Keemstar Is The Most Vile Person On The Internet

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can i just talk about keemstar it's been like an hour and i haven't even got one thing i wanted to talk about i don't even keep up with it i have him blocked and i have one other person blocked and that's it i never see their stuff and i live very happy that way yeah blocking is is s is godly they say the heirs human to block is godly who says that confucius said that confucius says what kavicha said that anyway keemstar is the worst person live if you don't know anything about him here because we've been talking a lot about assault allegations and i felt like there it's a very important thing going on uh and you know it's happening way more than any of us would like to admit especially on youtube the problem is you've got people like keemstar who's a popular channel a news channel that somehow people take seriously um and saying [ __ ] like this publicly about the jake paul allegation now you guys remember justine paradise she came out against jake paul saying that she was essayed in the mouth forcefully you guys have all seen that we talked about it so here's keemstar's take on that situation now uh i guess i should issue a trigger warning this is very offensive and horrific hey guys uh i need to do a dromler today on the jake paul sexual assault allegations and quite frankly i do not believe the alleged flick victim and i don't want to love that just right out the gate i don't believe her but wait till you hear why this is bad karma already he has bad energy coming his way to say this about someone like it's i don't wish it on him but like this is bad to put out there like that dude like it makes me feel like really uncomfortable for him if you want to know anything about dude just google his name and it's like this guy's done [ __ ] that this guy's done [ __ ] that would make uh david dobrik look like a [ __ ] like uh the tooth fairy and this is like current like you you don't have to use the shoes like oh 10 years ago he's doing this currently like in this like climate yeah this just came out and he has a he actually has a history of being a rape apologist which i'll show you guys it's kind of wild just cover this real quick on dramaalert without getting some pushback maybe there's something i'm missing maybe maybe i'm not seeing a certain angle to the story that's why i'm making this twitter video so i can be challenged before i put it on dramaalert in front of millions of people but this girl is claiming that jake paul you know was kissing her holding her hand led her to her room she didn't want to do any further stuff with him and then jake paul like grabbed her head and started [ __ ] her face and within 30 seconds busted a nut in her mouth and she claims that she was sexually assaulted now how does that happen i just i like what wouldn't she have to open her mouth and like participate in some way for that to happen like can't you just turn your head or can't you just get like is is there is there is there some way to force oral sex on someone i mean she's not saying that he had a weapon and was like you better do this you know she is saying that he grabbed her head and started [ __ ] her face and came in her mouth don't understand the physics here like i don't understand how that's possible like why like i would can't you get away is there really no way to get away is there really no way to just close your mouth like it just not let the penis enter your mouth like come like i'm sorry but i just don't believe this story at all am i missing something here please yeah he's missing a lot she actually had a really great response to him she said this is akin to someone saying oh just close your legs if you're being you know oh my god um challenge me please he he is so i mean yeah he this is a rape apology right here 101. this reminds me of those what do they call them like was it incels like the elliott kid that shot the school up like that that's the vibe i get from him it's just like definitely not getting [ __ ] by whoever like definitely is he's and he's a youtube channel taken away once like you know you know it's like not even his channel like he got banned like five times so how is he still allowed even on twitter you know but other platforms will punish you for things on twitter like if he docks them on twitter like youtube like not youtube necessarily but like patreon will like take away like how is he on any platforms with this i agree i mean i fully agree i think his presence is is a danger to everybody um and and the platform you know but like him coming out here and saying that you can't get essayed orally that she should just turn her head away it's like so dangerously ignorant um and it makes me think when i see someone like this it just makes me think like oh he's trying to he's trying to uh he's talking about himself for sure and his friends like like he's got all these [ __ ] like frat boy friends and it's like oh yeah oh and that was like oh this [ __ ] happens all the time so none like none of us are essayists it's like well this is why i get me in trouble what i feel like because i know if you're like you shouldn't bring his kids into it but like honestly this person shouldn't have a daughter like this really makes me like scared that this is like the mentality that someone thinks like this can't happen at all so like if his daughter ever said something like this he'd have that same excuse it's like