Everything GREAT About Frozen!

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[Music] [Music] we don't hear these choral voices again until Elsa controls these winter at the end and it couldn't be more providential the song it leads into is a prologue that almost deliberately exists outside the world of arendelle it's setting up the world letting us know ice is a commodity as well as a thing this culture writes songs about you could look at the movie frozen as existing within this song as if the frozen heart fairytale is a story these ice harvesters tell their kids at night and all of that plays perfectly into the trope and cliche subversion we're about to get in the story proper but it's also clear it's the same universe since Sven and Kristoff are cutting their teeth also baby Spann is a white flame and look at this animation first the ice stylized title card transitioning to real ice that the saw then penetrates disturbing the water creating air bubbles and letting the Sun Shine through the hole every piece is something that could be left out and no one would notice but put it all together in its art and there's something so satisfying about the perfect imperfections that animation offers the ice blocks aren't perfect they have cracks and chunks missing but every piece still fits inside that perfect cuboid and the channel they created horseshoe crampons goodnight kids don't let the bedbugs bite beware the Frozen Heart just this once and we'll never talk about it again okay not about to ignore snowflake and snowball reflections in both their eyes even the sky lights create snowflake like fractal shapes that's what you call a Rogen I recommend we remove all magic a bit of a head-scratcher weird solution but first magic you know and second the trolls suck at this it's not explained well but I have to imagine the idea is that if Anna knows Elsa has powers she'll convince her to use them again or tell someone about them so a flashy things are brain but don't worry I leave the fun when at first you're confused because you know that's Werner Herzog but then it's actually mance rayder himself ciarĂ¡n hinds but then you also realized that he's having a conversation with Calculon and look always hire maurice lamarche just be okay with me picturing any of his billion characters when he speaks she can learn to control them I'm sure yeah that that all adds up to above two wins see they never talk about it again [Music] one thing a few of the songs have that I love is this making it up on the spot feel to them hang in there Joan another powerful woman who didn't need to be rescued by a prince is that a Mickey I know there's a sense that things needed to be this way if only the fear part of paw patrols speech had been more clear-cut but it's also a heartbreaking look at a difference in nurture Elsa and Anna were pretty much the same level of happy-go-lucky as kids but it's clear that while love was never kept from Anna Elsa wasn't so lucky obviously her own fear created a lot of it still paints a sad picture you'll be fine Elsa Oh will she no one told you who was drawing you did they the good news is they didn't die in the shipwreck they actually washed ashore with honor else's baby brother the bad news is that a leopard did get them later on but the boy was fine met some Apes he did all right just look up Chris bucks IMDB if you don't know I'm talking about Wayde was right though huh Papa can't hear you Anna fish you will language of this movie using ice to convey emotions share sharing I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches did I say that out loud Alan Tudyk you know you're always a win especially with that magnificent mustache and even when you're the reddest of red herring villains that ever did get dragged along a diversion trail yeah that's a cinema winds were dead Amalfi opening well now it's confirmed that Fred's family are descendants of arendelle in some way statue of Hans same painting I know anyone with kids old enough to appreciate this movie when it came I probably can no longer agree with this but first time in forever is the Banger this song is beautiful and also catches us up on both Anna and Elsa's last few years I don't know they could be sugar rush mountains the colors are correct but the girls love chocolate either way so I tell you Royals all clearly stick together Rapunzel and Flynn apparently didn't have anything else going on today and Cinderella and tiana were invited makes you wonder what arendelle has against Belle and jasmine would the two battling tones in the same song pieces of let it go mixed in else's freak tried out in Anna's ecstatic ha chiming wind honza's both literally and figuratively in the way of onna finding love and everything this movie does to lead you down a certain path starts right here with a classic meet-cute look at the detail of the stitching and the shadows from the wrinkles on the fabric the duke of weaseltown it's weaselton you don't need to tell me I'd recognize the chicken taught anywhere Kristen Bell was such an amazing choice for Anna awkward is her wheelhouse I've been searching my whole life to find my own place Han starts this love song by talking about finding his own place and gestures to arendelle not Anna broken record here but the music and frozen is not not a reason this movie is so loved can I say hearing some of these songs for the 34th time makes you really appreciate the harmonies each other's starting to think it's more about Portia de Rossi than arrested doors in my face so of course she's gonna fall for a guy who