Reacher's Alan Ritchson Shows Off His Gym and Fridge | Gym & Fridge | Men’s Health

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alen richen it's Men's Health open the door we've been searching for you for days Men's Health you found my humble Cabin in the Woods all right let's go check out the gym and [Music] [Music] fridge all right show us what's in that fridge sorry dropping that action movie voice let's see that fridge so this is my kitchen this is my fridge I'm actually terrified about what we're going to find in here oh not bad I think my wife did some cleaning this is cuz it doesn't usually look like this there's no pizza leftovers in here so something so my wife must have known you guys were coming cleaned out the pizza cuz there's always Pizza in the fridge what Staples do you always have in there this is like when you clean up your house before people come over there none of the good stuff is in here right now you know this almost looks healthy there's almond milk down there like we're doing good these are my wife's protein drinks these are a little only 30 gr of protein in these the week sauce I'll show you some better ones later so we always have eggs I've always got a lot of eggs that is like my go-to breakfast so we've got you know we got a couple we got a couple dozen here cagefree we're polite to the chickens don't look at the no- baked cookie dough from a local bakery I don't stick spoons in that all day long we do have a lot of cut fruit we've got three boys in the house they love to dive into Fruit all the time and I've got one kid who's like a fruit bat and it's like all he eats so he and I are just in there much in a way and from what I've been told you can't have too much fruit so I think it's a safe one don't don't mind the cheese dogs once again I have three boys so I can blame the kids on the cheese dogs but I do love hot dogs little mustard onion if you can find some chili great I didn't say that okay just cut that people are going to eat like after they see this cuz I eat whatever the hell I want and I'm not kidding how many meals do you eat in a day I eat about every hour I don't know if they're like full meals you know probably like four full meals you know let me show you what a DA of eating for me really looks like this is the God's honest truth ready this this is my breakfast pre-made packs of oatmeal I like a low Variety in my life so I'll take the uh apples and cinnamon or my favorite which I'm almost out of and it's a little scary Maple and brown sugar I put it in the microwave for the perfect 27 seconds I'm a little obsessive doesn't want to be mushy don't want to be too hot 27 seconds two packs that's my breakfast here's my lunch this is what I do for lunch I'm going to show you what I do let me open this guy this is a fresh one I just oh they put the price tag right over the zipper didn't expect Jack reer to struggle with the deli cheese here I'll open it like this okay you take some cheese I take two pieces of Swiss you don't want to overdo it you're not eating a cheese taco you're eating a meat cheese taco you take some some turkey you do one little you don't want to overdo it so just one little plop or two there we go one little stripe of mustard the cheese is the bread so you got your little flavor in the middle you got your protein and you got your meat and cheese taco I could eat 50 of these you want one dude they're the best what do you have for dinner dinner dinner is good this is my wife's lovely homemade turkey meatloaf very lean tons of protein sometimes we'll have some mashed potatoes in it defending the little carbs and we have some greens like salad or green beans is it hard to stick with your diet when you're on set when I'm on set it's super easy to maintain what I eat in fact I eat the healthiest when I'm on set because I have somebody cooking for me how has your diet changed over the years my diet changes depending on like where where I'm at in my in my jobs you know like Reacher I play Reacher Reacher's got to be big so I can bulk I call it bulking constantly so I just eat whatever I want and I you know I do work out 5 days a week so I I think I can get away with a lot of it if I'm if I'm not playing Reacher which is you know the other half of the year I can't be so big usually I limit the carbs I try to cut back on the sugar cuz I eat cookies every day cookie dough every day our secret uh but yeah I try to limit the carbs and the cheese so if I do that I'm I'm good I can get away with a you know with a lot more what did you eat growing up growing up it was you know it was a different era you know as ' 80s and '90s spam was huge I would open up a can of spam and we'd slice it up we'd saut it in a pan and throw it on a sandwich with like processed American cheese you know just peel the plastic off that and a little mustard on White Bread it doesn't get more All American than a white bread mustard cheese spam sandwich but that was my childhood what would we never see in your fridge anything vegan vegan people are like it's almost like a real cookie and you're like no why do you have to compareed I'll just have the real cookie I'm not judging you if you're vegan but I ain't eating it you know you know what I'm saying what's your go-to protein I like the 40 gr the the Muscle Milk what's your snack strategy