The ONLY WoW macro guide you ever need

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I've helped a million of you with your wild setups to maximize your performance and another highly requested topic macros so in this master class I'll cover all your questions on screen I will make you a wizard in terms of wild macros I will assume you have zero knowledge and I will build you up such that you can code your own complex conditional macros used by worlders Raiders that allow you to use multiple abilities with just one keybind and macros that make you react way faster and all the other little known tricks and hacks that comes with macros all parts of this faster class is time stamped as per all my other guides so bookmark the video come back in the future if you need all the macros in this video will also be available for easy copy and paste via the description let's start first the basics let's Zoom through it type SL macro in your chat box to bring up the macro screen and this macro panel will appear the difference between a general macro and a character specific macro is that General macros they will be saved across all your characters while character specific macros just like the name suggests will be saved only on that specific character for the purpose of this video we'll be creating macros from scratch and I can bet with you if you use any form of advanced macros that you copy and paste from some famous streamer or website you will always see the first line is show to tip what the hell is show to tip so let me explain I'm going to go to General macros let's start something brand new together and we'll call this macro master class and you can choose a question mark and you will understand why later because show tool tip literally means that depending on what you type beneath the show tool tip line what your macro does it would actually fill in what the icon is the game would display the relevant icon and that's is why every well- written macro starts with show two tip all right some more basic hacks here so most people in your macro if you're old school would use SL cast and let's say a certain ability like crackling Jade Lightning by the way here's a pro tip just like how you link spells and items in game when you type macros and you're going to use any of these abilities and you don't want to mistype or misspell you can simply hold down the shift button on your keyboard and you left click on the spell and it instantly populates here so that way you don't ever have to worry about misspelling and see what happens when I click save you see that this basically macro instantly gets updated as the crackling Jade lightning icon and so if I drag it onto my action bar here which is in the number one keybind and I close my macros click on this I press one it basically starts casting correctly jit lightning as simple as that now going back to this basic macro that we created there's actually a more efficient way to code this and is actually to spell use instead of cast use is the exact same thing as cast except as one alphabet less and it also can be applied to Trinkets and items and whatnot so for example if I save this and I press one again you can see I can still use crackling J lining I don't have have to type SL cast but if you ever encounter SL cast or sluse ability it's the exact same thing so that's Basics now let's dive into the deeper end of the pool the more advanced stuff I just rename the macro we made together such that it starts with a and that way alphabetically it's always at the first position and this way we can find what we created easily every time we open the panel but let's dive into the advanced part and i' like to talk about macro conditions now and the case study we will use is a mouse over macro by far one of the most common Advanced macros that veterans of World of Warcraft would use now conditions at its heart is what makes macros insanely powerful because you can combine multiple spells functions into a single keybind that activates under different conditions so let's start with the entry level knowledge to conditions to add a condition to a macro you need to use the square bracket so in this case after I type SL use I would open the square bracket as such and what the square bracket ET says to the game is that okay if the condition inside this square bracket is true then use crackling Jade lightning however because what is in the square bracket is currently empty it means that it is always true that's why when I click on one you know crackling J lightning still goes through and now you might be asking wait how do I know what are the conditions that is available for me to use what do I type in the square brackets so this is a very good time for me to introduce a very good resource that I'll link in the description is basically to a wildad article it list all the conditionals you can use but there's only really a few common ones that people really touch specifically I think these four highlighted are the most common harm help exist dead but you can see it goes on to be way more complicated and we'll talk about them in some specific examples later so let's take for example if I type in help in this square bracket this macro will no longer work because if you look at the reference I showed for the browser page earlier help will only be a true condition when you're targeting an ally not an enemy Target which in this case is the training dummy so this same macro if I now try and use it hey it doesn't work you can see me clicking on one it just doesn't work anymore because this condition is now false so the game doesn't use crackling Jade lightning now if I change help to harm which means the condition is true when I Target an enemy in this case the training dummy is one now you can see that when I press one one it works again right so this is a quick demo of how conditions work in the bracket the game checks for is the condition true okay if it's true I then continue to use crackling Jade lightning if it's false I stop there I do not do anything and so I covered what conditions are for us to do the mouse over case study I need to introduce another concept to you and this is also found on the same browser website that I brought up on screen that you can find in the description and on the side you see something called Target modifiers now this is where macros get even more