Everything Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Eats In A Day | Eat Like | Men's Health

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[Music] thank you hey everybody Dwayne Johnson here and my friends at Men's Health have asked me to talk about what I eat so let's dig in here's what my current approach to eating looks like if I like it well I'm gonna eat it I am a real creature of habit when it comes to my diet I usually eat the same thing every day for days and weeks and months it's very consistent it's very boring it's also extremely disciplined and that's something that I picked up for my old man who was a a Hardcore gym fanatic he was one of the first professional wrestlers who had a bodybuilder's body so he taught me very early on not to eat to please the tongue but eat to nourish the body he taught me that when I was five it's probably why I need therapy I do have specific approaches to Counting macros I have found over the years that the best strategies are often the ones that you never feel like you're hungry there's a handful of chefs who I work with and I have one advisory Chef who speaks to them who works very closely with my strength and conditioning coach because I am in different locations often throughout the year around the world so they work out all that math they're much better and smarter at that than I am I eat six meals a day so I don't really have breakfast lunch or dinner although I have breakfast that's always my meal one but everything else fluctuate my breakfast consists of eggs it consists of a meat and that is either a bison or a steak it also consists of oatmeal it could be brown rice cereal with a little bit of fruit usually it's either papaya which I love papaya or some blueberries and that will be breakfast my second meal of the day which usually I eat around 10 11 o'clock that's what I consider my lunch usually consists of complex carb like a rice as well as chicken breast I'll have some greens I'm eating that after my workout and my dinner could consist of either a fish or a chicken or a buffalo or a steak and again some sort of complex carbohydrate and a green my go-to comfort food would have to be cheeseburger sometimes it's a double cheeseburger I need some bacon on there I need some avocado starts with a good big fat ass bun french fries are important food potato fries too as well and I need some sort of sweets sugar at the end of that usually some sort of cookies maybe even a crumb cake yeah those are my favorite ones that's a great question I never eat in the iron Paradise even though the gym is equipped for that every time I get in the eye in Paradise it's time to rock and roll it's time to train my favorite carb is white rice or sweet potatoes my Sushi order I like rolls and I like fun rolls I love getting like the turquoise blast roll I mean whatever the fun rolls are because usually when I'm having my uh Sushi that's usually my cheat day so I like to just go for it I have a complicated relationship with bread but it's a wonderful relationship I will try anything on bread I believe bread goes with everything much like how I thought I was with women in high school I went with all of them oh the best food smell in the world is something on an open flamed Grill I love that if I had to choose one go-to protein Buffalo I bet you Helen Mirren could down a whole bunch of coconut banana pancakes with me I just got a feeling it's my kind of gal Dwayne Johnson was an omelette first would have some onions some ground up Buffalo or ground up sirloin a little bit of bacon we'll go in there a little bit of avocado a little bit of peanut butter don't judge me my last meal on Earth would be double dough pizza one half of it pineapple and bacon and the other half pepperoni so this is a great question hands down without a shot of a doubt being fit for longevity is my priority and again it started way back when I was a little boy my dad used to take me to the gym at five years old and he said tell me you just sit and you watch and that's what I did and then when I started working out on the weights my dad was the one who started to expose me to the importance of training and doing my best to follow a very strict regimented disciplined diet so that all came from my old man and I applied that today so my priority is longevity do I ever eat in bed I do eat man just not food [Music] so that is a little bit of my philosophies I hope you found it somewhat informative thanks for watching and I'll see you down the road
Channel: Men's Health
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Keywords: men's health, mens health, eat like, eat like a celebrity, the rock, dwayne the rock johnson, dwayne johnson, the rock wwe, dwayne johnson interview, dwayne johnson motivation, dwayne johnson diet, dwayne johnson diet plan, dwayne johnson eats, dwayne johnson eats in a day, everything dwayne johnson eats in a day, everything the rock eats in a day, the rock diet, everything the rock eats, the rock eats, the rock's diet, black adam dwayne johnson, black adam
Id: VO-xaqyHe_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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