Esther Povitsky: Hot For My Name - Full Special

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I'm gonna take a picture of this let her take a picture I've been wanting a banana split for how many years is that veganism yes or no don't you know it's a famous thing if someone is a comedian then they came from yeah something bad because you need to go on stage and get attention from a big group of people that means that something's wrong with you because most people can just have a normal life but not me I need to go on stage and groove and get attention and have people like me and that is because of something you guys did holy cow it is such horseshit I've never heard such a hard [ __ ] in my life not everybody who needs attention comes from a bad friend not everybody it's everybody and then there's people that will lie about it but I'm not gonna lie I haven't seen Justin clarifying my full name is Esther povitzky and when I first started doing stand up someone asked me if I was going to change my name for the stage and I said no I thought about it but I like pavitsky it's Unique and then he said no we meant Esther and I was like all right I forgot both my names are ugly I don't just sound like a Polish cabbage farmer I sound like a very old Polish cabbage farmer whatever I'm hot for my name that's true okay when they say Esther povitzky and I walk out you're like okay but literally if someone was like this is my friend Ashley you'd be like ew why is Adam driver's little brother wearing that skirt there you are on stage and I didn't think that you were and anything else that I saw your dance your dance was like horrible I mean I couldn't I couldn't sit through it that was that modern dance yeah Oh that's oh a shadow I thought you had something under your nose what I guess it's a shadow okay sorry you were never had to leave if you had to leave I'm gonna go but why didn't I go to that one what was it yeah I did stand up in Canada last weekend is anyone here from Canada yeah cause why would you be here it's crazy to me that Canada has Universal Health Care it's free they have free health care for everybody as a American brat like I can't wrap my head around that concept because I am a hypochondriac and I like why wouldn't I want to spend all day with a rich hot doctor medical attention is still a form of attention what is to stop me from stabbing myself in the stomach and being like it's your problem now babe I hate the word horny I really hate that word it's creepy and it makes you uncomfortable it's not hot like if someone asks me are you horny I'd be like I was until you said that oh I'm scared I say something different though instead of horny I say hot and ready yeah because it conveys the same message right and it also makes it sound like I might be a slice of pizza and I do feel that having sex with me is a little bit like having sex with a slice of pizza because I just lie there and you can blot the grease off with a napkin now I don't want to just lie there I really don't okay but then we can have sex after dinner my stomach hurts if you want me to move for you during sex it's got to be at 11AM actually at 11 A.M I'm so skinny and pretty okay my makeup is fresh I've digested my breakfast I've [ __ ] from my coffee I can move at 11. but after dinner I'm gonna lie there but I'm gonna be confident about it and I sell it okay I'm just like and I talk you know I talk to make it good I say stuff and I say good stuff you know not just like I'm stressed about work I have been told that the things I say in bed sound fake and I'm just like yeah because they're fake what did you really think I needed your dick no no no no oh my God no I said that because you bought me sushi and I was being polite I once had a guy tell me that I was the kind of girl you have sex with in your car but not your house I was like thank you officer for real though when you look like me you tend to date guys who have really strong feelings about magic and if I can pretend to like magic for one night aren't I the greatest magician of all magic has always been the perfect subject for me to pretend I either like it or dislike it like I used to pretend to like sports guys girls don't like sports okay and if you meet a girl and she likes Sports it's just because her dad really wanted a son foreign I've seen girls talk to guys and they're like hey did you see LeBron scored a double triple and I just want to walk up to them and be like you're beautiful you don't have to do this come with me let's let's go to Sephora maybe I should start my own magazine oh write a book think about it you're not a right you're a good writer do you think I'm a good reader reader yeah I think you're a great reader why are you laughing because you've read that book that you never read don't bring that up okay come on I want to show you these uh different books I saw Amy Schumer oh yeah I see Judd Apatow Ellie Kemper Norm Macdonald every one of these guys is stand up Bob Saget you can make you can write a book for you might be a comic book I wish I could read I really do I try to read I buy books I open books and then I black out and I'm on Instagram and I don't know what happened I'm like why does Gone Girl have a chapter called hashtag summer hairstyles I like Instagram I have a lot of friends who don't like it they say it makes them feel insecure and I'm like guys just unfollow the hot people you'll be fine that's what I did I wake up