powerful because via your macro inside the square bracket you can specify how are you modifying what Target you are currently targeting in the game sounds like a mouthful sounds hard to understand don't worry we'll demonstrate it with the mouse over case study but for now just be aware that you will be able to pair up Target modifiers with conditions and together that's a very powerful combo the wildad article list all the possible modifiers for Target and we'll go through all the important ones in this video now let's talk about a very specific Target modifier which is mouse over and this is very very important for advanced macro users so similar to the website I showed you earlier you can go add Mouse over and so when you add Target modifiers what most people would do is they would add in a condition to be comboed together with the target modifier and the way you do so by adding conditions within the square bracket on top of a modifier is basically by using the comma so in this case I want it to be at Mouse over and then I want to use the conditional that it exists then I click save and if I test it out here let's say I Target myself first right you can see I'm currently targeting myself if I Mouse over one of these trading dummies and I press one you can see without switching targets I'm actually able to cast via my macro on the training dummies and you might be saying wait hang on why must we have comma exist there that's a good question hold your horses I'll explain why in a bit before I cover that I want to talk about how we can modify this mouseover macro to be even more helpful so let's say you're fighting a boss and the boss has two different ads or let's say it's a council fight there's different bosses let's imagine all these four training dummies they are the four Council bosses The Four Horsemen in nakamas while you are targeting the first to just spare one gcd on the fourth as you can see I'm using crackling Jade on the fourth even though I'm targeting the first as you can see from this blue aura over here now some of you might have already noticed a problem with this which is hang on your macro kind of sucks because it's so limited it can only cast on Mouse over because let's say I'm currently targeting this dummy right and my mouse is currently targeting let's say the ground Mouse over on the ground I press one nothing happens it doesn't cast Jade lightning on my current Target that sucks that actually means that I need multiple binds for just crackling Jade lightning so how do you make it more flexible this is where we introduced this principle to you in macros called having multiple condition and also what the priority of the conditions are and so what we do here is we come to the end of the first square bracket and then we add in another square bracket as such and we click save now this is when you need to understand how the game reads macros it basically goes from left to right or top to down to find a condition that is true and when it is true it will then execute whatever ability you asking it to do in this case correcting J let's say my current mouse cursor is on the ground and then I press one which is the Mac macro keybind the game reads the macro from left to right first it reads Mouse over comma exist well there's nothing Mouse overing now so the first condition is out it has failed then it goes on to read the next condition the next square bracket here and is empty oh so this is now true so I will cast crackling J lightning on my current Target because I've not included any for Target modifiers in the second square bracket so the game executes the command that is the simple SL use crackling Jade lightning which is currently on my Target that is why even though my mouse over is currently on the ground and I press one now the spell goes through I don't have to have the mouse over on that specific unit frame in order for crackling Jade to go through and basically now you can have just a single Macro for crackling Jade that works with mouse over and without Mouse over which is perfect okay now this is where we come back to why do you need to add this hmer exist and it's good practice to have this whenever you have a Target modifier because if you don't the macro doesn't work and let me explain y so let's say I delete this comma exist and it's now just add Mouse over and then another square bracket that's empty see what happens my cursor is currently on the ground now I'm going to press what it doesn't work it says you have no target but hang on I have a Target is right here I'm targeting this dummy why doesn't this macro work because this goes back to priorities of the condition the game reads the macro from left to right and it says oh the first condition at Mouse over oh yeah he's Mouse overing he's Mouse overing the floor but Mouse overing the floor is true in the game engines definition because I am Mouse overing something it's just that it's not a Target it's not an enemy I Mouse over the floor it's still a mouse over that's good and therefore it ignores the second square bracket and so under this macro setup it is executing the text use at Mouse over crackling J lightning which is why it says you have no Target because that's the command is executing you need to add in the condition exists click save and then the first condition would be false because Mouse over currently on the ground has nothing existing there's no unit there nothing is existing and therefore the game then defaults to the second square bracket which is sluse crackling Jade lightning just to help you crystallize this imagine if I bring this second square bracket all the way to the front some of you might have already guessed what this would become I'm currently targeting the first I Mouse over the fourth and I click my macro wait hang on now it basically is casting on my first what's going on because like I said it reads from left to right now it checks the first square bracket and it says it's empty oh it's true then so I'm going to do sluse cracking J lightning on my current Target that's what the game is doing and so the priority of the square brackets they make a lot a lot of difference and that is why you see a lot of macros that you copy and paste from websites having this second square bracket in the later half because this this is basically an empty Condition it's always true okay now I want to talk