Everything GREAT About Pokémon Detective Pikachu!

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[Music] most understated video game movie title card I've ever seen understated enough to get a win painting to anyone aware of Pikachu's electricity based powers that maybe he has something to do with that electrical short look I don't know a lot about Pokemon but Mewtwo looks real and this chase scene is shot thrillingly especially for a video game movie [Music] about halfway through the movie I thought to myself self I bet we won't be surprised by the composer since the music stirs even my unacquainted soul and lo and behold it's always a win composer henry jackman there's a warmth and nostalgia that calls back to 8-bit games even if you've never played them this is what I'm talking about my heart is pounding little validation for your Pokemon go addictions dare you okay maybe not only has dopinder been faking his accent all along his attempt to get Tim to partner with cubone while logical is Vice cold way to remind him that his mom's dead it's a win cuz we're still making the connection not everyone can pull off wearing the skull of their dead relative but you sure can so we talking even if you don't know a single thing about Pokemon you get the feeling that relative size isn't all that important and if you do know some stuff you're smiling at a Gen 1 Pokemon making your decades of knowledge feel validated our gasps shadowing parade shadowing and Ryan Reynolds and a Pikachu shadowing please don't making new friends I used to catch them early humans like 90s kids at the DS even I recognize red [Music] score is fantastic has a very Eastern tone that blends really well with the city that clearly has both Eastern and Western influences paying homage to pokemons past even the Pokemon are suited to some specialized jobs Machamp can't legally fight in rhyme but his forearms allow him to not only direct traffic but clearly play the flute since Snorlax is mostly not blocking the road pancham huge head small body reveal golurk even if it only means something to a fraction of the audience they put real time and energy into making it look awesome and present in the space hi man I love Ken Watanabe just a facial expression change conveys so much I heard he did Godzilla an inception but I was gun shy about just throwing around the always a win-win he deserves that even in a movie he's barely in he loved it was nice to meet you cliche dodge I'd say usually a great space where writers who trust their audiences less would throw in a yeah well he could have shown it by being round from Tim instead Tim reminds you cheetah that while his words are nice they just met he's not about to get into it with a stranger you're sure snuggle isn't really in that room there he is reflected in the TV cuz when it comes to eating doughnuts by how Pokemon why not Noctowl would be the Pokemon associated with the 24-hour cafe stories like this spread fear and they're afraid of fear but I don't fear fear I walk the walk and I taught the top and that's the hard truth Lucy walked right out of an anime with her fast talking nonsense fixation on pink and ribbons in her hair news flash they're all cute [Music] snakes snakes I don't know no snakes also clearly the home alone reboot and Pikachu are the real shared universe here and seriously if Tim doesn't know that's not a real movie it is in his universe I'm just saying Tim and Kevin take the town as a story I want told also the question on everyone's mind that needs answering what kind of Pokemon with macaulay culkin partner with Wade the nyan shifts purple as he picks up the purple are gasps leavin down nice Pikachu's claws gouge the desk as he climbs up I know you can't understand me the cuteness overload combined with Ryan's voice is so confusing mind blending them Ryan Reynolds will forever be a cute fuzzy little yellow guy in my head now it's gonna get weird next time I see him shish kabob a guy is heavy eye contact right there you heard me so true that you can tell if someone understands you just by the intensity of eye contact maybe to Pikachu to unveil a universal truth I'd never consider Pikachu is just instinctively protective of Tim and calls him kid more hints as to who's in there kick Center the detail and expressiveness and Pikachu's face while we're at it the fur and lighting and interactivity with his paws and the pavement the shallow focus making his tail blurry right even hear him talking unpacked Pikachu's voice actor Ikuo a Otani from lots of the games and shows voices pokemon voice you're adorable pika flirting unless you want Johnny Law to give you a one way to get the husk out that feeling when you look up a word expecting it to be lore and it's just North American slang I guess probably doesn't really qualify as a vocation this world feels so lived in and real that you stopped noticing the Pokemon just standing around Pokemon cooking all the little background noise of Pokemon and humans living in harmony jigglypuff news sing and it was super effective or he's passed out works either way yeah that sounds great that sounds great this many looks really yeah knowledge that it's gonna seem like he's talking to himself for the rest of the movie and then lampshade it with him using the phone but then just let it go everyone else would you only stare at the weirdo the first time you notice it's actually realistic giving away the whole twist their movie I'm sorry can you speak up I can't hear you huh cuz his