agrees love is an open door it's sweet until you start thinking about how bass level that is just an open door it works for Hans love is just an open door to walk through to achieve his goals of becoming King will you marry me even though you could brush the awkwardness off his just extra cute meet cute they are not in sync we're still being tricked into thinking it's another Disney love story but it's not quite right Anna almost bumps into him here and then he flat-out lies and she smacks him in the face you can't marry a man you just met mean sister or clairvoyant genius or just regular human I selected a place both place the whole accidental supervillain music with her cape whipping behind her is just magnifique even if she thinks she's letting go the first thing Elsa creates is Olaf one of the primary connections she has with her sister look Idina Menzel's performance and voice and everything is just absolutely brilliant but she really doesn't hold a candle to the wickedly talented adult disease I mean it's in the song but I love that she starts by just testing what she can do so her stairs are rough at first but then it clicks and gets more refined as she goes along way to go Disney even teaching kids about mathematical concepts I guess a lot of people weren't aware of the secondary power to ice powers temporary hair phasing fun fact it was undoubtedly done on purpose as a cheat because the hair rigging was probably giving them trouble also a lot of people pointed that out but no one seems to notice she teleports 15 feet from the balcony to behind the door in an instant again this is why animation is incredible no one notices and it makes this moment slap but no Elsa love is an open door good for you shopkeeper it makes sense that he honors the trolls since finding love in this frozen wasteland would be a challenge even with that beautiful beard you mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day another rational person tearing Disney's love it for a site cliche apart even still Ana's naivety makes sense since she's been trapped in the castle for years probably watching Disney movies alone cut powder felt Gerrits just some good old fashioned reindeer Glee laughs perhaps obvious but Olaf is pretty important he represents the center of the Venn diagram between Ana's memories and how much Elsa's magic played a part in their relationship I'll get more into in the conclusion hope that he knows some of the finer details of his existence but is also missing a few crucial ones every snow does in some he's a weird that he makes everything look like him in his fantasies though like he knows he could be used to cool a drink down Coppertone Sam baby you have to take my word on this one since I can't show you every all off scene but the only time he bends his arms this dramatically is in the summer song fantasy and when Kristoff bends them for him otherwise they only ever slightly Bend but nowhere near close to 90 and never past no no you've got the bark facing down the bark needs to be face-up yeah if that's for indoor burning you should just remove the bark to reduce creosote buildup on your flue so good news you're both wrong don't actually remove the bark from your firewood unless it's summer and slopes off easily the time wasted wouldn't be worth it but for these guys who have nothing better to do and are looking to stay warm I'd been impaled observations just not why isn't she knocking give us a minute okay so all off sixty seconds is just about as accurate is mine wait what is that I'm distracted by the fantastic singing again but I'm not about to ignore honors reflections in the ice something could be said about the words we choose call someone a monster enough don't be the monster they fear you are and they may just start to believe it classic wintery mistakes spend callback ingenuity look at the orange and pink of the sunset lighting up marshmallow you might be asking yourself why Elsa would send a monster after Anna that seems to want to kill her first I decided to cut the rope he may have just lowered them down slowly you don't know but more importantly it's a theme that Elsa's fear makes her lose control of her power and not even know what she's creating she was surprised that Olaf was alive it's a battle between her conscious and unconscious mind all right I'm good I've got a thick skull I don't have a skull or bones they're all so stubborn and heavy I've really really heavy cuz they rocks I passed a kidney stone cuz they rocks I've learned to just roll with it cuz they Rock oh the trolls put Christoph inside a heart wait now they want to murder Hans evil trolls or clairvoyant roles may be both true love's kiss perhaps perhaps keywords from the unhelpful trolls he's no slouch when it comes to action and they never shy away from death but we get a few tense moments for a children's movie and they've already comically established what Elsa's icicles can do Elsa's castle is like a mood ring that's blue when she's happy / empowered red when she's scared just like the troll predicted and yellow when she's angry the Han Hans looks up at the chandelier quickly and then purposefully aims the crossbow at it make it look like he was just trying to save Elsa to anyone that survived but hopefully killing her in the process simple detail that Hans his breath is visible since the water vapor and air in his lungs is warmer than the outside air Wow Elsa's isn't playing right into us predicting the twist oh wow you fool it's not Hans it's Kristoff if only there was someone out there who loved you snap the