about add Mouse over macros because now you see how powerful it can be right I'm using it for DPS purposes for enemy purposes but this can be easily modified for anies so let's say I change it to a hue vivify click save now I don't need any form of complicated add-ons like click that I need to basically download and then through the click add-on I can assign certain key binds where if I Mouse over a certain unit I just press the keybind and it simply just cast on the unit without me switching targets without me left clicking on the unit you don't need those add-ons anymore Mouse over does it you can see once I click save and I use the macro Mouse over myself by the way I'm still targeting the target dummy here Enemy by the way but now I Mouse over myself I'm still targeting the dummy but when I press one I'm healing myself without any form of addon so Mouse over macros as a Healer technically you can go across all your spells set it up with a mouse over macro just do it once and you never ever have to use any for click add-ons to Mouse over heal anyone as simple as that now that you understand what priorities are from left to right just note that earlier I mentioned that macros can also read it from top down and it's the same some macro writers that you copy and paste from websites or streamers they basically use a top down way of writing macros completely fine too and don't worry we'll cover some examples later and by the way just to be thorough you can actually have multiple conditionals in the same square bracket So currently it says comma exists I can even be more specific and say comma har and what this does is that it basically specifies that okay not only must my mouse over Target exist but it must also be a harmful unit so in this case it works on the fourth because this is a harmful unit now imagine if I change harm to help instead and now it basically says your mouse over must exist and it must be an ally so if I try and mouse over the fourth and press one one it doesn't work anymore it now goes to use crackling Jade on the first unit because it reads the square bracket first the first square bracket and it says mouseover exists and it needs to be an ally well in this case it's false because I'm Mouse overing a Target dumi then the macro then goes to the second bracket and it does oh empty condition okay true so use crackling J lining on current Target this is what I mean by you can have multiple conditions in the same square bracket by using multiple commas so that's that now I I want to introduce another layer of complexity and this is when you want to have multiple abilities within the same macro that corresponds to different conditions let's say for some reason I want this macro to be one where if I Mouse over an enemy It cast crackling Jade lightning if I Mouse over an Ali It cast vivifi which is the Mon's heel all in one macro this is where you need to use the semicolon so this is what we do we remove the second square bracket and over exist here I'm now going to going to say h which means it needs to be an enemy in order to use crackling Jade lining I then go to the end of crackling Jade I press semicolon and now I enter the condition add Mouse over exist and help in this case it will be then vv5 then I hit save okay now let's test the macro out when I Mouse over the fourth Target dummy that I'm not targeting and I press one it basically does cracking J now I'm still targeting the first dummy and now if I bring my cursor over to myself it basically casts Vivid so that's what the semicolon does it allows you to separate two abilities within the same sluse statement and you can even make it more complex by adding another semicolon this time around with an empty condition so meaning this will always be true and the default action is to use crackling Jade lightning so if I don't Mouse over anything let's say I Mouse over this Hut over here and I press one what do you think will happen the game will read this entire line of SL you and he goes okay it needs to be Mouse over exist har since he's Mouse overing the heart this is false um he's also going to be false for the second condition because he's Mouse overing the heart ah the third condition he is square bracket empty condition true so I slash use crackling J lining on the first Target I'm currently targeting which is my current Target and this is what the semicolon means it brings in multiple abilities into the same statement okay now that I've introduced this semicolon to you let's backtrack a little talk about the top to bottom hierarchy and priority that I talked about earlier and I'll give you a real example so this is a prod Warrior macro from wad from their prop Warrior guide and now you have the knowledge to understand what exactly is this trying to say let's go through it together top down and left to write the first thing is show two tip charge then it goes slash cast by the way SL use is the same I told you guys at the start slash cast Target equals Mouse over meaning if your target is your mouse over and it's an ally and it exists and your ally is not dead you will then intervene the Ally that you moused over meaning you can Mouse over the unit frame of your Ally and you will intervene to your Ally and if this is not true then it simply C intervene now you understand what I mean the game basically reads macro from left to right top to down it's simple as that let's do another very important Target modifier which is ADD focus and for the purpose of this demo I will go into my key bindings what I want to do is I will bind Focus Target I'll bind it to out middle button and so I can always out middle button to set this as my focus and then I can move it back to the first Target but you can see this like diagonal name plate here that basically means that that is my focus Target by the way stacking name plates here is not activated for the purpose of this tutorial because I basically magnified the UI scill so you can see the macros properly but if you folks are using my plater profile stacking name plates will work normally anyway just in case someone ask me in the comment section like what's going on with your name plates anyway now that you have your f Focus set as the forth you can use add Focus because earlier I talked about it too under Target modifier you can also use add Focus which targets the focus Target without swapping