The Banner of Truth - Part 3

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[Music] [Music] good morning welcome to antioch cyber sanctuary up next is a musical selection followed by a powerful word stay tuned after the message for some announcements enjoy thank you god bless your name i want to say to you this morning that we need more peace we need more love we need more joy we need more hope in the times that we are living in so we need more of jesus now more than ever hallelujah can i get a witness this morning thank you god [Music] i lift my hands in total last direction [Music] to you you rang on the throne for you are god and god alone because of you my cloudy days are gone i can sing to you this song i just want to say that i love you more than listen love me in your arms [Music] you were my shelter from the storm [Music] when all my friends were gone you were right there all alone i never knew her love like this [Music] i just want to say that i love you more than [Music] i love you jesus yes i do hallelujah i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything can i get a witness this morning to just tell him that you love him more than anything hallelujah i love you jesus yes i do i worship and adore you [Music] just want to tell you lord i love you more than me [Music] jesus yes i do [Music] [Applause] [Music] just want to tell you lord i love you more than any [Music] lord i love you lord i praise your holy name yes i do i give you the glory the honor [Music] you've been mighty mighty good in the midst of cloven 19 you've been blessing you've been giving us hope in a hopeless land you've been giving us peace that surpasses all understanding i worship you yes i do i praise you lord i worship you and i love you more than anything i just wanna that i'd love you [Music] more than [Music] lord i worship you and i love you more than anything yes i worship you and i love you [Applause] more more than anything [Music] yes i do hallelujah thank you jesus i worship you i love you more than anything god bless your name good morning we're back here again at antioch in our virtual sanctuary we're so glad to have you here this morning and i'm excited as you say pastor jones every time we see you you you seem to be excited and i am in spite of the covet situation in spite of all things that we're dealing with i'm still excited about the lord and i hope you are too i mean this covet season has been a toll on all of us but but that's okay god has this thing under control i want to thank god for kayla who always was the face of antioch forest and one thank god for sister vanessa garland who gave us that song a few minutes ago more than anything and i tell you what are we need god at this time more than anything else in life we need the lord so i'm going right into our message today the third part of a series we've been preaching called the banner of truth the ban of truth and our i tell you truth as i said in my previous sermons truth has is now under attack or but be that as it may the truth will always stand so with that being said let's have a word of prayer uh this morning father in jesus name we thank you god for the privilege of being here today thank you lord so much for allowing us this time that we might spin around your word god we're not going to limit our time with you based on buildings based on anything else other god than being with you in fact it was you who spoke to a woman at the well when she was claiming about at this mountain of that mountain but lord you said neither this mountain or whatever mountain but those that worship you must worship you in spirit and in truth and god you took away the argument that we needed buildings and needed all these things lord to find communion with you god communion with you i can be in our own hearts but lord we do miss we want to be in the presence with other people like we've done in the past and god and you said in your word even to forsake not the ceiling of ourselves together as a man of some is but lord you know that we're under this mandate we're under god this this plague so to speak and lord has forced us to a place where god the communion and the fellowship we're having now is god with you and you along and i just thank god that somehow you may have wanted that way for this season for nevertheless god here we're here and we thank you so much bless your word now open up our eyes that we may behold wondrous things from the law we pray this in christ's name amen and amen heavy bibles go to the book of psalms we're back in the book of psalms is where we've taken our primaries text from the book of psalms chapter 60. psalm 60. oh god thou has cast us off thou has scattered us thou has been displeased o turn thyself to us again thou has made the earth to tremble thou has broken it heal the breaches thereof for it shaketh thou has showed thy people heart things thou has made us to drink the wine of astonishment thou has given a banner to them that fear thee that it may be displayed because of truth that thy beloved may be delivered say with our right hand and hear me god has spoken in his holiness i will rejoice i will divine i will divide sheikham and meet out the valley of sucker gillette is mine manasseh is my ephraim also is the strength of mine head judah is my law given moab is my wash pot over edom will i cast my shoe phyllista triumph thou because of me who will bring me into the strong city who will lead me into edom will thou wilt not thou o god which has cast us off and thou o god which did us not go out with our armies give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man through god we shall do valiantly for he is that shall tread down our enemies we've been talking and explaining from this psalm how david was feeling some kind of way uh in this text because he felt as if god had abandoned them they were in a hard place or they were we we said in our previous sermons how david were was in war with all of the armies or the the nations around in that area at that time and and there he was warring in the northern part of palestine and in the south he was attacked by the and david was distraught and the men that was with him in