Everything Mark Wahlberg Eats In a Day | Eat Like | Men’s Health

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if I was actually smart I would have listened to the people that told me how to do things right a long time ago but I was hard-headed and thought I knew everything like most people I talk to nowadays when I try to give them advice about eating right recovering and training properly hey I'm Mark Wahlberg and today I'm going to show you what my diet looks like I got up I take my vitamins I drink my water I have a little zinc dissolvable zinc tablet and then I have a Triple Espresso I'll have my coffee go in the cold plunge come out and then I'll have my creatine and my Branch chain aminos while I'm working out after the workout about 45 minutes after the workout this morning I had five eggs I had two hard boiled eggs and three scrambled eggs I had a pork chop which just a little bit of salt and pepper on it I had uh wild smoked salmon some Greek yogurt and berries and then I had uh green juice with with uh moranga that was at 8:00 in the morning at 11:00 I had chicken breast chicken thigh sweet potato broccoli a bowl of fruit blueberry blackberry raspberry strawberry and then I had a handful of pistachios and I had a handful of almonds and then I just had at 2:00 I had uh swich isimi crab salad with little cucumber and couple pieces of chicken breast and tonight I'll have a nice steak some Sea bath or halit something and a vegetable I just Tred to eat it's as clean as possible I've had the worst eating habits and I do want to let's have a little disclaimer here if I explain my schedule or my eating habit let's not let your imagination run wild and last time I did this it got out of hand and people thought I took an hour and a half long shower I've changed my philosophy quite a bit if I was actually smart I would have listened to the people that told me how to do things right a long time ago but I was hard-headed and thought I knew everything like most people I talk to nowadays when I try to give them advice about eating right recovering and training properly it's sad that it took me till I was 52 years old to figure it out if only I would have done this long ago I think I'd have had another nice little 15-year run at doing more physical movies I'm actually training smart now so I'll do upper body lower body 3 days on day off two days on day off I'm putting as much emphasis now on rest and Recovery as I am like time under tension and and int Ive training I learned the hard way I was training seven days a week two times a day and eating eight meals a day I couldn't digest the protein I was eating I was doing it all wrong then I started fasting and I was like well I don't have to do cardio twice a day if I'm fasting or I'm just eating the right amount of protein and eating at the right times everything for me was so extreme so now like I said I finally figured it out at 50 something years old don't wait until you're 50 to figure it out okay do it in your teens and your 20s you know what I was on the cleanest program and regimen going down to do Arthur I was cycling and doing lots of stuff training and preparing to hopefully look like an adventure racer months in advance and first day of shooting I tour my miniscus and the only thing that was giving me any comfort was a really tall ice cold jumbo beer at the end of the day so my diet went out the window after the first day and I don't take like any type of pain medication or anything anything I couldn't get the surgery so I was just like all right at the end of a long hard day of sweating in the jungle the best remedy for me was uh couple of cold jumbos well I would say this is one of the most physically demanding roles I mean this Lone Survivor the fighter I mean these are pretty daunting physically but you know those are the kind of roles that I gravitate towards as an extreme athlete nobody goes harder at it than than Adventure Racers it's it's it's pretty incredible the kind of shape that they're in and and the things that they go through and what they have to endure throughout these races never mind what they do to prepare for a race it's just become such a routine for me now eating right exercising I feel good so it's something really that I look forward to you know there are days where you get in there you don't really feel like you want to do it but by the time I've gotten out of that cold plunge uh I'm ready to go now that I've been focusing on rest and Recovery I I don't feel like it's as laboring as it used to be breakfast bacon pancakes sausage maple syrup my kids smell like maple syrup get a hug and a kiss before school and they smell like maple syrup that's pretty good as long as I do the cheat meal right this time cuz what I'm thinking about is like okay I got to have either some tequila and I'll have chocolate and I'll have some other dessert and you know five different kinds of pasta after not having anything and eating clean and I wonder why I don't feel good the next day oh my God my favorite well my favorite yeah like chicken pot pie a Thanksgiving dinner mashed potatoes stuffing gravy sometimes I'll walk around in the bakery section and just look and think about all the things that I would want to eat but then I know if I took one of each and ate them I would probably not feel so good after I'm Mark wallberg that's what my diet looks like boring and repetitive but thank you for your time
Channel: Men's Health
Views: 1,139,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men’s health, men’s health magazine, men’s health videos, Mark Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg mens health, Mark Wahlberg eat like, Mark Wahlberg eat like mens health, aurther the king, eat like, eat like mens health, food, fitness, gym, health
Id: zwDw9ptpk_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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