Everything GREAT About Spider-Man: Miles Morales!

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[Music] miles starts his journey down in the subway standing next to those he's tasked with protecting versus peter in the first game overlooking his city is the snapchat text tone copyrighted did insomniac have to pay for that right away as we exit the subway we're shown this is miles game the colorful street bathed in this orange glow the color palette is so much wider here than in peter's game miles says later that he doesn't feel at home in harlem the music here and the way he's interacting with everyone could suggest otherwise i like to read this as miles putting on a mask to cover his insecurities that he hasn't quite conquered yet shake a leg versus break a leg like that some of the things peter says is so very obviously coming from an older guy but he owns it oh first time seeing miles in the suit and does he make an entrance all the suits in here are great but this one here is my favorite it looks so much more comfortable to be in than a traditional suit mao's theme started from the second the suit up happened but it doesn't explode into its full form until the player gets to swing as him for the first time it's like we're being celebrated along with miles and you can't deny the amount of work and nuance that went into this spin-off just look at the way miles swings this is a kid having so much fun flying through the streets of new york but avoid midtown that prison convoy is making traffic at night a little late on that one ma you know drinking upside down has always been a weird thing for my brain to wrap around i thought it was gravity with a little help from my mouth that made stuff go down oh and neat visual representation of what it truly means to be spider-man which is boiled down to drinking coffee upside down peter's still the pro oh this shop makes me feel things it's so hype having two spider people work together i love how peter is just dealing with rhino around us it's happening whether you look or not never see the big guy up close like this freaking nuts he's the work of heart all right i know they're talking about rhino but it could be taken as if they're talking about peter we as the player haven't got to see peter works since we've only played as him previously are you asking him that because rhino wasn't introduced until 1966 that's me and peter there's no way you could know your holiday spirit's a little overzealous this year alexi something i don't think miles can beat this peter on are his quips miles are good but peter's never not land for me headlines gonna be a doozy worst thing out of this is a bad headline i'm gonna count us lucky yeah you won't be saying that later i got this take it away huh cow poke is another word for cowboy so yeah go get him cowboy gotcha and you're safe you too you all know having the hero save people makes my spidey sense tingles so naturally i love this hey that's the insomniac logo if peter made me tingle before then i'm in complete ecstasy at this sexy ass maneuver for miles also this works so well having two spider-man i hope so bad that the next game has an opt-in co-op option how awesome would it be to do this in real time with a buddy i know that might be wishful thinking so at least make them both playable in the next game he's a low energy menace he's a weak minded low energy and weak minded funny because those are the complete opposite of what miles is throughout this game i might be reading too much into this which is kind of the point of this channel but miles webs a car while peter webs a fire hydra fire hydrants have a long pipe that connects to another underground thus making it a much sturdier option versus a car to stop rhino a quick little visual representation of their experience levels i mean it doesn't work anyway but it's the thought that counts i guess we play peter's hero theme as he gets his ass whooped this spider-man is broken i would like to exchange for new one who said only spider-man can i quite rhino does he chase miles around in the first game and miles finally gets to stand up to rhino after probably receiving ptsd from him in the first game wow just the [ __ ] is justin timberlake doing in this game hold on let me check to see if they used him to voice god damn it it's troy baker again is this dude in every game ever ah sorry i think our ball landed in your yard like father and son playing catch or two brothers playing catch i'm gonna go with brothers since we've already got the father one from spider-verse future's looking bright uh you could say that [Music] okay peter's remodel is not my first choice personally but i don't hate it and i don't think we should give him sonyak so much hell for it i will admit in the ps5 remaster he looks weird but i think that can be just chalked up to it probably being a rushed patch job whereas here i think the model looks remarkably better i have a feeling by the time spider-man 2 comes out they'll nail his facial animations and this will all just feel like a weird dream kind of a working vacation for us oh man after all peter's been through ant-man dying the sinister six facial reconstruction surgery i think he deserves a nice vacation but first you gotta take the oath oh um okay that slowdown of milesteen is so pretty i won't risk playing it here but the use of the licensed music is always so poignant for miles i've had the four tracks on repeat while creating this video i know i'm so glad that miles has his own guy in the chair it would suck if he didn't have anyone to bounce off up throughout the game if i found out i had spider powers you bet i would tell my best friend oh my god this starter suit for miles is so goofy looking maybe i'll take back what i said about brothers because this looks like a protective dad made this suit complete with pads and everything miles get ready for your first holographic training challenge here's a fun way to get more peter into the game introduce some side activities and train miles and being spider-man always have your story do multiple things at once insomniac incapacitating three vultures with one web shooter