Saying YES for 24 HOURS in Minecraft!

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today we are only able to say yes uh hey app can help me fix my toilet oh no I mean yes wait aphmau will you love me forever uh no no I mean yes we can only say yes or else all right I'm gonna eat some more honey to make my cake that oh there's a beehive ah it doesn't look like there's any honey inside but maybe hmm what's that is that an egg I mean I don't need it for the modded recipe but maybe I could use it use it huh what does it do a note say yes to everything for 24 hours or else [Music] weird fortunate egg or something there you are have you seen my magic chicken you're what my magic chicken you know like in the fairy tales the one where lays like golden eggs I'm now stop being selfish have you seen my chicken or not yeah oh but you did see it yes then you know where it is no did you just get hurt yes hey yes I saw it okay look I um I have to go okay okay fine well you know what I'll go with you and Aaron can keep looking for a chicken don't you agree aphmau uh um yes I mean sure yeah if that's what you want um oh no it had to say yes to everything oh this is gonna be great huh oh I have an idea oh aphmau can I borrow some potatoes yes perfect [Applause] um I'm keeping one though this is gonna be so great can I borrow your pickaxe same Diamond yes it's a diamond one okay what can I have your dog um come on yes yes fine yeah that's wonderful goes I go boy oh yeah good boy oh oh wait you know it would be really fun what if you finally admit that I'm the most beautiful boy on the server um I and oh wow you sure I feel like you can [Music] go away go away crazy there you are aphmau is starting to get worried you wouldn't make it back in time with the honey look I'm sorry I actually didn't bring the honey back um I ran into some trouble but um oh that hurt okay what's going on here oh yeah will you date me what what what no um uh well wait why would I worry this will be an easy day what's going on here [Music] I'm happy the question please please oh well I said will you date me and I think we both know what her answer is gonna be she's gonna she's good no no way [Music] you'll be my girlfriend yes you of course of course oh this is perfect oh I'll be right back I have so many things to do it is look there's something going on I can't explain it to you but how about here you go what is this you're invited in the darker Forest when Sunset what why is there an invite I'll see you there well I didn't believe it but I mean hey you do you huh yeah I can't believe I opened that egg and every time I say no to something it hurts me okay this invite is wait what what is this Ian oh Ian I thought this day would never come seriously how's this happening this well take this I've been saving it for you what is that like what is this a wedding dress thanks okay places people [Music] do you take aphmau to be your lawfully wedded wife yes what an FL do you take Ian to be your lawfully wedded husband yes then by the power vested in me on this service hey Jerry said yes it's fine I know what's going on five can always say yes f will you marry me really Oh She fainted girl get up oh do that can Ian huh Erin I am saying yes but to do so you'll have to build me a new wedding venue um a test huh I like a challenge but more than he could ever try to have a good time with your temporary husband okay see you later you know we will hang up oh Pierce here's why you can't get away with this what's going on I'm sorry what is that another egg oh I gotta get rid of this oh I cracked it marry your best friend what what but I married in and I told her I'd marry him and then oh no oh wait wait never say yes to me what day no is this a surprise for me no Zane do not open it oh I have no mind if I do that's no don't don't open it open it huh say yes for 24 hours I mean yes I'm not gonna let some paper tell me what to do I'm way smarter than a paper yeah okay okay yes oh boy what was that [Music] Casey I'm sorry saying will you marry me nice yes oh she needs some okay come on this is unfair I asked her first well it's not like I had much of a choice look look boys boys look I really don't want to be married to anyone but ah season she doesn't want to be married to you I think actually you're the problem here Ian okay come again stop it you both want to be married to me so bad prove it okay beginning of the word that I believe ah your first challenge is to show me who can dance better I got this watch this [Music] yo they didn't call me Zane good dancer Romaine for nothing check this out that's not what they call you but what are you doing [Music] okay I can only do that for so long [Music] like the back of my head oh I think you mean the back of your hand sorry what no yeah ahead okay all right um quick what's up [Music] um oh [Music] that's right against me oh hey for the same all right coffee now here's another challenge I need a man who can provide for me so give me the best gift and whoever okay whatever [Music] to prove my love to you aphmau I give you the gift of redstone which unlocks Endless Possibilities Oh yay get away nerd what okay so no normally I would give you olds but I found you I mean I found something else diamonds right you know way to my heart but like I said these are mine I'll give you a point sorry but my time is up what will your divorce be sane I know you have to sorry buddy oh no [Music] [Applause] date but to live is to suffer to love is to struggle what I don't know if I can ever say Yes again