Everything GREAT About Godzilla King of the Monsters!

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I freaking love this guy. He makes you see the good things and find new interests instead of making you jaded and prone to disliking stuff you used to enjoy like the other guy does.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 26 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SonarioMG ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So the whole movie almost?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShadowCobra479 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What about the credits with the newspaper and reports?? If you pause and read it, you'll find interesting stuff like maybe, what I think, is a reference to maybe Mecha Godzilla??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RoN1N-88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] scorched-earth and EMP distorting Godzilla style logos plus three big steps and a roars about as classic as Godzilla gets not the worst idea to remind us of arguably the best scene from 2014 in the opening of this one and this little jaunt through the streets lines up with what Ford witnessed after that jump wave of mutilation checks out for Titan verse big C's yes sir apparently Rick's dancing is loosely based on Rick Sanchez he's in the safest place that he could be right now you could comfortably assume this is about Mothra waking up but once you know the truth you realize these reactions are about their plan to save the world just a fraction of a percent of credit for trying to convince 11 school nerd teacher to not be there when the activists show up I mean the rest of them are clearly expendable in gritty realistic reboots they like to often just dance around names because the names are the cheesiest part about whatever the fantasy is I really enjoy that they don't shy away from these creatures Touhou given names you gqo sekiz classic Mothra melody line being hinted at I don't like to give this win to some terrible people Charles dance just enters the room like a badass bad guy oh we are witnessing here what we're witnessing is a professional film crew getting footage of this battle with creative mode on more importantly who knew Richard Hendricks could grow such a beautiful beard which of these Titans are here to threaten us and which of these Titans are here to protect us tough questions and with a brand-new Verizon phone in the largest most so you'd want to make Godzilla our pet no his optimism and honesty Optim honesty wait so we were subjected to the uncensored version in the first movie without even knowing it hmm where I seen that house before and for that matter this girl I just have like 3,000 questions could somehow replicate the bio sonar the Titans used to communicate I know what the hell it is I hope build a prototype even Coach Taylor hates exposition big fan of your wife it's work and you Thomas Middleditch will always make me chuckle endearing awkwardness personified rather than Latin we get official Japanese name since they're discovered slash created in Japan good stuff Missy yeah good thing you're not near Japan you thought three heads were bad but Emma and I believe some are benevolent don't kid yourself those are two perspectives that perfectly align with the characters experiences Serizawa watch Godzilla defeat the threat and 2014 the Muto's and then take a dip in the ocean regardless of the reason that was net positive and could be interpreted as benevolence mark lost his son and that's all that really matters we're also given the scene of wolves eating an elk the idea of benevolence the animal kingdom among predators is sort of mood to mark there are always exceptions but by and large animals aren't doing much that doesn't serve the sole purpose of their survival Hannibal King worked on here now trafficking in the new and dangerous monkey Titan DNA oh so he's Hannibal King Puma british army colonel and eco-terrorist ah there it is activist terrorists to could keep track why would they want just this one one they've got the keys of your entire Magic Kingdom of Horrors you Disney execs just made some nice bonuses today's titles once you've seen that bust through the wall and start eating your family oh you mean the kaiju you could really start to feel bad for these scientists but you know what they say a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep mother of God she had nothing to do with this witch even a person who believes in God shouldn't be offended since King Ghidorah aim from Earth bad girl twist shadowing laser cannon with the light show it's an intimidation display like a gorilla pounding yes why is it would know all about the habits of underwater creatures who is eyes glowing for a stunning shot then just a reminder of who's King show me is territorial rubs well why because I want to start a boat tour just show me there are lines you just have to assume Kyle Chandler came up with on the spot because if that wasn't a coach Taylorism what's in Antarctica do you see do you see now mark Tiwa needed them alive for at least Emma so why would he use them as human shields it actually looks like he's trying to pull them through and he'd know that not only are they friendlies but Emma