so scary that i don't know how these people can even be like parents having like a child and like you know i don't know i know i get hate for her could be like shouldn't talk about kids but like that's so gross if this is a father of a girl because you know why i know so many girls like i had like essays and all that crazy [ __ ] that happened to them as kids and it's like the same mentality that their dad had it was like well you showed your boobs so like you should be like asking for it if you got like groped by a teacher or something you know what i mean like i think that's just so he's so gross no yeah it is sad that he has a daughter because like she's not going to get the [ __ ] she's not going to get a good healthy male role model that's so gross like it's so embarrassing and then if this is a troll it's such a disgusting troll like he's just trying to get attention yeah i think maybe he's trying to get attention to drama or i don't know whatever it is it's actually like neither he has a history of saying he really truly believes this but i'll say you know he says like oh jake didn't have it's not like he held a weapon through her head it's like dude you're talking about a girl that probably weighs close to 100 pounds and jake paul who's been training for a boxing match he's like six one probably weighs like two over two hundred pounds he is a weapon she also said in the video she said multiple times she said no so even if it if you do do it just to get it over with which i've done many times it doesn't mean that you can send it to whoever wanted it someone should feel less of a person she says in the video it was all so shocking it happened so fast you didn't even realize what happened until it was over that's what traumatic traumatic shocking situations are like every time your misunders your your unwillingness to actually even empathize with her a little bit and then i come out and call her a liar just straight out the gate be like i don't believe her i mean this is the same guys go oh we should believe all women we should believe all women but this [ __ ] is a liar because she should have turned her head away it's like whoa dude and you know a lot of a lot of people for some ungod gone god knowing reason actually look up to keemstar oh dude i don't know people who shoot up schools and stuff yeah i don't know dude no no that's it like i don't understand like even jake paul's response was like a little more like dignity if you guys don't know anything about etika you should look into that because that's one of the most tragic things that's happened on youtube history keemstar this guy was having a manic breakdown do you know about etika we talked about it once and i know we like caught it he's like he was like a really sweet gamer kid a growing youtuber and he was having like a bunch of manic episodes he was clearly bipolar and keemstar would bring him on his show all the time and parade him around in the midst of a manic state one time actually he tweeted out the location of his mental hospital and then when he got out of the mental hospital he brought him on his show in the midst of a mental breakdown and he said okay so keemstar says to him why he says if you think that life is all a simulation why don't you just jump off a bridge right now of course he wasn't no keemstar wasn't saying go jump off a bridge but a few months after that keems or etica jumped off a bridge and committed suicide and i'm just saying you look at his interaction with this dude etiquette and his history of using and abusing people with mental illnesses and that you should see the tweets he's made about how mental and he's literally tweeted mental illnesses are made up just to get just for people to get attention like he doesn't believe melted illnesses are real ironically being that he's probably got the most severe one of any of the people that absolutely know you're really wrong with them no the guys the guy is a total sick sick dude he yeah seriously so here's here's keemstar dramaalert um casting as much doubt as possible on our story so this is like his main platform that he's broadcasting to million plus people allegations have come out against jake paul this youtuber in tick tocker put out a story basically saying that in 2019 jake paul s aid her but before we get to that you know these allegations allegedly happened in 2019 why are they coming out a week before jake paul is about to before we get to that let me cast as much doubt as possible and basically call her a liar as close as i possibly can i yeah i hate him i think he's the worst because he like eggs on situations that he's not even involved with right we talk about james talk about david and like they are directly involved he's not directly involved in anything he just like eggs people on like right which is to instigate so negatively and like this like again this like 2021 where people are so like you know on edge and stuff like that it's like dangerous he was defending david too before the article came out he was like david's innocent david and all these people are innocent nothing happened nothing went wrong um what did he tweet he tweeted something like oh and he showed a message of him messaging david he's like don't let ethan and trisha win i was like i'm sorry this isn't about winning or losing yeah he's just he's so he's such a nasty instigator like just so like oh it's just so gross and people who watches like you said the people who are like the little in-cell