Do Other People Experience These Sensations?

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like the video and subscribe right now and this Dogo will show you that way what's the sensation that you're unsure if other people experience double DJ vu feeling like you've seen something before and then immediately after feeling like you've experienced deja vu about that thing before sometimes I can't take too deep a breath without feeling a sharp pain somewhere inside my ribcage usually a bit below my heart it's a rare occurrence but I've been experiencing it for years when it happens I have to control my breathing so I don't inhale too much it typically goes away after a few minutes edit it seems like precordial cat syndrome is the general consensus here it's not malignant and actually pretty common I along with a few commenters would agree with this description from the Wikipedia page on rare occasions breathing in or out suddenly will cause a small bubble popping or cracking sensation in the chest which results in the pain going away finally a place to type this some days I feel further back in my head than usual that's literally the only way I can describe it like everything is farther away sense of where I must further back everything it's really weird and it probably means I'm dying of something every now and then regardless of temperature I'll shiver / shake really hard for a split second never known why edit okay I get it something ran over my grave you can stop flooding my inbox now when you wake up it felt like you were awake the entire time dreaming not lucid dreaming more like you were awake in your dream but you didn't know that you were dreaming what I call rolling DJ vu where you feel like you've done something before but you sort of feel like you know what is going to happen next I've had it last half a minute before sometimes things align to my predictions in a slight way but never fully rolling deja vu for me is a side effect of my anxiety where I usually predict things to go immediately south for the worst it never happens example I've been here before Jeff walked in the he commented on the football game anxiety kicks in and then he says I'm fired on the spot edit holy crap you walk away from your PC for a few hours and look what happens when I see something gory and crunchy in a real-life way I get this weird sensation running along my outer thighs and it's super uncomfortable also a weird melancholy that happens in my stomach around suppertime on a full Sunday or something feels kind-- off like sadness hunger arousal and a foggy sense of doing when your eyes suddenly shake like you're looking from left to right multiple times rapidly it's disorienting when it happens but it doesn't affect me for more than a few seconds when I'm laying on my bed regardless if I'm on my back or stomach I'll sometimes feel like I'm hanging upside down and floating up for several seconds as if gravity just inverted it's really weird and I like it I have no idea what triggers it though and it just happens randomly edit just some clarifications so I can answer a few questions at once when this happens to me I'm not necessarily trying to go to sleep just relaxing or resting but most of the time my eyes are closed many of you are saying it's related to sleep paralysis but I've never experienced that in my entire life I'm interested in finding out if I could succumb to it at some point though I have had a concussion before but not too serious but like many of you are saying vertigo is a possibility I'm going to look further into that also the sensation also varies sometimes I'll feel it the way I described above sometimes I'll feel like the surface I'm laying on is steadily tilting and to line 70 to 90 degrees sometimes it feels like the earth drops from beneath like an elevator that broke off its hinges however it's never a scary experience and very pleasant and relaxing edit - if I experience sleep paralysis for the first time tonight I'm blaming all of you this intense almost crippling sense of nostalgia that I have in dreams I'm dreaming about a place or event that almost certainly never happened but even after way I feel this aching overwhelming sense of nostalgia for when I was a child and this happened in crowded places I often hear my name called out I'll look around and it's not as if my name was insert to someone of the same name I guess I'm just hearing voices I hear music in my head very often not like that song that just played on the radio but stuff I've never heard and that as far as I know doesn't exist and most the time when I try to put that into the real world I lose it immediately upon hearing sound so duck you shitty-ass brain when I'm on my period and I feel like it's running down my legs but absolutely nothing is there why is this when you learn something new for the first time and then it just shows up somewhere completely different sometime in the next couple days and rarely ever shows up later learn some obscure word no one ever uses here in two days later in a passing conversation never hear it after hear about some obscure foreign myth hear it mentioned on TV a few hours later learn an alternate essentially unused definition of a word then hear it used in that context the following week I don't understand this phenomenon it's some combination of big number theory and a psychological trick it really ducks with my head makes me feel like an experiment and I'm being toyed with I mention this to people all the time and no one has understood what I'm talking about it happens to me all the time four or five times in my life I had this sensation of time speeding up and sensations of touch and sound get more intense it's weird sometimes I have for lack of a better term the sound of a very vocal crowd in my head the more tired and stressed out I get the harder it is to hear my own thoughts over the sound of what I assume is my subconscious they the voices tend to gyre a lot and have a lot of negative reactions that I can never make out what they are saying it's just a loud rush of humanity I hesitated to post this but I'm genuinely curious if other women have experienced this the vagina tingle I have no idea where it comes from or why it happens but sometimes just in the middle of my day doesn't matter what I'm doing I experienced a really intense urge except it's not a Qi I really don't know how to explain it but I imagine it's just my vagina saying hey I'm here just so you know and I have to stop what I'm doing to calm myself down feeling my brain go completely