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hey guys how's it going karion here today I want to give you guys void Knight that's right it is my void Knight build it is a build that utilizes Smite and attribute stacking and it is very different than anything I have seen and I quite firmly believe it is about just the strongest void Knight build out there right now so what does it look like we'll give you guys a little bit of gameplay footage here so this is like a corruption 200 AB Boris I believe uh it's hard to catch it cuz yeah the the guy just dies like instantly there we go yeah so you know 185% more health and damage and I'm basically just standing in everything and this character is level 98 and while the planner like the goal for this character is fairly ambitious um I'm playing Super Bare Bones um I had no unique items during this clip I just got a belt like a little while later but just to give you guys an idea it is a build that is just extremely strong extremely tanky it has extreme recovery and it is playable completely out of the box you don't need any items all the power is coming from the skills and the um uh the abilities themselves so let's get into it here how does it work so it's a build that heavily focuses on void Knight eventually we will go crit and this will give us like a whole bunch of crit multiplier um but it's a pretty standard setup for um Sentinel uh I actually do not like getting sigils of hope I tried it I think it's no good in terms of the abilities that we are using we have Smite and you might notice that Smite is casting like five or six smites every time I smite see that yeah so why is why is it doing that well it's doing that because the void Knight the class mechanic is to Echo uh melee attacks and void spells Baseline is 10 you get it to 20 30 and 40 so what does that mean that means that when I smite 40% of the time it'll Smite again through like an echo a second later even though it's not happening right now oh I guess it's just not really showing the animation here but yeah uh Smite also has a double cast and I'm pretty sure the double cast isn't like a triggered skill so I believe the double cast can also trigger uh uneo so I believe you can get four smites from a Smite if you're lucky enough anyway um and it does utilize the tech that a lot of paladins have been utilizing which is healing hands with Divine barrier and if you have an item that converts Health to Ward which we just get like an experimental AIX on the gloves it basically gives you a good amount of Ward so you see right now I have like I'm getting about like 1,700 Ward per hit but again with with with everything up uh we can get a lot of Ward um like right now now we're at like 177,000 Ward yeah it's not bad 177,000 Ward is pretty good when your ward retention is like 60% um the big issue is that it's just going down because I'm not really utilizing the full build that I'll show you in a second on how that will work I was getting there I was starting to farm um but the idea is that we use the Smite Tech with Healing Hands which is very much like a paladin thing you guys have maybe seen that before might does a lot of damage uh you can lose a great amount of Health in order to uh gain a lot of damage but we don't care about the health too much because we heal it back up through Healing Hands uh like the heal over time still heals these are massive percent bonuses for hits um and um we are using void Smite because we are playing a death knight so it gets void damage we get flat damage there we get flat damage there there and we make Smite scaling instead of Attunement Vitality so uh the goal to build is to get 90 Vitality so we're getting like 90 flat damage so basically this character while it uses a similar Tech to some of the Paladin builds with Smite and Healing Hands uh you know chance to Healing Hands On Smite um it's very different because we actually do crazy amounts of damage we don't have quite the amount of healing Effectiveness a has access to but I've done corruption up until about 350 with this character and honestly it's kind of boring um there is no boss there is no mechanic there is no mob that can damage you through your ward and you still have 2,000 Health uh because well uh even though we have literally no Health on the gear um the character it's just it makes sense to get Vitality because Vitality gives us flat damage so in terms of the gear uh this is super Bare Bones you know you want strength The Healing Hands helps but you don't really need it um the void damage plus the spell void damage is nice but you don't really need it strength is fine the damage is completely insane we have much higher base damage than paladins we have much better damage oriented passives as a void Knight and we have the 40% uh extra Echo multiplier on top of everything so we're doing like double or triple damage image um that paladins can do just with Smite I really love a staff for this build you can get like massive attributes spell damage cast speed the void penetration all the damage is void you get some void penetration on your amulet um spell damage strength you know cast speed you want to get cast speed wherever you can but this gear is super Bare Bones um this belt has just giving me some Ward and considering that before I had the belt nothing came even close to getting through my ward well it doesn't matter too much we use Singularity Singularity if you have zero crit investment is actually an unbelievably strong item uh so we can't crit but we get a damage multiplier on our hits get a little bit of healing Effectiveness and armor