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what's going on guys zuk back with another last Epoch video hope you're all doing very very well I wanted to make a video for beginners for people who are brand new to this action RPG and have absolutely no idea what spec or what class they want to play this is not going to be a guide on like what the best build is what I simply want to do in this video is outline for you guys what each of these classes represents what they can bring to you as a player what kind of archetypes they kind of represent so that you can get an idea of what you might want to play I think we have a certain kind of play style when it comes to action RPGs what we really enjoy playing so this video is hopefully going to help you guys decide what which one of these specs and which one of the masteries beneath those specs is going to best suit your play style so let me just jump in at the start I'm going to highlight all five of these and tell you a general overview of what's going on with these specs and then we're going to go deeper into each Mastery and talk about those as well so let's start with the Sentinel this is your very typical tank class in a game like this they are very strong you can play sword and board you can play two-handed they have high defense they have pretty high sustain lots of um passive points to enable you to bolster your defenses and stay alive a lot longer you are going to be in melee you can also actually play as a ranged play style as well with things like Javelin even um Shield bashes a little bit of range to it but there's lots of offense lots of Defense a good combo here I would say one of the tankiest specs in the game in terms of the masteries you can spec into a lot of damage you can spec into basically a Summoner that does a bunch of fire damage or you can Speck into a more supportive style Paladin build that has auras and lots of healing for your team so we'll get into all three of those in a minute but this is what sort of a typical tank uh strong melee fighter would kind of look like um in a video game like this let's go onto the Rogue this is the second one the Rogue is going to be your incredibly fast agile melee or ranged damage dealer it can spec into lots of poisons or bleeds it has the ability to shift around the battlefield um flurry of attack sharkens is a ranged ability you have a smoke bomb you can throw down to keep yourself safe you're going to be dodging enemy attacks for the most part it has one of the coolest defensive mechanics in the game called glancing blow which reduces the damage that you take but you really have to spec into it on the passive tree you can choose to either go for a sort of pure melee style as a blade dancer where you're really zipping all over the battlefield very quickly doing a lot of combo attacks and creating Shadow clones that are going to help you do damage you can spec into the Marksman which is a very typical bow class has a lot of synergy just with bows itself lots of ranged attacks that you can spec into as well and then there is a brand new Falconer class as well oh let me bring this over here there's a brand new Falconer class that just got announced we don't actually have the ability to see it in game quite yet but it has the ability to play with this new pet I'll talk about this in a minute but it's a very unique gameplay Style with an actual pet that's immune to all damage and does a bunch of cool things with you I'll talk about that a little bit later so that's the Rogue very fast very agile very Speedy gameplay lots of quick attacks poisons bleeds that kind of stuff okay you get the picture let's move on to the Mage this is the typical Caster class the ranged Caster class in the game it can focus on fire cold and lightning those three elements primarily you can have spells like lightning blast disintegrate is another Lightning Spell you've got Glacier there's like a cold snap not quite coold snap but there's another cold ability in there volcanic orb if you spec into the sorc you can get meteor and another Lightning Spell another cold spell there's some really huge huge Elemental spells to just decimate your enemies that is a very uh typical component of what this Spec's going to do for you its main defensive mechanic is Ward you can get flame Ward but you can also just generate Ward passively which is just a shield um and then yeah there's a ranged Source respect which is a very sort of typical ranged Mage from distance that has some really cool scaling mechanics I'm going to talk about there's a Spell blade which is actually a melee wizard archetype and you get a bunch of melee Elemental attacks which is really fun this is one of my favorite things to play in the whole game and then they recently announced about a month ago the Rune Master which I think is probably the coolest Mage spec that's ever been invented in a game in an action RPG game like this runic inv vacation spell I'll talk about a little bit later it is really wow what it can pull off so this is your typical Mage class with a couple of different specs let's keep moving we got the primalist this is sort of your nature themed warrior with a lot of different archetypes actually pushed into one class so you can control a bunch of pets with the Beast Master um specialization or Mastery where you've got a raptor and a bear and a saber-tooth and you can buff your pets with frenzy totem there's a lot a bunch of other Buffs you can get too like you can war cry and that helps your pets all of your pets have their own individual