off your current Target again a very long mouthful let me just demonstrate so in this case what I want to do is if I have a focus that exists and is a harmful it use crackling Jade lightning and if not I just want the macro to cuse crackling Jade lightning at my current Target so I'll save okay so now watch where my cursor is is my cursor is currently on the ground I'm currently targeting the first I have basically focused the fourth okay you know what I'll demonstrate the third I will focus the third and you can see it's now my focus with the diagonal Stripes okay now I Target the first again and I press one which is the key B of the macro notice what happens I will now use crackling Jade on the diagonals which is basically my focus but if I type slash clear focus and now it's no longer being Focus back to my macro and I Target the second one press one it now goes back to just targeting the the second one because there's no longer a focus so at Focus does not exist therefore first condition is out macro goes to the second condition sluse cracking J lining now if you're sharp you already know based on the tutorial so far I can make this macro even simpler I don't even need the semicolon anymore I just go here and I add a square bracket here and so it will work in the exact same way I press one and it's exactly the same right remember you use semicolon when you have different abilities but since it's the same ability I can get a way of using this way simpler all right now you have learned all these conditionals Target modifiers how to combine different conditions how does the game prioritize different conditions reading from left to right top to down now let's dive into even more useful examples since we on the topic of focus we cannot have a macro master class without talking about the focus interrupt macro which is probably the most important macro when it comes to Mythic plus how does that work it's really simple so let's say we currently have four mobs in this pack that I'm tanking okay and these are the four mobs I am currently targeting the second mob because the second mob is the most dangerous mob it's let's say a melee Target it doesn't cost anything however I know this third mob is a custom M and if you download my PL profiles it will be colored in pink those are the ones you need to interrupt and it does a very dangerous cast that I need to watch out for to interrupt ASAP however I need to be focusing my DPS on the second one so so I want to be able to interrupt my focus which is my third one Caster without swapping off the second target so the way you set it up is you use a focus interrupt macro how does it work you go sluse add Focus exist har and then instead of crackling Jade you can go into Monk and then you look for your interrupt which is spear hand strike so I can include spear hand strike I can delete crackling Jade lightning and save what this does is it says okay if you have a focus it exists and it's harmful I I will use spear hand strike on your focus but if not pressing this keybind would just do SL use spear hand strike on your current Target so in a mob where I'm currently tanking like that and I'm hitting the second mob I can then use this macro interrupt the third one and because you guys can't see me interrupts on screen I would just have you pretend to understand that spear hand strike the interrupt is actually once again crackling Jade lightning so just notice what happens I am tanking the second one I want to interrupt my focus without swapping off the second target that I'm dpsing look what happens when I press the macro one it crackling jates which is the interrupt on the third unit frame here which is the focus which is the Caster but if I do not have a focus and I type SL clear Focus no space By the way it then defaults to using crackling Jade on whatever my current Target is in this case it can be my interrupt as well interrupting the current Target so there is a focus kick macro it's super important in Mythic plus it will take your game to the next level level and I've already made a video on this like at the launch of dragonfly and you can find links in the description to that video below so the upcoming macros we're going to cover in this video you can find a copy and paste from that Google doc that I mentioned and the link to that Google doc is in the description so that is focus interrupt macro naturally all you need to do is just change to your class interrupt ability here okay now let's talk about another very useful Target modifier and this time around is at cursor at cursor is immense in terms of helping you save one click for important abilities you need to cast a good example is something like using Ring Of Peace when you use Ring Of Peace you can see normally clicking the ability of binding it let's say I bind it to number two okay I press number two it will have this targeting reticle and you need to click left and then it confirms and then the spell is used way too slow in Mythic plus you have no time to just like wait for stuff to happen that Split Second could have killed you so anything with a targeting reticle like for example a frost mage blizz lizard a death nces death and Decay a Mon's ring of pece all these has a targeting reticle by default but you can actually skip that with a macro and that is the at cursor macro that is super powerful so all you need to do is go to the condition and type add cursor and you don't need any conditions because add cursor will always be true in the game right and then you go Ring Of Peace using the trick I showed you earlier hold down shift left click on this it types it for you click save okay now see what happens when I use number one we earlier know what happens when I use number two just to demo number two which is the default ability from the Spellbook I press two the targeting reticle appears now I'm going to press one and I want my ring of pece to appear at my cursor and I'm going to place it in between the third and the fourth dummy over here so if everything goes correctly the center of my ring of pece is going to be in between these two dummies so I press one see I don't even have that rticle to ask me to confirm the ground it simply just spawns immediately and then will save you a precious few seconds that would potentially have killed you if you basically hesitated so that is another very powerful