school shooters watching him will be like yo this is cool like this is what we talk about you know that's why people like grow up like this like keemstars because they watch this [ __ ] yeah he's even be a lot on youtube like i will never say about any channel except for this like you know what i mean i don't think any other channel should be banned off youtube except for literally keemstar like well after you so keemstar after you falsely accuse someone being so there's this guy rs glory and gold he's a six-year-old streamer minding his own business keemstar puts out the story saying that he's a convicted pedophile based on a photo he saw a photo in a newspaper although his photo and it looked like the streamer so there's this this random six-year-old streamer playing runescape and he puts out a drama alert saying this guy's a convicted pedo and everybody floods the stream telling him to kill himself and all this [ __ ] and the guy was completely innocent so after doing that after the etiquette thing after being a rape apologist i don't i agree i don't i think keemstar should be deeply he's like the lowest yeah he really is the yeah i think so especially the making of the pedophile thing like people could go kill that person like it's not just him killing himself but people will like try and kill him oh my god it's just it's horrific you know and he he just will openly lie about [ __ ] like he he's lied about me saying that like i stole hundreds of thousands of dollars and he refused and he will not remove the video even after i've shown that like dude that's just your [ __ ] straight up line you do when someone literally just makes up lies out of complete thin air like what do you do well you can sue them for slander but i don't want to go down that path that's my only one it's also like just so hard because it's like money loss and like all that stuff like that um god i don't even know i i'm just not up for it i mean i made a i made a bunch of videos about the whole situation and i'm fine with the way the way it shook out oh but yeah man he just isn't bad like it's just bad karma especially because he's like what he's our age right or a little older it's like at your 30s like late 30s at any age but the fact that you're still instigating such negativity and it's like strange the alleged victim says that by the way it makes total sense that it will come out now because she's seeing jake paul everywhere and she had a really traumatic [ __ ] incident and this is very common again keemstar feeling to understand the most basic principle of of being a victim when you see your abuser's face all over the place and being louded and being accepted by popular media is traumatic and you [ __ ] that's when it hurts the most well it ties in but not really like i know two different things i wouldn't call him like necessarily his abuser but in jeff's episode last night he said he he was cool with david and then he just started seeing his face everywhere right and he's like i couldn't like look at the internet and then he has like shows like posters of his eyes cut out and so he's like i kind of like look at all these accolades of david without like having some sort of like he's like we have to talk because like you do you see someone and i feel like me even me too mine is definitely not severe like jeff's or even like sex or anything like that but like you see these people just keep getting rewarded and rewarded like but this person like really damaged me right like you see it all the time so of course you keep talking about it because it's so frustrating you're just like wow like woody i like anyone you know it's just like it's just you see them and of course that's gonna like yeah that's like rape one again that's like rape apologies 101 it's like why now or you're just chasing clout oh this it's like dude or they feel brave enough like a lot of people came up with david because they realized like oh okay maybe we won't get like so much hate because now like other people have these stories and i'm going to corroborate these stories just make a point and that's another perfect reason is that this is part of a larger conversation that's playing out on youtube it's think it's a good time i think it's a great timing for it people feel like safer that people believe victims now and they they'll look into it and stuff like that you know also like the new york times i talked to the new york times author of this article and she said they went to great lengths to corroborate her story they spoke to her friends of that night who she talked to crying they spoke to people at the party who witnessed it so again it's like keemstar is like this doesn't seem right i think she's lying versus the new york times is like we vetted this story we talked to multiple people who were there at the party to make sure this was a credible allegation it's like and then keep starts like [ __ ] her she's lying cloud chasing it's like okay [ __ ] oh god damn i have bad feelings about him too you know how like i get feelings sometimes about people i'm like you know keemstar well kind of both but keemstar i feel like he will push someone some sort of way and maybe won't be as forgiving as other people in the past have been and like he'll get like sued he'll lose everything he has like something bad's gonna happen and it's like i don't know he's pretty much done all the worst things but if you're if you're egging people on and instigating i mean it's it's bad like that