Ethan Klein On Tati Westbrook's 'Breaking My Silence'

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Kathy did not need to get involved no she really just kind of stepped into the crossfire here I watched the video there was no point to it my favorite part I'm not gonna watch the whole thing because of course it's like a thousand years long hairless openings called breaking myself a minute first of all I just have to comment on is she in a spa I mean where is she filming this out of uh how does I oh so what is that she's got like she's got like scented sticks decorational objects yeah sticks y'all she definitely pulls they're like very like she looks really good in her exposed videos where usually people will be like no makeup they're like I'm dead she's mascot yeah burp that I said that part of me could you hear me burping cuz it was like what the hell no no oh interesting if I felt very vulgar jenna Marbles in her video was like no makeup I loved Jenna she's such a she is a great person for Tatia it's like this is my appearance Oh everything so perfectly but she's wearing a piece shirt she got scented sticks in the back I kick it over the side the sticks her makeup is like insanely on point right the first 10 seconds of this video is just a masterclass in like it's just every little detail about it I love it you ready yeah it's been a long time coming for me how do you bust out in tears already after hitting record I mean look like can you really a cute it's like cookie so just imagine the setting she's sitting there comfortably perfectly posed so she had to have come and hit the record and then framed up perfectly and then she starts and she's crying immediately as she goes I mean it's pretty incredible it's been a long time coming for me to share with you some very very important things and I am gonna be reading from what is approved by my legal team so I am once I see I love when lawyers talk about legal [ __ ] by the way so I necessary come on she makes some really funny legal claims that cracking up yeah dude she's got scented sticks bro getting into what I need it's a mom it's just awesome it's like I don't know why to share with you I won't be deviating and okay so anyway she said I'm not gonna walk again it's 40 minutes of her just crying crying and saying that Shane and Jeff restart manipulated her and to making the video but I'm saying my whole response to that is like tatty you are have your own agency as a human being I find it very strange that you would go out and make this statement yeah but even if they did just take their you gotta take the L you made the video thank you you at the end decided to make the video right no one forced you to make the video even if they were elect a t this is a huge opportunity this kid deserves it you have to like ultimately endured that amount of peer pressure which I doubt there was that amount of peer pressure but I don't know I really don't but I really doubt is that it's still you're you're not you're not a teenager in high school you're like a grown-ass woman with scented sticks I mean the scented sticks say a lot of things you guys aren't appreciating it anyway there are some points I want to highlight at the end when she gets all legal is my favorite [ __ ] she goes let's see she thinks there's a massive conspiracy this shit's this [ __ ] gets off the lot I feel like she's actually a little bit delusional at this point she starts to go on about how there's a huge conspiracy against her to sell beauty products few months a few people have bravely come forward with more information and the pieces of what we believe actually happened are coming together make no mistake flip the page this is far from over I've been terrified for a very long time so much so that I had to relocate again two months ago and I have taken serious security precautions to ensure my safety on the advice I want I won't say anything I know that feeling too well apparently tatsi does also it's let's not it's unfortunately unrelated to Shane dome it's like I don't know well right because she made the veeam right right right right right not sure with all of you right now the evidence that we have accumulated of the events that have occurred however there will soon come a day where we will be able to present this evidence and you will be able to see they reckon it is believed that Geoffrey and Shane are responsible for so much of the damage that has been caused so he has a receipts that she's taken to court you can tell that she has talked to lawyers also because she keeps she tries to explain the damages which is such a lawyer thing right there like when you try to bring a lawsuit to a lawyer there lately well were there damages and she tries to present like that I had to relocate it's been a year oh you're try so it's been a year of mental so smart that's exactly what she's doing she's trying to prove damages yeah because when you sue someone for defamation the hardest well first of all it's extremely difficult to prove defamation in California not just that formation but then you know what damage doing but yeah well what the [ __ ] else could she sue them for manipulating her to make that's not you get sue for that no like what could you pop I don't this whole thing is laughable like the of bringing a lawsuit to someone for manipulating it to making a video tell you this it's not my opinion that Geoffrey and Shane were both bitterly jealous of James Charles's success you were to geoffrey resented right that so much of his business was entered around his biggest