Why Is Battlefield 1 SO AWESOME?!

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yeah sectors all clear we've taken objective alpha good work soldier now I want you to push up all right captain what are you doing I'm doing the bayonet charge yeah why are you yelling like that will you some kind of [ __ ] maniac why are you being so loud I don't know I just felt like yelling okay well first stop yelling so loudly they're gonna hear you coming anyways and then you're just gonna get shot and second you don't even have a band attached to that [ __ ] thing what what was I supposed to do tape a knife to this damn thing what do you want from me what I want from you is to take that goddamn objective without screaming like a [ __ ] idiot is that too much to ask no no it's not too much to ask all right I'll quiet down so we're good then yeah we're good then damn it there he goes [Music] in the entertainment industry it's pretty common for the sequel to try and outshine the original you can't dazzle the audience with the same bells and whistles you did before unless your transformers ideally a sequel strives to improve upon the shortcomings of the original while expanding on it and providing something new my rule of thumb is if the next installment in a series takes what I liked and improves upon it at least 10% better then that's a good sequel sometimes a sequel is so good and so epic it can completely overshadow its predecessor this happens in Hollywood and it happens in human history the so called war to end all wars paved way for a sequel that would receive far more attention in books movies TV shows and yes even video games it's just staggering to see how many World War 2 video games there are compared to World War 1 throughout the early and late 2000s this genre really started getting out of hand like seriously how many games needed to recreate the Normandy invasion on d-day only one of them did it right let's be real here prior to Battlefield 1 I neither heard of nor played a single game set in the great war and I imagine most people watching this we're in the same PT boat as me don't lie to yourself you never played a World War 1 game alright even when I was in college high school junior high no matter the teacher or what type of history class it was we always focused more on the Second World War than the first generally speaking there's just an overwhelming preference towards it I mean the stakes were just raised tremendously on both sides and the conflict involved nearly every single country on the planet what I'm trying to get across is that making a World War 2 game is relatively a safe bet because it's been done so many times before which makes it all the more ballsy for dice and EA to create a world war 1 based game as the next entry in the hugely popular Battlefield series I mean no other franchises big as battlefield has ever gone to that time period hell not even Call of Duty has gone back for World War 1 and we all know how many freaking Cod games there are look at this because of the presentation of this new Direction fan reaction was almost all positive the trailers man you can't get more epic than this [Music] [Music] the point I'm trying to show you is just how hefty a risk it was to make battlefield one the way it is to go where no triple-a developer had gone before to break the trend of futuristic mobility enhanced first-person shooters and return to the First World War the dawn of modern combat but was this journey worth it is battlefield one a good game at its core and does it have any real historical value well let's grab our bolt-action rifles put on our gas masks and parachute straight into this now before we dive deep in the battlefield once gameplay mechanics story mode extra features multiplayer gunplay etc I want to ask a question how much does historical accuracy really matter well apparently it matters a whole [ __ ] lot it matters a great deal I mean I care about realism as much as the next guy but don't you think this was a bit ridiculous the internet game journalists news articles kind of went overboard with all these discussions and analysis and there was that whole debacle over race and diversity he had retards on one side saying it was dumb for black people to be in a world war one game and then you had retards on the other side who are upset that there were no black protagonists it's like do you people get off on not enjoying videogames like everyone else hey they came out with a new battlefield game did you hear a new battlefield game huh yeah it's supposed to be pretty good they even put a black guy on the cover a black guy what do you mean there's a black guy on the cover I can't wait to complain about this I hate women and blacks look there aren't enough for social justice messages in this game and therefore I don't give a [ __ ] what people are saying on either side it's a cool cover yeah give some props to the Harlem Hellfighters I didn't even know they existed prior to this game cuz it seems like every battlefield game has some controversy surrounding it especially battlefield 5 and with my poor impressions of that game it's trailers and I thought to myself damn I should really go back to play battlefield 1 so I did but just so you all know I really didn't enjoy the mechanics of battlefield 5 so if you're hoping for a video on that game