Everyone WANTS TO MARRY APHMAU in Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Proud-Employee-8801 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

Ein has terminal stage 4 lung cancer

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2023 🗫︎ replies
marry me huh no she's gonna marry me uh hang on what are you talking about she's marrying me I love you cheers all my friends want to marry me all right I found all of this Redstone huh Ian fireworks will you uh do you the pleasure of marrying me what excuse me hey what are you doing oh uh Aaron let's talk about this that was weird yeah will you marry me uh excuse me what [Music] he's not ready maybe turn around so I can think about it for a bit oh okay sure I'll turn around yeah um did you think about it yet sorry kids why is everyone being so weird hey oh aphmau there you are yeah everyone's being really weird I just had two people all I know is that you're just in time what what am I in time for for you to marry me what so what do you think [Music] get back to my house no no why is everyone being so weird everyone is being really weird even Zan and Kim and I mean Ian asked me to marry him a lot but he means it okay see you what's up what's going on in here it's pretty well I have a question for you oh it says my cake thank you so much marry me I don't want to marry you stay calm try to help okay just everybody's going wild go in there get in there go go go go go go go go go go hey what's going on I don't know people are being weird I mean like you're super cute like everything it's understandable why everyone would want to marry you but I know people gotta be more respectful you know yeah here's that's really sweet thank you yeah yeah yeah okay uh I mean this place is nice at all but we should probably keep moving so uh here let's uh there we go here's what's awesome thank you thank you I've been working a little bit from time to time you know it's just not just all about sheep I mean most of them are cheap but anyway nice tunnel oh diamond in the sky oh yeah now hey Pierce what's going on hey um are you gonna repost me with a diamond please don't yeah back up no I show some respect here huh no no no no it's okay no I'm not gonna try and marry you right now oh you're not no I mean well but you know I know what's been going on out there everyone's been trying to marry you and that's a lot of pressure I want you to choose who's right for you thanks guys I appreciate it everyone's else just so crazy and it's stressing me out I know well it's not much but uh here this might help you oh thank you thanks for the diamond noi you're a great friend both of you are it's not much compared to what you probably have but hey just a little gift I appreciate it hey guys [Music] are you trying to steal my girl oh let's get that about this now what's the marry me [Music] find her son in the sky Zane you're not supposed to go get the sun Kim uh which is why you'll never find out [Applause] [Music] this is so weird oh have you tried asking them nicely guys everyone everyone I just had a thought what if Aaron is looking for her too she does really like that guy point we better get him out of the way if he proposes it's over for the rest of us oh oh good thing I brought my good TNT no no man it's real shape about that Aaron guy huh oh yeah sure oh that's a thing come on down okay [Music] there we go invisibility potion for you invisibility [Music] hey guys I think we need a little more TNT over here yeah yeah yeah perfect that's a good spread why are we hiding we're invisible that's true sorry sorry I didn't think about that [Music] um the windows why are the windows pick the windows oh I love breaking Windows who's out there oh wait a minute what happened to the glass wait what is this oh get away from my house [Music] get out of here where's that coming from retreat yeah guys you better run should we win we got it we got him oh good job everyone we saved Aaron good job all right let's figure out what we're doing next yeah true come on guys let's go back to my safe secret base we'll we'll be there as much as I appreciate the help I think it's best if I just go home uh you sure about that I mean today was fun but I don't want to spend all my time running away from everybody and hiding and you know I'm just gonna go think about this don't worry I might make some tools and just chill now I don't think that's safe right about now yeah you know everyone will come for you it's best if you stay with us guys I'm not living like this anymore okay it's fine I'll be okay no one's here all right they're looking for me else elsewhere you know there she is what happened oh boy see we told you Harry how me are you doing this you know what okay you know what I'm putting my foot down here right now uh enough is enough this is getting out of hand and I want to play Minecraft in peace okay you guys are all my friends and you know what since you're all my friends against my better judgment I'm going to go ahead and let you guys take me out on dates and whoever gives me the best Minecraft date maybe I'll marry if you guys promise to just let me play the game in peace after that yeah what I'll do this okay so he 'll see how this is going to go everyone nice skins by the way everyone is going to get a chance to take me on a date and then I'll decide if you get a rose all right I've seen this before I promise I'll actually yeah those aren't actually roses those are poppies I mean there's the similar color there but I just think okay so you're not getting a roast uh anyway me me okay Ian Yang is the first date oh man don't know so what do you have in mind uh too bad you all suck uh State mining okay um what am I getting some time hey you're diamonds too you know yeah but it's not your date Aaron not your turn okay this is our date Aaron Aaron this is supposed to be a private date yeah maybe I'm here just the mind for myself oh that's true maybe we should calm down though okay we'll go on a double date ish kind of we'll see what does better it gets most diamonds and stuff you know yeah yeah sure on I'm gonna go find some diamonds and ah there's gold if I find it first how about come here come here yeah there's school it's probably in the way uh it's in the way of what um well getting diamonds maybe there's some diamonds behind it maybe we should load up some TNT just to get the diamonds right what yeah yeah he won't do that of course not it's Ian he doesn't want to marry ath more than he loves gold it's fine it's okay I love you don't you want a rose oh you're actually gonna do it oh um there's no diamonds I mean you don't mind it too okay okay come over here I found diamonds oh you did