I look at my Instagram feed I feel so good about my life who do I follow I follow a lizard I follow a bakery I follow a bird with no hair I follow this woman that makes tiny replicas of food like little eggs and little hash browns and stuff and she's never posted a photo of herself but I know I have to be prettier than her I also like Instagram because I can meet someone new and then instantly learn all about their life okay I can see who their friends are where do they like to go out to eat do they have a dog what do they wear to the beach there is something I don't want to see on your Instagram and that is a paragraph about your mental illness I'll see the photos I'll put it together myself yeah don't hand it to me I want to play Instagram detective at home so this whole thing is uh the reason we're in in this is because you want to show people why you're so neurotic because of your upbringing right well I didn't say I was neurotic what are you you seem to be I'm I'm too scared to ride a bike or Swim I'm pretty needy you're needy all right bro some people say that why what do you attribute your tenaciousness to where you stick to it and you and you oh that's easy it's that unlike some people who where their parents said oh you're so good you're so good for me right at an early age you guys told me I was bad at stuff so that was not new to me that would never discourage me when I went out in the world and someone said no you're bad that really just fell right off me because I was so used to hearing it from a young age by my parents from my parents did you tell her she was bad for example like when I auditioned for something and I don't get it over and over again that's normal for me I'm used to trying and failing because because your abusive parents no because my parents never thought I was special oh God let me out of the car sometimes let me out of the car am I wrong I think I don't think we were awful no I didn't say you were awful I'm not going to be in this thing I don't think we were negative we're gonna get arrested if she puts us on our special I have my own complaint in the bedroom um that's that the guy I'm with he won't let me call him daddy in bed it's messed up yeah he says it's because he's not a pedophile I know I don't believe him either absolutely not I have the cheeks of a toddler I wear a size three in kids shoes you have demons let's face them okay but now I'm insecure because I'm like why won't he let me call him daddy in bed like what's the real reason and I'm just like what if it's because I didn't go to a good enough school and he's not proud of me what if he's legit just like sorry no daughter of mine went to a state school now sometimes when I say that I want to say daddy in the bedroom I can feel judgment and I think people's minds go to a bad place about it they're like oh she has daddy issues yeah she wants to [ __ ] her dad no oh my God I don't want to [ __ ] my dad that's disgusting he's 75 and he's broke foreign are attracted to younger women that's a normal part of life I totally understand that but I do think it gets kind of creepy when men start talking about 18 year old girls I don't like that okay 18 year old girls are children I know this because I was a child until I turned 27. this whole barely legal like countdown clocks for someone to turn 18 it's just gross the reason I think it's gross is because 18 year old girls are disgusting no they're a vile nasty disgusting humans I I was one I will tell you all about it um picture me 18. I know it's hard because I look 14 as is when I was 18 I had never washed my hands before a sophomore showed me how when I finally did it so much came off also I had no idea you were supposed to wash your bra I still don't but at least now I know I'm supposed to but my favorite thing that I did when I was 18. was I [ __ ] my pants at a Cold Stone Creamery that's right this young hot sexy barely legal [ __ ] and what did I do next I threw my underwear away at Maggiano's laughs and then what I went back out and I enjoyed my day at the mall because 18 year old girls [ __ ] and rally what's this brown on the floor no I was downstairs and they offer I said that bread looks really good they offered me a piece of bread so you put it on the floor he thinks that we're gonna be in this special like 20 minutes of it or something it's my big break he thinks it's his show yes he thinks it's his show what's wrong with you need your own life Sarah says that what she says is correct you think we're going to be a lot of a big part of it no we're filling in 20 minutes all the family because she can't do anymore she will be there how could you say that about my stand-up I know what you're thinking when you look at me I look like your babysitter oh yeah I look like a good babysitter because I look nice but not quite hot enough to ruin a marriage yeah in fact if you're married and your husband comes home and he makes you breakfast in bed three days in a row it's because he just had sex with me and was like I need to make this marriage work I don't rock marriages I strengthen them you're welcome foreign [Applause] did you ever think that I had a headline show yeah that'd be a good deal okay it's not Madison Square Garden was this better than my dance recitals oh a thousand times I hated your dancers I had kind of a rare interaction for me a couple months ago I was at a stoplight and a Mustang pulled up next to me with two really young