Everybody's Memory Will be Erased in 12 Hours...

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like the video and subscribe right now and your banana will never turn into a snack ever again in 12 hours everybody in the world will get their memory erased including you you are the only person to know this would happen what would you do before this event occurs do a handstand right at the 12 hour mark if i forget everything maybe i'll think it's the normal way to walk i love how there's gonna be comments about crime or being noble but you have the right idea the right idea but not the upright idea write down everything i can about my life take photos and videos to spice things up write down everything and leave small trials of flashback vids so when later on i start to realize something is missing i can go on a hunt to find out why there are vids of me i don't remember and figure out the whole mystery kind like the plot of allah to battle angel needs a sequel btw make a video explaining things sit in front of the computer and start the video right before the 12 h mark ends same as you but if possible find a way to broadcast it over my city just as the 12 hour mark hits make sure everyone remembers you are the supreme leader and your humble aboders so that you may maintain a humbleness not seen by mankind i would mess my life up and have a lot of fun since i'm going to forget it anyway same i would probably try to duck around in every way possible lol make a post on us credit asking what fellow redditors would do oh stand next to my wife so i find her and fall in love again also wholesome i don't have anyone to fall in love with that didn't turn out to be shitty so if i did it i'd just end up getting hurt again you're and your wife lucky happy for both of you stick a note in janet's mouth i'd jump in exactly 12 hours so i'd be off the world imagine the ice houston are you still there over houston who's that am i houston roger that ah can you confirm you received the data from the legume study over what's a legume are you my mommy what is this big screen here i see lots of lights aha is anyone else there over i'd make a list of the people that are important in my life and their relationship to me update my contacts in my phone with this information write down all of the important websites and passwords make a note to myself explaining what to do when my memory is wiped clean you have 12 hours i'd recruit as many other people as i could into a similar scheme including friends and family this is underrated tell everyone you can post it everywhere at least some people would believe wait a second is this a warning what is this who are you who am i where are we write an autobiography edit some people are saying that you'd forget how to read so i'd make it a picture book to just in case what makes you think you'll be able to read people with amnesia don't forget to read that's a vague explanation it's important to know what sort of memory gets erased because the meaning is lost when the memory of that thing is also lost as to preparation for the event assuming some level of clarity remains pattern recognition is the most basic aspect of human behavior even if it is often suspect so whatever you write down has to be in pictograms and visualizations logos or the minimal strings of not open-ended written information basic equipment identification and operation not even how to use doors is beyond question yes i'm going absolute worst case scenario oh just realize the amount of issues that would occur if we didn't even know how to open doors planes in the sky once the 12 h is up cars people scuba diving not remembering how to swim etc i think the wisest course of action would be to stock up on toilet paper duh if i can't stop it then probably just a lot of crime edit looking at the comments i get the impression that crime isn't something people like shitty people be shitty tbh it's the idea that's best suited as a plot for a novel the person accidentally knowing about the eurasia steals lots of stuff and kills a rival writes diary emitting slash explaining away the crimes planning to live with a clear conscience afterwards we watch as the cracks start to show and the plans falls apart start recording a video of myself bullet pointing the biggest aspects of my life that i want to remember i'd write it down but saying it out loud means there's going to be a lot more info as i'm a chatty kathy write down my steam and as many passwords as i possibly can so i can re-experience playing my favorite games for the first time better be quick about that i doubt the power would stay on long if none of the engineers remember how to do their jobs you'll have a week easy provided everything is in good condition beforehand maybe a month then the world would go dark right bush did 9 over 11 on a sticky note what's bush how can you do a fraction what's a fraction what's 9 over 11 go skydiving at the 12 hour mark so i can freak out and wonder what the duck is happening what if you misplanned and you're freaking out while the ground is too close and you don't know how to parachute worst future gift to yourself tell everybody and see how they react take a picture of wife and die so i could show her after that we are a thing i'd photoshop myself into this guy's picture and kidnap his wife wait no i mean i would not do that sit next to my lc mixed up grandmother during the countdown of the final seconds and say i'm going to finally understand what you're going through in three two one our man didn't expect to be this sad what grunkle stan learned me buy gold i see a fellow gravity falls fan tips pine tree hat i see you are both men of culture tips pine tree hat back remember reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram by gold by e steel i wouldn't rob a bank or anything because that could still be traced to me i assume security cameras would not be wiped so it might be best to avoid those that could still be traced to me you mean in the 12 hours because after it no one will even know what those words or ideas mean edit wikipedia to make it real is me being president the edit log would still exist it would show your username slash ip address as being the one who last changed it and also show what the information was previously before you changed it then he needs to create a page about a special election too you got 12 hours you could probably throw some things together and hopefully not have them reverted before the event also this implies anyone would know how to use wikipedia after the event lose my virginity so i can lose it again after the 12 hours how the hell you expect to do that in 12 hours time go on a bender this would be the perfect start to stopping all the bad things in the world and rebuilding civilization bigger and better if people forget everything then they can even forget bad things that they picked up unknowingly from their parents think about it if everyone in the world forgot everything then chances are you could easily help eradicate most racism by making everyone seem equal and making it seem as if the whole world was a giant mixing pot from the start rather than a result of