abilities so very very cool very pet themed a Summoner there's a shaman which turns you into a bit of a totem Master where you have big lightning storms and cold tornadoes that are that are flying around everywhere you can do an earthquake or an avalanche so lots of really cool spells there very Elemental very Shaman okay very Shaman themed and then there's a druid where you can become a shape shifter you can shape shift into a we bear or a sprig or a swarm blade and it has a bunch of really cool abilities it really switches all your abilities and you can combo being a druid with a bunch of other pets if you want to you can combo it with a shaman totem a little bit if you want to there's a lot of synergy going on with the prim less no matter which spec you choose um but that's kind of what's going on there let's go to the acolyte this is the final Base Class this is essentially your typical dark themed Caster okay it focuses on things like blood magic and curses Undead armies there's a unique Lich form you can take on I'll talk about that in a second um you have melee abilities ranged abilities draining life from from enemies spreading plagues um infernal shade is just an ability that burns a bunch of enemies over time lots of dark magic you can do a lot of damage to enemies but you often have to sacrifice portions of your health to do so you can spread poisons diseases all that kind of stuff okay it can have very very high sustain sort of tankiness with the Lich form which I'll talk about in a minute this is a completely different form that you get to take and you kind of become this melee disease spreading monster Necromancer is your typical um minion Undead minion Army Builder you can get wraiths and skeletons skeletal Mages you can sacrifice your minions all that kind of stuff there's a brand new spec that has also come called the Warlock this is one of the ones that got announced in the last couple of weeks this is sort of your typical dark themed Caster like ranged Caster not a Summoner not a lich the Lich is kind of melee this is like the Caster version of the dark um themed for the acolyte so very very cool there and I'll talk about it in a minute so those are all the base classes right there and now we're going to talk about the masteries themselves I'm going to dig in a little bit deeper to each of those and show you guys what they do and um we'll start with the Sentinel all right here's the Sentinel I've switched my camera position over here because I need to be able to show you guys the passives here so the Sentinel again this is your typical sort of tanky Warrior it has three masteries we're going to start with the forge Guard we're going to read the passive bonuses on the left here 35% physical and Fire Resistance 3% increased armor for each hit you've taken in the last 10 seconds so again it really rewards you for playing as a tanky character you might want to invest in nodes that give you Shield or uh block Synergy there's lots of them there you get Block Effectiveness you can get Block chance more block Effectiveness there's a whole bunch you can summon a ring of shields around you when you block an attack so very very cool this spec though however focuses primarily around skills like Forge strike which does a whole bunch of fire damage in front of you and then summons a bunch of minions and the Minions that you summon it's called a forged weapon and also you can summon Mana EST armor they will gain stats from your gear so it's a very very cool synergistic thing going on there whatever stats you're putting on your gear your um army essentially is going to get as well so you're kind of like a commander on the battlefield um summoning a bunch of forged weapons and armor to go and decimate your enemies with fire damage and physical damage that's the combo that you're kind of working with there and you're very very tanky you can do uh Shield Synergy stuff or you can just go for a big two-handed weapon swing that does a whole bunch a big damage and can just decimate your enemies that's the kind of concept with Forge guard lots of fire damage lots of physical damage very very tanky and has a bunch of minions supporting you along the way let's move on to the Paladin the Paladin is your typical sort of multiplayer support character you have an aura that's going to give your allies 30% more damage 15% more Elemental resistance that's amazing that's cold fire and and lightning resist allinone and then you have Healing Hands Sigil of Hope judgment is your big big big slam ability that's going to do a bunch of damage but also puts consecrated ground on the ground and your allies can stand in it and heal over time so very good for group play obviously very good by yourself as well if you just want a very tanky character that can sustain through a lot of damage that's coming their way you can see if we type in heal on the top here there's all kinds of nodes that Focus On Healing you increasing your health your health regeneration Health when you block all that kind of stuff so very very good sustain on the Paladin you deal increased fire lightning and physical damage equal to your percentage of Health remaining so the more damage you're taking the more damage you're going to deal and then you get more healing Effectiveness as well so very tanky very strong lots of sustain good for group play good if you want to buff your friends okay void Knight is really the DPS the big DPS dealer of the three um masteries for Sentinel so your main ability is called erasing strike it actually can literally