you come from goofy cover how did you how did you get up there get it Achilles heel okay the door is wide open you guys don't look hurt in fact you're running in the very next scene so I don't know and now the exits closed in there heartless okay just put yourselves in more danger then through what exit you idiot were caved in oh well if there was an exit why didn't they leave while we were fighting they didn't seem to hurt now she's having a heart of light come with an extremely good insurance policy that is the second insurance joke we've had and it's in the same world what's with the relation between Olympus and insurance how does this thick bar even know what that is doc you might with a orange I suppose Kotaku P no I'm the one giving orders now bolt boy don't get too comfortable did Hercules just get here he left us behind like an hour ago and he was writing on Pegasus how did we get here at the same time thank you boy suddenly Zelda CDI oh man the winter is such an enigma like how can we just smack it with the Keyblade how can Hercules just grab away his bare hands how come the structures float uncontrollably in the air but doesn't really affect us I'm just saying a shot in the dark ain't gonna get us any closer to whoa what is it have you found something show it to me at once fool yes easy this has got to be that Pandora's box Hades mentioned well you're looking for a black box and that's clearly purple also how long have you been digging because he seemed to be the only three holes you've dug and I find it incredible that out of all places you just happen to dig exactly where Pandora's boxes strength to protect what matters it reminds me of a promise I made to who just someone I once met can't tell why not you realize that might have been one of the people you're looking for right you don't really know a lot of people with keyblades have you been hanging out with Mickey so much that his blatant stupidity rubbed off on you while we're reminiscing Mickey does any of this look familiar sort of but the realm of darkness has changed since I was here with aqua not really No do something you stupid bastard you just let that happen Dodge Guard hit the [ __ ] thing with your Keyblade something apparently getting eaten by a demon tower comes with a free haircut but your Keyblade Oh hmm the heartless here are stronger than what we expected I guess we probably should have powered up our key blades before we came in here huh what what has any of this happened before we've never seen a Keyblade breakin don't even get me started on powering up keyblades Sora could fall into any darkness and swim his way out you know you say that but there's a reason Sora's not a master and you are also you guys are going on about how strong sir is but the moment he volunteers to come down here and save aqua himself you guys say no so what's up with that whenever you are in need magic happens that is your greatest strength Sora if you truly believe that then I don't understand why you don't just send him to get aqua already like sure he's not strong enough to tackle this alone but Mickey Riku saw dawn and Goofy should be more than enough protection if his magic just happens so aqua she's gonna be the key to finding all three yes their teacher master Ericka's would have been another possibility that's a knot knot mercilessly struck him down yes they annoyed my Keyblade was damaged and the Heartless broke rico's clean in half so we're gonna need to get replacements before we can continue you can do that I mean I guess it makes sense since Mickey you said the star seeker and now he has a kingdom PD but how do you just make a keyblade how does it work who makes it and how does the keyway know who its master is in that case rendezvous with Kyrie and Lea they are continuing their training under the tutelage of the wizard Merlin why is Merlin training them his Merlin a keyblade master to the best Merlin ever did for us was teach us magic I have new clothes for you too Sora yeah I knew you'd come through for me thanks now kind of with Donald here almost everyone else had a design change in every numbered entry except for Donald and Goofy and I get it if it ain't broke don't fix it but why are they getting shafted like this wouldn't it be in their best interest to have an outfit for them too since they're also facing the darkness and I can't let you start this one without old Jiminy Cricket by your side where have you even been me when did we drop you off was the real you Justin Disney Castle during dream Drop Distance how did you get here if Mickey was away and Sora Donald and Goofy weren't carrying you around okay so I know that diamond Tower cut Rico's hair but who cut Sora's hair the fairies do new clothes come with a free haircut it's coming from you Sora did you not notice this big ass no key of a phone when you were putting your clothes on what is the gummy phone not weigh anything I'm ienzo alias is here - what's with having characters in this game if they're not going to speak at all neither alias nor tillinghouse speaking rules for some weird reason hell nobody has more speaking person those two it she's nothing about scream when it happens in that spirit Sora we found some intriguing data in the whoa whoa whoa whoa wait didn't Sora just get this new outfit so then how come the screen on the D TV console display sore with his current outfit honestly I suspected as much there's another heart inside mine I think it's Roxas ISM well of course it's Roxas is how else do you think as nobody came out of you plus don't you remember that you absorbed him at the end of Kingdom Hearts - I don't think you can just absorb our body so does this mean that weird stuff's going down again you kidding pence when have we ever seen a tornado of shadowy blobs before it's not weird this is under precedented why doesn't anyone correct Haner like under precedented isn't a word and even if it was wouldn't it mean something that rarely happens I'm sure the demon tide has never happened in Twilight town there's like no reason to have this joke other than to show that he is an idiot I get it no one's taking the photo and they're all posing but why they're posing so seriously how did they not realize that no one was holding the gummy phone to take the photo what do you think they're up to what are the heartless ever up to why are you questioning it all of a sudden usually they're just chillin until we start beating the [ __ ] out of them what do you think guys this place is even creepier than I remember way old Lee do say that this mansion is haunted you you do remember you fought actual ghosts heartless right huh what are you able to fix it now that our two computers have been successfully networked together I can take control of the terminal there and change the privileges this is one hell of a Wi-Fi connection if you can not only be talking to someone from another world but to be able to control another computer from another world alias and Dylan the two you knew as Lexi ascends Alden actually I don't think Sora ever economically met like saith heck I don't even think he met and sexy on either they were both riku's antagonists and Chyna memories hey both are important we're gonna need some cash to go to the beach you guys still haven't gone to the beach how long have I