good-looking men in it and they gesture over at me to roll my window down and I was like okay I know a moment ago I said I didn't like hot guys but obviously that was a defense mechanism so I roll my window down I'm kidding my car is a piece of [ __ ] it's not that bad I roll my window down like hey guys what's up because when I talk to men I like to sound like a second grader I don't know why it's just an instinct and there's really cute guy sticks his head out the window and he goes your Muffler's dangling laughs I was absolutely not ready to give up on the fantasy I had created and I just without thinking look at him and go your Muffler's dangling he's like no seriously it's dangerous Sparks are flying like I feel that too anyways now my car is in the shop and I'm pretty sure he was 16 and I might have used to babysit for him for one teacher I worked for the conference and he said to me I never know which astronomy to get when she comes to class he says it might be the Oster or that just prepared and has her homework or the one that hasn't done anything and then he says well the real us here please stand up what teacher was that they sound disgruntled and you told me that the teacher locked him in the closet and he wanted me to go and report on and call the police and you didn't no I said I'm sure you're exaggerating it because you always blow everything out of proportion someone locked your child in a closet which is that should be illegal right there and you chose to side with the school that was a good idea to put you in the closet we should have thought of it because I didn't believe you that's why I'm sure you were over exaggerating oh this is the right stuff um I'm over my ex someone asked that right I heard that no I really heard someone asked I'm over him but I did watch his wedding ceremony video on Facebook in full screen mode and his wife did block me on Facebook but good news I did create a second account so in a way I earned my right to watch that wedding anyways I watched it I got kind of upset and my current boyfriend walked in and asked me what are you watching and I said Parks and Rec he's like no you're not I see what you're watching that's the wedding of the guy you used to date who looks like me foreign I was like yeah sorry he's like do I need to worry about this and I was like no and he just goes okay and walks out of the room you trust me but was your childhood that you just believe the things I say it's crazy he is so confident nothing makes him jealous which sucks for me because I thrive off of jealousy his confidence comes from nowhere okay he has arthritis he has sleep apnea I'm like you can't even make it through the night if the power goes out you're dead like where do you how do you find this confidence um so I did something you know to make him jealous and we all do stuff like this it's totally chill we all do stuff like this it's so not a big deal it really isn't um I changed my best friend Christina's name in my phone to say Mike from the gym and so Christina and I texted all day poor thing had no idea and I waited until we made dinner plans and she texted see you tonight at 8 with a heart emoji and I left my phone out on the coffee table waited and he walks in and he looks at my phone and he goes you don't go to a gym [Applause] just write Mike from Dairy Queen yeah might have been so much better so this morning someone at Comedy Central called me and they said bring your parents in I don't know why but they said if you're in New York with your parents we want to talk to them so you're welcome hi I'm Ann hi I'm Maury Maury nice to meet you I'm Mary so what exactly was it that you guys um the top comedy central Executives in the room uh you had something to say I don't know what but I I mean I wanted to say that it's been a pleasure working with you and you've been so great and collaborative and it's been such a warm positive friendly consistent experience you're you're very consistent and she's she's a pleasure wow a mature pleasure did you have something that you wanted to say that you felt was so important that you video conferenced in from La yeah I mean I would say this that working with Esther one special thing about Esther is that she's always the same we're never concerned about which test are you're going to get you know like why would we be because she's always the same wow and also no like dramatic like moments no big explosions or like crying has never exclaimed that a teacher or that a person in a position of leadership as locked here in a closet just all around positives wow wow I mean what do you guys think about what you just heard well I hope it's true it just doesn't sound like our roster no it doesn't but they know you as an adult I'm thinking about you in the past um it's funny it really is I guess I don't understand what's so funny well theirs seems to say that you're consistent and growing up it was inconsistent he never knew which yesterday you were going to get you know you might fall off the cliff at any minute what that's crazy I used to go to bed at night crying because I'd have such a difficult day with you and I would just lay in bed and I'm like what did I do wrong well we used to call her Rosemary's Baby and you had a little mess and that that looked like the one in the movie it was Rosemary's Baby and uh we were afraid that you would become something that uh was dangerous is there anyone here who is currently planning a