Everything GREAT About Treasure Planet!

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Watching this as soon as I get home!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MaskMan191 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] on the clearest of nights when the winds of the etherium were calm and peaceful the etherium big words let's try this again kids will find this video boring it has big words I have whole thing about big words so kids consider this not directed towards you anyone 12 or younger wasn't born until 5 years after this movie came out so there anyway II theory I'm good for not playing it coy it's not space as we know it it's the etherium it has wind and it can be calm you watch this movie enough you start seeing skulls in the clouds first great detail you probably all notice about this movie is the combination of 3d digital animation and 2d hand-drawn cel animation yep I'm gonna give wins to sci-fi tech because holographic projection books are sweet and more importantly there's an implication that this universes reliance on solar energy has made their technological advancements happen faster than ours especially if this is supposed to be like 18th century ish or 10 million years in the future depend on who you talk to ha the asteroid rings make an X like x marks the spot bond the planet in the system well it was at least after lilo and stitch came out made one spirit sick animated match cut I'll take it but speaking of solar power I like that they don't imply it just the erases poverty GIM solar surfer is clearly made by him but the sail seems like trash pieces he's been stitching together over the years [Music] yep this sequence is why the ten people who saw Treasure Planet in theaters did so and it doesn't disappoint and again the combination of 3d and 2d works exquisitely to give you a rush of excitement but also remind you of Disney's past of course you're gonna be pulled over for that sick method that's right I played cool borders too and this like hybrid steampunk aesthetic deliberately 70% 18th century realism mixed with 30% sci-fi my with the extra Solaris scene Alpo nyan I'm sure that'll be the last pun deplorable adorable character written for david Hyde Pierce is Niles crane to hug Jennifer Goodwin is a bunny David Ida Pierce is an alien dog so are the programmers jerks or is Treasure Planet saying that AI will be just as condescending as humans admits gonna be worse isn't it ever since his father left so as a dad of a tiny guy that is just about as happy as this little guy most of the time that one hits home it's a divergence from the books since Jim's dad is around for his childhood and it sets up Jim's arc in this story perfectly still it crushes my soul to see him go from this to this because his dad bailed leaving him feeling like he has no future no future ah Jordan Catalano the Jack Dawson or beep in the Nick Carter seems safe to assume that's the last thing that will date this movie those gears and gyros himself so they're not the robot obviously she's not changing the weather since you can still hear the rain falling but what a great example of a real-world advancement not life-altering but convenience and comfort amenities become more ubiquitous in a post energy scarcity civilization fulfilling your mother's dreams no one seems to agree in the etymology of Pleiades but it may come from the Greek plane which means two sails so let's go with that one I'm sure the writers did look at those people's constrict in response to Billy bones as death they do not cheat here that is silver and I think that's the separate head body guy and that's the spider crab guys group between PhD dog professors of borderline genius captain and articulate pirate's treasure planet has more than its share of $10 words or outdated seafaring parlance and we're gonna start a second counter that will even give you the definition as a mini cinema wins word of the week that probably contains more words than the rest of the year previously like a pirate sees even the diagram of the planet shows that it's made of metal and has a core important enough to be on the map and we know it's an actual representation since Montressor looks like a normal organic planet would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers things you take for granted in modern animated movies but you might notice the slight brightness variation in the room that is being created by the flickering fire go Delbert dope Talbert anachronism aside david Hyde Pierce really kills this role there are plenty of stereotypes he could have filled what they went with a character unique to david Hyde Pierce I genuinely didn't know what his deal was on my first watch and wouldn't have been surprised if you'd betrayed Jim for the treasure by the end okay only around this scene and barely but still I really really really really want to go and it's the right thing honestly that's pretty much what I knew he was a good that brief moment where you can see the stars through the Crescent and you think well somebody doesn't understand how moon raises were uh actually trap and this is a seriously impressive digital model for 2002 voice cameos from the directors Musker and Clements legacy Robert Louis Stevenson legacy the author of Treasure Island has a legacy after all can you Emma Thompson is always a win I know I did Harry Potter and Trelawny absolutely fits the criteria I think Helena Bonham Carter just overshadowed her in my brain and since Treasure Island also has a Trelawney I think it all worked out in the end she commands every scene she's in thanks in large part to her animators but her voice always so quick and as if she doesn't need anyone else in the room to do a scene appleman's the borders on the imbecilic not a huge word but man do I love the way she says in basilic this is how I pictured the Dowager Countess in your younger years a ludicrous parcel of driveling dilutes I mean but to go with the glutes on that one fun detail rather than create a bunch of extra work for the digital artists they decided to set this scene up so that they were shooting directly into the light source the one from the windows behind them all that way all they had to do was use overspill making the edges of the characters a little blurry and brightened up please escort these two near fights down to the galley spec but feel I see I get a more foxy squirrely 5 but I guess oh I get it he's a dog she's a cat all right yeah oh yeah also this makes more sense now zip your howling screamer now we're hitting one of the main reasons for the hand-drawn and digital combination bet you can't guess which parts of silver her which but it all blends together without