rival and Shane did not like that James Charles wanted to make a documentary neither of them were happy with standing in his shadow on YouTube anymore bad my lord I believe James Charles was gaining more followers and receiving more views after point out that time the whole video she says James Charles may be a million times and she never once says just James I find that incredibly interesting what do you make of that she'll say Shane not Shane Dawson or Geoffrey is it she's trying to give him respect is she trying to imply familiarity is she that would do the opposite she would say James doesn't say is she inadvertently implying that she doesn't really know him well I don't know I just and it's also my opinion that Geoffrey and Shane needed James marginalized and out of the way for their November launch of the conspiracy palette Wow pretty that's so conspiratorial and out of the way why what does he have to do with the silver there Cosmetics like this [ __ ] is totally off the rails just by the time I came out James was already uncanny you know what I mean and their sales were do insanely he's a huge personality with a huge following already I don't think they would even think like that oh we need him out of the way this is the culture that that I think is the problem is that people think of these youtubers there's like super villains they go yeah they go James or sorry Shane and Geoffrey are plotting to take down James so they can launch their palette it doesn't make any sense anyway Todd sees the legend flip that I've also easily been informed that Geoffrey is allegedly a co-owner of Murphy before the scandal unheard I had also been told that James Charles was about to develop an entire cosmetics line with the owners of Murphy this entire situation opens up a Pandora's box of speculation but I'm just not sure anyone counted on this drama spreading like wildfire it's my opinion that everyone involved got scared and their plan changed multiple times as I refused to play along or engage with the drama over the next several months a year later it is now my opinion that James Charles was not their only intended target I believe that there are many different people who have unclean hands in all of this and there was a coordinated beauty [ __ ] drama do you understand what Beauty drama is it's like no you just made basically an expose video then you regretted it - this is new boy yeah bro everybody's got blood on their hands or should I say foundation on their hands be quiet and push me out of the way for other business reasons I do not think it's a coincidence that more if he is about to launch their own brand of hair skin nail gummy vitamins but I do think it was just Shane and Jeffrey that's didn't benefit from my being silent so better than other people are making money this was just too big cuz she often watch us too she also launched her own both [ __ ] vitamin line that Shane helped her do well that was the the original issue remember that that that's why she got mad at James Charles cuz he promoted a rival Vytas jealous she was doing just because he promoted an Instagram story some gummy that was a rival and she had a meltdown right I forgot that was the whole genesis yes and now here she is still talking about the same [ __ ] you got scented sticks what more do you want now in life no wrinkle in this thing is really interesting what do you guys think about the fact that in this video she says that she made this video with the consent and in coordination with James I okay let Mike commented at all it's just nice Twitter like an hour ago when I will speculate and please bear in mind that this is pure speculation I don't know but what I think happened is that she and James and I'm only saying this because this should happen to me in the Internet this what I think happened okay I think like keemstar does this [ __ ] all the time he's done it to mean he's done to other people he goes you have what you think is just a normal conversation with somebody and then without asking for permission you take everything they said and then use it in your argument without without consent you'll have a casual conversation in the DMS and then they make a video and they totally quote what you said yeah it's like but it's like dude if I knew you for not a lot of people but it's just kind of like a people do first of all you can't you can't if you're asking me for public statement I'm gonna think more about it and prepare something more thoughtful you can't just be having a conversation casual conversation mate I then like take that as let Goss gospel well she at some point in this video goes so far as to say that uh James wishes that he could be here next to me for this video I think it's bull he wouldn't be there yeah if he wished so bad he would be but he would be able to debunk this all very easily nobody he's probably so tired of this know it was so hard on him probably the moments you know the most difficult it was on him the best thing I need to finally out of it yeah like it makes total sense that he would say nothing yes the best thing he could do is just shut up she's not she's not slamming him she's not doing anything she's just trying to you know curry favor with his fans again this is speculation so yeah I don't know if the [ __ ] I'm talking about and they could have and everything she's saying could be right you know what to your point I just looked because we had looked earlier jeffree star Shane and Tati are all like bleeding subscribers like crazy I just looked at James Charles he's fine yeah James