Eugene Ranks Every Disney Princess

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(magical music) - Once upon a time. - In a land far, far away. - There lived four equally beautiful young princesses. - Who dreamed of ranking everything. - But only one would be chosen to become the Rank King. - I wanna be a rank king. - Shut up, YB. - I'm right, you're wrong, shut up. It's my show. Today, we're ranking all of the official Disney princesses. (upbeat music) (magical music) Today, I'm joined by my high princess court. - Hello, my name is YB, Princess of Seoul. I like 3D princesses. - What? You only like the recent princesses? - Yes. - How old are you? - My name is Kaylin Burke, and I hail from Chandler, Arizona. I am passionate about powerful princesses. - I'm Alexandria, I hail from Studio City, and I like the princesses with the pretty dresses. - And I'm your Rank King, King Eugenia, hailing from the beautiful, exotic kingdom of Texas. Now this is a court of the highest order. We will be open to discussing and debating the placement of these princesses, but in the end, my rank will reign supreme. For ranking, we have three criteria to judge these princesses. Number one, character. Who are they? What's their personality? Number two, story. What did they do in the film? Where did they go? Do they grow or do they stay the same? Criteria three, Princess Power. What is the legacy of this princess? How does it affect young girls and boys out there? What are they beyond the film? There are 14 total and we're gonna rank them from best to worst, and we can also talk about their gowns. - [All] Yay! (Eugene laughing) - This is a custom made Mulan outfit I wore for Halloween last year, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to vote her number one. It only means I probably will. But even if I did. ♪ I'm right ♪ ♪ You're wrong ♪ ♪ Shut up ♪ - What key were y'all in? We're starting way back in 1937, the beginning of the Golden Age of Disney, with our first princess, Snow White, from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." (magical music) The princess icon of Disney Studios, the first to launch all of these other princesses. What do we think about her character? - She's not my favorite, but she's not the worst, either. - Yeah, I don't think she has a very distinct personality and she kind of ran away from stuff, but she also made a life for herself with the dwarves. - [Eugene] Like doesn't she just basically clean their house? - Yeah, but they were just like seven dirty guys living in filth, and so. - Story of my life! - So she made a house into a home. And also gave them friendship. - So this was the '30s, so you know, maybe her form of empowerment was washing seven dudes' laundry. Snow White has a very annoying voice. (Snow White singing) - Specifically. - Very shrill, very bird-like, and she is, though, waiting for her prince. - They get together in the end, but they didn't really talk to each other. - Yeah, we don't see any of that relationship develop. - Yeah. - He straight up kisses a dead girl. - [Alexandria] Yeah. - What is the most helpless you can make a female character? - Yeah. - Dead. Do you guys remember the Evil Queen, who I love the Evil Queen way more. This is a good example of a villain that I was like, way more aligned with, 'cause she had attitude. Mirror, who's prettier than me? I'm gonna fucking kill her! (women laughing) It's like, Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks. You feel for Tyra, but I get where Naomi's coming from. I think we all agree, Tyra Banks should go, no, we're gonna put her like here, just to hover. We'll keep her here right now. She's not last yet, but we know Snow White, in her era, she did the best she could. - Yeah. - Next up, entering the Silver Age of Disney animation, (magical music) Cinderella. This was one of my classics at a child, watching old Disney movies. - She was kind of boring for me. - [Alexandria] Really? - As the Cheetah Girls would say, ♪ I don't wanna be no Cinderella ♪ - Reference! ♪ Sitting in a dark ♪ ♪ Cold dusty cellar ♪ - Speaking of which, do you remember the Brandy version of Cinderella? - [All] Yes. - Yes. - How could you-- - With Whitney Houston and the prince was effing Asian? Disney lost a lot of money during the war time, during the '40s, so then, "Cinderella" was a movie that really launched it back into being lucrative. What I like about Cinderella is that she's clearly in a position from the get go where you sympathize with her. Indentured servitude by her wicked stepsisters, and her wicked stepmom, then, she gets mice to make clothes for her? - Yeah, and she hangs out with them. It's like when Tom Hanks was on the island, and he made Wilson. - Yeah. - Another friend. - Exactly. - That's