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hi guys welcome to the channel today's video is going to be for those of you that are newer to etsy and perhaps you're just not getting any sales and it feels like nothing is working this tip consistently doubles my sales each and every day and because no one likes just one tip these days so if you want to supercharge your sales then stay tuned for that tip at the end too welcome to teacher in the tesla where i love to talk about all things etsy personal finance and entrepreneurship and i make these videos because i don't believe you need to purchase any scammy course ebook or attend any webinars at all i'm a crazy busy mom of two and a full-time middle school teacher and if i can learn graphic design branding marketing customer service the ins and outs of shipping around the world completely from scratch by myself and i have over 14 000 sales on etsy with over 20 to 60 000 in revenue each and every month you can keep checking my updated stats in the description of this video or you can also check out my passive income report videos as well so then if i can do these things and i swear i've never taken a course or had any coaching then i have a pretty good hunch that you can do it too because etsy is supposed to be easy now it isn't as simple as slapping up some items and magically expecting your phone to go catching but it's pretty darn close so let's double your sales so the easiest way to seriously magically double your etsy sales fast is to run a sale yep that's it offer a discount now wait hold on a second i'm not saying you should give your stuff away for free and i'm definitely not saying you should change your prices well maybe i am but definitely not in the way you might think so here's why you should do this don't you purchase things that are on sale i sure do i even purchased my tesla because there was a government rebate expiring at the end of the month so that saved me five thousand dollars on an item that never goes on sale i think there's a lot of people like me because any type of discount is a great psychological trigger to help convince your customer to purchase sooner than later there are a number of great reasons to run a sale not only because of the sheer fact that running a sale is an actual etsy search feature for buyers as you can see here but also because etsy strongly encourages it in fact etsy will even have specific dates in the calendar such as back to school and black friday cyber monday when etsy really pushes sellers to have a 20 off sale not only does it encourage buyers to purchase before the sale ends but it really does seem to me that etsy does push the shops that are running the 20 off sale during those special promo times so set up your shop to always be able to sell your items at 20 off because etsy wants you to and when your shop does what etsy wants you have more success now because you're obviously going to need to charge more to make up for the discount these raised prices will look to your buyers like you are selling more expensive items this makes your items more desirable especially if they think they can snag a deal and let's say that suddenly you have to deal with an enormous amount of orders or you want to go on vacation or hey because there's a pandemic and your print provider can't ship the items on time so having just a few orders maybe is less stressful then just don't run the discount turn it off so how do i know this really works the easiest example i have is from december 2020 it was crazy time my shop was slammed for days on end with 80 to 120 orders a day with most days being over 100 orders a day it was truly incredible and i was elated to finally see this kind of success but it was also relentless and exhausting while i personally don't ship the items i still message my customers a lot and customers generally have a lot of questions before christmas and while i seriously have the most amazing customers on etsy something about christmas makes all the crazies come out of hiding so in an attempt to get at least one more hour of sleep i turn off my discount for two days and i had over 60 orders each day without changing anything else and these orders were for a smaller number of items per order so a discount or sale makes people buy more much much more do you see how powerful this is this has happened time and time again when i test it out so let's say if most days i was getting 20 orders a day and i turn off a discount then i get 10 orders a day with fewer items per order if you're still apprehensive about all of this let's work backwards obviously you need to price your items so you still make money first of all you need to decide what is a good profit margin for your items and or your time do you want to make 10 20 30 it might be easier to approximate how much you'd like to make per item or in my case per t-shirt i like to make 10 per shirt but since i'm in canada ten dollars a shirt is only eight dollars american and this is after all of my other fees and costs and advertising this is definitely a personal decision and something you might want to experiment with as well if you're still not sure how to price your item simple take your cost and double it then add the cost of shipping this is now the total price you need to charge but the item cost and the shipping cost don't have to be the same as what you are charged from your supplier if the shipping cost to you is three dollars you don't have to charge three dollars to your customer you can charge five in general most print-on-demand sellers are selling the most popular bella canvas 3001 t-shirts for 25 but if you simply put 25 on your listing no one is going to click on it no one especially if they see that all of the other listings on etsy are selling for 12 but if you simply put 25 with free shipping on your listing no one is going to click on it no one no one especially when all of the comparable items on etsy are selling for twelve dollars so you could do something like twenty dollars plus five dollars in shipping this still equals twenty five dollars total but twenty dollars is also close to nineteen ninety nine and now you're much much closer to those other sellers with twelve dollar shirts and maybe you should take a look at those twelve dollar shirt listings because they might actually be selling for twelve dollars plus nine dollars in shipping i mean hey crazier things have happened now this isn't my supercharged tip but here's a pro tip for you once you've already started but if you haven't opened an etsy shop yet you should check out my video of what to do before you start selling on etsy now personally instead of thinking about individual profit margins on each individual item instead i think about how much i can make per order since i'm not the one actually making the items and because i use print on demand if the customer buys multiple items then i end up making a bit more overall so i don't need to charge thirty dollars a shirt to make a ten dollar profit i'd rather sell two to make a fifteen dollar profit do you see the difference here i sell more items at a lower cost but i make much more so maybe i'm only getting seven or eight dollars profit per shirt but maybe i can get most people to purchase two shirts and now i'm making 15 per order instead of only 10. do you see the value in this do you see how powerful this is which would you rather have ten dollars or fifteen