targeting modifier the at cursor macro now you have seen at Mouse over now you have seen at cursor you have also seen at Focus suddenly this list of all the target modifiers is starting to make sense right you can start to think about all these useful cases for at player that targets the player at Target that targets the player's current Target at cursor at f focus at Target's Target which actually can be very useful a good example is that let's say you are healing as a Healer let's say Mythic plus and you are currently targeting your main tank right because he's getting you know demolished by the boss so your current Target is on the main tank and you want to continue to Target your tank so you can use abilities to heal him up but you also want to be able to contribute with your DPS let's say you play a Holy Paladin you want to be able to use Crusader strike on the boss so that you can build up holy power to spend on healing your tank without swapping off your tank as Target so this is where at Target Target comes in through your current Target you able to then use a macro to Target your Target's Target which is the boss so you can DPS then you have other methods like boss one boss two boss three first unit in the boss frames if you don't understand what this is turn on your boss unit frames go to let's say lvi go to unit frames turn on the boss unit frames and at boss one is a macro that always targets the first boss and you can have boss two or three if let's say it's a console fight and there multiple bosses then you have ADD Arena one you can also do this for at Arena 2 Arena 3 so let's say you're playing 3v3 all the time this can be very helpful macros that helps you target the specific Arena players and pet is self-explanatory it targets the players current pet but with that yeah you should understand every single Target modifier now okay now let's move on to cover another type of modifiers so we talked about Target modifiers so so far we have talked about conditional so far here's another principle for you to learn in macros and that is key modifiers just scroll down on that wad article I referenced list of key modifiers you might have guessed it it's basically shift alternate and control meaning you can set conditions to be true for when you hold down certain modifier keys on your keyboard okay so with the list of modifiers present here let's create a key modifier macro together where dependent on what modifier keys I hold out on my keyboard and I press the relevant keybind a different action will take place and I like to use the Ring of PE example still but just know that this can apply to all sorts of abilities like de and Decay anything under the sun really so let's say I want to go sluse open square bracket mod shift comma at player remember at player is our Target modifier so you can combine a key modifier with a Target modifier and I wanted to Cass ring of pece dat Center on my character so I include ring of PE piece then I want to add in a second condition so second square bracket and this second square bracket goes at cursor ring of piece okay so what do you think will happen here the game will basically read if I as a player has shift held down when I press this macro which is one so shift + one would make the game class ring of pece on my character if I don't press shift down and I just press one it will cast ring of piece at my cursor all right I made a slight tweak here instead of mod shift I use more alternate because I just realized that I bounce shift to something else more specifically shift one but I hidden the action bar so you guys won't see it but anyway let's say I use mod alternate at player so if I hold down alternate and I press one it should appear on my player ring of pece and look at my mouse cuz I'm putting it far away here right so let's press out one you can see Ring Of Peace is being cast directly on myself as a player now let's let ring of pece come back up in 30 seconds and I'm going to not hold down alterer and just press one what you should see is the ring of pece should be cast now on my cursor to the right let come back up I'm not holding that alternate I just press one see it appears at my cursor now right so this is what I mean by having modifier keys that allows you to do different kinds of action dependent on what key by modifiers you're holding down and you can even modify this for multiple spells and I'll give you a very good example let's say I have two Mobility abilities as say Monk and for some of you you play classes in multi Mobility abilities right and you only want to assign one keybind for all your Mobility spells you can do so so what I can do is I go mod alternate comma at player and then I go Tiger's lust which allows me to cast a movement speed boost on myself or any allies so the first condition is if I hold on Alternate and I press the key button assigned to this macro it will cast Tiger's last at the player which is me and then I put a semicolon and I go empty condition I would cast my second Mobility ability which is roll click on Roll click save now what this means is when I press alternate one it should cast Tiger's last on me you'll see a buff appear on my feet and when I just press one by itself without holding alternate I should roll forward so let's try that I will now move forward hold alternate and press one you can see Tiger's last is being cast on me now if I basically let go of alternate and I press one I should roll which is what I'll do now you can see I roll I basically used one single keybind for two movement abilities and that saves you key binds it's a very Nifty trick and once you understand this concept the possibilities are endless give you an example let's say you play a pheral druid or you play a rope you can have different modifiers like alternate shift control and they are using different finishers for your combo point and so let's say you have different finishers or Spenders they all categorized as Spenders of your combo point you can use shift alternate control to basically dictate just with one key bind which finisher you want to use same thing as tanks you can use that one button and just by tweaking the spells here tiger last and roll you can dictate okay what Spenders do you want to spend your class resource on and so your Spenders will always be bound to a single key bind it's that powerful and you