numb when I'm super sad or super anxious peppermint but that's what my bf and I call it I have GI issues and take peppermint extract in capsule form you know when you eat a lot of Taco Bell and get fire but when you should well pep but is the opposite that makes you feel like someone put a Listerine strip in your ass edit ji dang I love this site how're you guys have made my day a lot of people are asking why I take the peppermint I have been experiencing excruciating digestive issues for a while now my doctors aren't sure what's wrong yet but I've been discussed peppermint is great for soothing these pains also an upset tummy and the capsules are great because they don't get dissolved until they hit my intestines I'm no doctor I can only speak for myself but it's been an absolute game changer for me it helps so much with managing the pain when I yawn or turn my neck quick a blood vessel or tendon or something in me neck twitches and almost goes into a strange cramped spasm thing when I get one really dry spot in the back of my mouth and drinking water won't make it go away the rest of my mouth is fine just that one little spot slightly right-of-center about where my wisdom teeth are feels like sandpaper at random intervals literally feeling tired all the time independent of how much I sleep eat or exercise I always feel like I need to go back to bed and I haven't honestly felt awake in 3 plus years when I stand up after sitting for a long time and a black cloud blocks and distorts my vision for a couple sec and I get kinda dizzy and lightheaded for a few seconds I should probably see a doctor that random jet of saliva that shoots out from under my tongue when yawning or moving my jaw in different positions it don't happen every time and I can't control it but I wonder if this happens to anyone else feeling my heartbeat in my stomach the super tingles that go throughout my entire body after a nice long piece I'll stand there and shudder for a good ten seconds a completely out of the blue phantom rubbery taste in your mouth that lasts for half a second being able to teleport screen had been turned on from anywhere in the house when I clean out my ears it causes me to cough / gag to the point of almost vomiting I'm super envious people who enjoy cleaning out their ears one waking myself up from within a dream the sensation is one of pulling my entire consciousness backwards and upwards - if I concentrate really hard I can make my hands tingle 3 the sense that numbers have personalities which can best be described as colors yearning to be in a fictional universe for me often fantasy books make me wish I could just live there at least for a while just to experience a whole new existence albeit temporarily I do something with the muscles on the side of my head and it causes a rumbling noise in my ears the feeling that I don't belong here that I need to go / do something else somewhere else I feel it just in the center of my chest like there's a pole it's a feeling of other and of importance that's just past my grasp I have synesthesia so having people's words typed out for me visually as I listen to them speak sometimes I miss spoken words if I don't know how to spell them a constant ringing sound I don't notice it unless everything is nearly silent at random moments throughout the day a little piece of a past dream you've had even ones you think you don't remember pops into your head as if it was triggered by something you saw in real life my eyes fog up like glasses if steam hits them sometimes when I'm falling asleep I will wake up and have the feeling that I just visited an entirely different life I don't think there's anything that I doubt anyone else in the world feels but one feeling I get that seems to be relatively rare I really enjoy the effect that a moderate fever has on my muscles I dislike most aspects of being sick for obvious reasons I don't like chills and hot flashes I don't like runny noses and headaches sneezing and coughing nausea the list goes on but specifically the way my muscles feel when I have a fever that's fantastic it's like every time I sit down or turn over or anything like that I'm being massaged by the furniture I'm in edit it's not for me anyway because of the drugs you take when you're sick I feel this even if I don't take anything it's actually less pronounced if I take something like Advil or aspirin that will reduce my fever once in a while I'll wake up and smell nothing but meatloaf all day almost as if the smell is stuck in my nose a little meatloaf air is left tiny meat loaves to cool at the opening of my nostrils whenever this happens 9 times out of 10 the next day is the start of a cold or sinus infection sometimes I'm feeling mute as in I have an innate desire not to talk or think in sentences I'm just looking around taking in impressions and listening all without actively thinking about it though at some point the spell breaks and I'm back to normal I also sometimes randomly flinch I don't know if there's something that triggers it and I can't help it it's like a reflex also I got that from time to time that a part of my upper leg muscles twitches for a minute so maybe my nervous system is just a bit broken I can't watch videos where people get hurt anymore because I feel a very real visceral pain in my testicles when I see someone get genuinely hurt on film doesn't happen in movies just things like fail compilations in the like a rapid shooting pain my head for one second at random points on the back of my it's enough to make me jolt up and then it's gone the physical pain of a heartbreak there is constant knowing in my stomach and the feeling of dread that never seems to stalk a knot in my throat that makes it hard to swallow an inability to concentrate and when you wake up the first thought you have is that they don't love you they never did and they never will PS I'm in my 30s I can feel electrical currents by running my fingertips lightly across a metal object lamps are where I noticed this most often I can tell whether or not it's plugged in by touch it's the same with battery-powered items like cells phones laptops and iPads I'm particularly prone to electrostatic shocks to grocery shopping can be annoying and mildly painful the produce and freezer section coolers at me every time you've been visited by military dog oh this Dogo will protect you from zombies in case of apocalypse but only if you comment you're so strong dogger thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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