well we'll see let me know in the comments if you really wanted but the short answer is yes historical accuracy does matter if the intent behind the game is to make players feel like they're in World War 1 however this attention to detail and realism should not come at the cost of fun or enjoyment on the players behalf nor should it be expected if the game is not telling a non fictional story to the people that complain about battlefield 1 not being realistic enough would you have preferred if dice made a game where everyone sits in their trenches with a shotgun and you're constantly pummeled with mustard gas and artillery there's no man's land and if you go out there well you're basically dead does this sort of camping style a gameplay sound appealing to you oh it does here let's make it more realistic what if you had one life and when you die the game shuts off permanently and Andrew Wilson shows up at your house with the only Hal Regal known to exist and shoot your ass sound fun of course not so get the stick out of your ass look I'm not trying to downplay people's complaints with the game and I understand if you're a huge history buff or we're really looking forward to a more realistic World War one game why you might be upset with some of the games mechanics but if you're just a regular gamer and you were so adamant about historical accuracy then go read a book watch documentary a movie temper your expectations because at the end of the day this is a video game this is not Saving Private Ryan Patrick box sums it up perfectly so we wanted to take that package and go back to the roots of what bathmate is all about the all-out war and and show the world for the first time what world oh one could be what it could look like alright now that I got my mini tirade out of the way let's examine how battlefield one feels does it capture the essence of world war one how does it represent these gigantic conflicts well it's a very interesting era to portray the dawn of modernized combat mechanized vehicles I mean there's horses in this game tanks gigantic rifles submachine guns with two uppity clips two uppity clips that's ridiculous I mean all this [ __ ] is so cool the most notorious elements of a warfare that personified the conflict are all here you got trenches shotguns barbed wire mustard gas I mean World War one was really [ __ ] gritty rough and they captured that essence perfectly especially in the Kaiser slacked operation I mean just look at this battlefield unintended graphically speaking this game is a wonder it is gorgeous to look at and folks I'm playing it on an original Xbox one so that's saying something whether it's in multiplayer or the campaigns every setting is just as memorable and engaging as the last with my semi average knowledge of history this feels like World War one to me I absolutely love bolt-action rifles the way the guns reload the attention to detail with the clip sizes the way they sound and feel for instance if you reload the red nine with a completely empty clip you'll put the whole clip in but if not you'll just put in single bullets I love that well except when this happens yeah it just keeps on reloading glitches in this game are rare but when they do happen they're of the what the [ __ ] is happening shun rrah like this [ __ ] where my head completely separated from my body yeah there's some weird [ __ ] that happens in this game but it doesn't happen often and it doesn't break the game this whole game has this gritty dark war-torn charm to it when you go prone in the mud your weapon will actually accumulate mud and grime it's these details that give the game some authenticity and I think above all else when it comes to enjoying media of any type the audience or gamer in this case needs to be willing to suspend their disbelief that's not to say you should always suspend your disbelief no matter how ridiculous something might be like if there is a British woman with a robotic arm and a trailer for a World War 2 game I mean that's that's just plain old silly isn't it with any genre of entertainment you the audience should feel like there is enough of a reality in the work that you can pretend what you're playing and experiencing is or could be true and battlefield 1 nails this from me sir a guy putting on some medieval looking Knight armor and running around with a machine gun blasting away 8000 austro-hungarians isn't exactly how World War 1 went down but I don't care because I can suspend my disbelief to a certain degree every firearm vehicle piece of equipment in this game to me feels like it belongs to the time period even if it doesn't and as long as the weapons and equipment in this game are of the era that's all that matters to me the thing is dice obviously knows what's historically accurate in this game and what's not I can't imagine the amount of research that had to go into this game because if you go to the Codex and read up on some of the weapons it's like yeah the hell regal was a prototype only one or two pictures to confirm its existence but [ __ ] we put it in the game anyways here's what we thought the weapon would be like we thought it would be fun if you want history this game provides it it's in the Codex alright you can criticize the gameplay all you want but the history is in the game and that's what matters this reminds me