you well we watched it the little etiquette part i mean the the in in his voice you could see like i hate jesus but like him getting like triggered and like keemstar like pushing pushing pushing like not caring dude and it's like so hard to watch because clearly that person is like is is is he's really feeling something instead of de-escalating he just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing and that's like the most like it's the most interesting you can do to someone hallmark i mean yeah i mean dude it's hard it's hard to overestimate how damaging this guy has been to people um you know it's it's incredible it's truly is porter and she was told that wait yeah it just seems a little strange that they were waiting a week before jake's fight to put this story out when it happened like two years ago he's been working on the story for himself references this and his response yeah and the statement doesn't and there jake paul actually suggests that she was doing this to you know promote her only fans but anyhow that is where we're at with this situation okay shut the [ __ ] up you know this isn't even the first time oh she made a response to keemstar which i thought was pretty good keemstar also threatened to sue her by the way um if you don't if you want to know even more what a people should hear i understand how that's possible like why are you kidding me this man is not just simply saying that he doesn't believe me he is saying that it is not possible to be assaulted orally yeah are you kidding me not having consent is not having consent this logic is like saying well you can't be raped because you have to open your legs for that i have been messaged by so many girls saying that they went through the same exact thing of a youtuber forcing themselves on them but this person is saying it's not possible not possible okay is jake forcing you to say this or do you genuinely not understand how consent works i think the latter i think he generally doesn't understand consent work and by the way she's been like really brave she's been taking on this whole story by herself without really that much support from the community and people like keemstar dog piling on her so i've been really impressed with her handling of this here's keemstar threatening to sue her if you didn't even know what more what piece of [ __ ] she so he says jake paul accuser has put out a new video claiming i said it was impossible to be assaulted orally this is false it's like you kind of [ __ ] did say that notified my legal team as such [ __ ] they yeah this is false i never made such a statement i have notified my legal team well yeah keemstar's legal team is basically like uh it's like his cousin who didn't who passed the bar exam 10 years ago but never practiced legally i forwarded the email to him doesn't keem claim that he's a lawyer too i feel like he says he's also a lawyer or something maybe he is i don't know you know what i can have a legal team i hope he does with someone and whoever you are i hope you countersue him because keem always breaks all this money he has and you know what you can only see somebody with money if you see someone that doesn't have assets you're not going to win anything but if he has money going he threatened to sue me you never did i was like sue me you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah oh i get begging you and he never did of course you can't what are you doing this girl for example but also he you did kind of [ __ ] say that yeah did you say these exact words possibly salted orally no but you did say this just poof your head close your mouth it's like really you're going to split hairs with this and be a little [ __ ] [ __ ] and i even know what you actually said you cowered and said you're going to threaten to sue her like dude get [ __ ] you such a douche anyway keemstar is the worst moving on um you know this isn't the first time he's actually been a rape apologist there was this guy jessie smile or sorry what's this it's a girl that's the girl his name was curtis christopher oh you know the story yeah so what was the allegation that he essayed his his girlfriend or something r word right r-worded so he had a hot take about that of course which is an another like classic rape apologist take he says um i hate cases of our word most cases only two people in the world know what happened everyone else is guessing the jesse smiles and curtis story is so hard to believe because they were boyfriend and girlfriend oh my god so he says he keeps someone this dumb should not be allowed like on social media or have a family or any like they shouldn't be allowed to be socialized like they should be locked away in an institution like for real that's like crazy like the dumbness like the like the sheer dumbness that's like oh boyfriend girlfriend like obviously that person can't have anything it's it's the the thought it's like oh no you can't our word your girlfriend it's like the thought of that is actually terrifying that he truly believes that that makes me scared for whoever his partner and his family members are yeah like he should not be a ladder on it that is just a dangerous psychotic take like bro seriously you can't r-word your girlfriend or i mean what okay this is the third time kim stars defended an essay as publicly so it was so infuriating that eli even had to do a take on this which i'll read in a second she tweeted this out but the situation was that there was a a female streamer