this war warring campaign and somehow scholars feel that david composed this psalm as a reflection on what happened to him and happened to israel's army as a result amen of them pleading with god because they felt god had somehow kind of put them out there on their own and yet and still in this same psalm even though he was making his complaints in the in the first verses of this particular text up into verse five what we said last week the first time he spoke a word of hope in verse 5 he says that thy beloved may be delivered save with our right hand and hear me then as if god will speak in himself god has spoken in his holiness i will rejoice i will divide as if god breaks in on david around verse 6 god has spoken in his holiness i will rejoice i will divide sheikham and meet out the valley of sucker gilead is mine manasseh is mine ephraim is also the strength of my head judah is my lawgiver moab is my wash pot over edom will i cast out my shu philista triumph thou because of me who will bring me into the strong city who will lead me into edom as if god had broken in in the sin of this psalm as if david had his little words and gospel well i got to tell you something he says gillian i mean he began to talk about where he stood with all these nations and which david was having issues with he talked about eve from his ether is the strength of my head so so god is talking about his relationship with israel's people and also his relationship with the people that israel was having issues with but verse 10 is what i want to kind of put in today will thou he says wilt not thou o god which now as if david breaks back in on the conversation and says will not thou o god which has cast us off and thou o god was just did us not go out with our armies david said listen god he said listen i know eve from his joys and all these things you just mentioned about yourself i know all of that but he says god but we'll not use it because david wants to know god why is it that we're standing alone he said you did not in verse 8 and verse 10 which did us not go out with our armies this is god you didn't even go out with our armies they see david was dependent on god and david was ascribing the victories he had over all these kingdoms to god and now suddenly he says to god he says you didn't even go out with us to war and in other words he was like in a way like blaming god of blaming god or saying god the reason why we lost was because you didn't even go out with our armies then he says in verse 11 give us help from our trouble in the midst of all of this david says lord you know if we're going to overcome he says give us help from trouble watch what he says for vain is the help of man david came to the place where all of us need to come no matter what goes on no matter how bad things are we must come to the place to know that god is our help vain is helping because people are down people are for sick and people are leaving but the bible says that god says i'll never leave you or forsake you but here in this text david was finding issues with that because david says in first verse look at verse 11 verse 10 he says wilt not thou o god which has cast us off and thou o god which did us not go out with our armies david had all of these questions god he's i know you can do all this but somehow god there has been a disconnect between us and you cannot i say something to you someone has said in in the psalm in the in these psalms someone has rightly said in every experience of life i don't care what it is what experience in life no matter how deep your pain no matter how great our frustrations it doesn't matter how exhilarating our joy we can find a word in the psalms that echoes our experience in life that's what people say well well and i can tell you i can i can't even tell you how many times that i have gone to the psalms and found a word hearing psalm that i needed at some moment in my life and i can say god has divinely given us these words written here in the psalms to bring comfort in our times of trouble to and also to confirm the experiences that we have in life that we thought was confined only to us now over the last couple of weeks i've been preaching from this psalm 60 and has and god has spoken to me concerning the current events that are prevalent in the nation and the world and and i've tried i've tried my best to avoid speaking on these issues because i know this is a subject and we're speaking of issues that people would rather not hear i know this but we've heard the phrase covet fatigue all of us have the term covet fatigue it simply means that people are tired of hearing about it and you can also throw in that code fatigue well racism and politics and climate change and foreign policies and natural disasters do all of us are fatigued with hearing all of you but nevertheless not talking about these things will not make these things go away i mean i mean all of us we don't want to talk about covert anymore we don't want to talk about racism we're not talking about politics we're tired of hearing that but guess what folks we're still this is happening today and and and and just because we don't want to talk about it does not change amen what's going on notice here i'm starting i'm really starting and because of talking about things i would rather talk about you know what god is going to prosper you and god he gonna do all of that you know we're gonna be healed every time you're gonna have plenty of money i wish i could talk about subject like this but we're in a time right now where we don't need to be playing around with people's lives we gonna have to hold up the ban of truth before people because i certainly believe that we're living in the last days all of these things that are coming upon us right now is not by luck and by chance i just believe that we're actually living in the last days and we can soon we can very well be the generations that see the second coming of the lord jesus christ and this is no time for us to be playing in church right now in fact we can't play church because god has put us out of the church we're not in here now and see god i think i said before i'ma say it again this this season in the last