Scary Encounter at Abandoned Asylum at Night

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Micheal: Oh, man this is a creepy path! Bryan: Oh Yeah. Bryan: This Is Nightmares Bryan: Down This Road Bryan: Oh my god. Bryan: Yeah, It's a creepy road. Micheal: This is the stuff of nightmares. Bryan: Should we be careful about the car lights over here- Bryan (Continued): or does it not matter? Micheal: I don't think it matters... Micheal: Damn, look at that! Bryan: That is scary looking. Bryan: Uhm... Bryan: This is like... Micheal: Should I drive around the...whole place first? Bryan: Maybe... Micheal: Let's go this way first. Bryan: Damn, look at that! Bryan: Can't see! Micheal: Look where we're going... Bryan: This is barley a road anymore. Bryan: This is just- Bryan (Continued): A path. Michael: It's like half over run.. Bryan: Look, a little house! Micheal: That's fucking creepy... Bryan: Dip in the road! Michael: There's something... Bryan: Hello? Micheal: It's just a thing..! Bryan: Oh look, building! Michael: Dude, that cone that was sticking up, it was marking a huge hole that went straight down to like, a tunnel. Bryan: Really, like manhole? Michael: Dude, look at this, it's like a tower! Bryan: Holy shit! Michael: Like a huge smokestack! Bryan: This is fucking terrifying at night. Bryan: For Real. Michael: This is going to be, terrifying. Michael: Look at the wind! Michael: We picked a windy night, too. Bryan: A windy, cold, night. Bryan: You wanna park, like- Michael: Yes! Bryan (Continued): in the brush? Michael: In the Cul De Sac. Michael: I'm gonna pull right up to this sucker. Bryan: Oh, and the doors wide open. Bryan: Look at the vines. Bryan: It's missing the top piece! Bryan: Does that mean there's no roof? Bryan: Holy shit look at the graffiti, we're gonna fucking get jumped in here. *Car Locking Sounds* Michael: Car is locked. Michael: In we go. Michael: Into hell. Micheal: This is- Michael (Continued): Ridiculously Destroyed. Bryan: Uhm, where do you want to go first? Bryan: Is that a basement staircase? Micheal: Yeah Micheal: I mean, the entire freaking wall- Micheal (Continued): is missing to go down into it. *Metal pipe fell* Micheal: The hell, why not start with the basement! Micheal: You wanna lead? Bryan: Not really, but.. *Micheal Laughs* Bryan: FUCK! Micheal: It'll probably be warmer down here. Micheal: Oh yeah, don't slip! *Micheal slipping* Bryan: You say 'Don't slip' *laughs a little* Bryan: What do you mean "warmer in the basement" it's fucking colder in the basement! Michael: What, really? Bryan: What the fuck? There's no walls! *Something getting pushed or kicked* *Broken glass or bricks crunching under his feet* Michael: I should've worn my boots for this place. * More broken glass or bricks crunching under his feet* Bryan: Jesus Christ! (Silence is bad when you're somewhere scary) Bryan: The gating on the windows- Bryan (Continued): But there's no windows left. It's just, a hole. Micheal: This is probably, the most- Micheal (Continued): ravaged- Micheal (Continued): place- Micheal (Continued): we've ever been in. *Outside Leaf Rustling* Micheal: You know, I don't even think thi- Bryan: Shh... Micheal: That's just an animal. Micheal: No, this is not a basement though. Bryan: I heard rustling... Micheal: Yeah, well you hear a lot of rustling- Micheal (Continued): in here. Bryan: Yeah Michael: Another staircase... Micheal: There's a chair in here, though. (Sit on it, I dare you) Michael: An interesting one... Bryan: It's like a shitter! Bryan: You poop right in that hole! Micheal: A Hobo Shitter! Bryan: Well. Micheal: House of clowns... Micheal: Hope not! *Glass crunching under his feet* Bryan: What the hell are theese? Micheal: Fridges, maybe. Michael: Alright, you want to go upstairs? *Rustling Sounds* Bryan: Shh... *Silence* Bryan: Trees rustling from the wind... Bryan: Jesus Christ... Bryan: Fucking scary. Michael: You hear that? Bryan: It's the Wind Michael: It sounded like a footstep inside of here. Bryan: I didn't hear that... Micheal: Alright. Upstairs. Micheal: Just trees. Micheal: I'd be very careful of the