of Age of Empires point is there were liberties that needed to be taken and I believe dice made all the right choices here above all else because the game is fun and interesting I found myself interested in history again battlefield 1 inspired me with its stories the design of its weapons various locations the gameplay every aspect of the game is handled in a way that reminds you of the historical truth you get briefings before an operation telling you who's attacking what why where when you load into the game you get the perspective of the soldiers or the commanders who are fighting in these battles let's sing they're winning Jerry don't know us brace Jerry don't know us brace brace the dialogue is fantastically written I said these awesome and savages shouldn't be too hard to clear out you know I'm half tempted to get stuck into the champagne already but then what would I have to look forward to in victory tea the war stories always start with facts about the war it's all here to give you context to teach and immerse you as well as entertain that's the thing despite being an M rated game your audiences can still play this as it holds great historical value and it can serve as a way to teach us about this incredibly important event in human history I even discovered a channel called forgotten weapons which is so [ __ ] cool you need to check it out and it was incredible to see the weapons I use in-game in real life what they look like learn about their history even more I mean you can't ask for much more in a World War 1 game it pays homage to the conflict and it can just be a fun shooty shooty experience if that's all you want but if you care to go further the historical value is here and it doesn't need to be accurate in order to be captivating the Battlefield franchise is well known for its destructive capabilities its dynamic map design all-out war chaos massive battles a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from vehicle combat dogfights and so much more what battlefield is not known for is storytelling and single-player campaigns I once played through bad company twos campaign and let me tell you folks the words generic and boring don't even begin to describe it so when the time came for me to dive into the war stories I was expecting to get bored within an hour and hop back to multiplayer little did I know how much my expectations would be subverted almost FPS campaigns will have you play as one character throughout a single self-contained story occasionally a game comes around that switches things up by offering multiple perspectives and characters to play as I find that most of the games that utilize this method of storytelling do it to great success what would you have your arbiter do and it's true with battlefield 1 the opening war story storm of Steel is great at setting the tone and it begins as soon as you start the game for the first time you were part of the Harlem Hellfighters and you are not expected to survive you awake in the thick of battle to see the horrors of the Great War it's very visceral and gritty within the first minute of pop in the game in I'm already immersed [Music] I'll never forget getting dropped into the battle with this funky-looking machine-gun and holding out as long as I could the war stories put you through all the various scenarios you encounter in the multiplayer such as dogfights vehicle combat fighting behemoths riding on horseback bayonet charging melee attacks at the end of storm of Steel we're left with two soldiers standing their ground guns raised ready to fire but then the Sun peeks through the clouds and a drop of humanity and compassion washes over these brave men rather than focusing on a singular story that we've seen a million times before like cod World War 2 and some young American kid who goes to war and writes a journal about it blah blah blah battlefield 1 branches out hoping to cover a broad range of perspectives locations and conflicts this was a great move as it allows the writers to cover various parts of the war without committing to long to anyone conflict through mud and blood follows the story of Daniel Edwards a tank driver for the British Army and a former chauffeur he and his squad attempt to push through the German lines to the French city of Cambrai and it illustrates the stress and difficulty of manning a tank in 1918 [Music] she likes a witness friends in high places is about the American Clyde Blackburn and how he sneaks his way into the British air force showcases Lucca Vincennes own Kochi Ola as a member of the Arditi an elite force of Italians and his attempts to save his brother Matteo and take back the Alps from the austro-hungarians the runner takes place in 1915 during the Gallipoli campaign as the Australian message runner Frederick Bishop encounters a young Australian Jack Foster who is eager to join the fight and prove himself nothing is written as about Lawrence of Arabia and a woman named Zara who is part of a group of rebel Bedouin as they fight to retake their lands in secure oil from the Ottoman Empire you notice how each one of these stories takes place in a completely different location that's diversity done right if you're a shitstain game journalist generating clickbait controversies as your sole means of income well you could learn a thing or two from this game while