Everything GREAT About How To Train Your Dragon!

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Loved the movie, totally different from the books with the writers blessing. Books are great in their own right. Have you read them yet?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fibro_witch ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Because apparently, critisism is bad. So bad.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Kenraali ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was awesome! Thank you for sharing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gabriella2323 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 19 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
toothless does that make this how to train your dragon style DreamWorks logo by golly I think it does I know this is sort of a typical tracking exterior shot but since this movies about flying on dragons I call fly shadowing drag dragon shadow toothless shadowing bounine politeness beautiful beard win combining not one not two but three closet cliches together slow motion glamour hair flip shot no-look explosion walk away closing with the right stuff hero walk maybe one cliche is a sin but three together is a win well you made plenty of mops Greg Burson has done some stuff but you don't expect a talk-show host to be the comedy center of this movie and he is like this will throw it for me setting up pickups engineering skills that he'd have the tools to develop in this Smithee I can't possibly be using that correctly make it much easier to accept when he builds a tail fin contraption later on some anticipation building by not showing us the night gear is true form it just blocks out the starlight behind it DreamWorks Animation style is one of my favorites I touched on it a bit in Kung Fu Panda but they blend animation with reality in a very pleasing way not every character is a perfect human specimen I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms I can't believe they didn't let Jay Baruchel do a Scottish accent so many beautiful beards my father told me to buying my head against all wrong and I did it Batroc split in two Demolition lessons it might not be good dinosaur levels of realism button man is the scenery stunning dragon mercy I mean talk about detail look at that iris and again with a reflection of the tree in his pupil and since Kung Fu Panda I've been informed by some of my more knowledgeable fans that the reflection is actually a shader win for the technical team and software so that's a win for my fan base still impresses me every time I see it human mercy appropriate reaction hiccup already killed a Night Fury so does that disqualify them or I'm just wondering do they write line specifically for Jonah Hill or does he just turn everything into a Jonah Hill line no complaints he's funny they'll see you is sick good and scene and go after the more Viking like Dean's encouragement monstrous like by hour 15 in real life RPG stats they really know the injured bird can't fly animation another animation detail that's completely unnecessary but nonetheless immerses you in the actual physics of this world is how the flame dances when he turns the page creating a breeze maybe it's just another result of programming but color me impressed the plethora of dragon types we don't see outside the book is a great example of how much thought and care was put into this film and after the lightning strike the dragon drawing starts to move around the page adds to the creep factor 9 theory and speed unknown size unknown your only chance hi that prey does not find you great way of showing how vastly the Vikings misinterpret the dragons assuming that the night wing is the most evil and dangerous because they know almost nothing about it is some kind of a joke to you maybe you can't really hear hair coloring voice but America Ferrera has me convinced all the training sequences serve as visual fun and thrills as well as push the story forward with all pickups questions and drag an exposition and this 300 type world building survive org don't gives the Viking training philosophy a realistic feel toothless is some kind of super cute cross between a cat and a dog oh and also my wife bought her Jeep because it reminded her of toothless maybe a tad more cat but sharing and smiling this is one of the sweetest scenes in the film and the john-paul track encapsulate the uneasiness and slow acceptance between these two in their budding friendship the absolute trust that hiccup offers toothless is really touching okay I've been stuck with you since birth and that was never there before bold move to not show us that tattoo and I love it getting to see the Finn construction and later the saddle is totally unnecessary and totally spectacular it gives so much more value to the eventual flight so much personality is packed into a creature that can't speak brains over brawn immediately using his knowledge about dragons feelings about eels and more importantly eel pox in a troubleshooting how to ride your dragon montage is the fastest way to nearly fall to your death that sheep knows what's up yes this way with the beasts you don't even know adding two hiccups engineering prowess is the fact that they actually took aerodynamics into consideration with drag and lift and nothing I really know anything about but it all seems totally realistic and thought-out any pilots care to confirm everything that's led up to this moment has been great cinema hiccup spares toothless - toothless bears hiccup then hiccup feels guilty for rendering toothless flightless so he builds him prosthetic only realized Hula's can't control it himself so he decided to help him riding a dragon is just a happy by-product to pick up hopping on his new friend han oh man did they capture the exhilaration of what flying must be like Man of Steel made us feel the power and speed of flight while toothless gives us some sense of terror you can almost feel the adrenaline rush as they approach the water and how amazing is John Paolo score over top and then this switch to basically instinctual flying is so intoxicated you can feel the fight-or-flight well lighter die response I guess kick in and he just goes for it yeah internal fire shot shadowing this reminds me of the time that my brother had to break the bad news to my niece that no she couldn't have a dragon as a pet because they don't exist there were tears but my wife is still holding out hope just how long did