Everything GREAT About: Black Clover | Part 8 | Eps 106-120

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

So glad that someone's spreading some positive stuff about the anime.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HeavenlySin13 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

love his videos for BC

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CookieCorgi 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is brought to you by the brand new four dollar patreon tier for voting in anime wins content but more on that at the end of the video [Music] they often do a good job of highlighting the human factory moments like these attack on titan is also another example of this also ladies and gentlemen smash those comments it boosts the videos insanely well and we all want a part nine don't we also make sure you're subscribed and have the bell icon on so you don't miss any uploads and now let's crack on [Music] getting our first actual glimpse of him in the proper battle i know he did a little during the last part but it wasn't much not running on the spot even though they could have totally done without him being lazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] more good examples of her magic and nicely showing how creative that type of magic can actually be as well [Music] the only thing that could have made this type of magic more awesome is creating freaking cannons within the structure and then having them launch their own magic through each of them god that's creative get out of it [Music] after being awesome with extremely dangerous levels of prejudice gaining a much greater understanding of how william came to share his memories and body with this enemy and also getting to see the aftermath of what happened to the wizard king affecting him as a tear rolls down his cheek and he admits that he's the worst for not picking aside and seemingly did feel regret over what happened genuinely unexpected plot twist [Music] i know sally is a real weirdo but god help me it's a win that she survived and is still in this anime and i'll be real i like her so whatever in it [Music] hot style change and a proper funny moment right there i like this from asta in pretty much every other anime they'd team up but aster has his morals and totally disagrees with what this guy is aiming to achieve so absolutely not he won't help him like that love astor especially when he performs random chokes and unlocks on the guy i know i've been saying it for like five parts straight now but the fact that my waifu and not yours is in this anime will never stop being a win and you best be prepared for this win for parts nine ten eleven and finally twelve two nine is nothing short of brilliant here and in spite of being the owner of like two previous wins just now already he's getting another here for how he can use his genuine personality to kind of effortlessly win over others i love that so much charmi being an absolute sweetheart right here and following astor's lead this wasn't getting its own win until the very end like i can't ignore that actual comedy gold of him calling the dude out for continuing to count at nothing that's amazing [Music] it's a good element to the anime to showcase these likely elite magic knights heading not only straight into action once attacked but doing so without thinking like it would be lame if they were immediately taken out in order to move the scene forward if you know what i mean instead they warn them and then declare them traitors and retaliate right away [Music] we're being gifted with some awesome yummy action and this time it's made all the better by finral's excellent abilities backing him up finally at long last getting to see this guy properly in a battle this is a big deal since he's seemingly fairly strong in comparison to yami [Music] as always yummy can take a win for simply being one of the coolest characters in anime in general and on top of that having some of the coolest looking attacks straight up since like part five i think i've been dropping a win for sick looking poses astor owns the award noelle yummy i believe and now this dude because that looked the pre-required amount of sick right there though let's actually give props to the character development here finral was originally just being used to transport yammy around for ease of use he had absolutely no wish to fight and couldn't really do anything offensively and yet now look how far he has come that's really impressive to see from a side character [Music] not going to show it but black clover once again diving into its rarely explored darker side as this lady takes out a noble cowardly hiding behind a commoner only to get taken out anyway and then the lady herself running off gets taken down like that's harsh man but as always i don't hate it since your boy is mature and all i totally forgot about these guys but in fairness to me i stepped away to create a bunch of different content since parts have [Music] finished getting to see the world's true feelings on the matter which is a rarity and must be praised what oh man he's strong i kind of forgot just how tough he was while i was away but that defense and then attack was [Music] outstanding having an immediate example once again showing off how strong noel has become in contrast to solid and her other sister the seat just got super intense all of a sudden [Music] god i'm totally loving how he acknowledged her power in the previous part and then i was talking like this god that's so great getting a fierce reminder of how noel was treated her entire life growing up by her older brothers and sisters especially solid and her sister who was especially cruel however i feel like it should be noted that noesel actually whilst very unkind in his words never once stooped to a level of pure bullying and they were clear to bring that across to the viewer [Music] this is a very nice demonstration of how her anti-magic as it were is kind of working and that noel can still cast but that it's being severely suppressed by the enemy's own magic [Music] not gonna lie even though i'm not a huge fan of the guy given his prior behavior he's incredibly cool in moments like