ears aren't big enough also it makes sense that Harry would choose Pikachu as a partner since it was clearly Tim's favorite when he wanted to be a trainer Howard sorry it's piping up I believe Arceus is like a god figure in the Pokemon universe so that checks out as an apropos idiom serenity now serenity now so is Pikachu or Harry the Seinfeld fan hashtag the real questions I'm actually pretty good at being alone at night humility when we nope that did not plan right at all yeah that Ryan Reynolds makes winning his movies difficult regardless of who he's playing the problem is that I push people away and then hate them for leaving again trying to give the story away since that's pretty much what Harry did to Tim even the sound is muffled as if on the other side of the wall I love that even though it went dark mr. mom can't help himself but play along and use his powers to make everything Tim is doing real I mean I get that it's real to him either way but he's the mind he can dictate how things go but someone participating in his world and obeying the laws of his universe is more important to him good stuff maybe this little detective in you after all uh-huh videogame rules means mostly no consequences this is how you have a goofy scene in a grounded realistic ish world just long I know this is just credit to the Pokemon franchise in general but loud red beatboxing with ears for speakers come on Diplo just blame himself smart play to find a way to sneak in battles when your film's location has outlawed that and the visualization of the battle is stellar 8-bit sprites coming to life dittos have transformed into humans in the past I think and since they take the powers of their enemies it actually checks out that I did oh it could text since it's a human power is that the missing Sneasel from the poster just can't kick his battle addiction I think admits Ryan to do 100 Charizard still playing in the heat waves from Charizard stale angry henry jackman through angry loud rats save a new little buddy Gyarados clearly used intimidate like doesn't even have to be an ability when it doesn't even fit in the frame man think atchoo is a wife wind I should've gotten on that train what's that kid that feeling when you realize he's actually telling his father that people give justice Smith a hard time after a drastic world but just remember that more than just a performance goes into how a character is portrayed and perceived kids Got Talent I really wish that kind of in a dream well that's a bad guy call when you're in a movie maybe Deadpool's in there after all I'll be honest not being familiar with ditto should have been no excuse for not realizing the pink haired pink eyebrow pink gloved assistant wearing sunglasses at night no less was did Oh who in a blabbermouth the clues were everywhere does Harry know I have to Bob it's actually most likely an Enzo from sin which is about freeing the mind from the body yeah I've invested in ways of bringing the world to me you mean you stole a hollow deck from the enterprise don't lie where are we going I don't know I'm just going you gotta tell me where you're the detective the chemistry between these two carries the movie and finding out that it's partially because they're related makes it all feel so sweet in the end spill the cappuccino nurse laughing that sounds like a waste of coffee character continuity this is very exciting are you excited yes he has 'm I think he just peed a little so no that's [Music] actually have a complaint and it's that Henry score is not used enough and is buried too quickly get it it's a compliment wouldn't care if the score wasn't phenomenal and on the long-term psychological effects of being strapped into a baby seat next to a bomb part of me was hoping they wouldn't even mention the baby seat but this is a good deal okay that's just an unnecessary super fun camera spin shot one of those shots that took planning and timing and probably a few takes just for a split second of fun it's fun you can stamp there based on the relationship building between Pikachu and Tim I'd bet money that they actually mapped out their entire friendship probably storyboarded it prior to locking the script because it's one of the most believable buddy-cop friendships to come together a lot of the time in this situation they end up rushing it at the end so they can force every last bit of comedy out of the conflict though my finger I will never smell your finger coward but how big will they go to pay that off that's the question you're all asking now we did this just become Empire Yoda zeroes grew a little bigger attention to detail with side ducts pupils shrinking to pinpricks as he sees the greninja that's super cool it's actually not exactly holodeck tech since they interact as if it's somewhat physical matter but realigns itself like light particles smart hologram recording tech knows when things are happening too fast and uses super slow-mo from the Kanto region smart to not cancel previous Mewtwo lore and even reference Pokemon the first movie which was just about 20 years ago nothing is ever too too scary from at least these Pokemon but the visuals are OnPoint just the fact that the greninja looks so present makes it unnerving side ducks attack worked on a dirt type grin in Joe's must have protein I mean they've been using water attacks checks out upsetting both deniers ant believers with one line unless is climate change actually just Torterra Gardens moving around look at the physics of this scene