Everything GREAT About Frozen 2!

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THANK YOU. So many times I read everything BAD about Frozen 2 and how it should be changed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/foxherder101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes I watched this and it was spot in accurate

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/garrettpolk1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ahhh, I love cinemawins so thanks for posting! Also it cracked me up that he called the Elsamaren ship "Honeymelsa" πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scuttlepants πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great daze!

Thinking back, Frozen II wasn’t really high up my watchlist then, yet I was completely charmed by the time I left the theatre... only to go online and see some dare-I-say really harsh opinions on the film (Channel Awesome stood out which, I know Doug isn’t a pro critic but still, it turned me off his Disneycember entirely). Like, the film was good and made me a fan, sure more could have been done but was more necessary?

Now I feel like Kristoff meeting Lee... I mean Ryder after watching this video: a fellow moviegoer who enjoyed and is as willing to defend this film as I did and do!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dvdung1997 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] baymax and Dumbo and Rex well I could tell you now if they can settle in listen accurate whatever it takes to get your kids to go to bed sure I'll tell you all of the day I almost died cliff jumping with a broken arm just gotta sleep honestly for us it's just singing jingle bells at this point yes it's March bond has always been snowman obsessed but this could also be a signal that this was the same perilous night which is why they never got a chance to press their father about the story any further same PJs else is wearing the same headband even the Doudna is wearing the same dress clairvoyance notice that she puts on it to sleep with the very effective forehead to nose tickle while singing the words specifically to Elsa the one she wanted to hear the words character drooling continuity also the lyrics changed to mother as we jump to the future spoilers off enjoying your new permafrost Olaf some lamp shading to not have to animate a snow cloud following Olaf around which should be fair I'm sure is something else I would have been working out in the last six years it's a theme in the song that lots of things do change but a wall going up and Olaf's head falling off is a twofer let's do a little catch-up on some crazy detailed details the blemishes and the panes of glass the scratches and we're in the area of use on the table the way the leaves glisten and move in the wind the imperfections in the wooden railing laughs every time at that mercy I guess the best difference between this medley in the first movies is that there's no separation between the sisters and ice sextant would be complicated mistake of your life make sense that in a movie with basically no villain they'd have a hard time finding the word it's like like a village shadow anyone Mickey Mouse Oh owning it love is an open door I'm so sorry if we did you know very few people are actually good at family games that's just a fact I have the strangest feeling that Kristen has to say that to Dax like a few times a week hugging love all the happy sisterly emotions [Music] [Applause] [Music] into the unknown is better than let it go there I said it I don't know maybe it's just how many times I've heard it lately but this song gave me all of the fields the entire song is Elsa's acceptance of her hero's journey and it's all very meta acknowledging how crazy the first movie is and how she just wants to stay with her sister and her family she doesn't need more unknown anything even if arendelle might not be the right place for her first verse is that no unknown for me second verse is maybe stop this because I'm sort of looking for a reason to go final verse is freaking but meme the dang unknown [Music] [Applause] it's her call to adventure refusal of the call and meeting the mentor all in one song and as a musical lover I appreciate that the final push is through the amazing bridge where she harmonizes with her mom and herself [Music] well I mean technically it's still flying it's just not attached to anything tell me what's going on I woke the magical spirits at the enchanted forest candor please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return I get better point is to protect them but it absolutely sounds like she wants to keep the serfs from reading the good silver apparently Elsa missed her calling as an architect and builder since she built a permanent castle on her first try new to love like like I was when you're new you're bound to get it wrong so you're saying I'm wrong for you and that's that's relatable yeah man often suck with the mountain mouths work noise hey pants pants had a princess well Queen even better in case we die you think we're gonna die no no no no we will die soon we will die when the death is the best icebreaker doing proposal his scream echoes in the song freakout snore ECAM you have to love that the spirits realize Elsa is the one with the power after she saves Anna so the wind spits the rest of them out and she's just so collected the entire time trying to gain her balance so she can use her powers can I think so also the memory showing up makes sense since Elsa is pulling water out of the air to create ice and where the events took place well if the wind isn't blowing between 32 and 63 miles per hour you better not and that's been your cinema winds meteorology lesson of the week at least they have their parents their parents are dead view is nothing on Olaf what's appropriate and common reaction that's it