shred through the idols now it's not just about smiting it's not just about smiting even though the smites do a lot of damage we are also utilizing a few other skills so we're we're utilizing vol reversal which is pretty common this ability sends you back in time for 2 seconds but it does like a void pulse and the void pulse uh causes the target to take uh increased damage based on how many points you have in this thing but there's two void Rifts and the cool down is short enough that you can cast it so the enem is taking 60% more damage and in some cases it's taking 120% more damage but we're getting lots of cast speed lots of move speed and just lots of cool stuff from using this ability also this ability is purely instant so it takes nothing away from your character to use it other than the positioning which we have lunge for lunge is unspec but keep in mind we have a is it 2 second two points oh yeah cuz I lost I lost cool down recovery my old belt had cool down recovery so um it was a 2C cool down with cool down recovery on Belt uh and lunch needs a Target but is otherwise the strongest unspec skill that I have used so far in last Epoch so you can lunge was it a bad lunge you can teleport back it's just like ridiculous um in terms of the other skills we're using anomaly anomaly pushes forward in time but in our case we disable the forward in time this is a mechanic that you utilize with a dot-based build but we're a hit based build um it is going to give us um void damage multiplier um times 2 effectively for 4 seconds when we use it this doesn't have 100% uptime but it's pretty good uptime um what it does do is give us a void shred so this will give you eight stacks of void shred uh and Max cast uh Max slow Stacks void shred is minus resist is extremely powerful in this game um now normally you can go to 10 Stacks with this it goes to like nine usually it's eight but if you're recasting it like in the middle of a stack it's like between 8 and 9 and considering the cap is 10 that means that in terms of the blessings you can get like the void damage blessing instead of the Void shred which helps you scale your Void damage by the way the amount of void damage I have actually doesn't actually show properly here but the void amount of void damage I have on this character is about 1,400 so just an enormous amount of just raw damage we're also using devouring orb and devouring orb is kind of like a spinny ball thingy and uh you hit stuff with it I don't have the extra radius because it'll hit the same Target get more than that and because I get the targets with lunge constantly I don't actually have to often walk to my targets so I'm casting this close to on coold down it has a pretty fast cast speed uh it overall does more damage than Smite because it hits like four sometimes five times sometimes six if we're moving like in the right but you know four or five let's just say but it also gives you a number of other Buffs you can get uh speed so this is Attack cast and movement speed and most builds that get this Focus their damage around it but from my testing Smite single Target is extremely good um and with devouring orb in the mix it it goes up even a little bit but these points here they basically do like Splash void damage when something dies near a ball but because the balls are all close to my character what this means is when one thing dies it's like five void novas happen but then if there's like five mobs that's like 25 void novas happening so the idea is that we have these balls hovering around us and when we get to a pack we Smite it uh Smite hitting one thing is probably going to kill it and then when that dies it'll often cause a chain reaction of devouring orbs Splash void Nova damage and the proed void damage every sing void thing it scales off of your Vitality oh baby flat damage from vitality and because we're not going crit we have an enormous amount of percent spell and void damage to scale that up massively um it's maybe the strongest non- crit build that I've seen in terms of damage output uh I also choose to do this because I mostly want to focus on the overall damage of my character a lot of builds that use devouring orb they put more points into void penetration or whatever else uh this gives you Global void more damage a multiplicative and it gets doubled if you have 90 Vitality now I don't have 90 Vitality but the idea is that eventually you get 90 Vitality in fact I'm not even level 100 but I will get there I've just kind of come to a point where this character um where it's just such an insane character and it doesn't require anything that I haven't felt particularly motiv moated to go out and farm the endgame version of this build but you know what I will include this character exactly as it is so you can play it this is a character that's ridiculously powerful starting from like level 25 um and yeah you can just clear anything you want in the game with this setup no uniques required I can just take off my belt and I'd still be immortal versus any content probably up until about a th000 corruption with this build and again we have like like without the belt I was playing without the belt without the belt I had 28 Ward retention and I was invincible well the idea is that we do play crit in the end uh we're going to have um Almost 100% crit chance and 320 crit multi is this current setup 10,000 armor 90 Vitality 95 so that will actually activate an additional 10 more void damage from the devouring orbs now the passive skill tree setup is pretty much the same except for this node blade master so if you're using an axe or a sword