the war stories may not be an example of experts storytelling and how to create dynamic characters it's the underlying themes of each story that are so compelling to me and how the soundtrack is able to capture the depressing undertones of war this sequence with the pigeon man it sure leaves an impression I'd go so far as to say the music of battlefield one does the heaviest lifting [Music] [Music] it's not completely serious though you know characters laugh joke around and they feel like real people even if we don't know them for too long find out you could kill me but I didn't [ __ ] didn't the presentation within the cutscenes is spot-on graphics sound design cinematography lighting animation this is what a triple a game should look like this is the benefit of having that budget and this many people work on it each war story offers something different they bring up an element of war a theme for instance storm of Steel is about compassion by showing both sides of the war battlefield one is humanizing these soldiers because it isn't trying to take a side or say the Harlem Hellfighters are right or the Germans are wrong here and I really appreciate that too often we have world war 2 games that just paint the Germans as the villains and you never get to play as them and they're never shown any compassion or humanity they're always the villain and that's kind of what I like about battlefield 1 there's not really a villain oh well in one of the war stories there is but overall it's just war you know through mud and blood is about teamwork in the toughest situations it's about ordinary happy citizens who are called to duty in times of war everyone must do their part for king and country friends in high places resonates with me especially strong because of the way it tackles war stories over all those that tell the stories after the fact may not always tell the truth maybe they embellish their role maybe we as a society like to romanticize conflict and turn these soldiers on our side into heroes maybe War veterans aren't always what they're made out to be the theme of avanti savoia is summarized in just 11 words he never got old [Music] and Here I am steel who decides such things I mean this quote just illustrates the long lasting impact of war on countries on people and their personal relationships it's like even after all is said and done some scars never heal completely war affects everyone the way Luka recounts the story of his brother Matteo just makes you wonder how often this scenario is played out throughout history it's a chilling thought to me meanwhile the Runner is all about passing the torch the old handing off responsibilities to the young it's about pride respect admiration and experience I'm gonna die I know you're straining or impossible to kill yeah I guess sir yeah Profiles II now it's gonna look at the path generally our elders or parents may try to shield us from the horrors of the real world but they can't protect us forever and when that time comes they need to let us go I had trouble deciphering a theme from nothing is written because it honestly feels more like a simple adventure without much meaning packed behind it so the war stories may be short but they are sweet and each one highlights some of the more critical aspects of the Great War and all the technology of the era and I do wish there had been one more story from the side of the Germans austro-hungarians or the Ottomans however we still do get their perspective within the operations so I'm fine with this while there are several plot holes inconsistencies absurd scenarios and an overall short runtime I really enjoyed the war stories despite these flaws but I think it's because the war itself is the main focus and not so much the journey and growth of the characters that I'm able to suspend my disbelief as I said when it comes to gameplay though it's fairly average the stealth mechanics and AI in the game feel very cheesy and basic for today's standards in these sections it feels like every enemy can only see 10 feet in front of them other times of a single soldier notices you than the rest all know exactly where you are while these sections feel tense at times because of how great the visuals are they are laughably poor in design you can have all the vast locations you want but if you don't have good game mechanics and the experience is going to suffer gameplay is fairly straightforward nothing fancy but enjoyable nonetheless some parts are just too ridiculous for me to suspend my disbelief avanti savoia just has way too many enemy soldiers to the point where you feel more like Rambo than you do just another soldier immediately after gunning down eight bajillion soldiers you alone on a single anti-air turret take down what looks like an entire [ __ ] army of planes now I try to push these thoughts out of my head because I want to focus on the subject material which is serious at its core but when the game hands me so much power as a single soldier I stop feeling like a soldier and start feeling like a [ __ ] Spartan or something the stories would have been way more impactful were you accompanied by more characters and soldiers that helped you throughout if you were weaker overall the campaign gameplay is serviceable I had fun with it now there are various challenges to complete for each mission and you