okay yes let me guess I'd love to go on a date [Music] I just love love don't you FL yes oh it's almost as good as gold which reminds me now that we're married isn't all of your gold my gold too we're kind of married and I mean yes we're married day oh that's that's great right now [Music] oh you kind of do Casey I mean yes you do all right time to dive into this basket I'll look up there in the sky is that a giant block of gold huh yeah is that one of your cats on the tree oh my gosh not again hang on that's just the sun again are you keep looking no no keep looking guys what are you doing oh whatever it is yeah wait it's so shiny oh say yes to everything for 24 hours ah this egg can't tell me what to do because I can't read yeah say yes whatever's going on the tickets looks like I missed something hi yeah but you're back so soon sorry I must have missed my invite you're really enjoying this huh yeah uh are you still enjoying your yesterday yes yes and a lot of chickens I guess I'll leave you all to it have fun I'll look on the bright side app at least we don't have to suffer alone now I guess but good luck having your life ruined now Ian no we'll see about that I still don't understand what everyone was complaining about think about anything now does that mean that I can have all your goldian yes [Laughter] okay okay so you know when you're married you have to share things right uh yeah that's true okay okay so I don't like I'm just going yeah wait uh-oh what are you doing everyone should marry me [Music] um hey aren't you supposed to say yes yes but that wasn't a question all right will you all marry me uh-oh uh oh [Music] yeah score all the wedding gifts for me I gotta go prepare more room in my house [Music] but wait where do we even start how do four-person weddings even work well I mean food I guess I don't know get your cookies yes yes what this has been a headache of a day Casey do you want to make this wedding as big and fancy as possible yes yes and Zayn you want to wear a dress to the wedding right [Music] yes all right Casey let's start Gathering a bunch of cookies and cakes and we'll meet you at the venue okay okay and zinc I have an outfit for you since you gave me a dress earlier it's my turn to pay you back [Music] I feel Bonita are you gonna show it up now don't make me yes yes come on come on embarrassing shut yourself saying you got it okay what is that so pretty I'm so pretty I love my dress you can just go and say hey this is pretty and I love it on YouTube on Casey real quick and see if she's got like her dress on Casey yes wow do you think we need more of those yeah what I know what you're doing I have no idea what you're talking about well you're trying to delay the wedding well it won't work what makes you think that whoa don't you and Casey you think it's time to get married now what yes yes ma'am don't you think we should get married at Aaron's house Aaron's house all right on we go let's go what is he up to now I don't know but saying you're really pulling off that color I do not want to hear it I'm being honest you look nice well well this won't do guess we gotta waste time looking for something else Ian no no no no no no no no I'll work on the house KC uh uh did you want to go make dresses for you and aphmau oh yes and Zayn would you like to go get materials to make a stage okay yes there we go sorry that that's a good point will you go make sure everyone else is doing okay yep I will and I'll delay forever oh love the enthusiasm uh I gotta do this stupid wait another egg are you serious huh okay let's see what this is um blow up somebody's house well there's stuff oh this is gonna be the best wedding ever [Music] yeah I have to do it say yes okay so you went off to the mines and oh Zane I'm so sorry I know you're not enjoying this either I was just frustrated materials with a stupid wedding with stupid Ian whoa whoa whoa water come from ah okay wait aphmau did you hear this yes I did well the water collected all the materials into the pool and made it so much easier to gather thank you so much you're welcome actually okay let's just get out of there I'll take these back to the wedding really Casey the dog hello good not to share you with Ian let's see come over here this way come on maybe eat the sheepies maybe get it get him get him get him I gotta distract him I gotta track everything you just checked everyone huh yeah what's up oh thanks come on [Music] wait I forgot about the stupid ugh if I remember correctly if I bloop someone's house I have to do that okay all right back on track no more distractions no more distracting from the wedding I have an idea huh oh this looks pretty good oh there you are yeah thank you yeah just uh give me a minute reminders hey thanks for the wedding that we're totally going to have oh yes I want to get this over with I know give me a second let me my good boy real quick and uh um oh that's a great idea I love it [Music] I don't think this is a good idea yeah I don't know if it goes with the theme of The Wedding here yeah you do Joe you Ian well I think about this too that works what about the fireworks [Music] she was just setting off fireworks fireworks that's all for our bigger wedding what actually I have a question I have to call up our wedding and leave me alone yes I'm out of here yes
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,162,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: ZZQ7yT7z9oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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