can be really creative with key modifiers as well it doesn't have to be abilities it can be even for items like mounts all right so I'll give you an example let's say I want to have a single key key bind for three different Mount so I mod Alternate which means if I hold on Alternate press my keybind I want to be able to cast my dragon riding M which is the cliff side wer Drake and then I have my own let's say my repair M which is my yet I can then go okay mod control hold down shift left click this to instantly paste the name so you don't have to type right and then by default if I don't use any modifiers I wanted to use my default M plus Mount which I I love this very small um Mount here called The Grove warden so I can see exactly where I'm going I don't butt pull stuff by mistake save now what this means is when I hold down Alterna and I press one it will summon my dragon riding Mount you can see that's my dragon riding Mount right and then now imagine I'm in M plus and someone says Hey anyone have a repam out and I go yeah sure me I hold on control you can see this icon changes and I basically Mount up to use the grand Expedition yet really simple and then let's say the person has finished finish repairing and we about to start our M plus run I get on my default M plus Mount by not holding down any modifiers I press one now I'm mounting on my grow Wen the very tiny Mount that I love to use in M plus so that's that you can use this modifier macro to have multiple mounts on just one key bind so you can go nuts with all the possible combinations here for the next action if you love the guide so far hit the Subscribe button more of such guides coming your way all right earlier I shown you how you can use macros to have multiple abili ities or items that is bound to a single key and building more on that what if you had talents similar to let's say my druid here where it's an either or situation for example in the Druid talent tree for dragonfly you can pick either incap raw or you can pick Mighty bash both are crop control option one is a stun single Target one is a disorient and it's AOE what if I wanted a macro that will work regardless of whether I pick incap raw or Mighty bash and depending on what I pick whenever I press that same keybind it would use that crop control this is where we introduce another function in macros and it's another type of conditional and by the way hits up this conditional is not updated on the wildad article yet because I guess the article is dated and this is really in dragonflight only so just follow along in this tutorial on screen the function basically goes like this it says known and then you type the spell name or you can use the trick I showed you where known is incap raw which basically says okay if I know incap raw then I would use incap raw when I I trigger the macro and then we can use the semicolon that I taught you earlier and now the condition is known and I know it's mighty bash so I'm just going to type it and use might bash if it's true okay so now I'll bind it to my keybind number one if you notice my talentry right now I've have incap ra selected right and basically says oh use this ability glow right you can see that so if I swap to Mighty bash basically this macro will auto update right because we use the show two tip function that I taught you at the start of this video you should see the icon update you can see it's now updated to Mighty bash if I just move over you can see that the mighty bash icon lights up because I'm now in range so just to demonstrate to you if I press one it basically bashes Target dy over here as simple as that then now I just wait for my cool down for Mighty bash to come back up and then I'll SW back to incap raw and I'll press one and it will work the exact same way it will just use incap raw so let me swap back to incap Raw here I'll demonstrate it to you okay you can see this button will change dynamically I move over to these and I use one again I incat raw and AOE on all the target Nummies over here it's as simple as that all right the next thing I want to cover is basically a one button burst macro a lot of DPS players probably will find this useful so let's say you have multiple abilities where they share around the same cooldown so you want to use them all together at once whenever they up and sometimes that includes trinkets as well so a one button macro is actually quite popular you might have heard of it in PvP but it works for PVE as well so let's say I'm on my blood Decay and I know that there's certain abilities that happen to line up in terms of cooldowns and I want to use all of them at the same time because it's more efficient that way I want to use Abomination limb this is a 2minute DPS cooldown and I also want to use it alongside EMP power Rune weapon which is also a 2-minute cooldown that is a DPS gain 15% haste more resource generation and I want to pair it up with my raise de ability where I summon a pet also 2minute cooldown now let's also assume that for some whatever reason I have a 2minute cooldown Trinket in this case I only have a 1 minute 30 cooldown trinket but I'm going to assume just just imagine okay that I equip a 2-minute DPS trinker I want to use all of them at the same time so what I can do and this is where you start to understand how to use trinkets in macros as well so trinkets can be used by a macro by putting in the item slots so this is item slot 13 the trinket on top and this is item slot 14 so if I go use 13 use 14 the game will attempt to click and activate on both my Trinkets and then I also want to add the other abilities that we talk aled about which is abomination limb hold down shift left click don't have to type that use the next one is power Rune weapon and the next one here is race dead save it okay when you write one button DPS macros one of the more important things to keep note of is you want to put all the off gcd stuff on top because remember the macro reads top down so let's say you put on the first line an ability that requires a trigger of the gcd then suddenly the game will halt at the first line because it'll be like okay we got to trigger and wait for the gcd and then I wouldn't execute the remaining lines so you put all the off gcd stuff on top first so it keeps going keeps going keeps going all the way down until you finally meet something that requires a