Meal Prep For The Week In Under An Hour | Sweet and Sour Chicken

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today on the meal prep series we're making sweet and sour chicken this is a high protein dish and tastes absolutely incredible starting out we're going to get our rice on I know I do Rice quite often on these meal preps and you can change it up which I'll leave a few details about in the description but we're gonna go with 300 grams of washed basmati rice 600 milliliters of cold water and a bit of sea salt flakes to taste give it a stir to break up any clums and then bring it to a boil place on a lid reduce the heat to low and then just let this simmer away for 14 minutes undisturbed the prep for the sweet and sour chicken is really simple we're going to need three bell peppers or capsicums for my Australian friends these can be sliced in half and then just pick out the seeds and the pith with your fingers give it a bang on the bench to remove any excess seeds as for these just give them a quick slice up rotate them 90 degrees and then dice into large chunks leaving us with all of this and this can just be placed in a bowl and mixed together next is one brown or yellow onion this is about medium size just slice off both ends slice it in half and then just peel off that skin you can save all of these scraps for a stock place it on a half moon position and then just thinly slice the whole way across laying it flat about three quarters of the way through just to continue slicing it safely the onion can also be added to the bowl with the bell peppers or capsicums and then just give this a good mix of your hands just to break up any of the layers of onion moving on we're going to need four cloves of garlic and 15 grams of Ginger both of these can be run along a fine microplane to create a paste and you can mix these together which is completely fine and I will also mention that all of the weight conversions are in the description as well now as for the protein I went for chicken breast it was a lot cheaper at the time you can definitely use chicken thigh for this recipe which I'll leave details about in the description this weighs 1.4 kilos and these are quite big breasts and we can just slice these into strips rotate them 90 degrees and then just dice into large even sized Pieces Just making sure that they are the same size that way they'll cook at the same time as for the sweet and sour sauce add 125 milliliters of light or low sodium soy sauce to a mixing bowl for that nice Umami flavor 80 milliliters of store-bought pineapple juice don't use fresh for this recipe the enzymes in the fresh pineapple will break down the corn flour and won't allow it to thicken 80 grams of Honey to add sweetness a lot of recipes use sugar but I'm going with a healthier option instead 40 milliliters of Worcestershire sauce for an increased depth of flavor and a really nice Umami touch to increase the acidity add 40 milliliters of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar if you can't consume alcohol we're then going in with 40 milliliters of tomato sauce this is going to add a really nice Tangy flavor and a nice little subtle sweetness and then finally our thickening agent which is 12 grams of corn flour and you can use cornstarch as well with that all together we can then give this a whisk for those flavors that become friends just ensuring we break up the corn flour or starch and then just pop this aside going back to the rice that was doing its thing whilst we were prepping all the other stuff this can then be turned off the heat but leave the lid on for a final four minutes then we're going to remove the lid and then fluff this up with a fork or spatula just to break up all the individual grains making sure nothing's stuck together and then remove it from the stovetop like always this is the macros or the nutrition for the basmati rice including the portion weights as well moving on we're going to make the sweet and sour chicken place a large pan or pot over a high heat we're going to add in 30 milliliters of grapeseed oil or any neutral flavored oil of your choice add in the onions and bell peppers sprinkle of sea salt flakes to taste and then we're going to saute this for about four minutes moving it around regularly during this time we're going to get a nice color onto this the bell peppers are going to add that nice Smoky flavor that they add and the onions will start to caramelize then we can remove this from the stovetop and then just transfer it into a plate placing the same pan or pot back over a high heat added another 20 milliliters of grapeseed oil or any neutral flavored oil add in the chicken when the panel pot is nice and hot along with a nice pinch of sea salt flakes to taste and then spread this out just so the chicken's not sitting all on top of one another if your pounder pot is too small I recommend doing this in batteries as well and this can then just be seared for three minutes to get a nice brown color on the outer edges after three minutes this can be given a good mix around and we're just going to continue cooking for another three minutes the color doesn't matter too much because the sauce will add a really nice color to it also you might get a little bit of water in the bottom of the pan if this does happen I do recommend draining it off otherwise the chicken will Steam and then it will become like rubber like I said you can use chicken thighs which I'll leave all of the details about in the description after six minutes in total add in the garlic and ginger paste and mix this around to cook for 45 seconds all we need to do here is just break up that making sure that it's not clamped up just to get the infusion into the chicken next add in the sauteed or stir-fried veggies mixing it again for another 30 to 40 seconds just to get the flavor of those veggies mixed into the chicken or in other words the flavors can become friends with that all done we can then add in the sweet and sour sauce making sure to give it a little whisk before we add it in because the corn flour can sit at the bottom then we're just going to bring this to a boil and cook for two minutes which will make the corn flour or starch react thickening it up really well and getting everything coated in that delicious sauce there's not a whole lot to this it's really really simple just mix and stir until the sauce is thickened up lastly this is completely optional just add in a couple of sesame seeds honestly I didn't even weigh them it's probably about a tablespoon's worth just give these a quick mix through until everything's mixed really well and then we can turn this off the heat and remove it from the stovetop and like always the sweet and sour chicken macros as well as the portion sizes as for serving up you would have seen in the macro cards throughout the video I did actually put the portion weights in there but if you want to make your life easier just portion everything by five if you have a little bit of leftover sauce make sure to top it off between the five and then we can garnish with spring onion or scallion chili or even more sesame seeds it's up to you but we're then left with these absolutely delicious sweet and sour chicken and that soft fluffy basmati rice the macros offer the complete dish you can see the whites and all the calories fats carbs and proteins storage on these they will last up to four days in the fridge and four months in the freezer if you're using the meal prep containers that I have they do come with a vacuum pump and this will actually extract the air reducing oxidization and it will last an extra day in the fridge which is really cool I'm not trying to sell you something but there is a link in the description if you are interested I just want to help you guys out once all of that's done we're then left with the best part and we can then dig in you'll probably never guessed this but it is actually sweet and sour this is a really good recipe tastes really really nice it's super easy to make and it's quite cheap as well and will last you the week or the weeks ahead depending on how you store it once again I just want to thank you all so so much for all of the love and support we hit 500 000 subscribers it is literally a dream come true for me every single day and I can't thank you all enough so thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chef Jack Ovens
Views: 4,436,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweet and sour chicken, how to cook rice, meal prep, how to meal prep, healthy meal prep, easy meal prep, meal prep ideas, meal prep for the week, meal prep for weight loss, meal prep chicken, sweet and sour chicken recipe, how to make sweet and sour chicken, healthy sweet and sour chicken, chinese sweet and sour chicken, sweet and sour chicken sauce, make sweet and sour chicken, making sweet and sour chicken, best sweet and sour chicken recipe, sweet and sour sauce
Id: 1N6hbRbyAeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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