two years has been the proving ground of where we are with god our relationship with god notice that and i'm starting to understand because jeremiah in his and i'm i'm moving back to the book of jeremiah it's so hard for me to get in jeremiah 20. the book of jeremiah chapter 20. look at verse seven around verse seven jeremiah said and i'm trying to understand why jeremiah was he just didn't want to talk about current events no more in his dick jeremiah 20 in verse 7 says oh lord thou has deceived me and i was deceived thou art stronger than i i and has and has prevailed and prevailed he said i'm in derision daily everyone markets me for since i speak i cried out i cried violence and spoil because the word of the lord was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily then i said i will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and i was weary with forbearing and i could not stay and i heard that the faming of many fear on every side report say they and we will report it all my familiars watch for my haunting saying pray adventure he will be enticed and we shall forbade against him and we shall take our revenge on him but the lord is with me as a mighty terrible one therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly ashamed for they shall not prosper their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten here we find jeremiah in this place where he says listen i am so sick and tired amen he said here i am standing on behalf of god and and god you you have put your word in my heart so much so that god you call me to speak what's going on the current events of my day and yet and still because of my relationship with you god in this word i'm people don't like me anymore and the problem is with many of us we want to be liked by everybody and we're not going to be like about but but this word of god can be an offense to people and you can get on people's nerves i've had somebody write men said that pastor jones you sound like you you just you're just being insensitive people you know pastor jones you just seem like you just you just in other words you're kind of telling me leave it alone back off and this is exactly what jeremiah was being told back off leave the things alone well let me tell you something i'm really starting to understand why this man you know what didn't want to talk about the current events of his death he discovered how unpopular pre preaching truth can be he discovered you know jeremiah and the prophet zol was called to hold up the ban of truth before a generation of people that refused to accept truth they said i don't want to hear that stuff anymore amazingly there were also can i tell you this and you're going to be shocked as i'm amazingly do you not know there are conspiracy theories also in the days of jeremiah where people want to choose their own truth what yep they're looking at the truth they're looking at something right before their eyes and they're saying i don't have enough information i just don't believe it back in the days of jeremiah they were having conspiracy theories in his day where this prophet was telling people everything gonna be okay watch what the prophet zechariah speaking to people that didn't want to hear the truth he wrote these words zechariah chapter 7 7 verse 8. i'm going to read these words watch this word and the word of the lord came unto zechariah saying thus speak the lord of hosts saying execute true judgment and show mercy and compassion every man to his brother and oppress not the widow nor the fatherless the stranger nor the poor let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart but they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder and stopped their ears that they should not hear ye they made their hearts as an adamant stone lest they should hear the law and the words which the lord of hosts has sent in his spirit by the former prophets therefore came great wrath from the lord jeremiah said they refused in verse verse 11. he said they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder and stopped it this is a picture of a little child that's pouting a little child that's mad and angry and this is exactly what's happening and haven't you ever seen a child when a child get angry how child would fold their shoulders and you said this child come here and hold their shoulders and when you reach for them they're snatched their shoulders away they'll say god here's a picture of a of of a a child or immature child and and jeremiah was dealing with people that was acting immature and childish even when they were hearing the truth this exactly what's happening in this nation we have a bunch of immature people who have pulled their arms like a child and refused to hear the truth i don't want to hear that pastor jones would you just preach about something else jeremiah exactly what is saying to zach zachariah here and also they were saying in jeremiah's day we don't want to hear the truth not only that but the people in jeremiah's day went as far as seeking preachers that they would want to hear that we're going to preach exactly what they wanted jeremiah chapter 14 and verse 13 says these words because you know some people get sick of your pastors and i don't know if i'm trying to pass it there right now maybe pastor right now you're wondering why in the world are your people going all the tents and going to various churches and leaving you they don't want to hear you because you've determined that you're going to preach the truth and people they'll get mad and they'll say you know i'm i i just can't stand that preacher because he's telling even though i know what he's telling the truth but i don't want to hear so in jeremiah chapter 14 verse 13 says these words it says then said i oh lord god behold the prophets say unto them so jeremiah saying god he says they have chosen for themselves prophets to to preach exactly what they want to hear so jeremiah said oh jeremiah can see what was going on in the people's life he's seen them suffering he's seeing the judgment of god the inner judgment god was awaiting them and yet instead they said i don't want to hear that stuff give me somebody gonna say exactly