Abandoned Mental Hospital with Power Still On

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you currently we're in tunnels to travel beneath an abandoned mental hospital a maintenance worker on the grounds let us said but warns us that he wouldn't be able to bail us out if we were caught inside oh they walled it off once it tunnels well off but it actually goes down really far but the buildings that were out that way we're all demolished so I'm trying to get out that right dude holy crap here it is a sink let's go home or somebody's here sure no no it's here it's abandoned yes years ago you - bees the smells man yeah Wow or power laughs together wow that's cool on the windows you're like fart off so this is like a video game we just found keys right here oh yeah hey if we get to a locked door what does it say on it I don't want to show it cuz it's a school don't show that's not going to show I'm just reading it to for to a if we want to get this is people area yes this is two three eight so if you want to interview a word into 38 we found the keys to room two for two inside of it so if we kill if we want to get into four - it's like a video game do you gotta find the key yeah server these are running oh yeah these are Ethernet switches they're not servers or disabled are flying here jack so one for two for two there's like a hissing all throughout this building from what I don't know it seems to be coming from the thermostats now I'm not used to buildings with heat so it could be from that could be normal like I don't know don't touch it yeah say you should leave that alone Hey look I have hepatitis here they have HIV in here away oh I think we passed you for 2 this is 2 6 7 does this go down to 6 4 so that says fuck if I can get this TV thing to just 2 for 2 sorry oh and there's no from special in here now it's set to 4 to a I'm not seeing a 2 for to a anywhere maybe there was something in that room oh wait this room says room question mark here alright let's get back to them real quick Shh such a bathroom quantity I kind of have to pee also hey if we get caught in here we can just so we were looking for a bathroom yeah oh there's showers in here what the heck look at this indeed I look at the machine though it says the last check was 2014 on that clipboard see how these thermostats are the source of the hissing and that's see why they're hissing I don't think they'd lock a sterol seems like a safety just dark there's no light hang on this is one way this is one way guys guys I was going talking not good there no on the side touchdown office guys as a fridge and it's turned on damn oh look at that yeah that's chicken shumai who's hungry well let me go the other side take a picture of the clock up here is that the right time no that's an old clock right there it says I'm an orphan here okay no oh shit shine the light they want the jet hold it up hold it I got it crying Apollo - oh no it's fine give them to opportunities Logan where's volume that's creepy turn off your lights after what movie isn't where the girl comes out of the static tutoring we are in an abandoned mental asylum staring at the TV that has static on it right now it's the room both of them over there you know they filmed a movie in here this is a film sheet checklist death of Kenneth group shot boiler room yo there's an entire film set in here yo guys what do you think this was for like the patient's thing these are students students that it's this building was owned by University so it was crap passive men wild woman he wants to read a paper she wants to cuddle she liked to talk he'd rather watch football I want you to looks like this or two red light on top now there's a film I really like hot set yeah oh wait the hospital it's locked another wrong with the red light oh this one's open red light on top of dark there's a tripod was this for developing x-rays maybe Co dad now you guys want to play the hit new game it's called cancer quest who wants to play let me turn off the light before I open this in case there's a window there is a window we use the light real quick just nothing all that carefully play with the floor is sticky it's a vacuum pump for something oh my god the floor in here you have to stick your head in the wall to get a drink of water there yep she's thirsty cuz you got something and it's Red Mill fancy bed nothing in here goes meaning that's why everything's still here I need to take me to move okay far down here we've got three big leak in here of orange fluid yeah we can all shit oh I'm not going to leave that yep do it do it do we press the blue button just a machine with one button off of the screen there's a key in the back what the hell does not do what could this be roof access oh you the damage hold it open things are black solids crawlspace it's a weak sauce another water emergency eyewash station oh not as bad a thousand be but it's gonna spray everywhere this one you definitely don't want to pull out because you can't turn it off really know the physics you know once you high school that it all comes down again off yeah it locks on yeah we got to get in there from below floor if we want to go away at the top I bet you stairway three has the roof access but we can get in stairway three from yeah one below okay good where the ceiling is fell in from water damage very yeah in there probably that's where all the news coming from that service goes off let's check out this Fork first finish checking it out then we'll go up guys room full of stuff please do not never wow this person's got some sauce wow he sounds like there's a hair up his ass it does or she hey look whines oh my god needles okay let's not go near the file middle away yep looks just like the coolest room now there's a head implant unilateral hypothalamic and cortical right he'll be very careful with SW this is all needles right here down here here are the slides yeah but those aren't named those are Queens lines oh these are clean slides yeah Holly we should open them oh those are not clean slides I can only have slides with blood on them just sitting out here they're like blood samples done that's a brain sex brain cell sample dog barking no quite a second let's listen time to get out time to get out dude Brian it's time to get out right time to go time I'm like a German Shepherd yeah time to go outside time to go time to go time to go okay here's we're going to do we're gonna go down down here one floor and then down out stare three because there three is close to the side we want to go out you don't want to give out a check you want to check the situation on the roof oh hell no this we are not going up here usually juicing the signs on the door we'll be visible here your government motion sensor we try the door card or front door try the door try the garden try the door try the door no your cars that's why your cars this way yeah there's your car this way cars this way whatever barking they heard probably wasn't the police but we got out of there anyway you
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 3,039,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, mental hospital, hospital, asylum, insane asylum, psychiatric hospital, psychiatric ward, abandoned hospital, abandoned mental hospital, power, electricity, america, abandoned places, usa, documentary, ghost, evp, apparition, poltergeist, ruins, ghost town, apocalyptic, paranormal, mental health, scary, ward, mental ward, adventure, photography, mental asylum, derelict, psych ward, schizophrenia, psychotherapy, horror
Id: moQz6AO8nYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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