Ethan Klein On Jenna Marbles Quitting YouTube

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you guys may have heard as a big story jennamarbles is she's cancelled herself she's leaving YouTube she's gotten a lot of [ __ ] from people over the years and she's just I guess made in a final apology video and said she's stepping away from her channel in a video called alright a message and it's been all the talk of the town really I think it's been really hard for everyone to watch the video and to see her be so hard the first two things that I would like to address is the fact that there are people that were offended that I did blackface as Nicki Minaj in 2011 and I'll show you the clip incredibly crazy and embarrassing this is private it has been private for quite some time but it looks like this you know look I'm not the person who say what blackface is OK at not but I do wonder if there's a difference like Jimmy Kimmel recently got in trouble Jimmy Kimmel Karl Malone I don't know if he got in trouble people are trying to expose expose him for doing blackface and then there there was the man show and he used to do bits where he would like black body but he used to always do these bits about Karl Malone cuz he's such a character like et call or read all TV about white people getting deducted by alien stick I don't know I don't know if the times just changed upon us I guess you wouldn't do that all the times I've definitely changed yeah no one is doing this but I think it's kind of you can't really go back in time this far and then like apply today's standards like think about that this was on Comedy Central like they have censors and standards and practices and the people who run that department saw this who are the Eagles [ __ ] Nick everything in that ass right they don't let anything slip by and they saw this and thought that was okay I'm not saying it's okay now but at the time the people who were paid to be super critical of anything that could be controversial greenlit this sketch and I think that just goes to show that you can't go back in time like god one was one was a show even I mean [ __ ] twenty years ago probably right yeah man show was like definitely opening an interesting conversation to what what should still leave out there though because when YouTube the weird thing is that it's always available for you to watch but she did private yes old video yeah so I mean I've done and said really cringey [ __ ] my early career that I've private 'add you know I think everybody has like everyone is like the society as a whole is growing over the years and understanding of what's okay and what's not okay and these are just like the these are just little pieces of part of what was okay at that time but it's also kind of like a reminder that how things have changed like I would never see this today you know but uh but to me it's clear that he's not like when you say blackface you or your what the original black faces when white people would play black people and color their face black because black people weren't accepted to play themselves in theatre because people were so racist but like when I look at what he's doing here I don't see a dude who's really doing that I think he's doing an impression but again I'm not the person to to say if this is okay or not you know I could see why people would be I mean he doesn't look can he do it I don't know I I frankly I don't know I'm conflicted on it I guess but anyway this whole thing like is he wearing like a whole rubber suit like he looks [ __ ] crazy yeah I know I mean it's like we're so beyond why fancy like what if swat-bot was armed he's committed to the is it like a whole rubber suit cuz like look at how buff his arms around me right that could be at his neck you used to watch the show yeah I never liked it I liked that one kid they had like this one kid they would tell what to do on the street this twelve-year-old kid with the earpiece in and you would like hit oh they would like feed him lines or whatever yeah remember I like that but hey whatever so so this is kind of what's happening to Jenna even though she already she their private did that video years ago there right like this isn't in reaction and it's from 2011 I think she's being so hard on herself but I understand people keep bringing it up and bringing it up as like what can you do you know but I think all of us who have been on the internet that long who does who has not among us over a 10-year career on YouTube done or said something that by today's standard Willa Coralville nobody I mean nobody except keemstar he's the one person with clean hands he has never said have done anything offensive garbage but I just you know it's a really tough conversation I there's it's been she's being super responsible and she clearly wants to do the right thing yeah and I think that's really really good of her but I do think she it seems like she's too harsh on herself all of her new content for you nothing like that old stuff I have to say that I've always had a lot of respect for Jenna because for the past several years she's been making content that at the expense of nobody which is kind of an outlier on YouTube right the trend on YouTube for the best of years is like talking about this talking about this person and she's actually out there doing original content and so I've always thought like hey that that's really cool that she's doing that here's another one from her past that I guess people will keep bringing up the next thing that I want to address this is also from 2011 a bad year for me in judgment apparently same year this video was called bounce that dick this has also been made private I don't want to offend anyone I'm not interested in it I'm not interested in making anyone feel bad in case you haven't noticed here's the clip I'll play it for you here hold on let me remind you so as you can see I said hey ching chong Ling Wong shake your King Kong ding dong that was racist I'm bad at rap songs I mean it's just a goof you know um yeah I understand her obviously doesn't want to be a part of something that might insult someone also I guess he doesn't want people to look at that and then like think like oh I can do that today yeah she [ __ ] she misused to make videos slut-shaming girls she says for sleeping around because about what girls do what guys do she says she doesn't like gender identity jokes yeah yeah yeah she's being very responsibly very on herself I think she's a great person I think she makes great content I have a lot of respect for her and I'm very sad that she's being so hard on herself and that there's these little [ __ ] trolls on the internet too and I have to tell you the people who bring this [ __ ] up repeatedly over and over again are the same these people don't care about being offended by it they really I feel like the people who bring this up are just trying to make a point look you're a [ __ ] hypocrite because you did this ten years ago and so now you can never address this in fact it's a shame because there are real movements right now that are happening for good reasons that should be happening and changes that are good and then there's like the extreme like this where I don't know like yeah those videos were wrong and she already knew that and she already private to them and she already has moved on from this content she doesn't make this today so I think she is allowed to grow she's clearly made a meaningful change in her life like there's no resemblance of that old content for several years going so you have to give someone the benefit of the doubt at a certain point but like I said the people who anyway I don't wanna get theirs this next week have a lot more to talk about but anyway I go I give my thoughts and my prayers go out to jenna Marbles who's great and I wish her all the best [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 591,515
Rating: 4.7514725 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: 2-ugbR7KLA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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