what i want to hear so jeremiah looking at these people not knowing that god has spoken to him and imminent judgment was awaiting them and yet and still they said jeremiah we don't want to hear you got to say and jeremiah said oh oh lord verse 13 lord god behold the prophets say unto them you shall not see the sword neither shall you have famine but i would give you a watch and i would give you assured peace in this place here's the prophets was prophesying this to people not telling people the truth until you're okay and then verse 14 then the lord said unto me the prophets prophesy lies in my name i sent them not neither have i commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesied unto you false visions oh here it is now and divination and a thing of naught and the seat of their heart therefore thus saith the lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name i sent them not yet they say sword and famine shall not be in this land but the sword and famine shall to those prophets be consumed and the people to whom they prophesied shall be cast out in the streets of jerusalem because of the famine and the sword and they shall have none to bury them their wives and their watching their their their sons and their daughters and i will pull out their wickedness here it is their wickedness upon them so here's jerry in jeremiah davis lord we don't want to hear that and jeremiah was complaining about he said they don't want to hear because they got other people in their ear who who saying that they belong to you is telling you folks you're going to be all right when lord i know that y'all been because you told me that god if they don't straighten up they're they gonna be judging god but those prophets god said i didn't see in them they're prophesying these lies according to their own heart listen to me man of god listen to me women of god you better preach what god told you to be and if you're not god's prophet if you're not god preachers then why in the world are because the bible says that you that preach or teach the word of god gonna receive the greater judgment that's why he says here these prophets he said they're gonna go through something let me let me move on here but here jeremiah said go up the reason why my message can't go because you got other people and and here's what paul said paul said it this way so as paul says this is first second timothy chapter four and verse one through four i'm trying to slow down my wife says sometimes i get excited and sometimes people as hot people understand what i'm saying but i'm trying to slow down because i there's an urgency in me there's a there's a passion in me because we got a hole up the ban of two before people because we're in the last days it's no time for sugar coating the word of god it's no time for us out to be playing something is happening in the nation there's something happening in the world and we got to pay attention to what's going we got to look at the signs of the times and we're not looking at what god is doing here it is in in the paul said let me pause pastor jones would you excuse me for a minute i know what jeremiah said but paul hearn this is what pastor john let me get a word in here so the apostle paul warned us of things that we're witnessing he says i charge thee talking to his son timothy therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick here's the the quick and the dead those are living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom he says to timothy preach the word he's talking to a young man that was saying like jeremiah i'm so sick and tired of these people i'm preaching and they don't want to hear anything i'm sharing the word of god from my heart and they don't want to hear paul writes his son and says preach the word be instance in season and out of season timothy preach it no matter what time they want to be preached no matter what they want to hear no matter what they want it wrapped in no matter what color they want to have it he says timothy your job is to preach the word and be instance in other words tell me that don't wait for the convenient time he said preach it in season and out of season reprove here it is reproved that means to expose some things he said rebuke because sometimes they'll tell people where they are he's an exhort with all another encourage people with all long suffering and with teaching a doctrine for the time will come and i think the time is right now the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall the heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall turn unto fables fables that mean conspiracy theories there's all kind of stuff that's out there that's not true but they they want to hear that type of thing because it it kind of scratched their itching ears but here it is they have turned their ears from the truth it's amazing to me how people can look at something that is so obvious and they're saying i know i see it but i don't believe it it's amazing to me that i can see folks they got all they got all these these prophets these people they got little the offering people send me stuff they got videos of people trying to tell me about this and videos about this and this person i all these people they sell soap and everything else and they want me to listen to them so they can tell no no all i need to hear is what the word of god says no compromise because i'm telling you if you love people you'll tell them the truth if you believe that when the last days you won't be fooling around with people's lives and i want to say right now satan has ministers just like the lord has ministered ministers that satan has has launched out in the world in these last days and ministers are telling people everything but what god's saying in the last day it's time not for playing church it's time not for taking your life in your own hand then the prophet just said he said we can't depend on men in the book the book of psalm 60 he says give us help from our trouble the vain is the help of man that's in psalms 60 and verse 11. give us help from our trouble for vain is the help of man why because the psalms that come to places find out that when you listen to people