yeah yeah check it out what oh I even built a bridge to help you get them look at you that's and you put a little Bridge down for me to walk on top of that was great look at that I knew I could beat Ian [Music] I got hit with the narrow and fell off the bridge you know you know it's whatever and all is there in Love and War I'll get that diamond for you my golden guy too bad I already got him don't call me that though okay oh oh okay I mean Aaron loses entire inventory Ian that's not nice there you are [Applause] that was something you know what first date is over so do I get a roast actually you know what you get what sword in the face stupid guys don't even know how to do a good thing in my defense I don't want to hear it right now this is supposed to be a date okay and it turned into just another fight hey YF it's finally ready what's ready oh please don't make it be like another weird thing no no no it's just our date a very regular very mind crafty but very fun date okay fine I guess I did tell everyone that they could get a chance so ah perfect plus if I showcase see how good I am at arranging dates and it's gonna do wonders for my chances with her what excuse me are you marrying me nothing you heard nothing absolutely this is all for you oh thank you don't correct me on the poppy thing again but never pretending it's a rose what you did all this for me say that's awesome no it's my pleasure hop in oh this knees well thank you wow this is so cute aren't you worried about the safety on this side oh it's perfectly safe I don't think this seems safe low Ian hey there hey where are we going now uh Aaron Aaron what are you doing Aaron what's happening yeah Zane this isn't even a good date there's no gold why are we going faster yeah and it's not safe oh boy why is she so close today uh do I keep saying on this or what oh you make that sound like a bad thing we're having a great time okay Aaron you left your lover unattended well I guess this is Dory let's get to the next one out of the way you love her boy yeah we go oh my gosh for real and yeah it wasn't my fault you're supposed to get Zayn Not chords are dangerous they should be used for mining and not fun okay Aaron are you okay fine I'm good I just need some food don't worry about that I've got some snacks here these will help you fill right up oh my gosh I I I'm not you're not getting a rose for this oh [Music] it's an outdoor cat cafe oh that's cute there's uh I'm not really surprised by this though but it's cute do you have diamonds on you maybe of course oh you know me so well how are you but I'm sure these few are nothing compared to your treasure what my like my heart I knew I should have done a horse Cafe I can see you guys I literally see every single one of you anyway great idea oh do you want to tame a kitty of course I do oh this is a fish IES or kitties wait a minute Casey what's that what is that thing is that a big cat big cat a big cat okay it's a it's like a lion she looks like a polar bear kind of too but I guess if it's not me then maybe you should be the lion [Music] oh I'll give you the rose if you go feed the lion [Music] the state is boring we need some spice on this date what's going on oh wait you're not supposed to attack the lion oh it's Bobby oh it's closer Sharp I was wrong oh I don't think this is a good date um wait no because you lied to me you put me in danger by the way out that was actually a lioness not a lion [Music] all right K as long as I'm alive to remember and nothing attacks me we'll be fine all right okay Step Right This Way little lady Milady okay uh tip of the Hat much uh I guess I'll jump in all right guide me on the stage Kim where are we going cheers [Music] watch it watch it all right [Music] okay oh this is kind of nice thanks anyway I got a surprise for you send me your pickaxe please what my pickaxe oh sure yeah take it there you go walkie-talkie let me take a look at this and a little magic there and so here you are oh thanks yeah pretty nice nice enough to get a rose right um we'll see about that okay uh it's not over yet but maybe this will be really calm it's kind of nice you know a nice little enchanting gate hi hi huh I deemed this date to be cruel and unusual talking about what are you all doing putting together books and love is a war crime and oh I think this is too dangerous fire [Music] oh wow you're never doing anything right I'm really tired sabotage [Applause] [Music] okay getting out of hands it seems that no one got anything I really don't do anymore I gathers need to pick someone so I can marry them and get back to playing Minecraft all my options kind of not that great though oh yeah well I got the idea [Music] please please please please here stop stop stop stop the whole front first angle only works if she realizes it on her own oh are you okay what are you guys talking about I think it's time you marry me what oh come on Zane told us you're loading loaded what Jane told us all about your diamonds and emeralds and even you got some gold too you've got so much amazing stuff whoever gets to marry you get half your stuff that's how it works enough with that game's aphmau we all know that you're gonna kill me I've made my choice I'm gonna start by saying this all of the dates were terrible and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it they were all horrible I got hit with an arrow in one I got set on fire I got exploded there was just a lot of people fighting okay and I think I've made my choice here you are the red [Music] if you just want to marry me because of all of the treasure that I supposedly have like diamonds and gold you know what follow me come here let me show you all of my riches okay let me show you how loaded I am I got so much ready and over here I know [Music] before you go in you need to wait for me to tell you to open the chest okay I'm just gonna go back into the other room don't look around keep your eyes focused on me try to figure out who gets what because you can all have it I don't even need to get wow this quarter right here this would be by the quarter right here it's clearly gonna be mine don't get out of here guys go ahead you can open the chest something's wrong oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,870,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, everyone wants to marry aphmau, aphmau gets married, aphmau marriage mod, aphmau get married, minecraft marriage mod, aphmau dating mod, aphmau wedding, minecraft wedding, minecraft wedding mod, aphmau bride, aphmau marries aaron, aphmau wedding pranks
Id: 3Q4OL2qO-Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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