gcd so let's say I bind this this macro and I say I bind it to number one and I'll put my corrector pain to the side here okay and you guys note the cool down whenever I press one note the cool down on the trinket so let's say I go to a Target dummy here I want you to note the cool down of Empower run weapon abominate limb and basically summon my Pat as well as my trinkets so I go over here to this dummy and I basically spam my one button macro take note I basically use all these three DPS 2-minute cooldown alongside my trinket over here so this is basically a one button DPS macro you just have to replace all these spells with whatever uh cool down abilities that lines up for your class or spec okay now with any pet classes including let's say dks Hunters warlocks you talk about a macro that's very handy and it's called the SL pad attack macro how it works basically is you want to add/ pad attack to all your basic abilities in the case of a death knight let's say I want to bind it to blood boil actually you know what I'll put it to marrow Ren it's probably easier cuz blood boil has a recharge and basically you want a macro pad attack to all your commonly used abilities to ensure that your pet does not slack because in World of Warcraft the pet AI isn't like you know a genius sometimes the pet will just bug out and just space out somewhere but you can use the slash pad ATT type macro or command to tell it to attack the current Target and so when you bind it to your core abilities you're always telling it to attack the current Target so it doesn't like space out and it saves you a bit of DPS it's minmax stuff but it helps in the long run so I'll give you an example show two tip SL pet attack and then Slash use marrow Ren click save and I'll bind it to one so what happens now is if I summon my ghoul and I summon my ghoul here I go up to the dummy and I basically press marrow random macro and you can see my ghoul will start attacking whenever I press the macro marrow ran because there's a slash pad attack and let's say I swap to this and you'll see my gol running over here to hit this swapping over to this you can see my goh swapping over to hit this target over here another very Nifty macro is SL start attack what does this do so let's say you're about to pull the boss and it's a raid and your raate leader has basically the Rogue shrouding everyone up right up to the boss imagine this is the boss this target Dy is the boss here he rate leader has everyone shrouded right up to the boss and you have your right hand eating like Doritos or something and your left hand is basically controlling your character right and you're shrouded and you're going all the way up next to the boss and you're in the Shroud now the Boss Mod timer counts down to Zero by adding start attack what this does is it forces the game to basically Target the nearest enemy Target to you and they will instantly start attempting to attack it and they will also use your ability so look at where my mouse cursor is I'll put my mouse cursor here but if I go right up to this target dummy you can see my mouse cursor is still there all I'm doing is I'm going to press the macro one you can see when I press one the game automatically finds the nearest dummy and it starts attacking it now what if I cancel everything I clear my Target right now I move over to the third one and all I do you can see my cursor you up top I press one again it attacks the nearest so that basically saves you a bit of time of having to click on this before you uh hit your abilities just saves you a bit of that time all right next I want to talk about cancel spell queuing so if you play some for of Caster or some for of healer you will know that when you're in the middle of casting a spell and basically your cast time has not been filled up yet you can't cancel that Halfway by pressing another ability meaning if you press another keybind it wouldn't interrupt the cast and start using the keybind and this is terrible because sometimes you want to use an O button so let's say for example I'm a paladin and let's say lay on hands is my o button right because lay on hands is a big Hue let's just say that I'm in the middle of man ually casting flash of Light which I bound as number two and this is a 1.2 second cast time but I want to use lay on hand as an old button but I don't want to be caught in a scenario where I'm channeling flash of light and I'm halfway through and I cannot cancel it by pressing my lay on hands keybind to immediately heal someone to full health this is where cancel sequence macros are super useful so how it works is you go show two tip you type SL stop casting which basically interrupts your current cast and just to be sure you enter cqs which stands for cancel q spell and if you're wondering why do you need this cqs command is because the way W works is based off spell queuing for example if you spam a key bind towards the end of your current action it cues up a spell so sometimes your character is locked in already into a queued up spell and even in that window where it's locked up into a queed spell using your o button your character won't be responsive because the game is already queuing up your next spell and therefore if you have slop casting / cqs it basically tells the game hold whatever you're doing prioritize Slash use lay on hands all right now I'm going to drag this macro to number one so what happens now is that let's say I Target myself and I press number two which is Flash of light the Channel I want you to take note that when I press flash of light and I'm casting on myself and I press one which is basically our cqs macro and stop casting macro in addition to basically using layer on hands on myself it would interrupt this cast bar no matter where it is and cast leonet so let's just demo it shall we take note of the cast here it starts casting I press one it cancels and it uses lay on hands that is the power of using a cqs macro and this top casting cqs is great for all your top priority actions that you need to get out of the window action abilities that you cannot wait you must use it in their Split Second this is super helpful next up is basically abilities and announcement macros so what does that mean so for example I'm a pro Paladin and I'm about to use my biggest immunity Divine Shield when I use Divine Shield I'm immune to all Dam