Everything GREAT About: Spy x Family | Season 1| Part 1

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really great cgi providing us with a much appreciated semi-complete world map this early on just establishing the anime right off the bat with a little lore grandpa from my dress-up darling both of which i've covered by the bye also though moving him within the scene like a moving camera shot like it's no big deal also also be sure to hit that subscribe button 70 percent of my regular viewers aren't subscribed so that and hitting the like button and leaving a proper comment are massively appreciated okay so two wins here firstly it's immediately noticeable that effort has gone into inventive camera shots such as this zoomed out shot here and the twist from when the before i mentioned plus that fading effect but also they stuck like an astonishing 35 frames into it oh my god moment this moment serving as a nice setup to not only his character but also what it means to be a spy in this particular story going from place to place lying and stealing and cheating your way to your mission's goal [Music] i gotta admit it's a personal win but i love stuff like this i'm a big fan of movies like mission impossible and games like hitman so getting missions all covertly is awesome to meet [Laughter] [Music] genuinely one of the most stunningly gorgeous looking scenery shots since i finished making videos on jobless reincarnation going first person like it's absolutely no big deal at all also though giving us a look at yet more lore as we learn how one of the largest characters of the show was living up till this point in the story whilst at the same time giving an insight into his frame of mind such as how he can personally make use of a child living in such a tragic condition work to his benefit which will nicely come full circle alongside his character arc later on the dichotomy of this tragically adorable moment as she tries to make herself appear slightly taller and thus older in order to be adopted [Music] using cgi and hand animation to effortlessly create a living breathing feeling city how you just gonna throw like 65 frames into this moment and move on like it's nothing [Music] [Applause] her facial reactions are utterly priceless and full of expression made more prominent by her not speaking much at this point so you derive a lot from them putting actual writing in this book [Music] oh my word it's so adorable but also under the surface so sad that she keeps trying to stick to him like glue reminds me of my labs my wife and i have to take everywhere or they'd get upset i'm very happy that her power wasn't designed as a comedy gag but instead was given an actual backstory quite reminiscent of l in stranger things [Music] first battle of the anime is tight [Music] that's an excellent storytelling technique right there not just dropping it randomly but at a pivotal moment after the rescue something which probably also surprised him that he followed through on rescuing someone he felt was replaceable earlier not only not running on the spot but another example of just a nice clean and different style of editing on display [Music] they can have two max wins right here firstly it's for this rotating view just more creative editing really but also it's for this lovely moment it was done really nicely and made me feel incredibly wholesome [Music] 50 of this win is for the art style the movements are gorgeous and truly unique i think because it requires so much extra effort on the behalf of the animators and the other 50 is for a display of genuine joy here from him [Music] oh my goodness [Music] great opie right here with a killer song no pun intended and an awesome piece of drumming too but what i really liked was the mix of seeing the world through the eyes of the child almost drawn by a child then flipping the switch to the adults in the real world with great clean and crisp animation coming into play that was awesome this is a rare win from me personally where the women in general are just nice i likes what i see you feel me oh yeah is it's an odd moment to point out the art style of the anime but i just noticed her earrings and it reminded me to win it it's very unique and clean in its own way really interesting contrast between her personality and his he's all about the job from episode one whereas she's very attentive of her little brother even worried about limiting his promotion that is until a job comes in and she switches that's well done [Music] [Music] absolutely ridiculous levels of kawaii right there goodness me also though i'll avoid showing it but they went all in on the blood no shine away from it you lean into that dark side because i don't mind it one bit this would have taken someone ages to create props oh they're bonding and it's really sweet your this is an excellent way by which to showcase his mental abilities [Music] i know i mentioned before that her ability isn't just added for a comedy gang effect but it definitely is also used that way like right here too [Music] that is an insanely well done one-shot sequence i like the universe this anime takes place in this current area is very soviet russia-esque everyone seems to be reporting on everyone else who doesn't fit the mold this epic damn plot twist [Music] excellent example of his ability to think on his feet but at the same time they work really nicely together at such an early stage and that's portrayed really well they do these bits so well their use of cgi is top notch so far this [Music] this moment just absolutely nailing the atmosphere and style that the manga and anime were going for i loved that it was truly unique also have another one here for choosing to skip the ed in favor of more juicy content smallest and weirdest win of the video goes to this box looking like it's got handwriting on it little logos and tape and dent marks on it that's nuts i like this dynamic i like the style and vibe they're going for is