people will deceive you some people want you to come to church simply cause they feel like you're a good tither some people so they can build their roster up and build it so they can say that we got 400 people or 500 people in our membership there's some people that's all the in it for is for the money that's why some pastors have been shocked they've been totally shocked when they thought preaching was was easy they found out that people can go crazy on you so let's let's kind of look at jeremiah experience again and and and see what this man encounter as a result of holding up the ban of truth in jeremiah chapter 20 and verse 7 says these words and i read thou has deceived me i will and i was deceived he's talking to god he says god jeremiah felt that god had somehow tricked him into believing preaching was going to be easy he said oh lord thou has deceived me and i was deceived watch what jeremiah said he said lord i don't know why because but some of y'all pastors are young pastors and some preachers you think this easy because it looks easy because t.d jakes does it it's easy because of charleston to do it you don't know what it took to get there you don't have no idea that people may give you a honeymoon for two or three years even four years for that matter but after a while even the real stuff will come out pastoring and preaching and mentioning people is not easy job because satan is in the mix of everything jeremiah said here in the first thing i see jeremiah he felt god had somehow tricked him into believing preaching was going to be jeremiah he gave jeremiah this call and jeremiah said okay i'm gonna go he said first jim i hear me he has a hesitation about going but in jeremiah god they said it can't be that hard it can't be that difficult and jeremiah find that it was different than the new a second thing i've seen in jeremiah apparently jeremiah wanted out too but the call of god was so strong on his life amen somebody it was too strong for him to overcome he said that in verse 7 he said thou art stronger than i and has prevailed jeremiah says i want it out but god the call on my life is so strong on my life that god you know you put this thing on me and i can't get out you're too strong for me god every time i want to quit you always got to keep me in the face god if i in other words jeremy is alluding to the fact that if he could get away he would if he was strong enough to get away from god but he says god thou art stronger than i it has prevailed he said god the only reason i'm here now is because of your strength that's keeping me here then the third thing i see jeremiah complain about how this preaching thing has caught him calls him nothing but grief he says in verse seven he said i'm in derision daily everyone mocketh me in verse seven that's in verse seven he said god he said listen this preaching thing ain't causing me nothing but greed the more the lord the more i do this the worse i look in people's eyes and i want to say right now to we that are holy blessing banner for the lord those who hold abandoned truth there gonna be time when people this this gospel your witness your testimony for the lord is gonna cause you nothing but greed people are hate you just because of your relationship with the lord and if you're the type of person you want everybody to like you everybody feel good about you everybody that pats you on the back you're in for a rude awakening my brother you're in for rude awakening my sister let me say the body they that will live godless shall suffer persecution that's what the word of god says so if you think it's going to be a cakewalk you got another you better go sell you some you better go sell some bottles somewhere you better go sit on the beach because the word of preaching in the winds of lord jesus is not for you not only was was he on the personal attack jeremiah was in person attack for preaching what was happening around him but guess what his association with god's word has added to his look at verse eight verse eight says he said lord verse eight says for since i spake i cried out and i cried violence and spoiled he's a german i was calling the stuff that was said look what jeremiah said jeremy said listen god he said when i was preaching i wasn't preaching nothing that they didn't see i wasn't talking about anything that they were familiar with god everything i was preaching out there was i was able to confirm it with what they was looking at but god he said but since i speak i cried out never jeremiah he's i was preaching with the passions of my heart they called jeremiah the weeping prophet so sometimes he may have been crying as he was talking maybe weeping from we've been we've been lone alligator tears instead he's i cried violence and spoil because the word of the lord was made a reproach unto me and the risen daily he said every day i was getting this because my association with the word of god has added to his grief at verse 8 and i want you to let you know something brother and sister just because just because you can you can speak a couple words of scripture just because you know a couple of words does not make everybody like you let me tell you something if you think that preaching this word gonna make you popular you got another thing coming because you have an enemy knows he knows exactly how powerful this word is satan knows that if he let us alone if he know that because the word of god is powerful it's sharper than to end to its lord it can cut a sons of soul and spirit and cutting and dividing of the soul and the spirit and cutting down to the miracle is a it's a discerner of the intents of the thoughts in other words the word of god is just that powerful and satan knows if he leave us alone people will be saved but he gets in the mix to deceive people as he did with adam and eve it is his job it is his mandate it is his calling it is why he came amen to deceive jesus he came to steal to kill and destroy but jesus said i came the ban of truth himself i came that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly but satan is trying to keep people from it he said the bible said satan has blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ should shine unto them he knows if he can keep you from the word of god if he can keep you from the gospel of christ which is the power of god he knows he can keep you from going to heaven he knows he can make your life miserable because he know you have been deceived and it's time now to preach the word of god and i know that people look at me and say pastor john you preach with such passion you preach like you believe you believe i believe this thing i believe everywhere i can't understand everything is in here but i believe this word and even when i don't i don't eat i don't even agree with all of it there's some things in this bible i wish god would have just not even spoke about but be that as it may it does not change what god has saying look i see a fifth thing him jeremiah decided that he was just going to dial back his preaching and his passion for preaching amusement but he couldn't in verse 9 13. he said i'll tell you what i'm going to do he said because i'm being unpopular because people are putting me down because i'm having trouble because i'm associated with the word of god he's i'm just going to dial it back a little bit look at verse 10 verse 10 then said i i will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name jeremiah said you know what i'm just going to dial this thing back because the more i talk about his word and the more i testify about him the worse it gets from my life he said my life is miserable as a result of my association with him and also my association with his word of god he said i don't want to be called a man of god no more i don't want to be called a preacher of the gospel he said i just want to just dial it back a little bit but watch what he says he said venus in verse 9 then i said i will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and i was weary with for barry and i could not say jeremiah said the word of god was so deep inside of me i didn't want to talk about it but he says the more i said i wasn't gonna say it he said it was like i shut up in my bones i could not forebear it i could not say he said i could not help myself i gotta say it anyway and just like this morning i was hoping that i could just dial back talking about covert dial back and talk about racism dial back and talk about political eruption dial back and talk about foreign policy dial back on the events of the world i would but now i every time i get up i gotta preach in that way why because it's like fire shut up in my bones there's an urgency of the moment the world is it's i heard somebody come in and say pastor joe don't look like this thing is going to end there's this death on every hand covet is rising political stuff is getting deeper all these world events is happening too frequently now pat what is going on i'm telling what's going on god is speaking to the world and it's time now for preachers to rise up and tell the people the truth because let me tell you something soon and very soon the lord jesus christ is going to break those skies and the bible said the dead in christ shall rise first and we that alive and remains shall be called to meet him in the air and so shall we ever abuse the lord let me tell you something it's time not to tell people that the gospel of jesus christ it works there is no purgatory there is no second chance after you die i don't care what nobody says there is once you dead once you die there is no more second chance to change your life i'm giving you right now the ban of truth is that you need to know the lord jesus christ as your savior i'm holding him up right now i'm saying that without christ your life you are doomed pastor jones i i hate those are fine brimstone preachers well i'm not proud fine i'm just telling you because the times are speaking to us things all around us we got right now administration right now right now they're fussing or they was trying to save the lives of babies right now and we had one administration was when one extreme now we got another administration at another extreme when right now in texas and i you know i know just do a whole lot of crazy stuff in texas right now they voted about trying to keep kids from from babies from being aborted now also in washington rise up against saying something wrong with that women saying it's all right in our body but once a baby is born once that baby dawned himself because the bible says children are a heritage of the lord and when that baby come when that baby and now takes a passive love that as soon as that child's heartbeat is sounding amen you have no right of taking this life and yet we got people politicians saying that's wrong let people do see their life has become nothing void to people anymore they don't care and i want to say those people that believe that what if somebody would have killed you in the womb what if somebody would have killed you the very time that your heart beat in your mother's room why did somebody kill you your pastor jones well you see that's another issue well not only that but all the same-sex marriage all this kind of homosexual and we don't want anybody to talk about because we say pastor john you i don't care what you say god i didn't break this up god brought this up it wasn't me that came up with this god says of these things that that he was against those things he said is abomination to him i didn't say i'm just saying what god said what you getting mad with me for i'm just preaching what's the word take the bible for yourself and read it when god says he's saying he's against a shedding of innocent blood with those babies he's against amen same sex marriage or homo he's gift it's in the bible i didn't make this up god put it in there it was here long before i was born and why are you getting mad with me why because people that speak the truth of god's word is going to be in derision like jeremiah said he was in his day and one more thing i'm gonna see here too then just as jeremiah came to the place of surrender he's on a dialect back i ain't saying nothing else verse 11 through 13. just when it came to the place of surrender i don't know who i'm talking to right now you said pastor jones what you're preaching this morning is