true, that's true. - Like if you read the old fairy tales, it's like actually meant to be like she's crazy. - She's crazy? - Yeah. - So all Disney princesses are crazy, 'cause they all talk to animals. - Yeah, well, I mean, 'cause they've all been through a lot. - True. - They've seen some shit. You know? - You know, fun fact, when I was a child, I really thought I could talk to birds. Cinderella's a good voice. ♪ So this is love ♪ - Yeah, it's very lofty. - It's more alto, it's really pleasant. But the story is that her fairy godmother comes, saves her to go to the ball, where the prince falls in love with her, then he loses her, only to find the glass slipper, and then, scours the kingdom to find who it fits. Which seems strange, because I feel like there has to be like a hundred girls with the same shoe size. - I know, yeah, that's one of the problems. - Also, her face wasn't covered. She didn't have like a Batman mask on. - Yeah. - It's like, we know who this girl was. - Listen, it's the Superman rule. If you put on glasses, you look totally different. She went from a glamorous, bedazzled jewel to someone in like anthropology. She was Queer Eyed! - Yeah! - She was Queer Eyed into success. - Oh my God! - Now I wanna watch the fairy godmother be played by Jonathan Van Ness. This pumpkin is gonna be a gorgeous carriage. - Another, "Another Cinderella Story." - (laughing) She seems like an improvement when it comes to, you know, recognizing what a female character can have. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So let's just balance it out. Let's balance it out, and put her over here right now. Now, into 1959, we have Princess Aurora, otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty. (magical music) - [Kaylin] Otherwise known as the worst. She's asleep the whole movie! - Yeah. You think about her three fairy godmothers. Like, they carried the movie. - Yeah. The whole thing. - I think she has the most interesting, artful design to her as a princess. Oh, you wanna know a fun fact? They modeled her movement and body off of Audrey Hepburn. - She's nice. - She's nice. She can also sing to animals. - Like you can invite her out, but she's not your first choice. - [Eugene] All right, for the story, it seems like she's asleep for most of the time. Princess Power? - What effect does this have on society other than telling girls you need to wait, be asleep, maybe in a vegetative state, until some man comes along and saves you? - Be careful of a needle. - Yeah. - Be careful of needles. - Like it's literally like its own, it's kinda, it's creepy, a little, maybe a little rapey. - Are we just dropping Aurora down? - [YB] I think so. - I mean, she's real pretty, but that can only get you so far when you're dead for most of the movie. - We may have to X that word. - We're jumping decades into the future, because Disney went through a lot of shit between "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Little Mermaid" in 1989. (upbeat music) It took them that long to get another princess film. This is the beginning of the Disney Renaissance, which for many of us, was our childhoods. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - [Kaylin] She's a fun girl, you know? It's like, she has a lot of personality. - [Alexandria] She has a great singing voice. - Yeah. She's kind of funny, like a little quirky. - Yeah. - I love it. - She's adventurous, even though she is a little dumb for selling her voice just so she can be with a guy. - So what about Princess Power? What's her legacy? - She actually leaves behind a fairly good message for young girls. - Yeah. - [Kaylin] I feel like she's the first princess, though, that has hopes and dreams. - True. - She wants to see the world. - Yeah. - [Kaylin] She's like a little rebellious with her family. She's like, "Dad, you don't get to tell me what to do." - You kinda start empathizing with King Triton a little bit. Why you gonna run away and give a witch your voice? Just for legs? - Yeah, but at least she had aspirations. - She doesn't just wanna go to the surface for Prince Eric, she wants to go walk around, and see the people and what they do. - Yes. - Yeah. She is primarily motivated to leave her entire life and all that she knows for those that she doesn't know for one dude that she saw once. - But he's really hot. - But he is really hot. - She met him and she's like, oh, I'm gonna see what else is up there, you know? - Or down there. - Oh! (dolphin trilling) - And you know what? She got thingamabobs, 20! And you know what that gets her? Fast tracked to the top, baby. - Yay! - Oh, my crown! Closely after "Little Mermaid," we have "Beauty and the Beast" with Belle, 1991. (magical music) - [Kaylin] Her character's great, I feel like. She's an