Everything GREAT About Kung Fu Panda 3!

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this video is brought to you by my merch and my lovely patrons supporting me through patreon because DreamWorks has claimed every single video I've ever made for their movies [Music] [Applause] it's kind of messed up that DreamWorks is forcing Poe to do his least favorite thing just to do their logo animation stairs although the other day Jude and I were looking at the half moon and he mentioned that the little boy wouldn't fit on it and I realized he's gonna be a man after my own heart Poe pedal shadowing seriously the level of thought and detail that goes into these movies to have logo po lopo turn into the same pedals he will later on while transitioning to the spirit realm to swirl into a yin yang formation also he glows with golden Chi when he first touches the moon itchy news okay so I'm getting ahead of myself here but an important part of this Trilogy especially this movie is the difference between Oogway and Poe versus Shifu in the five and we're reminded of that difference right new glace first scene in this movie two The Power of Words and calligraphy I have taken the chi of every Master here and soon I will have your power too the more you take the less you have I'll always be partial to Noodles don't noodles but either way more words of wisdom from our wise word guy [Music] it's an entrance [Music] see the dim sum tree slingshot is in his jeans they mix some of the best things from the Kung Fu Panda movies in this opening sequence beautiful lighting with a bright yellow and orange Sunset comic frame introductions and a mix of 2D and 3D stylization that's an entrance and if you know Poe you should know he's always speaking literally he's about to we'll have two Justice platters please do you want extra sauce without she wants it on this side on the side on the side knowing what your friends like he was already doing the Chee Palms before he even knew how to you guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance I've been saying that for years no backtracking these relationships from previous movies the five have finally realized that Shifu and uguay have been right about stuff and sometimes they just need to trust their teachers love it that kitten squeak I'm glad we're not po right now what a loser I didn't hear anything he said you're a loser clarification Master Rhino with his hammer based on these statues I'd say we still got a handful of movies left this has been true throughout the series but it's hitting me today look at the cool Moonlight on Shifu and Poe's backs and the yellow Candlelight on the inside of Poe's right eye and shining through shifu's chin ponytail the Shimmer and Shine from the candlelight bouncing off his cloak DreamWorks May steal all my Revenue but man do they know lighting look at the soap bubbles popping on Poe's arm as he moves I hope you find your son and I hope you find your father the non-synchronous looking back and forth makes this so much funnier like they're not all having a collective disbelief it's individual disbelief watch the bunny's reaction to Mr ping backing over his head awesomely proud come on come on I'm already awesomely proud oh good dad win does it feel like you're impenetrable does it feel like you could take on a thousand Warriors yes it's pretty cool excitement Brian Cranston is always a win also this was last week's teaser frame and this suit is an awesomeness win I'm fine I'm fine oh another good dad wins real always a win petition to put Brian Cranston into more comedic roles back to his roots are you kidding me there is something very relatable about being totally stoked to do your job and then being confused in StarStruck all at the same time throwing you off your game post the last posters of the five even though he's like their leader now what's a fan always a fan plus there's Kai they're just like you Poe Daymark it is it's me talking through that okay okay okay enough JK Simmons is always a win scary Angry Dad energy mixed with Dad joke energy all at once it's blank are you kidding me not again ah Fair assumption okay it's not exactly the same but I believe this is the symbol for Chi not sure what this line is and it's pretty close to the one Oogway used against Kai in the opening which is definitely the symbol for Chi and it would be a reason it hurt him just realize that oogue breaks Kai's double-bladed staff and he still uses the pieces as swords just attached to chains match cut Sun to Moon transition for a little passage of time and a traveling with your two dads montages the fastest way to learn one of your dads is Lego ping Mr pingolus ice walls are meant to keep the wildly animals out but much like many ice Walls ice Dragons Warriors get right past love the quick hint that the climate is different inside the village with the flowers blooming goodness the Kung Fu Panda series does locations the panda Village built into the mountain with a lot of very traditional Chinese architecture water wheels and use of the bamboo trees with hammocks tree houses or houses built right around the cliffs and rope Bridges all working with landscape species continuity hi I don't know who you are hugging that's my action figure problem that's why I brought her to take good care of her yes Davy Bay generosity I like that all the pandas rolling use the same sound effect from Poe in the first movie one of you wise commenters pointed out in the first movie that they designed Tigris to look like a tiger not a girl tiger and they kept that Honesty in animal design going with Maymay they didn't thinner out Beyond Panda proportions or over exaggerate her eyes she looks like a panda and if anything is as close to Kung Fu without being Kung Fu ribbon dancing seems to be it don't worry you'll get the hang of it get the hang of