can get codex entries there's field manuals to find and collect it's cool it's like your reward for exploring the levels is a bit more history and knowledge stories with multiple perspectives can be a double-edged sword as you can cover more ground but it leaves less time to develop each character well I feel like I didn't get to know a lot of these people as well as I should have that's not a real issue to me because the point of all of this or so I think is to showcase how war affects all sorts of people battlefield ones war story is at its core is an homage and a salute to the people who fought in the great war this might get muddled amongst the over-the-top scenarios but that's how I see it remember us remember the sacrifices made the people who never got the recognition they deserve remember the Forgotten when this is all over in the war is one they will remember us but until that day comes we will stand we will look death in the eye and we will fight [Music] you I'll be the first to say I am NOT a hardcore battlefield fan at all I played bad company to a bit battlefield 3 and 4 and I enjoyed them but by that point I felt that modern shooters had just been done to death but with Battlefield one's unique pitch I found myself investing way too much time into this game when it released so many games were still chasing the futuristic advanced movement trend the battlefield 1 proves that you don't need to adhere to the current trends in order to succeed in fact I had the opposite effect by setting itself in a unique time period hardly covered in gaming battlefield 1 set itself apart from the competition now if I had to criticize anything about the multiplayer its how [ __ ] the matchmaking is and has been for a long time it seems like anytime I want to queue up to play a DLC map I'm always put into an empty Lobby also I feel I need to explain something take a look at my ribbons right here I have about a hundred and fifty six for winning a match of operations and six for conquest as you can see I've almost exclusively played one mode and I can't get enough of it for the sake of this review I thought it was time to come out of my shell and experiment with the other modes but again unfortunately I can't find games in anything but operations and conquest it's a damn shame on xbox but naturally the game has been out for two years so I can't be too mad what I find so captivating about the gameplay is how each life can play out like a movie each life can feel unique sometimes I've gone five minutes or so without dying and I go through so many many adventures operations has the ability to be so cinematic in its presentation with the music timing yells in the background sounds of war etc it gets you so hyped up to finally take that sector or to defend it the idea of huge battle lines pushing back and forth is just so freaking epic there's so much freedom and how you can approach any situation for example on empires edge on offense you can take a boat to the back end of point beat and bayonet charge up the hill to completely flank the enemy before the kill timer gets you do this right and have your squad spawn on you and you'll be able to destroy well this probably wasn't intentional I just wanted to show you some unique ways to approach these maps speaking of which I do this [ __ ] all the time while on horseback charge into the enemy's side run over some poor bastards hit them with the cavalry sword and get out nobody expects it there are so many fun aspects of this game to play and toy around with field guns turrets trenches barbed wire pill boxes mortars grenades behemoths tanks armored cars motorcycles horses so many different elements the maps feel dynamic not just because of the destruction but because each level is designed to offer strategic points to defend an attack you got that right there is no three lane [ __ ] here I need to play more battlefield games because the map design is making me feel spoiled every level has iconic set pieces that mmm make me so excited just thinking about them I'll never forget seizing the castle on foul fortress we're crossing the trenches and Keiser slack while you can feel like your actions are insignificant at times in these massive 64 player battles it's not so much about being able to single-handedly win the match but more so within the smaller victories that can help push your team to victory like destroying a tank that's been pestering your team using a horse to flank the enemy snipers to give the guys on the frontline some breathing room reviving your teammates on a point to keep the push alive I always felt like my actions mattered but sometimes it was frustrating to feel like you always had to depend on your teammates on the other side of the map to take or defend the point and you just couldn't communicate with them one of the most epic additions to battlefield 1 are the behemoths widely shown off in the trailer these are giant mechanical beasts that appear when one team is struggling to take or defend their sectors these could be huge armored trains a floating airship or even a super mega ultra tank in the DLC maps these are so much fun to use because it really feels like you can turn the tide with him and so many people's attention are focused on them as well as defending the points mechanically speaking the game feels pretty balanced