sacrificing quality and either [Music] commonality particular aliens species are better suited to particular jobs lots of eyes look out when the Sun hits the sail it acts like it's filled with air since solar power is its energy source and going along with that sense treasure plane it plays it loosey-goosey with the vacuum of space they're able to truly embrace the nautical tone while offering futuristic visuals and still toying with the idea of gravity and solar power this may be a blue-ray problem that widens the gap between the CGI and the hand-drawn 2d but the space whales are one of the times that you might become aware of the different styles put space fails they don't exactly keep it a secret that silver is with the Pirates but before the big reveal it's hinted with that red laser eye warnings group yep just the haircut John Rzeznik and the Goo Goo Dolls are still touring after a halt more importantly a learning the ship while getting to know your new father figure montage is the fastest way to get covered and God knows what kind of radiation coated cancer-causing Comet dust there are lots of reasons that telling the Treasure Island story in space is fun but the visuals of casual space exploration are top a-list overall they do a decent job of drawing these two together in a short period of time bet you didn't even know John Rzeznik was planting ideas in here brain [Music] giant space rocks are a decent reason to have cannons on ships saving that father figure who definitely won't betray you pretty soon solar waves solar wind that'll teach you to wear that red shirt trekking in space no less I have a lot of help to offer anatomically Amanda Monica yes astronomically flirting makings of great machine yeah sometimes the most helpful and meaningful things come from unlikely places that's that's like legitimate encouragement in words every young person should hear I owe my dad catching someone denied coming off iya that day also hugging the filmmakers established up front that green equals Treasure Planet as in the actual planet this first person shot of the galley from Jim's point of view has been color graded to make the lighting look green even behind silver you can see the color shifting so we know they're getting close but since they'd already shot the mutiny with an orange glow they needed to slowly fade back to those warmer tones for continuity it's incredible the things that considered when making his film I don't think we gives group enough credit since he's using the same device a perp real inventive name by the way it would be like naming an orange fruit and all but he used the same method to threaten silver as silver used to threaten him which now that I think about it Jim picked one up when he was trying to trick silver a few minutes ago speaking of aliens suited to specific jobs I have a feeling Goro was only hired for one reason [Music] did you actually aim that you know actually I did deliberate anti stormtrooper and gossamer landings now that we're on Treasure Planet almost everything has a green hue and if you're paying attention you'll notice that much of the vegetation at least looks like what we know is fungi mold spores and the type of stuff that would grow around a metal structure if left alone and then you start to look closer and you notice that the root Jim slides down could definitely be a metal tube of some kind and you'll even see metal peering through the overgrowth and touches of it everywhere just some building or integral part of the planet and entrance to the core 100 years Martin Short is a funny guy so throwing him under Robin Williams shadow was a weird choice he does have his monthly and you are and you have to stop touching me because making fully digital characters interact with hand-drawn characters there's a lot of work even if they nail it that's what you said about Daphne to be fair it's a love story to compete with Niles and Daphne feel like that joke is gonna lead to a hundred comments about how it was actually toxic and now I'm a terrible person so forget it pestilential you have wonderful eyes more flirty helper dang it Jim I'm an astronomer not a doctor but he does like bones right dog see what I mean Jimmy's has this knowledge of things it took me a second to realize they didn't cut out a bunch of relationship building Ben sees Jim as his Savior and new best friend because he's the first person he's seen in a hundred years we stay here I probably don't sing morphs praises enough because as evidenced here he's just a pure being feeding off of other people's energy pretty clear he doesn't know what's actually happening between Jim and silver also the repeating is a nice nod to Long John Silver's Barrett really showing off the unique 2d and 3d style combinations again and more for showing himself to be a Three Stooges fan ah so dream level two with the rotating hallways was not the first time Arthur had been in a low gravity fight also that's some pretty terrifying comeuppance but poetic after what's grouped into mr. arrow lots of eyes lookout guy is a little obsessed with his job I love the little hint that this entire planet is just one big machine for fast travel around the universe like something that would have been built by the forerunners there's this in-depth lora jazz looming under the surface also Cameron's entire inspiration for Pandora and that's some bad hat harry clint ship even had creepy legs for grabbing stuff pirates right feel like such a useless weakling silver linings some might say your emotions make you weak I'd say they make you strong choosing life and a friend over treasure might seem like it shouldn't be the hardest decision in the world but you give up a few things chasing a dream helpfulness you might notice at this point that the dark shadows around Jim's eyes are finally gone now that he's stepping up and taking control the situation they've been there all movie adding to the sullen teenager thing he's got going as the ship comes about the sails actually move into position the way they would on an in real life ship little callback to all his practice in the Construction Yard lacking any sick grabs would have been it's cool it's like anti storm trooper fingering you like the moral of story here is to break the rules because you never know when it might come in handy also does this count to seeing light come off him hugging with the touch of implied interspecies love dog on cat go down chicken chicken a goat couple of chickens do big guy more hugging I sort of assume it's a made-up knot but it definitely looks like a one tug on tire even in a cage breathe parrots don't go to prison John I would have taken you up on that offer in a second which