favorite snack to have on set in Turkey the country not the bird I'm glad you asked sasus the snacks are kind of the hardest thing for me so I do like a lot of cottage cheese I do a lot of yogurt I also do a lot of string cheese I have the worst diet people nutritionists around the world are their heads are falling off right now what's your go-to comfort food I was given for my birthday recently 8 lb of raw cookie dough I ate all of it where does it go I don't know where it goes do you drink coffee this is my coffee my coffee is a 5-hour Energy so it's efficient it's delicious yeah you pop one of these in the morning good as gold what's reachers favorite thing to cook Reacher Reacher you know to Reacher a calorie is a calorie it it doesn't matter if it comes from like fat or sugar you know Reacher will eat anything uh that you know that that works for him how do you make your protein shake my go-to protein shake it's ice almond milk a ton of protein powder sometimes I'll do a banana but usually I go fruitless I try to limit the sugar three giant handfuls of spinach I do peanut butter cacao for a little depth of flavor and avocado so I get the fats in there but sometimes I put oats in there if I want like a little extra you take any supplements these are Trace mineral drops so these are all natural minerals and performance electrolytes swear to you this has saved my life because when I'm working out 5 days a week using heavy weights all the time your body never has a chance to recover you're never 100% I suffered from full body whole systemwide muscle cramps in fact the other day I did some push-ups and during the push-ups I started to cramp up I came up and I took these I waited 15 minutes cramps were gone finished the workout so uh this this is it but this is all all include I'm a little afraid to ask but what do you grab from the fridge when you're hungry at 2: a.m. here's what I'm going for in the fridge a nice homemade keyme pie and then I punish myself in the workout see this is the thing people are going to go like oh he eats whatever he wants oh whatever when I go into that gym I'm like I deserve to die for how I've eaten so I'm going to try to work myself to death what I would love to find in my life is a balance where I kind of eat healthy and then don't have to work quite as hard but I'm not there yet I like Cookie Dough too much anyway speaking of eating crap and uh needing to work it off we should go hit the gym let's go down going down where Reacher was built okay so this is my home gym I'm on the road all the time so my favorite piece in here is this cage because of the cables cables are something that you find the least in hotels so for me anytime I'm in here I'm on these usually makes like the bulk of my workout how often do you work out I I work out 5 days a week if I need to skip a day and hit a Saturday I do but I try to keep it Monday through Friday so I can have time to recover I don't spend a ton of time in the gym 20 30 minutes tops less wear and tear on the body leaves you feeling good what's your favorite body part to train definitely not the legs a lot of what I do is like aesthetic you know I play Reacher it's got to look big and large so you know a lot of stuff is upper body upper arms upper chest but my favorite favorite is the pectoralis major it's actually a little tiny muscle it's a little strip of muscle up here but if you want to like have that beach body you want to fill out your T-shirt you got to get your arms above your head you know so something like this you're bringing your arms up and pressing that upper chest together you're going to start to fill out what's your favorite exercise probably the incline bench I'll come down here and I'll rack you know like I'll throw 225 on there Slide the bench under and you know you develop the you know the delts the upper upper chest just leaves you feeling good what exercise do you hate well I can't even do squats I can't do squats every single time I do squats I I pinch something in my back so I can't load from the top so if I want to do legs you know I've got to be pulling or I've got to have my back supported Ling down how do you keep your mind fit you know I try to meditate meditation is about manually shifting back into a calmer brain state so that's what it is for me prayer you know every day I have a ritual every night before go to bed that helps but I also spend time in the Sonet and that 15 minutes for me in the Sonic that's Zend time I Center myself so that that helps a lot how about the hot tub the hot tub is is definitely not Zen time I'm trying to keep my kids from from killing each other drowning uh cuz they think it's a an olympic size pool what was the process like to become Reacher man that that was the first time in my life that I had a studio executive call and tell me I had to be a certain weight I want to throw you out of a helicopter so I built a gym in my house and started using weights really primarily for the first time up until that point my basic workout was push-ups pull-ups dips and sit-ups anywhere there was like monkey bars I would run there I would do four sets of 25 of each and I would run back I still do that I'll do a lot of core stuff in here trying to get the legs up that was like the foundation of my workout for a long time but to add that extra 30 lb it took