wedding love my lonely fan base so much so for me the things I need to make my wedding day special are one I need it to cost less than one thousand dollars I need the day to be so magical that my mom cries but not because she's happy I need a venue that's large enough to hold my whole family but also has enough steps that my grandma won't be able to make it I need to convince my skinniest prettiest friend to be the photographer so she can't be in any of the photos most importantly I need my wedding to take place on my fiance's birthday yeah so that every year his birthday can always be about me I think that's fair men don't need birthdays I don't they really don't I don't hate men this isn't some like anti-man thing I just don't think men need presents they're not pretty right I think presents are like the lifeboats on the Titanic they're for women children and Rich jerks this is also my Miss America swimsuit well we went to the uh Village Hall and I paid ten dollars judge who was blind seriously Mary wasn't the judge blind yeah yeah 10 bucks your wedding was ten dollars we got married on a Saturday morning we're the only ones there ten bucks what a waste of money and um yeah to our surprise you with life you were there she was there cause mom was with child when we got married is that why you got married for this like why did the why did The Mouse and the Elephant get married because they had to can you leave that dog alone I don't know uh we've actually been together for five years yeah it's kind of a long time yeah thank you uh and last year we celebrated our four year anniversary with a special weekend trip to Santa Barbara the reason it was special is we were going back to the same place that we went to the first time we ever took a trip together so in my head I'm like okay he's 40 I'm 30. nostalgic weekend four-year anniversary what's about to happen propose yes thank you I'm not crazy so I am in the best mood ever right because I'm about to own half this person's stuff [Applause] so we drive there I don't remember if it's up or down because I'm not helpful we stop at a gas station I buy four bags of Doritos because everything is half off to me now [Laughter] and once we arrive I'm like this is a really big weekend so I'm gonna be sexy which for me just means be clean so I took a bath so I get in the tub right away and he walks in and he kneels down over the tub hey I just want you to know that I am not proposing to you this weekend [Laughter] he's like yeah did someone just say hell yeah security I think he goes I just didn't want you to be thinking about it every time we took a walk or had a meal or made eye contact and I just say back I'm like I just want you to know that I just got my period it's really heavy he's like how heavy I'm like have you seen Kill Bill Part Two I was upset okay I got out of the tub I dried up I put my clothes on I packed up my stuff and I headed for the door and I just started going off on him and then he stops and he's like wait wait wait wait no no I just meant I'm not proposing to you this weekend okay I'm gonna propose it's just that the ring isn't ready I don't want to say anything I wanted it to be a surprise I'm like oh I wish you would have told me that like before I said I hated your family it's all good anyways we had a nice weekend a few weeks later he proposed I said yes we got engaged thank you anyways he proposed to me with the family Diamond which when I first heard it was a family Diamond I was kind of like ew it's kind of scary like I don't know anything about the people who wore this ring before me other than that they all got old and died it sounds cursed it's also not like he's a Kennedy okay he's Ashkenazi Jew they don't have the most romantic history so I have the family Diamond it's actually really pretty I do enjoy it and every time I look at it I'm just like laughs Nana couldn't smuggle something a little bigger out of Germany I don't know I'm half Jewish half regular relax Esther's table there's kindergarten show that's good oh that's good then we have um I don't stop reading okay we'll put them on yeah we got enough uh something you may not be able to tell by looking at me and my height um I was breastfed thank you thank you I was actually breastfed too long and the reason I know this is because my mom told me it was really easy to get me to stop breastfeeding because she could just say to me we're done now and I understood her foreign and I guess I even had a response and said yeah Mom I have to go to work but I'm really hungry can you pump me a snack for later guys that's a joke that's not true I was really breastfed too long I was breastfed till three and a half yeah most of you are too young to realize that that's not okay and the real reason that I know in my heart that I was breastfed too long is because I remember it that's right I'm very confident that if I didn't remember it I would not be on this stage right now [Applause] it's messed up that my first memory of being alive is of hooking up with my mom now my mom is hotter than me and I'm not just saying that because we did hook up not trying to brag and I don't mean my mom was hotter than me when she was my age no no no no I mean my mom is hotter than me actively right now today people hear that they're like what no what and I'm like it's really simple here's what happened my mom met an ugly guy he had a house she wanted it she [ __ ] him here I am okay the numbers