that right there [Music] her brother figuring out her plan of attack so quick [Music] these two siblings working together for the first time into such great effect nice of that [Music] [Music] oh god okay for that they can take two wins who the heck with the thought that this was the reason why he had been treating her that way all along on top of that your boy is feeling rather smart pointing out how he never stooped to the point of bullying her that's such a nice touch that feeds into this moment and validates it making it clearly not something that was just thought up on the spot one excellent turn of events and one that takes lots of things into consideration from the past episodes [Music] oh dear lord blood twist after what i previously said they come out and do that what a horrific turn of events i just hope he's going to be okay but that glpt god level plot twist if you've forgotten or maybe depending on what prior episodes you've seen they get another maximum two wins award i mean how could or not [Music] first win heroes for noel deciding that saving her family is worth it in spite of everything that she was put through by most of them growing up just shows her soul and kind character shining through in who she has become second winners for her gaining this incredibly awesome looking magical armor and joining the esteemed ranks of astor and yuno lastly another separate win here for how it was explained away and also for how amazing the creation of the armor itself looked with its unique angles and stunning animation noelle is lit [Music] a bunch of lit looking animation shots [Music] this iconic moment right here for noel understanding how magic can be liberating where before it was only the cause of pain to her in her inability to control it and the mockery that followed and to see her now like this feels like one of the best character arcs in the entire anime easily noel winning this epic battle with pure grit and determination and hard work also though not gonna lie she's looking fine but let's move on and saving the day this nice little scene just giving us a taste of why his mother meant so much to him since he felt her kindness for many many years of his life unlike his younger brother and sisters [Applause] [Music] come on also though it's a good point in the anime to again highlight how zora uses his words to encourage others even if by doing so it can come across as being needlessly cruel but there's a real point to what he says and that's what counts and makes his character so great [Music] very brief but still awesome looking rotating shot oh sorry [Music] foreign loads of examples of really nice looking and smooth animation sequences clearly worked on very hard by the animation crew so hats off to them for making a lovely looking episode [Music] i think it's so incredibly clever to come up with something like that there where the years have gone by and during that time humans have been able to create new and different types of magic that the elves never experienced during their time i love that ingenuity to the story [Music] cute little mushrooms [Applause] these dudes look awesome striking into the room like a pair of awesome badasses loving that even though he currently seems invincible that these two are so crazy that they're actually even more hyped up to fight now no quit in these lads at all yummy not treating his parents kindly likely knowing full well how they've treated funeral over the years earns this anime an extra win and this lady being kind to him who clearly digs him aside from finral and how he's a natural enemy to his brother in terms of his own magical abilities it's great to show the level these two captains are on in how they can fight back against such unbeatable magic in many ways [Music] learning to slash through his spatial magic like an absolute beast and on top of this it means that there are certain people out there capable of incredible feats if they set their minds to it using their very manipulatable and unique [Music] magic these two freaking attacks [Music] oh god that's so awesome dropping his defenses and setting spatial magic underneath where the two captains fell in order to transport them here and these two immediately didn't panic and figured that would happen since they came out ready to attack so creative it hurts honestly what an outstanding looking scene that was with it going slow motion as these two powerful men attack at the same time so calmly like i'm at a loss that was so good [Music] that well that just gets two wins all day long and it's not even the greatest looking thing i've ever seen but there's something insanely appealing about finral and his kind nature in general and towards his brother how in spite of being pushed around and shown no love from his entire family that he still wants to protect him back then and still now that's insanely endearing to me as he launches this punch on his brother with an art style change taboo [Music] not going to even attempt to lie that really got me good especially after what i just wrote about him and then he goes and says that and does that whoo [Music] finally revealing the end game to us and making it the big plot point as something the elves are desperate to achieve whilst the humans will be doing everything in their power to stop them also taking the same time to reveal what's causing the malice they've all been experiencing and how they themselves are aiming to get rid of it which speaks to their former kind selves we've been seeing all along can't show it since they were both in the nip but fella was in the nip and where i come from that's an automatic win you're not even supposed to challenge it so i won't bother and i'll be good and just follow the rules okay also though the reveal that those two are back and that's what's been cooking the entire time plot twist seeing these lots whom i've forgotten about plus the two who have been brought back and everyone we already know inside and on top of the massive floating base has really reminded me of how big of a battle must be on its way and i'm super hyped up for it now this is gonna end up being huge everyone turning up in force and now things get even better