uh erase enemies from existence which is super super fun you're focused on a lot of void damage it's one of the few specs in the game actually that focuses very much on void damage which is super cool you get really cool spells like Abyssal Echoes devouring orb does a bunch of void damage over time anomaly is a combo skill which you can send enemies forward in time by 5 seconds and then you can bring them back and it has a really cool sort of synergy with time um there's also a defensive ability that sends enemies forward in time if you drop below a certain amount of health so that you have a moment to like recover so that's some really cool sort of synergies with like time and void magic and interesting things like that the main passive bonuses you're getting are 75% more void damage and then your mainly attacks all your attacks actually have a chance of repeating themselves so you might do this massive like erasing strike and then it will repeat itself again all of your abilities have a chance to do that so if you kind of like that mechanic that's what you're dealing with the with the void Knight so again you're still pretty tanky not as tanky as the Paladin or the forge guard you're still pretty tanky though and as just being a sentinel and you can bring a lot of void damage and just erase your enemies with this spec so that is the Sentinel in the nutshell very tanky character you can be a Summoner you can be a support class with the Paladin or you can be a big DPS void Knight it's up to you what you want to play let's move on to the Rogue all right so here's the Rogue again we have the base uh class here this is just a passive tree that I'm looking at we're going to look at the Marksman first so the Marksman is again the main ranged sort of physical DPS dealer in the entire game um there's really nobody else that sort of fits that Ro except for the Marksman using a bow attack grants 5% attack speed can stack up to five times all Stacks fall off after you've not used a bow attack recently 50% increased damage while using a bow so lots of synergy of course with bows you're going to get things like detonating arrow multi-shot Dark quiver and then the hail of arrows and you can spec into all of these and make them really really strong you can synergize with a bunch of different elements so detonating Arrow of course ends up doing uh it explodes and does fire damage I believe uh sorry lightning damage lightning bow attack area dexterity but you can modify these skills and make them do different ele uh hit for different elements as well you can see if we type in convert then it will it can convert this to poison it can convert it can make it a pure Lightning Spell convert it to fire so you have lots of Elemental choices that you can also convert it into cold so this main ability that you have can actually focus in whatever Direction you want to go you want to slow enemies down and freeze them you want to burn enemies with Ignite you want to poison enemies you can do that which is super cool for the Marksman and then of course you have lots of other spells as well that are going to help you some of these spells are aimed in particular directions in terms of which Elemental Focus they are relying on but that's what you get to do as a marksman you have obviously you need to be using a bow at all times your defense is a little bit lower I would say than something like the Sentinel for sure you're basically going to rely on being able to physically Dodge enemy's attacks by just moving out of the way and then just raining destruction down on them this this spec does a ton of extra damage it is really really strong on the damage side but you do have to be a little bit careful with the defense side you don't really have a lot of forms of Defense I think glancing blow might be the only you don't even have any glancing blow properties so the Rogue does have some glancing blow properties I talked about earlier makes you take 35% less damage but look The Marksman doesn't even have a single node for glancing blows so very very squishy potentially but um you can do crazy amount of damage so the best defense is a good offense that's the Marksman strategy let's look at blade dancer blade dancer is the melee version of the Rogue it is all about dancing around the battlefield and basically causing a lot of chaos and doing a ton of damage and decimating your enemies really really quickly you do have much more Synergy with Dodge chance and glancing blow with something like apostasy so you can actually be in the middle of The Fray and still be okay and not die you're definitely going to be utilizing skills like smoke cloud smoke bomb sorry to make sure you stay okay maybe decoy to distract enemies from killing you your main passives here is that you get plus one to your maximum Shadows 15 physical uh melee physical damage and then 15% more Dodge rating so you get inherent uh just dodge rating for free which you can stack up and make it so that enemies basically never hit you very very good the max Shadows is a very cool mechanic specifically for blade dancer if I type in Shadow here you can see that you can have an additional Shadow skills used by Shadows deal increased damage you can have maximum number of uh default uh three shadows at by default so Shadows are basically similar to the void Knight they are allies that will copy your abilities when you do them so there are certain abilities that have really really good synergies with your shadows and they will proc um a shadow to copy the last ability that you did and