is killing it yeah so he's the only one coming hi sisters what do you think these scented sticks I think they're vanilla scented she seems like a villain Julie patchouli do you think it's fortunately you think vanilla is too basic for her yeah yeah you might be right but vanilla Julie it's probably too basic for if I know it it's uh you know it's uh it's uh it's a Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan see the Tibetan Gwyneth Paltrow's of cave vagina all right and I have every intention of getting to the truth in early May when Jeffrey went on a podcast and denied responsibility for his involvement and placed blame on me it was both cowardly I made the video I mean hello weak when Shane issued his statements about his involvement in all of this I also perceived them as cowardly open defamatory the family as for everyone else involved that did anything underhanded or defamatory over the last year I am still well within the statute of limitations for bringing a civil action to seek recovery for my damages should I proceed with this course of actions my attorneys when gives opposing all witnesses who have information about the truth of what happened here so for everyone else whose hands are dirty they have not yet come forward be careful of your allegiance you don't want to be on the wrong side of the truth dude the wrong side what is this like world war two you almost went full Papa there a reckoning is coming she did kind of say that this [ __ ] went so over the top unable to provide you with receipt so that was the that kind of this forty minute video that was like the that was really the heart of it and my favorite part so she's suing and opposing everybody I hope she doesn't deposed me I mean hey I don't know nothing about nothing I don't know nothing about any gummy vitamins for your hair then Shane oh my favorite is Shane so sheep so Shane is already getting [ __ ] on by everybody and he's already had his channels demonetised I don't know why I'm doing this out of order but I just love Tottie's video I'm gonna go back and explain to that but Shane reacts to her video when it comes out he for some reason his immediate reaction is a go on Instagram live because he's just freaking out and respond to her video so here this is I'm live because I can't even process I need a drink of water I [ __ ] can't processes this is insane I don't know why but a batch in the pan the pain is real I just want to emphasize that I feel bad yeah this is insane this is insane this woman is [ __ ] oh my god oh my god I'm gonna wait till as many people get in here as possible because [Music] like it's crazy that these people aren't flicking so much pain on each other yeah god it's so ruthless out there man but it's [ __ ] up because it is when you're on the sidelines it's so it's just so sinfully entertaining yeah yeah it's a problem it's that it's that show it in Freud and mmhmm I didn't said that [ __ ] them sure shut shut site in Freudian schadenfreude in I'm not even a German word for getting pleasure from other people yes schadenfreude in yeah something like that yeah but I also feel bad I really do because I can't I can't we were trying to guess about what he was gonna say I think he was gonna say liar how could not be because everything about her so like yeah and then cubits here yeah you know I mean and that you got the Quentin vagina scented sticks in the background perfectly played that is not I love the suggestive video my god what's next he's so anyway he just bails at this point and I think he was just he was just full like wow it's like wow could it get worse and then all the sudden Tati enters in the battlefield sticks another shiven ashamed island his that his husband or boyfriend I think fianc barangays okay so he comes out he goes this is [ __ ] and I'm losing my mind 32 seconds that are that was change and then today oh he erased it yeah his fiancee goes in he says not today [ __ ] do not train me right now try hello yeah hope you enjoyed those sold out vitamins that you made millions and minutes from Shane's support you two-faced flyer toddy Westbrook a master class and what did the [ __ ] is this I was wondering what is obj is it an emoji it must have been the Danish girl right a master class in manipulation the only the only was to save her reputation was decide with the person she tried to ruin make no mistake this forty year old woman choose chose to post a video on her own accord she riled up Shane before doing so to have one of the biggest creators backing her and the chance this all backfired Shane very well would have posted a video explain exposing James had he felt so inclined no receipts because she didn't want to expose the countless times she told Shane that she was a big girl doing this only for herself I'm inclined to believe those that this makes a lot of sense to me well it's just logical right it's like yeah yeah Shane is the kind of guy that if he had something to say he would say it himself from what I've seen online well it doesn't really make sense to me that he would look regardless of whatever you think is Shane ultimately she is a she's a 40 years old you cannot blame other people for yeah actions that you take I mean you just can't [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 539,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, tati westbrook, james charles, breaking my silence, jeffree star, drama, tea, explained, beef
Id: UhPHK0wqNxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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