Largest Abandonment in America - WWII Ammo Factory

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today we're exploring one of the largest abandoned places in North America an army ammunition factory that spans over 10,000 acres who is constructed during World War 2 in order to produce powder for rifles and artillery and a later saw used during the Korean and Vietnam wars since then however the facility has been sitting idle gradually being reclaimed by Nature now we're venturing inside this massive complex to see what remains [Music] thanks to Squarespace for making this video possible if you need an easy to build website go to Squarespace comm slash proper people to get 10% off your first purchase traversing the entire complex while remaining undetected wasn't going to be easy it's in the middle of demolition there are a few areas of active buildings and we even spotted several vehicles that seemed to be aimlessly driving around the overgrown roads it's wide open neighbors anyone did happen to come down and see us [Music] so my a Kia with what kinda train comes by on that right there we'll just hop right down there it's not good [Music] [Music] looks like this for this railroad leaves right into the belly it's like a loading thing maybe this was recently cleared duh so I don't know what's going on out here this is really cool it's like a little loading station got some old carts [Music] an old scale I'm gonna be like a machete to go bushwhack we're so close but so far so each one of those right here but there is a lot of vegetation between us and where we're trying to be hopefully this isn't poison anything as if it is we're in for a real bad time you know they tried to board it up but not very well this is actually really cool these old carts are really cool yeah they even have a door down here and tell how to dump it out there's another tower out that way yeah there's like another whole route for them interesting who wants to go for a ride on the Tower of Terror see if those doors still roll that's pretty cool this reminds me of some of the phosphate mines in Florida it's a big funnel your stuff in it it's because people put rocks in it at the top oh that closes it it's not people putting rocks in it's like shit and aloe pellets and animals put that shit in there look at this plastic window these are always bugs that got in there and died off we go again I think we're at the top use your ground do they mean like electricity by grounding yourself I think they would have ground themselves with these wires use your ground so that a spark wouldn't cause an explosion same a types of like powder for bombs and missiles here so obviously explosive stuff that they were dealing with all these buildings out there are basically exactly what we're here now there's the shit tunnel off and I just keep going all the way down there there's construction equipment that way that is all a man Yin except for like two or three buildings truck out there what is he doing I think it is true a white truck going down this road right here which road the road we were walking and that's the train tracks oh yeah you came down this way and then turn left I came this way so I think what this was right here was actually an emergency escape slide and the slides been removed but I would have taken them all the way to the ground in the event of a fire explosion or some other emergency I think some of the buildings still have the emergency slides still attached though so maybe we'll see some of those so this is one of the emergency escape slides left probably would not have been the most comfortable thing to ride but when it's life or death it's better than nothing but you imagine coming down one of these from all the way up there all right this is really risking our Naveen there all the walking down the roads that are driven on by people that we do not want to be seen by with nowhere to easily go for cover this is a risky move yeah let's go no hesitation [Music] let's try speedball reduce our time spent out in the open I'm gonna try this drill right here right here this looks recent actually but this path was semi clear on Google Maps they might have like came through and cleared it again recently yeah so on the one hand this looks really driven on but then you see that the path gets like this and you know there's no way someone's been through here recently so it's really hard to judge how recently these paths have been driven on [Music] hell if it rains at this point I'll just feel refreshed there's a drop coming right now that Rohan that's down the road we just watch [Music] our address on the construction room all right so we're just gonna walk down the road now and just hope that nobody comes by like during those 10 minutes that we're gonna be on it I usually don't like to make moves that put us in a 100% expose situation but it's either that or go home and give up on the rest of this place so I might as well go for it is this a drill no it's not it but should we go down this one okay if we can just get through this we'll be good you want to go for it [Applause] looks like a lots been removed from here so I already go from here oh there's one of those escape slides yeah I don't even see a door for this building that we could go to alright so we're going back out to the road because this didn't really lead anywhere Oh in this building ready all right we're gonna go into this building here there's really thick brush oh yeah I could be easily climb should we go up here I don't know if you guys can tell from our voices but we are getting extremely tired with just the heat in the amount of distance we have to cover in this place empty now if you're spiders okay the trellis finally opened up again thankfully if we are getting very close to an active part of the facility there's more slides almost looks like a playground there are some tanks up there oh look do you know what these are slide pieces you can build on slide so as you can see there are some bigger buildings out there absolutely trying to get to and nothing about this place is easy even the doorways have to be annoying is this powerful it goes up to 30,000 pounds and the more precise increments go up to 5,000 this could weigh up to 35,000 pounds [Music] this slide almost looks writable almost sliding involuntarily [Music] this is pretty stupid [Music] honestly an easier way out than the way we came in though so yeah it works there's sound like construction trucks they could be demolishing this part right now there's someone coming that's very close it's like a few hundred feet away he's not coming this one maybe oh there it is we just make a run for this trail right now it's a train a train this place is a fucking workout it's another building full of tanks but this time they're even bigger it's like every room we go in just bigger in bigger tanks this is a cool building I have some bad news though I'm almost positive the buildings that we've been trying to go to are demolished yeah I didn't see them and they're tall we would have seen them high road you would have probably seen no I saw the other settlers that's on the other side yeah I know but the funds that's like the big gate interesting we didn't anymore yeah so they demolished of course the side that we're going for the other side it's way too far away to get to now he to go through any more active areas yeah well let's check out this building over here there are green spray-paint blotches all over this building and I have no idea what they were trying to mark they're pretty much everywhere it's basically the buildings that we've been trying this entire time to get to you look like those three down there there was another set down here but there's no trace of those anymore we'd have to cross all this active shit to get to those now know if we can this is for me too much work [Music] [Applause] at this point it was apparent that trying to explore the complex further would not be a very rewarding endeavor given how exhausts me were from the summer heat we decided it's time to turn back the glory days of exploring this massive factory may be over but at least we arrived in time to experience a portion of it by now many of the buildings he's seen in this video are likely already gone [Music] if you still haven't heard we have many prints available on our shop website that is hosted by Squarespace Squarespace is a super easy to use platform that makes building websites very simple their platform is extremely flexible so you can build any kind of website like shops portfolios blogs or anything else you can think of they even have 24/7 365 day support so you never have to worry if you need to create a website or just want to try it out sign up using the link slash proper people for a 14-day free trial and 10% off your first purchase [Music] you
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 1,875,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, factory, ammo, ammunition, industrial, massive, huge, enormous, abandoned places, humongous, america, usa, adventure, travel, documentary, photography, architecture, history, historic preservation, largest abandoned places, abandoned places in the usa
Id: Hgfa9BaZenk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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