a Next Level a set of resistance how did the rapid bulking affect your body I I kind of went from zero to 100 putting on that much weight that fast isn't natural or healthy I think I ended up breaking a joint in my shoulder I had a shoulder surgery one thing I learned for me when you're working out that often was going from targeted exercises where it's like today's my bicep and tricep day is I would do full body exercises every day Monday through Friday I'm getting a little bit of legs little bit of arms little chest and back when did you start start working out I started working out at the end of high school because I was a late bloomer very late bloomer no hair on the legs got made fun of wouldn't wear shorts because people would see how I didn't have any hair on my legs yet as like a junior in high school and I wanted to change my body I wanted to like take control so I started uh working out and I would do the workout that I mentioned earlier the push-ups pull-ups dips and sit-ups I would do four sets of 25 of those and I would run home and I started to notice a difference people that I was friends with also started to notice a difference wanted to do what I did but they would come out and try to do four sets of 25 push-ups pull-ups dips and sit-ups and couldn't come even close and so I would only see them once and they' never come back so I just learned to be a bit of a lone wolf in the gym what other types of training do you do the other training would probably be fight training for the show that I'm on Reacher I've got an amazing team of stunt people that are constantly trying to make me look like the real deal every time I think my cardio's on point I go do a little fight training and I get gassed in 3 minutes and realize I'm not even close to where I should be what do you consider an intense workout what I consider an intense workout is when I hit a full body day as hard as I can that's going to include lunges split squats leg extensions and leg curls so that'll be the lower half on the upper half I'll hit the chest and my goal is to get to 100 reps of bench I'll start on incline and I'll end on decline trying to do you know like 225 so heavy weights I'll walk that all the way down if I can get through that I think I've won it's tough to get through a full a full set though are you a max out kind of you I don't max out a lot because for me my whole goal is to stay a certain size for years I want to be do I want to do I want 22 seasons of I want to be 100 years old and still playing Reacher however I threw up 355 the other day and I felt really good about it and it's like wasn't even like one it was like 10 so I was I don't even know what my Max is but don't ask me to do a squat though it's I'd be lucky to get 145 did you and Henry work out together while shooting your new movie I let him do his thing thing you know I do my thing he do his thing you know I think we're at two different places I was coming out a Reacher in fighting shape my goals were a little bit different than what his were at the time but yeah he uh he works hard he works hard he's an inspiration to watch what music do you listen to when you're working out unless I'm doing like an intense uh set of Sprints I'll listen to some some insync backst Street Boys you know something really pumped me up um but I listen to podcast usually I feel like I want to kill two birds with one stone and so you know I'm working out the mind while I'm working out the body do you have any scars do I have any scars can you see the shoulder Scar from the shoulder surgery there what's your most meaningful tattoo three of them represent my kids names for example is my oldest boy and his name means peaceful dove one means brave Warrior leader so we've got you know the the crest Eden my middle so we've got an abstract flame there for our very unique artist what keeps you motivated to stay fit I stay motivated because my job depends on it not everybody has that kind of motivation so I understand how difficult it can be for a lot of people to feel like why do I need to hit the gym again today you got to put the work in you got to be a friend with pain it's just got to be part of your Mantra glad you said that Alan cuz we invited your old buddy pay in for these rapid fire questions workout time 7:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. squat or deadlift deadlift favorite song on your workout playlist uh Magic hour CrossFit yay or nay hell no pull-ups or chin-ups pull-ups dumbbells or kettle bells dumbbells hold plunge or sauna ice plunge even though I love the sauna cardio zone two or zone five zone five big legs or big arms I wish big legs but big arms biggest compliment jacked ripped swole or cut what is it jacked ripped swole cut swole if you could work out with anyone Dead or Alive who would it be Arnold swi now get lost I'm dying he you guys got to get lost I got to eat some [Music] barbecue
Channel: Men's Health
Views: 1,664,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men’s health, men’s health magazine, men’s health videos, Reacher, Jack Reacher, Alan Ritchson mens health, Alan Ritchson, Alan Richson gym and fridge, gym and fridge, gym and fridge mens health, workout, health, gym, fridge, food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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