How to Make French Creamed Eggs

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today I'm going to show you one of my favorite dishes from the southern region of France and that is French style creamed eggs this dish is one of the things that creates a lot of flavor and a lot of mouthful and texture on the palate this is why the French enjoy it so much it is very enjoyable to enjoy the food and that's what food should be all about about enjoying the process of eating so today we're going to start by making our texture and we're going to do that with our garlic fried choice points so I have here I have my olive oil right here in my pan I'm going to take some of my garlic that I have here and I'm going to go ahead and just slice it up just a little bit so as I'm sitting here I'm just slicing my garlic really really thin and I'm doing that just to release some of the flavor this is just going to go in the oil and it's going to create that beautiful background flavor to the rest of our dish so I just took three cloves of garlic and we're just going to slice them nice and thin I'm not worrying about serving this but I do have a special purpose why I'm slicing it I'm going to be flavoring this oil and that gives me an extra product that I will get out of my process so here I have my my garlic it's going to go in my oil and then I'm just going to turn my heat on just very low now as you heat oil what happens is it starts breaking down so we're going to keep this at a very low heat to infuse that flavor and while that flavor is infusing we're going to start working on our other components to our dish here we go with our eggs now a lot of people would want to use a whisk to make these eggs to use a whisk is going to incorporate a lot of air I just want a little bit of air but I want to eat more of a flavor so I'm going to take about a teaspoon of Dijon mustard I got that your beautiful Dijon mustard is going to go in my bowl a little bit of heavy cream and then we always season our eggs before we start so there's a little bit of salt and just a little tiny pinch of pepper so we have this little concoction here that looks really nice and yummy okay so here we go we're going to whisk our eggs now using our fork we're going to make sure it's completely engulfed in all that process and we're going to make sure that it all gets nicely incorporated okay we don't want to see any whites or any of the the yolks separated out and want to make sure all that Dijon gets separated and into the little proteins if we rush this our eggs become rubbery and we don't want that we want the nice soft creamed eggs so as we can see there we have this beautiful mixture that's not 100% creamed and we have it all ready to go our oil is heating up and getting that flavor infused so now we're going to use our toast points so I have here two slices of white bread standard white bread we're just going to cut off the crust just like mom used to do with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all right and in doing so it gives us a nice little square that we can deal with now as a smart chef I would utilize these for something else see I have a salad I could use these for croutons and things that's work that would be very nice a utilization of the total product so here we have our nice little square I'm just going to cut it in triangles so now I have four triangles okay our oil is getting nice and hot now as you can see we have this nice flavor being infused in there I'm going to take my tongs I'm just going to spread the garlic around a little bit and now I'm just going to take my toast points and I'm going to drop them in this oil and just let them fry in that crispy oil now for my dish I only need three pieces right so I'm not going to use the fourth piece and we're just going to let that fry I'm going to fry that bread and I'm going to pull it out and put it on my draw my paper towel to let drain so we get rid of some of that X soyal our goal here is to get nice crispy crunchy bread this is going to give us two bonus points that we have we have our croutons that we can use later on for our salad we also have the oil that is now flavored like what garlic and as you can see the garlic is starting to turn brown we want to take this to a point where it turns brown but if it starts turning black we're going to want to take that garlic out that garlic will then become bitter if it turns black so now you can see these are turning nice and golden brown as we flip them over you see that beautiful color and we have that nice crisp texture that's what we want that beautiful crisp texture you can see it's now getting crunchy on the outside that's giving us our deep texture this is going to crisp up a little bit more as we have it sitting on our paper towels so I'm just going to pull that off our paper towels beautiful golden brown color and nice and crisp okay and now our toast is ready okay so that's going to be ready for our plating and that's going to provide us that beautiful crunch to our dish and so now we're going to concentrate back on our eggs I have here some clarified butter now clarified butter is one of those things that's uh that is real easy to make and we use clarified butter because it allows us to get a higher temperature on our pan without burning if we use solid milk or whole milk or butter it has the milk solids in it and that process of that high heat will burn the the milk solids and makes a blacks flex in your eggs and we don't want that so this is clarified butter it's just the process of separating off the milk solids from the milk fat and we're just adding a little bit of fat to this pan now I'm using an egg pan which is a Teflon line pan very specifically done for eggs and you will find this in the industry all across the world and here we just have melting that now I said earlier this is a controlled coagulation so we want a very low temperature so once that is melted I'm going to make sure our temperatures really low and we're going to be stirring almost the entire time this thing is in the dish and while that's heating up we have a couple other things we have to get ready and a couple other ingredients that we need to go over I already have the Dijon mustard in there the other thing we're going to be adding through this is Gruyere cheese three err cheese is a beautiful cheese it's a Swiss style cheese it has got a sharp sharp flavor bite to it and now we have our chives and these chai or what we're going to be using to give us our nice little color spark to our dish but I have some beautiful I do have them wrapped up here in a wet paper towel to keep it nice and fresh as I had them refrigerated and I'm going to pull two of them off to the side two of my very fine thin ones here that I have they're very delicate and I'm going to use those for garnishing on my plate at the very end the rest of them here however I'm going to go ahead and chop up need to change my knife and here what I'm doing