is the completion of Jim's arc making his own path all he wanted was for his dad to notice him to take him to not leave him silver gave him a lot of that but in the end Jim learns he doesn't need what he wanted so badly [Music] even more hugging and James Newton Howard score here has an enchanting swell to it generosity it's basically just writing a wrong but hey parting with your lifelong quest means something and everybody's found gainful employment now that Jim is in his dress whites it makes it very obvious that he starts the film in all-black sheds some layers down to a muted brown / gray on the ship and then ends in this victorious white they clearly asked morph to keep an eye on the babies and sort of sucks at the robot turns out silver was a being of pure energy that can take any form you need to teach a lesson as long as John Rzeznik is singing in the background and look it's a good song they're both good songs dated doesn't mean that they're both not worth a win I haven't done the math mostly because YouTube's new comment section is crashy and would only let me go to a certain number of pages while searching for the Treasure Planet request but it's definitely top 10 probably top 5 requested movies on this channel I got up to about 1,300 instances before it crashed last time in 2002 I wasn't the biggest Disney fan so this one passed me by and I didn't see it for the first time until September of this year I only vaguely remembered the book or cliff notes and only knew it was pirates in space but not really space pirates but before I continue with what I loved there was one thing that nod at me after my first viewing to the point that I was nervous about making this video look this movie is fun and exciting and after brushing up its pretty faithful to Treasure Island while adding a fun new spin to the setting but I at least originally felt like this movie comes dangerously close to excusing Silver's actions which would be fine if it weren't for being a kids movie certain things just muddled the message a little a kid might walk away thinking that if an adult treats you like silver it's okay because he never did anything too bad he only threatened to kill you in multiple times and then Jim lets him go in the end and there's like this well let's let bygones be bygones tone to it all Jim is around 1415 years old a minor in most places so any authority figure even worse a father figure manipulating or maybe just attempting to manipulate him is just a little icky for me it's not the end of the world it doesn't ruin the movie I don't think a movies lesson needs to fit neatly in a box life is messy people are complex and it would be unfair to pretend like Jim is passive and not generally making his own informed decisions 15 is the edge of adulthood in this movies about Jim's to adulthood and after three or four watches through I felt less icky about the relationship not least of all because early movie Jim would have thought silver was the coolest cat and joined his life of high seas space crime but through his time with him learning discipline and what it is to be a man he made his own choice and took a more honorable path so that's more a caveat to say that as an adult I really enjoyed the character of silver I enjoyed that the main antagonist of the film bounces back and forth between role model and baddie and has as big an arc as Jim does stories where characters aren't just this side of one dimensional can be hard to come by an animation Disney especially acts like it's written in the contracts of the movies they make that bad guys should announce themselves so there's no confusion silver does actually announce himself it's never a huge secret but knowing he is at the beginning doesn't change the journey we see him go on with Jim and I have to give them credit for moments that could have gone too far they pulled it back and gave silver a pained look obviously Jim and Silver's relationship is crucial to the film and they do a lot with a little time you're going to react with the star there is nothing like the Goo Goo Dolls to bring two people together but it shouldn't be much of a surprise coming from Ron Clements and John Musker two guys that have been begging to make this movie since the 80s they kept getting pushed off with the Little Mermaid and then Aladdin and then Hercules in just in case you think they lost their chops they also directed Moana but this was such a passion project for them and comes through in the relationships as well as the visuals I talked about the digital and hand-drawn combination they created with this movie but like with silver it was often in the same scene with layers of both they use a technique called deep canvas where a basic 3d model is created and then artists paint it digitally rather than applying textures so the model updates as the camera moves around within the space applying the same 2d look to a 3d environment and this isn't about diminishing how modern animation works digital artists aren't just clicking a button it's still very laborious but the way they worked around the limitations of the time to combine these two styles is a fun part of animations history and it's on full display and Treasure Planet this movie didn't fail because it wasn't well-received it failed because Disney barely pushed it and the marketing campaigns not only spoiled that silver was the bad guy it also really leaned into Ben and sold it as a very different movie you could make a case that it was a deliberate move they could probably remake it now and it would do considerably better personally I wouldn't mind a fully updated sci-fi version they let the swashbuckling stuff go but I won't hold my breath we'll always have this one so this is gonna close out the year I'm gonna take some time off a few weeks maybe in January just like I did last year to regroup clean my desk and give my publisher finger break I'll probably have a few blocked videos going back up and hopefully Julia and I will get out to see some movies so I can do a 60-second interview here and there thank you for an amazing year you have all made this possible for me and I couldn't be more thankful genuinely the positive feedback I get from so many of you it really keeps me going so happy holidays Happy Hanukkah happy Kwanzaa and Merry Christmas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 744,699
Rating: 4.9814835 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure Planet, Everything Wrong With Treasure Planet, EWW Treasure Planet, EGA Treasure Planet, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: vcC3ALplaHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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