do crunch and I used to resent my mom for being hotter than me until I realized oh I can use my hot mom to my advantage because if I ever met a guy and maybe he wasn't that into me all I had to do was bring my mom around and sit him down and be like hey you may not like what you see today totally fair but if you put the time in this can be yours and I don't just mean I'm going to become my mom I mean in a few years my dad will be dead and you can have her too we're a package deal we do a breastfeeding thing [Music] prepared if you do get your period because last time you came to town you called me at work Mom do you have any tampons bye where are the pants so do you have some for Indiana I don't no I honestly didn't expect a response together well I only just because my boobs feel big and sore you're not pregnant are you no I'm not pregnant I saw the pregnancy test in the hotel you're so [ __ ] nosy I knew the second I let you into my hotel room that you were gonna see everything in there did you have to dig around or did you just see it I went to the bathroom and I couldn't miss it in the garbage can why are you doing this if you're having psycho problems it may indicate you could have a problem you know well maybe I'll get it handmade boy supposed to give me a headache I'm watching those shelves they make me dizzy dad mom just told me that I wasn't going to be able to have a baby what she told me that I wasn't gonna be out of able to have a baby I don't know what she needs um I need a volunteer so I can go through your purse sure it may be a slight violation of your privacy who cares okay let's see your purse where are you from Florida but I moved here in March so here so you still have a lot of Florida on you yeah when you spring break do you go to like School Delta skymelt you travel a lot a lot for what work fun wherever cheap tickets are what does that mean about the ticket price to this show tonight I don't know do you have a heart condition I went to an Oxygen Spa before I came here Los Angeles is ridiculous they're they'll just take our money in any way possible it's so sad um okay what's your passcode zero eight nine six um who's Anna Johnson whoever she is she's a good friend because she sent you vegan pumpkin muffin recipe that's me yourself [Laughter] I just want you to know I do the same thing too um oh what is it I'm not gonna say is it bad I'm gonna show it to you and then you could tell me what I should do whatever you want hiring private models hahaha 18 years old with valid ID and passport the most diverse purse I've ever gone through starts with a Bible podcast business card and goes all the way to sex worker I'm proud of your life your journey hotel Key yes did you already start your job no [Laughter] [Applause] that's what I smell oh he got skunk oh he got him there I smell him oh I see it I can't believe it oh my God oh my God oh my God what do we do oh man Mary let's go mom hurry up this is like an emergency so I'll go downstairs and find the shampoo I'm scared of the basement please go down and get it off the shelf oh [Music] he got in the face he doesn't open this gay [ __ ] mom his mouth oh oh he stinks did you find the shampoo I'm scared of the basement at night you don't know the things I've seen you're gonna be scared of me in a second [Music] can I turn the fan on oh yeah please oh oh my God it's so bad then get on it you're wearing my shirt you gave it to me lately my guy friends have taken it upon themselves to give me some very interesting advice they have been telling me Esther don't tell people you're 31. don't let people know that okay they don't need to know let them think you're younger I'm like you're so ugly if I could tell you to tell people that you weren't ugly I would but there's nothing we can do about that okay and I'm just like this makes me mad we're all getting older I'm getting older you're getting everyone's getting older it's not a big deal okay because no matter how old I get there will always be someone older and crustier than me that wants to [ __ ] me okay Larry King is single the thought alone makes me hot and ready also I tell my guy friends I'm like do you even know who Lauren Sanchez is you dumb idiot does anyone here know who Lauren Sanchez is thank you for those of you that didn't hear Lauren Sanchez is the woman who broke up Jeff bezos's marriage she broke up the marriage of the richest man in the world you know how old she is 50 years old you know how many marriages I can ruin in the next 19 years cut to me only ruining my own marriage okay I like this but these so these are the jeans a smaller which I think are stomach what don't you like I think the yard why too much time put that cream colored topper do I look fat in it yes or no do you think these are too tight Maybe turn around they don't feel too tight do they look too tight turn around again my fiance through a bachelor party which is pretty shady since we don't have a wedding date that's not really a bachelor party that's a trip to Vegas with your three sketchiest friends so I was suspicious and nervous and I showed up I did so I drove to the airport dropped him off he flew to Vegas and then I circled around parked my car and I also flew to Vegas and I was like this is a big deal what I'm about to do so I wanted to be respectful about it to some degree so I booked my own hotel room and not even at his hotel I booked it at a different hotel where I had a view of