floor, every step we take. Micheal: You guys may notice, every place that's really destroyed like this, we tend to do it at night. To make it more interesting, Micheal (Continued): but it works, because it's fucking terrifying. Bryan: This (There) is nothing in this room... Micheal: Let's go that way though because it goes back towards the- Bryan: Yeah. Michael (Continued): main entrance area, and I can check my car. Michael: You know, I don't know what the hell could've happened here, that it's this destroyed. Michael: What? Bryan: I'm scared. Michael: There's not gonna be anybody here. Michael: Woah, look at this. Michael: Look at this staircase out here. *Something getting crushed* Michael: OH SHIT! Bryan: What! Michael: There's somebody there! Bryan: No way! Michael: Yes. Yeah, I can see their light. Michael: They're out there! Michael: I swear on my life... Michael: Right there. (But I see no light at all...) Michael: Should I say hello? Bryan: Yeah. (Uh how about NO) *Flash light turned on* Michael: There's somebody out there. Michael: Let's go back to the car- Michael (Continued): this way- Michael (Continued): If it's somebody wanting to talk to us- Bryan: Let's go to the car, NOW. Michael: Oh yeah. Michael: Yeah, let's go to the car. Bryan: It looked like a cellphone, right? Michael: Like a cell phone light, yeah. Michael: Should we just bail? Bryan: I don't know. Bryan: Let's see who it is. (NO why would you do that?!) Michael: There's no other car here... Bryan: It was around this side... Michael: That was 100% a person. Bryan: But he had a phone! Michael: Why is there a person here! Michael: Like, what the fuck! Michael: We can't keep exploring this place if there's like some random person out there. Michael: That we don't know what they're doing. Bryan: Do you want to get in the car and drive around? Micheal: I don't think we should Michael: I think I'm going to turn the headlights back on. Bryan: I saw his light- Michael: Just now? Bryan: No, I'm saying before. So you were not going crazy! Michael: I don't know I feel like if he was a dude looking for us- Bryan: He would be here. Michael (Continued): He would've fo - He would've just came and talked to us by now. Brian: Which- Michael (Continued): You know, I don't feel good about going back into this building if there's some person that we have no idea- Michael (Continued): What they're doing. *Silence* Bryan: Yeah, I don't like the feeling of this. Michael: I say we bail. Bryan: Yeah. Michael: Just get out of here. Bryan: Probably. *Leaves crunching* Micheal: Where? Michael: You saw a light? Bryan: Hello? Michael: Hello? Bryan: I don't like it, let's go. Michael: Yeah, the fact that they're not answering back- Michael (Continued): Let's get out of here. Bryan: It's too sketchy. Bryan: Like, they could be wanting to fucking rob us. Michael: Like, who the fuck could be out here. Bryan: Alone! With like no fucking car! Bryan: Fuck, that was WEIRD! Michael: Good thing I looked out that window to see the staircase. Bryan: Yeah. Michael: Yeah, we could've gotten jumped or something. Bryan: I had a bad feeling from the second I saw- Bryan (Continued): I would just fucking- Bryan (Continued): Destroy and.. Bryan: How wide open it was. Bryan: Like, Anyone could be in there. Michael: And there was. Bryan: There was someone outside. Bryan: What's down there? Michael: Alright, well I guess this is going on the second channel or something cause that's not a full video right there. Bryan: Yeah. Ha, ha! Bryan: Yeah. We got scared out. Captions Created By waynedudeProductions
Channel: The Proper People Vlogs
Views: 3,986,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, urban exploration, proper people, abandoned aslyum, mental hospital, abandoned hospital, psychiatric, lunatic asylum, JD Allen, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, abandoned Alabama, scary, encounter, urban exploration gone wrong, homeless, night, challenge, haunted, paranormal, creepy, ghost, marble hornets
Id: iUzWTAkB5o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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