flirting yeah I guess he will wings of surveillance why do you do that do what it's because you say wings of before something it doesn't mean that you're doing a special move thorax of making sandwiches wings of disagreement such a nothing conversation that keeps adding layers to these characters especially two that are often in the background and even two of the quickest payoffs of that setup ever ah it didn't work hey just like Tai Lung Shadow over the valley that one time Kai's eyes are watching over the panda Village [Music] you gotta wonder if there's like a chi fix for this type of nausea flirting smart beautiful tremendous appetite compliments you don't have to worry about losing me ever again which is exactly why he does all of this and lies he admits as much later but you can see it on his face every time he lies so it took me a few watches through to really fall in love with Kai's theme but it's on those re-watches that you start to notice it's with him every time he shows up man is it good Kai again proving that entrances are a huge part of The Battle Before the battle of the Fist comes the battle of the Mind hence the dramatic entrance groveling at the feet of Oogway the Magnificent ooh you upset that red panda so much he put his ears back yep notice that still the only attacks that work on Kai are Chi attacks yeah yo vipers put that accent in half I love that they kept the fighting styles consistent remember this Shifu loves to deflect Edge weapons like this teamwork I don't think that counts Tai long got got in a spirit realm no this is actually pretty heartbreaking I mean Poe and then Poe and his dad destroyed most of the stuff inside anyway but still hmm what do you say so part of me wonders if Kai never uses ookway as a Jade Warrior just to keep him in the stone as like punishment but honestly I think it's more that he still loves Oogway and wouldn't want to use him like that wouldn't want to see him in that state the little jet leads the one a little Highlander what is his goal here to have all the chi and be alone on the planet sounds boring and green I am totally at one with my panda Parks now why won't you show me because I don't know it okay no one does maybe we used to but but not anymore Jennifer Goodwin Bunny George Clooney Fox Dustin Hoffman red panda Brian Cranston Panda well Panda dad I lost you once I am not going to lose you again and after seeing his son in danger so quickly can you blame him he just got his son back Lotus be careful it's okay Dad I do this every day even more hugging a tight transition not even the Russian was synced up with Rocky this well I was worried to steal povert I realize having you impose life doesn't mean less for me it means more for Paul why don't you rip my heart out of my chest Mr ping oh that's love and I can't even imagine how difficult it would be as a parent to put your child first in a way that is so terrifying let's talk about how far Po and Tigris have come she used to hate his guts out of jealousy out of unearned status out of his lack of rule and etiquette following seeing them as friends in arms in the real relationship with understanding and communication is heartwarming like there's a history that you can feel in this little spat that goes beyond any spoken words you're right there's no way I can stop him in his army and she doesn't like that she's right I can't teach you I couldn't even teach tigress and she already knows Kung Fu she agrees again I don't have to turn you into me I have to turn you into you which is the ultimate lesson for Poe to finally learn since it's the exact thing that made Shifu a great teacher for Poe by centering his training around food in the first movie tyrus's disbelief in the background of the sequence is by far the best part good good good again [Music] and to training your Panda friends and family to be the best them they can be montage is the fastest way to continue to confuse the crap out of Tigress what [Music] that's what I call a dramatic entrance no it's what I call it and you must be kind Beast of Vengeance maker of widows and the baddest of the bad can still be light-hearted seriously every response he has about his name did I say JK Simmons is always a win easy to forget he's still a Kung Fu Master so it's always a fun surprise to see him fighting and winning seriously respecting your adversaries doesn't even really need nunchucks although I guess they don't hurt or they do you know [Music] I love that none of the fighting techniques are actually meant to cause physical damage they're just meant to annoy and distract Double Dead defense just like Master Rhino super armor buggy panda is just walking around with monkey [Music] now that's an entrance I'm gonna run run there's always that failure climax right after a bunch of success Tai Lung slams Poe into the ground after posturprisingly holds his own Chen blows up his own ships to clear the blockade Poe and the five created but this one hits a little harder Poe has been tired and even defeated in despondent but not ever quite so scared but I can take you there what's that hey he did have something to learn from Shifu the dramatic exit what's that skadoos self-sacrifice he definitely didn't know what was going to happen a father a friend a hooker baby she knows what matters this is like teamwork kinda really it's just love and belief in yourself something that Poe taught them and now they're using it to save him it's all pretty beautiful I didn't even notice the jade green huge the entire spirit world because of Akai but now Poe's favorite color yellowy orange like the color of a sunset has taken over am I the son of a panda of a goose a student teacher turns out I'm all of them yeah self-actualization I am the Dragon Warrior also yep I'll say that from a purely Kung Fu sense I think the other two movies have better