dollars now you only need to have ten orders per day to make a hundred fifty dollars which is forty five hundred a month okay and and that is crazy okay i'm thinking this needs a whole video just on its own but yes you need to charge more but hey let's say the bottom line is you want to charge 25 when someone purchases one shirt whether that's one dollar an item and 24 in shipping or 25 dollars with free shipping it doesn't matter for the sake of this example so you price your item at 1.25 times the 25 you want to have total so the total price you were going to charge before you turn on a sale is 31.24 cents if you turn the sale on the price of the shirt is now 25 total so just play around with it so it seems a little bit more palatable for your customer yes it's the same thing but buyers really really don't look at it that way go looking for an item on etsy yourself and see why you clicked on it how much is the item how much is the shipping do you actually think the shipping cost is how much it costs to ship or just an approximation okay so now you've decided to increase the price of your items and to run a sale well to really get sales now right now then how long do you make the sale last for so should you choose a year of 20 off or one week or how should you structure it now i have tried long running discounts but it just doesn't have the same impact that this trick totally has this trick pushes your customers to purchase today this little sales trick is incredible remember how you increased your prices so you could give your customers 20 off well not only do your customers now feel that they are receiving something much more valuable they also feel the urgency to buy it now and because etsy is a marketplace with tons of competition you definitely do not want your customer to wait around and look for something else on etsy you need to create urgency that this sale isn't going to last forever so now if you want sales now today asap because you need cash and stats and reviews and anything at all happening in your shop then you need to tap into marketing psychology to make your customer buy right now not tomorrow and not the next day but right now so how long should the discount last for one single day yes from midnight to midnight that's it but this is incredibly super powerful because on each listing and just beneath the price on etsy it counts down the hours and eventually the minutes until the sale is over this makes so many customers maybe even half of my daily orders happen from 10 pm to midnight this little sales trick is incredible not only will the limited time discount increase your orders on the very first day you offer it but it will increase your orders day after day after day and this will truly ignite your shop and when your item sells once in etsy it already tells the algorithm to push it up higher in search so now more customers will see it and you will get even more and more and more sales day after day after day and all you did was charge more so you could sell your items at a discount now i really really hope you're seeing how powerful this is because it will start working for you immediately and you will see success with this tip in fact it will drastically increase your sales but to really see the changes you probably still need to give it a few weeks i'm guessing though that it will immediately double your sales within just a few days or so and sometimes just that little bit of momentum is all you need to push you closer towards your next sales goal maybe you were just starting out and you just can't wait to get to 10 sales or maybe you were getting closer to 100 sales or to 105 star reviews but if all you need is to hit that next goal then this one simple strategy can easily help your shop hit that goal just a little bit quicker sales always lead to more sales if you can sell something once you can sell it again sometimes your customers just need a little nudge and this can be just the carrot they're looking for okay so to supercharge your sales if you're in a sales slump or sales are slow or maybe you're just having a terribly crappy zero sales day on etsy you can combine the discount and sales strategy with etsy ads if i start to panic that i'm not getting any sales i will make sure the discount is turned on and turn ads up to 50 or maybe even more until i start to get sales coming in immediately then it's as if i'm back in etsy's good books again and more sales pour in however if you aren't doing any etsy ads and you already have a few sales coming in then start to leverage the revenue you have coming in with increasing your sales if you have quite a few items in your shop i would recommend starting with at least ten dollars a day and you really have to give this at least two weeks then take a look at everything and if you aren't losing money but getting more sales even if it's not increasing your profits yet increase your budget to 20 a day again give it a couple weeks or a month it's absolutely not that etsy ads don't work because many many customers look at things or window shop one day and then they come back many days or even weeks later to actually complete their purchase or wanting to tweak the keywords for some items or turning off ads spending 10 to 20 dollars in ads on one particular listing might be too much for one particular item and you might want to turn that one off but remember the 20 discount trick that is going to get etsy customers who are clicking on and viewing your items to actually convert into buyers right now because they will see the little countdown and feel the urgency to hurry up and purchase now these are some of the strategies i've used to get over 14 000 in etsy sales since september of 2018 and you should definitely check out one of my other strategies in this video which will be linked at the top and also in the description below so if you're looking to hit that next sales goal or just need some cash flow to pay off some bills if you run a 20 discount in your shop i'm quite certain i'm very certain that your sales will double because it works for me time after time and to really supercharge your sales then combine that daily discount with etsy ads not only will you have immediate feedback to validate your product and design ideas but your items will rank higher in etsy but you will now have sales so you can start to get reviews and what does the etsy algorithm love actually selling an item and then getting a review or many why does the algorithm love this because etsy customers love great products with great reviews these are my two best tricks to get sales on etsy with very little effort and hopefully this can help you to grow your etsy shop today tomorrow and well into the future see you later superstar [Music] you
Channel: Teacher In The Tesla
Views: 26,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy seller, new etsy seller, etsy shop owner, not making etsy sales, how to get etsy sales, how to get etsy sales as a new seller, how to make etsy sales, running an etsy shop, etsy success, etsy tips, etsy tips & tricks, advice for new etsy sellers, increase sales on etsy, etsy shop growth, how to make daily sales on etsy, etsy selling tips 2020, how to increase etsy shop sales, get more etsy sales, etsy sell every day, first time selling on etsy, print on demand on etsy
Id: YrGuwZbQ_20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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