been gone three days hmm and Simmons m-miss used to be part of the same person right but look now they exist separately just fine if they can do it then I don't see any reason why you and Roxas can't find a way goo D continues to be the smartest character in all Kingdom Hearts seriously I would not be surprised if his son was in the master of masters black box the whole cake it's for us I am there settle down the chef wants you to know it's not a cake but a tart of fruit I love would you know that if Remy doesn't speak also by the way what's up with that Remy can't speak right at least two other rats which by Disney logic means he can talk to any other animal how come you can't talk the Donald and Goofy what are these rules guys hater Oh what hey boss done with the posters good what kids you guys work for Uncle Scrooge here at the Bistro um do we do you not know who you work for it's a short job putting up these special posters mr. McDuck shows sound cartoon invented by Ludwig von Drake it's a bit of an odd reference I mean Steamboat Willie was the first cartoon with sound right that was Walt Disney and uh by work so why not reference them wouldn't it have made more sense to have a little big von Drake reference if the cartoon was in color and he invented it I mean after all he presented Disney's first in color TV broadcast hold your phone up to the poster okay there you've just downloaded a promo game for the film you can try it later okay whoa back up real quick hold on wait a second hooey Twilight town even has a smartphone technology is like very inconsistent in this universe isn't it I mean we have I don't know a giant pixelated shoes that can travel through space supercomputers that can analyze and convert physical books into data which we can visualize in real time resulting in artificial intelligence that can actually feel and communicate with the real world but then we have kids using 1980s head ass cameras kids who have probably never even seen a smartphone in their goddamn life but somehow still know not only what a cute our code is but also what it does and they put the kid who really didn't even know what a phone was not only on the QR code but as the main character of the game designed for the phone he didn't even know he'd had I just were like all of us you know these mini games Kai remind me of cookie mama which reminds me of Sora's mama which reminds me that dinner that sword never ate oh right Merlin has used his magic to bring us to a place where time doesn't matter we interrupt Kingdom Hearts 3 to bring you Dragon Ball Z's hyperbolic time chamber you know we did both some in keyblades gotta celebrate Oh bullsh that's not an accomplishment that's less than goddamn one around the same time the guards found a stranger with white hair lying unconscious here in the square a man calling himself Zayin Ord Ansem the wise took the stranger in but that was a mistake this same presents an incredibly good point in Kingdom Hearts 2 Mickey tells the game that we once met an apprentice as Anselm's names an Ori and in this flashback reminded that Mickey saw his face and I get it this might be Mickey quite a few years after birth by Sleep but you never ever forget a name as odd as a annoyance granted Mickey and Terra never really met so I don't blame him for not recognizing him especially with the white hair and yellow eyes but the name at least must have tipped you off and you could have told answering the lies about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] this caught me so off guard I thought square-enix was actually money hungry enough to put an ad for a new game right before the first world wait so the gigas are marketed towards kids six and over but verum wrecks the game they come from is marketed toward audiences 12 and over also reproduce poses from the cartoon does van Rex have a cartoon so far we're led to believe that vermin Rex is an original game made by Square Enix unless Square and made a game based on a cartoon or there's a cartoon based on the game but in that case so why would the gigas box mention the cartoon and not the game because it's geared for younger audiences man why am i arguing marketing tactics in the Kingdom Hearts game sorry but this is no time for television Rex discount Tom Hanks and discount Tim Allen what in the world where are we hmm oh my gosh have we been shrunk so when you arrived in the world you led your gummi ship right like that was the case in the ending like that that's what we saw right you don't just teleport out of the dummy ship you actually land there so dull and goofy must have landed the dummy [ __ ] underneath Andy's bed right how did soar not realize a shark until now what took you so long to realize that border gorge right I can get over the fact that Goofy's nose is strangely brown for some reason I can even get over the fact that all three of them the same kind of toy with the same blocky poseable nature even though literally every other time they've adapted to the world they're all separate things what I can't seem to get over is that they all have different outfits in this world like Sora looks mostly the same but thou and goofy while having the same color scheme are wildly different but why if you wanted to give them a different design why not just give them new clothes like you did with everyone else these designs are actually pretty good what kind of toy is young Zane or it's supposed to be is he just a normal action figure I'm assuming that this is the toy buzzes mentioned earlier but why then does he look different from Sora Donald and Goofy it wouldn't bother me as much if those three were all different kinds of toys but what are the rules I mean he's even strunk down to the same proportionate size as everyone else so like heartless and nobodies they fit together enough why are you doing this there's a darkness we are missing and must reclaim the way hearts connect in this world can provide us with a clue so we made a copy of the world and then posed those hearts apart just proportionally because it's not like you left all the toys intact where's mr. Potato Head slinky Jessie bullseye all them if they're in the original world why did they stay but woody buzz and the rest of the gang are in this world why aren't there some humans in this world if only some toys got brought to the copy world why didn't some humans get brought along as well [Music] yeah if the Heartless know how to do it there's no reason you can't wouldn't this apply to them too I don't see any reason they can't grab a gigas of their own and help me out is Donald too short is goofy too tall the Corporal was debriefing him but something must have gone wrong all radio contact has been lost radio contact you guys brought radios how don't you guys use those big-ass playschool baby monitors to contact each other okay so I know that there are treasure chests savepoints Mugu shops and all of that but those can be explained by a video game logic who the hell left a flashlight in this vent why is it on it's all you can say that it's there to light our way it's pointing towards the outside of the vent you've never used a record player you guys think he's from a video game why would he as a toy even know what a record player is in this time frame sure there's some kind of strange noise