Jago Sevatarion - The Prince of Crows EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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get a guys and girl it's no secret that almost all Trader Space Marines even the ones that used to be cool became super lame their motivations for throwing away the most glorious undertaking of mankind in favor of becoming a demonic play thing just isn't that relatable the ones that did have decent motivations were either killed like arul tal or became one-dimensional and boring like Khan however there is one Trader Marine that breaks against this mold by being hilarious fun to read about and despite being evil also having his own code of honor with a respectable attitude and motivation well at least as respectable as you can get from being a [ __ ] traitor that man is Yo sevatarion or sevatar as everyone calls him first captain of the night Lords and a character So Dope that the only thing holding him back is his very mysterious disappearance from the setting with no one actually knowing if he is alive or dead or if he became a founding member of the grey Knights before I get started I was finally able to get the samples of the major Gill Christmas merch after one of you naughty boys s the previous shipment so those that were waiting to actually see the merch In the Flesh then here you go this drop features four new designs an updated signature hoodie as well as the classic [ __ ] Santa hat each design comes in both t-shirt and singlet form starting with this one being the midnight clad which is actually a midnight blue color I'm so glad I was able to source that we also have the flesh's week design which I think would look fantastic in the gym in the singlet form like any Warhammer fan would 100% come up to you and love it after that we have the nothing lose design featuring probably one of the most hardcore quotes with the happy little gas mask man the final design is on a white T-shirt with a tragically wholesome quote of for those we cherish we die in glory rip the boys in yellow the Santa hat is pretty self-explanatory and is guaranteed to get a laugh out of your friends or family for Christmas I know it's also cooling down in Europe and the us at the moment so why not pick up the iconic hoodie version 2 which features a minimalist rendition of each of these drops designs on the sleeve to represent the unique launch as as always the hoodies are warm comfy and may get you laid not 100% guarantee but the best part about promoting my own products is there's no one telling me what I can and can't say we won't be doing another merch drop until we hit 600k which will take quite a few months so this is the best time to deck yourself out for Christmas or get someone some dope ass gifts today we'll go over the life glory and potential fate of yo sevatar highlighting why he is such a beloved badass character in the process let's get into it like pretty much every notable night Lord sevatar was born on ASO on the outer skirts of the capital city this means he was a broke boy that would have had to struggle to survive in a world that hated him because it hated itself also vitamin D wasn't really a thing there so worldwide testosterone was at an all-time low would explain a lot sevatar was a psycher which he wasn't too happy about as he actively suppressed his psychic ability this menty couldn't cast Fireballs or shoot lightning out of his dick hole but his suppressed power still massively boosted his strength speed and intelligence a big reason as to why he was such a monster on the battlefield later in life Joo was also pretty autistic not in a t or space Brer autistic way he was actually genuinely autistic and found it hard to relate to people or socialize this also gave him a bit of a superiority complex as he was able to think about situations in a different way and was generally right about everything he also didn't [ __ ] or manipulate people because a he didn't really know how to and B it wasn't his Vibe this all came together to ironically make the socially awkward artist universally liked or at least respected by both loyal and Trader Space Marines alike he was one of the few Warriors who could totally back up their arrogance shown by his meteoric rise within the night Lord Legion as he went from recruit to First captain and equiry of Conrad curse very quickly sear was literally one of the only people in the Galaxy Conrad actually liked even if the KN Haunter refused to admit it I mean Conrad literally ordered sevatar to paint his gauntlets red marking him as a failure who was destined for death or execution but still had a Jud to perform sear thought this was funny as he hadn't failed anything but the theory is that Conrad for saw sevatar eventually abandoning the traitor's cause thus he was pre-marking him I'll get more into this later but it is pretty funny seeing the equiry of Conrad and the first captain of the night Lords the highest rank in the leion being marked as a failure and potential traitor while still allowing him to maintain his rank sear was also the only Space Marine to ever beat Sigman in an honor Jewel prior to the heresy both Warriors fought non-stop for 30 hours with Seva eventually getting sick of the Jewel and headbutting Sigman disqualifying himself but also knocking sigy on his ass so a bit of a controversial win but it summed up sevatar pretty nicely honor was for fools all that mattered was the result it's also a good time to mention that while sevatar was respected and pretty cocky Warrior he was also pretty insecure about his autism he saw the way his battle brothers bonded naturally and felt pretty jealous about it he was also a true night Lord not one of those Criminal manchildren Who Bast in their sadistic nature he upheld the legion's ideals of Justice punish the criminal spare the innocent he wasn't a fan of his primar degrading mental state and he would go on to kill a number of his battle brothers that he didn't like but more on that later when the heresy broke out SAR was happy to join the traditor cause as out of all the legions the night Lords were arguably wrong the most they were the legion that would terrify enemies into compliance they would end Wars through distasteful methods but those same methods would spare billions of lives and a lot of infrastructure as opposed to people like the Space Wolves a respected Le Legion who would tear a world apart so when the night Lords would get censured and looked down upon whilst the Wolves were lorded it really pissed the eighth Legion off sevatar was actually the