lieutenant Matthias library's second portrait on the left yep that's him I think Ian Peters kind of suck I see him I see him in your faces I just wanted on record that if I ever come down with a terrible illness of some kind I'd really love to have Stirling Kate Brown tell me I don't think I'd mind that much no way his eyes go from evil to Disney I know I know what you're thinking the fire spirit must be a wife win well guess what he's actually a a son winner that a toddler win actually no let's just call it what it is Jude win' been looking forward to this and while Jude likes lots of movies seeing this little guy turn all docile was the first time he said and then every time thereafter I liked him so that's a win in my book Julia liked him too so technically he's both but officially a Jude win yes this is an objective scale have no fear that's a North ultra scarf dipper was always good at identifying things it wasn't the quickest ever and a lot of us probably knew already but I appreciate that they don't dilly-dally and try to keep it as some crazy reveal later obviously it's their mom what were we saying about harmony and now tying the intro song from the first movie into the North ultra people who are loosely based on the indigenous Scandinavian people called the Sami their reindeer herders that do call themselves the people of the Sun and the wind and they sing a form of song called yoke or Bulli apologies for pronunciations cursed you anglicized tongue Helene was still over at Hudson's hearth she married oh why doesn't that make me feel better because that's what actual love is I know it's a throwaway line but love isn't hoping the person you loved was alone and without love just so that you can have a chance with them it's wishing them all the happiness in the world even if it's not you that gives it to them I knew I liked Matthias there's a spirit it's a snowflake it's a snow flake cute baby reindeer calf so between the darkness and the ground shaking and the earth giants music cue slash sound design we ready terrifying you talk for them too I do and then you you just you just say it and then you just say it camaraderie it's always good to find out someone is as bonkers as you come on Christoph let down your guard I'll have that Christoph letting down his guard or his version of letting it go is a hair metal power ballad a la Whitesnake for almost more 70s pop rock like Chicago reindeer cringe I never thought it was a question of whether and let's appreciate that our King is finally getting the renowned he deserves what else does he need to do to remind us of his love we'll remember we belong to him we'll be back [Music] we know Maj is killer even outdoing Queen a bit but I think it needs to be stated that jonathan groff is also singing a whole five reindeer harmonies as well get through the mist I thought nobody could but us unless nobody was on it leave it to Olaf to always deliver the most devastating news so cavalierly and their mothers ought to Holland's song in the background in typical Alice of fashion she uses her magic to send ahna away without realizing the repercussions if Anna does and Anna and Anna didn't Anna character continuity all around wouldn't be an animated movie video if I didn't point out some reflections and pretty much throughout the movie you can see ojas own nose reflected in his eyes not only is Olaf's reaction perfectly optimistic he even tries to help I try not to get caught up in the details ah Who am I kidding this little head shake a very recognizable hype yourself up moment before doing something insane these animators honestly blow me away [Music] so like remember that power ballad from before well now we're gonna give you a totally metal action scene also brutal even her makeshift raft for one that could probably fit two is the snowflake I like that each spirit's path to acceptance of Elsa was a little different wind needed to be beaten in a fight fire needed to be cornered but then it was important that Elsa showed him she wasn't a threat and then water needed to be tamed like a wild Bronco and when you think about the amount of water that passes through a glacier making it the memory river collecting the entire area's water memories is pretty smart okay another reflection this time of the glacier in her eyes and since we have the dude win for this guy the wife win is actually the water spirits mane and tail that are both waterfalls it's basically all julia talks about anymore [Music] ooh building the angelic voice into the song you've done this before haven't you Elsa you don't say ice pillar creator yeah so Edina can have a few maybe a couple maybe several more wins for this control and range and purely stunning voice [Music] [Music] we know we all ship honey mail so although I'd be just as happy if I ended up being an ace but there's something kind of awesome about a princess movie where the female leads romantic life doesn't come up and doesn't even matter because that's not what her story is about even after letting it go Elsa still clearly feels lost and out of place she's pulled in by her secret siren because whether she admits it to herself or not she was still looking for answers to be told by her own mother and I guess the spirit version of her magic side that she's the one she's looking for that she doesn't need anyone else to tell her what her place is can we just call this a queen moment more self-awareness Hans of the Southern Isles yeah his merpeople book is good but you should really check out snare dragon Sneyd running in june SMED run it into the snow queen you know what's cold when the ice queen can see your breath her landing huh it's a river of ice so if you go too deep and you drown you actually freezing to get it I think she may have gone too far man that's a rough one losing your best friend which is actually evidence that you