between the classes medics get to heal and revive support provides ammo and can repair vehicles Scouts will scout spot enemies and snipe from afar and the assault class specializes in destruction in mayhem I enjoy the way each class has their own set of weapons and how they all work together speaking of game mechanics the bayonet charge is [ __ ] awesome that instant burst of speed the over-the-top screaming blurred vision and the most satisfying sound when you pierce a man's chest gives me chills now the thing about operations is the most interesting matches are when the offense is able to consistently take sectors but not too quickly because ideally you want to fight in all the different locations each operation has to offer but when a match stagnates and the defense holds it can get quite tiresome I've played matches and oil of Empires on offense when we're able to take four sectors in foul fortress the foreign Suez Canal and three and cyanide desert only to lose all three battalions on the final sector it just feels so anticlimactic like a grind when [ __ ] like that happens or on Monte grappa or conquer hell there are certain points on each map where it just feels so weighted towards the defense I think operations is nearly perfect in its design aside from a few sectors like this I love how with each battalion there's a sort of intermission where both sides regroup and start fresh it's perfect for pacing as playing for 40 straight minutes could get quite tiresome plus the music is great too and it types you up to get back into the fight then in regards to how each faction feels the voice acting is memorable as hell and really immerses you in their shoes I love playing as the italians throwing down a pack of bullets and here on my character yo the line delivery is so [ __ ] over-the-top and intense in terms of gun played there are so many weapons to choose from so there's always gonna be something to figure play style and it is such a quality a life benefit to be able to change your classes in the middle of a match most games don't allow you to do that I play each class and fill around with the different weapons but of course if you want to be this guy and use the same sniper rifle until you get 10,000 plus kills well you can do that but it seems boring as [ __ ] to me and that's another thing I think this is exclusive to battlefield but there are people who just simply wait and spawn until they can get a specific vehicle and they never they never play on the ground they just wait for a plane or a tank or whatever and those players are just the worst gunplay is satisfying as hell time to kill feels just right and battlefield 1 overall feels more skill-based than say call it duty you really need to learn the weapons and the mechanics and you need to lead your shots in order to excel in this game and you need a diverse squad so you can cover all your bases and let me just say how funny it is they actually added the colibri into this game like it's so impractical it's actually hilarious vehicles and planes are exceptionally strong in this game it's possible with a bit of skill and luck to destroy them on your own but for the most part it takes a coordinated team or squad to take down an enemy tank or plane especially if they know what they're doing and on the flip side it's a power trip to get your own vehicle and demolish the enemy lines battlefield 1 in all facets of gameplay is simply addicting it's fun has plenty of depth and the sweeping landscapes you travel to and fight in are spectacular and immersive I wasn't a battlefield fan before this but because of this multiplayer I am now since this is the first battlefield I've really invested a lot of time into I just like to say that well I didn't expect this game to have so many [ __ ] tabs menus and extra content all over the place and I mean that in a good way there's a lot of depth to this game in terms of customization settings and features so let's run through it all shall we to be fair a lot of this stuff wasn't here at release countless firearms melee weapons vehicles and equipment were added later through free updates or paid DLC you got the platoons which were patched in later they're basically claims you can join represent your team colors and identity as a leader you can bestow ranks to your team I mean this is really cool the specialization parks weren't in the game during launch which are an interesting way to give your custom classes more defined roles and advantages even if they aren't super impactful that's another thing I always felt the challenges in this game were superb and fun to accomplish as you level up you earn war bonds to buy various equipment weapons etc but some weapons can only be unlocked through specific challenges while some are more tedious and annoying like get 25 kills with anti-tank mines others are more simple like get X number of kills with this weapon it's nice because it's so simple and it makes you feel like you need to master weapon before you can unlock a variant of it although the game does kind of go overboard with variant weapons that don't really change too much but without these challenges I wouldn't have felt compelled to use half the weapons I did in this game it's an incentive to try new things experiment and to keep playing there's also dog tags which you can steal off of