first ever trade a marine to say death to the false Emperor one of the most famous war cries of the Traer Legion in the 10,000 years since despite this the night Lords did not join the cause of chaos or even particularly liked it after the isan dropside massacre arul tal a word Bearer who was possessed by a demon walked over to sevar to congratulate him on the victory sevatar simply spattered the word bear's feet and saw him as raner with corruption and disgusting after this sevatar and the night Lords would go to thrus to fight the Dark Angels to their credit despite the dark angel Legion being notably mightier the night Lords were able to delay them for years with hit-and run tactics eventually Conrad sent a parlay request to the lion who responded and met with his brother both primarchs taking two Honor Guard each Conrad brought SAR and another whilst the lion brought the legendary corain and another as the primar spoke corain and sevatar had surprisingly solid banter with cor Wayne having some knowledge about Nostromo and teasing sevatar about his red painted gauntlets in turn sevatar gave him [ __ ] about the way the Dark Angels would wear hoods and cloth over their power armor despite being at War both warriors were smiling and joking through the exchange showing again how universally liked sevar was unfortunately the meeting turned sour when Conrad started shitalking about the lion so the lion stabbed him and then they got into a brawl Conrad got the upper hand and began choking the lion forcing cor to intervene and stab Conrad in the spine however this meant that the other dark angel on aard had to fight both night Lords including sevatar thus he was killed to finally finish the thus Crusade the lion went to a world and picked up a mega powerful sentient device that could basically teleport the Lion's Fleet wherever he wanted thus he used it to Ambush the nightlord's fleet and end the war at the time Conrad was in a coma SAR tried to psychically enter his primarch's mind to wake him up in doing so he activated his long supress psychic powers showing that he did actually have a lot of care and loyalty for Conrad as he really didn't want to have to activate them in the dream Conrad told sevar to piss off and acted all self-righteous and [ __ ] sevatar then called Conrad a hypocritical [ __ ] who should take responsibility for why the nightlord's turned out so messed up sevatar is then kicked out of the dream as the dark angel Ambush begins so sevatar takes charge of the Legion and was actually doing a great job maybe he wasn't going to win the battle but his Counterattack was looking good as was his ability to pull out the night Lord Fleet but then Conrad woke up and fully Leroy Jenkins the Lion's ship ruining sar's plan and dooming the nightl Lords to lose the battle and suffer massive casualties sevatar simply sighed and said [ __ ] me my dad is [ __ ] before following his Primark into their foolish attack this resulted in a huge chunk of the night Lord's Legion dying including most of sar's elite atrenta Terminators as well as sevar getting captured due to him blocking out from his newly awakened psychic abilities mid battle during his imprisonment he was able to psychically communicate with a young astropath girl due to his new powers however those same Powers were making him feel sick as if he was dying the girl tried to help him control them however for speaking with him she got the [ __ ] beaten out of her by the astropath overseer this enraged sevatar as it directly violated his moral code the innocent being hurt for no reason the strong taking advantage of the weak he also quite liked the young astropath and thought she was good company hence he staged an escape said hello to her viciously killed the young girl's Tormentor and then surrendered to be taken back into his cage the scene is actually pretty badass after he throttles her Tormentor to death and is surrounded by Dark Angels he says I am judgment I am punishment and I Surrender when I refer to sevatar as a true night lord it's [ __ ] like this I'm talking about this is actually the last time we see sevatar in the law he has referenced many times since but is never actually seen most nightl Lords say he died towards the end of the heresy at the siege of Terror but we also don't see him escape from the dark angels and no one actually saw him die post heresy whenever Conrad would summon his nightl Lords for a meeting he would demand the presence of sevatar only to be once again told that the first Captain was dead this would then upset Conrad whose mental state was pretty terrible by this point Talos believed sevatar was dead whil his battle brother mutian held on to the belief that yo was indeed alive then there is the theory that he went on to become a founding member of the grey nights this theory is because he was already pretty anti chaos was already not a fan of where the trade Allegiance were going was a prisoner of the Dark Angels and there was a a statue of one of the founding graits called cryon who held a nemesis hird and whose inscription sounded a lot like something sear would say SE was also a psycho which was a requirement to become a grain knite not to mention the original grain nightes and knights errand were taken from all Legions not just loyless ones however based on what ADB has said him being the creator of the character it seems as if seti is no longer alive in the setting and didn't become a grey Knight either however it's also insinuated that SAR would go on to survive the Horus heresy and likely have an in-depth plot that takes place during the scouring and centuries following the heresy neither being a true loyalist or a traitor either way sar's Legacy lives on with the remaining atrenta splitting up as no leader would ever be worthy of their Unity other than Joo as well as the other night Lords constantly speaking of him as a figure of Legend regardless of his fate sear was a [ __ ] awesome character a model of what an interesting multi-dimensional traitor should look like if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the magical Christmas merch you can't not get decked out in Midnight clad after watching this hit the Subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more lordy content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one [Music] peace bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 147,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: xppU1Nt7Abw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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