pushing all the right buttons just a personal win really [Music] [Music] [Music] that they have no business creating food and drink that looks this good [Music] [Laughter] they really do use these to great comedic effect she's uh unique if nothing else originally i wasn't going to mention it but since they've now done it no less than three times take a win for taking the time to animate and use cgi reflections in the windows that's a nice added touch of realism this bit looks so good i'm legit treating the previous food win as being for baked goods only and this one does for a proper meal i mean that looks fantastic and it's animated too not static since she picks at it take note other anime companies this is how you do cgi effectively [Music] finding a way to be helpful to her new parents without giving away her ability like a pro that was so simple and yet at the same time likely one of the greatest physical takedowns i've ever seen edited in an anime [Music] you've been subscribed for a while you'll know my love for weed humor and this right here fits the bill [Music] ah this budding relationship coming into bloom nice and slowly i'm loving it [Music] i had a big old genuine smile on my face watching the end of this episode as they sit together like this felt very natural very warm and kind and wholesome was a good moment [Music] you know me it's very rare that i give two max wins to an op or ed but in this case the ed is getting it firstly it has a great song that i really vibed with but most importantly it was then backed up by spectacular visuals the editing especially was off the charts crazy good then we get to the end and it's yet more warm visuals of them as a family bright and colorful in contrast and yet when they're home they have no reason to pretend to be a family and yet do it anyway that was excellent to me internally they've done a cracking great job of creating a legit home there's loads of nice little details to look at i've mentioned it before but this again is how cgi should be handled hand drawn up close cgi to back it up from a distance really nicely done [Music] oh my word whoever wrote that line for him as an absolute genius as is the voice actor for pulling it off is such a badass i love her and that shot was so good too reminded me of seiko from high school of the dead being nice to animals is always a winner [Music] yeah that was never going to skirt by without a win now was it mentioning prior revenge which sound actually interesting and i'd like to hear more about even though right now it's ultimately for a mission you can't miss the genuine moment of affection spilling out from him from time to time becoming more and more frequent as they spend more time as a family it's really nice to witness in all honesty and paced out very well too not only do these moments speak to his current state of attachment to his newfound family but it also speaks to him as a person it's true he's been harsh to others like the fake girlfriend during episode one but he never cared for her she was just part of the mission but now he cares for his wife as a person and it shows yet another excellent joke using her ability also nice little sound effect right there when she's using it [Music] that was legitimately heartbreaking and all the credit in the world goes to her incredible voice actress for pulling that off [Music] [Applause] incredibly well done not only as he's diving in in slow motion whilst internally he's sounding calm but because it also means that in spite of seemingly being the most calm in the room he was actually enraged by the insult against his wife and for the tears his daughter was shedding in that moment definitely worthy of a quick follow-up win for turning the situation on its head here too very clever my boy bang being a legend right there gets it another wine [Music] never thought i'd be forced to issue out two voice actor wins so close together and yet here we are and here i am with a broken damn heart [Music] i mean that's stupidly well detailed anya's anya will be accepted ritual dance [Music] with the added flair and fanfare even i'm over the moon that she's in cheekily and sneakily gaining the use of a plane and such for his non-daughter like a legend non-father that he is [Music] obviously i'm avoiding showing too much to stray from silly copyright numpties but have a win here for him just straight up being the best dad ever renting that entire castle even if it wasn't with his own funds and getting the entire spy agency involved also it avoids being silly since logically you could argue that without her being happy in attending the school he'd failed in this all-important mission anyway which is very clever in all honesty as it does avoid that plot hole [Music] oh this reaction making this part of the episode so incredibly vivid with its color palette [Music] all i can say goodness me though what incredibly smooth and gorgeous looking animation in that sequence right there i loved the addition of a little brazilian jiu jitsu looking move too which he broke out of that was brilliant and well worth two max wins [Music] this legit good sounding tune right here also though i love your just drunkenly enjoying life they seriously aren't messing around when it comes to spike's family's animation budget it's smooth it's filled with frames and the hard work and dedication from animators and i adore them for the effort and result [Music] [Music] just like the end of episode 2 with the grenade pin ring scene this just fits the vibe of the anime to a t [Music] this landing get out of it spike's family just smashing yet another max 2 wins right there they take battles more seriously with a degree of extra realism not often seen in anime for example her boxing was on point working the body excellently too attacking from the ground as well and of course it all looked and sounded great you go you're with your drunken boxing sleeping literal beauty [Music] my [Music] such a