other players by getting melee kills nice little way to showcase your accomplishments medals are specified sets of challenges that rotate on a weekly basis these can give you bonus xp and you can collect them on just like a pokeyman that's one thing I'll give battlefield one some credit for it has a great sense of completion earning ribbons medals achievements unlocking guns levelling up finishing up your Codex finding field manuals weapon challenges it's all a part of making a game that the players want to come back to despite how much was added later down the line it goes to show how consistent and impactful the updates to Battlefield 1 have been over the course of its lifespan how committed dice has been to it what really impresses me is how many PC friendly settings there are I mean being able to change things like the motion blur field of view our elements that just aren't expected of console games or ports so let's say you're a huge PC gamer but you can't afford one so you get next bone or ps4 well it might not play like a PC you can customize the game like it is one I don't really mess around with settings all that much but I do appreciate their inclusion of course there's a server browser and you can set your own parameters within it to narrow down your search and find the right game for you and if you're a big battlefield fan well the game allows you to seamlessly swap between games if you choose I like this user interface it's not too absurd or complex and it's easy to navigate which is something as you know I just have to give credit for regrettably because this game was published under EA there's a million [ __ ] things they want you to buy with real money yes the battle packs are almost entirely cosmetic but the skins offered just aren't all that good here's a slightly dirtier version of a weapon whoop-dee-doo there's just so much side [ __ ] in this game for example you can unlock special melee weapons that are kind of cool by randomly getting puzzle pieces and loot boxes now remember I have over 140 hours in this game I have not purchased any loop boxes with real money and I am not finished a single puzzle yet talk about a [ __ ] grind fest a hundred and forty [ __ ] hours into this game it is just absurd the scrap system is just oh such a [ __ ] grind but while the grind for normal weapons isn't too extreme the fact that they are literally offering you the option to skip the progression system is [ __ ] up they'll even try to hide it or twist their words in the weapons kit it actually says buying this you will unlock everything tied to gameplay progression when an insulting business model created an absurd grind and then charged people to skip it Jesus Christ man so glad loot boxes and all this [ __ ] blew up in da face all this crap is so overwhelming and unnecessary it's like how many things can we find to charge people money for by the battlefield one heroes bundle for exclusive skins and weapons only $24.99 subscribe to EA excess save 10% it's only $4.99 to buy battlefield 5 like God shut it all off my view is simply this the more price tags I see within a game I already paid for the more pissed off I get while battlefield one certainly packs a punch with all its extra features ease of use while it has tight and simple user interface and gives players the ability to customize this game to their heart's content the greed certainly slipped through the cracks and for me cheapens the overall experience all-in-all battlefield 1 is a historic spectacle of machine guns trench warfare intense dogfights and bone-shaking gun battles operations is quite possibly the most ambitious mode I've seen and played through I literally can't get enough of it all the vehicles weapons are fun to use and it's just exhilarating to go back to this quote-unquote forgotten time period I feel like dice really gave this game every bit of love it needed and even though EA tried their best to monetize the [ __ ] out of it I still have a blast with battlefield one it's a type of game that I can buy all the DLC for without even looking into it because the gameplay is that strong and captivating to me that I know I will enjoy the bonus content battlefield 1 is more than just a fun game it's a history lesson it's a reflection and in my 21 years of gaming experience I can think of maybe one other title that got me to reflect on the history of mankind in such a way despite the shortcomings within the war stories I felt the greater meaning behind them and their statements on war this game got me interested in history it gave me something to think about and it helped me pay respects to those that gave their lives and that is why battlefield 1 is so awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 3,709,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DICE, Dice sweden, EA, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 1 operations, battlefield 1 gameplay, battlefield 1 war stories, battlefield 1 multiplayer, battlefield 1 trailer, the act man, act man, Battlefield 1 review, act man review, act man battlefield, battlefield 5, battlefield 1 DICE, in the name of the tsar, they shall not pass, battlefield 1 soundtrack, battlefield 1 funny moments, battlefield 1 theme
Id: EEJGpRxobt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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