is just as valuable to monarch as she is to him mark noses family will be safe so it's considerate of him to come back to the soldiers that's an entrance you don't really need to do anything when you look like that the others as if to say of this implied hierarchy with King Ghidorah 's heads middle dude is clearly in charge in addition to writing some epic godzilla orchestral music our composer Bear McCreary also used Japanese Buddhist monks chanting for a few Godzilla's entrances never expected a wide shot to reveal Godzilla as the little guy we've seen it before so no holding back oh we missed you King Ghidorah returns fire with his own mouth blasting gravity theme whatever escalation the mute osburgh joke in comparison okay yeah he's a threat Liza's green water monster couldn't save her this time all this battle is in the same vein as the first movie it's dark snowing muddled and Ghidorah bails before it gets too messy overpopulation pollution or the mass extinction we feared has already begun and we are the cause as a person who knows anthropogenic climate change is a real problem this is just is anyone not rolling their eyes propaganda is propaganda we don't have giant monsters to save us but she's basically advocating for a plague emma is Thanos with less empathy at least he stopped at half cheese wants to drop a nuke on each continent I'm not taking one off because it still works in the movie universe and living in peace with creatures that were here first and do show signs of benevolence is significant he makes her sympathetic villain even if she's navigating for the genocide of billions per turn zhang ziyi is always a win Emma you came to me that's the real freaking twist right up until this moment even after her face on confession you could probably convince yourself that she was just being manipulated but now we know she went to him this is bigger than just you and me and that's like the perfect expression of Maddie's level of understanding and by extension complicity not sure it even occurred to her that billions had to die for this plan to work oh then the fire demon is comforting another correctly named kaiju that lives up to his namesake in this incarnation you don't even consider the weak these giants leave when they fly that means it's coming for fro to fight her on the forecast that's severe weather ye no ejecting from that pretty brutal it matters that's terrible pretty rare that you have to see monster fights between two wings kaiju actually up in the air and then an underwater battle where the winged one is clearly at a disadvantage pending it with ahead rip aha yes you get the feeling lefty is always the one to lose a head first wow she got you we admit that she got you dr. Brooks hey it's hollow earth guy but in his 30s in Kong which puts him in his 70s OMG miles Dyson is 72 okay few things first I thought all right so the mods coming down are kind of like a reference to the fairies they're even playing yu-gi-oh sekiz Mothra tune again which by the way is an absolutely sensational update but it was on my second time through that and I'm a little embarrassed but I know that there was at least a handful of you who must have missed it as well because it's never really spoken out loud and they're never seen together but jung-ae is playing twins just like the fairies this scene is only about three minutes later but it's easy to miss it this is dr. Ling the one we haven't seen yet so they stuck the fairy twins in there after all also yuppity help you up you up that's the prettiest thing you've seen and heard all day you're second generation mama third which is just occurring to me makes total sense when you find out that all the myths and religious beliefs based on these giant creatures are real you hire the experts in this case a bunch of twini's do you have something yeah you're wrong honesty some stuff in common another staggering entrance from Mothra shining like the Sun blowing the storm away sound design is killer they even sampled Mara's original Toho sounds I'd be trying to save the thing that took my son the only way to heal our wounds is to make peace with the demons who created them you ever wonder if the wine was like yeah well sometimes bad things happen you'll be all right in Ken Watanabe said what if I just say bad live a little poetry just make that up no I really do know a fortune cookie watch for that just stumbling onto an underwater city while looking for a giant lizard after going through some Hollow Earth tunnels roll critic missed opportunity Michael what the hell does that mean appropriate reaction oh we're just sacrificing our lives willy-nilly now is there anything the Vikings didn't get to first leacy gets to see some cool sights on the way out we know from the first movie that sarah saw his father gave him this watch and that it stopped when the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima so this is very literally Serizawa making peace with his demons by inverting the destruction and turning into salvation for Godzilla Serizawa gets to take that destructive power back Bear McCreary can't stop creating delightful music that creates a monumental final journey for Serizawa and when you consider the real meaning behind why the Japanese created Godzilla