Exploring an Abandoned Navy Base - NSA New Orleans

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[Music] today we're exploring an abandoned Naval Base in New Orleans Louisiana the facility was constructed nearly a century ago and consists of three six storey buildings measuring over half a million square feet each inside were various government offices and warehouse space provide logistical support for the US Navy the facility was abandoned in 2011 and is now fallen into decay now join us we venture inside and discover what's left [Music] this video is sponsored by North Vee PN start protecting yourself on the web at Nord VPN comm slash proper people or use the code proper people at checkout and save 77% sealed day time wait what the oh man it's trashed in here let me get my light panel off yeah we should try to go up you go to the top first okay this one looks like in so much worse condition than I expected it to be that is so many important bodies out there we're gonna we're gonna run into people there's someone why I hear footsteps she got yeah one of that Shh it could just be the tint yeah time the person is it charlie stairs the pre deep three water towers there's bridges between the buildings it's cool let's lay one floor down and two floors down and we can get across it's just like a door to a something it's canvas yeah this thing would have probably been selling to load up the ship quickly got stuff there directly smells like smoke in here yeah the roof was nice and open what does it smear a little but now we're going back into the dark and destroyed abyss of this building yeah sure guys so destroyed though it's not even like a little bit intact it's been scrapped hard we could go across this bridge and see if any of the other buildings are better I really hope that yeah I feel like it was more just a camping light for a homeless person now though seeing the condition of the building okay hopefully this is not lost sometimes they are yeah [Music] honestly this looks more interesting than the other one though oh look at this I mean I'd rather have a building like this then the wall here just in yeah at least this looks interesting well this was parking yeah I'll know if it's completely look at the walls over here are you seeing this look at the wall oh she thinks coming in you know look at the other ones the other ones are not like that this one's completely straight those are completely straight walk away not structurally sound hello you can see it like starting to crack [Applause] that's a bathroom right there yeah this is probably converted to a parking garage later yeah I know there's toilets YouTube or maybe it looks like you know those tubes in the bank that they say hassles around that's what it looks like the Brits in a bathroom has Brou in it it looks really stripped out over there - someone ought to sweep these floors with the sweeper here all right let's cross over to the next building imagine if we came in here at night be terrifying it's really gutted oh it's extremely gutted we're gonna have to just quickly check each floor for one that's not gutted epic Mac don't know what that stood for cubicles there's desks and stuff back here this is like a maze a Halloween maze seem to like your office workspace well this is the most intact stuff we've seen yet in here look a whiteboard I see director's office the alien life-form shows no signs of supernatural powers any further testing that was definitely closed smart parking a lot of this bulletin is a lake is this the meeting room from his picture but his trash now so he was definitely here a long time before us or it just got trashed extremely quickly this photo was taken by our friend abandoned southeast just several months before our visit as you can see the vandalism progressed rapidly this is the floor we saw the light on last night when we drove by and there's no way there's electricity here so but if you're going to use a camping light in here why would you put in a window that faces the street and gives away your position the smell of smoke is getting stronger maybe it's even stronger in there what if someone's trying to light the place on fire right now it's getting smoky in here isn't it just buildings on fire there's smoke down this hallway should we go down here oh my god this buildings actually on fire or someone has a campfire in it is anyone down here down here hello this is just black mold don't these are burn marks it's smoky in here I don't like this just down the other way we know where the stairs are we saw the white oh should we get out of here now if the smoke it's getting thick back here it's very thick we're gonna start coughing and if we go if it gets thicker than this gets thinner here yeah your ice thing it got thick right at the door though what if it's below us yeah what if the fires below us then we're trapped up here we need to get now Louis I know you're right what if it's below that one but there was no smoke down there in this area of walls somewhere when you get out of here it's getting thicker or if I open this door and there's like a raging fire No yeah we were near it wherever it was cuz that was throw the densest part of the smoke was let's see if we see anything on the roof it's raining right now - yeah I don't see like smoke anywhere when we should be we decided to continue exploring the building keeping the nearest exit routes in mind yeah I'm not even gonna walk in there I smell a bit of smoke now we're heading back to that area Oh theater this could be lamer it could be awesome wait the screen was just made of an array of TVs yeah Wow is that old and they would have had a projector also huh so it would have been seamless because they could have projected right to the border maybe well they do have a projector screen they can pull down T's yeah they're in the projector back there I mean I imagine if your Navy got to work out a lot these are actually in really good condition [Music] most we're probably still working hey there's a sauna you know what city you're in when there's Mardi Gras beads in the abandoned buildings nothing no that looks heavy no that scale is cool some of the oldest looking scales I've seen Fairbanks slops ready damn that is a scary alligator after wandering around the building for hours and not discovering much else of interest we decided to make our way out [Music] there have been numerous proposals for repurposing the building including a cruise terminal retail stores and even a film and educational complex however none of those seem likely to come to fruition for now the building will continue to suffer at the hands of scrappers while serving as a rudimentary shelter for those who have nowhere else to go and speaking of the NSA keep your internet activity private with today's sponsor Nord VPN whenever you connect to a public network with lots of users like a hotel airport or cafe you never know who is looking at your information using military-grade encryption Nord VPN hides network activity before even leaves your device we travel a lot when filming these videos and Nord VPN ensures our network activity is completely secured no matter what Network were connected to also since we're traveling to Europe very soon an order VPN will make it possible for us to connect to United States server and browse the web as if we were at home if we ever needed to access any region locked web services especially with net neutrality endanger encrypted and anonymous connections are more important than ever sign up today and start securing six simultaneous connections using the link Nord VPN comm slash proper people or use the code proper people at checkout and get seventy seven percent off a three year plan that's Nord VPN dot-com slash P ro PE R PEO ple [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 762,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, government, nsa, naval support activity, new orleans, navy, united states, usa, marines, army, america, abandoned places in america, ghost, gone wrong, documentary, scary, exploring abandoned places in new orleans, adventure, war
Id: 5kTdT_gUu6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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