what i need to hear because pastor jones i dial it back you're just trying to blend in with everybody else you don't want you don't want to cause no problem on your job you don't want people to know that you're saved you don't want people to know that you belong to a church you don't want people to know that amen somebody do you love the lord you don't want people even know that you have a bible you dial it back but jesus said if you'll be ashamed to own me before men i'll also be ashamed to own you before my father one day you're gonna stand before god and if you dial back him you're ashamed of the ban of truth you're ashamed of the lord jesus christ he said i'll be ashamed of you and sin before my father one day all of us gonna stand before god and one day you have given account of your stewardship or you might not get to live for 70 years some people died much earlier now and covert is proven right now where uh people are dying on every every time we turn somebody down just this past week i've got two or three reports of people aiming to associate this ministry upon somebody has died of cover this week they're dying every week and that just because we don't talk about that that it does not mean it's going to go away listen just as jeremiah in this text came to the place surrender he says i'm a taliban ain't saying god shows up and he breaks out until praise in verse 11 through 13. notice that jeremiah said i ain't going to say nobody again he said but like five should have been born but notice in verse 11 verse verse 11 but the lord is with me wait a minute jeremiah you just said that you weren't going to talk no more you just said it was like fine then verse 11 jeremiah god shows up but the lord is with me as a mighty terrible one watching now he said therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly shamed but they shall not prosper their everlasting infusion shall never be forgotten but watch jeremiah but all lord of hosts that tries the righteous and sees the reigns and their hearts let me see the avengers on them unto thee have i opened my cause sing unto the lord here's jeremiah sing unto the lord praise jesus lord for he has delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evil jeremiah breaks into a praise and i'm saying to somebody right now you ought to stop where you are right now and give god a praise no matter what goes on no matter what they say about no matter what how how bad they speak about you you ought to break out into praise and give god praise because at the end of the day when it's all said and done we still going to win right now the cry if you have to we bet if you have to but one day you're going to know that you're standing for truth going to pay off after a while let me say this i'm not closing i must admit preaching jesus christ which is a ban of truth i gotta admit that sometimes it is challenging it is challenging knowing i'm i'm just gonna be honest with you sometimes it is hard to do it do not know one of the hardest things that i've had to do since over the 47 years i've been preaching amen to come this church on a sunday morning and no one in this whole building but me for the last two months i have been coming to the sanctuary on sunday morning at eight o'clock at the set time that i was coming even before the pandemic and i come in this place i open the doors up and i go in my office i come and kneel down at this altar on sunday morning that is so hard and sometimes i come to the seat in which you've seen me sit many times for you that come to ant and i kneel before that seat before i come to this pool but it has been so hard now look around this pool but nobody is up here the musicians even the music has is dead it's it's silent there is no flashing lights for my media men there's no fashion there's no songs on there's no no echoes of my children it has been challenging for me as as a as a preacher of the gospel but praise be unto god i know that one day it's going to pay off and i know that what god is doing right now i'm going to understand everything that's going on and you may not understand everything that's going on but i want to know god is working behind the scene he's orchestrating the events of our life you may not and i may not understand why god isn't on all these things to happen but be that as i mean my god is still in control and watch watch paul said i'm gonna hold the bound and he said listen i must admit here's what paul says he said i don't want to preach it no more i'm tired he's for though i preach the gospel this in first coming corinthians chapter 9 verse 16 he says these words for though i preach the gospel i have nothing to go real for necessities laid upon me yea woe unto me if i preach not the gospel for if i do this thing willingly i have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me he said listen he said even if i said even paul's if i said i won't do it no more he said there is even he said that is laid upon me a necessity he's i got and broadly unto me if i preach not the gospel of jesus christ and i want to conclude to this we that are saved must put the ban of truth on grand display and that's the lord jesus christ i want you to know this is this is this is nothing to be played with nothing to take for granted but i thank god for the gospel of christ i make no apologies for the gospel and i love the lord jesus christ because he has saved my life he has given me a reason to live even in spite of covet we still got hope if in this life we have hope in christ the bible says we are above all men most miserable but now this life we have hope in the life to come because of our faith in jesus maybe i'm talking to a man this morning maybe i'm talking to a woman this morning that you're playing around maybe you have got caught up in this conspiracy theory maybe satan has blinded your mind because you believe not the gospel but here's what i'm trying to tell you you need the lord jesus christ in your life and i'm holding i'm telling you right now there is no other salvation given to there is no other name given among me whereby we can be saved it's in the lord jesus christ and him only and if you miss out on this opportunity