let's go [Music] i always enjoy seeing her thoughts like this as i don't think that they used to do that and so she came across very harsh and unlikeable most of the time plus she's still really cute in that armor and now vanessa has also arrived plus the crazy former enemy girl goodness me i'm just happy i must admit that upon seeing the giant black bull's base i thought it was more of a gimmick of sorts however seeing how well it's been utilized i'm now left feeling incredibly impressed overall at its versatility when combined with everyone's magic [Music] plot twist and getting to see another captain's magic at long last i mean i've legit been waiting over 100 episodes for this it's insane these two once again working together seamlessly is brilliant to witness ever since they did so in part 7 as their magic combines really nicely just another great example of mixing magic something rarely done in the start of the anime and something occurring more and more now and i'm a big fan of that basically anything that opens up loads of possibilities is something i find massively intriguing and they've expanded magic in so many various ways a multitude of times over the past 100 plus episodes rather impressively i lost a lot of oxygen at the end um [Music] the animation and the music made that a very sick moment i feel ill making that commitment to fight for their very weird friend was funny but very sweet at the same time and made for an awesome and memorable end to episode 110 [Music] foreign that is legit some seriously awesome looking magic right there that for me is a visual that rivals the first time that asda used his flying ability and faced that demon inside of himself [Music] sometimes the effects are breathtaking and i'm not even sure if it's animated or cgi it just looks stunning especially on [Music] lucky it's really interesting to see another support character in charmi and her ability is absolutely invaluable for absolutely any team in this anime that attractive ladies research and smarts are coming in handy and i'm loving it plus the explanation of what she's figured out that is so insanely clever and what makes it even better is the real life fact that most of the time if you ask someone not to visualize something or even to visualize it in general then they will kind of automatically do it [Music] foreign thank goodness that yami taught him that because it's been so damn valuable to him all of this time [Music] foreign just when i talked about how epic it was seeing two people combining their magic they've now given us two instances on the bounce of three people mixing their magic to a great effect and it's so awesome to see and they've saved aston not once [Music] the sudden realization for me reading this that henry is putting his life at risk as his magic levels become lower and he's now risking his life to save astor in this moment makes it all the more poignant [Music] henry is such a mad lady vanessa is ridiculous moving on oh it's so stupidly clever to come up with stuff like this this is like what they've come up with in jojo i swear [Music] that was totally unexpected [Music] music like this always makes me emotional regardless of the scene and how incredibly sweet it actually is it just really hits me like the old final fantasy music that i adore so much then when you add in asda fighting for henry willingham to live seeing their prior interactions it becomes such a sweet moment [Applause] [Music] them turning the tide of the battle and after being a living legend and taking out such a powerful foe heck actually they did it all together such a great tight-knit team [Music] finally getting some more precious information about what happened back then this reveal now makes so much sense why they hate the royalty so much specifically and justifiably so as well plus it nicely once again circles back around to the story of the power structure in this anime i brought this up before but it's so good to have mentioned it back in like episode 5 how the royals are at the top and commoners down below and how differently people are treated because of that structure and now more than 100 episodes later the mangaka still clearly had this aspect in mind as he constructed this arc [Music] [Music] such a beautiful ending to their character showing the natural kindness of elves as the magic causing the malice begins to dissipate [Music] this very sweet moment of him still kind of trying to push everyone away where it feels like his own character has come such a long way and everyone reminding him that he's a valued member of their team so many sweet moments [Music] that should be in a freaking museum [Music] somewhere so much damn action in these past few episodes is nuts take a win look at them leaping into another battle just look at [Music] it yeah i totally forgot about that so glad they addressed the fact that he wouldn't have known about current events and naturally challenged this it was funny and well remembered too once again a fantastic end to another fantastic episode highly deserving of its own win [Music] even if they don't delve into it fully it's still good to see them bringing magical items back into the forefront of the anime again an element i've praised numerous times before now in how it can expand this world of magic in many ways even though this is bread and butter for noel's character by this point i still don't actually mind it in fact they're all kind of endearing in their own ways and how they're always the same people [Music] i'm not hating this turn of events even one little bit oh my god that was so awesome i could get it lost sadly i cannot recall if i've winned her yet in this part but she absolutely gets a win for still being in this anime i like her a heck of a lot she's like my fourth waifu in black clover and sadly you all have slim pickings d oh god why am i writing these scripts [Music] her brother is becoming slightly more bearable and i for one am loving every minute of it especially when you consider how many characters this mad lad of a monk who is juggling at any one time and yet he's still able to progress them bit by bit like a true legend god i love black clover and the