coming from the orchestra got it woody you keep the record going whoa oh man I wonder which one of the toads is the one malfunctioning could it possibly be the one that's not in sync with the rest woody mission complete didn't you tell me a little sooner wait were you not watching what was happening you could have stopped as soon as they figured out which one sounded off all right everyone now that we're back together it's time to return to Andy's room hmm now but can I at least check the strategy guys I want to know how to beat Mohammed next time right now we need to go home not that I condone stealing but you were already there Rex already had it in his hand and explain to me when you're all going to come back here where's bison he disappeared into a dark corridor Oh Sora how do we get him back I don't know my power won't open those yeah sir did I hear you say dark corridor that's right Sarge any ideas well it might be a long shot but we've sighted a shadowy portal in the kid Corral you're full of Sarge because the dark corridor is inside a vent that you can't even reach unless you make something tall enough to reach it and to even get inside the kid Cara you need to open the window that shouldn't even be open because why and how will you guys have gotten it to open even with all four army men how did you climb all the way to this window there's no way you could have seen the dark corridor not to mention you said the window was in babies and toddlers but this area is called play place isn't this babies and toddlers [Music] it looked like this what of course it looked like that you know what dark corridors look like Donald and Goofy know what dark corridors look like why would they lie to you distance doesn't matter Andy's part of their hearts just like my friends are part of mine mm-hmm you can't rip that apart [Music] what your friends are your power see even young say no it knows it's a cliche so even empty puppets can be given strong hearts I am going to have to remember that remember this our hearts will always be connected to Andes no matter what you do shoot him already so even empty puppets can be given strong hearts I am going to have to remember that now I know a heart can be placed in the vessel of our choosing but did you guys kind of already you know that was she owned a replica why not just grab however many or because you need it just plays hearts inside of those cuz honestly you're relying pretty heavily on people that already failed you before but he needs a body to be himself again whoa don't worry yen's always working on a way to get him free all betcha he's got the perfect body all lined up you've got the gummy phone Sora why don't you try giving him a call uh I guess so yeah why not hey what wrong number no yes because we're trying to call you Enzo well replicas are basically human Oh what oh yeah you wouldn't remember do you guys talk about anything like you guys had some time while you were in the realm of darkness you had time when you were back on destiny islands you a time while you traveled back to the mysterious tower for the mark of mastery exam when exactly were you planning on telling sore about what happened in castle oblivion people they don't change do they nope that's their best quality said Nomura trying to justify lack of character development as a good thing the hell who took this picture we didn't even have the dummy phone yet in fact there are a ton of moments where there's no way a photo could have been snapped in the moment those lights appear every year on my birthday only on my birthday discount me anymore which is weird not only because Mandy Moore voiced errors in the first game but because she's reprised her role as Disney's Rapunzel and literally everything the characters in why would mother Gothel have the brilliant idea of kidnapping a child and then tell them when their actual birthday is i noticed you seemed a little at war with yourself here yeah stop right there who are you was he so distracted by what she was doing that she not once noticed Sora Donald and Goofy I think bland and Maximus are warming up to each other you didn't even know Maximus existed until this very moment I have something for you too wait what since why didn't you have that in the movie mother Gothel finds Rapunzel gives her the satchel with the crown in it but cured the last time we see the satchel Mother Gothel was just finding it under the stairs cue teen Eugene who again that whole scene in the movie isn't in the game so a lot of elements are missing like Flynn's real name being Eugene Fitzherbert and other more important ones but the fact that Rapunzel's hair has healing powers that's the whole reason she was trapped in that tower in fact the movie explains that in the very first scene but here you don't really know any of that and the only drop hints here and there so the fact that she's a princess and that Goethals not even her mother is just lost into the very last moments are you alright are you hurt mother how did you I was so worried about you dear so I followed you and I saw them attack you oh my let's go let's go before they come too before they come to they disappeared in the movie it makes sense because you knocked out the stabbing tins but here the nobody has just disappeared and shouldn't Rapunzel know that her mother shouldn't be able to take on the nobodies or are you gonna tell me that Mother Gothel be not only mar Lucia but two of his nobodies with a stick unresponsive sidekick wait a minute I know how to fix this max give him a wash that was it my Lucia's powerful sleep powder is cured by someone licking your face don't let a goofy were right next to the ocean that whole night they couldn't have grabbed some water and poured it on him or I don't know taking him into town also then Flynn get arrested didn't he make a whole fuss about it did Donald and goofy not hear that stop trying to get away from you but if you let me save him I will go with you well goddamn Rapunzel which is it then and they said Star Wars wasn't in Kingdom Hearts look there's Emperor Palpatine right there Oh fall into darkness we can't allow her near our pure light now she's dead she literally can't keep me a rapunzel even if you wanted her to you're gonna be great huh we haven't seen the guy controlling the monsters in a while so that's one less worry y'all literally just appeared a heartless y'all don't know that another world where we got doodly-squat have you seen how big this world is there's no goddamn way you've checked every single nook and cranny of this world you sure this box thing is even real yes yeah just how do you know that it is etched that really means nothing and it doesn't explain how you know it exists or even if it does mm-hmm I wonder who those guys are careful Sully if they see the ki D discount John Goodman and Billy Crystal good I just got a great idea and discount Steve Buscemi why would it be online it's not connected to anything and even then you should have been able to tell because the doors light is off how did you even get back here the door we sent you through is sawdust yeah and I almost got turned into somebody's wallet lucky for me a real nice guy came along and fixed the door so here I am that seems way too simple like Mike says the door is now sawdust which might be