Evading Security at Abandoned Research Hospital - Found Autopsy Theater and Operating Rooms

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[Music] we've just returned from our first international urbex trip since 2019 a two-week journey across the countries of spain and portugal we visited all types of locations from power plants and prisons [Music] to water parks and palaces [Music] this time we even ventured slightly outside the realm of adventures into the abandoned these episodes will be releasing periodically over the next several months and you definitely won't want to miss them [Music] [Music] to kick things off we're exploring a massive abandoned hospital in madrid founded in the 1960s it was a university-run hospital where some of spain's most important research on organ transplants took place by the 2000s the facility was becoming too outdated and an entirely new hospital was built to replace it once all the operations had been transferred the old building was abandoned left to sit silently in decay now join us as we venture inside and see what's left [Music] [Music] thanks to skillshare for sponsoring this portion of today's video skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring and creative classes for anyone who loves learning their in-depth courses are perfect for people who want to make their passion a full-time job or just want to progress in an area they're passionate about there are so many great classes such as this one that go in depth into the more advanced features of adobe premiere pro which is what we use to make all of our videos this class goes beyond the basics and covers many more intricate parts of the software like multi-camera editing 2d animations keyframes as well as audio and color grading it's really a great class for anyone looking to learn all of the ins and outs of editing with premiere pro additionally every course has a community discussion where you can ask questions and meet like-minded people working towards a similar goal the first 1 000 viewers to sign up using the code the proper people or with the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare with unlimited access to classes start exploring your creativity today [Music] [Applause] as you may have noticed from this drone footage there's a couple of security guards present somehow this was completely unknown to us even after we made it into the building oh yeah and they weren't too happy about us flying our drone either fortunately this footage is from after we successfully explore the entire hospital and nobody was the wiser even after a little bit of questioning by the policio nacional so let's rewind the clock a bit and begin our exploration [Music] wow look at how they were barricading the doors they took all the furniture just i wonder we were having trouble getting in here oh my god there's junk everywhere hey really there's a number here this is a physical therapy yeah we know where all those physical therapy things went where'd they go against that door over there oh it says another radiological room oh it's here is this ct scan i don't know it's definitely an mri mri is the thing you go inside donuts it's more different than an x-ray for sure polytron it says over there multi-star top 1996 is when this was manufactured it's eerily quiet in this building it is i just realized there's some film slides here or photo slides here are these like of what this oh yeah this is what this scanner saw looks like a cross-section of a brain or maybe of a lung up a body that looks more like a chest cavity someone's balls someone's calls i have no idea what that is oh it's a pancreas right yeah it says they got some curvy hallways in here the whole building is curvy those are just offices this is the bridge to the chapel okay let's check out how the lights on in here all right let's go to chapel there's a lot of stuff in this hall all these printers iv hangers [Applause] the inside of the chapel is a lot uglier than the outside yeah what the hell there is a crazy looking window yeah they wall that off is that above us i think it's above us yeah let's go up a floor yes only down should we [Music] find a way to go up in the hall there's no stairs over here so yeah we'll have to get to that later look at this there's a hole in the floor here do you want to continue on this floor you want to try to get into chapel now well let's continue on this floor let's see what's up with the power being on over here that's a little sus all medical equipment in here look at that it's kind of just tossed about though oh there's something in here x-ray it's kind of torn apart but yeah x-ray this hospital does not seem very out of date i wonder why i was abandoned what is this projector that's interesting georgia santa's hospital seems very new and then this seems very old yeah there's a reel here too attention we're so grateful to all those apartments from here whatever i've found a main staircase but we should stick to this floor first this is uh negative one so this is not even like the main floor one level below the main floor let's try these doors some kind of a laboratory in here yeah a lab it's all blown open though yeah i wonder why the windows are just completely removed here 2008 on the calendar keeps curving whole place is curvy more labs something here check this out it's a blood refrigerator this is where they'd keep all the donated blood ready for transfusions probably there's a lot of books in this office check this out a defibrillator right yeah clear yeah now is this something different up here i don't know i think so because this is his own disabilities aren't going to be able to print out anything this is just here yeah like it's just this could be like a polygraph or an ekg or something [Applause] does it have a place yeah out of the place for probes it's power oh yeah power and graffiti interesting this would have been a main entrance here this is probably emergency room right barricaded if there's a place for to drive up here maybe there's an ambulance lane take a look around oh it's dark in here i found some x-rays 1984. emergency room through here maybe we check