popular twitch streamer who's in like a content house with this other dude and the story is that he got drunk one night snuck into her bed into her bedroom got in bed with her and started holding her hand and touching her and [ __ ] and it made her super uncomfortable right and so the so keemstar put out this video basically uh you know being his normal psychotic self he's tr uh ela said what a terrible and dangerous tech victims of sexual assault already have a hard enough time speaking out when feelings of shame and guilt the last thing we need is for someone like keemstar also criticized how they should have said no [ __ ] start jeez go off queen but here's the video i'm gonna have a little bit of a rant and i haven't researched everything so i don't have all the details good way never good by the way how many i mean let's be honest keemstar what have you done in your life to make you so desperate to defend these people because you're really defending yourself let's be honest it's so weird so maybe there's something extra to this story that i just don't know about right okay do your research and then come back [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] news man or me too statement about these gamers they live in a gamer house one's a guy one's a girl the guy's drunk he jumps into her bed he's like putting his hand up against her chin first of all making it sound like all innocent fun jumping into someone's bed is such a violation it's so descriptive yeah in somebody's room and get in their bed when you're it's it's just i'm sorry yeah that's not a fun lighthearted cute thing to do he like grabs her hand kisses it he might say he grazes his hand across her chest and um that's disgusting the fact that he thinks this is like so normal i'm like you can do that come on who hasn't gotten drunk and crept into a girl's bed and grazed the cat and kissed her fell and smelled her hair like you said this is like literally like projecting like there's something like oh he's done so he's just like what's the big deal oh yeah oh as i was so shocked by all these three things that i just didn't even react i was just i was i just was froze yeah that makes sense you wake up and all of a sudden you're being caressed and growth by some drunk freak didn't say anything you're scared it's scary dude it's your responsibility to say something if a guy's making a move on you and you don't want that to happen you got to say no like that that's your responsibility you have to say no what it's not girls is not their resp it's guys responsibilities not to [ __ ] be creepy predators you know what i'm saying oh my god he yeah that that's basically synonymous with like women are asking for it it's like it's your responsibility to hold a knife and stab anyone that approaches you women are asking for it i don't understand i don't understand how he's like around like i really don't understand this like it's so crazy like i know well i guess what this is relatively recent too i mean this is a this is a that's so scary i think like if anything like the past year like people are like okay like this shit's like not cool like you can't say this [ __ ] like it's so damn like the fact that he's like still going but like even so hard yeah that's not even like i don't know if i believe this girl but like saying like you should have said no that was like what like that not that all girl it's all girl's responsibility to say no i feel like he's gonna like an appealing one or something this is so scary it's so scary well some some people think he already has indirectly i don't doubt it he said you can't decide don't do anything and then be like he wronged me what you gotta say no you have to say no and what are we talking about okay so so if they said no he's still wronged you it's like he has such a it's so stupid it's like yeah if you say no they still wronged you but he also like really hates women like all the common theme is like about women like you should have said no how does this happen like it's a really like that's what i'm saying it's like actually really scary it's like he has mom deep deep deep mommy issues for sure yeah i don't know i feel like he's gonna like harm a woman for real because like these are the people like i watch a lot of like again serial killer stuff not to say he is but this is the same pattern where they hate women like women don't want to sleep with them they call them ugly whatever the case is and they like hate women for like because this this person did nothing i don't even know about the story the story wasn't even big because i didn't know about it so it's like i don't understand no yeah it's right it's all it's just all bla every time it's blaming the women not believing the women it's it's just it's so much hate towards women that i i have to assume he had something really traumatic happen with his mom and his childhood we're talking about kissing a hand that's what we're talking about now if you would have said to him get away from me and he still grabbed your hand and kissed it fine kissing your hand in here nothing nothing no like hey you crossed the line hey too much and he just kisses your hand why don't you pull your hand away like i don't get it i mean maybe there's more details out there that i just don't know about right so maybe there's more stories out there about this individual maybe right but based on what i just read and i didn't even read the full thing because i couldn't get through it because i