lovely end to the episode i enjoyed how he stayed in character when he could have been annoyed at being put through the ringer like he was i loved the other spies really getting into it and then especially this end with colorful and beautiful looking fireworks [Music] great bit of law being dropped right here and without coming across as exposition which nicely sets up the next part of the story i'll grant you it's definitely a small win but personally i just liked his reaction to being kind of annoyed that the agency is passing messages via the ruining of his food oh it's really bombed up in here this briefing being a clever way by which to also drop some law on us again without exposition which is great [Music] non-opportunistic wind cliche where the weather is just doing its thing and doesn't only kick in after an important scene or statement is said not running on the spot georgia my wife who would definitely 100 not yours is a total badass and a lover for it [Music] giving these two a proper bonding moment like this for the first time alleviating her fears of not being motherly enough and the girls fears of not being strong enough to face what's coming [Music] is for a genuinely good life lesson for kids in my opinion secondly is for this entire deep dive on the school it could have been very surface level but instead we're getting to see a great deal of the school learn about how it's organized who the targets are and so on and so forth [Music] this kind of humorous street you have no idea it looks so weird [Music] this oh my goodness so much this i actually knew full well then it was coming once her eyes lit up but did that stop my jaw from dropping and a literal audible ghast to escape from my throat absolutely not no take two max wins right there gorgeously well done too they didn't kid around oh she's making her first real friend and i'm here for it like a proud anime wins daddy [Music] a prime example of a typical win multiple conversations taking place during the same scene adding realism the fact that i can't tell if this is cgi or not is when worthy [Music] i wonder why we love these family scenes so much i'm interested to know your opinions let me know in the comments and let's figure this out also press subscribe because i'm in love with you in a platonic way hachikuchi from bhaka matagatari and the pop star from school live which by the way still absolutely breaks me i haven't seen it in years just youtubed that scene and yet broken inside again [Music] the extreme but hilarious lengths he's going to to try and resolve the situation being legends and pouring a massive amount of frames into this scene [Music] the way this was handled very tasteful and with nice effects to demonstrate his emotions in the moment [Music] the way this whole scene was done with the end result being that it was handled like a family would do so trying to take into consideration everyone's feelings truth be told what i'm heavily gleaming from this is that they'd be genuinely great parents together i mean they are being there even if on the surface it's fake getting a bit of backstory at last about her brother [Music] they can have a separate win here for this follow-up to win number 142 where everything i felt was actually put out into the open as they all grow a little and it's wonderful to see stunning looking city scenery shot look at that end of episode oh when they create some beautiful looking outdoor set pieces in this anime really filled with realism and life 50 of this win is obviously for the reveal that her brother is essentially one of the enemy the other 50 is for spanx family again not being afraid to lean into his darker side as is shown here building him as a decent villain by showing his morality at the same time [Laughter] just saying this a second time like it's relevant to what she's saying [Music] i don't even fully understand what's happening but it's killing me are you freaking kidding me with that piece of artwork i mean look at the literal draw distance [Music] this whole scene seeing an intelligent lloyd facing off against her brother is really interesting and i must say again i do just enjoy how the spy factor is mixed in unexpected foreign [Music] hilariously well done shenanigans in what was quite the tense and sometimes dark episodes [Music] getting creative with the editing i love it man they don't half do these impact shots incredibly well on this one from the daughter at school to this and of course their fight at the castle took [Music] the best assassin of all time by killing with kindness right there all the credit in the world to whoever's job that was to do the scene of him leaving goodness me the frames [Music] [Music] as much as i adore their budding family dynamic and the relationships forming within it i gotta give credit for having him be faced with these thoughts after the events of last night it's given his profession and how good he is at it it would be a bit of a plot hole if he overlooked everything so i appreciate this [Music] her ability comes in handy here as a storytelling mechanic too since she's able to see the decline of her newly formed loving family where she's truly happy right now by listening to their thoughts [Music] his words here are not only true to real life but also incredibly honest and heartwarming in the moment [Music] no now that was heartwarming goodness me that was genuine and lovely oh it's pure art shop a gorgeous end to a gorgeous episode right there have a final win for that so much extra animation that they didn't have to inject into the episode but they did it anyway this is a prime example of going to quite frankly ridiculous levels to add realism to a scene i mean this room is filled with insane detail even the pattern on the teapot looks incredible [Music] i must say i'm a fan of how they focus on different things the last episode was entirely about lloyd and his mistrust of yore and now we're back to the events of school trying to