this out first sure okay oh that goes down turn your light off you see this oh is that daylight yeah the roof is gone up there i'm assuming yeah there's holes in the roof wow actually looks like a skylight that they they drive over okay this hallway is looking rough this is a cafeteria that tiled wall looks nice but nothing else does no some waiting room chairs in here ooh microscope big one and a spiral staircase patient information of course yeah that staircase is interesting there's dumb waiters here too p d p d pvdf membrane very cool gyratory shaker model g2 from edison new jersey yeah this is like look at this poster yeah a little bit of your blood can save a life it's an ad to donate blood this part of the hospital looks a bit more dated in a good way in a good way it's an interesting shaped room this kind of ceiling is very like 70s all right which corner of the triangle should we check out i mean those doors look interesting yeah so do these those look like let's work our way place there on purpose let's see what this is yeah maybe it's blocking people coming in here it's dark it's an auditorium smelly ooh yeah very 70s somebody blasted the uh fire extinguishers of course nope that would have been nice yes all right let's see what's downstairs here oh it goes down again experimental surgery okay bioengineering that's interesting yeah let's give it a look this is a surgical room of some kind yeah it's an operating room the lights gone got vacuum pump and electrical hookups up here yeah that's a really small table it is autoclave what are these doors for i don't know everything is so much more simplistic than what i'm used to seeing this is like one of the most modern abandoned hospitals you've ever been in check out this exam thing an eye exam we got carl zeiss made in west germany that'll date it a bit check out what they did in front of the door jeez you have a liar to pull the thing shut it's crazy yeah here's another experimental area oh this is way better stocked really look at these shelves there's actually stuff left in here yeah it's all just books like binders mostly there's a few pieces of lab equipment what is this what am i looking at bacteria of some kind it's outside right it has to be got a fume hood here it's a nice one we need to head that way more to the main staircase yeah [Music] we were getting anxious to find the main operating rooms so we headed back towards the main part of the hospital that's where it went down before it's a gurney this is the part of power security's chilling right in there it could be hear us right yeah the slots are open they are open daddy's in there this is the main entrance empty empty room big surprise we found the old technology room a macintosh se looks like it's in good shape too it's not even yellow that bad got some oscilloscopes in here we're going up glass blocks yeah actually i haven't seen that before let's just take a peek let's go left first yeah there's double door at the end these are actual patient rooms okay yeah they're numbered two beds i see a pile of furniture yeah that's a pile what's going on no it probably looks like that on the other side yeah it's a lot of waiting chairs they're in fact just chilling this looks like a main area check it with that door barricaded we had to go around the long way but as we reached the other side this happened what's on each floor yeah this is a big lobby yeah look what's on each floor is right here there's the thing we thought was the security booth [Music] there's no way though right this goes really close to the street over here [Music] foreign ego he's inside they are inside they're inside we might have to hide something within the staircase where do we hide was that was that a rumor staircase we can hide here if we have to he was on the other side of the barricade door that was the door that was barricaded he was on the other side of it where we were before yeah he was hot on her tail he's following us i don't think on purpose security is inside he's on the phone do you know what he said no are we hiding should we close this door we don't know where he's going to go we could be just going everywhere we need to try to figure out where the good room is and go like straight there yeah let's do it i don't know where it is you said you saw a map no it was like a itinerary of each floor i pointed two or three times did it say anything about surgical i didn't see it they're on this floor do they know we're here do they know where inside i mean we were pretty surprised to learn security was present since we had walked a few laps around the property before going in and even walked right past the security booth inside the main perimeter fence but some of those suspicious powered on rooms we saw earlier definitely should have been a red flag just a casual hiding from security inside the building apparently we've been hiding in this closet in the church because his voice got really close but i haven't heard it for a bit i think we need to venture out and try to find those two rooms we're trying to find we know there's like an autopsy room in here and a really cool circular operating room with a skylight but we don't know where they are i think our mission now is to just sort of find those rooms and then get out we got to be really stealthy i don't hear him but i could meet his phone call is over and being on the phone was really useful let's go just try to get up or down somewhere away from this front door because i feel like he came in this front door right to the booth fourth floor is laboratories all right should we check that and then let's go there we can go these balls are tiled kind of nice take a peek i think they're all just rums okay does that mean it could be thought surgical is see but i don't know i like personnel otherwise personal only flies usually the good stuff this looks interesting yeah this is where we want to be oh wow it's a big lab these aren't labs they have beds here with patients in them i think there's all kinds of hookups that is so creepy yeah sounding think so something about observations and areas of observation yeah operation zone yeah okay i think