Exploring an Abandoned US Government Biomedical Research Facility - They Created Vaccines Here!

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in today's episode we're exploring an abandoned U.S government medical research facility these buildings were constructed in the 1920s and conducted research by the U.S army with the focus on infectious diseases the facility was working on the prevention and treatment to stop the spread and develop vaccines the complex focused research on malaria HIV AIDS Dengue fever and more during the Cold War the facility was responsible for the research of radiation effects on the human body eventually it closed in the 90s join us as we discover what's left [Music] [Music] protect yourself on the internet with the sponsor of today's video nordvpn nordvpn protects your online privacy by making sure your data is encrypted before it even leaves your device it hides your internet traffic from other websites isps and anyone that may be snooping on a public network when connecting to public networks like hotels airports or coffee shops I always make sure I'm protected with a VPN anyone can be vulnerable 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nice hallways wow this is a nice hallway these rooms have seen better days [Applause] it's very decayed here's the main entrance it's the main entrance yeah there's a theater in there the Joseph East model lecture it's got this classic all the Asylum feels but it's not an asylum those windows above the doors yeah remind me of spider website just like this in other hospitals yeah but they do look like spider webs if there's a theater in here oh yes more of an auditorium than a theater yeah it's got this is a good one almost like gym floors I wish they didn't black out the windows but still it's really nice in here you've got sound editing all over the projection booth the light fixtures are really nice too I don't see much in the projections it's a very basic stage foreign Booth but we'll go check it out what's the word for wood ceilings like this when they're in set like that there's a stairwell here let's try to stick to our usual do one floor at a time and work our way up make sure we make sure we didn't miss anything this definitely seems like the kind of place where we don't want to leave any Corner Unturned this is a lot of plaster on the ground I'm only used to seeing this amount of decay in buildings that have been like completely destroyed by like Vandals too they've been there for that long so it's great to see a building get this decayed and still be Untouchable well spilling has been a brain since 99 so it doesn't even it's not even that long abandoned this is another sort of main entrance yeah each Wing had its own name own dedication own entryway look at this plaque here in memory of the officers nurses and enlisted men of the medical Department United States Army who lost their lives during the World War this tablet is erected by their co-workers of the medical Department okay [Applause] this is a lab these were all labs [Applause] the light in here is very nice [Applause] there's a map over here reactor roof reactor roof reactor [Music] this facility had one of the earliest nuclear reactors installed to experiment with the effects of radiation on animals the solution type 50 000 watt reactor produce neutrons and gamma rays to study their effects on living tissues for the development of radiation diagnosis and therapy they would directly expose living organisms as large as rabbits to nuclear reactions to Monitor and record the effects one floor out of three plus a basement and directly across the hall is another lab [Applause] quite a bit bigger [Applause] all the drawers are stacked on top this place is pretty crazy and we've barely scratched the surface [Music] [Applause] this lab has some of the colorful drawers they're not actually installed but [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh no are we heading into drop ceiling territory that's not what I like to hear Department of Immunology and I did read that this hospital had a large collection of viruses that were high risk so this is probably where they would have been researching code but if it happened in like you know the 60s or 70s whenever they were still using this I bet you that's what it was [Applause] this is a very blue lab I like how each lab has its own color scheme it's like every single room in this place I want to stop and take shots of it's so good [Applause] peach colored drawers this one's an outlier with the general color scheme see what's behind these double doors it's probably the connection to the extension yeah but what's in the extension oh yeah much newer building here yeah could still be interesting stuff in here though no drop ceiling in here yeah it's actually less modernized because it was already modernish yeah it already has built-in HVAC that's why we know we wanted to do our four by four thing but having seen the map saying there's possibly a reactor over here you can't resist just popping down it's like a whole nother floor down here here's the main entrance this is less like a basement and more like just more Labs yeah if it's still here it should be off to the left somewhere and I'm guessing it's probably going to be below grade restricted access just a lab okay here's stairs down probably down here oh it's really flooded this is definitely the right place though how high is the water real high but like could waiters get you like your waist high oh waiters can get you through this yeah for sure foreign can't see much in there it looks really decayed I just see collapsing light fixtures yeah well this is definitely the right way to go to get to the reactor I'm down to buy waders and come back here sometime yeah is this water going to be Radioactive if only there's like a sign for it but it was decommissioned in the 70s just as access to sub-basement foreign [Applause] these Labs all have decontamination certificates there's a giant freight elevator right here foreign this looks like sample storage of some kind [Music] oh it's smelly in here really this was definitely sample storage in a refrigerated room it smells like disinfectant inner chemical yeah I feel like they at least decontaminated everything before abandoning it yeah they have all