true but not what we saw in the movie in any case slowly also destroy the doors lake which the door needs in order to function anyway whoever fixed the door and needed not only to revert sawdust back into a solid door but also either fix the light or hook up the door to a new frame and that just way too complicated a thing to do why not just make it so that Randall found another door and came back that way that's what's so lien Mike did when they were stuck in the Himalayas laughter is just not sustainable what's junior torts his last chortle you've got to start over I don't quite understand his logic I mean the monsters don't scare human adult's only kids once the kid stops being scared you've got to start over see where I'm going with this yeah if he was human you would not be laughing who are you gotta say that strange facade had me fooled at first brother wait a sec oh yeah you were at the Cathedral wait how do you know that's who he is when you saw him at the Cathedral dream Drop Distance he had his mask off wasn't wearing the organization code and he spoke one line of dialogue along with Young's a Nord how do you remember a voice you heard once presumably months ago and related to a character you've never seen in your life [Laughter] I get that Mike and Sulley are new to the whole light and dark thing but putting a door inside of another door inside of another and then putting it through the chipper really doesn't mean much when venetus can just use a dark quarter to get back here where's your Keyblade don't need it that's a good question and yet you do why would we assume he's in radiant garden isn't that ways technically training carry and Lea way if you're gonna have a cup of tea wouldn't you want to have it at the best restaurant that you could find no goofy if anything I want to have it in the comfort of my own goddamn home why would I go to a restaurant for a cup of tea hell I'd build a Starbucks before I went to a bistro we interrupt Kingdom our sweeter bring your farm hero saga who a pot full of honey it's your reward for being such a big help eat all you want who didn't even do anything we were the ones collecting vegetables and fruit yeah so like move I don't know what we just saw but wow that was Elsa four out no she didn't well not at least that you could tell you guys were outside the palace when she transformed her clothes yeah which by the way is that dress made out of either Elsa also control fabric and maybe Elsa doesn't have it I mean just look how I see her palaces made of magic she forced herself to keep hidden until now what if it's dark magic Elsa would never rely on the darkness dude you don't even know anything about her you had like one conversation we interrupt you tomorrow to bring your eyes cap zone hmm did you see that snowman snowman yeah and here's the funny thing he was walking in walking back oh but furniture animals toys skeletons and puppets can seriously how is that where you draw the line and say a snowman huh that's weird I can't hear you one County your younger self sing hello hey can we maybe not have the courage and I'm trying to I'm right out here for you just let me you know what normally a character singing in front of another isn't really awkward but that's because the movies tend to be musicals aside from Atlanta kind to when have we ever had musical numbers in Kingdom Hearts must be nearby wait a second how could I hear you so clearly if your head was stuck inside that ball of snow how did your head even get inside the ball of snow you sure you never slid past my body ever who cares can't we just make a new body with the new snow and coal we've already have from the oddly shaped clump of snow your body parts move independently anyway so what does it matter that's racist so I know we just said that Kim Hearts has never had musical numbers but arendelle so far has had two and no matter what do you think about do you want to build a snowman we didn't really need that song this scene though is kind of dependent on for the first time in forever a reprise Anna and Elsa sing because Anna's trying to convince Elsa to come home while else is trying to convince Anna that she's not safe up here only for the duet to escalate and cost Elsa some type of psychological torment here though it just kind of looks like Elsa's losing her for no good reason wait for me where's goofy what the how did you how did soar not notice goofy separated to be where he is he didn't just go to the right he also had to have gone ahead of us but how do they do that so quickly hmm interesting this isn't the health bar you have when you're a party member do you think everybody else made it well I don't think the snow monster got them makes sense for us too we still need to talk to Elsa uh Sora the first time you guys were here lark seemed blew you away and not in the cool way like what my girlfriend says we're visiting her parents and she knows I don't want to and the second time you were attacked by a giant ice monster that crushed the ground underneath you and not in the cool way look when my girlfriend says that her friend Steve is sing over you noticing a pattern are you Donna was struck in the heart by Elsa's ice magic if the ice isn't removed she'll freeze forever only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart so I took her back to arendelle and her true love Hans but what about you hmm what about me uh I sort of assumed you guys were no I just keep her from getting lost really oh but you seem so perfect together oh come on you've known them for an hour at best we interrupted Kim March 3 to bring you the cliffhangers minigame from Mario Party for what where the hell did marshmallow come from didn't we get sucked in by ourselves well as the original princesses of hearts time for protecting the pure light has ended they have passed the light to others but Kyrie hasn't passed on her power is she one of the new seven she must be does it really matter I mean we don't really encounter the new seven hearts anyway and we do a somewhat of the guardians of light later so having new princesses of heart while clever is kind of a moot point at least we tracked down Ventus Benitez told us that he's inside Sora's heart Mickey should have had a PTSD flashback just by hearing man named Vanitas he didn't even know Vinny this was part of the real organization but here he is I think like it's all good no not exactly he just doesn't think if only he'd listened the master yen SID the way listens to Riku that would be a good start man with friends like these who needs a nor my friends are my power more like my friends the reason I have low self esteem you're in - what is this organization rehash she said it not me yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me where did Sora even learn the shanty like I'm pretty sure knowing things in Kingdom Hearts - cuz we get to be pirates again yep you always did like this world yeah but what you didn't always do was have a change of alpha to this world remember how you used to stick out like a sore thumb I'm glad that you at least look like the eventual live-action remake versions of yourselves but why did the magic suddenly change your appearances this time around where else the edge of the world so where's a flat earther and that was Kingdom Hearts 3 I always