Everything GREAT About Battlefield 1!

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[Music] subtlety isn't the strongest suit of battlefield 1's war stories but i always enjoy a nice match cut right from the start we were shown a side of world war one that is not commonly talked about the harlem hell fighters when the game was released people were complaining that black people weren't a part of world war one and how dare they put a black man on the cover and i just say who cares first there were black men that fought in world war one evident by i don't know the harlem hell fighter's existence and why not have them represented on the front cover 369th infantry regiment was on the front lines longer than any other american unit and sustained the most casualties and having their regiment on the cover and open the game for us perfectly sums up dice's goal with their war stories i'll talk more on that later [Music] god having dream a little dream play while all this carnage takes place really makes you think all these men have families and people waiting for them back home and is this opening effective in establishing the horrors of war or what the simple text with the drum beats is amazing for building tension before we were thrown on the front lines jesus that's a pill just letting the player know that really hammers home all the points this opening is trying to drive dice has never not made a gorgeous game i tried playing through with no hud i tried but was i ever immersed the first time playing without it i like how they put you in the gunner seat you're not the driver like vader you're forced into this claustrophobic view of the battlefield [Music] seeing this jaded soldier just walking aimlessly and this other one cowering reminds us just how terrible this conflict was i had my head off so the names didn't show up but after each shoulder's death we are given their name and year of birth to death reminding us that each of these men were people every once in a while we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds it's in a world beyond the war glimmers but behind every gun sight is a human being if the game had a thesis it's this not so subtle foreshadowing about big bess i always like a good match cut listen son you find forward and reverse when you're told you'll do all right for me keeping things simple for the new guy i always enjoy some horns in my war flicks media entertainment for how short the campaign is and when the game released our shooter stories were in danger of not existing but with that said these cutscenes are really well shot and acted i could watch a movie made by dice having things such as this happen during gameplay instead of a cutscene is great watching the germans crawl around the tank from our third person camera is for some reason more scary than the cutscene itself the contrast of this pigeon flying to command is a really nice break from all the carnage here it comes boys nice server which are lads courage did you see that i'll play it again when you wreck focus on a camera there's a slight zoom in or out they aren't using real cameras for this obviously but still adhering to the rules of camera so it feels normal to us amazing attention to detail so she needs new spark plugs edwards is a great mechanic one look and he knows what best needs i've run more [ __ ] missions than you have had hot dinners on that's just [ __ ] go loyalty find the parts get the tank running don't die we all need to do lists [Music] saving your driver there's no right way in the place early we'll find one you're the driver i love this exchange between them edward goes from the new guy to driver of the group nice work boys yeah we did good thing we hi edwards of course didn't have the live from mcmanus but did anyway best really didn't like you cursing at her edwards self-sacrifice but you know i'll be taking that plane anyway what the bloody hell you lost i beat you wow blackburn is amazing he was able to tie down rackham while playing cards without getting noticed if you asked me to name my biggest fault i'm just not a very honest person but weren't you just being oh no well arthur i i mean blackburn probably didn't tie raccoon by the feet then it's just added flavor to his retelling it takes time for sound to travel our eyes will see it before we hear slash feel it i'm not to say whether we are far enough away from these blasts to experience this phenomenon or not but it's a cool addition nonetheless [Music] blackburn saying this in tandem with the boss man continues our threat of this is all retold from black burner honest narrator something you don't see often is outside of the main battlefield everything else is untouched wilson's alive put your cards on the table blackburn not george rocker my ear son of the fourth bloody hell of windsor wilson isn't as naive as blackburn thought i love how they laugh together through this revelation attention to detail with wilson's voice being in your left ear while you carry him wilson said i was a no good lying son of a [ __ ] uh blackburn he called you a bastard no good busted why can't you get your story straight oh yeah right facing up to your crimes helping your flyboy this is the coolest set piece in the whole game walking along a zeppelin with the skies lighting up around you awesome when it comes to survival allegiances are quick to be thrown out the window everyone wants to live in the end i might be mistaken but that looks to be the two of hearts that fell from the sky possibly for our two men i wouldn't tell you if it wasn't would i you [ __ ] our task was to support matteo's battalion suiting up an armor to take on a mountain of bullets has got to be one of the most badass things i've seen in a world war game i love good sound design hearing the gunshot outside versus inside the church is music to my ears i've never seen anything like this goofball of a gun in my life but i love it world war one had all sorts of weird experimental guns in its arsenal i love foster he's such a cute kid you know most good yes even though he's just a kid he's still smart whatever you got okay you're staying here why did capes ever go out of style i'm in firm belief that everybody looks better with a cape you're australian or impossible to kill well you're freaking dead by the end of this i feel dumb as it wasn't until reviewing this footage that i noticed foster was wearing the same outfit as bishop not just the hat we need a runner for the