that creates some incredible scenarios where you can just create crazy amounts of damage so basically every ability that you have as a blade Master can have a shadow procket as well which is very fun very very cool so it's all about doing an ability and then having three or four or five Shadows proc that ability afterwards and do crazy amounts of damage okay so that's kind of how the play style that you're looking at again very fast very agile uh spec right there and then once again we're going to look at the falconer which we can't look at the passive tree right here but we have a pretty good idea up here about what's going on with the falconer you get a falcon pet that is invulnerable takes no damage but you you utilize it for a bunch of your different abilities one of the coolest ones is this air assault as you Leap Forward the Falcon Dives to catch you carrying you further after dropping you off the Falcon unleashes a storm of feathers slicing and dicing enemies around you that ability is really cool you can tell your Falcon to dive bomb a particular area do a bunch of area damage you have a net which is a pure utility ability basically that can that can immobilize enemies and give you a bunch of Buffs and then you have explosive trap in the bottom right here I'm kind of covering it right now but you've got explosive trap which is a new form of uh it's a completely new idea in last de they didn't have traps until the falconer place a trap on the ground that when trigger devastates the area with an explosive fire this trap can be um change to be basically whatever element you want it to be you can actually also spec into a build that fires off a bow and that bow shot will actually fire a trap down in front of enemies and you just be launching traps like all over the place there's some really cool play Styles there but a lot of it revolves around this Falconer pet that you have and the big damage that it's able to do but again it's not a typical pet in the sense that you have to like manage its health bar or what it's doing it's Invincible it's just helping you do the damage on the battlefield and you don't have to worry about having to like keep it alive or anything so that's a nice little touch there for the falconer very very different play style for like a rogue character and I think very fun and something brand new that we're going to have to explore once we get there so that's the Rogue in a nutshell you have the pure ranged Marksman dealing lots of damage from afar a little bit weak on the defense you have the blade dancer which Dodges and and and um has glancing blows going off and just you're not even getting hit by anybody in your smoke bomb dancing around the battlefield doing all kinds of damage with your shadows and then you have the falconer which of course focuses on this bird and its ability to help you devastate the uh the battlefield as well with aerial assault or you can throw out a bunch of traps if you like a trap play style character that's what's in store for you that's the Rogue let's move on to the Mage all right here's the Mage this is again your typical sort of spellcaster focuses on cold lightning fire damage so if we look at the first one let's say look at the sorcerer this um spec is the sort of penultimate Mage it is the the the Giga Mage okay this is what you're going to be doing if you want to be a range spellcaster you have all kinds of options in terms of massive massive spells that are going to devastate your enemies you've got meteor which is your main ability it does so much damage it literally calls a meteor from the sky it can be specked into doing some really really cool things so you can go I believe um pure fire with this you can do ignite chance you can have it create an additional explosion you can create shrapnel when it lands on the ground all kinds of really cool synergies there with meteor and then the main mechanic as I said before I think earlier for sorcerer that you get plus 50 flat mana and then your spells deal increased damage equal to their Mana cost this is a really unique and awesome idea for a caster and it means that the gear that you're going to get on your sorcerer is going to basically always have mana on it you want as much maximum Mana as you can get and you can see there are talents that also or passives that also synergize with Mana give you increased Mana regeneration give you ward based on your current Mana so you can actually get defense out of your Mana as well which is very very cool and then you get more spell damage more Mana regen it's really all about the Mana for this spec in order to cast these incredibly expensive spells but because they're expensive it means that they do more damage very cool again you can spec into a fire spell there's a static orb for a Lightning Spell ice barrage is a cold spell there's even black hole which is a I think it's a cold spell damage over time and intelligence so there's multiple options with those different elements you can do whatever kind of Caster you want whichever element you are interested in you can blow your enemies away with this spellcaster and it has really really cool Synergy with the Mana portion so that's what you're looking at there again Ward is your main defense and there are synergies on the passive Tru for Ward as well increased spell damage Ward retention this is your main way that you're going to stay alive so you're going to want to put some points into that let's look at the Spell blade this is one of my absolute favorite specs in the game I actually have one right