figure so weird I'd see this cow everyone pretty much except Kevin McNally since he came back for games so I mean I guess that's a plus just a minute yeah you go on and have a whole movie in between I don't know what the heck's going on every stride I make is a stride for all of us oh really and what exactly are we striding towards Luke surd do I detect a hint of treachery in your words no in fact I don't think half the organization even knows what's a nor its ultimate plan is heck lark seen just found out that Zane or plans to use them as vessels I don't know how much sense this makes so how does this work did we learn how to breathe underwater in Atlantica I mean we're not really sea creatures in this world so how are we speaking fighting doing all that without needing air you'll feel B greatest cinemasins yeah sure I know you've made passage through straits far more dire than this just follow your heart's command what the hell did sore it do that because either sore is somehow an earthbender and doesn't even meet the Keyblade for it or that was just discussing Lee good timing I want the chest that support the judge really good huh Oh Jack I didn't tell him which Dutchman hardly Jack didn't even have to say it where the chest was he could have just said he wanted the chest and taking Luxor to it it's like you don't have to say it was a chest he could have just said I want something that's on the flying dutchman okay so I don't think I got the sequence of events here Luke surd leaves sends heartless to deal with the crew the heartless knocks Sora Donald and Goofy off of Luke search ship and onto the Leviathan leaving only Jack Sparrow on Luke's er ship but now the Leviathan looks exactly like Luke surd ship and Jack's on the Leviathan for some reason how did Jack even get on her so quickly for crabs they all set her right yeah my doctor told me the same thing the sea she smiles upon a surah let's leave it at that shall we for now the real me has a crucial engagement at shipwreck Cove where the pirate brethren will meet Beckett in its lot and battle to win back our freedom then let us help no it's for pirates to resolve but not you Sora you're as free as the winds now and fire you go wait so this [ __ ] was made out of crabs yet he has restart time in Port Royal looking for crabs can he just give us a little speech and be like sorry this is how you fix the ship also I may have like a billion white crabs so you're in luck we can all fight together the sea belongs to everyone huh you did sometimes it just goes in one ear and right out the other wait really yes you even agreed with him yeah no one knows what's in the chest we're looking for if it's a black box then we are to collect it simple as that you don't know what's in it then why do you need it how would you know you found it yeah you know a plan makes absolutely no sense when even Sora of all people would be great at cinema since then I invoke the right of parley no [ __ ] look around well this will busy besides I've already got all that I want mate oh really that was it Luke sir just gave up if you're meant to get the box at any cost you could use your cards or something you didn't even try Oh lame hater was moving in slow motion but then nobody was moving in real time who took this photo who had the massive balls or ovaries to get on the bridge where the Heartless were flipping cars and just to take this photo for the news like wouldn't something this up-close and dangerous be Pulitzer Prize worthy not cool people like spectacle not truth yeah who needs quality reporting when you can just make stuff up are you saying it's fake news cuz I gotta say the article says you guys couldn't contain the threat and it's right I don't get it I mean didn't they see how awesome we were sure those things landed a couple of good hits but we had chem balls and laser hands and fire breathing well it really didn't matter they beat us so you admit it he played hero Sora you know Donnellan I don't have keyblades sure but if you guys weren't happy with the name why didn't you pose when he set that why did you guys like looked at him all I could feels like what the [ __ ] are you on about like what the three of us will go take care of the heartless for you right Donald goofy don't you mean Sora Donald goofy we have to help my brother would have yeah and it's because your brother helped that he died seriously we can handle this [Music] there's no heartless here huh but swords really freaking out over a shadow artists [Music] wait guys that one's not like the others it can't pee microwatts microbots huh you know what they are well they're different from heartless yeah they are because they're bug blocks you know the things both of you got trapped by and recoated which means you know what they are and probably never communicated Essaouira but code means he's with Organization 13 and that means he's not really Riku the fake ones with Organization 13 our arch-nemesis you know for a character as smart as goofy he sure don't can't speak good uh don't can't speak well those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones oh wait if this is live why is it daytime wasn't it just nighttime when we came back to the garage are we fighting crime at like 5:00 in the morning also the next cutscene is during night time again and the one after that is daytime again are we traveling through time how are pete maleficent basically in every world we visit when we're visiting like did they get underwear gummi ship when we're not looking there are other worlds you know oh I intend to who's he friend years pete's met Riku while deta Riku at least he even took control of data Riku and the student looks exactly the same my Uzi friend years yes though I could not tell you from when but wait Maleficent never met Riku pakka in fact sure darker blue guy even know that Maleficent was consumed by darkness at one point these are the guys that have been protecting us good yeah so did we stop him safety mode kicks in if he's putting her too much stress so he's probably just in stasis we'll have to destroy the chip if we want to be certain but are you sure yeah dude you don't need to go that far it's just the chip he's not gonna die maybe we can find another way you're not destroying baymax it's the right thing to do hero is right why is this portrayed as a sad moment that's okay baymax is here baymax is also literally right here all you did was take out the chip he's not dead he's a robot he doesn't need that chip to live so we know how aqua lost her own Keyblade because she sent him back to the realm of light with the rest of her Keyblade Armour along with Terra nor it but how and when does she lose air kisses Keyblade if she lost it when she felt the darkness why was she being stupidly stubborn enough not to use it when Ansem showed up to take answer the realm of darkness it isn't safe for you gluant yeah you can't make a whole point without us come on guys think about it even the king and Riku struggled in the realm of darkness exactly what the hell makes you think you can do this by yourself mister my friends are my power what was the point of showing this cutscene a world ago if you're just going to show it to us again why not just show once now I think we'd still get the same sense of urgency at that point [Music] huh no way it's true the whole thing was his idea God you guys ready to hear nothing but pronoun games cuz this is the homestretch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a question how it's doing that effect the sky [Music] aqua guard for [ __ ] sake you call yourself a master you jumped in arms wide open Kingdom Hearts 3 directed by John we that's not how that works incredible it is you huh you know her when you and I first met and radiant garden the Unversed tried to attack a little girl do you remember oh gosh but that little girl was Kyrie you didn't know Kyrie was the little girl you saved you really are an idiot aren't you hmm this is all very touching guys but where do I fit in then looks just like Roxas or is it Roxas looks just like ven and now I have to explain all of that to him which is in itself a crazy long story and apparently everybody already knows everyone and this is an insane amount to get memorized good ol Axl saying what's on the audience's mind not to worry folks to help us out I've given each of you a gummy phone where the [ __ ] were you keeping enough gummy phones for everyone here we're all in this together Sora see that line was due to all the people complaining about their not being a high school musical world you cannot find the unfindable the box does not exist I knew they was taking us for a ride silence imbecile I mean the box does not exist now who is that so kind of riddle is where we're supposed to be looking light and darkness are fated to clash a Keyblade war is upon us we need only wait for that destined moment no matter the victors the box will be revealed that's it but where's my big moment you will have it soon enough once I possess the box our real work can begin man good to know that Belov is it and P are here for virtually no reason at all [Music] why the are you freaking out what that means they're dead Riku Mickey knock we'll have all been trolled by heartless clusters and they're fine man up Sora what do we do summon the combine the Keyblade or something that worked really well last time why don't you just do it again I hope my strength came from them they gave me all of it alone I'm worthless Sora do I need to count down every single time you fought by yourself besides you're not alone Master Riku the man who's helped you defeat zimis is right here with you checkmate and so darkness prevails and light expires you need a new strategy I move isn't it huh it's not over come on that's not fair I know I had you yes you nearly did but a games no fun if you know where it's going Eric this is a [ __ ] cheater the [ __ ] the edges of sleep and death touch and one can't help the occasional crossover said no more to square and Disney I'm going back how exactly you can't just wander out like your other visits what I told you the other times you came here by your own choice how is that possible if he doesn't even know what this place is I hope that friend of yours finds you soon thank you me too oh hey if I see him I'll tell him that you're here what's his name [Music] huh secret why not just tell him who would have heard you um could I get a hint how to save the others seriously are you a Keyblade wielder or aren't you haven't you already learned how to restore someone's heart after it's been lost well excuse the [ __ ] out of me Keyblade wielders have been gone for years I had to teach myself so no who would have taught me how to do that so what was the point of seeing that cutscene again it was literally the same thing as the last time we saw ya then this again why don't they remember what happened last time did we go back in time or did we just save their hearts or let me see the hearts and then go back and in any case sewer should at least know what happened why isn't he warning Ventus and aqua [Music] oh it's not here to kill us this time sorry that PTSD still gets it from time to time you need to melt suddenly FME just send out the big bad uncle apparently watches Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Music] oh come on really you're gonna make me fight a horde of shadow heartless for like the billionth time why doesn't the organization try something new like I don't know that giant shadows a Nord now there's shadow heartless you could tap them with your keyblade and they die so I have to ask what does the other opponent doing while we get these cutscenes oh they're just waiting in the corner like it's okay take your time [Music] your face I'm the piece of ventas that was taken away and you're the piece ventus needed to be whole again so why shouldn't you and I look exactly the same because you were taken for Ventus far before ventus's heart wind side Sora I mean it makes sense why Roxas looks like Ventus it makes less sense why you look like Sora Terra look after them no Sora I'm going to that's what he wants for us to make a mistake put ourselves in danger that's why you're going alone are you kidding you know how popular I am I got loads of people rooting for me sorry boss no one axes axons said axel to know more I ain't Shane of memories we need him alive you know that no you don't Shion that's the whole point of this fight I don't need hearts I will scatter them all to the winds IRA do something Kairi do something d materializer Keyblade and summon it again like Riku did a dream Drop Distance Merlin trained you right cast some fire on this [ __ ] or something we interrupt you to march through to bring sonic heroes had a couple of plot points that needed ironing out oh ha ha ha axel seriously Roxas invented should be flipping out right now [Music] okay so I know how Sora got here but how did Donald and Goofy get up here I'm still fighting Zayin order after all that damn the last time I fought an old man this strong the shelter kick me out due to abuse of the elderly so that brings the total to what ten Sora not Sora Kairi Sora puppets or not not Soros or knots or adidas or dreams' or chess or in Yozora not to mention all the stores from the final world and don't even get me started on all the Saiyan arts man we got masters in nor young Saiyan or younger Zane or Terran or heartless North Sea and nobody's sore northagen born or moon or gambling or flower nor dandtan nor dark couplet kannur and Shion Nord whom herself is puppet Sora man I'm tired then I put you through such a harrowing experience and aqua I left you with such a heavy burden Jenna look after them for me so what you're not gonna acknowledge the way you [ __ ] up Tara not even a thank you for keeping your heart inside his yeah he was consumed by darkness but if not for him turning into ling'er whoa wait a second with a tap into the lingering will that's right Thank You Donald goofy again I think you mean Sora Donald goofy oh yeah Pluto remember Pluto he was Mickey's pet and dream Drop Distance for like scene and then has done literally nothing since - do you realize you can't see through those right so I guess they're big hero 7 now and where's my Stan Lee cameo dammit if they make him cameo and Captain Marvel and Beyond why not here I get rid of the snow because people hated it I guess you figured out how to thaw it but wasn't half of the conflict of this movie that everything was well frozen cassava didn't make it after all meaning what I told her Thursday what it is I had to