intellectual. - [Alexandria] Yeah, she loves to read. Gaston, the hottest guy in the town, doesn't care about him. - Yeah. - Doesn't appeal to her. - [Kaylin] Fuck that guy. (laughing) - [Alexandria] And then, she goes into the forest to save her dad. - Which automatically gives her points in my book. I think her being the weirdo for being smart is super relatable, even though she is like, obviously super gorgeous. - Yeah. - The second half of the movie becomes very sad, because it's like, it's basically Stockholm Syndrome. - Yeah, she falls in love with her captor. - Her captor, yeah. - That's why, in these movies, you have something called a montage, where they sing a song, and you're like, whoa, Belle suddenly likes this dude, 'cause he eats, 'cause now they're eating soup together in a funny way. - They're playing in the snow. - [Eugene] We're playing in the snow. He likes little birdies, and you're like, wow, I'm on board with this romance. This kidnapper's dope. - [Alexandria] But that's the cool part, is he wasn't like a hot beast. - Excuse me, the Beast was hot. - In fairy tale times, he was not-- - He was a monster. - Traditional hot, yes. - The Beast was hotter-- - Weren't you sad when he turned into a man? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I was like, who's this guy? - Yeah, he looked better as a beast. - It's a good lesson, because she fell in love with his heart, like an intellectual would, and she wasn't distracted by vanity. - Or maybe she was distracted-- - And she just liked that beast look. - By his hot, furry self. (Beast growling) I also relate to the fact that she's in a tiny town, and she's looking to get out somewhere, to find a place that accepts her for who she is. It's similar to "The Little Mermaid," but way more clear. - Ariel, I feel like, is more kind of selfish driven, even though she has good intentions, but she does it for herself? - I guess Belle was far more selfless throughout her story, because it was to save her father, and then, really, to save the Beast in the end. Does Belle go higher or lower than Ariel? - I put her lower. - I think lower. - Yeah, I think she should technically be higher, because she's smarter and she's brave, but Ariel just had really good songs. - Yeah. - I think Belle is a superior princess to Ariel. - No! - And I'm gonna put her above the fish girl. Staying in the Disney Renaissance era, we have Princess Jasmine from "Aladdin." (magical music) Ooh. - I love Jasmine. - [Eugene] I love Jasmine. - [Alexandria] But she's like the first hot one. Like all these ladies are beautiful, but she's hot. - She's the hot one. - Yeah, she is hot. - She voices her opinion. - Yes. - But she's not whiny like Ariel, like Ariel's like, "But Daddy, I love him!" Jasmine's like, "I am not a prize to be won." - She's supposed to be forced into an arranged marriage, right, and then she's like, I'm not doing that shit. I don't love that guy. - And she knew Jafar was bad before anyone else. She has good instincts. - Well, she really is defying a lot of these cultural, gender roles that were placed on her, while looking hot as fuck. Everything she did in her power that she could was to defy the cage that she was put in. I think that's really honorable. - Yeah, she's really strong. She was one of the first princesses that was a true hero figure. - [Alexandria] Yeah, she was never really a damsel in distress. - Yeah. - Jasmine is also the first princess who is of color. That sort of Princess Power was, alone, like huge. - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause I think every girl of color I knew was, then, it was kind of like being the Scary Spice in a Spice Girls dress up? - Oh my God, yes. - Everyone was Jasmine. I think I'm gonna slide Jasmine up top. (Kaylin cheering) I don't know. I just always-- - You did it. - I think Jasmine also stands the test of time. I can still feel her standing up for herself today, or way back when this set in Agrabah. Staying in the Disney Renaissance in the '90s, I believe this is Kaylin's birth year. - Maybe. - 1995? - Is it, I don't know? - That's crazy. Pocahontas, 1995. (magical music) Pocahontas is drop dead gorgeous. - Mm-hmm. - And the hair. - Yeah. - And I feel like she has to be ripped to be able to run around the forest. - Oh, yeah. - Jump down waterfalls. - She's super fit. - I remember running around as a kid, like touching rocks and trees, and then, thinking that I could talk to them, because Pocahontas said I could. - [Kaylin] Her character is unshakable. - Yeah, mature, elegant, all about connecting with nature and appreciating your family. - Yeah, she has a very true north, she's like, values are super secure. - She has good judgment and good morals. - Yeah. - And she didn't end up with the