oh we gotta name it how about venom power you know because it stings you know i'm kind of liking genki i'm so glad that he was done well hi there i'm simon krieger yeah i'd be startled too if justin just started screaming at me out of nowhere stark logo anyone the moving spider lenses has been a great addition to the marvel movies and these games gathering all that expression while keeping the mask on really helps [Applause] miles is new to this his spidey sense kind of sucks what are these weapons memory metal no miles it's called transformium i gotta get home christmas dinner's sounding pretty good right about now miles morales is definitely my favorite christmas game you don't have a favorite christmas game it's a thing i swear of the three you could choose from you got one representing mom one representing dad and a nice christmas song finn hey fix your doorbell look at finn fixing problems no one asks her to fix she's a real go-getter she is i hope she continues this altruism in a positive way uh energy converter jinx their excitement is so cute here makes me so sad that she uses that creation to essentially rip their friendship apart come on it worked miles being friendly to the neighborhood why couldn't he just use the same window that he exited out of sure but would have made for a fun little scene like this no you guys sit down i got this even in his home life he's taking all the responsibility on himself sure it's just a ham but like let me have this damn does this dinner make me wish i had a family like this it's so wholesome and they did a great job capturing the love that miles fears to lose i had to quit but i've been studying biotech on my own funny that she's researching biotech but doesn't really know miles does your brother rick still work for roxanne i don't know how anyone could work there after seeing your last campaign ad spoken like a true politician and quickly changing the subject while still satisfying who asked harlem needs someone to fight for the community i like the focus on harlem throughout the game it's not all of new york that miles is trying to save i mean yes but the lens is more tuned here his new home where he knows nobody still as smooth as the last time i saw you this is adorable but like that's dirty sink water y'all miles what you awake no haven't we all done that you just fell asleep again didn't you and he was telling the truth you know i like a nice diegetic hud didn't know miles was seeing the same stuff as us i know there was recently a vr spider-man game but how long do you think till we get something on this level god vr is so cool and new it's exciting and report crimes in progress nice ui thanks insomniac having miles say nice ui is like the human brain saying that it's the most complex thing in the universe i'm spider-man by the way yeah i know glad you clarified for him i bet he was so confused beforehand so uh you call spider-man often have you uh been working at the subway long this is adorable but also kind of sad miles hasn't gotten to see his uncle much if at all since the falling out between him and his dad he's got to speak in tongues just to get a moment with his aaron there are way too many wires on this one i say that about my pc setup every day you have a plan sort of making it up as i go the mark of the true spiderman watching your moves on those escape cons juking guys left and right could've sworn i was back at the park playing pickup with you and your dad who knew miles was doing cartwheels and flips to juke out his uncle aaron and pick up hey molasses up here late for the date slow and sneaking around in the game slow and becoming spider-man yeah i'd say it's a perfect nickname for him keep it secret keep it safe rick is gandalf too bad he didn't resurrect right then the fibonacci sequence with math and science nerds what else could you expect you think it's still on display at the science center probably not seeing as they tore it down before the events of spider-man and then rebuilt it in the year before this game started something going on with him yeah he's [ __ ] dead crap now i'm late oh now you're running late i haven't mentioned him yet so i will hear miles cut is fresh that fade in lineup so much better than what he was rocking in the first game if you're gonna do a loading screen may as well entertain us while you do it too bad these subway scenes aren't in the ps5 version you okay [Music] jeez i couldn't imagine how scary i'd feel to be in miles shoes [Music] oh damn best friends changing into a nice battle theme for them going head to head for the first time [Music] i'm no comic reader and i'm very slow to pick things up my first time around so this reveal completely shocked me and had my jaw on the floor also i'm glad they made this reveal at the midpoint versus doing some twist reveal at the end this completely changes the story that we were expecting and creates a much more compelling challenge for miles to overcome since miles is still learning to become spider-man he's got to go through all those beginner spider-man tropes such as being the reason everyone's in danger keep him busy that's really all it would be i appreciate the effort miles but did you really think you'd stop a whole ass suspension cable with just your strength a web and nothing to brace on gotta win it this set piece is what i wanted marvel's avengers scene to focus on not widow fighting taskmaster stop this and every spider-man has gotta have his jesus moment copy [Music] uncle aaron tried to warn you miles i said put that phone away this commentary might make some uncomfortable and i'm glad this is how it really is and i like that miles morales bring some attention to it more on this later what the hell oh yeah i was so wrapped up in the story i completely forgot about miles invisibility ben's the tinkerer she stole the new form no idea why and it's my thought the bridge blew up my house can't catch a break it's one thing after another for this kid when i was 17 i thought the hardest thing about my life was juggling all my theater and choir responsibilities i'd definitely die if i had all this responsibility which is what