INVISIBLE at the (BOYS ONLY!) PARTY In Minecraft!

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the boys on the server are having a party and they're going to reveal all of their darkest Secrets only they've banned all girls from the party to make fun of us now I'm going to use all of my pranks and spy abilities to find out if a boy's darkest secrets are oh is that the boys hey boys welcome to boys nights yes well we're not doing it in here [Music] very special very secret everyone come back here [Music] noises okay now first thing we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna work on our pickup lines for the ladies you guys especially need some work okay you know what let me check these cameras really quick uh let's see uh you really make me look bad in front of the girls sometimes you know yeah what sorry sorry uh sorry it's just distracting where did you get these cameras Oh right I don't really remember but um you know what there's there's a the smart decision I made I can film our pickup lines and see how to do them better okay oh okay okay sounds good to me I like the research aspect you're gonna go first here I I think I got something I can work with Okay let me watch this um all right uh Hey Okay uh wanna come see my um hey there um I just want to say you look really nice in that outfit I want to go out for pizza and maybe yeah too simple all right ready fill my Busters here is what you guys need to do okay hey gorgeous my name is [Laughter] you know I think he had farts when he gets nervous oh practice some more later probably the pizza those are the best Secrets all right you know what we'll work on it again later hang on uh hey Kim how's it going great I got the pizza so let's oh yeah about that you know I I I I you're not invited geez this is a boys only party he told me to bring some pizza because you're ready for the pizza kid yeah you know I just meant I wanted you to bring me some pizza because I'm having a party but you you are you why you gotta be such a blockhead Ian you know what here take care oh you know what it's just a little Dusty it's still good so enjoy your food hey guys Pizza all right let's do it pizza pizza pizza now I'm sad and pizza hey Kim what do I do who said that me right here where did you come from oh all right are you a ghost not a ghost don't worry look I'm secretly spying on the boys right now and I want to get you in on this oh I'm gonna go read a book but don't you want revenge for what they did for your pizza [Music] sound good I'm in come this way all right so look in here this is Ian foldable because we don't have access to this and over here right in these two whole blocks uh-huh is my secret face oh see right here I got all things you just buy all them I got this little picture that's outside I got this over here like take a look at that picture all right see that picture that picture right there yeah if I zoom in you can look through the holes look at it OMG I can see right through it isn't that amazing this is awesome I love getting revenge oh yeah oh I love flying you're out there doing stuff all right boys let's get that arm wrestling composition going huh wait wait another wrestling I see where this is going okay no no I I could do the pickup line without fighting this time see ready sure about that come on here oh let me check the camera okay okay anyways let's see who's gonna it's Casey if she's got pizza hey so what kind of party are we having tonight no no no no no no I told you to bring pizza because I'm having a party stop assuming you're invited to things when I tell you to come to my house [Music] hey can you uh go Christ somewhere else we're kind of having a party in here wait is that Casey oh yeah she's killing the vibe [Applause] yes it is a boys night only yeah but we have to do it secretly okay or that too all right come over here now this device cam will help us now watch something here and then I think we have enough pizza right unless that's more pizza you know we could always deal with more pizza I agree with that statement all right wait a minute wait what another Pizza got him that's what you what you meant let's go see Casey Come on okie dokie over here over here over here all right oh no hey Casey I mean sorry huh what's going on okay all right listen we saw with them boys did you want to get back at him yeah they're having a boys only party which is fine except they had me bring a pizza a while ago and same thing happened to Kim they took pizza from us so what's the plan now I tinkered with these now we got invisible bracelets just like aphmau there awesome invisible all right ladies we are going to spy on them okie dokie let's go all right so this is a vent okay look at that very don't go that way okay I can't promise you're gonna come back don't be suspicious it's like a normal one well I have something I wanted to talk to you all about now that we've all worked on our pickup lines we can figure out which girls we want to use them on right oh so ah so who does everyone else have a crush on uh okay I'll go first um Casey she's the only thing I love more than my robots [Music] my research has been lacking so I wonder if I should love my robots more it's a weird Terror between the two I love science for kc2s that's a tough one but well I've never told anyone but I mean I guess if we're sharing I've [Music] guys I'm serious I need advice and I need to know what what is happening I didn't know they spot on the road yeah did you just like really Grease the gears really well it doesn't matter that's what do I do what oh he made the choice oh yeah well my advice just bury it bury it down deep inside and never bring it out just turn it off time for your terrible advice I'm gonna you guys stay there I'm gonna that's probably I'm gonna take some time to think for myself is someone I said let's go that also I gotta cancel my pizza subscription bring it back next week oh what's this I need time to think the best way to do that is with my gold oh sweet Shiny Gold what do I do half are you thinking what I'm thinking uh all right you know I'm gonna go give that pizza