already lost your sister but that's always been the point right I talked about it in the first one Olaf has always been the symbol of connection between Elsa and Anna so there's a lot more going on here than just losing frosty in the spring but it's super awesome of Gale to keep all Olaf's memory filled snow together I mean wow that's dark well let's just run a quick list else is dead Olaf's dead her parents are officially dead Kristoff disappeared and her grandfather was a cowardly trickster murderer this grief has a gravity it pulls me down and Kristen Bell her voice breaking from the note talk about realism what's the deal did someone have a sloth in the recording booth as my favorite therapist once said baby steps Bob baby steps and this song solidifies the mental health message in this movie that's so valuable grief loss depression a feeling of loss of purpose and hope Anna is dealing with it all and taking the next step sometimes a literal step is all you can do and is all you should do the next right thing can be talking to someone it can be medication it can be prayer it can be getting out of bed putting down the phone a step outside the dark cave it may only be a piece of a larger message but it's a really good start also if you can be lara croft that helps do yeah here's a few more for Veronica this time the sound design makes your skin crawl but also anyone else reminded of the amount of shy ones and like obviously Anna is never in any real danger but man do they sell the scary speed and power of the earth giant says they block out the Sun and come inches from smashing her multiple times and even though it's a modified trolley problem I appreciate that the next right thing is something that comes at a great cost to Anna when she's already lost so much look say what you need to say about arendelle needing to actually pay for the sins of their past King I will not disagree with you but I'd also never take this moment away the full force orchestral piece of music this fusing of action set piece with emotional push listen to the way the horns scream in the moment Elsa and the Nok burst out of the water and then the notes descend along with them down the crest as they race to the front of the wave [Music] and part of the reason this moment hits so hard is because this node arrangement has already been established as else's motif this is literally going to be my siren call to the copyright clamors but I just don't care the motif isn't her fight with the wind as well as when she finally tamed the knock for the first time and a few other times a little more subtly Walter well so to the rescue I think that one might actually stop a zombie ice dragon I guess Elsa was powerful enough after all we must pray they are enough hugging I need to ask you a question do you want to build a snowman prove it with song I love you with all I am will you marry me Kristoff sark look you finally figured it out just stop talking and keep it simple you know you belong up here you don't say yeah this is great but where in the world is the carrot a Scott's been bought earlier you get this for one hour that's okay I prefer you in leather anyway so honor is short for Anastasia Chris Shaw these characters don't have last names ha and now the main is flurrying snow I guess after an entire video praising beautiful voices it would be disingenuous to pretend like Brandon Yuri doesn't have the voice of an angel and panics addition of this triplet groove to the bridge raka finds the song I already love [Music] so we're just just gonna throw all the best vocalists at this movie fair Kacey Musgraves is awesome so you gonna have to make a choice between these three Panic at the Disco Kacey Musgraves and Weezer they all seem really interested in have different yes I'm sorry which one are you which was all at this point Weezer can make anything sound like a Weezer song and Weezer is always a win so yeah hey so I guess no one likes this movie that was a surprise to me I didn't follow any of the media when it was in fears and my family just started watching it obsessively a few weeks ago when I came in on digital I I like frozen too I think this may happen a few times this year but am I making this video for just myself maybe I may actually like it more than the first one well the first one switcheroo subversion message about true love was one of a kind but overall I think I enjoyed this movie more I laughed it all off more I felt more of the emotions between Elsa and Anna and I already said I think into the unknown is a better song than let it go and I guess people didn't like Kristoff song this was all news to me for context I usually write my first draft then I do some research which often includes watching and reading other people's reviews to see if there were common things that people didn't like to see if there was anything I should defend but so often it was just yeah didn't like it said there wasn't a plot to her message also responds to a literal call to adventure and her sister wants to protect her both sisters learn different versions of self-reliance the outcast learns about her true origins and gets further explanation as to why she doesn't fit in and most importantly self-acceptance that's like that's a big deal for the people also represents and like I said in the first one right down to what seems to manifest as anxiety for her people with any form or level of mental illness should know that they are not broken they aren't missing a piece of themselves and that's equally as important for the outcasts and for a Disney movie to allow our heroines mother to deliver that message that's a new one coming in the fields and and that's to someone who could never even begin to understand the mother-daughter bond and then the other sister who spends the movie grasping at her sister so hard and trying to stay so close because