now it is the melee Wizard and you have a bunch of abilities that are going to decimate your enemies from close range that are all Elemental themed right now I'm doing very much a lightning sort of static um BL uh Spell blade but let's look at the passives for Spell blade you gain four Ward on melee hit and Mana spent on melee attacks is converted to Ward so again as I talked about Ward for the sorcerer being really important to keep them alive um it's even more important for the Spell blade because the the Spell blade is up close and personal you are hitting enemies in melee range so you're going to be taking damage you're going to be getting hit but this is the most incredible like one of the tankiest specs that I've played I'm not even going to lie the amount of Ward that you get which again is just a shield if you don't know what Ward is I have some right here you can see I have current Ward 362 I'm actually maintaining that Ward because of my ward retention we can talk about that stuff in another time but this spec is incredibly tanky you can run into the middle of the battlefield do a bunch of damage pop your shield and you'll have a crazy amount of overshield essentially protecting your health bar to keep you alive you can spec into a cold uh build with shatter strike there's a fire build with Firebrand and Flame Reeve and there's a lightning build with surge and enchant weapon and of course the Mana strike that I'm using which actually procs my lightning Blast for free it's very very cool every time I press surge I proc lightning Blast for free and I zap a bunch of nearby enemies so you can do whichever element you desire there is a build for it and is very very strong lots of fun destroying enemies in melee as the Spell blade I really love this thing now the Rune Master potentially in my opinion the coolest Mage archetype that has ever existed in a in an action RPG this thing is so cool it starts out with runic invocation what this means is whenever you use a spell that has an element you're going to gain a rune like above your head and then you're going to combine runes together to create a new spell so if you press a lightning spell and then another lightning spell and then press runic invocation that's going to be two lightning spells and it's going to do a certain spell for you if you press a fire spell and a lightning spell it'll do a different it'll do a different ability if you press a lightning spell and a fire spell it does a different ability if you press a cold spell and a cold spell and a fire spell it does a different ability as well there's like 30 of these suckers it's crazy how many spells you can create from this one spell and it means that the game play is really Dynamic it's super fun you can create all kinds of different spells until you really find the ones that you love and some of them are incredibly powerful very very strong very powerful this thing is really honestly overpowered a little bit what but the best way to play Mage that I've ever played in an in an action RPG it is so much fun to mess around with this thing and you you get the other options too you still have like flame Rush Frost wall Rune bolt and Glyph of domination are other spells that you can use but this one spell runic in vacation has 30 spells inside of it that you can mess around with however you want and it's incredibly fun so if you want to play a mage character that has a lot of fun experimenting with different spell effects and unique um different spells in in fact that you can create this is totally the the spec for you and I promise you no matter what spell you create you're basically going to be very very strong that's been my experience of it running through the campaign um and uh I've really enjoyed it a lot so if you're if you're thinking about going for a mage archetype and you want something a little bit crazy go for the Rune Master cuz it is a lot of fun that's the Mage in a nutshell melee Mage lots of Ward Ward retention lots of melee spell damage blowing enemies up staying alive in melee the sorcerer decimating enemies from afar with some Classic Spells like meteor and you can go any spell that you desire lightning ice fire and then the Rune Master combining all the elements together to create whatever spell you want to blow up your enemies with it's a ton of fun no matter which way you slice it so that's Mage and a nutshell let's move on to the next spec okay this is the primalist um this is probably one of my favorite uh specs just in in general it very much has a shaman archetype in it of course obviously one Mastery being a shaman so we'll get to that in a second but it's really close to my heart I really enjoy this spec a lot there's a lot going on though with this spec there's a ton of things to sort of think about you have first of all Companions and or totems in almost every single build that you're running whether or not even you're a shapeshifting Druid you're still going to probably have companions or totems alongside you so if you don't like a play style that involves having uh companions to sort of manage or totems to put down on the ground then you're probably not going to like this primalist but if you don't mind having some of that stuff then this is going to be the spec for you it's it's very very fun so generally speaking we're going to look at the Beast Master first this is the spec that that focuses almost entirely on beasts and you get a summon Raptor as your as your Beast just for picking the Beast Master so here it is you get plus one companion limit so