his hotel from my hotel and I waited until it was really late Friday night and I was like I'm just gonna go up to his room I'm just gonna knock on the door and see what's going on now I didn't have his room number so I went to the front desk and I'm like hey could you just tell me my fiance's room number and she's like if he's your fiance why don't you ask him and I was like who said are you on [ __ ] so then I remembered how do you log into Wi-Fi when you're staying in a hotel last name and room number so I typed in his last name and then every single room number at the Aria it was only like 40 000 numbers it was chill until I got a match I feel like this might be the part of the story where you realize oh she really did this I don't know she's bad so I have the room number and I'm like I'm gonna go up I go up to his room I knock on the door he opens the door looks at me immediately closes the door my heart is racing I have no idea what's about to happen he opens it back up he just looks down and goes like this I barge and I'm like what's going on I look around he's folding his shirts and watching the news I honestly didn't know Vegas had the news I was like what kind of Dork am I about to marry and this you'll never believe he was very angry that I was there and I was like you know what I'm sorry this was crazy this was a mistake I feel so stupid I'm getting out of here you're not gonna see me again at all all weekend until Sunday I am on your flight back sorry about that and I like to call that weekend Oceans One thanks for supporting my psychotic behavior I appreciate you okay sleep tight [Music] am I your best friend you want the light on or off on are you my best friend I don't have a best friend all right good night I'm tired I love you because I get a good night's sleep love you bye [Music] I can't pull out all of your trophies thank you yes that's me that's just it was a very different time wow that's the coolest picture anybody in our family has ever taken yeah I'm Julia you look so hot I love that outfit she broke all my friends hearts mine too I used to steal all of her clothes I mean how are you always so on Trend she insisted you get your perfect skin from Grandma too yes well good genes so what the hell happened to me then huh take care of your skin what oh sorry I'm reading an article about how to ask out your Subway Sandwich Artist oh I like that for you uh what's the story with this one yeah oh okay I I'm London I just graduated college and I was just wandering around I found myself in the Chelsea flower market come on it says you're not supposed to order chips Jesus Esther you always get chips yeah that's my daughter so back to the photo I was in the flower market minding my own business looking at these beautiful flowers and I get a top on my shoulder gentleman says may I take your picture turns out he is the famous photographer Richard [Music] mom is so pretty elegant and fine her hair looks perfect like a hundred percent of the time her features are small and delicate she's hotter than your mom I bet but it only makes me sad cause I look more like my dad [Music] I've got my dad's eyebrows I've got my dad's nose I've got my dad's shoulders I've got hair on my toes gross just the big ones my mom's graceful as a swan overalls on its back I take after my dad she's her father's daughter she's her father's daughter daughter she's her father's daughter daughter she's her father's girl and chew with my mouth open whenever I'm eating my sideburns are out of control and your hairline's receding yeah I know her mom's skin is smooth as glass but I've got my dad's pores and his weird flat ass it's grim m i look more like him she's her father's daughter daughter she's her father's daughter daughter she's her father's daughter girls [Music] big forehead [Music] fat calves bad posture athlete's foot it's not as if you're unattractive to men you're just a little bit uglier than you should have been thanks grandma that helps it does but she's a seven I go out in pajamas my mom irons her clothes your dad's got beautiful legs but I didn't get those what the [ __ ] it's sad but it's the truth I look like the daughter with no lines from Fiddler on the Roof and my dad's to blame cause we're exactly like one another I look like my dad's little brother but I'm bad at math and have mood swings like my mom did you like my song God you need a lot of attention don't you [Applause] thank you you're the funny one in here you are nothing without us as material and you know it and I know it and Mom knows it you use us and you abuse us and then when we go out you tell people that I've abused you right I gotta lay down I've had enough I'm going to bed do you think my special will be good no foreign [Music] who is it
Channel: Comedy Central Stand-Up
Views: 639,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Esther Povitsky, Hot for My Name, Esther Povitsky Hot for My Name, Esther Povitsky special, Esther Povitsky comedian, Esther Povitsky stand up, stand up comedy, comedy central stand up, comedy, comedian, comedians, special, funny, funny jokes, funny clips, laugh, best comedy, best stand up, best comedian, full stand up special, hot for my name full special, esther povitsky podcast, esther povitsky trash tuesday, trash tuesday, annie lederman, khalyla kuhn, podcast, stand up
Id: peVeagYsHw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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