you're going to whisper all eternity that you can have a second chance but there is no second chance on the other side here is the ban of truth that the lord jesus christ came to save sinners and of whom as paul said i feel that i'm the greatest and you should feel the same way here's what you can do that's what what what pastor what must i do to be safe here's what i'm not trying to stop smoking stop drinking or not hanging with people that do i'm just telling you to do this simple just pray this simple prayer so lord in jesus name i'm sorry for everything i've ever done i'm sorry forgive me god for my sins and lord he says if you confess your sins he is just and faithful to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteous god that's what god says and it's impossible him to lie if you prayed that apparent meaning and here's what you're going to do if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you can be saved right where you are and if you prayed that prayer with me this morning i can guarantee you're saved and you're going to find that you have a love for the lord because he's gonna give you his holy spirit as a seal amen for your salvation and if you did this morning i pray god and i just thank god for them i pray for you in a few moments maybe there's somebody here that's saved you know you say but you need a church home you need somebody who's gonna tell you the truth you can join our ministers here at antioch you can call us and write us and we got people that get in touch with you and says listen here's some semesters coming across the stream just call us in and tell us that you want to join this church and i guarantee we have somebody to call you and get in touch with you and even if you're not in this area we'll find some church where you live so you'll be connected to a church and connect to a pastor so you can be connected to the lord jesus christ i love you so much and thank you so much for being a part of this ministry thank you so much for listening today listen i just want to thank you let's pray father in jesus i thank you for the person that may have given their life to the lord for the first time i pray for the person that god has saved and know they're saved by the gospel of jesus christ and lord they want to be a part of this man i pray for them maybe somebody is having covert fatigue lord their marriages may be lost strain as a result of this covet season maybe god's relationship with their husband and with their wives or relationship on their jobs it's been strained because of this season of covet lord i pray for them as well i pray god in jesus name you'll give them my deliverance because god i believe that you can i love you lord and i give you praise for these for which god you've given me the opportunity to preach to you this morning i pray this in jesus name amen and amen listen again i want to thank our media ministry for keeping us you know i've said on wednesday night i'm sitting in i thank god for the immediate people keep us connected to you as the last couple years have been right here making sure we're staying connected on sunday morning and wednesday nights we thank god for that and ask you to pray for that group pray for our church and i've had so many people asking me pastor john when are we going to come back to the church we're going to come back in this church when god speak to us we're not going to do it just because everybody else say do it we're making sure that we're doing our homework we're meeting again with our leaders to make sure that i get perspective from every other bible says in the multitude of counselors there is safety and that's why i'm just following god's word in the multitude of counsel that's what i'm gonna let i wanna list all my leadership everybody in church so we get every perspective that we won't miss anything that when you come to this thing when we say this is day that we're coming back you can come back and feel safe in coming here we're working on it trust me we're not sitting on our hands and not doing it we are working on it and we're going to be back but i praise god he's going to give us an okay when we come back so pray for me please pray for him that god had given me wisdom far beyond my years that we might make decision based on what god says not on what people think amen especially what i think amen again i want to thank vanessa for this song thank you music ministry for it amen and those who are in bereavement there's so many we pray for you we got just this week our beloved tina uh her dad transitioned to heaven i think of my daughter uh priscilla her mom's transition or the other day amen home to be with the lord and we've got other people that's in the party just having people all around us just kind of transitioning and we're praying for them know that we love you kayla's going to come with some more information for you thank you for supporting us financially to kayla come on god bless you sweetie thank you for tuning in to our antioch cyber sanctuary we hope you enjoy the service don't forget to join us right after this service for sunday school at 10 am via zoom to join go to our church website at for the link reminder join us on wednesday night for bible study at 7 pm via zoom we also have youth bible study at 7 pm as well head over to our church website for the links to join antioch family thank you for your continued generosity through your tides and offerings it is greatly appreciated there are a couple ways that you can give you can give online at or you can mail it to 311 east broadway street oviedo florida 32765 we want to say happy birthday to everyone who celebrated a birthday and happy anniversary to every couple celebrating an anniversary this past week don't forget to like our facebook page and subscribe to our youtube channel at ambc oviedo remember to stay safe stay healthy and stay prayed up have a blessed week you
Channel: Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Oviedo
Views: 372
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ambcoviedo, thebanneroftruth
Id: YvxPr0t1nfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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