the companion limit off the bat I believe is one this gives you access to two you can take another companion over here and get maximum three Companions and there's other ways to modify the amount of companions you can get as well you and your minions deal 50% increased melee damage so that's important to understand the idea with the beastmas is that you're upfront in the melee in The Fray dealing damage with your minions destroying the enemies that's what you're supposed to be doing and you can summon a whole bunch of minions right so we're looking at things like your wolves over here you can also get summon bear summon scorpion frenzy totem summon saber-tooth and summon Raptor so you have a whole bunch of different summons to choose from they can be specked into different elements if you want to the Scorpion for example can go physical cold or lightning the bear is basically pure physical the saber-tooth can go physical or cold and then the Raptor is pure physical as well your wolves however can go physical cold and lightning as well so if you want to do like an elemental build where you're bringing a bunch of lightning or cold damage down you can actually spec your companions to also be doing cold damage the saber-tooth is one of the coolest ones he can cast uh ice Vortex he can retaliate with ice Vortex the saber-tooth becomes an ice tiger converting its damage to cold bunch of really cool specs there so this is absolutely the companion play style and then in your passive tree you have a couple of really really big Buffs like aspect of the shark which increases your melee physical damage you can give aspect of the shark to your companions which is super cool um you have aspect of the links which is right here uh this one yeah whenever you use a companion ability you get aspect of the links which gives you increased Critical Strike chance and then you can get crit multi and then you can make all your companion all your aspect Buffs uh last longer there's also aspect of the bore which which reduces your damage taken which is very important because you're going to be upfront and close in the melee with with all your companions so that's what this spec offers this Mastery it is all about companions it's all about being up close and personal in the melee dealing damage with your companions every one of your companions will have a unique ability that they can use that will buff everybody in the party so very very good support for your team and for you and for all your other Minions that you have it's super cool super super fun let's look at Shaman Shaman is very much um close to my heart of course because it's very similar to Shaman from World of Warcraft which is the main game that I'm playing of course your main spell you're going to get is called Summon Storm totem this thing does a bunch of lightning damage to enemies and it is of course a totem with which if you look at your passive here is very important minus5 to tote totem Mana cost plus 10 atunement atunement is a stat that Buffs your companions and your totems generally speaking a lot of that those kinds of abilities and then 50% Elemental resistance while you control a totem so you're actually very very tanky as a shaman you get 50% cold lightning and fire reds for free when you have a totem down which is kind of insane so very very tanky you can be a spellcaster you can actually be upfront in the melee as well if you want to there's um big big spells like tornado earthquake and Avalanche but a lot of these spells can actually be specked to uh proc off of your melee attacks for example tornado can can do that which is super super cool um oh it's we got to get it's in the new uh spell tree we I'll show that later but Tempest strike essentially can actually proc tornado um when there's an updated version of Tempest strike that's coming tomorrow so we can talk about that later but the main point is you are a big big Elemental Caster or melee and you're going to have to have a totem down at all times you're going to be casting big big spells and you're going to be decimating your enemies with the elements you have physical elements of tornado cold with the Avalanche and then more physical with earthquake but you also have lightning damage you can spec into lightning damage get a bunch of storms going on all kinds of stuff like that so very cool archetype if you want to be a big um uh Elemental spellcaster but not be a Mage and instead have like really cool totems that are buffing you and different spells than what the the Mage has then this is going to be the spec for you finally is the Druid this is the main shape shifter in the game there is an acolyte spec that has a shape shifting ability as well but this is the main one um you can have we bear form as your as your first form and then as you spec into this tree get more passives put in here you're going to get sprig form you can summon a spron which is like a spellcaster that does a bunch of nature damage and then you have storm blade form which is really cool it's or swarm blade sorry um it it's sort of like you're like a you're like a buzzing uh fly kind of thing that goes around um really really cool form though you're very fast and agile you have a bunch of swipe abilities you can summon a bunch of bees and do like beehive companion stuff it's very cool actually so that's a neat one the we bear of course has its own abilities it's very tanky a big swipe ability an ability to sort of trample um enemies um very tanky very strong shape shift form the spron form is like a Caster form where