and it's connection to nuclear warfare this is literal and symbolic closure on multiple levels self-sacrifice Ken Watanabe is always a win also apparently this is dangerous I see it spikes on the back oh man a reimagining about Kira yacouba's catzilla main title I was like whatever we've seen it before yeah mark has a turning point here where his concession to the fact that Godzilla is not incapable of benevolence that in fact he shows respect and understanding pulls the veil off his eyes so he can see that of course humans are the missing piece of the puzzle Oh sir Sawa let him fight accident I still love it when he said that you're telling me no this time we join the fight somebody was listening to see rosamma what what gravity beams have really never looked so dangerous and even if you're just thinking cool electric breath it totally works as something fun and different can't blame her sometimes that works for eleventh didn't miss this time technically I asked for Godzilla to drift with Yeager's but this works last time the humans were helpful book mostly trying to stay out of the way solidifying our boys a good one is very satisfying I'll admit that didn't get the most likely intended reaction out of me when I saw in the trailer the first time but it's got an old-school Godzilla feel to it and even if I chuckle a little I was still pretty hyped now it's pretty epic and makes more sense since I know Godzilla's all radiated up finally that human perspective that made the scale of the first movie so impressive speaking of the first movie talk to the tail godzilla so nuked it only takes a few seconds to charge up a considerable blast yes Godzilla's atomic eyes lighting up his reflection in the building rescue but aid and more hints that dr. Chen has some kind of connection with Mothra Rodan is usually on the good guys team so I expect some sour faces but freebie one wouldn't be nearly as much fun as tag team just constantly taking the epicness to new levels in this finale Frank Castle levels brutal at least now they know they could use Ghidorah as a giant battery if needed but that's another killer combo but stab sneak attack mady's alive [Music] that's colder actually hot since Godzilla was apparently up high enough and has enough mass to heat up on re-entry meaning King khador had dropped him from space and this score a perfect mix of wow that's an amazing sight with I'm a boy who knew one terrifying monster protecting another terrifying monster could be so emotional and even though there was no possible way maater was making out alive this is another director getting me to feel sympathy for a bug a big bug but about you moth dust I mean aa moth or a healing dust more self-sacrifice nearing the other queen in this movie the car is melting into puddles and you can hear the tale charged up before you see it also burning Godzilla just in case you weren't sure Godzilla went burning Godzilla because of the combination of the nuke and Mothra you can see her wings in the nuclear pulse and even hear her posthumous screech face melting to Prudhoe so these guys were just standing by waiting to see who came out on top bunch of lazy Titans even the mu2 knows her place now again ending on Godzilla no next day just heat again see I know you were all yelling at me when I was complaining about Emma's speech she's the bad guy but this entire credit sequence is uh what if humans did die off in astronomical numbers and also there are giant kaiju just hanging out the Sahara would bloom coral reefs would all come back ice sheets would stop melting like fine it's a fantasy movie but I think we're skipping a few steps here concerning radiation but also whatever these credits are like a bunch of movies jumping forward if they stick to these credits as canon I'm pretty excited for they go this is the first time Blue Oyster Cult song has been used in a Godzilla movie and at first I thought cool Blue Oyster Cult and then that series chunky on this remix cover whatever you want to call it is epic even incorporate in the Gogeta i matsuda chanting familiar and he promptly flipped it because cruise ships critic rafts out of emissions and pollution I don't make the rules that's just what happens he's the Earth's white blood cell king it's still a funny sentiment that after a few what months seeing Godzilla is like a whale watch oh boy you show me mecha godzilla in this universe and we've already got Yeager's get Charlie Hunnam back let's do this and who is not super hyped for this and good news they'll have someone to fight more good news mother ain't gone forever it's always nice to see studios use the people who lived it in real life you know here's what all the redacted credits say if you're interested it's basically the history of what happened but it can be hard to follow since it's broken up like this I'll actually put in the description since this is also probably hard to read sets up some possible things in the future either way it's impressive that they chose to hide an entire story in something most people would probably never see these are some of my favorite types of movies to cover on this channel this spread between the critics and audience score was initially the only type of film I planned on doing when I started this