funniest thing about this scene is the split camps between people who dislike it it was either so obvious pretending like it's a twist is an insult or it was so out of nowhere that it was a cheat it's bright in the middle you'd notice stuff on second viewing but probably missed it the first time through no I'm completely ordinary that's right she is that's evidence of a good twist and for the record you can think a quirky attractive person is quirky and attractive and still be evil Hans removes his gloves much like Elsa does to be her true self no one was getting anywhere with her pant they just snuck no one was getting anywhere with that ice queen into a Disney movie you won't get away with this I already have turns out love is an open door Hans just didn't love her yeah too bad you're not a foreigner where is dennis quaid when you need him alive your sister is dead because of you the first confirmation of what we've all been interpreting along the way that fear is what makes Elsa's power run amok sorrow has a completely different manifestation the storm has stopped but otherwise nothing is really fixed just frozen in place something we all immediately understand feeling stuck in time things may have stopped getting worse but they're also not getting better and same rules about breath fur on us and she's super duper cold inside self-sacrifice on two levels first not going to Christophe what she thought was the answer to her frozen heart but also literally standing in front of a sword to save her sister's life and fun detail you can see the sword freeze right before it shatters and this time three amazing things happening not only was the true love not the classic Disney romantic love it was sisterly luck and it wasn't an act done unto her she did it she saved herself with love by sacrificing her life and Elsa hadn't touched her sisters since she was little let alone hugged her for fear of hurting her they melted each other's hearts the simple idea that familial love is as important as romantic this is why this movie is special and just a response to something I've read in a couple reviews that Ana's sacrifice was basically meaningless because Elsa is more powerful than a sword and easily defeated multiple men with weapons he can't pull things like that out of context the sword wasn't Honda's main weapon crushing else's spirit and making her give up was his kill move the sword was just the fatality I love that she goes from Iceman to Jean Grae because of love I mean seriously love his powerful suckers [Music] and now we get those heavenly choral voices from the beginning which has the added effect of making the opening heartwarming hands down this is the one last pun from aloft the only frozen heart around here is yours open speche Disney come up and and hugging healthy bride I knew and I had the same phasing power as Elsa love you can have both or they can just date and see where it goes generosity [Music] oh man same pose from granddaddy's vision of her beauty just like to point out that anna has never ever ever ever been good on ice let's throw another one on there for demi lovato as well as Kirsten Anderson Lopez and Robert Lopez for writing a literal cultural milestone of a song it's an achievement no matter how much I just ruined your week I appreciate that Disney Queen marshmallow frozen everyone loves frozen right well to my surprise no and I think we all understand the backlash based solely on the popularity side even if it's silly kids like pretty things in pretty songs the music is phenomenal meaningful and catchy all at the same time kids made it a cultural phenomenon which says very little about the movie no offense to baby shark but like come on kids like what they like and they also are extremely susceptible to fats it's one of the main tenants of being a kid my Elsa Trapper Keeper is better than yours kids Tilly's Trapper Keepers right I'm sure there will be plenty of backlash in the comments under this video anything that gets this much love and obsession always will not even because everyone wants to be contrary but when a movie is built up and it's all you hear about and then it doesn't resonate with you the same way you get that what's the big deal and then months go by and people are still talking about it and that math feeling can turn to hatred this movie's not perfect we could have spent more time with Anna and Elsa's relationship there's basically no lore which I don't really mind but we'll be happy to get more of in the sequel and even though cliches are subverted really well the parents still die there is still a love story and setting up the other love story subversion meant we spent most of the movie going along with the cliches kids 2 to 4 probably aren't always fully grasping that message most of these things still lean more positive for me but I get the issues I think some people were also upset that Anna didn't have powers the movie leads you to think that's where we're headed in a few different ways Ana's red hair and freckles the fact that she uses fire as a weapon in the movie they even tie it to her lifeline by the end but first I'll say sequels coming out so patience but more importantly it's so much better than Ana's only power in the movie was love fire power would have devalued this moment so so much the themes you know the ones for 8th grade book reports they're more important and frozen has lots of themes most are still cliche or just classic at surface level Truelove will fix all your problems you have to be true to yourself laying your life down is the greatest