mangaka and the animators and each and every single one of you who support me on here and on my patreon and such such a great moment highly deserving of his own win as the team split up once again for what i presume is nearly the tail end of the long arc and thus far my favorite content mimosa also showing her own character growth where instead of being occupied by her love praising her she instead cracks right on with the important mission at hand like a real pro [Music] i smell the start of a sort of kind of maybe tournament arc your boy is getting hyped [Music] such a beautiful and vivid example of his magic easily on par with the previous wins given for this kind of thing most recently the captain's dream world where this wind of the video has to go to knuckle cracking sound effects i mean you'd be surprised how often that specific sound effect sounds pants but here is great and realistic [Music] guys i'm so glad he's back when they give us such detailed and badass looking shots of him such as this [Music] steady now boy steady without animation and creative battle angle looking good nurse you wouldn't want to hurt anyone now would you [Music] know [Music] what's an absolutely tremendous end to this episode as we see a brief backstory exploring the siblings childhood together where they were often at odds until one fateful day and then back to the present where each one now fights in true respect for the power of the other as if that wasn't good enough though we then get blessed with a beautifully stunning piece of animation goodness reminiscent of all might versus all for one as they take out their enemy it was amazing looking and fully deserving of a maximum two wins award [Music] what's that kicking off episode 114 with yet another battle are you kidding me [Music] i cannot not drop a wind there for that animation quality as she smoothly glides through the air in her new battle armor just stunning that is and such dedication during an arc filled to the brim with high level animation goodness one episode after the next nice plot twist there about her insane healing abilities and just a heads up that you may not see many wins with their fight depending on the clothing situation since there well there's not much clothing there right now [Music] sorry not gonna lie i completely and utterly forgot about yuno with all of the awesomeness floating around these past few episodes and if it's possible he actually looks even more cool now than before [Music] well that was genuinely unexpected i figured when she got serious something borderline funny would happen when he attacks but no she got taken out which actually makes sense given the situation that's off to them for that that was stupidly unexpected by me someone helped [Music] foreign [Music] my word i love you know he's such a cool character in black clover and his rapidly increasing power is only made more awesome by astor's continuous climb and strength i adore it when the mangaka sets things up so far in advance i've seen that so many times in attack on titan recently but black clover has also done it so many times and obviously for such a long story that becomes more and more difficult to do [Music] i don't know what's going on but i'm freaking out it's a plot twist everyone should arm themselves to get ready for combat in the trenches [Music] this right here has the potential to be one of the greatest plot twists of the entire anime setting us up for a massive arc of humans versus these elves only to throw this at us out of nowhere it's getting two wins here as i feel as though they're potentially going to band together now to fight this new foe the one foe who caused all of the pain and bloodshed all those years ago in the first place [Music] oh heck yes i knew this would happen where they may be banned together as you know sweeps in to save his captain's body from his own reflected spell god this is so good [Music] my word that is such a cool entrance clover delving into its dark side once again as patriots impaled by magic spikes out of nowhere revealing just how powerful this new foe is also though creating such a strong boss like this is ideal for this amazing arc but it's more importantly a stroke of genius to have it have been hinted at for so long now and not be pulled out of nowhere the brain revealed that it was actually this demon who revived all of the elves blood twists i think something really awesome is about to occur with these two surpassing their limits and surging into action against this evil foe [Music] foreign [Music] i see that makes this infinitely more interesting now because another demon altogether resides within astra and his abilities and now i'm intrigued to find out how this is going to affect the [Music] story it's seriously such a joy and a privilege to watch these two fighting together side by side as it's happened so few times over the series as a whole [Music] so that stunningly smooth animation and creative shots [Music] i'm not sure [Music] rotating shot an exclusively detailed cgi like it's no big deal oh my word what an op that was initially i didn't think the song would suit my specific style but by the end i was absolutely loving it really unique vocals on that dude's voice on top of that we got these dark and agony filled visuals but with the sense of hope as elves and humans seem to band together to fight for peace and a better world against this true actual evil that's one of my favorites thus far i think amazing scene showcasing how strong these two have become even since yami first fought licht like they are miles stronger than they were and none of it feels at all rushed because of how much time was taken to build them [Music] i've spoken about it so many times now but i'm gonna do it again asda's character really is something else how he never gives up he's absolutely unwilling to budge to achieve his goal and save his loved ones i adore that about his character as he does it yet again even in the face of such impossible odds foreign so thrilling to watch him at work especially since they had his character become so much more likable after what happened with noel plus that animation is still gorgeous and they've been keeping