are look so here's the thing look okay that's hot I was a little confused by the inception landslide folding so I think I think what's happening is that when the Torterra garden stands up the ground next to it is being picked up vertically either from hanging off the edge of the Torterra garden or like being pried up like two tectonic plates colliding then regardless of physics these are epic shots and a fun idea to put on screen as the final manipulated evolution of the Torterra garden will survive all that insanity but Pikachu is bleeped ground wet Pikachu is still cute Pikachu there it is has there been a more fulfilling friendship in the last couple months I don't know and I refuse the qualifier quantify this it's good okay if their whole other wife went up there Bulbasaur's are my new tiny buddies you two even tried them off like a free vacuum with a car wash we could use a quick brushing it's not a perfect image but those look like dittos eyes which I mean they should be but they'd be forgiven for not bothering with two and a half frames Pokemon okay even high the pokey lay man no a banger when I hear one Howard would have seen this in his hologram finally some top notch connecting dots drawing conclusions solving a mystery and detective Pikachu detective angle to detect detecting no detective ink no choice he tracked the odds of the battles traced it back to doctor morale and of Bill Nyes voice with the two other voices of Mewtwo one female Rena who she know and other male kutaro Watanabe which really makes you uneasy and adds to the other worldliness of Mewtwo transfer the soul of a human as long as the Pokemon are in a crazy state one last misdirect on the big twist though I assume most of you were at least considering it at this point Pikachu wasn't in a crazed state after the accident so if Howard is right but I really just see this as evidence that Howard has no glue he'll Mewtwo's power works the gas was created from you two so it made sense from Howard's perspective but may have been totally unnecessary at best I'd say it made the Pokemon mindless so they wouldn't resist and we find out in the end the Pikachu gave up his free will to save Harry so do all these Pokemon really need to get out again sigh Lucy still sounding like side duck is proof that Tim was the only human that could understand Pikachu it's a perception thing who knows what Pikachu hears from sigh Lucy all we need to know are his responses if I were a Pokemon expert I'd probably make a joke about how it's too bad that there weren't some real Gengar hiding in the balloon or better yet some hunters since they can be in gaseous form slip through the walls and take out Mewtwo unfortunately I'm not an expert finally Pikachu is finally Pikachu Aang last few memory reboots must have reminded him how to use his powers again they took a Pokemon battle through in a little man of steel a touch of Warcraft and I don't know some cable father replaced his son with a Pokemon whoa no that kill it kill it with fire don't breathe the gas you breathe the gas did at this point you might be thinking Pikachu has been around the arghast quite a bit and never gone rabid even if he doesn't know he's immune which is why he holds his breath it makes sense that being blended with the human already would stop the effects once all the pokemon are joined with humans on the streets they stop raging transforming into what's necessary it's like a conservation of volt tackles my best move Pikachu trusting Tim's advice from earlier and giving us another amazing live-action interpretation a visual step up even from the anime just in case anyone wants to question did those cannon abilities here play fastest elevator ever the father you have been looking for has been with you oh you want me to look in a pool of water now yeah yeah he's in me I hated it from Rafiki and I hid and one more sort of hand wavy thing but you choose power seems pretty limitless so if Harry's body was damaged it's not too much of a stretch to say he would need Tim's DNA to repair it that's why he needed Pikachu to bring the Sun I can be the father hugging you're seriously not gonna hug chewy I mean Pikachu katha the decrepit old man is out of Pikachu Pikachu moves like his normal self again which was something that actually lended to making the twist work by the way maybe it's just me but I don't think of Ryan Reynolds is old enough to have a 21 year old son but he absolutely is some different art styles from animes and game credits even Pokemon izing all the humans nice touch to end on ah there's your Full Tilt title card I'm a little jealous I miss the Pokemon craze by a few years I was already in high school when it blew up in the u.s. though they're my age deep into it I I don't know but I feel like a guy standing out in the snow looking in through the window at all you fanatical pokémon lovers warming yourself by Charizard stale fire the biggest thing I've learned through my research is that Pokemon fans are some devoted sweetie pie is mostly I'm sure you have your toxic members as every fandom does but goodness even on reddit and in YouTube comments sections everyone seems so excited to get a live-action Pokemon movie to the point that people bring up issues and then always finish with but it doesn't matter I want more even though I have zero nostalgia for anything Pokemon I can relate and it seems like a lot of you got the warm fuzzies from this movie good stuff good good pan pace happy for you peeps happy to dip