gift you can give the difference between elated and gassy is negligible but each has its own spin that makes them a little different and some are better than the cliche they're built off of often our protagonists feel the need to conform because of societal factors or they're ashamed of who they are there are bits of that but Elsa was thought to keep it in she isn't filled with shame she's trying to protect Anna in the world from her curse her mantra is conceal don't feel that can apply to everything from depression or anxiety all the way to sexual orientation or anything that people at one time or another feel the need to hide I see a lot of anxiety markers and her mannerisms as if she's constantly trying to prevent a panic attack - switch metaphors let it go is her coming-out song if you will where she feels like she can embrace herself but it's not the end of the story because she still only feels comfortable being herself alone and shuts Anna out at the same time she needed to learn that it was fear that was stopping her from controlling her power and even more stinging ly poignant it can all be traced back to her fear of love we open with Elsa and complete control but by the results she was essentially taught that her carefree attitude is what injured Anna how is she not going to associate letting go and allowing herself to love again with hurting on a further and then the trolls and her parents confirmed it for I love that else's story has the makings of an evil queen but love proved more powerful and I already praised it but teasing that true love kiss trope - then give on a agency and for it to be her act of love for her sister is well great specifically because of the context the love at first sight Evil Queen dashing Prince magical trolls framework really only works in animation and even more so they're all Disney staples so they flip those tropes that parents have slowly started to realize aren't always the best princess stories are fine but if it's the majority of the characters our kids have to look up to so one step at a time we did away with her being passive in her own story I don't mean to be knocking on Disney movies are escapist fun but I'm happy that my kids will have a variety of protagonists to look up to and learn from frozen is beautiful DreamWorks usually gets the most praise for lighting but because of the constant wintry white the artists really leaned into using light to highlight accent colour while not losing its properties like when it illuminated Elsa's hair from behind creating a haze and glow that's just glorious the Anna Elsa singing battles are engaging for musical enthusiasts fun for kids and always move the story forward they're like 8 mile level awesome Kristen and Adina couldn't have been more perfect casts for their characters I really wanted to make a mine hunter joke about Kristoff because of Jonathan Groff but it ended up being as difficult as Kristoff racing across the ice when no one was holding the few words together Josh GAD Olaf was hilarious and not in an annoying way which when you see his character subtle humor probably wasn't what you were expecting but he gets quite a few laughs he's really moving fast I guess it was wrong I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind and like I started to say earlier the Snowman is important the trolls remove Donna's memories of magic but left the fun which is why Anna still recognizes Olaf obviously kids don't need magic to build a snowman but when you really start wrapping your head around the song you realize that every time Elsa heard on us singing it it was a reminder that she hurt Anna and the opening scene could be enough to convince Elsa that Anna only cared about playing with Elsa because of her magic Elsa's first use of her magic was to build Olaf again because she'd been not letting go ie holding back for so long going back to where she started made sense but it also made Olaf a symbol of separation for Elsa while the truth is that Anna's request and song never changed because she didn't need magic to build a snowman and they didn't need magic to have a fun and loving relationship it doesn't have to be this deep but human relationships kind of boys are we can have the best of intentions and still be misinterpreted by our loved ones noobs are hard yo a few years ago I mentioned frozen in a video and someone said it will be forgotten because it was just a carrier for a pop song truth is even if that's true I don't see anyone forgetting about it anytime soon this is what we come to Disney for a fun adventure engaging enough that the message it's all wrapped in we'll just ease into our kids minds without them even necessarily needing to have the capacity to articulate what the message is that's a terrifying statement when I hear myself saying it back because toxic messages work like that too just pay attention what your kids are watching I guess anyway keep going Meowth when you don't get a teaser frame because it's never my intention but when you do three end game videos in a row it falls out of your brain so next week is a new one that I saw much later than I wanted to [Music] maxie in the summer sun just letting off steam [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 619,938
Rating: 4.9497819 out of 5
Keywords: Frozen, Frozen 2, Everything Wrong With Frozen 2, EWW Frozen, EGA Frozen, ERW Frozen, Frozen Review for Adults, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: DuubGF5FNQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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