you can do a bunch of abilities like entangling Roots gets a big buff when you're in sprig and form um lots of plants and vines that you can send out to like poison enemies and do a bunch of cool things like that so that's what you're looking at a three main forms for the Druid and then your passives here when you leave a transformed State gains 70% damage reduction for two seconds 20% increased Health in Mana so very very tanky and then you can spec into a lot of damage as a droo because your passive bonuses just make you so incredibly tanky lots of shape shifting in and out of different states and gaining bonuses for shape shifting you can see it here after uh you gain The Shape Shifter buff for limit duration when you transform granting armor and damage if you you've increased Critical Strike chance when you have a shape shifter uh you and your minions are healed when you transform so a lot to do with transforming into different forms back and forth and then utilizing those different forms in their abilities you can actually combo two different forms together if you want to and try and come up with different builds that way so very unique play style if you like the transforming into different animals and stuff this is definitely the play style for you that's the primalist guys in a nutshell you got The Beastmaster which controls a bunch of Companions and has some really really significant melee Buffs like aspect of the shark the shaman is doing all the big spell casting with cool spells like earthquake and tornado and you have to have your totems down to be giving you some Buffs and then the Druid is the main Transformer in the game multiple different forms you can take depending on how you want to play what your play style is so that's it for the the primalist let's move on to the acolyte okay last but not least this is the acolyte again this is sort of the dark spellcaster of the game it focuses a lot on like bleeds and poisons and necrotic damage um and you can obviously spec into multiple different masteries let's start off with the Necromancer this is the most common um you know Undead Army building spec uh it's very common in a lot of action RPGs this is no exception but there's a lot of really cool actually um niches in this game compared to other action RPGs with necromancers so for one you get plus one to max skeleton plus one to max skeleton Mage and your minions deal 50% more damage you also get Summon wraith as your very first ability um which is super cool the wraiths are uh basically temporary Minions that will destroy your enemies but you can spec them out to be to last longer you can you can do a bunch of stuff with them which is super cool then you also get Summon skeletal Mage these things are very very strong you're limited to two skeletal Mages at a time but they cast a very powerful dreadbolt and has a 50% chance to apply damned on hit damned is sort of a a damage over time it's necrotic damage damage over time basically so every element in this game has a damage overtime component and that's what that's what it is for necrotic damage you can sacrifice your minions if you want to later on you're going to get dread shade and then assemble Abomination which is your really really big um sort of abomination that you can make you can absorb all your other minions into this one huge minion and um he will get a bunch of the stats from those other minions his health does Decay over time so again there's ways to modify that in the in the spell tree just on the regular um skill tree you also have summon skeleton as one of the main abilities you can get and one thing that I really loved about summon skeletons with some of the some of the modifications that you could make so you can summon a lot of skeletons you can summon more skeletons down here you can get more skeletons right there with Hollow Walkers and then grave Walkers more skeletons up here you can decide if you want skeleton archers or skeleton Warriors or skeleton Rogues and skeleton Rogues get added to the pool very very cool they teleport and throw shens and stuff but you can modify whether or not you want certain skeletons removed from the pool so skeleton Warriors are removed from the pool um if you go over here and take the Archer one and then if you go down here skeleton archers will be removed from the pool which is super cool so you can really modify what your Undead Army is going to look like whether it's going to be comprised of just skeletal Mages or just skeletal Warriors it's very cool and that might modify how you do your gaml when you're running around cursing enemies maybe you want to do a melee play style with as a necromancer with uh the Harvest ability that's a that's a melee attack that can actually buff your skeletons and stuff or you can stay as a ranged caster and some do something like summon a volatile zombie which is also a minion and it will explode there's some really cool things you can do with minions in this build and um it's a fun sort of standard Necromancer but I just wanted to highlight how there are some twists to it at least in my experience from some of the other necromancers in other action RPGs let's look at the Lich the Lich is an incredibly strong durable tanky um disease spreading monster that's what the Lich does so you get access to Reaper form which transforms you into a Reaper and then you get a a couple of new abilities you access to new abilities which are really really cool the um Reaper form transforms your health bar into a brand new health bar so that slowly drains over time