it up for dozens of episodes at this point [Music] oh man that was so good he's so powerful it's nuts [Music] no joke i immediately knew that she would do this for him she's just that much of a kind girl [Music] as bad as this scene is visually it's outstanding looking i really enjoy it when the color style is changed so vividly i'm a big fan of it in jojo where it happens very often too even in a moment such as this asta speaks to his enemy with so much emotion and he's so genuine in his approach it's worked time and time again and the other anime where a character does this is coming back soon with its movie that being demon slayer so be sure to subscribe so i can reflect on astor's behavior in that video what a speech that was belted out by his incredible voice actor with so much passion and emotion and it hit me hard as the death of the wizard king was brought up again since i liked him so much only he could come out of something so dangerous saying something like that [Music] [Music] such fast-paced action out though where i got no time to breathe i cannot express how happy i am getting to see so many of these characters taking part in such huge battles i mean you knew that all too well when you went and threw yammy into the mix right here didn't you [Music] [Music] oh this is so good another beautiful ed right there coming song check lovely visuals check makes you feel warm and fuzzy double check can't say i'm not confused by the girl but let's rock and roll and find out who she is as it would seem that maybe she joins the black balls plus there's lots of new looking characters near the end of it too cannot wait take a win [Music] [Music] yummy being incredibly awesome as per the usual managing to delimify what is arguably by far the strongest foe ever the three of them working together so well and actually slowly figuring out various elements of the demon's magic and how it works so incredibly clever when it could have been boiled down to he's really strong let's wear him down and instead it's about what he can and cannot cancel out how far-reaching is his magic and how does it manifest emergency plot twist [Music] oh i just love stuff like this genuinely smiling into ears i write this cannot wait to see how it plays out i'm sensing another glpt coming down the road [Music] yummy protecting my wife here and getting seriously damaged in the process showing more to the elves of who the real evil one really is being so brave and honorable saving his prior enemies life whilst seemingly giving up his own plus that reaction from yuno was gut-wrenching and the reveal that astor is untouched by it therefore making him center point for any counter attack now and all of that culminates into two extra tasty and lightly seasoned wins uh yeah that where i live is in legend like in old books called a god level plot twist no it's not actually i lied but only because i cannot believe what just happened before my eyes that gets two wins until the outstanding turn of events and now i understand why so many of you said the twists and turns are outrageously awesome in this part nicely detailed shot of clover castle from above literally never knew that these were created i kind of figured it was some old race of people like dwarves or something but no even the first wizard king was doing it nothing short of wonderful getting to witness more about this guy's backstory from 500 years ago what an outstandingly well paced out and put together story it's such a shame that the first dozen episodes put so many people off black clover my hope is that one day my videos can serve as a tool with which to get people into the anime one more time i'm going to praise the high heavens the way magic is being expanded from the very start i've been talking about this since part one the simple premise of magic with seemingly few places to budge yet time and again it's been opened up magic items different races magical attributes mana skin and now demon magic magic taken from other worlds to make it stronger in this one and so much more to say i'm impressed by this would be underselling it by a lot [Music] showing us how strong of mind licht was back then with this incredibly powerful and emotional music at long last we learn exactly what happened and the final pieces of this long long puzzle fall into place in the very best of ways that's some seriously god-like pacing right there this introduction to the episode with added scenes are now making so much [Music] sense [Music] these stunning looking attacks by the first wizard king oh that is some disgustingly good looking animation on that attack right there they should be ashamed of [Music] themselves [Music] [Music] i'm sure we've seen that attack in an earlier episode or at least part of it but for how great it looked and for what it meant to the wizard king as he did it it deserves another win here getting to see how the devil was first sealed away and what happened to the one known as nero now and of course what then happened to the wizard king in what was a beautiful scene [Music] oh this is getting so good they're now all in one place pretty much shut up you're crying a bunch of liars [Music] is becoming one of the best characters for his calm and forgiving but still powerful demeanor but i fear he won't last long in this battle what a scene that was all the music and that sudden crazy uptick in animation has got this legit feeling like the final battles of mob cycle 100 season 2 in other words incredibly fast paced and intense gonna cut it off no pun intended right before the point of impact where the king's arm is removed but heck the sheer quality is so good i can't not drop another win there [Music] hop off after you crazy person you come yet another crazy type of healing magic joining like three other different ones no no sir oh this guy is awful i can't take it anymore i still can't take it anymore emergency new internal clock after 118 episodes and i'm not even kidding around now need to know about what devil is inside his sword and what the deal is there because its power is even slightly freaking this devil out i'm strongly guessing that even the people who complained at some of the mid-level