was so angry that this person is getting me too no it's like [ __ ] like a girl you the female have a responsibility to say no no stop bro he crept into her bed when she was sleeping what the [ __ ] do you want i said he's like girls have a responsibility to have laser alarms at the front of their door so that when guys creep in their bed to molest them while they're sleeping that the laser alarm system will sound the alarm they can wake up immediately and be like no i do not accept you coming in my room to grow up me other than that it's your fault stop i don't like this get away no you have that responsibility he's so upset i don't have all the details but if this whole man's career is scary like why ruined from kissing a girl in some capacity and it's really scary oh yeah i think your career should be ruined too because that's just that's what he's saying her career it's just not right if he crossed the line you need to tell him right away you're crossing the line and this is some wild hysterical [ __ ] right i don't know this is like next level insane no it's like psychopath for real like i say that in every sense of the word and he puts that out there being like yeah this is a good take it's gonna be used as evidence in court one day like i i just i feel it like it's just so like something is really really sick here he is kind of as we've kind of like been speculating be like um i wonder if he's defending himself in a way this was actually a really recent video listen to him talk about this this whole fedmeister thing just makes me so he's talking about the same situation so the guy's name is fedmeister who's being accused of being this creep and so he's talking about this situation but listen closely to what he says it really bothers me you know when i was in my 20s like i had this awesome friend group of guys and girls we all hung out we were all friends we were all homies we would party or whatnot and sometimes people get wasted guys and girls and they get too touchy-feely with their friends all right sometimes things were said that were just like uncalled for too far but there was always this like he's wasted or she's wasted right we need to take care of our friend they are wasted it was never like oh he put his arm around me when he was wasted i'm gonna go get him yeah he went in her bedroom dude he keeps trying to like minimize it the more he thought about it yeah he started off being like yeah he got in her bed and he grabbed her breast to be like oh he just kissed her hand to oh my friends just put their arm around each other that's not good yeah i'm fired from his job that's insanity but that's exactly what happened with offline tv there uh fed meister got wasted one night jumped in one of his friends beds and again they were in each other's rooms hanging out all the time but he jumped in bed with one of them and he kissed the girl's hand all right and she didn't say get off me she didn't say stop she didn't say this is making me feel uncomfortable in fact she said absolutely nothing for months until there was a metoo movement and then she came out and put a statement the the first time she said anything was to millions of people which resulted in getting her friend's entire life destroyed his career gone for kissing her hand oh my god that doesn't sit right with me and her back that's supposed to be your friend you know oh my god it does clearly again he's not only he's not only victim blaming it's almost like it's almost like it's so more than that it's like she's the criminal yeah he's stuck in like like two decades ago where it's like everyone was like it's changed so much he's like well people just like protected their friends it's like this isn't that's not the era we're living in like it's so and the fact that he's filming this and putting us out there but i think it's interesting i was like we used to have this friend group when we're in our 20s and we would always go over the line yeah i was like oh really and look at keem now yeah i wonder why i wonder what happened kim i wonder if you are the one that went over the line maybe yeah yeah insane it's insane that he would even admit this stuff it's so weird it's so crazy i'm so like so that's it i wanted to do a little keemstar 101 for people who aren't aware of actually what a horrible i think it's good to put it out there i mean again i'm not trying to be like this like over dramatic person but at least there's like evidence out there that he hates women if something happens to any woman around him or in his life or something there's like evidence that they're just like he he or me or anybody he's just really really hateful and like nasty and almost scary it's like borderline scary because he's just so angry at something has nothing to do with him like it's just really well if you guys want more information on keemstar i made a whole three-part documentary about him on my on my old channel which is kind of a dead meme at this point but it's here i did three parts he's the worst person ever content new keemstar what dead meme yeah it's a dead meme that old channel people aren't gonna be happy to hear that but is it true [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 229,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, keem, drama, alert, keemstar, jake, paul, accusations, twitter, video, content, frenemies, trisha paytas
Id: y5rLh2gKGlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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