makes miles great our family doesn't give up i can hear them screaming to not say our family doesn't run from things since spider-verse used that two years prior when i got powers and i i thought i'll be able to fix anything do anything that spider-man does do whatever a spider can whenever you say spider-man you always mean the other one you're spider-man everyone deserves a friend like genki another licensed song that i love this is playstation miles what's up danger prowler colors no matter how you slice it becoming spider-man is still a bit about going through puberty uh almost there oh look at that suit and swinging past central station the empire state no don't do that okay i trust you gotta love peter's faith in miles dare i say everyone deserves a friend like peter something i thought of and felt like putting here versus in the conclusion is that miles powers that differ from peter's are so poignant to his character and the star he's hiding and feels alone even though he's got all this drive to do good for his borough and city at large reflecting his invisibility and venom powers that dude in the background is just like yeah just another day in new york people are probably so used to spider-man whooping some ass christmas break sure is different this year i should be at home taking naps playing a ton of video games sounds like what my christmas break is going to be wait i just go in a circle what the hell insomniac he could have just made it a straight line the guy who installed that is clearly padding his resume kind of like this game huh damn miles we're a skinny ass kid you hit hard even most people probably know that uncle aaron is the prowler the reveal is still treated with the respect for the few that might have not known right now it would help me for you to go back to your lap krieger's face being bathed in red as he threatens his employee and i can't believe my nephew's risking his neck for a phone is that a jab at us jen's ears yeah during each one new form made rick sick all the new form reactors are in the same place as roxanne's advertisement showed attention to detail so you're telling me that miles would never have to charge his phone again there's the real reason i want spidey powers i like the detail of miles health bar going up and down as the power of the reactor is making him strong but it's also just too much to handle if you take the left i'll take the right immediately goes left go ahead try and get up oh damn what's with things on top of subways that you'll hit your oh glad they addressed that people get stupid when they care about someone speaking from personal experience and trying to help your nephew i've been running some numbers and i know you said no to ads before but maybe we could reconsider no okay miles i gave you it coming from and it's admirable but peter was homeless last game i think you could use a bit of money i'll stop telling you what to do but i worry about you mijo i really appreciate the way rio is raising miles giving him space and not being overbearing fisk towers most definitely this universe's trump's tower you got the skills to back that up next time you're free taking you down well i know here you meant basketball but when miles frees himself from rocks on later you go and try to take him down and lock him up until the heat dies down so keeping your word i guess if that new spider-man hadn't shown up everyone would have been fine finn's not wrong here it would have been an open and closed operation another reason i like finn as the antagonist so much maybe i could join your club crew team it's nice they dodge the your way in over your head trope since miles is spider-man he doesn't judge her and after seeing her capabilities there's no reason he should doubt her you know i'm not good with heights i'm gonna take that as real canon that miles is afraid of heights because i think it's funny it's a pretty simple test but also like a crazy one imagine you're just a normal person trying to do this you could just [ __ ] die so the underground is hardcore miles make it look good oh yeah miles ham it up wait his name is genki lee i know lee is a common last name and it would have come up if he was mr negative's son but still kind of strange that they could have picked any last name and went with lee see you back here soon definitely sooner than you realize put into a cell suspended over an alligator pit and then making a bomb out of gum wrappers to escape wait what no yeah genki what the [ __ ] this is pretty cool i would have liked it even more if they got suspicious because they could feel his presence that's a thing i promise think of sunflowers think of sunflowers looks like the underground are squatting in old fist construction sites smart reuse of old assets while you were sleeping in i kind of played speed on a gun is this a super hexagon reference underground are everywhere you might say they're overground i love genki god appreciate the fact that miles just eats his way through the door without knowing at all what's on the other side really feeling like my gaming rig is underpowered right now me too genki me too [Music] this is the worst ice skating date ever i gotta call you back i don't know what they had to do about cutscene transitions like this but damn it is clean as hell i know these guys aren't famous like the boys superheroes but there's gotta be someone weirded out that spider-man is buddy buddy with a thief even without the raid tracing take a look at miles lenses trinity church remember tinker is yours but leave the boy alone you fake [ __ ] some nice attention to blocking here they are on different levels reflecting their different ideals and don't meet until miles offers some relatable ground [Music] i [ __ ] guess rhino's just back where are we you're behind the curtain bud behind the iron curtain you might say he said the only thing you knew how to do was sell other people's ideas to be fair who's to say rick was any good at selling ideas there's whole job markets out there for people just to sell products so maybe krieger isn't that bad a dude after all i'm kidding he's awful i'm gonna hit the gym leg day can't