my toe in like this anyway besides my failure at getting the 60 second review done while the movie was still in theaters for a patreon request I knew I needed to do this video once I saw the movie the twist at the end is a good way to allow the movie to cheat some of the world's rules and still keep true to its legacy and for the most part they didn't shoot even hinting to it a lot throughout did they find a body I like to think it would be impossible for me to forget that my dad sounds like Deadpool but wait some people say that I sound like right round so what are you gonna do the easiest explanation is that he hadn't seen or heard him in over a decade but I like to thank the Tim's ears were actually hearing the same pika pika that everyone else was hearing like the pitch tone and cadence but he was able to understand him because of the father-son connection and Rob Letterman actually said something similar I see it more as Ryan's voices for the audience and it's easy to buy that Tim wouldn't recognize his father's personality either way since they lost touch so our video game movies saved Wow Pokemon is a little bit of a different beast it's kind of like saying that if they made a Knights of the Old Republic movie or a Force Unleashed movie that it would be a good video game movie it's Star Wars first Pokemon has lore and anime and games that go back decades the design these characters was set and locked before a script was written guaranteed obviously they still had to live-action eyes them but you get my point the story is similar to the game it's based on so I'm still willing to call it a video game movie but it's it's not like Call of Duty or Minecraft can just copy-paste the detective Pikachu formula yeah and especially now that Rob McElhenney has dropped out of Minecraft so anyway good video game movie with an asterisk regardless we got crazy levels of detail from the movies shows and games mister mimes kick ball shoulders all the posters that sneak a lot of Pokemon into the movie that aren't walking around rhyme the shirts Tim wears with different unknown forms the squirtle squad Tim's trading cards the statues of Palkia D I'll go and Arceus dancing Pokemon in the backer of the underground battle Jim little coffee dripping off a Pikachu's fuzzy upper lip it goes on and on and they jam-packed this movie with little nods they created a world that seamlessly integrated Pokemon and humans and goodness the amazing score that pops up but I'm proof that you don't need to be an expert to enjoy this movie in universe a big reason for that is Ryan proving he doesn't need vulgarity to be hilarious well slight edge yes I've talked to women before no I don't need your house during the birth canal but most of what he says will at least get you to chuckle justice Smith was great all the supporting cast held the movie together Catherine Newton was the only one who sometimes felt like she was in a different movie and she's totally normal a big little lies so it was definitely direction she was given it works to kind of blend the anime inspiration with the detective noir tone so whatever it's evidence that she's talented I know they were trying to make a self-contained story with no sequel B and I think that's fantastic but we might all roll our eyes when they come up with some contrived reason for Ryan Reynolds to be sucked back into Pikachu at the beginning of Detective Pikachu to WB is itchy for an interconnected universe and creating a solid standalone movie is surprise surprise the best way to do it clearly a huge theme in this movie is evolution as it is in all Pokemon media bad guy Howard tries to force a human evolution by messing with Pokemon evolutions but the more important evolution is Tim's journey and transformation from a kid who wants nothing to do with Pokemon or his father learning to love both and that relationship is so central you know if you don't realize it's what's happening the first time through we get to see Harry's evolution as well through Pikachu relearning things about himself and how he failed Tim their two loves stories in this movie and while technically three if Pikachu and Harry created a new being between Lucy and Tim and Harry and Tim the writers held it all together really well Lucy and Tim still have space to grow but there's a full arc for pika Harry and Tim I'm really curious to see where they go from here if they decide to make another well I'm back and it feels so good I have to say sorry from space Jawa my very loyal patron I just didn't get to see detective Pikachu in theaters and then it didn't seem to make sense once it was out that last one doesn't work you know hopefully this video will suffice thanks for your support thank you to all my patrons you guys are the bomb immediately wishing ahead and called you that next week another new one but the week after that an older one and then a mix for the rest of the year as is the way that I usually do things that's a twist that's [Music] he's going down hard Tim should have worn a helmet I hope he makes it [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,406,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon Detective Pikachu, Pokemon, Detective Pikachu, Everything Wrong With Detective Pikachu, EWW Pokemon, EGA Detective Pikachu, Everything Right With Pokémon, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, pikachu, mewtwo
Id: D4gCaG2X0Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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