front lines really no yes no i'll do it taking one for the team or your new little buddy nice shot oh well you know i just kind of saw him out there and i playing it cool i gotta get that kid jeez it's only been about an hour and you're already feeling this responsible for him sure he joined the war because of you [Music] but taking responsibility but again you sure you didn't just want to shoot me i know you want to laugh bishop [Music] it's not super fitting here but the score is so pretty nonetheless first she takes down a whole squad alone then pulls this maneuver bad ass how enchanting you are my dear what a gentleman i'm sorry my friend here she can be a little brusque what a gentleman the legend of lawrence of arabia dies tonight come up and see creep you know that there's a chance the men may not come i guess i won't know either way until i set it off zara's willingness to do her part no matter what i love her character wish we got to spend more time with her and not just more time with her but both of these characters am i the only one that wants to see a buddy cop game with these two so this was a weird game to do as it isn't just one big narrative to follow like last week's horizon zero dawn the multiple short stories it's much different than the typical structure we get from our shooter campaigns but i like it i think it really lends itself to what i believe dice's goal was with battlefield 1. first it allows him to keep a campaign in their game while not devoting a huge amount of time to it and second it achieves the goal of wanting to show many different perspectives of world war one not just the typical western brunt trench warfare remember most from the period there are a lot of different stories to be told and i really like that dice highlighted that the opening mission of the game the harlem hellfighters with the general reception of the game on its launch it's clear not many people knew of the 369th u.s infantry regiment i surely didn't but dice including them is a great way to get people interested in history delve deeper into the more nuanced stories from the time which is exactly what i feel like this game's goal was it wanted to show that world war ii was way more than the western front it was a world war after all i'm not huge on my world war one history at all but i had no idea there was fighting in the middle east or in the italian alps but after finishing the game it made me interested in learning more and anything that gets you interested in learning is a win this game is set in historical setting but that doesn't require it to be historically accurate i'm sure you've heard it many times a game that is striving for realism just won't be that much fun would you really want to play the opening mission over and over again constantly being thrown in a new soldier's boots or charge out of a trench to be met with a game over screen of course not it's still a game and dice knows that that's why we have armored up men taking down a mountain and others running along the top of a zeppelin because that stuff is fun that's okay in a game and in a game fun comes first some might say it's disrespecting history but i feel inclined to disagree it's clear dice did their homework on world war one just look at the readable material outside of the gameplay and the opening and ending text of each mission i like to look at it as everything between the text of our missions is our hollywood remake of world war one and not the saving private ryan type of course it's not realistic or accurate within the gameplay because it's a game but i digress because i'm about to start sounding like a broken record i really had fun with the war stories it's something you can blast through in an afternoon which is nice i think we have to balance out our rdr2s and death strandings of the world with games like this and firewatch sometimes i don't want to commit to a game for tens of hours sometimes i just want bite-sized storytelling which battlefield 1 excels at with each war story they are quick to set up our characters and get the plot moving that's not to say they are hollow and boring because it's so quickly paced i really enjoyed the characterizations of our characters in this game and to that credit it made me wish these stories were longer for how short they are they really made me care about them like their blood and mud i love the tank crew set up a la fury these five men in a shell of armor working together it's a great setup i just wish we got to spend more time with them we didn't get to know a lick about pritchard before he ate it or the relationship of bishop and foster they are super cute together and deserve more screen time this is a praise about how in under an hour they got me wanting more if i were to grab one theme to sum up the stories it's for how horrible war is we as humans can learn from it learn about ourselves and others grow together and become stronger because of it not one of these stories has that protagonist in isolation there's always another and please don't take that as me being pro-war wishing we had more conflict to grow because that's not what i'm saying what i'm saying is just like the opening during these dark times there's always a light and that light is generally other people and finally these stories were made to honor those who served fought and died it's here to remember the lost generation dice didn't have to send a message in their pew pew shooter multiplayer game but they did and it makes me happy to know that even aaa developers can still care about the material they're handling [Music] when this is all over and the war is one they will remember us leave me a comment down below on what game you'd like to see win next don't forget to like and subscribe see you next week [Music] you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 1,488
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, gamingsins, gaming sins, game wins, gamewin, game review, battlefield 1 review, battlefield 1, everything great about, everything wrong with, everything great about battlefield 1, everything wrong with battlefield 1, everything great with battlefield 1, everything great battlefield 1, battlefield 1 analysis, battlefield 1 critique, battlefield 1 retrospective, battlefield 1 2020, battlefield, battlefield 5, battlefield 1 gamingwins, battlefield war story
Id: P-Cn4wv0WQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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