is I'm just trimming off the ends and I'm just going to slowly add a little bit of a bad feather there I'm just going to slowly dice these into little tiny rings I'm sure you've seen this done before and a lot of different things it creates a beautiful texture to it because it gives a little bit of loft to it and these are going to go into our dish very very late we don't want to cook these because we if we cook them they'll get soft and as they get soft you're going to find that it changes the appearance of them in the final dish we want them to be nice and round and have that circular fashion to them I have my choice for my garnish and I have my cheese that goes into this now this looks like a lot of cheese doesn't it it's a big square bin container but this is finely grated cheese so it's very very light it's very Airy this is about two ounces of cheese total so it's a little bit about one and a half servings okay here we have our hot oil in our pan in our pans nice and hot and our flame is very very low now if you're doing this on electric stove you want to do it on one that's very very low set and you're going to see that one of the things that we look for when we put our eggs in our pan is we don't want our eggs to talk to us that means we don't want to make any noise if they're talking to us that means our pans too hot and I can just feel the radiating heat coming off this pan so it's already a little bit too hot I've pulled it off the heat just a little bit and I'm swirling it around just to kind of disperse the heat a little bit more and we get ready to go I have here my spatula which is a rubber tip spatula which is designed for high heat and we want to use that when we're stirring because if we use something that's metal it's going to scrape the Teflon coating off and would ruin your pan so we all do that then that's why we want to do use the rubber tip spatula so our eggs are all ready to go I'm going to pour them right into my pan and hopefully they won't talk to us a little bit of a talk not too bad okay and as you can see it's already starting to coagulate starting to coagulate and cook it a little bit but that's okay those cold eggs that have gone in there now are going to actually start cooling the pan down and if it gets cleaning a little too much I can just pull it off the heat we have that technology we don't have to have things sitting on the stovetop the entire time we can actually put it down here in the front and that metal bar that's on our stovetop is going to help dry out some of that heat as well okay our eggs are slowly coagulating and as you can see they have a nice glossy texture to them look at that glossy texture how they're looking beautiful they're still nice and soft and what we have to do in this first set is we have to eliminate the cream that's in there so we're slowly evaporating and as you see steam coming off of our dish here you're going to find that that is the the moisture coming out from the cream so as we're getting ready to go we're going to add just a touch more cream we're going to add a half of our cheese now we're going to add that all together we're going to let that cheese start to melt we're going to soften those eggs up really nice and as you've noticed I've actually had to pull that up out of the heat because the heat is too high on that pan so we're just cooling it down just by elevating a little bit now we've got that nice texture so this art of coagulation is a slow process right you don't want to rush this if you rush it you'll have rubbery eggs and that's what the whole thing is not about it's about that soft delicate texture the French when they enjoy food they enjoy food and they take a leisurely pace at it and the reason they like this so much is because it is very soft and warm and comforting on the palate and that makes it a very nice dish to celebrate with friends and family so now I'm going to take some more cheese right inside my pan and now my chives go in now I just stir my chives in and we are almost done in some places they call this dish eggs Magda in reference to Magnum coming up from the ground as in hot molten lava because that's what it looks like when it's all done we're going to draw a line through it you see how it starts to folding back down into itself this is showing us that we're just about done okay beautiful that's the texture we're looking for nice and soft creamy style eggs gives us a beautiful mouthful and are very very soft and very very delicate now today I'm using a nice long plate because I have a beautiful dish that I can allow it to create that nice pattern with my toast creating a beautiful direction this way now this is just going to go right over the top of that dish we're going to turn it slightly we're going to pour our eggs right down the center of this dish to give us a beautiful beautiful presentation and now we're going to finish our dish by placing on our garnishes now I have my chives I have one longer one tall small one so I'm going to gently place these right down on top of it putting a little tiny X to it to give it a little element height and now the last thing we're going to do is put our tomatoes on here now I've seasoned these with a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper and these are just grape tomatoes that have been sliced in half to give that beautiful bright color and give us a little fresh vegetable right on our plate I drop one that's okay it kind of looks good there does it sometimes things in the kitchen work on accident okay nice little dish we have this beautiful beautiful eggs mugged of event style creamed eggs that offers you a beautiful soft texture with the fried toast points underneath it gives you that Chris penis and that freshness of those tomatoes and we have this beautiful dish French style creamed eggs happy Bastille Day everybody
Channel: LeCordon Bleu
Views: 2,147,380
Rating: 4.6105886 out of 5
Keywords: culinary school, cooking school, eggs, scrambled eggs, french cream, french creamed eggs, french eggs, le cordon bleu, recipe, cooking demo, Egg (Symbol), Culinary Art (Profession)
Id: tkt879htS7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2013
Reddit Comments

β€œ...this is why the French enjoy it so much. It is very enjoyable to enjoy the food.” - Chef D.J. Wendeborn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrackAndBalance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s quite near to be the Bob Ross of the cooking, not yet, but quite near Especially with this dropped tomato in the end

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yushch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/orangeworker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this guy. He’s inexplicably dorky and adorable and probably a damn good chef.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrackAndBalance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
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