do and is that why you decided to exclude her as if I've had her own mission and she carried it out I've heard enough blue shoe what was your role see this is the [ __ ] problem with not communicating what each other's role is now one of your friends is all because you trusted some faceless face and his body snatching but boy oh right [Music] what's this I heard about this new game where the did you get those pieces they weren't there before is this more of your magic bullsh Erica's [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go again Sora Donald goofy Sora Donald my name's Sora Sora Donald goofy Sora my name's Sora Donald and Goofy though it counts but you broke the skin counts my name is Sora I'd be goopy the green [Music] goofy goofy I'm Sora and I'm goofy Sora Donald and goofy Sora Donald goofy hey guys charite here thank you guys so much for watching my cinemasins parity of everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts 3 this one's been a long time coming and I'd like to thank all my collaborators is tomorrow in no particular order hm case Araki limit form 72 volt at its placed a Sandra Q sand vessel nor low bomber and Edo ninja hey guys this HMK I hope you guys enjoyed this video charge did a really good job with it be sure to check out my channel while you're at it hm k you can find a look at the description box below or just type in HIV care on youtube i do a fun theories rants and hype on all things Kingdom Hearts so I'll see you there I keep like Sarah I might be undergoing a name change soon rights yeah I don't know what else to say thanks for having you guys I'm Lim 472 on the cage YouTube content creator and basically I do reviews discussions I talk about the problems of the series and how we can improve upon them to make the future games better and things of that nature so if you guys interested in that type of content by all means check me out in the description or ever my boy wants to keep me you know it's very nice of him to have invited me over here I do appreciate it and I hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you guys so much for watching once again I'll see you guys in the next one peace what's up you guys this is volt edits and thank you guys so much for watching this video it was an absolute blast being part of this video with Charlie I'm so blessed and I want to thank sorry so much for having to be part of this but you guys are not who I am who has to check out the description below which will be too much tons of content surrounding making our series emerged theories gameplay speculation war so thank you once again until next time thank you guys hi I'm play Stacy and I make videos on games and I like and maybe you like so go check it out I'm Rick usin vessel follow me on Twitch and Twitter twitch TV / fork usin vessel and Twitter at Riku so vessel thank you so much what's up guys it's me nor little bomber thank you for watching everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts 3 I really want to thank Charlie to participate in this big collaboration it's a huge honor we don't know who I am I also do cinemasins parodies and I also mainly cover Kingdom marks on my channel mainly I've been doing theories as of late regarding you know Kingdom Hearts in the next kinam arts games stuff like that so check it out a fee at the time also make sure you take a look at Charlie fives other videos as well as all the other videos that belong to the other channels that were a part of this great video thanks again charlie for having me I really appreciated it and it was truly a great honor so this has been Norah low bomber and I'm out hey guys this is that a ninja and I just want to get a quick thank you to try five for inviting me to this video project I had a lot of fun doing all these recordings and these takes and stuff like that it was really enjoyable I just want to tell you guys that I also have a youtube channel stuff like that at Edo ninja you guys could check out from my King of Hearts haunted smash here and there and stuff like that I'm planning to bring for the future I also do twitch streams and stuff like that of a lot of games stuff like that so you can check that out at it'll be just storm HD and lastly I also do graphic design here and there and stuff like that so if you're looking to get some pretty stuff done for your channel or whatever you guys are need for banner layout business cards any of that sort you can follow you for more details on that at 8:02 Geoff HD and on my pit to it you can see my portfolio link on it's a third leg right there so if you're interested if that's the photography you want to see if you're interested or not other than that thank you guys again and I really hope you guys like Kingdom Hearts is all about friendship and it was only right to bring on board some of the people who have made this community so wonderful in such a delight - I want to thank them all from the bottom linked to all their channels in their social will be description so if you haven't yet be sure to check them all no less important are my patrons on patreon and the channel members if you want to be featured in future videos and consider helping me out a little bit each month huge shout out to the people have supported me patiently through this process you guys should turn it over to cinemasins the awesome people that I paired it they also host sister channels cover music videos brands and other topics if you have even more free time why not check out everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts 2 until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is char I 5 signing off okay bluebells gonna be bad we enjoy Kingdom Hearts 3 to be yeah really drop the facade we saw what you did the nd we caught you don't think that you're slick what the hell and no that sounded weird to be alright through what exit you idiot we see Mickey I guess we hold on so that really weird okay what are you help the first time we see sorry i sorry I did that wrong but also you guys are going about how strong okay okay let's talk real quick let's talk let's all of us have a quick conversation here real quick okay so I get that you want to include characters from the previous games that have not made an appearance for like many millennia as ago however you know you want to interpret how long it's been and stuff like that though but my point is is that they have not been around since like in the early 2010's or whatever or maybe earlier than that so I get that you want to include that for the reminiscent effect but you know that's fine because they have now made their reappearance in Kingdom Hearts 3 that's great that's really great but just how what question just one simple question okay what is up with having these characters in the game they're not going to speak at all neither aliens nor do i don't have speaking roles for some weird breathing I don't know why and what was the point of that hell nobody has more speaking parts than those two it's not even on the screen when it happens why what was the point of that what were they thinking were they just thinking like oh yeah this is what we can do and real engine for it stuff like that and just to show off that we can do this let's include these characters to have for like I'm a dramatic effect or be like oh