channel then everyone requested Deadpool and promptly made it go viral so I've unrestricted my list but I still look forward to these Lolita was one one of the widest spreads I've ever seen is gone in 60 seconds so you know I'll be on that one but king of the monsters illustrates the disconnect that sometimes exists Rotten Tomatoes has this critics consensus at the top of the score sheet cutting edge effects are still no substitute for a good story obviously obviously that's true just always from monster movies especially Godzilla movies the first one did better at the box office had a higher critic rating and a lower audience score go figure there are lots and lots of factors that determine all of these things from top billed actors to being a sequel to cultural timing to the weather but they put a bunch of well-known kaiju on screen called him by name and had him fight that's the Godzilla bar for a lot of people myself included and okay don't get me wrong bigger faster louder doesn't necessarily mean better I prefer 2014 for myriad reasons I said in that video that I enjoyed the cutaways from the monster fights because it built up the tension and by the end you're just itching for that final battle and it feels like this enormous payoff I really enjoyed the fights in this movie but I will say that I wasn't nearly as excited for any of them the final battle ends just about as over-the-top as 2014 but I wasn't quite as enthralled there's also no airport entrance moment in this movie that's slow bring up on Godzilla after his glass shaking step close but not much will ever compare to that moment we did eventually get a few we just can't fit it in frame set pieces I think partly because they had a lot of monsters to get through they didn't take the same time with each that we got in 2014 the first step out of the Muto is another epic moment that has never really felt in this movie maybe I'm just really into stepping we do get the occasional low angle from the ground point of view but it's missing some of the reverence a large part of that is the remote locations and lack of a threat to civilians the only time we get anything substantial in that regard is with Rodin and he just flies over not really interacting with the innocence none of these things soured my experience at all it only matters in comparison one issue with breakneck movies with tons of action bouncing around from set piece to set pieces that have seen like this arguably one of the prettier scenes in the film can sort of just slip past you unless you're really focused that's one benefit of holding back this is a moment to take a breath and enjoy the stellar score there's so much going on and I might venture that king of the monsters actually has more beautiful whites the scale is elevated and we get moments to take in the majesty of these creatures it's a gorgeous film's really iconic set pieces and shots that stick with you everything is technically first-rate just following Godzilla along in the ocean you can get Dora trapped in ice behind the bridges pretty a lot care went into this movie from sound design and score to composition and visual effects you've probably seen this behind the scenes clip of the mocap reference for Ghidorah that speaks to effort their full CG characters and alien dragons at that modelers and animators can make up the rules as they go if they want but using humans as reference allows them to ground the creatures and makes them feel present as if they could exist I picked on the main message enough the one that interests me is one that takes place between Serizawa and mark it sort of ends up a little hammy because solving the riddle takes precedence but this was a very human moment not to use a variation on a word that half of you will instantly hate but mark sort of wakes up right here he didn't see Godzilla as anything more than a destructive predator only being willing to save him as a means to an end mark understands animals and knows how to interact with them but when godzilla looked into his soul he realized he'd been wrong challenging our preconceptions is very difficult but you'll often find that very little is as black and white as you thought I'm here for that message all day and the movie isn't story lists it just often takes a back seat but the parallels drawn between Emma and Mothra and the relationship and the character girl from Serizawa and mark is well put together and I'm excited for Godzilla vs Kong next year next week I'll only have a 60 second review and then the week after this is a cryptic frame because I'm not a hundred percent positive I'm gonna do this movie that week or not so if you get it no I might have to put it off either way see you next week [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 4,118,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla King of the Monsters, Godzilla 2, King of Monsters, EWW Godzilla, Everything Wrong With King of the Monsters, EGA Godzilla, Everything Right With Godzilla King of the Monsters, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, Godzilla, EGA Mothra, Everything Great About, Everything Right With, EGA Monsterverse, godzilla vs. kong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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