you think you could hide him from me Dirk Butler as a father would be terrified even when he laughs I feel like he might pop my head off any time or like kick me into a bottomless pit all I'm saying is that he's a perfect cast for contrast with hiccup Odin it was rough Oh Thor Almighty only question I have is is he praying to the Norse gods for the Marvel gods defending your friend all of them thank you for nothing you useless reptile I love the way toothless his wings act like a parachute when he spreads him like that really shows that the animators attended flight school another amazing flying scene that conveys the wonder of being among and then above the clouds hugging all right I admit it honesty well I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off for feeding gone bad are you going stoic the stand up the dragon first starts by trying to escape not just attack like cage Coliseum monsters generally do hint to their true nature it isn't until it realizes its trap that it starts to stalk saving your friend and now I've been gushing over the animation quality but I've got to mention the lighting in shadows which has to be thanks to Roger Deakins the Coen Brothers cinematographer little expectation subversion with the door slamming and bouncing open instead of staying shot like a typical animated film especially when 99% of those parents would be locking hiccup up right now so he couldn't interfere and I like that stutter step almost faint as a sign that stoic immediately regrets his harsh words to his son I was a coward I was weak I wouldn't kill a dragon and that's really the heart of this film hiccup may have been afraid but he wasn't a coward showing mercy is not cowardice first to ride one though and riding a dragon is braver than anything any Viking has ever done oh hell is gonna break loose and my undies good thing I brought excess Viking honesty that's some catapult engineering construction and operator trust there also this beehive shot of the Dragons is super chilling more proof of the Dragons true nature no interest in killing humans just running away from the Red Death finally seeing the giant red death in action is striking it's no Godzilla atomic breath but I'd be scared in the flame coloring and effects are magnificent ride of Grendel is that a Beowulf reference didn't see that coming a little internal continuity there the banging works on the Red Death but it also disorient the Dragons they're flying on yeah true friendship even after the Vikings mistreat toothless he still trusts hiccup the final showdown is awesome fun flying in action intense chases beautiful silhouette battling amidst the clouds just a well-constructed set piece the Red Death must have picked up a spread gun aha look on toothless his face like he's not so sure but he still has faith in hiccup amazing facial animation the fact that they set up the way dragons breathe fire in this story by filling their mouths with gas and then sparking that gas as the final way to destroy the Red Death is such a well thought out solution and shows how much consideration went into the continuity of this film I mean what a gorgeous shop or a cartoon in the image of toothless flying into the fire to save his friend gets me every time I do this if you'll remember that's the exact line hiccup says when he finds toothless tangled and injured I did this a turning point for both characters he said luck hiccups alive well you know most of them leave it - Gobber - under play losing a foot but that is the Viking Way turns out all we needed was a little work this you just gestured Donald me go back silver lining his loss actually makes him a more fluid part of toothless one more wonderful flying scene getting us hyped up for the sequel whoa is this Yan see like the guitars from sigur rรณs who is Icelandic well done movie well done what a visually as well as emotionally beautiful film the story of misunderstood enemies becoming friends with a touch of fatherly acceptance fun action and flying john-paul score brought the spirit of this movie to life the voice actors were all at the top of their game right down to the smaller parts from Kristen Wiig and TJ Miller but Jay Baruchel America Ferrera and Gerard Butler really gave us all the feels throughout as I touched on a bit already hiccup and toothless are basically the same personalities amongst their respective species not it likes to kill both are somewhat outcasts and do things differently than the rest and both end up losing a piece of an extremity and the relationship they form is heartwarming and makes us all get choked up thinking about our own pets How to Train Your Dragon is a great film because of likeable characters we're dead solid pacing fun action a cute love story and just dragons but what sets this film apart of the themes and messages the most basic is to be true to who you are but with a unique spin thick have never really pretends to be anything other than himself it wasn't a lesson he needed to learn because he already had I like that sure he initially says he wants to kill dragons and be more Viking like but he intended to do so with his intelligence rather than pure brute force on the contrary he was true to himself he wouldn't when no one believed in him another theme is a common animated trope that there are no true bad guys just misunderstood guys and although this movie leads us down that path we eventually learned that not only add a misunderstood but they're oppressed by the real bad guy there's still a bad guy and they don't shy away from dealing with him/her it so not all dragons are bad but not all dragons are good either it's a stronger message than can't we all just get along this film set up a great series and throwing jon snow into the sequel was never a bad idea if they'd only thought to cast the mother of dragons as well you know who I'm talking about my dog Khaleesi not that there's anything wrong with a dragon s config you're thinking about this it's not so much what you look like it's what's inside that he can stand you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,654,788
Rating: 4.9591794 out of 5
Keywords: How to Train Your Dragon, Everything Wrong WIth Pete's Dragon, Everything Right With How To Train Your Dragon, Everything Wrong With Dragon, Everything Great About, Cinema Wins, Pete's Dragon, Dragon Movie, Everything Right With
Id: N-tEFqoFEsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2016
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