guy in the end. She saves him, even though they're invaders, and then, at the end, she doesn't stay with him. - Yeah, that's true. - She's like, bye, bitch. - Yeah. - It's kinda like "Bachelor in Paradise," like they had this whole great journey together, and they loved each other, but in the end, it wasn't right. - Yeah, the story leaves room to be desired, super historically inaccurate, especially since it's based on a real person, John Smith never had a romantic relationship with her. She was 10 when John Smith landed there. But Pocahontas as a character really carries the film and I think the Princess Power. You know, I think I'm gonna have to put Pocahontas below the top three. (Alexandria gasping) I think so. - Really? - This whole order is just giving me anxiety. - I think so. I think as a princess, she's way high. But I think as just a general legacy thing for considering the entire film, it's lower than these three films. - Yeah, for sure. - It's our girl, who dressed as a boy, Mulan, 1998. - Yeah, whoo! (magical music) I love Mulan. - Put her at the top. - Yeah. We don't need to talk about it. - She transcends gender norms, in a Disney film, my God, she becomes a warrior to protect her family, to protect her country, without glory, without selfishness, she has all the qualities of a true leader, she literally leads an army and defeats hundreds of thousands of Huns, my God. There's a lot of Asians on this panel. I know she inspired us, but she should inspire every young person. - Yeah, no. - Especially young girls. She didn't need no man. - Yeah, not at all. - She became the man, and then, she did better than the man. - Not at all. - That is crazy, and especially for an Asian woman. - Yes. - Especially for a storyline that became iconic to queer people, like this was revolutionary, so much more than I think Disney even understood it at the time. - [Kaylin] Yeah, I don't think they even knew what they were doing. - They didn't even know. - They did not intend this but they hit like all the marks. - I think it's less of a fairy tale and less magical, but also, the being realistic, and just her, how she transforms, it makes it like a fairy tale. - Yeah. - I also loved that her love storyline is more of just her having a secret crush on Shang Li the whole time. Like it wasn't a motivator for her. She wasn't doing this for him. She wasn't doing it to get him. She was doing it for her father. - And Shang Li was totally into her as a dude, so that's why this was even better. (romantic music) He's like super on the bi train. - Yeah. - And I'm all about that. - [Alexandria] He's questioning himself the whole time. - Yeah, when she hits him, and he falls to the ground, he goes like, oh, I'm like, wow, he's like, man, I wish I could get on that in a different type of way, some more exercises in the bedroom, you know what I'm saying? Well, let's put her at the top. - Princess Power! - Mulan's going to the top. Princess Power forever. You don't need no man. - You don't need no man. - And you can wear a ponytail. - Be a man. - With all the force of a great typhoon, and all the strength of a raging fire, and mysterious as the dark side of the moon. We're in the current era of Disney, Renaissance Revival with Princess Tiana, from "The Princess and the Frog," 2009, the first black Disney princess. She's the only businesswoman in the entire princess canon. That's really important to say. She found independence and strong mindedness through just the will of what she desired to do in life. - Even when they introduced the male character, she did not give a fuck about him. She was not here for the bullshit. She's like, yeah, great, I get it, you're rich. I'm working on my other things over here. I don't need you to mess this up for me. - Now one thing I do take some points off for is that she does spend a large part of the film as a frog. - Obviously, I'm biased, and she is my top, like the amount of times I've dressed up as Tiana for Halloween? - Oh, you'd look so good! - Countless, yes. Slutty Tiana looks great. - Let's put a picture of Slutty Tiana up right now. You're welcome. - But yeah, it's like the first time that I was like, really felt represented on screen, in Disney, but then, it's like, they had to go and fuck it up with that. - She's below Jasmine for me. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - I personally love her character, but her story, as a whole, in the movie, I think Jasmine was stronger in her own movie. - No, if you look at her as a frog, too, 'cause she was herself as a frog, she was making shit happen, and still seized the day, even when she's frog! No, no, no, no, no, no. - I'm sorry, Kaylin. - No, no, no, no, no. - But the Rank King has spoken. Moving into the CGI era, Rapunzel from "Tangled," 2010. They didn't name her Rapunzel, 'cause they wanted boys to see it, so they called it "Tangled." They got all the women in the Disney Animation Department to vote on what they found the most attractive in hot male celebrities and qualities, and that's how they designed Flynn Rider. He was like a hottie. - Doesn't he have like a little soul patch, though? - Yeah, the soul patch kinda threw it off. - Why? - They could've done it without the soul patch. She's like, basically trapped inside a tower her whole life. - With her long hair. - So I guess Disney was like, how do we make her-- - Strong. - Capable and inspirational? - Yeah, they were trying. - They tried. Essentially, that whole story, the prince just saves her. - Exactly. - With her goddamn hair. - Exactly. - So they give her a fun personality, they give her Mandy Moore's voice, they give her a pan she can hit people with. - Yeah, they give her motives, but overall, I feel like she's still not that strong. - And I don't think she's that relatable. - [Eugene] But I do like that she gets this cute little shag at the end, this little brunette shag. - I didn't like that. - When I saw that in theaters, the little girl next to me, wearing a princess dress watching it starts crying, and the mom goes, "What's wrong?" "Mom, she's ugly now." (Kaylin gasping) - I agree, she's kinda ugly now. - She looked great with that short little Dorothy Hamill cut but for story, she's kind of a prisoner of her own fable. I'm gonna start pushing her a little lower. - Yeah, she's definitely lower, even though I love to see her. - I'll put her below Cinderella, above Snow White. - Yeah, that's good. - Yeah. - 2012, the first Pixar princess, Merida from "Brave." (magical music) Here she is, Merida. How do we feel about her character? - I thought she was really strong. She really carried the movie, but I thought she was annoying. - But she had the same strain that Princess Jasmine had, which was she was in royalty, and she didn't want to be stuck under the tradition of marrying a man and being sold off, so that's where her real strength comes from. Also, she's a great archer. Like, that's the coolest thing. She's super athletic, and I'm gonna quote Keith about the story. So Keith, in our podcast, The TryPod, went off about the storyline, because you watch the trailer, and you're like, "If you could change your fate, would ya?" - What? (Zach laughing) I hate it, I was so mad. I think it's gonna be about this woman winning an archery competition. - Yeah. - Against all the odds. No, it's about her family turning into bears. - [Kaylin] We had these expectations, especially titling it "Brave." - Yeah. - Like you expect this whole-- - They really should've titled it "Bear." (all laughing) - [YB] Bear. - If you could change into a bear, would ya? I mean, that's kind of what it ended up being. - Yeah. - She feels fairly modern, because of her intentions, her motivations, but the fact that she did not win over the three women on this panel from the movie means that maybe there were certain things that were not quite perfect with the story or her Princess Power. I'm gonna put Merida below Cinderella, but above Rapunzel, just because of the strength of the character alone. We are now in 2013, and of course, one of Disney's biggest hits ever. We have two princess, nay, a princess and a queen, Princess Anna and Queen Elsa from "Frozen." (magical music) They are the two characters that I've included that are not part of the official Disney Princess lineup. The merchandising is so popular for these two that if you put them in the same lineup, kids would buy their stuff and ignore the other things. It's all about merch, y'all. They went with this whole red herring storyline of Anna being into the classic, I need to be rescued by a prince and get married, and then, it turned out that he was the villain, and then, it became essentially kind of like the love story between two sisters. - Yes. - Like their bond, which is very unique. - I like that Elsa's kind of storyline is she's essentially scared, 'cause she has something different about her. - [Group] Yeah. - That is not socially accepted, basically. That's what the whole, like her parents are like, put these gloves on, because you're too scary. - Yeah, your powers are too great. - Yeah, and then. - And that's why "Let It Go" is a great moment, even though the song, people got tired of it. - I love her song. - But it's like her being, I'm gonna fucking, not only am I gonna show you that I could freeze your ass off, look at this dress. - [Kaylin] Yeah, the Princess Power is really good here, I feel like, because the message is like, your strength is your beauty. - Elsa, overall, is a more refreshing type of princess, because you've never seen someone who has essentially been the holder of great power, who has had to deal with it, embrace it, and then channel it. I love that Elsa, weirdly, has been what a lot of us wanted, which is an anti-hero, like she's a villain who is funneled through a princess lens. - I think she does become a villain for a second, when she's attacking her guards. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - Like give her that whole-- - That was great, I loved that. - [YB] I think Elsa has more Princess Power, while Anna's more relatable because she grows into it. - [All] Yeah. - [Eugene] If Anna was just in her story by herself without Elsa, she would not stand up as much as an interesting character, so a lot of it's in relation to the sister. I'm gonna put Elsa-- - No, don't do it, don't do it. - Below Tiana. - Okay, thank you. - And above Belle. - Like I need to watch the movie. - Thank God. - I'm putting Anna below Cinderella. We have one more princess left. Are y'all ready? The most recent one to be inducted, Moana! (all cheering) (magical music) From 2016. - I love Moana. - Who doesn't like Moana? She's the first Disney Princess with what one would call a more realistic body type. - [Alexandria] Yeah, they made her like they drew Nani, more realistic legs. - Almost like the first time she started talking, we could feel that she was fully realized. - Yeah, she was really relatable. - [Eugene] She just wants to explore, while earlier princesses were saved to get there, the newer princesses are self enacting that, they're the catalysts of their own fate. - Moana made me cry. - Yeah. - In her heart, she's trying to help the island. She doesn't know it yet. She's a kid. So it has that-- - To save their family. - Little Mermaid feel, yeah, and then, it's also about the family values attached to it. - I think she's just a really fully realized version of what I would consider like a successful, modern Disney Princess. - Yeah. - I think she just hit all the things on the head. I'm putting Moana above Tiana. - No! - Wow! - I am so upset. - Tiana was a frog for half the movie. - Yeah. - Okay, but-- - And Moana did all that shit by herself. (dramatic music) I would love to close ranks by allowing one last argument from each Rank Princess to tell me should I move a certain princess somewhere else. - My closing rank argument is that Ariel and Belle should be be switched. First of all, Ariel is a mermaid, which is awesome. - End of argument. - End of argument. I know that Belle had better intentions, 'cause she wanted to save her dad. Ariel's story, I feel like is just more interesting, because she has underwater and above water, she has this really cool villain with her, while Belle's villain is more just like a guy. I would watch "The Little Mermaid" way more than "Beauty and the Beast." - I am gonna double down on this. I cannot get past the Stockholm Syndrome. I'm like, it's so sad. I feel like it just creates an unhealthy mental narrative for a little girl. - I think Pocahontas should be higher. She was really, really strong, chose her family and her people over John Smith, and she made sure that he got out fine, and always did what was best for everyone else. - After hearing your arguments, particularly since you all grew up with these princesses, I agree, let's put Ariel above Belle. - [YB] Yay! - And because we are a community of princesses who support each other, four equally beautiful, feminine princesses, I'll put Pocahontas above Belle. - [All] Yay! - That is it. That is our final rank. At the top, no surprise there, there was a spoiler, that is basically what I'm wearing, Mulan. And at the very bottom, we have Princess Aurora, otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty, otherwise known as didn't do jack shit during her movie. ♪ We're right ♪ ♪ You're wrong ♪ ♪ Shut up ♪ - It was still very bad. - It's so bad. (laughing) - I lost it at the end. (upbeat music) - I can only take so many baby face CGI girls-- - What? - For so long. They look like baby people. Give me a little more of these. I just wanna see some 2D hand drawings. Thank you, ranking-- - I like-- - I'm right, you're wrong, shut up.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,830,595
Rating: 4.8799419 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, disney, disney princess, disney songs, princesses, prince, king, rank king, queens, elsa, anna, frozen, little mermaid, tiana, sleeping beauty, rapunzel, tangled, snow white, pocahontas, mulan, jasmine, aladin, merida, moana, aurora, belle, ranking, listicle, definitive ranking, dress up, disney world, disneyland, best, worst
Id: -rF6g6laAqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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