slavery you could balance out most of the gender equality issues such as an equal pay you could start to form new stereotypes for all kinds of people where the stereotypes are more focused on the good of the person rather than the bad etc it would be a lot of work but it had helped build peace around numerous individuals and hopefully make the world a lot less violent and chaotic nothing just write my mom's name and her phone number nothing else is worth remembering right in gold on my arm this is important the survival of humanity depends on this no matter what happens you must and then just stop to terrify and confuse my future self are we talking every memory we have or just memory of the past 12 hours if it's every memory that's basically the same as saying everyone on earth will die if you remove all of the experiences you've had in life there won't be anything left hell would we even know how to function it would almost certainly be the apocalypse for mankind i'd probably just try to enjoy the last 12 hours if we are only going to forget the previous 12 hours i'd probably buy my future self a gift to surprise me i wouldn't commit any crimes or anything if you rob a bank it's going to be on film people will figure out the money is missing and they will almost certainly catch you eventually now that's not the case the mind doesn't treat experiential memories and learning slash facts knowledge in the same way there are people who lose all memory of who they are and where they've been and they can still talk slash drive play basketball slash etc nothing i would be ducking excited for everyone to forget about me and start my life over somewhere far catch me and my partner vanishing to a cabin in the mountains never to be seen again write notes make a video explaining that will play on loop prepare books and leave notes in them and lock my door and hide they key and leave clues as to where it is as a sort of test that hiding the key idea is genius maybe you could have to set up like math and english questions speech history then when you're mostly back up to power you can understand where the key is tell everyone around the world that i'll devour all their memories if they ain't gonna make me their leader at once once it happens nobody remembers a thing except that once they go back on the net they see this one guy this one guy who claims to be the cause of it all they be like damn you slash dragon sheepling but nobody knows who he is except to claim that he's aspiring to be a demon lord write down my radice username and tell myself to go look at my post history that applies to all online user names shouldn't be hard to know who i was from all the social media posts and online stuff kill myself all neurologists will forget neurology and i've had migraines nearly every day for a month i can't keep going like this besides my oncologist will also forget oncology which will mean even more pain and suffering on my end that's sad please don't actually do that as suicide is irreversible thank you right now i have options for migraine relief though none of them are great and a neurologist appointment later this month to work on migraine prevention i also have a wonderful oncologist who treats my cancer as well as she can while also making me feel better if i didn't have those things i'd be in too much pain to want to live with only slow and painful death to look forward to i have them so we are good i'd write down all the math engineering formulas and inventions that i could after that opened the book re-educated myself and proceed to become the only person on the planet that understands mechanical and electrical principles before processing to build an empire of technology that my kids would inherit actual books would still exist though google and learn how to make a bunch of super essential things then write them down as well as stuff to help me learn to read it and keep them on my person until the memory wipe then i would be able to make it all and prosper after the wipe rejoice that i can finally forget my trauma mourn my memories of my loved ones rejoice again that my loved ones wouldn't want me to keep getting ptsd induced flashbacks well need some more specifics here what is meant by memory erased what are we all forgetting are we forgetting the last 12 hours are we forgetting every event in our lives but retaining language and technical skills are we basically getting a full wipe of everything down to hard animal instincts leaving yourself a message doesn't do much good if you no longer have language or even a concept of language break into a mansion burn all pictures of owners unless there is a trophy wife involved at my pictures including ones i take of myself in the mansion to the mansion 12 hours later oh snap this must be mine i wonder how long before people figure out how property records work possibly longer than needed for adverse possession but they'll probably figure out how to kill people and take their stuff long before they figure out law books assuming you mean just our memories of the last 12 hours will be erased i'll write down everything that has happened to me in the last 12 hours and leave it there for myself but if you're talking about every memory that we have then that would spell doom for humanity because every experience that we've had in our lives our memories and they are basically what make us who we are if we lose all of our memories our personalities emotions intelligence thoughts and even our ability to function would all disappear we would be nothing but empty mindless husks i would just sit there and wait for the inevitable end if that was the case i do nothing since i can't do anything either it seem irreversible and inevitable event should include who or what things will create this particular disastrous event then analyzed what action can be taken everybody in here be making notes so they won't forget but you're telling me that i'm going to forget that i have to do and so will everyone else absolute freedom set up an elaborate puzzle room including some sort of obvious countdown to inevitable doom and lock myself in it so that the new me's first memory will be being forced to play a live or die escape game without any context or idea what is happening if you don't remember anything then you basically have the functioning of a newborn child good luck with that true if everyone forgot their languages would new languages form we'd need a new reset a stone to decipher all of the books etc would religions form again so many questions write a note and make sure my family is together my name is ex you are my wife these are our two children here is a photo album of many of our memories this is going to be scary if the four of us will be okay love you you've been visited by a space doggo this doggo will take you to space but only if you comment where are we going doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 32,121
Rating: 4.9495702 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, memory, lose memory, erase memory, bad memory
Id: PdJU3hMqoxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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