so you're sort of fighting to keep this health bar as high as you possibly can keep it um that's the main sort of gameplay Loop there once this health bar gets to zero you just go back to your regular health bar so it's this extra layer of protection and it synergizes really really well with um uh effects that drop your health below half so let's just right type in half here when you drop below half Health you're granted War this is a 12-second cool down so you can actually spec into this this and get a really really big chunk of Ward whenever you drop below half but because this health bar on the Lich form is always dropping below and you're always trying to get it back up again you can keep dropping below half like multiple times in a row or you can keep yourself in sort of a low life State and get a bunch of bonuses for being on low low life all sources of Health leech are converted and increased at 10 times their value which is super cool you get lots of leech to sustain yourself you deal increased damage this bonus is tripled when you're below 35% HP so this is the big idea with this spec is that you are you are um able to keep this new health bar at a very you know low level and keep sustaining it back up because it's not your real health bar if you lose it all it doesn't matter you just uh go back to your normal health bar and then a few seconds later you can go back into Lich form again it does have a low sort of cool down and it's really really fun gameplay in my opinion um so I it's it's a cool style you're also incredibly tank tanky here's what you get as your passive bonus plus one to your companion summon limit you and your minions deal 50% increased melee damage so again it's all about being in melee and sustaining yourself through the damage that's coming while you're inside this form you have a bunch of synergies with Vitality of course Soul barrier grants addition award equal to Your vitality and you get Vitality increase points there it's a really really cool spec it's basically a melee disease spreading tank and some of the tankiest builds in the whole game actually can be a lich so that's kind of that style there finally we're going to talk about the Warlock this is the other spec that got announced and we haven't really seen a full passive tree yet or at least I don't have access to it but we kind of know what it's all about it is a dark spellcaster range spellcaster very much like the sorcerer okay in terms of what it's able to do and it has a bunch of really cool new spells it focuses on fire damage and necrotic damage combining those two together it has a whole bunch of new warlock curses as you you can see going to move my camera back over here so there's a bunch of new warlock curses anguish Penance decrepify acid skin torment they're very very cool you get some interesting abilities like cthonic fider you tear open a fery line in the ground and it unleashes a bunch of vengeful spirits that curse your enemies you get chaos bolts unleash a barrage of chaotic fire and necrotic projectiles devastating an area ghost flame is basically a channeled spell where you sit there and you just breathe necrotic and fire damage on enemies very very cool profane Veil is your big sort of defensive ability as a warlock where you kind of just go invulnerable and also deal necrotic damage to enemies around you so it is uh very very cool long range spellcaster that focuses on dark magic I don't think it has the passive here no I don't see the passive for the Warlock so I forget exactly what that's going to be but we'll have to wait and see if this style is interesting to you where you like being a spellcaster but you don't want to be a mage instead you'd like to be sort of a dark spellcaster this is the one for you it's going to do necrotic damage fire damage you can spread that damned effect to a bunch of different enemies uh you can just burn them all you can curse enemies it has all that together there so this is the acolyte lots of damage over time lots of blood magic lots of curses lots of uh necrotic damage fire damage you can be really really tanky as a lich and get in there with melee damage and just spread poison and disease to enemies nearby you can summon an undead army with a necromancer and specifically pick out which kinds of skeletal minions you want your army um or you can play the Warlock which again is that ranged dark spellcaster that focuses on necrotic damage and kind of burning your enemies from afar so those are all the different archetypes guys I hope you um enjoyed my vide showcasing them all this is meant to just be a quick video to help you guys have a better idea of deciding what you might want to play when you enter last deu this is the most important decision that you're ever going to make I should have said this at the beginning of the video but I'm going to say it now you cannot respect your mastery once you pick one of these masteries you're done for that character you can't respect it you can respect your passive points but not your Mastery so this is a really important decision I want you guys to make the best decision possible I hope this video has helped you decide what you're going to play for the first uh cycle of last Deo so thank you so much again for watching let me know what you think in the comments down below I love you all I will see you in the next one
Channel: ZucoWoW
Views: 33,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xEtGK6jIBzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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