skip it oh i can thank god we play as spider-man and not make this a thin stealth section since she's without her weapons you caught them but it was thanks to your intel so clearly there's something going on there a weird even more perverted version of krieger and rick spiderman cute perfect miles walks like a straight up g finn's wounds on her face are the same as after rick died say all you want about roxanne they've got a knack for consistency i thought i'd miss having a brother but i had you uh i don't know how to take that and i i thought they were more on the romantic side versus familial i don't know maybe i read their scenes wrong do you like my new color color or collar oh both work oh damn fan all right you got some respect for that one quick miles find the horn for genki he also told me it was your fault dude you're like already dead why are you taunting her sometimes you just got to have a bad dude being bad got me kidnapped anger anger anger [Music] oh both of mile's parents are there for him if you look closely miles spider-sense goes off right before aaron snipes your butt let me know in the comments if you can actually dodge it and i'm not gonna let people die just to save my skin i think miles gets it this isn't about me at all it's about you you're afraid don't you turn this on me george lucas this is how you have two characters throw down have them talk throughout the fight it makes their confrontation so much more engaging throw yourself at enemies you can't beat know who else did that don't say his name this is just one of the many parallels between miles and finn also with then both making promises and wanting to save harlem the [ __ ] was that goofy run miles oh man sorry all good whoa weird seeing you here as it feels like you should have no memory of this place pete what the [ __ ] is that face miles why young miles so goofy [Music] get out of here young blood browner to the rescue we can take down rockstar with what we know about new forms it won't work no one cares a theme i mentioned earlier that i wish was explored more is the gentrification of harlem and the disenfranchisement of those who reside there i think it's a really important topic now more than ever and if this game was longer i bet they would have gone into more depth with it i know about the promise you made to rick but he wouldn't want don't say his name another parallel between miles and finn why do you keep fighting because i'm spider-man you won't stop me then i'll go down trying this shouldn't be happening i can stop it [Music] doesn't hold a grudge or says i told you so just get straight to work oh god please don't gwen stacy her ass [Music] i'm sorry it's okay did you feel that wave rush over your body because those were some goosebumps who would have guessed that insomniac would use one of the final big payoff shots of miles becoming spider-man to market the game this is hella giving me shark boy and lava grow vibes you know when shark boy is running lava girl to volcano oh best friend's coming back one more time it's okay i can't just let go let go it's not a redemption but it's amends at least consequences for my actions is everyone okay we're safe all of us first thing he's worried about other people homeboy is spider-man that guy he's our spotted man damn right having it be the same painter man staying up for miles and then putting him up there next to peter is a great little mini arc for this character and one great payoff for miles this rewalk of harlem is miles truly embracing his people and them receiving him love that peter isn't jumping into the scene to try and steal the spotlight he's just there waiting patiently while miles gets to have his time suit so cool he's there this is miles time he's in front of peter and it's solely his theme playing no blending of the two this was his game and i'm so glad they didn't have peter step on that at all he's been in there long enough mr osborne i understand he's your son but he's my one he's gone hobgoblin's coming oh purposely leaving the left side of the frame empty for where fenn should be you don't need to make a judgment on finn's life mijo or her death just remember who she was and why you loved her i think we could use a lot more of that less judging and more loving spider-man miles morales is 100 a spin-off and i think that is very important to keep in mind when thinking critically about this game i know it's almost universally loved but i'm speaking to the few that are lukewarm about the game mechanically and narratively its purpose wasn't to revolutionize or reinvent the game mechanics and i believe that it's staying so similar to its predecessor lens miles morales strength with that said it's not without its many improvements over the first before i get into those i would like to mention that i haven't reviewed the first game yet on this channel so there are many things i chose not to win as i'm sure you're familiar with those types of things such as miles is exerted when talking while swinging versus not the most perfect spider-man swing we've had in the spider-man game or the fact that these are some of the best spider-man stories told outside of comics well i'll actually talk about that last one even with this game being a spin-off insomniac does their leg work to make this game worth its 50 price tag off the bat with this being a ps5 launch title that's also playable on the ps4 thank god it's goddamn gorgeous to look at especially when the snowy roads of new york are bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun it's so cinematic all the time which isn't anything new as the first one was just as great in this regard but there's new life pumped into it here literally with insomniac's take on miles and mechanically with how they crafted the entire experience after i started the game i was glued and couldn't put it down i finished it the night i downloaded it you could say i'm just a spider-man chill which is accurate but i like to think it's because this game is actually just that good this might be a bold statement but i think i might like miles morales more than the first game it's shorter sure but i love