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Such a good movie that I've heard nearly nothing about!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Floor_Kicker 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] epic fantasy score is so loud you can't hear the Pixar lamp also unrelated but this is a general audience movie and video to be clear it's not specifically made for kids prance prance Revolution has 7 pads which I've seen kids use all eight or even 10 on regular DVR so I agree that the modern world is going soft on centaurs who even the claw game is an armored glove even in modern times the sign of limbs have battlements has dude the buildings which is a fun nod but also makes you wonder what kind of wars this civilization is waging just imagine raccoons with spikes on their heads alternate timeline where Sleeping Beauty went into the dish soap business obligatory star-lord putting Spidey in a chokehold reference there's a mighty warrior inside of you you just have to let him out all I'm saying is that no one survives when Peter lets his instant kill side out yeah cops used to ride on horses so a centaur is a logical evolution of that I don't know how many second breakfast jokes I've made throughout this channel some would say too many but I think this movie proves that we all agree we'd be better off as hobbits Oh No Wilden life yeah you're kidding I went to college with him elf Fez going to college is the least believable thing in this movie three different sized desks for three different sized students would have been really easy here to just say hey ball elves are blue they don't have different races but that feels like a cop-out and closes off the world quite a bit that's some rubble dragon shadowing he's talking about the gauntlet of challenges and Ian looks right at the dragon but the foreshadowing doesn't stop there no in ancient times you celebrated lluvia first with a solemn rest a little visual exposition showing that his dad was no longer there one scene was born sure do wish I could spend the day with you sometime no yeah I mean I'd love to we could even his practiced conversation with his dad ends in self-imposed heartache dear Ian and barley long ago the world was full of wonder it was adventurous exciting and best of all that was magic and one of the best excuses for opening narration since it was right from there dad went in trailer blind was not disappointed what better way to signal that this movie isn't really about the dad than to have him be pants there's nothing like starting out of traditional Journey lacking your modern lifestyle aaja chol advancements also makes it hard to confirm to your mom you're still alive a person can only do magic if they have the gift there are a few things that set barley apart as being more than heon's brother some have already happened hey no you're stronger than that there's a mighty warrior inside of you you just have to let them out this pride and IANS gift rather than jealousy is a big one I can imagine it would be hard for him being the RPG guy to not have the magical gift but I can tell you now I'll only be excited for the waste Jude surpasses me what if here even sounds a little like a Pegasus I guess star-lord and his Lord of the Rings mixtapes everything is just something else I can't help my brain under bridge toll booth cuz he's a troll confirmed by cash or riddle hey in the Pizza Planet truck and I'm assuming Pizza realm is the stand-in for Pizza Planet rebuilt this old girl myself from the lug nuts to conditioning Chekhov's AC blower good thing you'll only have to deal with an inorganic dragon mountain doom with a surprise one ring in every can what about black okay I think I actually misread the claw game cuz that's an Infinity Gauntlet holding the time stone also it has a green-skinned creature in its clutches which wouldn't go over well with the barley also that's Pepita my email does ellebra hey I finally got a chance to redeem that pronunciation and noticing now that he has a gauntlet patch on his vest which why not it was important to his life in overpassed tavern is in there Oh of the drywall that's been put over the real stone structure nothing like a real fire to get your heart's fire going oh no from your hearts fire but we've got this people yes proof that I'll never be any good at the jumble never nice misdirection though not to be confused with Merida's woods plus the crust have cleaned dun broch and one of their shields from brave up there to light turns green you guess what color the cube is fantasy versions of mute keypad audio options add caller FaceTime and contacts also the entire shape of the inside phone bezel is all fantasy like what it says we have a full tank Chris comes through and it works linter staff shadowing can we sand this thing down oh it's an ancient staff with magic in every glorious fight elbows elbows up message here is that father figures come in different shapes and sizes and one thing I really appreciate about barley and IANS relationship is that it's not perfect dads do sometimes suck at teaching and teenagers are often less receptive to tutelage from their dads just ask mine I was in my 20s before I finally admitted he was right about dressing appropriately for cold weather it sounds so dumb when he say it out loud trying to find barley without stepping on him even the gas option buttons are shield crest shaped so you're saying this movie could actually be called drive I don't think kids appreciate curtain rod murder all right what I'm saying makes no sense I just wanted Chekhov's AC unit going off I will take full responsibility of the reveal of how the spell works it's not Polyjuice potion it's just a trick I mean an illusion what are any of us doing out here then you clearly haven't even started watching red vs. blue I'm starting to freak out a little bit that's an honesty of honesty it's not easy being a new parent my girlfriend's daughter can we pull my hair out okay parenting advice and lean awaits representing again even before the dad starts dancing barley is already having trouble staying still he is terrible he's really really bad and bonding Dancing's so good it could stop it is this he president or an accuser named Ronan hey that's the cup from the intro my son is heavy once-in-a-lifetime chance to see their father now my always even the most dangerous beasts can show restraint well that explains these being for sale I suppose gandalf sign oh yeah I think I need that good run into anything Centocor wolf dragged barely those are both things real things pre-existing things yeah would only work if you lifted yourself for say the van he wasn't any more confident with that spell at the time and this was made specifically for this dilemma he's not lying this sign should say watch out for runaway vans