damage very long cool down 3.5 minutes but it gives me immunity for 8 seconds one thing I can do is to say go to this next line and you say I'm immune for 8 seconds and so when I bring this macro to one and when I use my Divine Shield it will announce to everyone that I'm immune for 8 seconds you can see that why is this useful for example you play a protection Warrior and you want to spell reflection the next cast on you you can basically bind a macro that says use spell refle slash say my spell reflection is up don't interrupt next or something to those line in Parks this is helpful especially if you are not using voice coms to communicate just a useful tip here the other thing that I want to cover is basically name specific macros so let's say you always rate or do mytic class with the same people you can actually use add player names in order to get your cost off so let's say you play a priest and power infusion is something that everyone wants from you right because it's a DPS game or let's say you play a druid and you have innovate and your healer is always asking can you innovate me you can go/ use at the person's name let's say quasi close the bracket and go power infusion now naturally I'm on my Paladin so when I save it's a question mark you get the point if I use flash off light save and now when I put it on the first keybind it will always attempt to cast flash of light on this person's name so maybe I'll demo it with this shammy here this unknowing shammy so I'll change it to his name lost fuz right just imagine flash of light is changed to innovate or power infusion in say I bind it here right okay so now I invited him to my party right so this macro will now work he must be in your party naturally so let's say I'm targeting this thing right I'm attacking this thing and when I press one even though my target is on the target dumy it will attempt to cast a heuel on him you can see the heuel is being cast on the shammy even though my current Target is on this target dumy so that's the power of having an add name macro and change flash of light to whatever you want okay next is a cancel Aura macro so why do you need to do cancel Aura macros so this is very helpful for majes Hunters paladins anyone that has a immunity and so Aura ice block basically if you have this macro what it does is imagine you are about to pop an immune to avoid death to a mechanic but the mechanic has already happened imagine you are a Mage and you're just sitting there waiting for your ice block to expire and you can't do anything in the meantime right same as a hunter you can use this macro SL cancer Aura to immediately remove your immunity and go back to dpsing the boss so it saves you that little bit of time but it's also a very Nifty trick if you raate or you do M plus of a paladin and it also involves the cancer Aura so they have this thing where they can give you a blessing of protection so let's say I take blessing of protection here now blessing of protection basically cleanses a bleed from your allies as you can read from the toot tipe it runs immunity to physical damage and harmful effect so if it's a physical bleed this will instantly cleanse it however the problem is as a tank if you have blessing of protection on you even though you have aggro on the mobs the mobs will go over and melee someone else because you have physical immunity so the mobs W attempt to melee you when you blessing of protection which is a very bad idea so in this case what you can actually do is you can have a cancel Aura Macro for blessing or protection and you go cancel Aura blessing or protection and you can even macro it with let's say judgment right which is a very cor rotational ability so I want you to take note now let's say you're dpsing a mob right you are basically M plus you're tanking and then suddenly you have like five stacks of bleed you can call for a Bop from your Paladin friend in your party in this case let's say it's just myself right I'm just going to bop myself myself and then once I bought myself I can press one to cancel you can see the bomb is gone right whenever I use judgment it basically checks for do you have the aura and I'll cancel the aura if you have it and that way you get a free Clans from the Bop without risking anyone dying because the mobs decided to go melee someone else because you know the blessing of protection buff is still on you as a tank very handy all right now I want to cover spec specific macros so if you play a druid you probably know my pain you have all these specializations right specialization one is balance two is Pharaoh three Guardian four Resto and they all have their own form right bare form feral form moonin form tree form there's actually a way to have just one keybind for you to shift into any form dependent on what your spec is and this is where I introduce another conditional to you so let's pull up the trusty macro we've been working with throughout the entire video and basically go/ use open square bracket spec one which corresponds to moonkin and I'll use moonkin form semicolon second condition spec two by the way is spec colon 2 spec colon one just to be clear shift into C form then we'll do spec colon 3 bare form then we'll do spec colon 4 trian form so what this does is that dependent on what I'm currently spank into it shifts me into the relevant form so right now I'm Guardian right when I press this macro over here I will become a bear now that I'm feral if I press the macro one here become a cat and now I'm in Balance spe right if I press one I will become a moon kit and so that's it if you like this guide and you want to show your support consider subscribing to our patreon link is in the description that helps me make more videos that you love also a shout out to all our patreon supporters on the screen right now thanks for keeping the channel going make sure to hit the Subscribe button if you want more guides like that and also you can check out other masterclass guides on while setups UI and everything customization and settings via the playlist on the screen over here thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Quazii WoW
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Id: fQoSUm27I0w
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Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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