episodes in the series animation were probably very impressed by the quality of these two dozen and more episodes then again some people are just jerks and can't be pleased but there whatever let me know your thoughts down below on it oh man that's so awesome everyone be out here getting swords now and yet back in the day it was just yammy and astor and now astor has an even more awesome looking blade than ever before [Applause] but what happens now [Music] this has to be right up there in terms of the largest and longest running battles in anime and i'm kind of setting aside dragon ball z where they spent so long powering up and instead i'm looking at merowim and hunter hunter and the like and the best thing is that none of it is at all boring each episode is better than the last pretty much just so many examples of hard work and dedication from the animation team smooth as butter crisp and high quality so thoroughly deserving of praise [Music] nero putting her faith in astor and the strengths she has witnessed him possess all of this time followed up by yet another lovely rotating shot that i'm starting to think were animated on a buy four get one free deal oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] kingdom oh yes that was one of the best attacks i've ever seen in black clover hands down i knew it was going to be something godly when he concentrated so much and dropped his cigarette man they can have two wins for that one epic attack from so very far away [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good it's like the true combination of his amazing character's arc going from where he started off to this point here is nothing short of breathtaking what a massive and detailed character arc surpassing limits and an epic looking series of art style changes which as you know your boy [Music] loves who was that demon and i can't believe he really finally beat him after all of that it was crazy but is it really over i don't quite know but take a win let's proceed with caution seriously how great is it for the story to have these two who has to brought on board to help end up saving them from the evil magic in there as you well know by now that music makes me really sentimental and stuff i just feel so good how they're all finally getting out of there together former enemies become friends in one of the best arcs everywhere [Music] the return of william a just end to patry as a character finally making things as right as could be [Applause] [Music] nothing short of beautiful utterly beautiful both the moment and the visual scene itself [Music] not sure why that affected me so much seeing them departing the bodies they were in going to a better place as that soft music played [Music] the notion that these three will be staying in this world bringing with it lots of intrigue on my part [Music] that little smile being a nice addition as he finally uses her real name [Music] oh man that got me again that was his son never got to see the world and then astor is so kind he's willing to give back his grandma to him knowing he might lose everything i thought at first he was doing something terrible maybe in order to get revenge or something but no he was bringing pantry back kind of as a veiled gift perhaps or maybe it really was to have him atoned for the things he has done but just like in win number 1429 i'm again left with even more intrigue as to what this could mean for the future [Music] a potential plot hole by revealing her inability to speak until the shadow palace was opened [Music] [Applause] up [Music] i'm not gonna lie his final peaceful passing hit me just like watching terminator 2 for the first time when i was a kid seeing his body slowly give way is horrible such a kind man kind to the very end does he wish to nero to continue living he can take a final two wins here in his honor [Music] absolutely crazy end of episode plot twist that's got me so on edge before part 9 can begin let's hurry up and smash those likes and comments and get it going after a couple other anime videos oh no need to wait until part nine he's somehow back and that makes me incredibly happy you have no idea although obviously i'll have to wait to find out what's happened but he's back i think and again so very happy i cannot describe it they can take a final win here for this park covering 15 of the greatest episodes of black clover to date the best 15 for me by far it felt like the true culmination of so many excellent and extensive storytelling and character developments and an arc like that should one day draw in a great many fans to the anime thank you all so much for watching please be sure to check out the brand new four dollar patreon tier linked below as you can now pledge and vote in anime wins videos for example most recently it's been kona super season 1 and bunga stray dog season 1 so jump on there and get a vote plus loads of extra goodies again thanks for watching please leave a like and a comment and all that good stuff to boost the video let's get a part nine and i'll either see you in that or in the next video on anime wins [Music] ryan anderson isaiah caldera chris harris hernandez kim jason davies the elemental awards emmanuel mirales colito dark lord bloody soul blitzcloud or keeper steelers sentimento jupiter 6263 master tank kevin nelton brandon korea storm nine seventy gigan gaza marshmallow college [ __ ] jordan samuels sean braves the epic amendment cruising shadows kyle farmer oliver gabriel kinior blue matthew
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 72,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, wins, anime wins, everything great about, everything great, EGA, animewins, black clover, black clover wins, BC, black clover OP, black clover ED, everything great about black clover, everything right with, everything right with black clover, EGA black clover, black clover anime wins, black clover wins part 7, everything great about black clover part 7, yami vs licht, licht, yami, yuno, asta, black clover reaction, black clover newest episode, black asta, asta vs
Id: b-cMPlEP88w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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