causing falling rocks quite up here even gallops like a real Pegasus even the parking tickets look like wings and it's really personal sacrifice for barley because when aveer is the one thing he was proud of himself enough for and wanted to show his dad that's how much he loves Ian just in case he needed to be reminded that we're not completely in a fantasy time period there's a plane [Music] and you know a questing montage is the fastest way to get attacked by you regards generosity persevering the fairy dust when dad was I was supposed to go in and say goodbye to him I got scared and it didn't go in or Chris Pratt cannot play a character willing to say goodbye to a parent we don't even need Pratt to play in D because he basically is now also this one actually honors the indie spirit of sometimes you just gotta grab a weapon instead even if indeed did technically solve it also Indy had to do this one as well so maybe a Tom crisp dual role unless the x-men stay away from the water could be like campfire or bacon I'm looking for an ancient Jim Ratzenberger should be missing those two I assume I guess you could say the real Phoenix gems were the dad's we made along the way but stop being so cynical that's really sweet especially when you realize that barley had no more idea than Ian did he just filled the role so school is set up as a place that Ian is not comfortable or confident and early on when he enters it it's almost like the dragon mascot is encouraging him everything's gonna be okay so making the final boss his school is pretty apropos even the Dragons roars the school bell yeah okay didn't see this epicness coming also it's totally fine building rubble doesn't have a central nervous system and therefore does not feel pain even a little ingenuity ah so this is what all those burpees are for an enemy who swings really low and then about waist height in a methodical fashion I knew it [Music] just like to point out that the problem the first time around was not that barley messed the spell up ian is the one that pulls away from Farley because he didn't trust him I'll go distract it what no if you do that you'll miss dad it's okay say hi to dad for Hannah gets me that barley is still desperate and doing all of this for his brother just like a dad would do it's not even about his time with his dad he just wants to give his brother that gift I never had a dad but I always had you and that becomes really obvious if you're paying attention to it throughout the movie hey it was a good start I touched on it a bit but barley treats Ian more like a son than a brother a lot of the time okay so now you know the worst that can happen so there's nothing to be scared of Andy and using all his newly learned magic to beat the dragon even nothing his game and finally putting it all together when his brother's life is on the line okay that was dope also teamwork hugging and he told me to give you this and even more hugging okay keep in the a113 going to run so is there a romance novel with Fabio on the cover as a centaur because of course there is oh man ian has always been leaning on barley what a gorgeous movie I know it's sort of redundant at this point with Pixar movies but every little detail in this world is fantastic from dust particles in the air to the sweat onions face before talking to his peers to every bit of world building based on castles in the cities and in the rural areas all the edges are rounded off even the wallpaper looks like it belongs in an enchanted forest bridges with spikes every font is fantasy every edge detail is fantasy even the lights in the city are multicolored fantasy oh yeah and the lighting is gorgeous scene surrounded in blackness that glow from a soda machine you'll notice something new on each watch also the performances are great Chris Pratt and Tom Holland play really well with each other sometimes I get the feeling neither of them was really allowed to do their own thing it almost feels like Chris Pratt's part may have been written for Jack Black but they still have solid chemistry and it makes the final moments between them really work Julia Louie Dreyfus really melted into this role and I actually really enjoy her character she's rarely playing worried overbearing mom she's just there to help and her obvious similarities with a barley create isolation for Ian that sells the whole premise also her side quest with the manticore lead through to the final act and is important by the end in Octavia Spencer had some of the funnier moments and is possibly my favorite character in the movie first name always writing that line between terrifying beasts and relatable business owner with real-world struggles even though I think Chris and Tom are both funnier than the script allows them to be best of left a lot on words biggest problem is that it's a fixer movie which means it will be compared to other Pixar movies tough problem to have I know I enjoyed this movie a lot and the actual problems with it aren't worth mentioning because they're not the reason it didn't do well at the box office let's just say we were all preoccupied in a week after opening there wasn't the box office but seriously as far as the movie is concerned cocoa deals with death and living dealing with death better deals with loss and despair better I mean even cars and monsters Inc do the it's our world but catered to an each type of person thing better it's only in these comparisons that the movie suffers at all for me because I enjoy the world of magic that's adapted to modern technology even if this unearthed planet is similar to earth barley holding on to those final moments of his father's life is heart-wrenching and I think the bittersweet message the Ian learns in the end is fantastic for anyone who's dealt with the loss of a parent the trick of this movie that it was never really about the dad can be hard to swallow in setting up the movie's message and allowing us to learn along with Ian means we also get hit with the disappointment of never hearing the dad talk or even seeing Ian meet him for the first time but I actually put that on the positive side because that was the point Ian had had a dad all along and it took an entire movie of barley pudding Ian's before himself to finally realize it I think the movie will be remembered more fondly than it was initially received and I definitely wouldn't call it a Miss for Pixar's next week know everything great about video but the week after another new one I can't be a wizard [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 376,188
Rating: 4.9708819 out of 5
Keywords: Onword, Onward, Everything Wrong With Onward, EWW Onward, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: _hMrOXaaoRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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