gain awards seeing school events and such after being fairly sparse in the first half i'm hugely grateful for all of these scenery shots in the second half [Music] this made me laugh so hard i'm not even kidding dog pouring her my waifu and definitely not yours is the best the whole training montage with a couple of movie references peppered in like i think rocky at the very end [Music] getting some character development on this lad and at the same time anya as she starts to understand a little more why he is the way that he is king from one punch man and the funny headless dude from konosuba my guy here pulling a razor from hunter hunter with similar animation goodness to boots destroying it with comedy like it's no big deal they need to be stopped [Music] they've got to be stopped someone do something don't just sit there liking the video leaving a thoughtful comment and subscribing do something proper good looking effects right there like it's mob cycle 100. [Music] [Music] all of these fantastic and in some cases hilarious looking attacks [Laughter] well i was having a sip of water when this happened what's a messy result [Music] this for me is the greatest use of her ability today used so hilariously as well so good okay that right there gets two max wins all day long not only did it have incredible animation with a rotating shot mixed in but then it also looked so damn funny with her not moving and they're hitting the lad oh my goodness him saving her even knowing he couldn't then possibly win character progression and great effects rotating shot like it's easy to do [Music] same as before two max wins because effects mixed with that much unexpected hilarity just deserve it i i really also love the shock eh that came out twice from him you know it's funny how much can be displayed through facial emotions like this she knows he's reading about her f grades and half annoyed and half worried about the studying she knows is coming [Music] it's official she's one of my favorite characters for these kinds of moments her face is so funny [Music] [Music] and you're being bored everything it's my new favorite thing [Music] at the same time her perseverance is also definitely a great and win-worthy quality such fantastic anime is doing way more than needed like right here [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] easiest two max wins of the entire show thus far anya showing her kind soul figuring out a way to save this boy she doesn't even know diving into the water after him in spite of not being able to swim well at all on top of this we got incredible animation as she runs to him and an amazing sequence as she runs and dives in after him ending with my boy lloyd's rescuing them both brilliant moment yeah your child [Music] [Applause] onya getting her first medal i'm over here like a proud anime wins dad again that's a very comforting follow-up to show us that he's well i appreciate that [Music] anya's imagination of how events now unfold with her newfound fame being nice to animals is still always a winona [Music] this made me very sad well done invoking that emotion from me prime example of what these mad lads and ladies often do just loads of movements in a scene most wouldn't bother to don't showing the normal human side to lloyd makes him so much more relatable the coughing after smoking since he's given it up with anya around and being knackered by the extra missions in spite of a brave face to his colleague [Music] it never occurred to me before but the music is often a nice touch in this this piece reminds me of l.a noir which fits the 50's 60's vibe often felt in the anime [Music] i've got so much more respect for lloyd after the start of this episode just showing how hard he's working all the time like i legit fell out of breath myself and i think the voice actor does a fantastic job of sounding insanely tired in the moment too which [Music] anya helps helpful and learning that she can listen to animals too is a 50 50 split on this win and as an aside i'm angry seeing this poor animal being used to transport the bad guy intel like genuinely angry [Music] my boy once again showcasing his extreme levels of intelligence [Music] [Music] honestly what a treat this was just being taken around the house by anya with her new big toy introducing it to everything it's so childish but so adorable and perfect for the episode have a final win here for the end of the episode after a telling off they make their way to the candy store to buy on your an apology suite it's incredibly sweet and cute i loved it thanks so much for watching this video again a like and a comment go a long way my patreon is also down below if you want to vote in anime for me to cover and get loads of other stuff it helps massively and of course i'll see you in the second half down the road [Music] chris harris ted l inacomi and water manual morales marquez nick windham or keeper steelers the epic commander both without a word blitzkal brandon crea game 2000 kieran robinson comfrey kim mundt magnus matthew castelline nathan burr sean andy50 dark lord bloody soul guru guru isel caldera jor edvinson jonas stahl jordan samuels jaffa 6263 kellnock kapon kevin nalter conito luis cruz matthew blanchard matt the marshmallow 1928 sentimento storm 970 the elemental wars
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 177,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, wins, animewins, anime wins, EGA, everything great about, aniwins, animation wins, spy x family, everything great about spy x family, spy x family wins, spy x family anime wins, spy x family reaction, best bits spy x family, everything great about spy x family first half, spy x family episode 1, spy x family ed, spy x family op, anya best moments, anya, anya spy, spy x family funny, spy x family funny moments, spy x family best, spy x family top
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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