the paperwork for decommissionation and all the doors yeah the entire room has been topically decontaminated one hour contact time all services and equipment were thoroughly soaked and it looks just like a hundred other labs in this building pulled it did I yeah well I serve it's 99. the slab has one of those rolly ladders [Applause] the wheels aren't really working but it still slides and this will connect back to the original building yeah and no drop ceiling in this part I don't know just the last what's in that box though just storage of some kind of sample materials interesting yeah all the calendars in here are 99 wait what if there was like mosquitoes in there or something that's to keep if they're doing research on mosquitoes so I saw a mosquito sticker on another door they were doing a lot of research on yellow theater in here so this is probably so a mosquito couldn't escape and fly away I like the little arched window in this slab looks cool another screened anymore they got screens on here as well so you're saying this institute discovered something about Hilaria I think no they discovered that yellow fever came from mosquitoes oh yeah that it was spread via mosquitoes instead of human to human contact okay it's finally time to go up to the second floor wow very peely up here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's getting a lot more decayed the farther we head in this direction [Music] no food and then it says here Department of bacterial diseases caution biological material and it's like a lab inside the fridge [Applause] Department of bacterial diseases autoclave room [Music] so here's how they sterilize everything the inside of the autoclave is starting to oxidize you see the green yeah it's gonna be too much noise looks very different than Hospital Auto Claires they're not built into the wall at all well I mean I think that's just design choice they're just in here because they were probably added later for whatever reason foreign [Music] [Music] foreign this is where they'd be researching covid Department of virus diseases communicable diseases oh yeah communicable diseases on top this lab is so colorful it's really clashing got light blue cabinets dark blue shelves and yellow walls strange I wonder if any of these Labs here collaborated with NASA sending samples into zero gravity and stuff they still have ratings on the whiteboards and drop something on a parachute [Applause] oh we've got surgical lights I don't think they're doing surgery in this building no so this is an animal or something for research yeah something to do with you know research [Music] yeah it's got full articulation [Music] oh this is a medical research classroom there's a lot of wooden Cubbies off to the side for some reason there's nothing left in the projector room [Music] I wonder what's up there see some glass block it might just be mechanical stuff wow these doors are different up here these are huge electrical connections holy you're right those if you see the individual phases yeah like these aren't wires these are like bus bars running through this I saw that in my peripheral vision and assumed it was like air conditioning or something no that's like these are straight bus bars running through this hallway for whatever reason maybe we'll find out looks like people have been stripping them down there too of course some valuable metals all right let's check out the small hallway the electrical does run down here as well foreign there's no table or anything here though I bet you they probably had a wheeled one they could bring in here 's a notice related to some radioactive stuff Department of cellular injury that makes me think radiation because what else injures you at a cellular level ah yes Scrappers have been hard at work in here pulling out all this electrical equipment it's completely empty over here the whole Courtyard it's like a jungle now these Vines have grown up the whole building all the way to the roof these are classrooms down here foreign s have grown all the way past the top floor there we go talking about working with NASA sending stuff into space so the door over there is locked and then there's this like special circular entry door here but then there's all these just propped up here oh somebody doesn't want yeah let's move these okay whoa all computers big x-ray machine oh it's the X-ray control that's one of the cooler x-ray control panels that I've seen yeah this is a big machine it definitely has more pivot Points than usual foreign yeah even this control board had like a full-on keyboard and too many monitors just a circuit board but there would have been like status indicators so jammed up how the keys feel they're mechanical nice it's a really sweet control board so this says membrane memorandum for chief of experimental surgery radiation protection gamma beam equipment holy all right let's see what this room is back here yeah oh yes this has got to be the main surgery room and it was probably experimental third yeah based on the memos we've seen wow wow [Music] what's this table look like underneath this it's supposed to be yeah it's just a table it's not actually anything yeah someone put it here yeah this was definitely a surgical room though no doubt about that [Applause] [Applause] oh my God there is a lab called bio bubble slash Rat Lab and they also had a space lab all the labels are removed from these drawers except for this one says gauze sponges so also checks out this is such a nice room with the leaves against the window over there also [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there's test results um charts on the board see all their different trials and the outcomes administration of agonists at serotonin so I'm guessing the more they administer the slower and more errors you made in these mazes endocrine physiology lab foreign [Music] this says surgical instruments right here I think that's like a little surgical area for Animals probably something just for examining or testing that's what I did rat surgery they kept chloroform in here yeah you think that's the knockout whatever they're about to do surgery on [Music] it says restricted area as soon as we get to the top of the stairs and all the walls are tiled foreign this floor is uh a little bit strange these look like they