miles character miles morales to me is spider-man just like the people of harlem said at the end of the game that's our spider-man and what i mean by that is peter parker will always have a place in our hearts he's our poster boy the man that started it all but there's quality to miles that i feel digs straight into a more modern generation for me personally i see myself so much more in miles than i do peter and i love that there's two takes on spider-man they aren't the same guy but they both care about their city anybody can wear the mask and by having miles adopt that mask it brings in so many other people to identify with the spider-man there will be people who see themselves in miles and in peter or in both it's going to sound hokey-dokey but spider-man is a character that everyone can rally around and i mean everyone this has always been the case but damn does that case just keep getting stronger it's why he's been the most popular superhero ever my favorite aspect of the story is that finn is the antagonist and not in the traditional sense we have our bad guy and that's justin i mean krieger but he doesn't really have much to do with miles character arc as finn does finn is a major proponent in miles completing his arc i mean without her he wouldn't even have the option to attempt to sacrifice himself for harlem and i mean what's more spider-man than being ready to die for new york and in this example which is even better harlem that detail alone makes the scene even sweeter because miles felt like an outsider in harlem but he still is ready to lay down for them this story was about miles becoming spider-man in his heart of hearts he already had the morals and people calling him spider-man but he didn't believe it he was consumed with imposter syndrome and had to work through that which i loved experiencing because i'm personally working through my own imposter syndrome with the creation of this channel but anyway miles does overcome it quickly and gets down to brass text of being spider-man this was his true origin story and i loved watching miles grow into that role by the end back to finn having an antagonist that has correct ideals but going about it in the wrong way is about as good as you can get for an antagonist i like that this is how we got miles and finn to come into conflict they both love each other but are so stalwart in their ideals they have to fight and they're fighting for the same outcome and it's all just so tragic but even after all this our girlfriend gets to come back in the end for some redemption and i only mean some as it was her actions that started the problem in the first place her i'm sorry and it's okay let go almost had me in tears failing is the best way to learn sometimes it's just a shame that her mistake had such high stakes it cost her it cost her life miles wanted to save everybody but in order to do that he had to lose one of the most important people in his life it's a beautiful mirror to peter's choice in the first game with the antidote for aunt may they had responsibilities bigger than themselves and had to uphold that because that's what spider-man does i'd be a dumb boy to not at least mention it here but john passino murdered the score for this game just as he did with the first and also the daredevil netflix series the hip-hop undertones with his use of light motifs and the licensed music all came together to create a memorable score that had me googling tracks to find my favorites by the way best friends in new york's only spider-man are those two oh and each of the license song are bangers as well this score screams miles morales and it's not predatory of the score for peter these are two different spider-man and it's perfectly reflected in the music and since i haven't mentioned it yet miles morales really does swing around with the swagger of the i'm kidding i'm done i'm kidding but truly the swinging in this game is fantastic it was already great from the first game but then they came around and just made it so much better the animations are stitched together seamlessly and the trick smiles performance makes swing feel almost therapeutic like seriously next time i'm having a panic attack i'm just going to switch on this game turn off all hud elements and swing also yes miles does swing as if he's a kid that's full of life and new to being spider-man everyone knows this and it's great final note mr morales i got tired of saying miles doesn't use gadgets as much in his combat like peter which fits well because we got his venom powers to replace those and i love the venom powers would have even more if i could afford a ps5 because those particle effects are so pretty like miles is killing these dudes no question no one is surviving these punches the new moves work themselves seamlessly into the flow of combat and make for a nice alternator experience from peter to be fair i played peter like a piece of [ __ ] and kitted myself out with web blossoms spam all my gadgets and then just use my banged finishers until i had more gadgets and then web blossom was back up it was a broken combo but i loved it and it made me feel like tony peter parker anyway sticky boy kilometer molasses was a great way to kick off the new current gin and a great appetizer for what is to come with peter parker 2 hob goblins nativity featuring miles morales i trust insomniac with whatever direction they want to take with this franchise and i hope to god that i can get used to the 16 year old looking [Music] peter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 95,524
Rating: 4.9372549 out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, miles morales review, spiderman miles morales, everything great about, everything great about spiderman miles morales, everything great miles morales, spiderman miles morales analysis, spiderman miles morales review, spiderman miles morales critique, miles morales, things you missed about miles morales, miles morales missed details, miles morales easter eggs, everything great about spider man
Id: jsMVr61tn40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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