fight scene set pieces the fights are great in this too but from a purely spectacle and inventiveness standpoint the spirit realm Dragon Warrior vs Spirit Warrior fight takes the cake [Music] there's a finality to the score like Poe has reached the final stage it's less of an action score and more of a self-realization epic Kai is still using normal Spirit realm fighting techniques and Poe has been elevated above that now which is funny when you consider that Kai mocked PO for trying the wushy finger hold in the regular realm on a spirit Warrior every attack is hurting Kai now because they're all Chi attacks from the chi dragon it wouldn't be a Kung Fu Panda movie without some slow-mo villain face smashing well I guess except for Shen Gary Oldman is just too proper for that ah so they went with the Hulk gives his dad power slash Neo gives Smith power destruction method yeah it works here no too much and it's funny poeted the wooshy finger hold to Tai long and he disappeared and we were all like whoa did he just explode that dude but then this movie was like nah he's just in a spirit realm it's fine but now he actually real death to Kai and you know what comeuppance a monkey is still holding mantis from when he was Keystone they brought it back one more time oh extra shiny compliments I saw the future of kung fu and to pass I saw the panda who could unite them both that is why I chose you Poe I'm sure they didn't know this from the very beginning but it is a solid retcon for why ogway Cho's Poe since he knew pandas were dope both sides of the yin and yang wait because he's black and white wait I can go back who knows I've never tried Randall duck Kim always laying the best lines on us also more proof that it was self-sacrifice from Poe ah right back to his first stream in the first movie it'll work what a happy closing to this story edifying and soothing of the words I would use and now everyone can do the chi Palm thing which either means no one can or the Kung Fu Panda World is gonna be a happier place what a trilogy two things I find interesting Kung Fu Panda 1 was such a complete and Perfect story that Kung Fu Panda 2 went back in time with its villain to make Shen the big bad that caused all of Poe's problems and then Kung Fu Panda 3 went back in time with Poe's family and five centuries back in time with its villain to oogway's Nemesis bestie and each movie works on its own as well as together in one story that's a credit to this writing each film could essentially be boiled down to Poe learns who he is and what matters about who he is but each story comes at it from very different angles in the first it's mostly about getting past his physical limitations learning that his gifts may not be so evident on surface level The Motto being there is no special ingredient the second had more to do with emotional limitations and how his past can influence is present his central idea revolves around inner peace and how you can't let the past Define you the third has a bit of both Poe takes shifu's lesson that he needed to be the best him he could be and pass that on to the panda villagers as well as allowed his past to actually be a source of strength he helped remind his father of that which helped unlock all their full potentials Kai sorta suffered from pose Arc and kung fu Panda 2 where he was obsessed with the past and couldn't move Beyond ugwe's betrayal and in the end there's a big message to rely on your family blood related or not and I genuinely appreciate the exploration of Mr Ping's struggle while at the same time not even really dipping a toe into the idea that Poe would ever choose his bio dad over his real dad and a conclusion being more love for everyone is beautiful maybe it's not always so neat and tidy in real life but dang it if snakes can break stone axes with their tails we can get a happy family ending the last thing I love about this movie is something that was part of the other stories but really became crystal clear in this one ugly and Poe are cut from the same cloth possibly for different reasons but the result is the same Oogway is all about going with the flow knowing that the harder you attempt to control the world around you the more it will laugh in defiance Shifu and the five struggle with that throughout the series while uguay and Poe laugh along with the world their moment together at the end solidified how much they'd just be best buddies if they lived in the same Plains of existence there's a place for everyone though Shifu stoicism has saved them on more than one occasion and this cast is still phenomenal I'll always ask for more Dustin Hoffman I understand that with JK Simmons and Brian Cranston in one movie there's only so much star power our eyes and brains can stand Jack Black still blends with Poe in a way that creates an entirely new entity who knew the jablinski games guy headed in him but every performance is Pitch Perfect I haven't seen any of the shows but I would watch another movie in this universe and even though DreamWorks takes all my money I'm happy they keep creating such Stellar films I was mostly joking about the sponsor but I always forget to talk about my merch and let you all know I have a patreon where you can support me if you'd like I put my scripts up there at the second tier and actually if you support me at the best tier you can get a shirt or mug for free just DM me on patreon next week one you expect but didn't know when to expect foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,702,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kung Fu Panda 3, KFP3, Everything Wrong With Kung Fu Panda 3, EWW Kung Fu Panda, EGA Kung Fu Panda, ERW, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: n8nF-p14Ey0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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