we're we're here we're close still where we want to be wind they're flying everywhere all right now that they're out of here oh we got lights oh this is a cool one it's hanging on looks like the ceiling is going to fall down yeah but the light should be melted better than yeah i like that it's like decayed around it it looks dumb i just painted over these clocks this is for doctors to clean up before surgery wow these are a lot of rooms these were all the sterile cabinets they really had a lot of rooms now you could do a lot of surgeries [Music] these like vital sign monitors it says like bed number four one two three oh it's a nice staircase i'll come back here in a second third floor has all of these rooms lots of operating rooms five of them i guess re-animation what look they use operatoria up there where right there so operating for surgery oh it's a nice room this is so much better than anything else in this building oh yeah oh my god cracked this is so cool wow all the liquids this is definitely the best modern operating room i've ever been in it's basically a modern operating theater i mean there's nowhere to observe the window's up there that's for observation i'm sure of it oh i thought it was just to let light into it yeah they have pads up there probably so you don't bump your head as you're observing because it looks pretty low [Music] we found it the gomco vacuum glass thing whatever it is i feel like i'm back at home now there's another one over here let's see if the other one looks just as cool no there's like nothing in this one still got that really cool observation area though yeah just like an office desk in here that's strange just like furniture has moved around in here very weirdly walking down the road right there getting my camera i don't know if i got him i kind of can't zoom enough where was he he walked that way from where he's still on the phone from the front door really oh the car's coming in you're kidding car in the car in a port-a-potty uh he's here to clean out the pool he's got a and it's full oh my god i'm telling you he was in that box when we walked by it yeah they're cleaning the now that's hilarious so it's nothing with us he came out of the box or the front door in the hospital walking down the steps so he was inside the hospital yes maybe trying to look for a clean toilet he's still talking to the port-a-potty guy we should go now okay with security preoccupied we figured it would be a good time to sneak back downstairs and attempt to locate the morgue this place is kind of yeah should we go down on this side of the building and cross over lower i don't want to cross over in front of the main entrance okay let's just go down as low as we can here and then go that way i don't want to go on the first and ground level anymore there's like two ground levels there's like a double height there's a zero one and like negative one not a lot of ground level connections front entrance way let's go this way oh is this it does that window open definitely not not it not it do you think would be like right below the surgical suite i think it was in those labs we were at before could be there too i needed to go down it's really lit up in here it's all electricity yes i think he could come in here yeah he could all i know is these windows are at the right height for what we're looking for i i think it's below surgery but the blue tiling and that er match the labs you were in down this way let's go check that first then it's back and forth i mean we're already here this is surgical too anyway yeah i feel like i'm in kowloon walled city or something they're right above us hopefully they'll stop keep their mouths closed but they pull up a stretcher with a body on it right here i just think we're getting close laboratory this way oh here it is pathology clinic wow yeah i've never seen a modern version of something like this no me either it's still pretty cool compared to the old stuff cool how much natural light is in here kill your light not much yeah open those a bit more yes very nice it's like a projector screen too but i don't see where the projector would be maybe on this table right there you see the hook on the ceiling they would hang stuff from that maybe the scale probably a scale they have ash trays all over the seats people could be smoking in here oh you're dissecting a body jeez but don't you know 9 out of 10 doctors recommend camel cigarettes yeah these are ashtrays said an overhead in the box that's what would have projected onto this yes pretty sweet let's get some photos in here and then get out of here before we push our luck don't need another close encounter as fun as it is let's see if there's any more autopsy rooms there might be autopsy septica this one has like a porcelain marble table wow oh stone yeah this is an older table it's marble it is that's really cool it's got all the grooves for the blood to drain out [Applause] it drains out the bottom here and this is where the water will come out i'm assuming yeah just to um this is very abstract art the birds this might be another one oh this one is stalked oh wow look at all those vials there's so much left in this one do you look underneath the cabinets as well yeah it's just fully stocked wow so many different tubes there's like a couple of everything in this room yep it's a nice microscope i've got all these slides in here got some covet tests tests of some kind of fluid samples of some kind yeah these autopsy rooms really made the place this was an awesome hospital i think it's time we head out though it's only a matter of time before security does around and bumps into us [Music] you
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 687,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, abandoned places, europe, spain, madrid, España, espana, hospital, security, power still on, operating theater, operating room, autopsy room, morgue, univeristy hospital, teaching hospital, abandoned places in europe, abandoned places in spain, exploring abandoned, skillshare
Id: jbjYwN7owMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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