guy a piece of my mind should we take all his gold yeah yeah [Music] all right I think we got everything so we obviously this is where the base is so we don't want to like you know bring it out but oh I do have this golden sword oh let's see what they're doing oh oh he's come back finally now I can I can oh guys get done here wait what what's going on bud what happened where are you okay oh so funny and clever which one of you stole my God huh I I didn't know you had gold what uh oh okay just just calm down where was the last place you had it oh I found it it's right here and that's not all there was there's plenty more I'd be able to tell if it was nearby I'm in tune with my gold Pierce where are you on the night of uh what what's today winter why were you on the night of the winter what I I can't believe that you're accusing your best friend of stealing your gold what the nerve oh no you know what you know what no one is leaving I need you all to stay here and see Pierce explain it to do what with this oh it's really nice all right Kim come on I have another great place okay all right Casey should be outside out here come on come on Casey [Music] yes yes yes oh that's a good one oh nice disguises yeah it'll never suspect a thing thanks I worked really hard on them all right come on let's go deliver all these pizzas yeah our fancy pizzas whoa that's it we got a lot more pizzas I got your pizza [Music] you know what pizza yeah isn't such about the delivery guys normal pizza delivery guy raccoon delivery guy of course yeah you guys are a lot cooler than the last pizza deliveries I had uh come on in you know I I'm kind of in the market for new friends I locked the others in the vault oh wow yeah yeah we'll get your pizzas right here here's your pizzas what's the pizza for you got a pizza party going on or something you got a party flavors hey yeah get back in that butt all right let's put the pieces down all right there you go so um uh you guys want to hang out and like I don't know talk about feelings or something uh okay so I had these friends and you know they're done they took my gold but then there's this girl that I kind of want to talk to I mean I already talked to her every day she tends to blow up a lot but then I tend to blow up a lot it's a whole thing man maybe you should be friends with like cooler people like girls yeah yeah I think they should be cool wait wait huh but then who who would I bring to a boy's party oh the girls the girl hey are you getting hungry maybe you should try that pizza oh yeah yeah you should try the pizza I do think better on a full stomach yeah yeah I do love pizza yeah [Applause] [Music] where did all my new boyfriends go what's going on now all right boys on to the next important part of tonight I called you here for the party so you could help me read aphmau's Diary you know I really brainstorm ways to date her maybe both oh my gosh don't worry bud I can't help uh just kidding it's written with words never mind um can you read uh yes fine let me see flip for the first page here okay here we go dear diary today Ian was being super annoying that oh no no it just says it right here like full script Ian sorry about that Harvest it's not my fault whatever let's just play some video games all right I'll just uh yeah I got the game all set up is it what did what happened is it working video games what are you doing I'm telling me it broke uh wait a minute what are you doing a sleepover with no video games [Music] this is the scariest day of my life oh this is gonna be good oh what'd you guys do okay we got pizza we got pizza don't grab a piece of pizza pizza [Music] oh yeah are you sure this pizza's okay where did you put in it it's gonna make their greatest fears spawn and start attacking them really yeah it's not bad whoa get ready for this yes oh oh a defective robot no no no no no no no no hey hi hi hi hi where's that you Tobias what hello they're delicious oh wow who messed with my pizza uh maybe that'll help them I don't know what's first the ultimate trailer all these bars know what's going on this sleepover is crazy okay I did it okay is everyone fine Pierce Zayn aphmaui perfect wake up all right [Music] this is a no girl's face what are you doing well someone stole our pizzas that's right wait what if you wanted to join your party too yeah wait a minute how long have you been here uh don't worry about that yeah what did you hear me heard everything yeah everything um anyway getting back by diary um uh Zayn took it yeah you read my diary thing my diary entry for you okay um let's see uh actually uh Ian is a big poopy head and he didn't say that yes it can't even read my diary yeah anyway he told me all about his secret base and he told me all about the goal that's hidden inside of his walls along with all the diamonds he hidden in his walls too wait wait Diamond wait Ian likes to hide diamonds and gold in there and also I've placed diamonds and Bones out of his his walls [Music] [Laughter] he's nervous farting again I don't even care anymore we're gonna find that treasure hunt if I fight it first let's come outside ladies and let the destruction commence oh don't worry just watch hey watch it I'm up here trying to steal your diamonds oh they're mine you will not take them from me what do you like diamonds we'll leave the gold for you what I can use the diamonds to buy gold yeah it's in your car [Music] oh you know what I think I need a little revenge for you guys stealing my gold earlier what wait it's wonderful why ah what oh hi careful don't find it oh man all right our time's up oh wait hold on wait we had it we had a time limit uh kind of because uh surprise surprise uh your Gold's all over there and uh it's all fake buddy let's go get out here oh you got pumpkin see you guys later ever I'm hungry for pizza oh same come on let's go get some pizza at my place pizza pizza
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 16,845,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: 3_ijvSKfpAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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