used to be doorways or something it does and what are these little Windows here [Applause] oh it's very sterile feeling what the hell were these rooms crazy window probably for observation of whatever was going on in here check it out this says necropsy lab more Supply Co Gucci body bags there's no slab in here anymore though we must have took it out you can see where the drain on the floor was oh yeah slab would have been right here the vision of pathology so this is the sign on the door to the neck wrap to the lab hazardous materials classification they had level four for health hazard deadly fire hazard flashpoint was below 100 Fahrenheit reactivity of violent chemical change check this out underneath it before work after work so maybe they were working on like really sketchy diseases up here and that's why everything is like multiple layers of airlock here we go biohazard pathogens just the real dangerous stuff I'm guessing no windows anywhere up in this part it's completely sealed yeah what's up okay whatever's coming up here looks quite strange so this was the attic of the last building but they built into it with these little rooms yeah it's very low clearance this is like where the Oompa Loompas would work oh I would think it's your storage but it has this laboratory decontamination things it's so weird how low clearance everything is in here uh [Music] what's this we saw this and we said you said it was maybe yeah we know where we are we came up the staircase to go to the floor below us I mean we already knew but this is like extra confirmation that this was animal testing yeah Humane Animal Care foreign so we've completed all of the floors of this building all that's left is the basement what is this thing it says whole body counter [Music] the patient then lies down in the carrier and is automatically moved forward into the counter foreign there is a positive control button to press if the individual wants to be removed the whole body count lab was used to measure high energy gamma rays emitted from the body this made it possible to study the radioactive fallout and isotope metabolism allowing the measurement of natural and attained radioactivity in the human body this equipment was used for measuring Personnel involved in nuclear research as well as soldiers who were sent to observe nuclear tests in the Nevada desert at the time of installation it was only the second of its kind in the world and was extremely important for the research of the effect of nuclear radiation on the body [Music] this looks like a um what is it like a patch panel look at the tubes this would be to patch two lines together like an old telephone operator but I'm assuming or maybe just the intercom systems probably the intercom it says for the internal phone systems vitro Electronics um monkey room monkey room monkey room it says it so I guess they had their own little broadcast thing for the facility [Applause] oh look at this mural yeah it's mostly gone are you an astronaut the rest of the campus has been redeveloped however this building is very specialized and makes adaptive reuse difficult it will likely be demolished in the near future so we stuck to our word we actually came back here with Waiters and we are going into the sub basement where this supposed nuclear reactor would have been maybe it's still there I highly doubt that I think it's going to be well let's fully submerged yeah like we need scuba gear gotta make it awkward there we go strapped in because that's the sun basement it's gonna be so cold in here it's less water than last time way less water still too much for boots but here goes nothing okay it's pretty expansive down here I already see an entire hallway stuff you're kicking up as you walk away here in the water in the water this is nasty okay so far I'm just seeing more labs there's a hallway that goes this way watch for holes on the floor because there is another sub-basement below us it's like a sunken ship under here what the was that the ceiling all right which way should I go I don't know it's pretty up down I'm gonna go left okay sure oh I'm caught on something oh yeah you kick up everything and I can't see you can't see the floor yeah thank you con and sit return if we like hit something that's sharp down here we're getting wet yeah cannot get a puncture there's salt this is a dead end yeah this is just crawl space something hit me which way I'm gonna go left first okay thank you this is probably gonna be another dead animation elevator you know it is definitely not just a dead end so there's another stairwell here I don't remember seeing the top side of this one probably goes to the extra floor down below this is like a big vault what is this it's a big Vault room I don't know Vault oh yeah look at the door and then just two more Labs yeah yeah fully tiled though that one is this one isn't it that goes the same place this might just be the stairs that go actually down yeah yeah this is the real stairs down wow so that's where the irradiated swamp monster lives so we're coming back to our scuba gear it's so murky even without us kicking anything up yeah damn so I guess we did all that just for this yeah at least we know we had to know the good stuff is all completely underwater eventually yeah all right yeah I was getting stuck on a lot coming back this way careful oh I feel it it ripped my thing no way see you're recording you're actually flooded oh my God we gotta just get out yeah these things are not as durable as I would have hoped that hole right there nice how far out do we have only like 30 feet you want to just hop on one flare you're just gonna say plug it fast okay thank you I think we actually saw everything that's it without going down okay without going completely underwater was there anything on the wall at all that said like reactor or anything like come on give us something oh Splash my camera I'm trying to go fast [Music]
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 343,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, abandoned places, hospital, medical, laboratory, labs, research, medical research, disease, vaccine, virus, radiation, nuclear reactor, nuclear, experiments
Id: 0vsvWkzFZ-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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