my god no get out of here we ensure Kingdom Hearts to be proper farm heroes sad saga farm heroes Sega through what exit you idiot were caved in oh well if there was an exit why didn't we leave while we were fighting they don't shoot sorry narration like seriously this came out of nowhere and we never even hear the narrator again and the whole joke around the nadir it yeah the narrative it all so you guys are going on about how strong snow plows the paws they're quite the adventure so I'm sorry for the editing process so you command fire it you just fought the fire [ __ ] the Firefox all right you you do remember you fought actual ghost heartless right now seriously if you guys remember because I think the castle blew me in effect is still shaking off on you guys we interrupting to martyrdom you sunk sunk hero Sonic Heroes saga seriously I wouldn't be surprised if his son was the master of masters black box oh whoops was in my bad whole game I read about it I'm still fighting Zayin or after all that damn the last time I fought an old man this strong the shelter can be out I love this one this cut me so off guard I thought Square Enix was actually money-hungry enough to put an ad for a new game also by the way what's up with that then we can speak right yeah you know you say that but there's a reason sir as a master and you're not that wasn't the words better wait Twilight town even has a smartphone technology is very inconsistent this use of did that user first oh okay if you truly boot sorry a little bit too excited with that one but verum Rex the game they come from is marketed to audiences 12 and over wait okay I'm played that two more times realize that why are they getting shafted I'm chef from these lines that's for damn sure okay Sora wrong number oh it's hey hun this seems presents an incredible weight this seems in any case shorter should okay all nuts I'm still fighting Zay in order after all that damn the last time I fought an old man mister on the shelter kick me out due to abuse of the elderly I can get over the fact that Goofy's nose is extremely that second it was definitely a genuine laugh because I at the time of this I had just watched the Vita's video seen back again and it was just too funny what are they thinking Sora wrong number Mickey no I can get over the fact that Goofy's nose is strangely brown for some reason I can get goofy nose oh my god Goofy's got a dingleberry fur nose oh man I wonder what's one of the toads is the one malfunctioning could it possibly be the one that's not in the sink with the rest not in the sink not to mention all the stores from the final world and don't even get me started on all is a nortz man we got it don't even get me started on them and don't even get me started on oh yeah but I said it right the first time so where is a flat earther yeah a flat earther what the hell okay if they get don't put down [ __ ] ass face out of my corporation your picture a little pig heck lark seems just found out that Zayn or it's planned plans to be [ __ ] Zane ORS Randall speaking played by JP Manoa and discount steve buscemi said Nomura trying to justify lack of character development as a good thing kind of cop was that you know for a character as smart as goofy he sure don't can't speak good all right no that's not a typo and don't even get me started on the Zayin or its man we got masters annual young xehanort youngers in or terran or heartless nord see it is they a nobody oh oh star me like that tear of Jesus well of course it looked like that you know what dark corridors look like Donald and Goofy know a quarter [Laughter] try saying dark corridors three times fast tongue twisters okay hmm och reminds me of a girl they save a pretty garden and Mickey didn't know it was Kyrie yeah because he's a dumb [ __ ] help this is like watching that novella call Maria la del Barrio went so I add that character the main antagonist she's always like damn [ __ ] chilled nothing's happening calm down what are the heartless ever up to why are you questioning it all of a sudden usually they're just chillin until we beat the dip etus venetus unis venetus wait a second how could I hear it wait why did the back you really want me to laugh or tense Jesus learn during will appears scream and fright oh it's freaking time and don't even get me started on all the Saiyan nortz man we got Master Zen or Yong Seon or younger Zayin or Terran or heartless nor Xia nobody's Sauron or zegen barn or moon nor gambling nor flower nor and ten North [ __ ] in ten word I forgot about an ten work after we trash luke surd's ship before heading to Port Royal also the next cutscene is during Jack why do you have to ruin these things now go go back on the bed go don't get returned any Jack the Heartless knocks Sora dominant goofy off of look loose okay hi I'm Playstation and I like plugging my channel oh yeah see that line was due to all the people complaining about there was annoying pete old friend of yours referring to so weird to say it like that dark uluka dark joe dark rep darbuka I've never said that before okay here we go again oh my god dude I can use the meme oh my god I can use the meme I wrote this script before the meat was relevant but now I can't use the meme and it's gonna be dated and it's gonna be funny for like two seconds see that line was due to all the people complaining that there was not I can't I don't know if these screams are gonna be any good do we want to do like a sarcastic one like ah no that's a bad scream oh that's not it so girly what the hell and stupid dog oh god okay what's up you guys this is what that is and sure I want to thank you so much for being part of this video yet sorry I want to thank you for being part of your own video I'm off what's up you guys this is volt edits and why the [ __ ] am i plug in my channel you're right playstation alright alright what's up you guys this is volton it's and thank you for watching my sit this is not my [ __ ] video what am I saying my my video so if you guys is volt edits and I like chocolate chips just kidding I don't like brownies just kidding it out I like mochi ice cream it's really good you ever had some what's up you guys this is volt edits and are you DTF because I'm just wondering what's up you guys this is volt edits and ru DDD what's up you guys this is volt then it's have you seen that cage 3 DLC what's up you guys this is volt that it's gonna get in this team no no no no don't integrate ok
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 479,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Charrii5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Kingdom Hearts III, HMK, EdoNinja, SarahKey, KeybladeSarah, VoltEditzz, Noir Lilbomber, RecusantVessel, PlayStacin, LimitForm72, lucky emblems, cutscenes, Tetsuya Nomura, Olympus, Toy Box, Twilight Town, Arendelle, Kingdom of Corona, Monstropolis, The Caribbean, San Fransokyo, Kupo Coin, Critical Mode, Reactions, Spoilers, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Riku, Kairi, Lea, Axel, Organization XIII, Master Xehanort, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Xion, Roxas
Id: fDZeBa7aKh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 57sec (5337 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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