you get 30 attack and cast speed this is an insane node but I'm not using it right now because I'm using a staff staves are actually really really good Baseline for this build and like I mentioned we get the crit multi which gives us like 78 crit multi- chance now I'm actually using a weapon that doesn't have any spell damage on it uh the cleaver solution is one of the craziest items in uh last Epoch um as a cter you wouldn't use it you wouldn't use it because you really need the flat added damage the added spell damage on your weapon it's not really a stat that shows up very often and when it does it's in very small amounts on other types of gear the thing is we're playing a Vitality stacking void Knight so we have 90 5 added spell damage from our Vitality this is actually more than most characters can get on their two-handed weapon like that staff has 91 you know so we don't need it we can use the cleaver the cleaver has plus one all skills which is actually pretty significant uh that'll that's going to be like about 20% more damage and the more damage to bleeding enemies is also a multiplier so we have two multipliers and the weapon itself bleeds as the implicit so you don't actually need a source of bleeding and we have the strength and your intelligence is equal to your strength which gives me with this current setup 530 Ward retention so this if I match it with like my current cast speed would probably be around like 30 to 40,000 Ward uh but this character actually has high higher cast speed uh well eventually you'd want to get a little bit better cast speed at least there and it'll have higher cast speed because you actually have the cast speed nodes in blademaster and the cast speed on the offand and the cast speed from devotion so how much Ward will this character Peak at I don't know 50,000 60,000 at that point it really doesn't matter uh we're not using dual wield we have like crazy armor uh this character is probably going to be pretty Invincible at whatever content you play it and this setup is probably going to do like double or triple the damage my current setup has which is still crazy damage at that point now so the character um it gets its crit chance from peak of the mountain and you really want to use these boots this is a heavy attribute stacker strength is converted to int strength gives you crazy armor and some damage with some skills we don't really care about too much uh but we do want atunement because atunement gives us healing percent with Healing Hands which gives us more Ward per cast and we want Vitality because Vitality gives us flat added damage so you really need these boots and you really need these Helm they're very common but you do have to go out there and farm them you have to do them from the lightless arbor dungeon which is kind of what I started doing and you have to get decent um uh decent legendary modifiers cuz these boots don't even have move speed Baseline so that is something that you have to work towards the amulet is very common the cleaver is extremely common I have about 21 LP Cleavers I don't have a single 2 LP so that's kind of crazy but I'm I'm getting there but yeah otherwise this setup is just completely insane um I don't think I'm going to take this character all the way right right now because I can I'm already playing the game on toddler difficulty with this character is what I'm trying to say so you know quadrupling my survivability and tripling my damage it's not really going to change the character all that much but if you guys want to see the setup I do have the builders below if you guys do want to make this character happen because you have to keep in mind I do play on Solo character found so I don't share gear or anything between my characters so it does take some time to build up some of these characters but I've had a lot of fun with this one um I do I do think it is is just about the strongest void Knight build in the game right now honestly from what I've seen out there by an enormous merger um uh and I do want to mention that the current build because a lot of the builds like the warlocks and stuff they get like 70,000 Ward or something they're doing that through like bugs the the current setup with Healing Hands proing from Smite um that's not a bug uh that'll probably get nerfed because it's ridiculous but this Bill does not use bugged mechanics um and you know people talked about the fact that the healing Effectiveness it probably shouldn't work before it gets converted to Ward that's probably true uh and if they do make that change not having to get healing Effectiveness is actually pretty awesome yeah screw that I don't want to get heal Effectiveness I could easily stack more armor or regen and use the Jew Jeweler Relic so I can get like lots of Ward that way I think I think if The Healing Hand didn't have any healing effectiveness at all this would still be a character that would have like 15,000 Ward or more and it also has like 2,000 Health uh because that is a zero investment Health pool from the vitality and Stat stacking overall pretty nuts hope you guys enjoy it and we'll see you next time
Channel: Kripparrian
Views: 98,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Salt, Never Lucky, Kripp, Kripparrian, Hearthstone Kripp, Last Epoch, LE, Last Epoch Review, Void Knight, Forge Guard, Necro, Necromancer, Monolith, Strategy, Strat, Build, Builder, LE Build, Last Epoch Build, review, diabloid, ARPG, rpg, new, void, knight, best, build, lesson, gear
Id: c6SvY913TOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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