she's so afraid to lose her again loses everything she was being crushed under the weight of her own sorrow and implemented a beneficial technique that mental health professionals sincerely recommend the entire song is about it one step than the other breaking a task down into manageable chunks I don't know that's a couple of words for a movie with no plot no seems not saying it's without flaws I mean there's still plenty of problems with Disney in general not least of which when are we gonna stop pretending like these are human I wasted neck proportions I'll admit that I don't think they knew what to do with Kristoff so he got back Bernhard to failed proposal attempts but again it didn't bother me because these movies aren't about that relationship it's there it's part of on a story but it's not the focus and never will be who or what is actually singing to Elsa's super muddled and confusing and it doesn't really matter because it's either her mom's Marlon Brando recording literally ought to Hollen or maybe the spirit version of herself the Fitz spirit but the point is the magic in her was pulling her there so she got herself there otherwise yeah I just flat-out disagree that the movie was boring or that the emotional moments had no impact granted subjective opinions I don't admit this lightly actually Who am I kidding on the guy who says nice things about movies on YouTube calm I got choked up like three times I mean that there are three times throughout the movie that I just about cry every time I watch it which has been several I don't know maybe it's lack of sleep maybe it's just a craft thing I'll admit they turn to make me feel stuff into a science on this one Elsa switched to accepting a new adventure the moment she finds out her mother is the memory about to Holland and well I think we covered this one and I just don't care that much that arendelle should have been wiped out she comes back to life and immediately goes to save her peoples home and superhero fashion again I'm a non female non tween non daughter and I feel empowered I I can't imagine what young girls in the audience feel during this at least I hope they do it's refreshing Elsa's a persistent magical empathetic selfless fiercely protective action hero Queen the movie also begins to toy with the idea of writing past wrongs to indigenous people it ends up a little toothless but it's in there even if it only amounts to undoing the awful things done to you without really reconciling the imbalances that still exist or at least it's not a great roadmap for the modern version of these problems I think the thing I like best about this movie is that while frozen was mostly Ana's movie this one splits it more evenly both thematically and in terms of screen time and the first one it would be easy to walk away feeling like Elsa was being selfish by leaving even if she didn't know the damage she'd done she was their queen kingdoms don't just thrive without a leader and she bailed you might have gotten annoyed with Elsa when she sent on an Olaf away but not only was she dead nuts right in doing so there was no way they were going along in this journey something that may have gone on Otis was how crazy overprotective Anna is of Elsa not without reason but at a certain point Elsa's next right things were things that put her in danger things honor would have physically tried to stop Elsa from doing it's like a more subtextual Finding Nemo message Anna needs to trust Elsa to know what her next right thing is even if it's different from what Anna would choose for her or herself I don't mean to be hard on Anna she loves her sister and wants to protect her she just showed a severe lack of trust in Elsa until she realized their password if ur n't and that's fat that's a hard lesson everything is hunky-dory in the end but I don't know about you I'm left with a twinge of sadness Anna doesn't want anything to change she sings a song about it while the world defies her having her sister died to reveal the truth and set things right put things into perspective for her but being in nap on a carriage ride away is gonna be new for Anna I might be drawing out more than what's presents are intended here but we all grow up and move out well maybe maybe except for Olaf how do you guys cope with the ever increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity still it's a relevant piece of historian I'm glad to see the movie allow it as the first Disney Princess sequel in theaters the filmmakers had an opportunity to get a little meta and they did Disney Princesses typically live in a perpetual state of beauty and perfection because they've got one story and when it's over that's where they stay but not anymore now our queen becomes something new entirely and actually we've got two queens change is hard but often necessary and healthy Elsa belongs in the forest right now Anna belongs in arendelle and even with their magical paper airplanes change has occurred and nothing will ever be the same I don't mean to leave this on a downer there's absolutely joy in knowing that Elsa is where she needs to be for her own self fulfillment and honey I can have open doors and be surrounded by most of the people she loves I don't know I'd watch another story in this universe just come up with something meaningful for money meirin would you next week a movie sold as one thing that's actually another thing while being the first thing real good [Music] Samantha [Music] oh yeah was that k AG a doula where's that I don't hear you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,440,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frozen 2, Frozen II, EWW Frozen 2, Everything Wrong With Frozen 2, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: 0WL7qlys-Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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